Atrial Fibrillation; Mechanisms and Management.
`2nd ed.. edited by R. H. Falk and P. .l. Podrid.
`Lippincon—Ravcn Publishers, Philadelphia © 1997.
`Role of the Atrioventricular Node
`in Atrial Fibrillation
`Fn'ts L. Meijler and *Fred H. M. Wittkampf
`Professor of Cardiology, emeritus, The Interuniversity Cardiology Institute ofthe
`Netherlands, Utrecht. The Netherlands; and *Heart Lung Institute, University Hospital
`Utrecht. Utrecht, The Netherlands
`Atrial fibrillation (AF) is probably the most common cardiac arrhythmia in humans, par—
`ticularly in the elderly (1—3). The irregularity and inequality of the heart beat first
`described by Hering in 1903 were, and continue to be, the landmark of the clinical diag-
`nosis ofAF (4,5). Sir Thomas Lewis (6) observed the gross irregularity of the arrhythmia
`and stated “the pauses betwixt the heart beats bear no relationship to one another."
`Thanks to work of Lewis (2), Mackenzie (8), Wenckebach (9), and others, the clinical
`syndrome of AF became well established, and gradually the pathophysiologic mecha-
`nisms involved were also recognized (10). In 1915 Einthoven and Korteweg (11) studied
`the effect of heart cycle duration on the size of the carotid pulse and concluded that the
`strength of the heart heat was related to the duration of the preceding cycle. Later we
`repeated those observations by studying in a quantitative fashion the effects of randomly
`varying RR intervals on the contractions of isolated Langendorff perfused rat hearts (12).
`Recently Hardmann confirmed the complicated relationship between the randomly irreg-
`ular rhythm and left ventricular function in patients with AF, confirming the involvement
`of postextrasystolic potentiation and restitution ( 13).
`Animals may also develop AF (14,15). Indeed, Lewis (7) observed the arrhythmia in an
`open-chest horse and used this observation to establish that the irregular pulse noticed in
`humans was due to fibrillation of the atria. Until the l950s, observations on AF were lim-
`ited to its etiologic, clinical, and surface ECG manifestations. The beginning of the com-
`puter era enabled several groups of investigators to analyze the ventricular rhythm during
`AF in a more quantitative fashion (16—18). The results of these studies were fascinating
`and allowed for the development of theories on the behavior of the atrioventricular (AV)
`node during AF. Sophisticated computer techniques allowed Moe and Abildskov (19,20)
`to simulate atrial electrical activity during AF, and they formulated the so-called multiple
`wavelet theory, which was in 1985 supported by experimental evidence (21). Parallel to
`the growing insight into the electrical behavior of the atria during AF and into the corre—
`sponding ventricular rhythm, sophisticated experimental methods were designed to study
`AV nodal electrophysiology in a variety of circumstances, including induced AF (22,23).
`This chapter reexamines some of the established concepts of AV nodal function (24)
`because comparative physiology of the AV node and some specific electrocardiographic
`observations in patients with AF have demonstrated inexplicable flaws in the current the
`cries of AV nodal function. Alternate mechanisms, which till now have hardly been con-
`sidered as a basis for explaining AV nodal function during AF, will be discussed.
`APPLE 1022
`APPLE 1022


`In the first edition of this book (25) we postulated that the AV node, rather than acting
`as an intrinsic part of the cardiac conduction system, is primarily a pacemaker subject to
`electrotonic influences from other areas in the heart. However, as will be made clear in
`this chapter, the pacemaker theory cannot explain all clinical phenomena inherent to AP.
`So a new model based on recently discovered cellular electrophysiologic principles
`(26,2?) has been developed and will be presented.
`Atrial fibrillation has been defined by a WHOEISFC Task Force (28) as “an irregular,
`disorganized, electrical activity of the atria. P waves are absent and the baseline consists
`of irregular wave forms which continuously change in shape, duration, amplitude, and
`direction. In the absence of advanced or complete AV block, the resulting ventricular
`response is totally irregular (random).” This definition is applicable to routine medical
`practice, when we are usually satisfied that the atria are fibrillating if the ventricular
`arrhythmia fills the criterion of being totally irregular (random). This does not imply that
`during AF nonrandom ventricular rhythms cannot occur, but in case of a random ven—
`tricular ventricular rhythm and a typical aspect of the baseline of the ECG one can be eer~
`tain that the patient has true AF.
`Several investigators have studied the electrical activity of the atria during AF (29,30)
`and were able to demonstrate the chaotic character of the atrial electrical activity. Using
`signal analysis of the atrial electrogram for the study of AF (31), we found a random pat-
`tern of the intervals between the zero crossings of the atrial deflections with a rate
`between 300 and 600;{min. However, not only does the sequence of the recorded atrial sig-
`nals display a random pattern during AF, the form and strength of the recorded signals
`also fail to show any repetition. Thus, the AV node receives or is surrounded by impulses
`that are random in time and almost certainly also in form, strength and direction and this
`results in a random duration of the RR intervals (32,33).
`The (random) pattern of the ventricular rhythm during AF can be demonstrated by
`means of a serial autocorrelogram (SAC), as illustrated on the right-hand side of Fig. l.
`The SAC is obtained by the measurement of the duration of the RR intervals. Each RR
`interval duration is correlated with itself, then with the duration of the next RR interval
`and subsequently with RR interval durations that are a given number of RR intervals
`ahead. Correlation coefficient number 0 is the result of correlating the duration of each
`RR interval with itself and consequently equals +l. Correlation coefficient I is the result
`of correlating the duration of each RR interval with the next and its value depends on the
`measure of relation between this two sets of RR interval durations. Similarly, correlation
`coefficient 10 represents the relation between the durations of all RR intervals that are 10
`intervals apart, 20 represents all those that are 20 intervals apart, etc. In a random process
`all correlation coefficients greater than 0 have values that are statistically not signifi—
`cantly different from 0, and, consequently, if the values of successive correlation coeffi-
`cients of the RR intervals do not differ from 0, that rhythm may be called random. In Fig.
`1, derived from a patient with AF (32), it can be seen that before and after the adminis-
`tration of digitalis, the correlation coefficients do not differ from 0 and thus the ventric-
`ular rhythm under both circumstances is, by definition, random. The histogram (left side


`II I“ I 3 SI
`:ulllchm number
`I I“ In":
`Mel-I flhi'flbn
`un- - Ion/um.
`I 55'! an:
`l !1
`15 -I
`Ire-loo: um
`«fillet-n! nun-bu
`IIIIII "Unliflln
`EHI ' 63/.“
`l “I am:
`I 333 III‘
`t i
`FIG. 1. Histogram and serial autocorrelogram (SAC) ot a patient with atrial fibrillation without
`(A) and with (B) digitalis treatment. The SAC is unchanged,
`thus the ventricular rhythm
`remains random despite change in form and shift to the right of the histogram. For further
`details, see text. {From Bootsma et al. ref. 32, with permission.)
`of Fig. 1) shows a decrease in ventricular rate produced by digitalis, but the degree of
`irregularity expressed as the dispersion of RR intervals (33) or coefficient of variation
`(CV) (34) remains constant. We will return to this later.
`The random ventricular rhythm in AF can also be described as a renewal process or as
`a “point process Without memory.” A point process is a process in which the duration of
`the eventfithe R wave for instance—is short compared with the interval between events
`(the RR Interval). Well-know] examples of point processes are the emissions from a
`radioactive source, the action potentials of a nerve fiber, coal mining disasters, and wars
`(35). In AF the duration of a forthcoming RR interval can never be predicted. After each
`event the process starts anew, totally disregarding its past.
`Another way to display the ventricular rhythm during AF makes use of a so—called
`interval plot (Fig. 2). The duration of each RR interval is plotted against its sequential


`R -R ms
`vals of a human patient with atrial fib- tOO
`FIG. 2. Interval plot of 500 RR inter—
`riltation. Each dot represents one RR
`interval. The
`arrow indicates
`59‘4“?“‘9 Number
`median RR interval. For further details,
`see text. (From Meijler and Van der
`Tweet, ref. 36, with permission.)
`number. The RR interval plot does not contain information that is not present in the his-
`togram and SAC, but it nicely illustrates the Functional refractory period (FRP) of the AV
`junction as well as the maximal duration of the RR intervals of that particular patient at
`the time the recording was obtained (36).
`In 1970 we questioned (32) if the AV node has a role to play in determining the degree
`of irregularity of the ventricular rhythm during AF since pharmacologic or physical inter—
`ventions that affect the ventricular rate during AF do not interfere with the random pat-
`tern of the ventricular rhythm. We concluded that the primary cause of the randomly
`irregular ventricular rhythm must reside in the fibrillating atria.
`The slow ventricular response and its persistent randomness during AF have been
`explained by concealed conduction in, and the refractory period of, the AV node. In 1948,
`Langendorf (37) introduced the term concealed conduction into clinical electrocardiog-
`raphy. The WHO/ISFC Task Force (28) defined concealed conduction as: “partial pene-
`tration of an impulse into the AV conduction system or a pacemaker-myocardial junction,
`which exerts an influence on subsequent impulse formation or conduction or both.” The
`term has been redefined by Fisch (38) as “the presence of incomplete conduction cou—
`pled with an unexpected behavior of the subsequent impulse.” Concealed conduction is
`a concept, something that one cannot see but that has to be inferred from the aftereffect
`of a blocked impulse. Concealed conduction in the AV node during AF, among others, is
`assumed to result from decremental conduction (24,39). Hoffman and Cranefield (40)
`described decremental conduction as “a type of conduction in which the properties of the
`fiber change along its length in such a manner that the action potential becomes pro-


`gressively less effective as a stimulus to the unexcited portion of the fiber ahead of it.” In
`a recent article Watanabe and Watanabe (24) strongly advocated the concept of decre-
`mental conduction but, as we will show, this concept is at odds with a number of ECG
`symptoms that can be observed during AF.
`In 1965, Langendorf et a1. (41) postulated that concealed conduction in the AV junc-
`tion could explain the characteristics of the ventricular rate and rhythm during AF. Sev-
`eral subsequent investigators used the concept of decremental conduction to explain con-
`cealed conduction within the AV node during experimentally induced AF (24,42,43). The
`effects of drugs such as digitalis (44), quinidine (45), and beta-blockers (46) on the ven-
`tricular rate in AF were also explained by this theory, although the sometimes observed
`so-called regularizing effect of verapamil and other Ca2+ antagonists remained less well
`understood (4?).
`The majority of clinical investigators seems satisfied with the decremental conduction
`concept, although Grant (48) in 1956 and James and his group (49) in 197? suggested
`alternate explanations based on the theory that atrial impulses may modify an intrinsic
`pacemaking function of the AV node rather than being directly, albeit more slowly, con-
`ducted through it.
`The concept of the AV node as an unprotected pacemaker is not new. As early as 1925
`Lewis (50) postulated that AV nodal function could be interpreted in another fashion than
`as conduction: “The structure of the A-V node and its similarities to the Sine—Atrial (S—
`A) node has suggested the last as the ventricular pacemaker, and it has been thought that
`a new and distinct wave may start in this after each systole of the auricle.” In this state-
`ment, Lewis considered AV nodal function during sinus rhythm or at least during orga-
`nized “auricular” activity as a form of pacemaker activity.
`In 1929, two Dutch physicists (51), Van der P01 and Van der Mark, proposed that the
`heart beat could be viewed as a relaxation oscillator. A relaxation oscillator is best
`described as a condenser that is periodically discharged by the ignition of a neon tube.
`An important characteristic of an oscillator is that it can be synchronized by external
`electric forces.
`Van der Tweel et a]. (52) showed that the sinus node as well as the AV node of an iso-
`lated rat heart can be synchronized in the same way as a relaxation oscillator. Many years
`later we demonstrated that the function of the canine AV node can be described as a peri-
`odically perturbed biologic oscillator (53). Perturbation and/or synchronization of an
`oscillator can be electrophysiologically translated into entrainment of a pacemaker (54).
`Segers et a]. (55) first referred to possible synchronization of the AV nodal pacemaker
`resulting in a fixed temporal relation between the atria and the ventricles to explain an
`isorhythmic dissociation during complete heart block in patients. Jalife and Michaels
`(56) defined entrainment as the coupling of a self-sustained oscillatory system (such as
`a pacemaker) to an external forcing oscillation with the result that either both oscillations
`have the same frequency, or both frequencies are related in a harmonic fashion. Winfree
`(57) defined entrainment as “the locking of one rhythm to another, with N cycles of the
`one matching M cycles of the other.”
`A possible electrophysiologic mechanism responsible for entrainment or synchroniza-
`tion of pacemaker cells is an alteration of the rate of their phase 4 depolarization. It might


`thus be considered plausible that during sinus rhythm, the AV node, like the SA node,
`behaves as an oscillator or pacemaker that
`is entrained by the atrial depolarization
`sparked by SA firing (58,59).
`Cohen et al. (59) developed a quantitative model along these lines to also describe the
`ventricular response during AF. Electrotonic modulation of phase 4 depolarization of a
`pacemaker cell equivalent, by randomly occurring atrial impulses of random strength and
`duration and coming from random directions, could thus explain both the random and the
`slower ventricular rhythm during AF.
`Vereckei and coworkers have challenged the AV nodal pacemaker hypothesis (5 8—60).
`Utilizing an open-chest dog model they examined the effect of ventricular pacing at dif—
`ferent cycle lengths during induced AF. They were unable to consistently reproduce
`observations seen in humans, that is, that anterograde conduction in AF can be blocked
`by venticular pacing with interstimulus intervals considerably longer than the shortest RR
`intervals during anterograde conduction. Although they concluded that their results failed
`to support the modulated pacemaker hypothesis, they did concede that their data did not
`totally refute this hypothesis. Indeed, their results Show that overdrive supression resulted
`in a varying return cycle length which is in agreement with our observations in patients
`(61). Moreover they used open-chest dogs with induced atrial fibrillation and flutter. Arti-
`ficial AF may or may not simulate true AF in dogs (62), let alone in patients.
`During AF the AV node need not be a pacemaker with spontaneous phase 4 depolar-
`ization to be electrotonically modulated by the atrial impulses. Antzelevitch and Moe
`(63) have shown that in segments with stable resting membrane potentials, nonconducted
`impulses can exert an inhibitory effect On the electrotonically mediated transmission of
`subsequent impulses or facilitate propagation when two subthreshold potentials occur in
`close succession. This form of electrotonic modulation may be responsible for the
`dynamic changes in AV nodal propagation that lead to the totally irregular ventricular
`rhythms in AF.
`This idea has been tested using a computer model of the AV node, consisting of a lin-
`ear array of nine cells (64). Two cells represented the atrium, five the AV node, and two
`the ventricles. The cells were connected by appropriate coupling resistances. During reg-
`ular atrial pacing, the model reproduced very closely the frequency dependence of AV
`node conduction and refractoriness. In addition extra atrial impulses concealed within the
`AV node led to electrotonic inhibition and blockade of immediately succeeding impulses.
`During simulated AF, the random variations in the atrial intervals yielded random varia-
`tions in the ventricular intervals but, as in the real life situation, there was no scaling; that
`is, ventricular intervals were not multiples of the atrial intervals. As such the model sim-
`ulated the statistical behavior of the ventricles during AF, including (a) the ventricular
`FIG. 3. Electrotonic modulation of the AV nodal propagation curve. a: The upper histogram
`represents the distribution of the random atrial rhythm (A-A) supplied to the system; the lower
`histogram represents the (also random) ventricular rhythm (V-V) obtained. b: Each dot repre-
`sents the conduction time (A-V) in msec oi every succesfully conducted atrial impulse, plotted
`against its A-A interval. EFlP = effective refractory period. Note the smearing of the A—V inter-
`vals. For further details: see text. (From Meijler et al., ref. 64 with permission.)


`520 630 84010001160
`A - A (msec)
`520 680
`840 10001150
`1 200
`A - A (msec)


`rhythm was random; and (b) the coefficient of variation (CV) of the ventricular rhythm
`was constant at any given ventricular rate. The random atrial intervals resulted in com-
`plex patterns of AV node concealment. Consequently the effects of electrotonic modula-
`tion were also random which resulted in a smearing of the AV node propagation curve,
`Fig. 3. During AF, electrotonic modulation acts in concert with the frequency-depen—
`dence of AV nodal conduction which results in the typical complex patterns of the ven-
`tricular intervals, Finally, similar to what has been shown in patients, regular pacing of
`the right ventricle at the appropriate frequency led to blockade of nearly all anterograde
`conduction. Electrotonic modulation of AV nodal prepagation seems to fulfill most if not
`all electrocardiographic requirements of AF (64).
`Sinus Rhythm
`Waller in 1913 (65) studied comparative physiology and drew attention to the differ-
`ences in the “auriculo-ventricular” interval in dogs, humans, and horses. Clark (66) in
`1927 studied PR intervals in animals of different sizes and noted the small differences
`between PR intervals compared to the differences in body size. A systematic listing of PR
`intervals versus body size shows a comparatively short PR interval in hearts of large
`mammals and a long PR interval in hearts of small mammals (42,67). Despite differences
`in detail, the overall architecture and microstructure of all mammalian hearts are essen-
`tially similar. Whether the source is the mouse or the whale, cardiac muscle is composed
`of individual cells that are relatively uniform in diameter, approximately 10 to 15 um
`(68). This similarity applies to the morphology of the mammalian AV node-His system
`as well. Both macroscopically and microscopically the structural arrangement of the
`mammalian AV conduction system tends to be similar, while the size of the heart varies
`greatly from species to species (69).
`Conduction velocity depends largely on cell (fiber) diameter (70,71). Assuming a
`more or less constant cell-to-cell resistance, it is unlikely that with increasing length or
`diameter of the His bundle and bundle branches the known conduction velocity of
`approximately 2.5 rnfsec will increase significantly (72). However, Pressler (73) found a
`substantial difference of conduction velocity in Purkinje fibers in cats and sheep,
`although not enough to explain the small difference in PR interval between, for instance,
`a rat and an elephant (67).
`These observations suggest that in a large mammalian heart such as that of the ele»
`phant or whale the relative contribution to the AV conduction delay by the AV node or
`other components of the AV conduction system may be different from that of the heart in
`smaller mammals, for instance, the human, dog, or rabbit. For example, in the adult blue
`whale with a His bundle and branches that may be well over 1 m in length from their ori-
`gin at the distal end of the AV node to their terminal ventricular ramifications, approxi-
`mately 400 msec will be required for the impulse to cover that distance alone, assuming
`a conduction velocity of about 2.5 mfsec. Yet the PR interval in the elephant and hump-
`back whale does not exceed 400 msec (67,74—78).
`Therefore the AV node, although anatomically present in large mammals and physi-
`cally larger than in smaller mammals (69,79), would not be expected to create a substan-
`tial part of the delay of AV transmission during normal sinus rhythm, even if conduction
`velocity in the His bundles was greater than 2.5 mfsec. Figure 4 shows that the PR inter~


`H 7
`PR interval [ms]
`Whale Elephant
`Heart Weight |g|
`3 V
`Dog .
`Cat .
`interval and third root of heart weight. Values
`FIG. 4. S-shape relationship between PFi
`obtained from Altman and Dittmer (100). (From Meijler et al., ref. 78, with permission.)
`val in a variety of mammals follows an S-shaped relationship when plotted against the
`third root of heart weight (42617178). This in itself asks for an explanation (80). If
`indeed, as can be inferred from Fig. 4, in larger mammals the contribution of the AV
`nodal delay to the PR interval is proportionately less than in smaller animals, it is diffi—
`cult to explain the mismatch between the PR interval and heart weight from accepted the-
`ories of decremental conduction in the AV node (42,80). At the same time one should
`realize that nobody has ever reliably measured the conduction velocity in the His-Purkinje
`system in mammals larger than humans. Therefore any explanation of the fascinating dis-
`proportionality between heart size and PR interval in large mammals is based on specu-
`lation rather than facts (24,67).
`Atrial Fibrillation
`Veterinarians are well aware of the frequent occurrence of AF in large dogs (15) (usu-
`ally with mitral valve disease) and horses (16,81—83). Indeed, as mentioned earlier, the
`relationship between fibrillating atria and a totally irregular ventricular rhythm was first
`demonstrated by Lewis (7) in 1912 in a horse. Moe’s (20) multiple wavelet theory states
`that AF is maintained by the presence of a number of independent wavelets that wander
`randomly through the myocardium around islets or strands of refractory tissue. In order
`for AP to be maintained, Moe’s theory requires a critical mass of atrial tissue. It is of
`interest that, in keeping with Moe’s hypothesis, spontaneous AF is hardly ever observed
`in smaller mammals (82). Figure 5 demonstrates a once—in-a—lifetime observation: the
`interval plot, SAC, and histogram of the ventricular rhythm of a kangaroo with AF. This
`observation lends further credence to the concept that AF may occur in the heart of any
`mammal if Moe’s conditions are fulfilled (20,21),
`i.e., a sufficient number of cells
`involved and/or a sufficient degree of electrical inhomogeneity.


`R-R ms
`.'..'_.'." '
` '_
`_ m
`' '°
`0 51015”
`-. --"- 3911‘“,
`3' 23" - 5. .: -.' ~
`-_:.‘_::J:;‘-'J_‘3:-- $45.2"
`r-sifi’ifi-E‘: '.-.- "‘.- wrest
`:. 4-,"? 52": ‘. " . -‘.-
`Simona Number
`treatment.' none
`median RR interval: 532 ms
`Interval plot, SAC. and histogram of a kangaroo with AF. FHP. functional refractory
`FIG. 5.
`period. The arrow indicates the median RR interval. For further details, see text. (From Meijler
`et at, ref. 36, with permission.)
`Figure 6 shows median RR interval duration versus log body mass in kilograms in
`dogs, humans, and horses with spontaneous AF. The differences in ventricular rates
`between the three species as compared with the differences in body weight are small (34).
`The dog, human, and horse with AF may have almost equal ventricular cycles despite the
`fact that a horse’s heart is 50 to 100 times as heavy as that of a dog. In dogs, as in humans,
`the ventricular rhythm is random. In horses, depending on the ventricular rate, a certain
`degree of periodicity may occasionally be present. This could be caused by autonomic
`nerve interference with AV junctional electrophysiologic properties elicited by the very
`long RR intervals that often occur (4 sec and longer) and are associated with a concomi-
`tant drop in blood pressure (83).
`L09 {body M55 in kgl
`FIG. 6. Median RR intervals of dogs, humans.
`and horses with atrial
`fibrillation versus log
`body weight. For further details, see text. (From
`Meijler et al., ret. 34. with permission.)


`Patients with AF and a bypass of their AV node may experience very high ventricular
`rates and often ventricular fibrillation. It is fair to say that the ventricles are protected
`against high atrial rates like AF by the AV node (8443?). Thus the AV node may be con-
`sidered as a guard or a gatekeeper, allowing some atrial impulses to pass while prevent—
`ing many others from entering the gate.
`The classical theory that during AF the AV node behaves as a gatekeeper by means of
`decremental conduction (24,40), enabling some atrial impulses to be propagated to the
`ventricles, while others are prevented from propagation, has been challenged by several
`investigators (48,49,5 8,61,64,88—90). However in itself, the metaphor of the AV node as
`gatekeeper is useful, depending on how the function of the gatekeeper is prescribed. A
`gatekeeper may consider all subjects that want to pass the gate and then select, for what-
`ever reason, one or more that will be admitted. He may also guard his gate by only let-
`ting pass subjects with certain properties, while others not having such a property are
`not even considered. Moreover, the gatekeeper can also set a fixed or variable time (a
`refractory period) within which no subject, not even one with a valid passport,
`allowed to pass the gate. One may also assume that the guard changes its behavior
`depending on the number and quality of the impulses and the direction they come from.
`As we will show, the latter form of AV node behavior seems a fair description of what
`actually goes on.
`A compensatory pause following a premature ventricular depolarization during sinus
`rhythm is a well—recognized electrocardiographic phenomenon. Langendorf (91), Pritch-
`ett et al. (92), and others (93) have demonstrated that the ventricular cycle is lengthened
`after a ventricular extrasystole even in the presence of AF. Langendorf (91) termed this
`phenomenon the “compensatory pause in atrial fibrillation” and believed that it was
`caused by lengthening of the AV nodal refractory period due to retrograde concealed con-
`duction into the AV node of the spontaneous or artificially induced ventricular extrasys-
`tole. However, both Moore and Spear (94) and Akhtar and coworkers (95) have subse-
`quently shown that properly timed retrograde concealed conduction into the AV node
`facilitates rather than slows AV anterograde conduction. A substantial number of atrial
`impulses normally delayed and blocked within the AV node would be potential candi-
`dates for facilitated propagation following concealed retrograde penetration of a ventric-
`ular extrasystole into the AV node. Facilitation of anterograde transmission has to the best
`of our knowledge never been observed after ventricular extrasystoles in the presence of
`AF, nevertheless lengthening of the refractory period of the AV node by the ventricular
`extrasystole is not likely to explain the compensatory pause in AP.
`In 1990 we postulated that the duration of the (compensatory) pause after single ven-
`tricular extrasystoles may be caused by two different mechanisms, depending on the time
`of the extrasystole relative to the preceding “normally propagated” QRS complex (96).
`l. Relatively early, retrogradely conducted ventricular extrasystoles [interval between R
`wave and extrastimulus (RS in Fig. 7)] cause the histogram of the postextrasystolic
`RR intervals (SR in Fig. 7*) to shift to the right without a change in shape when com-
`pared with the histogram of the “normal” RR intervals. Thus, a ventricular extrasys-


`FIG. “I. Histograms of the spontaneous FlR intervals (RH) and of the compensatory pauses
`(SH) after properly timed ventricular extrasystoles (HS) in a patient with atrial fibrillation. 3
`stands for the ventricular extrastimulus. The similarity of both histograms should be noted. For
`further details, see text.
`tole that reaches and depolarizes the AV node has the same effect on the timing of
`the next AV nodal discharge as an impulse that has depolarized the AV node from the
`atrial side and resets the refractory period of the AV nodal cells causing the AV nodal
`propagation curve to shift to the right.
`2. Retrograde conduction of extrasystoles occurring later in the ventricular cycle will
`simply intercept anterograde impulses below the AV node, resulting in a completely
`different postextrasystolic histogram (96) (not shown in Fig. 'i).
`If one properly timed ventricular extrasystole penetrates into the AV node and is able
`to reset the AV nodal propagation curve, it follows that repeated ventricular pacing at an
`appropriate rate will continuously activate and reset the AV node (88,89). In Fig. 8 the
`effect of right ventricular (RV) pacing with decreasing pacing intervals in a patient with
`AF is shown in an interval plot. It can be seen that, as expected, at a pacing interval of
`1,000 msec all RR intervals over 1,000 msec are abolished. However, at the same time
`the number of short RR intervals diminishes. This becomes even more evident at a pac-
`ing interval of 850 mSec, and at 700 msec all anterograde transmission is blocked
`despite the fact that the pacing intervals are almost twice as long as the shortest RR
`intervals before ventricular pacing. Only during AF and intact AV nodal conduction
`pathways is a ventricular rhythm capable of continuously blocking anterograde con-
`duction. In other words, during AF ventricular captures often observed during sinus
`rhythm and an accelerated ventricular rhythm or ventricular tachycardia should not
`occur. Single wide QRS complexes without a compensatory pause (91) must be due to
`aberrant anterograde conduction.
`This observation fits well with the theory that repetitive RV pacing (or an accelerated
`ventricular rhythm) may cause overdrive suppression of an AV nodal pacemaker or con-
`tinuously reset
`the AV nodal propagation curve, making it
`impenetrable for atrial
`impulses and resulting in tot

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