`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`24 November 2005 (24.11.2005)
` (10) International Publication Number
`WO 2005/110238 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification’:
`A61B 05/02,
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`16 May 2004 (16.05.2004)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`except US):
`(for all designated States
`(71) Applicant
`MEDIC4ALL A.G [CH/CH]; Alpenstrasse 1, CH-6304
`ZUG (CH).
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI,
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KT, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, 7M,
`ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
`European (AI, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI,
`GW, MI., MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AB, AG, AL, AM,
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`(72) Inventor; and
`(75) Inventor/Applicant (for US only): GOLDREICH, Rami
`—_with international search report
`[ILAIL]; 96 Ayalon St., 48621 Rosh-Ha’ayin (IL).
`\K 130 ™~.
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`-— 110
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`Wearable Device
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`(57) Abstract: A wrist-mounted device (100) for measuring at least one physiological parameterof the user. The present invention
`cnables such a measurementto preferably be transformed into clinically uscful information about the user. Such information may
`© then optionally be sent to medical personnel, for example at a contact and/or monitoring center. The measuring parameters may
`include blood pressure, ECG, location. The present invention can perform a Holter process over more than one physiological pa-
`APPLE 1064
`Apple v. AliveCor
`APPLE 1064
`Apple v. AliveCor


`WO 2005/110238
`The present invention is ofa method and device for measuring at least one
`physiological parameter of a subject at the wrist, preferably for extracting clinically
`useful information thereof. More specifically, the present invention is of a device
`which may be worn at the wrist of the subject with a strap or other fastening article,
`and which may then be used to monitor the subject through measurement of the
`physiological parameter.
`Currently, a number of different types of devices are available for monitoring
`human subjects in a non-invasive manner.
`For example, heart function can be
`monitored in a user through the use of electrodes, which must be attached to the skin
`of the user. Such equipmentis very expensive, limiting its use to hospitals and other
`medical settings in which both the cost and the discomfort of the patient can be
`justified. Furthermore, patients. may become anxious when examined by medical
`personnel, thereby significantly altering the normal readings for these patients.
`there are many different
`in which non-invasive
`monitoring of a human subjectis desired. For example, such monitoring could be
`very useful as part of the overall health maintenance of the human subject, and could
`be used in order to detect deterioration of the physiological condition of the subject
`before a concomitant deterioration in the health ofthe subject b ecomesnoticeable.


`WO 2003/110238
`Examples of adverse physiological conditions which could be detected with regular
`non-invasive monitoring include but are not limited to excessive weight gain or loss;
`arrhythmia and other heart conditions; incipient diabetes in the form of improper
`glucose metabolism; and loss of lung capacity or other problems with respiration.
`Heart rate, Breathing rate, body temperature, oxygen level in the blood
`blood pressure are important factors in determining the state of a person's health and
`the physical condition of a person's body especially if exposed to physical or
`emotional stress. Periodic monitoring of these physical parameters is particularly
`important for individuals having cardiac disease and/or lowered cardiac functioning or
`high blood pressure. However, physically healthy individuals may also wish to
`periodically monitor their heart rate and blood pressure in order to monitor changes in
`their personal vital signs.
`In order to support regular monitoring of human subjects in their normal
`environment, such as in the homeandat the office for example, the equipment must
`be non-invasive and easy to use. The equipment would then be able to monitorat
`least one physiological parameter of the user, without requiring the user to perform
`any complicated actions and/or to operate complex devices.
`it would be
`highly preferred for the equipment to be incorporated as part of the regular daily
`living routine of the subject, since the requirement for any additional or special
`actions on the part of human subjectis likely to result in decreased compliance.
`addition, the equipment should be robust yet inexpensive.
`One example of such a device incorporates a wristband to attach a
`physiological sensor to the wrist of the subject. Currently, a numberof different types
`of such wristband devices are available, most of which are intended to be used as
`stand-alone devices to provide information about
`the subject’s own physical


`WO 2003/110238
`condition, mainly for heart rate and blood pressure. Most of these devices obtain such
`measurements by using an inflating cuff, which is bulky and awkwardforthe subject.
`Wrist-mounted heart rate monitors are known to the art and have been disclosed,
`for example, in the patentto Orr et al, U.S. Patent No. 3,807,388, wherein the duration
`of a heart beat is measured by counting electrical pulses recurring at a known
`frequency. The duration of the heartbeat is then related to a particular average heart
`beat rate. However, the disclosed measurement system does not directly measure the
`heart rate and,
`is subject
`to inaccuracies of measurement due to the
`instability of heart beat duration overbrief intervals of time.
`A blood pressure measuring device is disclosed in the patent to Petzke et al, U.S.
`Patent No. 3,926,179, in which a probe is applied adjacent to the radial artery of a
`wrist. A pressure-sensitive transducer on the probe generates electrical signals
`corresponding to the blood pressure pulses of the radial artery. The electrical pulses
`are applied to analog circuitry that generates a systolic signal corresponding to the
`integrated voltage at the peak of the electrical pulse signal and a diastolic signal
`corresponding to the voltage at the low point of the pulse signal. The analog device of
`Petzke et al requires a substantial amount of power to operate and, therefore, is not
`suitable for use in a small, compact stand-alone device for being worn onthewrist.
`A blood pressure and a heart rate measuring wrist watch is also disclosed in the
`patent to Broadwater, U.S. Patent No. 4,331,154, in whichadigital watch is employed
`to measure systolic and diastolic blood pressure as well as heart rate. The bandofthe
`watch supports a piezoelectric transducerthat is held in contact with the wrist adjacent
`to the radial artery when a switch on the band is activated. The absolute values
`required for this method to evaluate blood pressure cause the device to be subject to
`inaccurate readings, since the tissues of the hand and wrist may be expected to expand


`WO 2003/110238
`and c ontract according to such factors as the time of day, and the condition of the
`external environment such as the atmospheric pressure.
`Such expansion or
`contraction may cause different degrees of tension on the wrist-mounted device,
`whichis therefore not suitable for use without daily calibrations.
`Other wrist-mounted devices are for wireless panic alarm systems, mainly for
`elderly people wholive alone. These devices are usually shaped as a wristband or a
`pendant. Whenever the user becomes distressed, the user presses a panic button
`located on the device. The device then sends a digitally coded wireless message to a
`gateway device located nearby, usually in the same room, by using a unidirectional
`wireless data communication link. The gateway device then contacts a manually
`operated contact center,
`for example with a land based or cellular telephone.
`connection. A particular identifier for the user is usually sent first, after which the
`human operator is allowedto talk to the user through a speaker and to listen through a
`sensitive microphone located within the gateway. However, none of the above
`systems contains any physiological measurement device within,
`in order to learn
`about the current physiologicalstatus of the user.
`In such a situation as described above, the operator at the call center learns
`about the user’s condition only by speaking with the user. However,
`this is only
`possible if the user is actually able to speak. High levels of background noise may
`also prevent the user from being heard by the microphoneofthe gateway device.


`WO 2003/110238
`The background art does not teach or suggest a device which can conveniently,
`non-intrusively and autonomously measure one or more physiological parameters, in
`order to extract medical information such as heart rate, breathing rate and blood
`pressure, and which may be worn on the wrist of the user. The background art also
`does not teach or suggest such a wrist-mounted device, which can measure such
`parameters and then send the information to a secured, automated databank (contact
`center) or call center containing medical personnel. The background art also does not
`teach or suggest such a wrist-mounted device which is compact, non-invasive, and
`The present invention overcomes these deficiencies of the background art by
`providing a wrist-mounted device for measuring at least one physiological parameter
`of the user. The present invention enables such a measurement to preferably be
`transformed into medical information about the user, and/or displays the results on a
`LCD display. As used herein, the term “physiological parameter’ refers to the signal
`which is received from the sensor, while the term “medical information”refers to the
`information which may be extracted or o therwise obtained b y analyzing this signal
`and/or a combination of signals.
`Such information may then optionally be sent to
`medical personnel (for example at a contact monitoring call center) and/or to a remote
`secured, automated databank server usually Web based, through a gateway device.
`The gateway device preferably communicates with the wrist-mounted device of the
`present invention through a wireless communication channel.
`The present invention has the option to display the medical information to the
`user on a local display, such that the user is optionally and preferably able to read the
`result locally. Examples of medical information which may be extracted from the


`WO 2003/110238
`measured physiological parameter or parameters include, but are not limited to: heart
`rate; variability in heart rate; breathing rate; arrhythmia of the heart (if any), as well as
`the general rhythm and functioning of the heart; blood pressure; presence of abnormal
`body movements such as convulsions for example; body position; general body
`movements; body temperature; presence and level of sweat; oxygen pressure in the
`blood; and glucose levels in the blood.
`Optionally and more preferably, the present invention also features an alarm
`signal for being transmitted through the gateway device in order to indicate an
`emergency or otherwise dangerous situation for the user. The alarm signal may
`optionally be transmitted according to a manualaction ofthe user, such as pressing a
`“panic button” for example.
`Upon receipt of the manually activated alarm signal,
`the gateway would
`preferably initiate immediately a call to a humanoperated call center. Then the
`device would preferably automatically collect one or more current measurements of
`physiological parameters of the user. These measurements may be sent directly to the
`gateway, or alternatively may be analyzed in order
`to compute the medical
`information of the user before sending the results to the gateway. The human operator
`would then preferably be able to assess the user’s medical condition from the received
`Most preferably,
`alarm signal
`transmitted automatically upon
`measurement of one or more physiological parameters of the user, even if the user is
`unable to press the panic button. Optionally, the alarm signal may be given to the
`user, additionally or alternatively, for example by sounding an audible alarm, more
`preferably from the wrist-mounted deviceitself.


`WO 2003/110238
`The device of the present
`invention also monitors, at
`least periodically or
`continuously, one or more physiological parameters of the user.
`monitoring would more easily enable the device to transmit the alarm signal if one or
`more physiological parameters are determined to be above predefined criteria, which
`may represent such medical information as unstable or excessive heart rate, or very
`high or low blood pressure.
`According to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention, the wrist-
`mounted device features one or more sensors attached to a wristband or other
`fastening article. The sensor(s) may optionally be connected to a microprocessor,
`optionally by a wire but alternatively through a wireless connection.
`microprocessor may optionally also be located within the wristband, or otherwise
`attached to the wristband. The sensor(s) may optionally support automatic collection
`of the measurement of the at
`least one physiological parameter, while the
`microprocessor is able to execute one or more instructions for extracting medical
`information about the user from such measurement(s).
`The microprocessor more preferably operates a software program to process
`and analyze the data which is collected, in order to compute medical information.
`The extracted information, optionally also with the raw data,
`is then preferably
`transferred to the previously described gateway device. The gateway device may
`optionally relay such information to a remote server, which more preferably is able to
`provide such information to medical personnel, for example as part of a contact
`center. Therefore,
`continuous monitoring of the medical
`information and/or
`physiological parameters of the user may optionally and more preferably be made,
`enabling better medical care for the user. According to the present invention there is
`provided a device for measuring at least one physiological parameter of a subject,


`WO 2003/110238
`comprising: (a) a fastening article for being fastened to a wrist of the user; (b) a sensor
`for measuring at least one physiological function of the user, the sensor being in
`contact with at least a portion of the wrist and the sensor being attached to the
`fastening article; and (c) a processor for receiving a signal from the sensor and for
`converting at least one measurement to form the at least one physiological parameter.
`Optionally, the data may be stored on a non-volatile memory for being downloaded
`later by the user or by an operator.
`According to another embodimentof the present invention, there is provided a
`system for measuring at least one physiological parameter of a subject, comprising:
`(a) a device for measuring the at least one physiological parameter, comprising: (i) a
`fastening article for being fastened to a wrist of the user; (ii) a sensor for measuring at
`least one physiological parameter of the user, the sensor being in contact with at least
`a portion of the wrist and the sensor being attached to the fastening article; (iii) a
`communication unit for at
`least transmitting data; and (b) a gateway device for
`receiving the transmitted data for being monitored.
`According to another embodiment of the present invention, there is provided a
`method for monitoring a physiological parameter of a user, comprising: providing a
`device for monitoring the physiological parameter, the device being attached to at
`least a portion of the user at a pulse point of the user; monitoring the physiological
`parameter through the pulse point; and if a level of the physiological parameter of the
`user is outside of an expected range, transmitting an alarm.
`According to still another embodiment of the present
`there is
`provided a device for measuring at least one physiological parameter of a subject,
`comprising: (a) a fastening article for being fastened to a wrist of the user; (b) a
`piezoceramic sensor for measuring at least one physiological parameter of the user at


`WO 2003/110238
`a pulse point of the wrist and the sensor being attached to the fastening article; and (c)
`a processor for receiving a signal from the sensor and for converting the at least one
`measurement to form medical information.
`Hereinafter, the term “microprocessor” includes, but is not limited to, general-
`purpose microprocessor, a DSP, a micro-controller or a special ASIC designed for
`that purpose.
`Hereinafter, the term “wrist” includes, but is not limited to, the lower forearm
`from the elbow to the hand, inclusive, unless otherwise noted.
`The method of the present invention could be described as a process for being
`performed by a data processor, and as such could optionally be implemented as
`software, hardware or firmware, or a combination thereof. For the present invention, a
`software application could be written in substantially any suitable programming
`language, which could easily be selected by one of ordinary skill in the art. The
`programming language chosen should be compatible with the computational device
`(computer hardware and operating system) according to which the software
`application is executed, E xamples of suitable programming languages include, but
`are not limited to, Visual Basic, Assembler, Visual C, standard C, C++ and Java.


`WO 2003/110238
`The invention is herein described, by way of example only, with reference to
`the accompanying drawings, wherein:
`is a schematic block diagram of a system according to the present
`FIG 2 shows an exploded view ofthe device;
`FIG 3 describes a general state flow diagram;
`FIG 4 describes a bi-directional message format between the device and the
`FIG 5 shows an exploded view of an exemplary device with ECG option;
`FIG. 6 shows an exploded view of an exemplary device, which illustrates the
`installation of a SpO2 sensor;
`FIGS. 7A-7D show diagrams of external views of different parts of the
`illustrative blood pressure monitoring device according to the present invention;
`FIG. 8 shows a schematic block diagram of a system according to the present
`invention featuring the blood pressure monitoring device of Figure 7;
`FIG. 9 is a flowchart of an exemplary method according to the present
`invention for performing an extended cardiac monitoring task; and
`FIG. 10 is a flowchart of an exemplary method according to the present
`invention for synchronizing a medical care management function of the device
`according to the present invention with a central care facility.


`WO 2003/110238
`The present invention is of a wrist-mounted device for measuring at least one
`physiological parameter of the user.
`The present
`invention enables
`such a
`measurementto preferably be transformed into medical information about the user.
`Such information may then optionally be sent to medical personnel (for example at a
`contact monitoring center) and/or to a remote server, through a gateway device. The
`gateway device preferably communicates with the wrist-mounted device of the
`present invention through a wireless communication channel.
`Examples of medical information which may be extracted from the measured
`physiological parameter or parameters include, but are not limited to: heart rate,
`regularity in heart rate; breathing rate; I/E ratio; arrhythmia of the heart (if any), as
`well as the general rhythm and functioning of the heart; blood pressure; presence of
`abnormal body movements such as convulsions for example; body position; general
`body movements; body temperature; presence and level of sweat; oxygen saturation in
`the blood; and glucoselevels in the blood.
`Optionally and more preferably, the present invention also features an alarm
`signal for being transmitted through the gateway device in order to indicate an
`emergency or otherwise dangerous situation for the user. The alarm signal may
`optionally be transmitted according to a manual action of the user, such as pressing a
`“panic button” for example.
`Most preferably,
`alarm signal
`transmitted automatically upon
`measurement of the one or more physiological parameters of the user, preferably even
`if the user is unable to press the panic button. Optionally, the alarm signal may be
`given to the user, additionally or alternatively, for example by sounding an audible
`alarm, more preferably from the wrist-mounted deviceitself.


`WO 2003/110238
`An exemplary embodiment of the present
`invention may measure also
`parameters that may affect the subject's physical condition, including but not limited
`to ambient temperature and humidity, lighting conditions, smoke and/or other material
`in the air, distance from homeetc.
`Uponreceipt of the manually/automatically activated alarm signal, the gateway
`would preferably initiate immediately a call to a human operated call center. Then the
`device would preferably automatically collect one or more current physiological
`measurements of the user. These measurements may be sent directly to the gateway,
`or alternatively may be analyzed in order to compute the medical parameters of the
`user before sending the results to the gateway. The gateway may also analyze the
`measurement, for example when the measurements are transferred directly to the
`gateway. The humanoperator, at the medical center, would then preferably be able to
`assess the user’s medical condition from the received information. It should be noted
`that the terms “medical center” and “call center” are used interchangeably herein.
`The device of the present invention may also monitor, at least periodically but
`more preferably continuously, the value or condition of one or more physiological
`parameters of the user. Continuous monitoring would more easily enable the device
`to transmit the alarm signal if measurements of one or more physiological parameters
`are collected and analyzed by the microprocessor to form medical information, which
`then could be determined to be above predefined criteria, such as unstable heart rate,
`or very high or low blood pressure, for example.
`According to a non-limiting exemplary embodimentof the present invention,
`the wrist-mounted device features one or more sensors attached to a wristband or
`other fastening article. The sensor(s) are preferably connected to a microprocessor,
`optionally by a wire but alternatively through a wireless connection.


`WO 2003/110238
`microprocessor may optionally also be located within the wristband, or otherwise
`attached to the wristband. The sensor(s) preferably support automatic collection ofat
`least one physiological measurement; more preferably, the microprocessor is able to
`execute one or moreinstructions for extracting clinically useful information about the
`user from such measurement(s).
`The microprocessor more preferably operates a software program to process
`and analyze the data which is collected, in order to compute medical information.
`The extracted medical
`information, optionally also with the raw data,
`is then
`preferably transferred to the previously described gateway device. The gateway
`device then preterably relays such information to a remote server, which more
`preferably is able to provide such information to medical personnel, for example as
`part of a call center. Therefore, continuous monitoring of the physiological parameters
`of the user may optionally and more preferably be made, enabling better medical care
`for the user.
`A general, non-limiting example of suitable methods for measuring the heart
`rate and/or other heart-related physiological parameters of a subject who is wearing
`the device according to the present invention may be found in the article “Cuff-less
`Continuous Monitoring of Beat-To-Beat Blood Pressure Using Sensor Fusion”, by
`Boo-Ho Yang, Yi Zhang and H. Harry Asada — IEEE (also available through
` as of December 9, 2001), hereby
`incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein, where systolic and diastolic
`blood pressure are calculated using the pulse pressure shape per heartbeat. The
`disclosure does not describe a device which has the functionality according to the
`present invention, but the disclosed method is generally useful for determining blood


`WO 2003/110238
`pressure from an external measurementof pressure from the pulse through the skin of
`the subject.
`According to exemplary embodiments of the present
`there is
`provided a device for measuring at least one physiological parameter of a subject in
`addition to blood pressure. The device preferably comprises a band for being fastened
`to a wrist of the user, which is also associated with a blood pressure cuff. The device
`also features at least one additional sensor for measuring at least one additional
`physiological parameter of the user, as well as a processor for receiving a signal from
`the sensor andasignal from the blood pressure cuff and for converting said signals to
`form medical
`the device preferably combines
`functionality of a portable blood pressure cuff with at
`least one other type of
`physiological measurement in order to assess the medical condition of the user.
`Since the device is portable,
`it may optionally be used for a number of
`different embodiments. For example, it may optionally and preferably be used for
`performing a Holter monitoring process,
`in which one or more physiological
`measurements (preferably including at least one cardiac physiological parameter) are
`measured over an extended period of time, such as 24 hours for example. Currently
`available Holter devices are clumsy and difficult to use, and also may impede daily
`living tasks of the user.
`In addition, the present invention also preferably features
`electronic input and/or display, which enables actions of the user (for example during
`the Holter task) to be input by the user at least semi-automatically, for example
`through selection from a menu shownonthe display. The display mayalso optionally
`(additionally or
`such information as
`appointments with medical personnel and/or times to take medication, and/oralerts to
`the user (for example from a medical center).


`WO 2003/110238
`Preferably, as described above, the device is also in communication with a
`medical center, to pass the medical information collected about the user to the medical
`center and also more preferably to transmit information from the medical center to the
`user through the device.
`For implementing the Holter task and/or other types of cardiac measurements,
`preferably the at
`least one additional sensor of the device includes an electro
`cardiogram (ECG) sensor, which preferably at least one electrode associated with the
`band of the device. Optionally, the band features at least a rigid portion and the
`electrode is associated with the rigid portion. Also optionally and preferably, the at
`least one electrode is organized into a set of two or more electrodes, such that only
`one electrode is required to be in contact with the wrist of the user at any particular
`The device may also optionally and preferably feature a locator unit for
`locating the device (and hence the user),
`in the case that the user is unable to
`communicate his or her location. The locator unit may optionally comprise a GPS
`The principles and operation of a device and method according to the present
`invention may be better understood with reference to the drawings and the
`accompanying description.
`Referring now to the drawings, Figure 1 is a schematic block diagram ofa
`system according to the present invention.
`As shown, a system 100 features a
`wearable device 101 to be worn by a user, preferably as a wrist-mounted device, for
`example by being attached with a wristband or other fasteningarticle to the wrist of
`the user. Device 101 features at least one physiological sensor 102 for measuring at


`WO 2003/110238
`least one physiological parameter of the user. The function of an exemplary sensor
`102 is described in greater detail below.
`The device 101 may optionally feature a vibration sensor 123, preferably a
`piezoceramic sensor, which is not in direct contact with the skin of the user. Sensor
`123 measures the movementof the wrist. The output of sensor 123 can be used by a
`processing unit 103 to capture the movementof the wrist and to recover some noise
`received by sensor 102, which is caused by such movement.
`Optionally, the output of vibration sensor 123 may record some breathing
`movements thus enabling the processing unit 103 to calculate the breathing rate, when
`the user’s wrist with the device 101 is placed over the user’s abdomenor chest for a
`period of time.
`Device 101 may include additional ambient sensors 130 or additional
`measuring routines for measuring other parameters. For example, device 101 may
`optionally have a humidity sensor for measuring the ambient humidity. An exemplary
`humidity sensor may be the Humidity Gauge manufactured by Honeywell.
`In order to support processing of the measured physiological parameter or
`parameters, processing unit 103 may optionally include internal RAM and non-
`volatile program memory (not shown). Also processing unit 103 may optionally
`include an extended data memory 105 located externally to processing unit 103.
`Processing unit 103 preferably executes at least one instruction for processing the data
`obtained by sensor 102.
`Examples of such processing units 103 include but are notlimited to MSP430
`by TI company, which contains some channels of 12 bit A/D converters, a 2K bytes of
`internal RAM and 64K Bytesof non-volatile program memory.


`WO 2003/110238
`Extended memory componen

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