International Journal of Cardiology 166 (2013) 15–29
`Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect
`International Journal of Cardiology
`j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e l s e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / i j c a r d
`How accurate is pulse rate variability as an estimate of heart rate variability?
`A review on studies comparing photoplethysmographic technology
`with an electrocardiogram
`Axel Schäfer a,b, Jan Vagedes a,c,⁎
`a Arcim institute, Im Haberschlai 7, 70794 Filderstadt, Germany
`b University of Tübingen, Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology, Gartenstr. 29, 72074 Tübingen, Germany
`c University of Tübingen, Children's Hospital, Department of Neonatology, Calwerstrasse 7, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
`a r t i c l e
`i n f o
`a b s t r a c t
`Article history:
`Received 7 September 2011
`Received in revised form 26 January 2012
`Accepted 10 March 2012
`Available online 17 July 2012
`Heart rate variability
`Pulse wave analysis
`Continuous blood pressure monitoring
`Background: The usefulness of heart rate variability (HRV) as a clinical research and diagnostic tool has been
`verified in numerous studies. The gold standard technique comprises analyzing time series of RR intervals
`from an electrocardiographic signal. However, some authors have used pulse cycle intervals instead of RR
`intervals, as they can be determined from a pulse wave (e.g. a photoplethysmographic) signal. This option
`is often called pulse rate variability (PRV), and utilizing it could expand the serviceability of pulse oximeters
`or simplify ambulatory monitoring of HRV.
`Methods: We review studies investigating the accuracy of PRV as an estimate of HRV, regardless of the under-
`lying technology (photoplethysmography, continuous blood pressure monitoring or Finapresi, impedance
`Results/conclusions: Results speak in favor of sufficient accuracy when subjects are at rest, although many
`studies suggest that short-term variability is somewhat overestimated by PRV, which reflects coupling effects
`between respiration and the cardiovascular system. Physical activity and some mental stressors seem to
`impair the agreement of PRV and HRV, often to an inacceptable extent. Findings regarding the position of
`the sensor or the detection algorithm are not conclusive.
`Generally, quantitative conclusions are impeded by the fact that results of different studies are mostly incom-
`mensurable due to diverse experimental settings and/or methods of analysis.
`© 2012 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
`1. Introduction
`The term ‘Heart rate variability’ (HRV) refers to the fact that the
`duration of cardiac cycles is not constant, but varies from one heart-
`beat to the next. The extent of variability is determined by digital
`processing of an electrocardiographic (ECG) signal. Because of their
`distinct profile, the R peaks of an ECG signal are suitable for automated
`detection by computer algorithms; hence the standard method to
`assess cardiac cycles is to place their limits at the R peaks. As a result,
`one obtains a time series of such consecutive RR intervals. Ectopic
`beats and arrhythmic events are usually not processed when deter-
`mining HRV; only regular beats should be considered, which is why
`one often encounters the alternative term NN intervals (‘normal to
`normal’). Analysis of HRV comprises the computing of meaningful
`parameters from RR interval time series called HRV variables. For a
`comprehensive presentation of the methodology see [1].
`⁎ Corresponding author at: University of Tübingen, Children's Hospital, Department
`of Neonatology, Calwerstrasse 7, 72076 Tübingen, Germany. Tel.: +49 7071 2984742.
`E-mail address: (J. Vagedes).
`0167-5273/$ – see front matter © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.
`HRV has become a very useful tool in clinical diagnostics within
`the last decades. Reduced HRV is correlated with the risk of cardiac
`events like myocardial infarction and congestive heart failure [2,3],
`and with sudden cardiac death [4,5]. From the early 1980s on, the
`frequency domain HRV variables, gained from a power spectrum of
`the RR interval series, have been found to reflect autonomic cardio-
`vascular control [6,7]. Physical fitness and social integration are both as-
`sociated with reduced cardiac risk and enhanced HRV [8,9]. Treatment
`of psychiatric patients with tricyclic antidepressants seriously dimin-
`ishes HRV, although there is ambiguity as to whether psychopharmaco-
`logical treatment increases mortality [10]. Also, depression itself seems
`to influence autonomic control and HRV [11]. All in all, HRV seems to
`be a reliable and multifunctional parameter indicating cardiovascular
`and autonomic health as well as general psychic and somatic fitness.
`Evaluation of HRV variables can be gained from sessions of various
`duration, up to Holter recordings lasting 24 h or more. However,
`short-term recordings of only a few minutes have been found to be
`comparably useful [12], and even ultra-short sequences of only 10 s
`seem to have reasonable diagnostic value [13].
`Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a technique developed in the 1930s
`for monitoring blood volume changes in the micro vascular bed of tissue
`APPLE 1018


`A. Schäfer, J. Vagedes / International Journal of Cardiology 166 (2013) 15–29
`[14]. In more recent decades, progress in semiconductor technology and
`optoelectronics, as well as advancements in digital signal processing,
`have facilitated a renaissance of PPG, which today is probably the
`most widespread method used in clinical monitoring. Its basic principle
`requires a light source to illuminate subcutaneous tissue (typically
`an LED, i.e. a light emitting diode) and a photo detector with spectral
`characteristics matching those of the light source (e.g. a photodiode
`or phototransistor). Current PPG sensors use low-cost optoelectronic
`components operating in the domain of red and/or near infrared
`There are two basic configurations used in PPG: transmission
`mode, where the perfuse tissue (like a fingertip or an earlobe) is
`placed between the source and the detector, and reflection mode,
`where the two electronic components are placed side-by-side near
`the skin, e.g. at the forehead. In both cases the detector registers
`small variations in the transmitted or reflected light, respectively,
`caused by changes in microcirculation. Major factors affecting the
`detected light intensity are blood volume, blood vessel wall move-
`ment and the orientation of erythrocytes [15].
`Changes in a PPG signal arise from variations both in the path-
`length between source and detector and in the optical density of
`the blood. The signal can be decomposed into two parts [16]. The
`small pulsatile component, or AC component, arises from arterial
`blood pulsation; hence its oscillation parallels momentary cardiac
`activity. It is superimposed on the much larger DC component,
`where DC refers to direct current, suggesting a static behavior. How-
`ever, the DC component is not entirely static, but includes variations
`slower than the heart rate due to venous volume fluctuations, vaso-
`motor activity and thermoregulation. Changes in the intrathoracic
`pressure due to respiration cause fluctuations in the venous return
`to the heart, which in turn modulates cardiac output and blood pres-
`sure. Ventilation thus induces fluctuation of both AC and DC compo-
`nents, which enables one to monitor respiratory activity by filtering
`and processing a PPG signal appropriately [17,18].
`PPG technology is a very versatile tool, and its usefulness in a wide
`range of clinical applications has been demonstrated. The most
`common one is pulse oximetry, which utilizes the difference of red
`and near infrared light absorption by oxyhemoglobin and reduced
`hemoglobin to estimate arterial blood oxygen saturation. Further
`applications include the estimation of cardiac output, the diagnosis
`of atherosclerosis, peripheral arterial occlusion and other peripheral
`vascular diseases, as well as the assessment of arterial compliance
`and aging, of endothelial and venous function, micro vascular blood
`flow and other functions [15]. Additionally, PPG offers a number of
`ways to assess cardiovascular autonomic function and skin vasomotor
`function. Due to this property, it is also a valuable instrument for
`monitoring nociception during general anesthesia [16]. For a compre-
`hensive review on PPG and its clinical applications see [15].
`Arterial blood pressure can also be estimated from a PPG, because
`the higher the pressure, the quicker the propagation of the pulse
`wave from the heart to the periphery. Therefore, the determination
`of pulse wave velocity or its reciprocal, pulse transit time (cf.
`Section 3.1 below) for each pulse cycle can serve as an approximation
`of continuous blood pressure (CBP) monitoring. However, estimators
`of systolic and diastolic blood pressure are only in moderate agree-
`ment with their directly measured counterparts, although this can
`be somewhat improved by including the amplitude of each PPG
`pulse wave in the analysis [19,20]. In order to provide a more reliable
`method for CBP monitoring, the Finapres™ (for FINger Arterial PRES-
`sure) technology was introduced in the early 1980s. It is based on the
`dynamic vascular unloading of the arterial walls of the finger using an
`inflatable finger cuff [21]. The built-in PPG sensor is used as a control
`sensor to regulate cuff pressure for optimum CBP detection, but does
`not measure blood pressure directly.
`Given that PPG is such a simple and ubiquitous technology in clin-
`ical monitoring, it is preferable to maximize its potential. As already
`indicated above, the signal can also be used to monitor the heart
`and respiratory rate of a patient, including instantaneous rates or
`cycle lengths. In principle, this would allow HRV variables to be deter-
`mined as well from a PPG signal. Compared to the current standard of
`an ECG-based HRV analysis, this would involve certain benefits. In
`clinical situations where a pulse oximeter (PO) device is already at
`hand by default, being able to include HRV analysis in the monitoring
`process without requiring an ECG means a significant advantage. In
`addition, during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), for example,
`ECG electrodes or other metal-containing sensors are not permitted,
`as they interfere with strong electromagnetic fields.
`Another fact speaking in favor of PPG technology is that it is
`noninvasive, cost-effective and straightforward to use. Detecting the
`signal usually requires no more than attaching a single sensor to a
`finger or an earlobe, compared to at least three leads and Ag/AgCl
`electrodes required for an ECG. Furthermore, ECG electrodes often
`have to be applied to the chest, requiring the patients to undress—
`which can delay recordings and pose a problem for embarrassed
`patients. On the other hand, a major disadvantage of PPG technology
`is that the signal is susceptible to motion artifacts, which can impair
`the accuracy of the detected cardiac activity [15].
`2. Scope of this review
`The purpose of this review is to summarize the hitherto existing
`literature about the accuracy of estimating HRV and/or (instanta-
`neous) heart rates from a continuously recorded pulse wave signal.
`All of the considered articles contrast the results of the latter with
`the gold standard of an ECG-based method.
`We performed a search in PubMed and Embase for publications
`that matched at least one keyword in both of the following word
`1) oximetr…/oxymetr… or plethysmogr… or “pulse wave” or “pulse
`2) electrocard… or ECG or “rate variability”
`Here the ellipsis (…) indicates arbitrary completion of words, and
`quotation marks require the enclosed words to appear exactly in
`the specified order. The retrieved abstracts were then inspected for
`their thematic agreement with the topic of this review. Such selected
`articles and correspondingly eligible references cited therein were all
`Most of the retrieved studies use a PPG signal to detect a pulse
`wave. However, some employ a Finapres™ system monitoring CBP
`or an impedance plethysmography system instead. The analysis
`techniques used to discern individual pulse cycles in these cases are
`similar to those utilized for PPG signals. Additionally, many of the
`findings therein complement those in PPG studies. For these reasons,
`all those references assessing the quality of results from non-PPG
`pulse waves are included in this review.
`The main focus is on the question whether the ECG-based method
`of evaluating HRV can be replaced by a technique using a pulse wave.
`From now on the latter approach will be referred to as pulse rate
`variability (PRV), as it is based on the varying length of pulse cycles,
`not cardiac cycles. Heartbeats can be more accurately determined
`from an ECG; therefore we will henceforth use the term HRV mainly
`for ECG-derived heart rate variability.
`It is clear that the methods used to determine the limits between
`adjacent pulse cycles affect the individual lengths of the latter and,
`hence, PRV results. The statistical techniques used to compare, say
`PRV and HRV, will likewise have an impact on the outcomes of an
`investigation. Section 3 outlines some important approaches used in
`analyses; additionally, Tables 1 and 2 summarize the most important
`abbreviations regarding HRV variables and HRV/PRV analysis.
`A number of researchers were merely interested in the accuracy of
`estimating the average heart rate with a PPG device for monitoring


`A. Schäfer, J. Vagedes / International Journal of Cardiology 166 (2013) 15–29
`Table 1
`Abbreviations of common HRV variables.
`Time domain variables
`Mean NN, mean HR
`NN50/pNN50 (pNN10)
`Mean of all NN intervals. Mean HR is its reciprocal value,
`converted into beats per minute (bpm)
`Standard deviation of all NN intervals;
`measure of overall variability.
`Root of mean of squared subsequent differences;
`measure of short-term variability.
`Standard deviation of subsequent differences
`(almost identical to RMSSD).
`Number/percent of subsequent differences with an
`absolute value > 50 ms (or 10 ms).
`Frequency domain variables (spectral domains according to Task force definitions [1])
`Nonlinear variables
`Ultra low frequencies (b0.003 Hz)
`Very low frequencies (0.003–0.04 Hz)
`Low frequencies (0.04–0.15 Hz)
`High frequencies (0.15–0.40 Hz)
`Total power (sum contribution of all spectral domains)
`Standard deviation of short diagonal axis in Poincaré plot
`Standard deviation of long diagonal axis in Poincaré plot
`Approximate entropy
`Sample entropy
`purposes; hence they did not concern themselves with individual
`heart or pulse cycles or HRV variables. However, some of them use
`analytical approaches that are interesting in context, while other in-
`vestigations can be perceived as historical predecessors of the studies
`in the focus of this review. We thus summarize these results briefly in
`Section 4 and Table 3.
`The central topic, compatibility of PRV with HRV, is treated in
`Section 5 and its subsections. We should note that the various find-
`ings are almost never comparable directly, since a variety of devices,
`analytical methods, experimental conditions etc. have been used.
`Therefore, we can present and contrast all results only descriptively,
`itemized in Tables 4 and 5.
`A discussion and conclusions can be found in Sections 6 and 7.
`3. Analytical methods
`3.1. Pulse wave analysis
`A typical pulse wave cycle can be subdivided into two parts (cf.
`Fig. 1). The anacrotic phase is the rising part of the pulse due to systole.
`Shortly after the QRS complex appears in the ECG, the ventricular systole
`generates a pulse wave travelling distally. In the arteries and arterioles
`this leads to a rapid increase in blood pressure and blood volume, i.e. a
`steep rise in the pulse wave. The subsequent decline corresponding to
`cardiac diastole is termed the catacrotic phase and is more prolonged
`than the anacrotic phase. Often it contains a secondary peak separated
`Table 2
`Abbreviations of HRV and PRV phenomena used in the text.
`Time intervals
`Result of analysis
`RR interval length(s) from an ECG
`Pulse interval length(s) from a pulse wave signal
`Heart rate, determined by an ECG signal
`Pulse rate, determined by a pulse wave signal
`Instantaneous heart rate (reciprocal of RRI)
`Instantaneous pulse rate (reciprocal of PPI)
`Heart rate variability, gained by analyzing RRI values
`Pulse rate variability, gained by analyzing PPI values
`by the so-called dicrotic notch, an effect diminishing with ageing and
`increasing arterial stiffness [15]. This phenomenon is often attributed
`to the closure of the aortic valve [22], although recent findings suggest
`a causation by reflection of the pressure peak from small arteries in
`the trunk and lower limbs [23].
`Corresponding to each RR interval (RRI) of the ECG, which is
`considered as the “true” instantaneous heart cycle length, there is
`an interval comprising a full pulse cycle length. We will henceforth
`denote it as PPI (“pulse to pulse interval”). Its exact location depends
`on the definition of its boundaries and the computer algorithm used
`to detect them [24]. The black disks in Fig. 1 highlight three possible
`alternatives. One can determine the beginning of the anacrotic or,
`alternatively, the catacrotic phase, i.e. the pulse foot or peak (marked
`with an “f” or “p” in the figure), as the respective boundary. This leads
`to different definitions of pulse intervals, as is indicated in the figure
`by PPI (f) and PPI (p). A third option is to use the maximum 1st deriv-
`ative representing the steepest part of the upstroke as a boundary, in-
`dicated by the disk marked “d”. In the existing literature researchers
`have utilized all of these methods as well as others (cf. Table 5); com-
`parative studies on some approaches can be found in [25,26].
`Depending on the pulse wave velocity and the vascular path from
`the heart to the location of the detector, there is a delay between each
`R peak and the onset of its corresponding pulse wave. The delay is
`usually termed pulse transit time (PTT) and is negatively correlated
`with blood pressure, arterial stiffness, and age [15]. As defined
`above, it ranges from an R peak to the next pulse foot or the beginning
`of systole; however, many studies employ a different definition of a
`PTT extending to the subsequent peak. The two cases are denoted
`as PTT (f) and PTT (p) in Fig. 1.
`Deviations of the PPI from the RRI series can arise from two possi-
`ble causes: 1) an inaccurate detection of pulse cycle boundaries due
`to hardware limitations, artifacts and/or noise, or 2) a physiological
`variability in PTT.
`3.2. Heart and pulse rate variability analysis
`In order to quantify the agreement of PPI and RRI series, researchers
`have mostly used one or more of the following three strategies:
`a) Often one is only interested in the accuracy of the determined
`mean pulse rate (PR) compared to the mean heart rate derived
`from an ECG. This is usually sufficient when a PPG device is used
`for monitoring or telecare.
`b) The focus of this review is on the reliability of PRV as a substitute
`for HRV. Most of the studies in this domain compare HRV variables
`for both the RRI and PPI series, which we will henceforth refer to
`as HRV and PRV variables. The most common HRV variables eval-
`uated are time and frequency domain variables, which have been
`extensively standardized, but nonlinear variables are also used [1].
`Abbreviations of the most commonly used HRV variables are listed
`in Table 1.
`c) A number of authors also compare the RRI and PPI series directly,
`i.e. they compare the lengths of individual heart beats to the cor-
`responding pulse cycles—or they do the same thing with the in-
`stantaneous heart (IHR) and pulse (IPR) rates, which are simply
`the reciprocal values of the cycle lengths.
`Table 2 gives an overview of the respective quantities and their
`abbreviations used throughout the subsequent sections.
`3.3. Statistical analysis
`In all the studies considered in this review, quantities determined
`from an ECG and a simultaneously recorded pulse signal are com-
`pared. Data pairs are given where each pair comprises corresponding
`values measured by each method in question, respectively. In case
`a) of the preceding subsection, these values are average HR and PR


`A. Schäfer, J. Vagedes / International Journal of Cardiology 166 (2013) 15–29
`Table 3
`Overview of studies on monitoring heart rate with PPG technology.
`N=number of subjects×
`T=duration of records
`Device(s) used
`Position of
`Methods of pulse detection
`and analysis
`Altemeyer et al.
`(1986) [31]
`Atlasz et al.
`(2006) [37]
`Lindberg et al.
`(1992) [34]
`Nakajima et al.
`(1996) [35]
`(Monitored patients
`during operation,
`ages 25–84) N = 19
`Biox III, and
`Nellcor N-100
`pulse oximeters
`Index or middle
`Both normal
`respiration and
`inhalation of hypoxic
`gas mixture.
`5 min supine rest,
`5 min standing
`(Healthy, ages 22.2±1.9)
`N = 35 × T = 10 min
`(Males, ages 20–30)
`N = 11 × T = 10 min
`(Males, ages 22–34)
`N = 11 × T = 20 min
`reflection PPG
`PPG sensor
`PPG sensor
`Left forearm
`Supine rest
`Ergometer: sitting +
`Exercise (30–130 W)
`“Good agreement” with ECG-
`determined HR, not quantita-
`tively specified.
`No significant differences
`between HR from PPG and ECG.
`Exact agreement with HR from
`ECG, when signal clean
`PPG and ECG determined heart
`rates “agreed well”, maximum
`|ΔHR| = 10 bpm
`PCC of 0.95, Bland-Altman
`analysis says 95% CI: ΔHR =
`−0.1 ± 6.5 bpm
`Spectral method and infrared
`light both more reliable. Results
`in this case: PCC = 0.92, ΔHR =
`−0.6 ± 1.3 bpm (mean ± SD)
`Auto-detection method of
`monitoring devices.
`Peak counting? (not exactly
`Statistics: ANOVA/t-test
`Manual counting of PPG
`Band-pass filtering PPG sig-
`nal, then zero-crossing count.
`Take median of 10 consecu-
`tive HRs.
`Band-pass filtering PPG sig-
`nal, finding mean HR by au-
`tocorrelation analysis.
`a) Peak detection by
`threshold algorithm,
`reciprocal median pulse
`interval → mean HR.
`b) Looking for freq. with max.
`power in FFT spectrum.
`Analysis by PCC and
`mean ± SD of difference.
`Auto-detection method of
`monitoring devices. Test for
`|ΔHR| > 10 bpm
`Depending on condition,
`11.9–29% of HR values found
`unreliable (|ΔHR| > 10 bpm)
`High-pass filtering PPG sig-
`nal, then zero-crossing count.
`Evaluation of 30 s epochs and
`binary classification.
`Auto-detection method of
`monitoring devices.
`Bland-Altman analysis of
`Manual elimination of
`motion artifacts. Visual
`analysis of PPG charts, man-
`ual counting of PPI. PCC of PR
`vs. HR
`Auto-detection method of
`monitoring devices.
`Bland–Altman analysis of
`PPG recorded 1.1% (±0.7%)
`false negative and 0.9% (±0.6%)
`false positive beats, as
`compared to ECG.
`95% CI: ΔHR =−2 ±26 bpm
`Buttock: PCC = 0.999
`Leg: PCC = 0.995
`Back: PCC =−0.134 (sic!)
`95% CI: ΔHR =−0.4 ± 12 bpm
`Kornowski et al.
`(2003) [36]
`(Cardiac patients vs.
`healthy controls,
`ages 43 ± 18) N = 144
`telecare system
`Wrist (sensor
`worn like a
`Vogel et al.
`(2007) [38]
`N = 1, T not specified,
`additionally 6 h of data
`from the “MIT-BIH
`normal sinus rhythm
`IN-MONIT system,
`using both red
`and infrared LEDs
`Inside auditory
`Rest on chair,
`evaluation of up to 10
`intervals of 30 s for
`each patient,
`Not specified
`Barrington et al.
`(1988) [32]
`(Lung or cardiorespiratory
`disease) N=22×T=3 min
`Roche Medical
`Electronics 634
`restrained” limb
`Johansson et al.
`(1999) [33]
`N = 6 (4 preterm) ×
`T = 8 h
`Self-made PPG
`sensor, connected
`to HP 66S monitor
`Lateral side of
`left thigh
`Comparison of HR
`detected from PPG-
`and ECG-based
`monitoring during 8 h
`Kamlin et al.
`(2008) [39]
`N = 55 × T = 3 min
`Masimo Radical
`PO monitor
`Olsson et al.
`(2000) [41]
`N = 10
`(preterm) × T = 30 min
`Siemens photo
`diode SFH2030
`(940 nm)
`Right hand/wrist Experimenters
`reading HR displayed
`by PPG and ECG
`monitors from video.
`Rest in incubators
`Leg, buttock and
`interscapular back
`Singh et al.
`(2008) [40]
`N = 30 × T = 3 min
`Masimo Radical
`PO monitor
`Right hand
`reading HR displayed
`by PPG and ECG
`monitors from video.
`values, in case b) they are HRV and PRV variables. In both approaches
`they are determined from detected cardiac cycles within the identical
`epoch of simultaneously recorded signals. In case c) the values under
`investigation consist of the time series of the detected cardiac cycle
`lengths themselves. Since each PPI belongs to an RRI, namely the
`one beginning directly before and separated only by PTT, one can
`also arrange them in pairs here. Whatever the case, one has a number
`of paired results derived from ECG and pulse signals.
`In order to assess the agreement of data pairs from two methods
`of measurement, the correct statistical approach is not obvious. Often
`researchers use Pearson's correlation coefficient (PCC); however, it
`quantifies linear correlation, not agreement. As examples to illustrate
`this, one can envisage situations where the second method either con-
`sistently overestimates values by an additive constant (location shift)
`or a multiplicative factor (scale shift) or both, which still yield a perfectly
`linear correlation. Aside from this, results of two techniques measuring
`the same data will almost always be linearly correlated. In addition,
`PCC tends to be greater, if the range of the true quantity in the sample
`is increased. Since investigators usually test a method in question
`with a wide range of data, a highly significant correlation is almost guar-
`anteed. The arguments speaking against PCC apply even more to Spear-
`man's rank correlation coefficient, which was used in one of the studies
`[27] summarized in this review.
`Testing the equality of the mean, e.g. by Student's t-test, is another
`insufficient way to verify agreement. It is merely able to detect
`whether the lack of accuracy of a method (i.e. its bias) is significantly
`worse than its lack of precision.
`In order to cure the shortcomings of the mentioned analyses,
`several approaches have been proposed. An example is the concor-
`dance correlation coefficient, a more suitable recast of the PCC [28].
`Most of the studies cited in this review, however, either simply
`itemize mean and standard deviation of the differences between
`ECG and pulse measures, or make use of the approach suggested
`by Bland and Altman [29]. In the latter, one plots the differences
`between the two methods versus the average as the best estimator
`of the true value. Even when one technique is considered as the
`gold standard, the average values should be plotted at the abscissa
`in order to avoid statistical artifacts [30]. A 95% confidence interval


`A. Schäfer, J. Vagedes / International Journal of Cardiology 166 (2013) 15–29


`A. Schäfer, J. Vagedes / International Journal of Cardiology 166 (2013) 15–29

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