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`A comparison of photoplethysmography and ECG recording to analyse heart
`rate variability in healthy subjects
`Article  in  Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology · November 2009
`DOI: 10.3109/03091900903150998 · Source: PubMed
`4 authors, including:
`Guohua Lu
`Fourth Military Medical University
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`Deep Brain Stimulation View project
`John Frederick Stein
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`Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology
`ISSN: 0309-1902 (Print) 1464-522X (Online) Journal homepage:
`A comparison of photoplethysmography and
`ECG recording to analyse heart rate variability in
`healthy subjects
`G. Lu, F. Yang, J. A. Taylor & J. F. Stein
`To cite this article: G. Lu, F. Yang, J. A. Taylor & J. F. Stein (2009) A comparison of
`photoplethysmography and ECG recording to analyse heart rate variability in healthy subjects,
`Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 33:8, 634-641, DOI: 10.3109/03091900903150998
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`Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, Vol. 33, No. 8, November 2009, 634–641
`A comparison of photoplethysmography and ECG recording to
`analyse heart rate variability in healthy subjects
`G. LU{{, F. YANGx, J. A. TAYLOR{ and J. F. STEIN*{
`{Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford, OX1 3PT, UK
`{Department of Biomedical Engineering, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, 710032, PR China
`xDepartment of Experimental Teaching Centre, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an, 710032,
`PR China
`Measures of heart rate variability (HRV) are widely used to assess autonomic nervous system
`(ANS) function. The signal from which they are derived requires accurate determination of
`the interval between successive heartbeats; it can be recorded via electrocardiography (ECG),
`which is both non-invasive and widely available. However, methodological problems
`inherent in the recording and analysis of ECG traces have motivated a search for alternatives.
`Photoplethysmography (PPG) constitutes another means of determining the timing of
`cardiac cycles via continuous monitoring of changes in blood volume in a portion of the
`peripheral microvasculature. This technique measures pulse waveforms, which in some
`instances may prove a practical basis for HRV analysis. We investigated the feasibility of
`using earlobe PPG to analyse HRV by applying the same analytic process to PPG and ECG
`recordings made simultaneously. Comparison of 5-minute recordings demonstrated a very
`high degree of correlation in the temporal and frequency domains and in nonlinear dynamic
`analyses between HRV measures derived from PPG and ECG. Our results confirm that PPG
`provides accurate interpulse intervals from which HRV measures can be accurately derived in
`healthy subjects under ideal conditions, suggesting this technique may prove a practical
`alternative to ECG for HRV analysis. This finding is of particular relevance to the care of
`patients suffering from peripheral hyperkinesia or tremor, which make fingertip PPG
`recording impractical, and following clinical interventions known to introduce electrical
`artefacts into the electrocardiogram.
`Keywords: Autonomic nervous system; Electrocardiography; Heart rate variability;
`1. Introduction
`powerful tool used to evaluate the regulation of cardiac
`activity by the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Since its
`inception HRV has been proven to index foetal distress [1],
`reveal diabetic neuropathy
`and uncover ANS
`*Corresponding author. Email:
`All authors contributed equally to this work.
`pathology [3]. Importantly, HRV has also been shown
`to predict the mode of death in chronic heart failure
`raising the prospect
`that HRV may prove a
`valuable guide to clinical
`intervention in cardiovascular
`disease [5].
`Whilst HRV analysis has previously been restricted
`to research applications,
`the increasing availability of
`Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology
`ISSN 0309-1902 print/ISSN 1464-522X online ª 2009 Informa UK Ltd.
`DOI: 10.3109/03091900903150998


`Photoplethysmography and ECG for analysis of heart rate variability
`significant amounts of computational power is making
`the widespread clinical use of HRV analysis feasible. It
`is therefore opportune to consider the possibility of
`improving methods for acquisition of the physiological
`signal from which HRV measures are derived.
`HRV measures are established by analysis of the temporal
`relationship between successive heartbeats. Conventionally this
`signal is determined by electrocardiography (ECG); each R-
`wave in the electrocardiogram is caused by depolarization of
`the main mass of the ventricular myocardium. However in
`theory any discrete event in the cardiac cycle may be repeatedly
`measured to produce a record of successive heartbeats.
`Cyclical oscillations in blood flow, which drive volumetric
`and oxygenation changes in the peripheral microvasculature,
`are directly driven by left ventricular contractions. Photo-
`plethysmography (PPG) is an optical technique capable of
`recording these changes in the microvasculature of peripheral
`tissues [6–9]. Modern PPG uses a single optical sensor, with
`a near-infrared emitter and detector integrated into a
`probe, which can be readily placed on the forefinger or
`earlobe. The probe is mechanically robust, reusable and
`comfortable to wear.
`In contrast
`to PPG, ECG recording uses Ag/AgCl
`electrodes attached to specific anatomical positions. Clin-
`ical ECG recording commonly uses 12 leads for determina-
`tion of the complex temporal dynamics of each cardiac
`cycle. However, for the purpose of HRV analysis only three
`electrodes are necessary to detect successive R waves, in
`accordance with Einthoven [10].
`ECG recordings are, however, often imperfect. Common
`sources of noise are those generated by physiological
`processes, including electromyograph contamination, signal
`interference and respiration induced baseline drift, as well as
`those generated by non-physiological influences such as
`power line interference and electrode contact movement. In
`addition, morphological variations in the ECG waveform
`and the high degree of heterogeneity in the QRS complex
`often make it difficult to identify R waves, which may
`preclude the accurate determination of R-R intervals (RRI).
`Here we ask whether PPG may provide a more reliable
`means of deriving heart rate records than ECG.
`Early applications of PPG in the investigation of ANS
`function involved identification of known cardiovascular
`functional correlates of autonomic pathology [11,12]. The first
`investigations to establish the high degree of correlation
`between PPG and ECG measures of interbeat intervals did not
`examine their applicability to HRV analysis [13, 14]; they did
`however raise the prospect of that PPG might provide an
`effective substitute for ECG in such analyses.
`Bolanos et al. [15] carried out a small pilot study in healthy
`participants (n¼ 2) to evaluate the equivalence of PPG and
`ECG in analysing HRV. Whilst this investigation suggested
`that PPG may be as useful as ECG, it remained to be
`determined whether this could be replicated in a larger sample.
`Subsequently, Selvaraj and colleagues [16] investigated the
`same question in a slightly larger sample (n¼ 10) of healthy
`participants and confirmed the findings of Balanos et al.
`Balanos et al. [15] do not report the site of their PPG
`recording; Selvaraj and colleagues [16] recorded from the
`fingertip. However PPG recordings made at this site are known
`to be highly vulnerable to motion artefact [17–20]; whilst the
`heart rate signal can often be recovered by band-pass fil-
`tering, blood oxygen saturation is frequently lost. As both
`measures are sought from a multifunctional PPG probe to
`be used in clinical evaluation, artefact must be minimized.
`Free movement ordinarily entails significantly more motion
`of the hands than of the head, making the earlobe a more
`suitable site for PPG recording than the fingertip. Also
`earlobe recording is desirable in movement disorders such
`as Parkinson’s disease because hyperkinesia and tremor is
`in the fingers [21]. Likewise psychologists are
`becoming increasingly interested in the applicability of
`HRV measures to understand neural responses to cognitive
`stimuli. In most of these paradigms finger presses are used
`to respond, and these interfere with PPG recording.
`Bolanos et al. [15] used a sampling rate of 196 Hz, whilst
`Selvaraj et al. [16] used 1 kHz. Since one of the identified
`potential benefits of PPG is the possibility of using this method
`for ambulatory or home based recordings we also sought to
`ascertain whether a lower PPG sampling rate, which would
`demand more modest data storage capacity, could match the
`measures of HRV derived from the 200 Hz ECG sampling
`frequency deemed sufficient for HRV analysis [22].
`Thus we sought to confirm and expand on previous reports
`that PPG may provide a valuable alternative to ECG in the
`assessment of HRV, and asked whether the same signal
`analysis techniques can be successfully applied to both
`earlobe PPG and 3-lead ECG signals in healthy subjects.
`Here we show under controlled research conditions that
`ECG and PPG derived measures of ANS function are
`similar; we compared completely overlapping 5-minute PPG
`and ECG recordings to compute HRV in both time and
`frequency domains and using nonlinear dynamic indices.
`2. Methods
`2.1. Signal recording
`A total of 42 subjects gave informed consent to participate
`in this study (34 males, 21.1 + 3.4; eight females, 20.8 +
`2.3). A structured interview determined that all participants
`were in good health and none reported symptoms of
`autonomic or cardiovascular disorder.
`For ECG recording, disposable Ag/AgCl resting ECG
`electrodes (Red DotTM -2330; 3M Company, Minnesota,
`USA) were attached to the right wrist (‘Ground’), right
`forearm (‘Negative’) and left forearm (‘Positive’) to enable
`recording of the Lead I trace. Wires from the electrodes were
`attached to an ECG sensor (PS-2111; Feedback Instruments,
`East Sussex, UK).


`G. Lu et al.
`where x represents the RR intervals, y represents the PP
`intervals; N is the number of intervals, and mx and my
`represent the mean of the RRIs and PPIs. A value of close
`to 1 indicates a high direct correlation, whereas values close
`to –1 indicate an inverse relation, with values close to 0
`indicating little or no relation.
`For recording the PPG signal, a transmission ear-clip
`pulse sensor (PS-2105; Feedback Instruments) was attached
`to the left earlobe. The pulse and ECG sensors were both
`connected to a single USB link (PS-2001; Feedback
`Instruments), which was in turn directly connected to a
`desktop computer. In order to minimize motion artefact in
`the PPG signal the wire connecting the PPG probe and
`USB link was attached to each participant’s neck using
`surgical tape (MicroporeTM - 1530-0, 3M Company).
`ECG and PPG signals were sampled at a frequency of
`200 and 100 Hz respectively. Both ECG and PPG signals
`were simultaneously recorded for 7 minutes using the Data-
`Studio software package (1.9.7r8; Feedback Instruments).
`Subjects remained semi-recumbent throughout the record-
`ing period and were instructed to minimize their movement.
`2.2. Extraction of HRV and PPV signals
`An experienced researcher (GL) selected completely over-
`lapping 5-minute ECG and PPG segments with minimal
`artefact. Raw ECG and PPG signals were preprocessed
`using a FIR low-pass filter with cut-off frequency of 40 Hz
`and a notch filter to reduce high frequency and power line
`interference. HRV analyses were performed with purpose-
`written algorithms, using the MATLAB software package
`(MATLAB version 6.5; The MathWorks, Inc., Natic,
`Massachusetts, USA).
`For the ECG recordings, the extraction method incorpo-
`rated a peak detection algorithm that found the time of occur-
`rence of each QRS complex in the filtered ECG signal [23], and
`then the durations between successive peak locations were
`calculated to produce a time series of R–R intervals (RRIs).
`For the PPG recordings, a neighbouring peak searching
`method was used to derive the peak events from the
`amplitude of the filtered PPG signals [24] and then the
`intervals between the successive detected peaks (PPIs) were
`calculated. All of the RRI and PPI time series underwent
`an initial automated editing process before a careful
`manual editing was performed by visual inspection.
`2.3. Measuring the similarity between RRIs and PPIs
`To demonstrate the similarity of the HRV waveforms, two
`parameters were directly computed from the RRI and PPI
`signals, namely their cross correlation coefficient and the
`mean squared error between them.
`2.3.1. The cross-correlation coefficient. The cross-correla-
`tion coefficient was calculated using equation (1).
`¼1 ðxi mxÞðyi myÞ
`r ¼
`¼1 ðxi mxÞ2
`¼1 ðyi myÞ2
` P
`¼1 xiyi ð
`¼1 xiÞð
`¼1 yiÞ=N
`i ð
`¼1 xiÞ2=N
`i ð
`¼1 yiÞ2=N
`¼1 y2
`¼1 x2
`N i
`N i
`N i
`N i
`N i
`N i
`N i
`N i
`N i
`N i

`2.3.2. The mean squared error.The mean squared error
`(MSE) was defined as:
`MSE ¼
`ðxi yiÞ2
`where x represents the R-R intervals, y represents the
`PP intervals; N is the number of intervals. A value of MSE
`close to 0 indicates the two waveforms were very similar.
`2.4. Measuring parameters in HRV and PPV recordings
`2.4.1. Time domain parameters. Four parameters were
`calculated from the time domain HRV and PPV recordings:
`the mean interpulse interval (mean NN), the standard
`deviation of the interpulse intervals (SDNN), the square
`root of the mean squared differences of successive inter-
`pulse intervals (RMSSD), and the proportion of differences
`of successive interpulse interval exceeding 50 ms, known as
`pNN50; this was derived by dividing n RR 450 by the
`total number of interpulse intervals [25].
`2.4.2. Frequency domain parameters. The RRI and PPI
`sequences were cubic interpolated and resampled at 4 Hz.
`Then low frequency (LF) power (0.04–0.15 Hz), high
`frequency (HF) power (0.15–0.4 Hz) and the ratio of LF
`to HF power were calculated in accordance with previously
`published standards for the spectral analysis of HRV [25],
`yielding three frequency domain measures. Power fre-
`quency (Hz) was converted to ms2 using the fast Fourier
`transform (FFT) employing 1024 points using in-house
`2.4.3. Poincare´ parameters. The Poincare´ plot is one of the
`most widely used techniques for nonlinear HRV analysis. It
`is a plot of each RR interval against the previous one.
`From a Poincare´ plot, two nonlinear parameters SD1 and
`SD2 can be calculated [26]:
`Varðxnþ1 xxÞ
`2SDNN2 1
`1 2
`SD1 ¼
`SD2 ¼
`where x represents the PPI or RRI sequences, symbol Var
`is the variance of the differences in successive RRI or PPI,
`SDNN is the standard deviation of the RRIs or PPIs. SD1


`Photoplethysmography and ECG for analysis of heart rate variability
`represents short term beat-to-beat variability of the data,
`and SD2 is long term beat-to-beat variability.
`2.5. Statistical analysis
`To assess how similar HRV parameters derived from PPV
`compared with those derived from the ECG,
`regression analysis was performed. Before analysis, raw
`values of all variables were examined for deviations from
`normality by the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test. Statistical
`analysis was performed in SPSS@ (v13, SPSS Inc., Chicago,
`IL, USA) and graphs were plotted using Origin@ (v7.5776,
`Northampton, MA, USA).The level of significance was set
`at p 50.05 (two-tailed).
`Figure 1. Comparison of the HRV and PPV signals derived from ECG and PPG in a single representative subject: (a) RRIs
`derived from 5-minute ECG recording, (b) PPIs derived from 5-minute simultaneous PPG recording, (c) squared difference
`between RRIs and PPIs.
`Figure 2. HRV and PPV Poincare´ plots for a single representative subject: (a) Poincare´ plot of HRV derived from ECG,
`(b) Poincare´ plot of PPV derived from PPG. SD1 and SD2 index the short and long term HRV or PPV respectively.


`3. Results
`G. Lu et al.
`Figures 1(a) and 1(b) show 300-s segments of HRV and
`PPG signals from a single representative subject. The top
`two panels show that they are nearly identical with an
`overall correlation coefficient of 0.98 (p 50.05). Figure 1(c)
`shows the squared difference between HRV and PPV
`signals; this was tiny (mean squared difference ¼ 0.000069).
`Figure 3. Comparison of RRI and PPI sequence: (a) box plot of range of correlation coefficients in different subjects,
`(b) mean squared error.
`Figure 4. Time domain linear regression analysis RRI versus PPI: (a) average of RRIs or PPIs, (b) SDNN of RRIs or PPIs,
`(c) RMSSDD of RRIs or PPIs, (d) pRR50 of RRIs or PPIs.


`Photoplethysmography and ECG for analysis of heart rate variability
`Figure 5. Linear regression of parameters in frequency domain derived from HRV and PPV: (a) logarithm of the LF power,
`(b) logarithm of the HF power, (c) ratio of the LF to HF.
`Figure 6. Linear regression of SD1 and SD2 from Poincare´ plot derived from RRI and PPI: (a) SD1, (b) SD2.
`Figure 2 shows HRV and PPV Poincare´ plots derived from
`ECG and PPG. SD1 and SD2 index the short and long
`term HRV or PPV respectively.
`Figure 3 compares RRI and PPI results across subjects.
`Panel (a) shows strong correlations in the majority of
`subjects. The minimum value was 0.14, but the median was
`lower quartile 0.64, upper quartile 0.98 and the
`maximum value was 0.99. Panel (b) shows similar data for
`the rms differences. The minimum value was 0.000023, the
`median was 0.00029, lower quartile was 0.00009, upper
`quartile was 0.0024 and the maximum value was 0.035.
`Linear regression analyses of parameters derived from
`HRV and PPV in the time and frequency domains and the
`Poincare´ plot are shown figures 4–6. Figure 4(a) through


`G. Lu et al.
`(d) show significant correlation in mean NN, SDNN,
`RMSSD and pNN50 (r¼ 0.99, p 5 0.0001, n ¼ 42; r ¼ 0.99,
`p 5 0.0001,n ¼ 42; r ¼ 0.97, p 5 0.0001, n ¼ 42; r ¼ 0.95,
`p 5 0.0001, n ¼ 42). Figure 5 (a) to (c) show significant
`correlation in LF power, HF power and LF/HF ratio
`(r ¼ 0.99, p 5 0.0001; r ¼ 0.98, p 5 0.0001; n ¼ 42; r ¼ 0.97,
`p 5 0.0001). Figure 6 (a) and (b) show that significant
`correlation in SD1 and SD2 (r¼ 0.95, p 5 0.0001; n ¼ 42;
`r ¼ 0.99, p 5 0.0001, n ¼ 42).
`4. Discussion and conclusions
`Recent reports suggest that HRV measurement may prove
`an effective means of detecting early cardiovascular disease
`[27–29] as well as predicting the mode of death in chronic
`heart failure [4]. Consequently, HRV is attracting increas-
`ing interest
`from clinicians as a potentially valuable
`indicator for choosing prophylactic cardiovascular inter-
`researchers have argued that PPG
`A number of
`recording may prove more convenient than ECG for the
`measurement of HRV in clinical environments and for
`ambulatory recording [15, 16]. But many additional
`physiological parameters,
`including blood oxygenation
`and ventilatory rate, can be simultaneously derived from
`a single PPG recording. This raises the prospect that PPG
`recording could provide more clinically valuable informa-
`tion; this could be recorded by patients in their own home
`and transferred to medical professionals for offsite analysis
`and evaluation. Our results support this proposition by
`demonstrating that HRV analysis of signals derived from
`3-lead ECG and earlobe PPG recordings are almost
`identical; the pulse sensor is therefore a reliable means of
`recording a signal from which HRV measures can be
`derived, at least in healthy subjects at rest.
`ECG recording is often beset with electrical artefacts,
`such as those arising from deep brain or spinal cord
`stimulators [30–34]. In these situations PPG could prove
`superior for HRV analyses. In addition, signals derived
`from currently available PPG probes are susceptible to
`significant motion artefacts that are difficult to eliminate,
`and limit
`their current use in ambulatory recording.
`Integration of accelerometers into the PPG sensor enclo-
`sure could provide a means of quantifying the displacement
`of the sensor during recording [35]. Then signal analysis
`techniques could be used to reduce motion artefacts in the
`PPG signal, which might enable PPG to be effectively used
`for long-term recording in mobile patients.
`Oscillations in blood volume in the periphery are phase
`delayed in relation to the ECG [36]. In any given vascular
`bed this delay will depend on the elasticity of the vessels
`through which the blood passes from the heart, which in
`turn depends on their variable tone. These factors limit the
`capacity of PPG to accurately record the temporal
`dynamics of small numbers of cardiac cycles. However
`since pulse transit time shows minimal variation in healthy
`subjects at rest [37–39] and HRV analysis is dependent on
`recordings spanning many cardiac cycles, measures of HRV
`derived from PPG ought not to be significantly influenced
`by the degree of phase misalignment between the activity of
`the heart and the PPG signal when dynamic variation in
`vascular tone is minimal. This was supported by our data,
`where deviation from identity was seen to similar extents in
`Poincare´ plots of both RRI and PPI (figure 2). Therefore
`observed SD1 and SD2 indices exceeding zero are likely to
`reflect underlying variability in cardiac cycle durations
`rather than the influence of dynamic vascular tone on pulse
`transit time . It remains to be determined whether the close
`correlation between HRV measures derived from ECG and
`PPG will be robust in the face of variable conditions such
`as those encountered during ambulatory recordings.
`The potential advantages of PPG over ECG to derive
`HRV warrant further investigation in both ambulatory
`patients and those whose treatment is likely to generate
`electrical artefacts in their electrocardiogram.
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