`Case 2:20-cv-00274-JRG Document 101-1 Filed 08/19/21 Page 1 of 7 PageID #: 2040
`GOOG-1041 / IPR2021-00956
`GOOGLE LLC v. RFCYBER CORP. / Page 1 of 7


`Exhibit A-1
`reference to the ‘218 Patent.
`1 As the ‘218, ‘855, and ‘787 Patent share a common specification, Plaintiff cites to the shared specification of all three patents by
`15:39-17:11, 20:59-21:47,
`9:30-10:40, 10:41-14:31,
`2A-F, 3A-C, 6:33-7:12,
`'009 Patent at FIGS. 1A-E,
`4:35-56, 5:50-7:9.
`3A-C, 1:60-2:9, 3:46-4:22,
`218 Patent at FIGS. 1A-B, 2,
`15:39-17:11, 20:59-21:47,
`9:30-10:40, 10:41-14:31,
`2A-F, 3A-C, 6:33-7:12,
`'009 Patent at FIGS. 1A-E,
`4:35-56, 5:50-7:9.
`3A-C, 1:60-2:9, 3:46-4:22,
`218 Patent at FIGS. 1A-B, 2,
`RFCyber Intrinsic
`Plain and ordinary
`'855: All
`'009: All
`'787: All
`218: All
`security channel
`Extrinsic Evidence
`RFCyber Add’l.
`RFCyber Proposed
`Plain and ordinary
`'009: All
`2181: All
`Claim Nos.
`secured channel
`Claim term
`Case 2:20-cv-00274-JRG Document 101-1 Filed 08/19/21 Page 2 of 7 PageID #: 2041
`GOOG-1041 / IPR2021-00956
`GOOGLE LLC v. RFCYBER CORP. / Page 2 of 7


`Exhibit A-2
`not agree that such reservation is proper under the rules, and reserves all rights to contest any such arguments.
`2 Google has indicated that it “reserves the right” to purse indefiniteness arguments regarding this term at a later stage. RFCyber does
`14:32-59, 15:18-33, 16:18-
`6A-B, 7, 7:2-12, 12:58-13:6,
`2A-F, 3A-B, 4A-C, 5A-5C,
`'009 Patent at FIGS. 1A, 1E,
`41, 4:57-66, 5:60-6:10.
`218 Patent at FIG. 2, 2:25-
`7, 12:47-14:68, 17:23-48.
`3A-B, 4A-C, 5A-5C, 6A-B,
`'046 Patent at 1A-B, 2A-F,
`4A-C, 4:35-5:29, 5:50-7:44.
`218 Patent at FIGS. 2, 3A-C,
`4:35-56, 5:50-7:9.
`3A-C, 1:60-2:9, 3:46-4:22,
`218 Patent at FIGS. 1A-B, 2,
`RFCyber Intrinsic
`Defendant's proposed
`to rebut and respond to
`claim constructions, or
`support of its proposed
`Mark T. Jones in
`or testimony of Dr.
`the expert declaration
`Plaintiff may rely on
`Extrinsic Evidence
`RFCyber Add’l.
`Plain and ordinary
`Plain and ordinary
`All claims
`'787: All
`'855: All
`218: All
`wired network2
`payment server over a
`smart card and the
`the e-purse applet in the
`communication between
`contactless interface that
`4 Applet
`RFCyber Proposed
`'787: 6-7, 16-
`'855: 1, 9
`Plain and ordinary
`218: 1, 11
`Claim Nos.
`initial security channel”
`channel on top of the
`[creating] “a security
`Claim term
`Case 2:20-cv-00274-JRG Document 101-1 Filed 08/19/21 Page 3 of 7 PageID #: 2042
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`5:4, 5:60-6:54, 8:13-25.
`3A-C, 4A-C, 2:9-41, 4:47-
`218 Patent at FIGS. 1A-B, 2,
`16:29, 20:13-21:15.
`7, 2:22-3:33, 8:25-53, 13:41-
`3A-B, 4A-C, 5A-5C, 6A-B,
`'046 Patent at 1A-B, 2A-F,
`11:41-13:6, 15:50-17:2,
`3:32-4:18, 10:41-1:26,
`6A-B, 7, 1:45-67, 2:41-52,
`2A-F, 3A-B, 4A-C, 5A-5C,
`'009 Patent at FIGS.1A-B,
`20:6, 21:48-22:18, 23:33-59.
`10:3-40, 14:37-18:6, 19:29-
`C, 4A-C, 2:41-63, 6:40-54,
`Patent at FIGS. 1A-B, 2, 3A-
`'009 Patent at FIGS. '218
`6:10, 7:10-8:12.
`3:46-4:46, 4:57-5:4, 5:30-
`3A-C, 4A-C, 1:50-2:46,
`218 Patent at FIGS. 1A-B, 2,
`RFCyber Intrinsic
`21 Response to Office
`'218 File History, 2010-12-
`Extrinsic Evidence
`RFCyber Add’l.
`Exhibit A-3
`Plain and ordinary
`'009: All
`12, 16
`'787: 2, 6-7,
`'855: All
`218: All
`install / installed
`RFCyber Proposed
`Plain and ordinary
`e-purse / electronic purse 218: All
`Claim Nos.
`Claim term
`'046: All
`'009: 3-5
`'787: All
`'855: All
`Case 2:20-cv-00274-JRG Document 101-1 Filed 08/19/21 Page 4 of 7 PageID #: 2043
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`GOOGLE LLC v. RFCYBER CORP. / Page 4 of 7


`Exhibit A-4
`not agree that such reservation is proper under the rules, and reserves all rights to contest any such arguments.
`3 Google has indicated that it “reserves the right” to purse indefiniteness arguments regarding this term at a later stage. RFCyber does
`4:35-56, 5:50-7:9.
`3A-C, 1:60-2:9, 3:46-4:22,
`218 Patent at FIGS. 1A-B, 2,
`41, 4:8-5:29, 6:26-54.
`3A-C, 4A-C, 1:13-22, 2:10-
`218 Patent at FIGS. 1A-B, 2,
`5:4, 5:60-7:9.
`3A-C, 4A-C, 2:9-41, 4:47-
`218 Patent at FIGS. 1A-B, 2,
`15:39-17:11, 20:59-21:47,
`9:30-10:40, 10:41-14:31,
`2A-F, 3A-C, 6:33-7:12,
`'009 Patent at FIGS. 1A-E,
`4:35-56, 5:50-7:9.
`3A-C, 1:60-2:9, 3:46-4:22,
`218 Patent at FIGS. 1A-B, 2,
`4:22, 4:35-56, 5:50-7:9,
`3A-C, 4A-C, 1:60-2:9, 3:46-
`218 Patent at FIGS. 1A-B, 2,
`RFCyber Intrinsic
`Extrinsic Evidence
`RFCyber Add’l.
`Plain and ordinary
`218: 3, 14
`plain and ordinary
`plain and ordinary
`218: All
`'855: 2, 5, 6,
`218: All
`plain and ordinary
`RFCyber Proposed
`plain and ordinary
`'009: 6-12, 17
`'787: All
`'855: All
`218: All
`'787: All
`'855: 7-8
`218: All
`Claim Nos.
`issue the e-purse3
`(SAM) originally used to
`authentication module
`/ existing security
`used to issue the e-purse
`12 e-purse SAM originally
`11 smart card
`10 pre-loaded with [an/the]
`personalizing /
`personalized /
`personalize /
`payment server
`Claim term
`Case 2:20-cv-00274-JRG Document 101-1 Filed 08/19/21 Page 5 of 7 PageID #: 2044
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`6A-B, 7, 6:6-57, 7:19-8:2
`2A-F, 3A-B, 4A-C, 5A-5C,
`046 Patent at FIGS. 1A-B,
`Action at p. 8-9.
`3, 2015 Response to Office
`'009 File History, September
`61, 11:50-12:12, 14:37-17:2.
`6A-B, 7, 6:26-7:25, 10:41-
`2A-F, 3A-B, 4A-C, 5A-5C,
`009 Patent at FIGS. 1A-E,
`17:2, 19:29-20:6.
`11:15, 12:22-13:21, 15:39-
`7:31, 8:27-10:17, 10:62-
`6A-B, 7, 2:53-4:17, 6:55-
`2A-F, 3A-B, 4A-C, 5A-5C,
`009 Patent at FIGS. 1A-E,
`9:16, 12:22-49, 13:10-21.
`6A-B, 7, 2:64-4:17, 8:27-
`2A-F, 3A-B, 4A-C, 5A-5C,
`009 Patent at FIGS. 1A-E,
`4:35-56, 5:50-7:9.
`3A-C, 1:60-2:41, 3:46-4:22,
`218 Patent at FIGS. 1A-B, 2,
`41, 4:8-5:29, 6:26-54.
`3A-C, 4A-C, 1:13-22, 2:10-
`218 Patent at FIGS. 1A-B, 2,
`RFCyber Intrinsic
`Extrinsic Evidence
`RFCyber Add’l.
`Exhibit A-5
`Plain and ordinary
`046: All
`mobile device
`receiving an entry by the
`Plain and ordinary
`009: All
`17 secure element
`Plain and ordinary
`009: All
`16 key set installed on the
`secure element
`Plain and ordinary
`Plain and ordinary
`RFCyber Proposed
`Plain and ordinary
`009: All
`'787: 6-7, 16-
`'855: All
`218: All
`787: All
`Claim Nos.
`15 device information of [a /
`the] secure element
`14 security authentication
`authentication module
`module / security
`13 smart card module
`Claim term
`Case 2:20-cv-00274-JRG Document 101-1 Filed 08/19/21 Page 6 of 7 PageID #: 2045
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`6A-B, 7, 8:3-30, 21:15-22:2.
`2A-F, 3A-B, 4A-C, 5A-5C,
`046 Patent at FIGS. 1A-B,
`7:46-8:54, 19:23-21:15.
`6A-B, 7, 1:54-67, 6:6-14,
`2A-F, 3A-B, 4A-C, 5A-5C,
`046 Patent at FIGS. 1A-B,
`7:54-8:24, 15:32-16:23.
`6A-B, 7, 3:8-35, 5:46-6:5,
`2A-F, 3A-B, 4A-C, 5A-5C,
`046 Patent at FIGS. 1A-B,
`RFCyber Intrinsic
`Exhibit A-6
`Extrinsic Evidence
`RFCyber Add’l.
`ordinary meaning
`otherwise Plain and
`satisfy a request,"
`construed as "refusal to
`"denial" should be
`Plain and ordinary
`046: All
`046: All
`RFCyber Proposed
`Plain and ordinary
`046: All
`Claim Nos.
`21 displaying a denial of the
`the total amount
`the balance is less than
`payment request when
`device to the payment
`request from the mobile
`20 settlement information
`19 sending the payment
`Claim term
`Case 2:20-cv-00274-JRG Document 101-1 Filed 08/19/21 Page 7 of 7 PageID #: 2046
`GOOG-1041 / IPR2021-00956
`GOOGLE LLC v. RFCYBER CORP. / Page 7 of 7

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