PKI Note: Smart Cards
`For many years, particularly in the United States, smart cards were consid-
`ered a technology solution in search of a business problem. Recent
`trends, events and innovations with regard to smart cards and their use
`with digital certificates suggest that this is no longer the case. Smart cards
`are a “something you have” authentication factor, which can secure and
`enhance PKI technology and at the same time PKI technology can enhance
`the use of smart cards. Smart Card technology takes advantage of a ubiq-
`uitous form factor and the security of Integrated Circuit Chip technology
`to provide a degree of strong authentication. This PKI Note provides an
`overview of authentication tokens, discusses smart card technology, and
`presents the benefits of smart card technology.
`The ability to verify and validate that an individual is actually the person with whom
`one is intending to communicate or conduct a transaction is called authentication.
`There are only three ways to authenticate an individual: knowledge factor (something
`a person knows), possession factor (something a person has), or a biometric factor
`(something a person is). These factors can operate in any combination for increased
`security and provide “multifactor authentication” – refer to PKI Note Biometrics
`for a general discussion on authentication factors.
`Possession factors are something an individual “has,” such as a door key, an employee
`badge, or even a cryptographic key. Physical tokens offer a wide variety of
`authentication techniques, ranging from simple tokens (e.g., door key), to data readable
`tokens (e.g., magnetic stripe cards), to tokens with processing capabilities (e.g., smart
`cards) including cryptography. In general, the custody of a physical token provides
`assurance that the holder is the authorized individual. This custody is typically
`evidenced by data that can be validated to have originated from a particular token.
`The validation process has a higher level of assurance when cryptography, such as a
`digital signature, is used to provide integrity and authenticity of the token data.
`The decision in the virtual world as to how authentication should be performed is
`quite similar to the way in which we understand it in the more commonplace physical
`world. As an example, most people have had to decide whether to lock their possessions
`through the use of a key lock versus a combination lock. In terms of authentication,
`the key lock is the possession factor whereas the combination lock correlates to the
`knowledge factor. The similarities, however, do not end there, as consideration of
`some of the difficulties includes: contingency (what if the key is lost or the combination
`number forgotten?), convenience (is it easier to simply remember a number or to
`have to carry a key?), effective security (safe crackers have their favorites!), and cost
`(the least analogous to the virtual world, because this is a primary consideration as
`possession significantly increases costs).
`April 2002
`PKI Note: Smart Cards is a
`the PKI
`Forum’s Business Working
`Group (BWG). Several member
`organizations and individuals
`have contributed by providing
`content, editorial assistance and
`editorial reviews.
`Eric Longo
`Jeff Stapleton
`Table of Contents
`Smart Cards and PKI
`Token Technologies
`Smart Cards
`Smart Card Industry
`Smart Card Technology
`Industry Interoperability
`Dual Interface Card
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`Smart Cards and PKI
`There are numerous benefits to implementing PKI enabled smart cards as an identity manage-
`ment architecture. Non-repudiation, which can be achieved by using digital signatures, is a
`combination of integrity and authentication that can be proven to a third party. The relative
`strength of digital signatures, notwithstanding the strength of the underlying asymmetric cryp-
`tography, relies on the access control procedures established and enforced over the private key.
`Smart cards provide an easy-to-use, familiar, portable form factor to securely store
`an individual’s private signature key. Security related to removable media protect-
`ing the location of the private key is increased. A significant benefit from this is the
`ability for an individual to utilize his/her smart card at various terminal locations
`(e.g., login to numerous PCs at various locations).
`Security related to removable media protecting the location of the private key is
`increased, as it is exceedingly difficult to borrow or steal something that isn’t there.
`Smart cards provide a tamper resistant security module in which to generate asym-
`metric key pairs, securely store private signature keys, and generate digital signa-
`tures. Security related to physical access controls over the private key is increased.
`Smart cards can provide local authentication (e.g., PIN, biometric) of the individual
`to the card to activate the integrated circuit chip. Security related to logical access
`controls over the private key is increased.
`Smart cards provide multi-application capability coupled with a multi-function
`form factor that is virtually ubiquitous. Hence, digital signatures can be readily
`enabled for a multitude of applications that support smart cards.
`Critics argue that smart cards are confounded by the same problems as PKI, such as
`interoperability, scalability, lack of widespread acceptance and support and, most impor-
`tantly, no realistic business case. A compelling argument can be made for each of these
`positions as well as the merits (or demerits in this case) for using smart cards within a PKI
`environment, but the most compelling counterargument is the fact that PKI enabled smart
`cards currently offer the best combination of flexibility, security, and cost among token
`technologies, and smart cards will continue to offer more functionality at decreasing costs.
`To quote a recent Washington Post report, “smart cards have finally arrived in the U.S.”
`Token Technologies
`There are a number of considerations when making the decision on a particular authentica-
`tion token technology. The decision should be based primarily on security requirements as
`well as financial considerations. The diagram1 below illustrates various authentication
`token and hardware encryption technologies and their respective positions of cost rela-
`tive to security.
`Hardware Security
`Module (HSM)
`PC Card
`Smart Card
`Universal Serial Bus
`(USB) Token
` Hybrid
`C O S T C O S T
`Figure 1 - Authentication Tokens
`PKI enabled smart cards currently
`offer the best combination of
`flexibility, security, and cost among
`token technologies, and smart
`cards will continue to offer more
`functionality at decreasing costs.
`To quote a recent Washington Post
`report, “smart cards have finally
`arrived in the U.S.”
`PKI Forum: Smart Cards: April 2002
`1 In November 1999, the Department of Defense commissioned a study examining and comparing the various
`authentication token technologies. The basic categorization of the diagram is taken from this study.
`entitled Authentication Carrier Report to Congress with the addition of the HSM and Hybrid modules.
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`Token Technologies continued
`Hardware Security Modules and PC Cards have the highest security, but also entail the
`highest costs. Their major disadvantage is their bulky form factors, which tend to make them
`unsuitable for personal use. Even PC Cards are not wallet size.
` USB Tokens have moderate costs and their major advantage is their ubiquity, as most
`desktops and laptops now have USB ports. Their major disadvantages are the physical
`wear on the plug-in interface, the fact that USB is only supported by the Microsoft
`operating systems and the inability to include multifunction capability (i.e., photo, mag-
`netic stripe, bar code, etc.).
`Smart cards are the only token
`technology that provides multi-
`application capability coupled with
`a multi-function form factor that is
`virtually ubiquitous.
`Smart cards are the only token technology that provides multi-application capability coupled
`with a multi-function form factor that is virtually ubiquitous. The form factor benefits are
`difficult to argue against. No other token can function easily for both physical and logical
`access and at the same time fit into standard wallets. The ability to have magnetic stripe, bar
`code, contact and contactless chips and photo on one form factor is perhaps its greatest
`benefit. Also, smart cards are slightly more evolved technologically than USB tokens, so
`many vendors provide applications residing on the chip for various purposes (e.g., e-purse
`functionality, loyalty programs, cryptographic operations).
`Other form factors such as read-only magnetic stripe cards and software tokens have
`the lowest security, but typically with lower costs. Read-only tokens are often susceptible
`to replay attacks and must rely on application software; however software and software
`tokens are vulnerable to viruses and Trojan attacks, such as capturing keyboard strokes
`to determine passwords.
`In general, token technology satisfies requirements for portable authentication and is becom-
`ing increasingly prominent as the need to authenticate and identify the individual (not solely
`the PC) grows in the marketplace. However, a crypto-coprocessor will be necessary (and is
`becoming standard) to provide satisfactory response times when using smart cards with
`PKI. Furthermore, standards are necessary to facilitate and promote interoperability.
`Smart Cards
`This section discusses industry and technology trends, and issues regarding interoperability.
`Smart Card Industry
`Smart card technology is not nearly as “new” as many people might think. The technol-
`ogy has been in existence for almost 30 years (original patents were filed in France in the
`early 1970s). Europeans continue to use the cards regularly for a wide variety of applica-
`tions including stored value (pay phones, vending machines, parking, etc.) as well as
`health data storage and electronic purse applications. The global smart card market is
`difficult to assess in quantitative terms and is fraught with conflicting data. One report
`claims that the total smart card market consists of approximately 320 million units sold
`in Europe accounting for about 26% of the total worldwide microprocessor smart card
`market.2 At the same time the Gemplus annual report states that Gemplus alone sold
`more than 200 million units in 2000 alone, and, according to some sources, it is unlikely
`that Gemplus accounted for 63% of the total European market for smart cards in 2000.
`The results from a comprehensive survey of the smart card manufacturers on behalf of
`the Smart Card Alliance yielded a somewhat surprising reality check.3 In 2001 more than
`41 million smart cards were manufactured for use in the United States and Canada. This is
`more than twice the number reported for 1999. The vertical market category with the largest
`share was the Wireless/Telephony segment with 37% of the total. This is primarily due to the
`The global smart card market is
`difficult to assess in quantitative
`terms and is fraught with conflicting
`2 Please refer to the following URLs for additional information:
`scardstats.html#1 and
`3 The more recent KPMG study can be interpolated with the previous (1998) study by the Tower Group
`to demonstrate the shift in vertical market breakdown for smart card use in the United States (for
`more information please refer to:
`PKI Forum: Smart Cards: April 2002
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`The number of smart cards manu-
`factured for use in the rest of the
`world is more than twenty times
`the total for North America.
`Price competitiveness is the
`overriding driving factor for the
`card industry and will continue to
`commoditize the cards and
`Smart Cards continued
`smart card chip’s increased use within cellular phones. The astounding number that came out
`of this survey was the increased use for the government vertical market. The rate of
`growth within this segment was a purported 1,500% and it is likely that much of this increase
`is connected to the U.S. Government’s commitment to PKI. What this study demonstrates
`most clearly, however, is that there is tremendous room for growth. The health care vertical
`market accounted for less than 1% of the total, and the number of smart cards manufactured
`for use in the rest of the world is more than twenty times the total for North America.
`The value chain within the smart card industry is quite complex. Participants include
`semiconductor manufacturers, card manufacturers, reader and host device manufacturers,
`software and related services providers (including applications, card management system
`and key management), personalization providers and issuers. Examples of silicon providers
`include Infineon and Phillips. The primary smart card technology (e.g., common oper-
`ating system) platform providers are Microsoft (Smart Cards for Windows), Sun
`Microsystems (Java Card platform) and Mondex (Multos OS platform). The top five
`smart card manufacturers, with approximately 90% market share, are Gemplus, Schlumberger,
`Oberthur, G&D and Orga. In addition to the smart card manufacturers there are a large
`number of smaller peripheral smart card software and other related smart card services
`providers such as CardBASE, ActivCard, Datakey and Rainbow.
`Smart Card Technology
`A number of events and trends have occurred technologically in the last few years to
`propel smart cards from being perceived as a “bleeding edge” technology to more appro-
`priate monikers such as “cutting edge” or “disruptive” (and perhaps in Europe simply
`‘smart’). The following are some of the smart card industry and technology trends that
`are currently being evidenced in the marketplace:
`Memory requirements are increasing as applications mature; “Entry Level” today is at
`least 4K and commonly 16-32K Byte, “Entry Level” tomorrow will be at least 64K
`Bytes4 (Infineon Technologies state of the art chip, the SLE 88CX642S, is a 32-Bit RISC
`processor with 72K of EEPROM).
`Crypto processing will be more important, as will processing larger key-lengths
`(and factoring prime numbers for asymmetric algorithms). Until recently, it took
`a painfully long time to generate asymmetric keys on the card and while standard
`practices do not necessarily warrant this, the capability is there and certain govern-
`ment entities demand it.
`Shorter lead-times and delivery turn-around will be expected. One simply needs to ask
`the U.S. Department of Defense how long it took to place an order for and receive a large
`number of cards two years ago and then compare that process to today to discover
`that the manufacturers (and silicon providers) have come a long way.
`Full duplex, higher I/O speeds are now available and will soon be advanced through
`ISO and ANSI. The baud rate bottleneck (9600 as defined by ISO) is always being
`challenged and improved. USB interfaces dramatically improve data transfer rates.
`Dual interface as an alternative to combi-card is being offered (see “proximity”
`discussion below).
`Faster processor speeds and increased battery capabilities will be an important
`feature. Industry power requirements are already at “3 volts Vcc” and moving to
`even lower voltages.
`Price competitiveness is the overriding driving factor for the card industry and will
`continue to commoditize the cards and components. Customers demanding the “open”
`architecture card platforms for their infrastructures create a more level playing field
`and drive the components themselves to become more commoditized.
`Multiple application capability is becoming “preferred” in next generation card solu-
`tions, and highly complex “Crypto” applications for Inter/intra-net access control/
`payment are emerging.
`Java Cards are now achieving FIPS 140-1 level 3 certification.
`4 Smart cards are typically characterized by the amount of non-volatile program and data memory,
`which usually is in the form of Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM).
`PKI Forum: Smart Cards: April 2002
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`Smart Cards continued
`• New specifications including: PC/SC, Java 2.1, EMV, ETSI, GSM, Proton, Mondex,
`CEPS, IATA 791(B), etc. are becoming “standard” and threshold requirements (see
`“Industry Interoperability” discussion below).
`Increasing support for smart cards in Windows platforms, specifically Windows
`2000 and XP. Both from a reader and application standpoint, Microsoft has made
`it much easier for the installation, use and deployment of smart card technology.
`Smart card readers are becoming more commonly available as standard equipment on
`laptops (e.g., Acer) and PCs (e.g., Compaq’s built-in smart card reader keyboard).
`Industry Interoperability
`CEN (Comit Eurpen de Normalisation) and ISO 7816 Information Technology – Identifica-
`tion Cards – Integrated Circuit Cards with Contacts is a multipart international standard
`defining smart card specifications. This standard defines the physical and electrical character-
`istics as well as transmission protocols. It is not a perfect standard in that adherence to its
`requirements does not in and of itself produce interoperability. It does, however, enable
`interoperability and serves as a starting point for the manufacturers and smart card software
`companies. When combined with certain specifications, this standard actuates a sufficient
`degree of interoperability. The following table depicts some of the most commonly accepted
`specifications as they relate to both physical and logical authentication of smart cards to
`systems and a URL for obtaining more information about them:
`Standard or
`ISO 7810
`ISO 7816
`Primary Sponsoring
`Organization(s) or
`ISO 14443
`Sun Microsystems
`JavaCard 2.1
`Sun Microsystems
`Global Platform
`(formerly Open
`General Services
`Multiple application capability is
`becoming “preferred” in next
`generation card solutions, and
`highly complex “Crypto” applications
`for Inter/intra-net access control/
`payment are emerging.
`PKI enabled smart cards currently
`offer the best combination of
`flexibility, security, and cost among
`token technologies, and smart cards
`will continue to offer more function-
`ality at decreasing costs.
`Purpose and Informative URLs
`and links5
`Defining smart card standard. Creates standards
`for Integrated Circuit Cards and interindustry
`use of plastic cards.
`Defining RFID proximity smart card standard (2
`types with different modulation specs)
`Smart card reader architecture specification for
`Smart card reader / CAD (Card Access Device)
`Develops industry-wide chip card specifications
`to ensure interoperability of smart cards and card
`terminals for financial industry cards.
`Java-based smart card specification.
`API specifications (PKCS #11 and 15 apply to
`cryptographic smart card functions).
`Comprehensive smart card and terminal
`specifications for application loading and
`Figure 2 - Industry Interoperability
`5 These reference URLs are not intended to be representative of official sites but rather a collection of
`useful references that years of research have turned up.
`PKI Forum: Smart Cards: April 2002
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`Smart Cards continued
`In addition to the previously noted standards and specifications, a number of orga-
`nizations (e.g., NIST, Visa, etc.) have developed “Protection Profiles” for smart cards
`which have been adopted by the Common Criteria guidelines and certification.
`The major smart card manufacturers include Gemplus, Schlumberger, Oberthur,
`G&D, and Orga. These companies along with some other niche PKI smart card
`software providers such as ActivCard, Datakey, Litronic, OpenCARD, and now RSA
`provide the cards and/or the requisite software for implementing a smart card solu-
`Easy subsequent (dynamic) addition of applications/software is a direction that many
`large organizations (e.g., Visa, American Express, Department of Defense) are mi-
`grating toward. The consensus in the industry is that for this to happen effectively,
`Sun’s Java Card specification, including the technical requirements for developing
`and presenting dynamic loading of applets, should be utilized. The “buzz” in the
`smart card industry these days is that after many years of Sun Microsystems’ Java
`card platform competing aggressively with Microsoft, the platform of choice for
`Purpose and Informative URLs
`Standard or
`issuers is and will be Java based.
` and links5
`Dual Interface Cards
`Many organizations are beginning to issue and utilize smart cards internally in order
`to combine physical and logical (e.g., PKI) access controls with the multifunction
`form factor. Unfortunately, many companies have made the decision to issue smart
`cards within a corporate environment and failed to keep in mind the potential control
`related issues between the physical security personnel / management and the network
`access or information technology (IT) department personnel / management. For logical
`and physical access projects, someone should be appointed to oversee the two groups or,
`at the very least, obtain the support of the person who has oversight of both groups (if it’s
`a single individual) or the buy-in of both departments if they are separated organization-
`ally. If neither department relinquishes control then it is possible to use a combi (2 chip
`contact and contactless) card product maintaining separate databases and data flows.
`If they can work together, a dual interface card is probably the right solution. The
`difference is primarily related to the processing of “real estate” and memory alloca-
`tion on the chip.
`Regarding the use of a dual interface card, it is important to note that the popular (at
`least internationally) Mifare product and an ISO Type 14443A compliant product are
`not identical. Even though 14443A products are based on Mifare they are not up-
`ward compatible from the security system POV. 14443A has the card act like
`a microprocessor card contactlessly, versus Mifare, which is really a memory prod-
`uct. If an existing Mifare system is in place, then a combi card is probably more
`economical, versus having to upgrade the firmware at the physical reader locations
`to accommodate the 14443A product.
`Also, there have been a number of vendors, such as Cubic, Sony and ERG, trying to
`push other types of ISO 14443 products as a part of the standard; however, there is
`an approved Type A-Mifare-Philips-Hitachi-Infineon and Type B-NEC-ST-MOT.
`This would have been akin to not having a standard at all but rather a large number
`of vendors’ proprietary specifications. The bottom line with regard to smart card
`proximity devices and integration is that it should be carefully planned to avoid the
`pitfalls of becoming dependent on a single vendor’s solution that may not be able to
`sustain itself in the marketplace.
`Another physical access solution is the HID 125khz proximity card, which can be
`used on its own or in combination with a contactless smart chip (i.e. MIFARE) along
`with the contact smart chip.
`Copyright Statement
`This Note and all other materials
`printed by the PKI Forum are
`property of the PKI Forum and
`may not be copied without
`express consent from the PKI
`Forum.  2002 PKI Forum, Inc.
`About PKI Forum
`The PKI Forum is an international,
`not-for-profit, multi-vendor and
`end-user alliance whose purpose is
`to accelerate the adoption and
`use of Public-Key Infrastructure
`The PKI Forum advocates industry
`cooperation and market aware-
`ness to enable organizations to
`under-stand and exploit the value
`of PKI in their e-business applica-
`Phone: +1 781 876 8810
`PKI Forum: Smart Cards: April 2002
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