0 PI C
`\ \
`Cl PO
`Paouan o.,,c,
`<•2><•9><CA> Demande-Application
`(2l)(AI) 2,237,939
`(22) 1998/06/29
`(72) MANN, Steve,
`(71)MANN, Steve,
`6 H04N 7/18, H04N 5/77, G06F 3/()Z 003B 29/00
`(SI) Int.CI.
`___ } ______
`(.57) L 'invention
`est constitute
`par une nouvelle
`et un nouvel appareil
`de photographic et de videograpbie
`de documents personnels.
`Elle porte particulieremcnt sur
`une camera personnelle avec visionneusc et sur un
`systeme video personnel de prise de notes. Cette camm
`pennet de tenir un journal personnel manuscrit 01: un
`(S7J A novel means and apparatus for personal
`photography and videographyis
`In pmicu lar. a personal camera with viewfinder
`and a persona) video annotation system is introduced.
`1be camera system integrates
`the process of making a
`diary or the like, with the c:--'."'ture of
`Apple EX1004 Page 1


`0 PI C
`Paonan o,.,c,
`(2)) (AJ) 2,237,939
`video, from an optimal point of vantage and camera
`document similaire avec saisie video a optimisation de
`angle. This gives rise to a new form of personal diary, as
`l'angle de prise de vues. Ceci donne une nouvelle forme
`de journal personnel, ainsi qu'un nouveau type
`well as a new genre of documentary video. Video of a
`d'enregistrement video de documents. Un client d'un
`subject such ac; an official behind a counter may be
`etablissement peut effectuer un enregistrement vi�
`captured by a customer or patron of an establishment, in
`d'un prepose instaJJe derriere un comptoir de telle �
`such a manner that the official cannot readily determine
`que ce prepose ne puisse facilement determiner si un
`whether or not video is being captured with the
`enregistrement video est effectue en mbne temps que
`handwritten notes or annotations.
`l'enregistrement des notes manuscrites .
`Apple EX1004 Page 2


`A novel means and apparatus for persona! documentary photography and videog­
`raphy is described. In particular, a personal camera with viewfinder means a.nd a
`personal v1deo annotation system is int.roduced. The camera system integrates the
`of making a personal handwritten diary or the like, with the capture of video,
`from an optimal point of \'antage and camer-c1 angle. This gives rise to a new form
`of personal diary, as well as a new genre of documentary video. Video of a subjed
`such as an official behind a counter may be captured by a customer or patron of an
`establishment, in such a manner tha.t the official cannot readily determine whether
`or not video is being captured with the handwritten notes or annotations.
`Apple EX1004 Page 3


`Patent Application
`Steve �fann
`of which the following is a specification:
`The present invention pertains generally to a new photographic or video means and
`apparatus typically cor.1prising a hand-held portable electronic camera sy"Jtem with
`viewfinder mean,; and electronic pen-based annotation means.
`In photography (and in movie and video production). it is often desirable to cap­
`ture events in a natural manner with minimal intervention or disturbance. In the
`present invention, the scenario to be considered is that of face-to-face conversation
`between two individuals, where one of the individuals wish� to make a.n annotated
`video diary of the conversation without disrupting the natural Oow of the conver­
`o;ation. In this context. it is desirabl� to create a personal video diary or personal
`documentary, or to have some kind of personal photographic or videographic memory
`aid that forms the visual cquiva.lent of what the electronir organizers and personal
`digital a.qgistants do to help us remember textual or syntactic information.
`Current state-of-the-ut photographic or video apparatus er • ..;o ... visual dis-
`turbance to others and a!trads considerable attention vn ar JUDt of the gesture of
`bringiug th�>ra up to the eye. Even if the size of the � �ra could be reduced
`to the poiut of being negligible (e.g. no bigger than th,. , · ,-, of a typical cam-
`era viewfinder, for example), the very gestt;re of hringirg a device up to the eye is
`Apple EX1004 Page 4


`-·· .., __ ..,, .,..,., • .,.,u "'"' • .,
`unnatural and attracts considerable attention, especially in establishments such as
`department stores where photography is often prohibited. However it is in these very
`establishments in which a customer may wish, for example, tu have a video record of
`the clerk's statement of the refund policy or the of a sale. Just as department
`stores often keep a video recording
`of all transactions (and often even a video record­
`ing of all activity within the establishment, sometimes including a video recording of
`customers in the fitting rooms), the goal of the present invention is to assist, for ex­
`ample, a customer who may wish to keep a video record of a transaction, interaction
`with a clerk. manager, refund cY.p)anatioo, or the like.
`beneath there exist a variety of covert cameras such a camera concealed
`the jewel of a necktie clip, cameras concealed in baseball caps, and cameras concealed
`in eyeglasses, these c3Illeras 1eud to produce inferior images, not just because of the
`technical limitations imposed by their small si�e, but, more importantly be•_:\use they
`lack a viewfinder means (e.g. means of viewing the image to adjust ...;,mera a.ngle for
`best composition). Because llf the lack of viewfinder means, the subJect matter iis
`not necessarily centered well in the viewfinder, or even captured by the camera., and
`or for use in documentary thus these covert cameras are not well suited to personal
`memory assistant. a personal photographic/videographic
`A wearable camera system (called WearCam) has been proposed in, for example,
`IEEE Computer, Vol 30, No 2, or equivalently
`(see also Unfortunately embodiments of the
`clothing, and such as special WearCa.m invention typically require special preparation
`special wiring of the body a-priori. Such systems will work for those dedicated to be­
`ing constantly wired with various computational a.nd sensory apparatus incorporated
`into special clothing, but there are a good many individual!! who may wish to obtain
`the same convenience without a change of lifesty)L-.
`Ac.corciingly, what is proposed is a camera and viewfinder means for unobtrusiveiy
`capturing v:deo of exceptionally high compositional qualily an<l possibly even artistic
`Apple EX1004 Page 5


`t..A U22J7939 1991·06·29
`merit, and some embodiments of this invention that are hand-held rather than body-
`can be used to create versions of the apparatus In addition to the fact that covert
`the device need not investigative documentary videos having very good compositi'>n:
`necessarily be covert. Instead, it may merely be designed so that the subject of the
`picture or video cannot readily determine whether or not the apparatus is in use
`recording. Just as department stores and the like often have dark domes on their
`ceilings, so that customers do not know whethf!r or not there are cameras in the
`domes ( or which ones have cameras and even which way the cameras are pointed if
`there are cameras in the domes), the proposed invention creates a situation in which a
`department store clerk or the like wiJJ not know whether or not a customer's personal
`memory assistant is recording video. This uncertainty is created by having the camera
`posit�oned so that it will typically he pointed at a person at aJI times, whether or not
`it is actual} v being used.
`ARI': The invention is related to the Personal Digital Assistantf (PDA) such as the
`Palm Pilot. the so-called .. Paper-Based AudioNotebook" (Lisa J. Stifelman Aug­
`menting Real-World Objects: A Paper-Based Audio Notebook CHl'96 Conference
`comput­and the general ideas of pen-based Companion, pp. 199-200, April 1996),
`There is also an important connection to portable computers, mobile computing,
`Vol 30 No 2). IEEE Computer, and wearable computers (See for example,
`A typical embodimenL of the invent:on comprises a hand-held pen-based computer
`or a combination clipboard and pen-based computer input device, hereafter referred
`to .sa "clipboard" (whether it be an electronic organi�r, PUA, or a real pen and
`paper clipboard into which some electronic devices have been added).
`Apple EX1004 Page 6


`CA 02237939 l991·06·Z9
`A camera is built into the clipboard with the optical axis of the lens facing the
`<lirection from bottom to top of the clipboard, so that during normal face-to-face
`conversation, the person holding the clipboard will tend to point the camera at the
`other person while taking written notes of the conversation. In this manner, the
`intentionality ( whether or not the person taking written notes is intending to point
`the camera at the other person) is masked by the fact that the camera will aJways
`Thus the in the clipboard. of its placement be pointed at the other person by virtue
`camera lens opening need not necessarily be covert, and in fact, could be deliberately
`accentuateci (e.g. made more visible) if desired. To understand why it might be
`<lesirable to make it more visible, one can look to the earner� in department stores.
`which are often placed in hrge dark smoked plexiglass domes. In thi::i way they arP
`neither hidden nor visible, but rather, they serve as an uncertain deterrent b criminal
`conduct. \\ihile they could easily be hidden inside smoke cfetectors, ventillation slots,
`or small openings, the goal of the dome is to make the camera conceptually visible
`on the clipboard manner, a large lens opening yet completely bidden. In a similar
`may, at times, be desirable, so that the subject will be reminded that there could be a
`recording, but will be uncertain as to whether or not such a recording is actually taking
`place. Alternatively, a large dark shiny plexiglass strip. made from darkly smoked
`plexig]ass (typically 1cm high and 22cm across) is installed across the top of the
`clipboard, as a very subtle yet visible deterrent to criminai behaviour and disrespect.
`One or more miniature cameras are then installed behind the dark, looking
`forward through it. In other embodiments, a camera is installed in a PDA, and then
`th� top of the PDA is covered with dark smoky plexiglass.
`The clipboard is fitted with an el�ctronir. rlisplay system which includes the capa­
`bility of di5playing the imag" fro,, the camera, so that it can serve as a viewfinder
`constructed for aiming the camera at th,-:mhject. Moreover, the display is typically
`so that it is visibJ,-only to the user of the clipboard, or, at the very, so that the
`imhjcct ot the picture cannot readily see the display. Such concealment of the display
`Apple EX1004 Page 7


`filter placed over the display. may be accomplishecf through the use of a houeycomb
`Such honeycomb filters are common in phvtography, where they are placed over lights
`to make the light sourc�s behave more directionally. They a.lso sometimes placed
`over traffic :ights where there is a wye intersection, so Lbat the lights can only be seen
`drivers on do not confuse from one direction, for example, so that the traffic lights
`another branch of a wye intersection that faces almost the same way. Alternatively,
`ua.rrow field of view, or other to provide the display may be designed an inherently
`barriers may be constructed to prevent the subject from seeing the screen.
`The function of thf> camera is integrated with the clipboard so that textual in­
`with system, together in a computer may be stored formation, ,:i.q well as drawings,
`pictures or videocli
`still pictures
`ps (herafter and segments of video will both be re­
`ferrr.d to as videoclips, with the understanding that a still picture is just a video
`st>quence which is one frame in length).
`Since videoclips are stored in the computer together with other information, these
`together with that videodips may be recalled by an associative memory working
`other information. Lools Jikt· the UNIX "grep" command may be applied to
`resides i\.'I a information which typically videodips by virtue of the associated textual
`vidrographic header. way, for example,
`one could grep for the word "meijer",
`In this
`and may find various videoclips taken during conversations with clerks in the Meijer
`department store. Thus such a videographic memory system may give rise to a
`memory re<"all of prPvious videoclips taken during previous visits to this particular
`department store! provided that one has been diligent enough to write down ( e.g.
`enter tP-xtually) the name of the department store upon each visit.
`Videoc)ips are typically time-stamped (e.g. there exist file creation date11) and
`CPS-st.amped (e.g. there ,�xists global positioning system headers from last valid
`readout) so that one can search on setting (time+pla.-e).
`Thus the video clipboard may be progrunmed so that the act of ::.:mply taking
`notes causf'S previous
`vidroclips to play bat:k automatically in a separate
`Apple EX1004 Page 8


`�A 02237939 )991·06·29
`window (in addition to the viewfinder window which should always remain active for
`continued proper aiming of the camera). Such a video clipboard may, for example,
`assist in a refund explanatioD by providing the customer with an index into previous
`visual information to accompany previous notes taken during a purchase. This systP.m
`who do department store representatives is especially beneficial when encountering
`not wear name tags and who refuse to identify themselves by name (as is often the
`case when t:1ey know they done something wrong such as disrespect a customer).
`It is an object of this invention to provide a method of posjtioning a camera to take
`a picture or video of a subject without the subject's knowledge or at least without
`the subject ·s being certain as lo whether or not said picture or video is being taken.
`It is a further object of this invention to provide a means of recording a picture or
`without video when· the spatial extent (fiel<l of view} of the image may be ascertained
`ha\·ing to h-:>ld any device up to the eye.
`It is a further object of this invention to provide such a method of taking a picture
`or vidro where the tonal cl1Macteristics of the picture may be ascertained without
`having to h:>ld any device up to the eye.
`It is a furLher object of this invention to provide such a method of taking a picture
`or video wlwre no apparent diference in body movement or gesture between when a
`picture is taken and when no picture is being taken is detectable by others.
`ft is a further object of this invention to provide the user witl, a means of deter­
`mining the composition of the picture from a display device that is located such that
`only the user can see the display device, and so that the user can ascertain the com­
`p0ti!lion of .-i pictur� or take a picture or video ;md transmir. image(s) to one or mort>
`rt>mote lot::ations without tht-knowledgr. of others in the immediate environment, or
`other, ir. the environmPnt heing certain whether or not such picture or
`is being captured.
`Apple EX1004 Page 9


`CA 02137939 1991·06·19
`It is a further object of this invention to provide a means and 2pparatus for a user
`to capture a. plurality of images of the same scene or objects, in a natural process
`of simply sli<ling a small object around on a. countertop, and then have these images
`combined together into a single image of increased spatial extent, spatial resolution,
`dynamic ra.'.lge, or tonal fidelity.
`It is a further object of this invention to provide
`a camera with viewfinder mea.,s
`for collaboration between the user of the apparatus and one or more other persons
`at remote locations through the manipulation of virtual objects such as cursors, or
`computer graphics renderings displayed upon the camera viewfinder.
`It is a further object of this invention
`to allow multiple users of the invention,
`whether at remote locations or side-by-side, or in the same rooG"\ withjn other�s
`capabilities of the coJla.borative field of view, to interact with one another through
`the apparatus.
`It is a further object of this invention to allow multiple users of the invention, at
`remote locatioM, to collaborate in such a way that a virtual environment is shared in
`of video and of each user r�ults in acquisition which camera-based camera-tracking
`subseq uent generation of virtual information being made available to the other(s).
`It is a further object of this invention to allow multiple users of the invention,
`at the same location. to collaborate in such a way tha.t multiple camera viewpoints
`may be shared among the u�r!I RO that the:· can advise each other on matters such
`as composition, or so that one or more viewers at remote locations can advise one or
`more of the u'3ers on such as composition or camera angle.
`It is a further object of this invention to allow multiple users of the invention, at
`to different locations, to collaborate on a project or endeavour that may not pertain
`photography or virlrography directly, but a project or endeavour nevertheless that is
`r.nhancr.d by the ability for persou to experience the viewpoint of another.
`a.t to allow one or more ttmote participants It is a. further object of this invention
`rnnventional desktop oomputers or the like to interact with one or more users of th�
`Apple EX1004 Page 10


`invention, at one or more other locations, to collaborate on a project or endeavo:>ur that
`may not pe=tain to photography or videogr apby directly, hut a project or endeavour
`nevertheless that is enhanced by the ability for one or more users of the invention to
`either provide or obtain advice from or to another individual at a remote locat;on.
`It is a further object of this invention to facilitate a very close-up camera angle,
`from slightly below the 3ubjcct of the picture or video, most notahly so that the
`camera can be brought closer to the subject than would be acceptable for the body of
`the camera operator, so that the personal space of the subject can be violated more
`effectively than with a body-worn camera such as that of the \VearCam invention.
`It is a fort.her object of this invention t.o facilita�e the creation of a database
`comprising video records linked to associated band-written notes.
`It is a fmther object of this invention to facilitate the creation of video records
`linked to a5$0Ciated capture of hau<l writing a.nd \)ther information in and around the
`immediate environmem..
`SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION: Informal review of what the new
`inveiJtion does
`One aspect of the invention a.Jlows the user tn take note:; with pen and paper ( or
`pen and screen) and continuously record video together with the written notes. Even
`if there is insufficient memory lo capture a continuous video recording, the invention
`to produce a picture can be desigue<l so the user will always end up with the ability
`from something that wa.s seen a couple of minutes ago. This may be useful to everyone
`in the sense that we may not want to miss a great photo opportunity, a.nd often great
`photo opportunities only become known to us after we have had time to think ahout
`something we previously saw. At the very least, if for example. a departr�1ent store
`the customer may owner or manager becomes angry and imulting to the customer,
`record the event, by opening a circular buffer.
`there are a safety. Although Such an apparatus might also he of use in personal
`�owing number of vidro surveillance camf!ras installed in the environment, a.Jlege<lly
`Apple EX1004 Page 11


`for "public safety", there have been recent
`questions as to the true benefit of such
`centralized surveil1ance infrastructures. Most notably there have been several exam­
`ples in which such centralized infrastructure has been abused by the owners of it ( as
`in roundups and detainment of peaceful demoostrators). Moreover, "public safety"
`systems may fail to protect individuals against crimes committed by members of thf"
`organizations that installed the systems. Accordingly, embodiments of the invention
`often implement the storage and retrieval of images hy transmitting and recording
`images at one or more remote locations. In one embodiment of the invention, images
`were transmitted and recor,fod in different countries, so that they would be difficult
`to destroy, in the event that the perpetrator of a crime or other misconduct might
`wish to do so.
`The invc�ntion allows images to be captured iu a natural manner, without giving
`an unusual appearance to others (such as m abusive official).
`Moreover� a.s an artistic toot of personal expression, the apparatus allows the user
`to record, f,.om a new perspective, experiences that. have b'---eh <lifccnlt to so record
`in the past. For example, a customer might be tt.ble lo record an argument with a
`fraudulent business owner from a very close camera angle. This is possible because
`a cliphoard may be extended outward Loward the person without violating personal
`space in th,� same way as might be necessary to do the same with a camera. hid­
`den in a tit. clip, baseball cap, or sungfasses. Since a clipboard may extend outward
`from the body, it may be placed closer lo the subject than the normal eye viewpoint
`in normal face-to-face conversation. As a result, the camera can capture a very
`close-up vit!W of the subject. Such a view is often more desirable than the view ol>­
`tainable fro:-i1 a telephoto lens located in eyeglasses (e.g. te)eph'lto embodiment o! th�
`Wea.rCam i:wention) becauSf" the close-up view also provldes a dramatic and power­
`ful compoeition, from underneath the subject's face, and is therefore most suitable.
`cinematographically, for captcring the menacing nature of a corrupt or disrespectfu 1
`Apple EX1004 Page 12


`The invention will now he described in more detail, by wa.y of ex?.mples whicl1
`in no way are meant to limit the scope of the invention, but, rather, these examples
`wiJl serve to iliustrate the invention with reference to the accompanying drawings, in
`in which there is of the invention FIG. t .s a diagram of a simple embodiment
`which has a. separate display a camera borne by a personal digilal assistant (PDA)
`attached to it to function as a. view.finder Co: the camera.
`embodiment of the camera sy�tem in which a FIG. 2 is a diagram of au alternate
`pen is concealed under a pad of paper and an electronic graphics t ahlet is concealed
`and on the paper is raptured inside an ordinary ink pen so that all of the writing
`recorded electronically t?gether with video from the subject.
`in which a. camera of the invention FIG. 3 llustrates a wristwatch embodiment
`system which computer concealed inside the watch sends video to a covert body-worn
`tram;rnits f1e video to a remote site where it is processed by one or more remote
`experts and a<lvice from the remote expert(s) is displayed on a computer screen
`on the face of the watch together with time, date, and video from the camera (for
`viewfinder purposes).
`system, which faci1itates the display of an "xclock" together with other material such
`to be display� which happens view of the wristwatch FIG. 4 depicts a close-up
`the display of a body-worn computer
`on top of the Linux operating
`running XFree86
`menu items suitable for =t. wristwatch videotelephone.
`and variou� as a viev1rfindn), as vid� frcm the camera (so the display can function
`While the invention shall now be described with reference to the preferred em­
`is not that the intention bodiments shown in the drawings, it should be w1cJerstood
`to limit the invention only to the particular embodi1mm1s shown but rather to cover
`�ltPTations, modific�.t:ons equivalent arrangements possible within the scope
`of appended claims.
`Apple EX1004 Page 13


`In all aspects of the prt>sent invrntion, referencf'S to "camera" mean any device or
`coHection of devices capable of simultaneousl; determir:
`ing a quantity of light arriving
`from a plurality of directions and or at a plurality of locations, or determining some
`other attribute of light arriving from a plurality of directions anri or at a plurality
`of locations. Similarly references to "display" sha.ll not be limited to just television
`monitors or traditional televisions used for the ill�lay uf video from a camera near or
`distant, but shall a.lso indudc computer data display means, computer data monitors.
`other video di9play devices, still picture dispb.:, devices, ASCII text display devices
`and the lik,-.
`References to .. video" shall inr:lude any signal that i11clu<les one or more streams
`from O!le or m�re mi­with one or more audio channels of visible pictures, together
`crophones. Thus the term "'video" may, for example, refer to a signal recorded from
`two camera5 and several microphones arranged in an array, to be later processed for
`beamformi11g purposes or to be processed in such a way as to project a nullspace
`toward unwanted audiblt: interference such as the sound of a vacuum cleaner in the
`appliances 5ection of a Sean, department store during the shooting of a documenatar
`video there. The term '"video .. shall also be taken to include intermediate representa­
`tions of signals derived from cameras, microphones, and associated auxiliary sensors.
`Examples of such intermediate representations shcll include. but not be limited to.
`recording of some number M of audio channels from some number N of microphones.
`where M may be less than �v. Examples of "'video" may also include image represen­
`tations from multiple electromagnetic sensors represented as a single signal.
`Fig 1 shows an embodiment of the invention built into a PDA 100. A video camera
`the us.,r of the PDA and displays
`110 captures a view of a person standing in front of
`tte image on an auxiliary screen 120. which may be "'&sily concealed by the usf'r's
`Apple EX1004 Page 14


`hand while the user is writing or pertending to write on the PDA 's screen 130 with
`pen 140. In commercial embodiments of the invention the auxiliary screen 120 may
`not be nen·ssary, as it may be implemented :.S a window displa.yi-r.g the camera's
`view on a portion of the majn screen 130. Annotations made on 9creen J 30 with pen
`140 may als() be captured and stored together with videodips from camera l 10� so
`are linked with that there is a unified database in which the notf's &-id annotations
`the video .. <\n optional second camera 150 may be used if the user wishes to make
`a video recc-r<ling of himself /herself while-recording another person with camera 110.
`In this way. hoth sides of the c.onver11ation may he simultaneously recorded by the
`two cameras, so that the rcsultin�
`rerordings could be edited later, so that there
`for exampl", be a rnt back and forth between tht: two CcL-neras to follow tbe
`natural flow of the conversation. Such a recording might, for ,•,'{ample. �e used for au
`invrstigativ,� journalism story on corrupt store owners who illegally chaiu
`their fire exits shut. In the ea.rly protor.ypeti, an additional wire 160 was run up the
`sleeve of th£-user into a separate body worn 170 powered by its own battery pack
`172.The body worn pack typically contains a c.omputer system 174 which houses
`vi<loo capture and is connected to a communication!: system 176 comprising
`p:tcket radk, t�rminal node cuutroiler (high level data link controller with modem) and
`radio. which typicaJly establishe; a.n Internet connection by way of antenna 178. The
`l>ody-worn pack 170 would likely disappear in t.hc final embodiment of the invention
`devi<:e the hand-held which would < the functionality of the pack 170 inside
`Fig 2 <le ,i<:t� an alternate embodiment of the invention depicted in Fig 1 in which
`the inventicn is built into ar1 ordinary clipboard
`200. Video camera 210 displays
`ii minature srreen 220 mounted to the clipboard. A folded back piece of paper 230
`conce..als th,-screen 220. The rest of the sheets of pciper 231 are placed slightly below
`th• top sh,. .. t 230, so that th<! u11cr ran write on them in a natural fashion. From
`tb� p�npec.iw of �omeonP. facing the user (the subjed), the clivLoard will haw the
`Apple EX1004 Page 15


`to be part of in which the top sheet 230 appears apprara.Tice of a normal cliphoard
`the stack 2:n. Pen 240 is a combined electronic pen and real pen, so that the user
`can simultaneously write on the paper with real ink, as well as make an electronic
`annotation by virtue of a graphics tablet below the �tack of paper 231, provided that
`the stack is not excessively thick. In this way therr. is a computer database )inking thr
`real physical paper with its pen stroke11 a.nd the video recorded of the subject. From
`a legal point of view, real physical pen strokes may have some forensic value that the
`material may not ( e.g. i

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