United States Patent 19
`Packer et al.
`Inventors: Robert L. Packer, Los Gatos; Brett D.
`Galloway, Campbell, both of Calif.
`Assignee: Packeteer, Inc., Cupertino, Calif.
`Appl. No.: 09/106,924
`Jun. 29, 1998
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Provisional application No. 60/051,387, Jul. 1, 1997.
`Int. Cl. ................................................... H04L 12/56
`U.S. Cl. ........................... 370/231; 370/235; 370/252
`Field of Search ..................................... 370/519,389,
`370/231, 235, 229, 230, 232, 233,234,
`236-238; 709/232, 233,234, 235
`References Cited
`5,063,562 11/1991 Barzilai et al..
`2/1996 Shtayer.
`5,748,613 5/1998 Kilk et al. ............................... 370/231
`6/1998 Bournas ........
`... 370/229
`7/1998 Basso et al.
`... 370/231
`5,870,398 2/1999 Kotchey ............
`... 370/445
`5,918,020 6/1999 Blackard et al. .
`5,959,973 9/1999 Meurisse et al. .
`..., 370/232
`5,978,384 11/1999 Kotchey .................................. 370/445
`Patent Number:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Sep. 5, 2000
`O 415 843 3/1991
`O 458 033 11/1991
`European Pat. Off..
`European Pat. Off..
`Chen et al., “Hop-By-Hop Flow Control on Unreliable
`Connections,' Communications-Sound to Light, Seattle,
`Jun. 7-10, 1987, 3:1683–1687, Jul. 7, 1987 XP002036563.
`Jacobson, “Congestion Avoidance and Control,” Computer
`Communication Review, vol. 25, No. 1, pp 158-173,
`XP000512249, January 1995.
`Primary Examiner Douglas W. Olms
`Assistant Examiner-Kon Vanderpuye
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm Townsend and Townsend and
`Crew LLP; Kenneth R. Allen
`A method for pacing data flows in packet Switched networks
`by arranging data transmission over a period of time based
`upon a Set of ascertainable factors about the underlying
`transmission link to derive an interSegment transmission
`interval. The interSegment transmission interval can be used
`to pace either data packets or acknowledgment packets. The
`method is especially useful for pacing the transmission of
`data in a digital data packet communication environment
`having a plurality of digital packet transmission Stations
`inter-connectable in a data path and employing the Trans
`mission Control Protocol (TCP) Suite.
`18 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
`/ 302
`Determine a
`Roundtrip Time
`Determine Numer of
`Segments per Window
`Compute Transmission
`Time Interwas eased
`on RTT. WTT,
`and NSW
`- - - - -
`Successfully Transmit
`One Set of Packets at
`each of a Succession
`of Transmission Time
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1037, page 1


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 5, 2000
`Sheet 1 of 4
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1037, page 2


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 5, 2000
`Sheet 2 of 4
`Bursty Flow
`Paced FOW
`time 2
`Fig. 2A
`Fig. 2B
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1037, page 3


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 5, 2000
`Sheet 3 of 4
`Determine a
`Roundtrip Time
`Determine Number of
`Segments per Window
`Compute Transmission
`Time Intervals Based
`on RTT, WTT,
`and NSW
`Successfully Transmit
`One Set of Packets at
`each of a Succession
`of Transmission Time
`Further Data
`Fig. 3
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1037, page 4


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 5, 2000
`Sheet 4 of 4
`Ethernet, Token Ring, IEEE 802.3, X.25, Serial (SLP)
`ATM, Frame Relay, CSMA/CD, Packet Switching
`Session/Application Layer
`Transport Layer
`Network Layer
`Data Link Layer
`Physical Layer
`Fig. 4
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1037, page 5


`This application claims priority from the following U.S.
`Provisional Application, the disclosure of which including
`all appendices and all attached documents is incorporated
`herein by reference in its entirety for all purposes:
`U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60/051,387
`in the name of Robert L. Packer and Brett D. Galloway,
`entitled, “A Method for Pacing Data Flow in a Network
`Employing a TCP/IP Protocol Suite", filed Jul. 1, 1997.
`Further, this application makes reference to the following
`commonly owned U.S. patent applications, which are incor
`porated herein by reference in their entirety for all purposes:
`U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/762,828, now U.S.
`Pat. No. 5,802,106 in the name of Robert L. Packer,
`entitled “Method for Rapid Data Rate Detection in a
`Packet Communication Environment Without Data
`Rate Supervision;”
`U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/970,693 now U.S. Pat.
`No. 6,018,516, in the name of Robert L. Packer,
`entitled “Method for Minimizing Unneeded Retrans
`mission of Packets in a Packet Communication Envi
`ronment Supporting a Plurality of Data Link Rates;”
`U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/742,994 now U.S. Pat.
`No. 6,038,216, in the name of Robert L. Packer,
`entitled “Method for Explicit Data Rate Control in a
`Packet Communication Environment Without a Data
`Rate Supervision.”
`The present invention relates to digital packet
`transmission, and particularly to methods for pacing trans
`missions of data within time intervals that are based on
`criteria ascertainable from the characteristics of the under
`lying transmission infrastructure. Embodiments according
`to the present invention are particularly useful in conjunc
`tion with data flow rate detection and control of a digitally
`Switched packet telecommunications environment that is not
`Subject to explicit data flow rate control.
`The ubiquitous TCP/IP protocol Suite implements the
`World wide data communication network environment
`called the Internet and is also used in private networks (e.g.,
`Intranets). TCP is the transport level transmission Control
`Protocol and IP is the network level Internet Protocol. At the
`network level, IP provides a datagram delivery Service. At
`the transport level built on top of the datagram deliver
`Service, TCP provides guaranteed Sequential delivery of a
`data Stream between two hosts operating with IP protocol.
`TCP provides for a reliable session-based service for
`delivery of Sequenced packets of information across the
`Internet. One method employed to provide this reliable
`Service is a System of acknowledgments for data received at
`each endpoint. However, data Segments and acknowledg
`ments can be lost. To address this problem, TCP uses a
`retransmission timeout (RTO) mechanism. Under the RTO
`mechanism, TCP manages a retransmission timer for each
`connection. After an endpoint Sends data, it expects
`acknowledgment from the receiving endpoint. TCP Sets the
`retransmission timer and tracks an RTO value and a round
`trip time (RTT) for the connection. A round trip time is the
`time elapsed between the start of transmission of a TCP-type
`data Segment and the receipt of an acknowledgement of that
`Segment. If an acknowledgment is not received by the time
`the retransmission timer expires, a transmission loSS is
`inferred and TCP retransmits the data.
`Other terms used hereinafter are defined as follows.
`A TCP connection is a well-understood communication
`mode in which two end users of the TCP protocol are able
`to be guaranteed that the eXchanged data is in Sequence and
`accurate at the end-user level, even though the TCP con
`nections may not have received the data in Sequence or
`Transmission delay is the amount of time required to
`Serialize the bits on the transmission media, and does not
`include propagation delay or queueing delay.
`A window transmission time (WTT) is the time required
`to transmit a TCP flow control window's worth of data,
`where the "time required to transmit' is equal to the transmit
`A “segment” is a transport PDU (protocol data unit), such
`as in TCP, encapsulated within a network “packet.”
`The number of segments in a flow control window (NSW)
`is the size of the TCP flow control window (in bytes) divided
`by the maximum segment size (MSS) (in bytes) as defined
`by the TCP protocol.
`Aside from the system of acknowledgements, the TCP/IP
`protocol intentionally omits explicit Supervisory function
`over the rate of data transport over the various media that
`make up the network. While there are certain perceived
`advantages, this characteristic has the consequence of jux
`taposing very high-speed packet flows and very low-speed
`packet flows in potential conflict for network resources,
`which results in inefficiencies. At the extreme, certain patho
`logical loading conditions can result in instability,
`overloading, and data transfer Stoppage. The loading con
`ditions can be created by processes that generate traffic in
`bursts of data packets called “packet trains.”
`TCP “flow control” mechanisms attempt to alleviate the
`loading conditions by limiting the rate at which a TCP
`endpoint can emit data. A "flow, as used in the context of
`TCP/IP network traffic, is defined as traffic between a
`Specific pair of IP host/port addresses (e.g., a TCP connec
`tion or a UDP session). A basic flow control mechanism in
`TCP is a “sliding window” that limits the amount of unac
`knowledged transmit data that a transmitter can emit.
`Another flow control mechanism is a “congestion window'
`(which is a refinement of the sliding window) that involves
`a conservative expansion to make use of the full, allowable
`window. A component of this mechanism is Sometimes
`referred to as “slow start'. These window flow control
`mechanisms work in conjunction with the retransmit timeout
`mechanism described above to provide a limited level of
`end-to-end data flow rate control. However, these mecha
`nisms do not provide explicit rate control of data flow in any
`particular connection in the network.
`TCP “congestion control” is another mechanism that is
`related to “flow control”. Congestion control in TCP/IP
`networks is accomplished by a combination of TCP end
`Systems and routers that queue and discard packets when a
`certain congestion threshold is exceeded. Packet discarding
`serves as a feedback mechanism to a TCP transmitter to
`indicate that congestion exists. One disadvantage of this
`feedback mechanism is the possibly large and uneven delayS
`that may be perceptible to interactive users at the TCP end
`Besides providing congestion control, routers typically
`Support various queuing methods intended to provide fair
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1037, page 6


`neSS and a rough ability to partition and prioritize Separate
`classes of data traffic. An increasingly common method of
`queuing implemented in access-link routers, interior routers,
`and ATM backbone equipment is the “Fair Queuing” tech
`nique. In Fair Queuing, when the number buffered packets
`pending transmission reaches a predetermined congestion
`threshold, packets are discarded on the basis of whether or
`not other packet(s) is already buffered for the specific flow
`asSociated with those packets. Fair Queuing beneficially
`limits flows that may have high bandwidth demands when a
`router becomes congested. However, Fair Queuing also
`implicitly (and unintendedly) has a tendency to discard
`packets for flows that emit packets in a "bursty’ fashion (i.e.,
`packet trains, as described below). Bursty traffic is generally
`characterized by long period of inactivity punctuated by a
`large burst of data traffic. “Bursty' packets affect the con
`ventional congestion and flow control mechanisms. AS
`packet trains traverse through the network, they induce
`queuing in a way that increases the probability of packet loSS
`in routers using Fair Queuing mechanisms, resulting in
`undesired inefficiencies due to the discarding of packets.
`Packet loSS Subsequently causes a retransmission timeout
`and retransmission of another packet train, which results in
`further inefficiencies and adds to the congestion control
`Therefore, it is desirable to provide a mechanism to
`increase efficiency of data transfer while reducing the risk of
`data loSS of bursty packet traffic.
`According to the invention, in a packet Switched network,
`the frequency of data transmissions during a window trans
`mission time (WTT) is arranged based upon a set of ascer
`tainable factors about the underlying transmission link So
`that data flow can be paced. Specifically, calculated inter
`packet time intervals are inserted among bursts of packets.
`The interpacket transmission intervals are used to pace
`either the transmission of data packets or the transmission of
`acknowledgment packets. According to an embodiment of
`the present invention in a TCP/IP environment, packets are
`paced according to window transmission time (WTT), round
`trip time (RTT) and number of segments in a flow control
`window (NSW) and specifically according to the following
`where an ITI is the intersegment transmission interval (an
`elapsed time); and RTT-WTT and NSW>1.
`This embodiment is especially useful for pacing trans
`mission of data in a digital data packet communication
`environment having a plurality of digital packet transmis
`Sion Stations inter-connectable in a data path employing the
`Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Suite.
`In another embodiment, data flow pacing by the insertion
`of interpacket gaps can be accomplished by placing a
`predetermined rate limit on the data flows. This technique is
`especially useful for pacing packet trains that may arise from
`Sources other than a windowed flow control protocol, or
`Sources that emit large bursts of packets. This technique is
`also suited for a windowed flow control protocol where the
`RTT is less than the WTT, a window's worth of packets.
`In yet another embodiment, pacing by the insertion of
`interpacket gaps, i.e., intersegment time intervals (ITI) can
`also be accomplished by controlling the acknowledgement
`process. For example, a device can be interposed between a
`Sender and a receiver in the network. This device controls
`the rate and Scope of acknowledgment (ACK) packets So
`that data is paced in the network.
`The interpacket gap insertion-type data flow pacing tech
`niques according to the invention can be combined with
`other transmission techniques in Select embodiments. For
`example, in various alternative embodiments, data flow
`pacing techniques can be combined with techniques for
`automatic Scheduling of packets for transmission, tech
`nique S for providing rate control (i.e., using
`acknowledgements), techniques for reducing unnecessary
`retransmissions as well as various other techniques.
`Some embodiments according to the present invention
`can provide improved link efficiency. Certain embodiments
`according to the present invention may reduce queuing
`delay. Many embodiments according to the invention can
`reduce network congestion and prevent packet loSS.
`The invention will be better understood upon reference to
`the following detailed description and its accompanying
`FIG. 1 depicts a representative inter-network having a
`plurality of clients and a plurality of Servers that process data
`FIG. 2A depicts a representative conventional unpaced
`bursty packet data flow;
`FIG. 2B depicts a representative paced bursty packet data
`flow according to a particular embodiment wherein a win
`dow's worth of packets is paced over the flow's RTT;
`FIG.3 depicts a key operation according to the invention;
`FIG. 4 depicts the various layers that make up the
`Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
`The present invention provides techniques to manage
`network bandwidth, Such as on a transmission link between
`a local area network (LAN) and a wide area network
`(WAN), by controlling the introduction of packets onto the
`transmission link. More Specifically, the invention involves
`techniques for introducing interpacket delays in bursty-type
`packet transmissions, and in particular in TCP/IP protocol
`Network Overview
`FIG. 1 depicts an inter-network of a plurality of clients
`and a plurality of Servers that process data flows through a
`wide area network (WAN). The clients and servers are
`described below. In FIG. 1, first network 60 is shown as a
`Token Ring or a frame oriented network, although other
`networks can also be used. Network 60 links together hosts
`61, 62, and 63. Hosts 61, 62, and 63 can generally be any
`computer running any operating System. Network 60 is
`inter-networked to a wide area network 71 through a first
`router 75 and a second router 175 to a second network 70.
`The system gateway of routers 175 and 75 can also include
`a firewall, a network bridge, and other features not relevant
`to the invention but important to operation. Network 70
`(shown in FIG. 1 as an Ethernet network) links hosts 71 and
`72. Hosts 71 and 72 can also be any computer running any
`operating System.
`Router 75 is a network access point (NAP) of networks 60
`and 70. As shown in FIG. 1, router 75 employs a Token Ring
`adapter and an Ethernet adapter. This enables router 75 to
`interface with the two heterogeneous networks 60 and 70.
`The present invention can be practiced in a client-server
`environment, but the client-server environment is not essen
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1037, page 7


`tial. In a specific embodiment, the Subject invention dwells
`in bridges 72, 73 between each of the networks 60 and 70
`and each of the routers 75, 175. However, the elements may
`reside in the end Systems, in the routers or in the links
`between the routers and the WAN. In general, the invention
`can be placed wherever the traffic can be paced. The term
`“Server,” as used herein, refers to a unit that performs one or
`more of the following functions: receiving queries from
`(typically, remote) clients, performing processing necessary
`to formulate responses to the queries, providing these
`responses to the clients, and performing other necessary
`tasks. A Server may also act in the capacity of a client for a
`response (i.e., when it accesses remote databases located at
`another node) while it acts as a server for another response
`(i.e., when acting as a database server).
`Transmission Delay and RTT Determination
`The pacing of data flows is based, in part, on (1) trans
`mission delay and (2) RTT. The transmission delay and RTT
`of a link can be determined by numerous methods. A
`technique for automatically determining the transmission
`delay and RTT of a TCP connection is disclosed in the
`aforementioned co-pending U.S. patent application Ser. No.
`08/762,828 filed Dec. 6, 1996, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,802,106,
`which is incorporated herein by reference.
`Data Flow Pacing
`FIG. 2A depicts a conventional unpaced data flow. In
`conventional sliding window protocols (i.e., as defined by
`TCP), transmission of a window of segments within indi
`vidual flows are compressed in the front of the flow's RTT
`where RTT-WTT. A sender 230 transmits packets 232 each
`containing a Segment, as capacity becomes available on the
`transmission link, being at time 1 and ending at time 3, to a
`receiver 238. Upon receipt of the first packet 232a, receiver
`238 sends an acknowledgement packet 234 back to sender
`230, which is received at time 2. The round trip time (RTT)
`is defined as the time between receipt of acknowledgement
`packet 234 (Time 2) and the time of transmission of the first
`packet 232a (Time 1) (or RTT=Time2-Time 1). The window
`transmission time (WTT) is defined as the time between the
`beginning of transmission of the first packet 232a (Time 1)
`and the end of transmission of the last packet 232d (Time 3)
`(or WTT=Time3-Time 1). Typically, the subsequent trans
`mission of data Segments 236, i.e., the next window, is not
`transmitted until acknowledgement packet 234 is received.
`The pacing of packet trains of an entire RTT of a
`particular flow in the present invention involves spacing out
`a window's worth of packets over an entire RTT. The data
`flow pacing of the present invention can be implemented by
`various embodiments, some of which are described below.
`However, modifications and additions to the embodiments
`described below are also within the scope of the present
`Pacing Based upon Round Trip Time (RTT)
`FIG. 2B depicts a packet flow in a representative client
`Server connection in an embodiment wherein a window's
`worth of packets is spaced out over the flows RTT. As
`shown in FIG. 2B, data flow pacing is accomplished by an
`intermediate pacer 250 based on the RTT value that is
`computed using one of the embodiments discussed above.
`The implementation of pacer 250 is described below.
`Initially, pacer 250 receives a first packet 242a from sender
`240 and transmits this packet 244a to a receiver 260. Upon
`receiving additional packets 242b through 242n, pacer 250
`determines the number of packets to be transmitted and the
`remaining time within the present RTT interval.
`In one embodiment according to the invention, the
`remaining packets 242b through 242n are transmitted by
`pacer 250 at approximately “equally' Spaced time intervals,
`as shown in FIG. 2B. Pacer 250 determines the number of
`packets to be transmitted and the remaining time left in this
`RTT interval. Pacer 250 then divides the remaining time into
`the number of packets to obtain a time interval according to
`the formula
`where an ITI is the intersegment transmission interval (an
`elapsed time); and
`One packet is then transmitted at each interval. This
`embodiment results in the transmission of the burst of
`packets received at Time 1 over the RTT link.
`A variety of embodiments based upon these techniques
`can be realized without departing from the Scope of the
`present invention. For example, in certain embodiments, the
`RTT can be updated continually or periodically as additional
`information about the state of the network is learned. The
`time interval can then be recomputed accordingly. In other
`embodiments, two or more packets can be transmitted
`within each time interval (and the time interval can be
`increased accordingly). Generally. any number of packets
`can be transmitted within a time interval having any dura
`tion. Furthermore, the packet transmissions can be spaced
`evenly or randomly within the time interval. Random Spac
`ing would decrease autocorrelation effects and decrease
`queuing delay, thus reducing end-to-end delay.
`Pacer 250 can be designed to receive the burst of packets,
`buffer the packets, and transmit packets at Selected times.
`Pacer 250 can be implemented as a stand-alone unit or
`incorporated within the design of the Sender. Select embodi
`ments realize Pacer 250 using a processor, a microcontroller,
`an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC), a program
`mable device, or any other device designed and operated to
`provide the functionality described herein. A flow chart of a
`key operation of the pacer 250 is shown in FIG. 3, as
`hereinafter explained.
`Pacing Based upon Round Trip Time (RTT)
`In one embodiment of the pacer 250, RTT many be
`estimated by round trip delay, as for example taught in the
`aforementioned patent application. FIG. 3 depicts a repre
`sentative flowchart 301 of process steps that may be
`included in many embodiments according to the method for
`pacing transmission of data of the present invention. In a
`step 302, a round trip time (RTT) value is determined. Next,
`in a step 304, the number of segments in a window is
`determined. Then, in a step 306, interpacket gaps or inter
`Segment transmission time intervals are computed, typically
`according to the formula herein above based on RTT, WTT
`and NSW. In a step 308, the interpacket gap is inserted
`between each one or Selected packets in the window as each
`one of the packets is transmitted, as illustrated in FIG. 2B.
`If upon testing (Step 309) there are further packets, the
`process is repeated, either from the beginning of the deter
`mination of the roundtrip time or from the beginning of Step
`308; otherwise the process ends. The round trip time may
`typically be determined only once per connection. However,
`all values could be computed more frequently if it is found
`that the round trip time or the window transmission time or
`the number of Segments per window vary during a connec
`tion for any reason of design or environmental conditions.
`Pacing Based upon Predetermined Rate Limit
`In another embodiment, pacing can be accomplished by
`placing a predetermined rate limit on the data flows. This
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1037, page 8


`technique is especially useful for packet trains that may arise
`from sources other than a windowed flow control protocol or
`Sources that emit large burst of packets. This technique is
`also suited for a windowed flow control protocol where the
`RTT is shorter than the time required to transmit a window's
`Worth of packets, thereby necessitating the need to buffer,
`discard, or limit the transmission of Some of the packets.
`The relation between the arbitrary rate limit and the
`determination of ITI is as follows:
`The arbitrary rate limit is used to derive an effective RTT
`using the formula: (AR)=(WB)/(RTT), where (AR) is Arbi
`trary Rate, (WB) is the number of bits in a flow control
`window or Window Bits and (RTT) is as defined as round
`trip time. Hence, RTT in seconds is (WB)/(AR). For
`example for an arbitrary rate of 32K bps with a window of
`8KBytes or 64Kbits, the RTT to be used for calculation is 2
`In Still another embodiment using this technique, each
`Sender Sends the burst of packets to an intermediate pacer,
`similar to pacer 250 in the above embodiment. The pacer
`250 then determines the number of packets that can be
`transmitted within the current RTT interval or even an
`arbitrary interval. The pacer 250 then transmits the packets
`in one of the manners described above.
`Pacing Based upon Control of Acknowledgement Packets
`In yet another embodiment, pacing can also be accom
`plished by controlling the TCP acknowledgement process.
`For example, a rate control device can be interposed
`between the Sender and the receiver. This device controls the
`rate and Scope of acknowledgment (ACK) packets in the
`manner described in detail in the aforementioned co-pending
`U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/762,828. By controlling
`the rate of acknowledgments, there is explicit control of the
`intervals in which a transmitter receives acknowledgments,
`i.e., the roundtrip time for each acknowledgment is explic
`itly controlled.
`Additional Embodiments
`Additional embodiments can incorporate Select data flow
`pacing techniques described above for improved perfor
`mance. For example, techniques for automatic Scheduling of
`TCP packets for transmission can be coupled with data flow
`pacing techniques to maximize usage, reduce transmission
`delay, and reduce congestion on the transmission medium. A
`technique for automatically Scheduling TCP packets for
`transmission is disclosed in the aforementioned co-pending
`U.S. patent application Ser. No. 08/742,994.
`AS another example, techniques for providing TCP rate
`control (i.e., using acknowledgements) can also be coupled
`with data flow pacing techniques to improve efficiency and
`reduce congestion.
`Layers of TCP/IP Protocol
`FIG. 4 depicts the various layers that make up the
`Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
`Suite. A physical layer 80 is the base layer of the TCP/IP
`Suite that defines the mechanical, electrical, functional, and
`procedural Standards for the physical transmission of data
`over communications media, (e.g., a network connection).
`Physical layer 80 can include electrical, mechanical, and
`functional Standards. The functional Standards can indicate
`whether a network is (1) packet Switching or frame
`Switching, and (2) based on a Carrier Sense Multiple AcceSS/
`Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) or a frame relay paradigm.
`A data link layer 82 overlies physical layer 80. Data link
`layer 82 provides the functions and protocols to transfer data
`between network resources and to detect errors that may
`occur at the physical layer. Operating modes at data link
`layer 82 include Such Standardized network topologies as
`IEEE 802.3 Ethernet, IEEE 802.5 Token Ring, ITU X.25, or
`serial (SLIP) protocols.
`Network layer protocols 84 overlay data link layer 82 and
`provide the means for establishing connections between
`networks. The Standards of network layer protocols provide
`operational control procedures for internetworking commu
`nications and routing information through multiple hetero
`geneous networks. Examples of network layer protocols are
`the Internet Protocol (IP) and the Internet Control Message
`Protocol (ICMP). The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is
`used to correlate an Internet address and a Media AcceSS
`(MAC) address for a particular host. The Routing Informa
`tion Protocol (RIP) is a dynamic routing protocol for passing
`routing information between hosts on networks. The ICMP
`is an internal protocol for passing control messages between
`hosts on various networks. ICMP messages provide feed
`back about events in the network environment or can help
`determine if a path exists to a particular host in the network
`environment. The latter is called a “Ping”. IP provides the
`basic mechanism for routing packets of information in the
`Internet. IP is a non-reliable communication protocol that
`provides a “best efforts' delivery service. IP does not
`commit network resources to a particular transaction, per
`form retransmissions, nor give acknowledgments.
`Transport layer protocols 86 provide end-to-end transport
`Services acroSS multiple heterogeneous networks. A User
`Datagram Protocol (UDI)) provides a connectionless, data
`gram oriented Service that provides a non-reliable delivery
`mechanism for streams of information. TCP provides a
`reliable Session-based Service for delivery of Sequenced
`packets of information across the Internet. TCP provides a
`connection oriented reliable mechanism for information
`The present invention provides methods for pacing data
`packet transmissions in data packet based telecommunica
`tions Systems. The previous description of the Specific
`embodiments is provided to enable any perSon skilled in the
`art to make or use the present invention. The various
`modifications to these embodiments will be readily apparent
`to those skilled in the art, and the generic principles defined
`herein may be applied to other embodiments without the use
`of the inventive faculty. Accordingly, the drawings and
`detailed description are to be regarded as illustrative in
`nature and not as restrictive. Thus, the present invention is
`not intended to be limited to the embodiments shown herein
`but is to be accorded the widest Scope consistent with the
`principles and novel features disclosed herein, and as indi
`cated by the appended claims.
`What is claimed is:
`1. A method for pacing transmission of data in a packet
`communication environment having a plurality of transmis
`Sion Stations inter-connectable via a link through a wide area
`network cloud, Said method comprising the Steps of:
`determining a round trip time for a packet issued by a
`transmitter and acknowledged by a receiver;
`determining number of data Segments in a flow control
`determining a window transmission time as the amount of
`time required to transmit the data Segments of the flow
`control window;
`computing an interSegment transmission interval based on
`the round trip time, window transmission time and
`number of Segments per flow control window; and
`during a communication connection
`Successively transmitting packets, each containing a data
`Segment, with interSegment transmission intervals
`between Selected packets.
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1037, page 9


`2. The method of claim 1 wherein the round trip t

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