Cloudflare, Inc. and Splunk Inc.
`Sable Networks, Inc.
`Patent Owner
`Case IPR2021-00909
`Patent No. 8,243,593
`Oral Argument
`September 7, 2022
`Petitioners’ Demonstrative Slides
`Cloudflare, Exhibit 1104


`U.S. Patent No. 8,243,593


`Petitioner’s Remaining Grounds of Unpatentability
`Challenged Claims
`Independent claim 9 with dependent claims 10-13 and
`17-24, and independent claim 29 with dependent claims
`30-33 and 37-44
`Independent claim 3
`Prior Art
`Yung and Copeland
`Yung and Four-Steps
`Patent Owner voluntarily disclaimed claims 1, 2, 4-8, 14-16, 25-28, and 34-36


`Copeland Discloses a “Badness Factor”
`Petitioners Established Reasons to
`Combine Yung and Copeland
`The Four-Steps Whitepaper
`Was Publicly Accessible
`Ground 2 Should Include
`Claims 17, 18, 37, and 38


`Yung Discloses Claim 9 Except a “Badness Factor”
`9. A machine implemented method for
`processing a flow, the flow comprising a
`series of information packets, the method
`maintaining a set of behavioral statistics
`for the flow, wherein the set of
`behavioral statistics is updated based on
`each information packet belonging to the
`flow, as each information packet
`belonging to the flow is processed,
`regardless of the presence or absence of
`congestion; and
`computing, based at least partially upon
`the set of behavioral statistics, a badness
`factor for the flow, wherein the badness
`factor provides an indication of whether
`the flow is exhibiting undesirable
`Figure 7 depicts a “method directed to
`enforcing bandwidth utilization controls
`on data flows.” EX1005, 6:35-36, Fig. 7.
`The method processes a single flow by
`identifying “a traffic class corresponding
`to the flow (214) [in red below]” and
`“enforc[ing]…bandwidth utilization
`controls on the data packet flow [in blue
`below].” Id., 24:13-18, 24:63-25:1.
`Paper 1 at 19
`Yung at Fig. 7 (EX1005)


`Yung Discloses Claim 9 Except a “Badness Factor”
`9. A machine implemented method for
`processing a flow, the flow comprising a
`series of information packets, the method
`maintaining a set of behavioral statistics
`for the flow, wherein the set of
`behavioral statistics is updated based on
`each information packet belonging to the
`flow, as each information packet
`belonging to the flow is processed,
`regardless of the presence or absence of
`congestion; and
`computing, based at least partially upon
`the set of behavioral statistics, a badness
`factor for the flow, wherein the badness
`factor provides an indication of whether
`the flow is exhibiting undesirable
`Yung’s flow block stores behavioral
`attributes of flows. EX1005, 8:5-11. For
`example, Yung tracks “various
`measurement values in the control block
`object that characterize the flow (e.g., last
`packet time, packet count, byte count,
`etc.).” Id., 25:8-11. … The flow object
`may also include information about “inter-
`flow timing” and the “timing of last
`packets in the inbound and outbound
`directions, speed information, apparent
`round trip time, etc.” Id., 11:36-38, 12:4-
`6, 17:42-49.
`Paper 1 at 25-26
`Yung at Fig. 7 (EX1005)


`Yung Discloses Claim 9 Except a “Badness Factor”
`9. A machine implemented method for
`processing a flow, the flow comprising a
`series of information packets, the method
`maintaining a set of behavioral statistics
`for the flow, wherein the set of
`behavioral statistics is updated based on
`each information packet belonging to the
`flow, as each information packet
`belonging to the flow is processed,
`regardless of the presence or absence of
`congestion; and
`computing, based at least partially upon
`the set of behavioral statistics, a badness
`factor for the flow, wherein the badness
`factor provides an indication of whether
`the flow is exhibiting undesirable
`As shown below, in step 202, “packet
`processor 131 receives a data packet” (in
`red) and constructs a new flow block (in
`green) or retrieves an existing flow block
`(in blue). After passing the packet to the
`flow control module in 222 (in orange),
`packet processor 131 in step 224 (in
`purple) then “updates various
`measurement values in the control block
`object that characterize the flow (e.g., last
`packet time, packet count, byte count,
`etc.).” EX1005, 25:8-11.
`Paper 1 at 28
`Yung at Fig. 7 (EX1005)


`Copeland Discloses a “Badness Factor”
`* * * * *
` 
`9. A machine implemented method for
`processing a flow, the flow comprising a
`series of information packets, the method
`maintaining a set of behavioral statistics
`for the flow, wherein the set of
`behavioral statistics is updated based on
`each information packet belonging to the
`flow, as each information packet
`belonging to the flow is processed,
`regardless of the presence or absence of
`congestion; and
`computing, based at least partially upon
`the set of behavioral statistics, a badness
`factor for the flow, wherein the badness
`factor provides an indication of whether
`the flow is exhibiting undesirable
`Copeland at 3:29-35, 7:55-58 (EX1007)


`Copeland Discloses a “Badness Factor”
`9. A machine implemented method for
`processing a flow, the flow comprising a
`series of information packets, the method
`maintaining a set of behavioral statistics
`for the flow, wherein the set of
`behavioral statistics is updated based on
`each information packet belonging to the
`flow, as each information packet
`belonging to the flow is processed,
`regardless of the presence or absence of
`congestion; and
`computing, based at least partially upon
`the set of behavioral statistics, a badness
`factor for the flow, wherein the badness
`factor provides an indication of whether
`the flow is exhibiting undesirable
`Petitioners’ Expert
`Copeland discloses computing a badness factor for the flow. Like Yung,
`Copeland tracks behavioral statistics about network flows, e.g., start time,
`end time, number of bytes, and packet count. EX1007, 16:44-63. Copeland
`then describes analyzing “the flow statistics [] to determine if the flow
`appears to be legitimate traffic or possible suspicious activity [and a] value,
`referred to as a ‘concern index’ is assigned to each flow that appears
`suspicious.” Id., 3:3135, 18:16-17, 26:24-26.
`This concern index (CI) value represents the claimed badness factor. Just as
`the badness factor in the ’593 patent is a calculated value that indicates a
`level of misbehavior attributable to a flow, Copeland’s CI value is assigned
`to the flow based on the behavior recognized by the system. For example,
`Copeland’s Figures 6 and 7 illustrate approaches to calculating the CI values
`based on an analysis of flow statistics. EX1007, FIGs. 6 and 7. Copeland
`discloses computing a badness factor for the flow.
`Jeffay Decl. ¶¶209-210 (EX1003)


`Copeland Discloses a “Badness Factor”
`9. A machine implemented method for
`processing a flow, the flow comprising a
`series of information packets, the method
`maintaining a set of behavioral statistics
`for the flow, wherein the set of
`behavioral statistics is updated based on
`each information packet belonging to the
`flow, as each information packet
`belonging to the flow is processed,
`regardless of the presence or absence of
`congestion; and
`computing, based at least partially upon
`the set of behavioral statistics, a badness
`factor for the flow, wherein the badness
`factor provides an indication of whether
`the flow is exhibiting undesirable
`Petitioners’ Expert
`Moreover, Copeland’s CI value provides an indication of whether the flow is
`exhibiting undesirable behavior. For example, Copeland notes that its CI
`value indicates whether the flow exhibits “suspicious activity” (i.e.,
`undesirable behavior). EX1007, 7:55-61. Indeed, Copeland contrasts
`“suspicious activity” with “legitimate traffic” and notes that a “probe is a
`flow that appears to have one host (a possible intruder) sending packets to
`gain information.” Id., 7:55-61; 18:4-13. Copeland’s CI value provides an
`indication of whether the flow is exhibiting undesirable behavior.
`A POSA would have understood that probing and network attacks are
`examples of undesirable behavior within the context of managing network
`infrastructure. Such attacks could hinder application performance or cause
`applications to fail entirely. And generally, a POSA would have understood
`that certain behaviors were more problematic and/or more indicative of
`network attacks than others. Thus, generally speaking using a gradient,
`range, or quantitative factor to describe a level of the malfeasance would
`have been recognizable to a POSA as being a useful tactic.
`Jeffay Decl. ¶¶211-212 (EX1003)


`Copeland Discloses a “Badness Factor”
`Petitioner’s Expert
`Q. And is it your opinion that the concern index discussed in Copeland is an example of a badness factor?
`A. Yes, there are disclosures in Copeland of the concern index that I think would qualify as fitting within the
`examples of badness factors that are described in the ’593 patent.
`Q. Okay. And what is that based on in Copeland?
`A. Well, Copeland describes particular types of activities that it’s trying to deal with, and these include
`things like port scans and probing attacks. And I think a person of skill would understand that probing
`attacks and port scans are examples of undesirable behavior, and therefore, measures of that activity
`would qualify as a badness factor.
`Q. So badness factor is a measure of undesirable behavior?
`A. Well, what the ’593 patent discloses is that the badness factor provides an indication of whether the flow
`is exhibiting undesirable behavior. And so, for example, that’s in Column 2 of the ’593 patent at around
`line 24. And I think a person of ordinary skill in the art reading Copeland would understand that its
`concern index provides an indication as to whether or not the flow is exhibiting undesirable behavior, for
`example, for the specific cases of trying to detect probes and port scans.
`Jeffay Tr. at 36:16-38:2 (EX2007)


`Copeland Discloses a “Badness Factor”
`’593 Patent
`EX1001 at 2:23-27
`EX1001 at 12:5-8 (claim 9)
`EX1007 at 3:31-35
`EX1007 at 3:18-20
`EX1007 at 4:30-33


`Copeland Discloses a “Badness Factor”
`EX1007 at Fig. 1


`A “Badness Factor” Need Not Be Calculated for “Each” Flow
`PO’s Sur-Reply
`As to ground 2, alleged obviousness over
`Yung and Copeland, Petitioners fail to
`show by a preponderance of evidence that
`Copeland and Yung teach the calculation
`of a “badness factor” for each flow as
`recited in claims 9-13, 19-24, 29-33, and
`Paper 36 at 2 (emphasis in original)
`PO’s Sur-Reply
`Independent claims 9 and 29 of the ’593
`patent recite computing a “badness factor”
`for each flow. Ex. 1001 [’593 Patent] cls.
`9.2, 29.2.
`Paper 36 at 17 (emphasis in original)


`A “Badness Factor” Need Not Be Calculated for “Each” Flow
`PO’s Sur-Reply
`As to ground 2, alleged obviousness over
`Yung and Copeland, Petitioners fail to
`show by a preponderance of evidence that
`Copeland and Yung teach the calculation
`of a “badness factor” for each flow as
`recited in claims 9-13, 19-24, 29-33, and
`Paper 36 at 2 (emphasis in original)
`PO’s Sur-Reply
`Independent claims 9 and 29 of the ’593
`patent recite computing a “badness factor”
`for each flow. Ex. 1001 [’593 Patent] cls.
`9.2, 29.2.
`Paper 36 at 17 (emphasis in original)


`Yung-Copeland Discloses Claim 9
`* * * * *
`Copeland at 3:29-35, 7:55-58 (EX1007)
` 
`9. A machine implemented method for
`processing a flow, the flow comprising a
`series of information packets, the method
`maintaining a set of behavioral statistics
`for the flow, wherein the set of
`behavioral statistics is updated based on
`each information packet belonging to the
`flow, as each information packet
`belonging to the flow is processed,
`regardless of the presence or absence of
`congestion; and
`computing, based at least partially upon
`the set of behavioral statistics, a badness
`factor for the flow, wherein the badness
`factor provides an indication of whether
`the flow is exhibiting undesirable


`Claim 9 and Claim 29 Are Largely Identical
`  
`9. A machine implemented method for
`processing a flow, the flow comprising a
`series of information packets, the method
`maintaining a set of behavioral statistics
`for the flow, wherein the set of
`behavioral statistics is updated based on
`each information packet belonging to the
`flow, as each information packet
`belonging to the flow is processed,
`regardless of the presence or absence of
`congestion; and
`computing, based at least partially upon
`the set of behavioral statistics, a badness
`factor for the flow, wherein the badness
`factor provides an indication of whether
`the flow is exhibiting undesirable
`Jeffay Decl. ¶59 (EX1003)


`Yung-Copeland Discloses Claim 29
`* * * * *
`Copeland at 3:29-35, 7:55-58 (EX1007)
` 
`29. A misbehaving flow manager
`(MFM) for processing a flow, the flow
`comprising a series of information
`packets, the MFM comprising:
`means for maintaining a set of behavioral
`statistics for the flow, wherein the set of
`behavioral statistics is updated based on
`each information packet belonging to the
`flow, as each information packet
`belonging to the flow is processed,
`regardless of the presence or absence of
`congestion; and
`means for computing, based at least
`partially upon the set of behavioral
`statistics, a badness factor for the flow,
`wherein the badness factor provides an
`indication of whether the flow is
`exhibiting undesirable behavior.


`Copeland Discloses a “Badness Factor”
`Petitioners Established Reasons to
`Combine Yung and Copeland
`The Four-Steps Whitepaper
`Was Publicly Accessible
`Ground 2 Should Include
`Claims 17, 18, 37, and 38


`A POSA Would Have Reason to Combine Yung and Copeland
`A POSA would have been motivated to incorporate Copeland’s flow-based CI [concern index] value into
`Yung’s bandwidth-management device based on Yung’s express disclosure. EX1003, ¶¶196-205. Yung
`provides exemplary application-behavior-pattern-matching techniques and notes that “the application
`behavior pattern can incorporate other factors as well.” EX1005, 10:43-58, 11:59-60. A POSA would have
`been motivated to seek out “other factors” for classifying traffic. EX1003, ¶197. For example, a POSA
`would have sought to classify traffic behaving suspiciously or disruptively. Id., ¶¶198-200. Copeland’s CI
`value exemplifies a mechanism for identifying flows behaving in an undesirable fashion that would be
`employed by Yung’s device when classifying and controlling traffic. Id., ¶¶201-202.
`Paper 1 at 45-46
`Petitioners’ Expert
`Copeland’s flow-based CI [concern index] value provides one such “other factor” that would be considered
`by Yung’s device when classifying traffic. Copeland calculates the CI value based on “flow statistics” that
`are analyzed “to determine if the flow appears to be legitimate traffic or possible suspicious activity.”
`EX1007, 3:32-34. This CI value would be used as an “other factor” in Yung’s traffic classification engine
`86 when classifying data flows.
`Jeffay Decl. ¶197 (EX1003)


`A POSA Would Have Reason to Combine Yung and Copeland
`A POSA would have recognized that incorporating Copeland’s flow-based CI [concern index] value would
`enhance Yung’s traffic management device’s ability to identify and control traffic having undesirable
`characteristics such as network attacks and probes. See EX1007, 8:33-44. Yung notes that “a common use
`of bandwidth management devices is to limit the bandwidth being consumed by unruly, bandwidth-
`intensive applications…and/or other unauthorized applications.” EX1005, 4:43-47. Network attacks would
`have concerned a POSA because they could disable network infrastructure and impair network
`applications. EX1003, ¶¶199-200; see also EX1030, 1:35-48. As Yung sought to preserve an efficient
`allocation of network resources, e.g., bandwidth (EX1005, 2:31-34), a POSA would have recognized that
`controlling network attacks and probes would further this goal and maintain network viability and
`application performance. EX1003, ¶200.
`Paper 1 at 46
`Petitioners’ Expert
`It is my opinion that network attacks such as the flooding attacks considered by Copeland would have
`concerned a POSA because such attacks could potentially render network infrastructure inoperable and
`severely impact the performance of network applications. … Network attacks and intrusions were a
`recognized problem during the relevant time frame. EX1030, 1:35-48. … The impact of such attacks on
`network infrastructure was a concern for network administrators. [EX1038], 23.
`Jeffay Decl. ¶199 (EX1003)


`A POSA Would Have Reason to Combine Yung and Copeland
`By integrating Copeland’s flow-based CI [concern index] value, Yung’s administrator would be able to
`apply a discard policy to flows with high CI values. EX1003, ¶201; see also EX1005, 19:58-61. A POSA
`would have recognized that allowing the administrator to configure the discard policy based on a CI value
`would obviate the need for the administrator to understand the intricate nature of network attacks. EX1003,
`¶201. This would have been a desirable feature for administrators because the attack patterns were dynamic
`and evolving. Id., ¶202. Such a feature would increase the accuracy of Yung’s traffic-classification methods
`and expand the types of behavior controllable by Yung to include probing related to network attacks.
`Compare EX1005, 4:43-47 with EX1007, 8:33-37. Then such behavior could be policed and eliminated
`using Yung’s policies. EX1003, ¶201.
`Paper 1 at 46-47
`Petitioners’ Expert
`This would have been a desirable feature for administrators because the attack patterns were dynamic and
`evolving. Given this changing nature, Yung’s system could adapt through software updates to recognize
`new threats and types of behavior and incorporate these into the CI value calculation. Thus, a POSA would
`recognize that a network administrator would not have to keep up with the latest attack patterns. ….
`Jeffay Decl. ¶202 (EX1003)


`Copeland’s “Behavior Statistics” Are Not Limited to Packet Headers
`PO’s Sur-Reply
`Indeed, Copeland’s “concern index” value is
`not a behavioral attribute of a flow that
`there is any preponderant evidence that the
`POSITA would have been motivated to
`combine with Yung. Id., 26-27. Copeland’s
`“concern index” value is reflective of packet
`header information, not the behavior of a
`Paper 36 at 21
`Petitioners’ Expert
`Finally, Copeland computes its CI [concern index] value based at least
`partially upon the set of behavioral statistics. Copeland “collects
`information about and statistics associated with each flow and stores
`this information and statistics in a database.” EX1007, 7:40-42.
`Copeland provides an exemplary flow data structure. Id., 16:44-63.
`Copeland then calculates the CI value based on these statistics. Id.,
`10:45-47 (“[T]he engine 155 associates all packets with a flow[,]
`analyzes certain statistical data and assigns a concern index value to
`abnormal activity.”) For example, in Figures 6 and 7, the “CI value” is
`determined in part based at least partially upon tracked statistics. Id.,
`FIGs. 6 and 7. For example, in Figure 6, in the context of a “Potential
`TCP Probe”…, Copeland proposes using “number of packets”…as the
`CI value.
`Jeffay Decl. ¶213 (EX1003)


`Copeland’s “Behavior Statistics” Are Not Limited to Packet Headers
`’593 Patent
`EX1001 at 7:20-29
`EX1001 at Fig. 4


`“Behavioral Statistics” Can Include Packet Header Information
`EX1005 at 12:12-24


`“Behavioral Statistics” Can Include Packet Header Information
`Copeland at Fig. 6 (EX1007); see also id. 9:12-15 (“The transport layer protocol (TCP) header…specifies the port numbers….”)


`“Behavioral Statistics” Can Include Packet Header Information
`EX1007 at Fig. 1


`Copeland, Yung, and the ’593 Patent Track the Same Types of Statistics
`EX1005 at 8:5-11
`’593 Patent
`EX1007 at 16:37-43
`EX1001 at 7:20-28


`Copeland Discloses a “Badness Factor”
`Petitioners Established Reasons to
`Combine Yung and Copeland
`The Four-Steps Whitepaper
`Was Publicly Accessible
`Ground 2 Should Include
`Claims 17, 18, 37, and 38


`Yung Discloses Most of Claim 3
`Yung (EX1005)
`   
`3. An article of manufacture comprising:
`a non-transitory computer-readable medium
`having stored thereon a data structure;
`a first field containing data representing a flow
`a second field containing data representing
`payload-content-agnostic behavioral statistics
`about dropped and non-dropped packets of a
`a third field containing data representing pre-
`determined behavior threshold values;
`a fourth field containing data representing the
`results of a heuristic determination of whether
`said flow exhibits undesirable behavior
`determined by comparing said behavioral
`statistics to said pre-determined threshold
`a fifth field containing data representing at
`least one penalty to be enforced against at
`least one packet upon determination that said
`flow exhibits undesirable behavior.


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Discloses the “Second Field”
`Four-Steps Whitepaper at 18 (EX1006)
`   
`3. An article of manufacture comprising:
`a non-transitory computer-readable medium
`having stored thereon a data structure;
`a first field containing data representing a flow
`a second field containing data representing
`payload-content-agnostic behavioral statistics
`about dropped and non-dropped packets of a
`a third field containing data representing pre-
`determined behavior threshold values;
`a fourth field containing data representing the
`results of a heuristic determination of whether
`said flow exhibits undesirable behavior
`determined by comparing said behavioral
`statistics to said pre-determined threshold
`a fifth field containing data representing at
`least one penalty to be enforced against at
`least one packet upon determination that said
`flow exhibits undesirable behavior.


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Was on Packeteer’s Website in March 2003
`Four-Steps Whitepaper
`The Four-Steps Whitepaper is a true and accurate
`copy of the pdf available on the [Packeteer]
`website as of March 17, 2003, …. The Four-Steps
`Whitepaper is stamped with a URL reflecting that
`the publication was archived from the Packeteer
`website on March 17, 2003.
`Paper 1 at 15-16


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Was Publicly Accessible
`Four-Steps Whitepaper
`EX1005 at 4:43-51
`EX1005 at 6:5-11


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Was Publicly Accessible
`Petitioners’ Expert
`Packeteer was an industry leader. A data sheet from Packeteer notes that “seventy-four percent of the
`world’s largest companies rely on Packeteer® innovation to solve their WAN application performance
`problems.” EX1031, 1. One author describes techniques for using the PacketShaper® to secure a
`university’s network. See EX1032.
`I have personally configured and deployed a PacketShaper® in a network environment. The PacketShaper®
`would have been known to a POSA in the relevant timeframe, though other similar products existed that
`provided similar functionality ….
`Jeffay Decl. ¶¶42-43 (EX1003)
`Petitioners’ Expert
`A. All I know about this document [EX1031] is what appears in the document itself, which is on the last
`page. It carriers a copyright notice of 1996 to 2006. What I’ll say, however, is that, you know,
`Packeteer…didn’t come into the marketplace in an instant, and so its existence was certainly known in
`the 2004 timeframe. And be it for the fact that it was successful or the products it made, persons of skill
`in the art knew about Packeteer in the 2004 timeframe.
`Q. And did they know about it in the 2003 timeframe?
`A. Yes.
`Jeffay Tr. at 47:20-48:11 (EX2007)


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Was Publicly Accessible
`Four-Steps Whitepaper at 3 (EX1006)


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Was Publicly Accessible
`Four-Steps Whitepaper at 4 (EX1006)


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Was Publicly Accessible
`Four-Steps Whitepaper at 30 (EX1006)


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Was Publicly Accessible
`Petitioners’ Expert
`In my opinion, a POSA interested in the
`PacketShaper® could have easily found Packeteer
`whitepapers and other materials about it on the
`Packeteer website including the Four-Steps
`In addition to my personal experience, I have also
`accessed and reviewed an archived version of the
`Packeteer website from February 2003. Several of
`the archived web pages are provided in EX1081.
`Supp. Jeffay Decl. ¶¶2-3 (EX1093)
`EX1081 at 5


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Was Publicly Accessible
`Petitioners’ Expert
`I accessed these archived web pages and navigated
`through them as follows: First, I accessed the
`Packeteer Home Page, which is excerpted and
`annotated below. That web page has a search box
`at the top of the screen, identified by the green
`arrow below. Beneath the search bar appears a
`link bar that includes the following nine links:
`“Home,” “What’s New,” “Products,” “Solutions,”
`“Support,” “Partners,” “Investors,” “Careers,” and
`“Company.” The link “Products” is identified
`below by an orange arrow.
`Supp. Jeffay Decl. ¶4 (EX1093)
`citing EX1081 at 5 (excerpted and annotated)


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Was Publicly Accessible
`Petitioners’ Expert
`The “Products” link on the Packeteer Home Page
`points to the Products Page, which is excerpted
`and annotated below. Clicking on the “Products”
`link leads to the Products Page. The Products Page
`includes a link titled “Packetshaper,” which is
`identified by a blue arrow below.
`Supp. Jeffay Decl. ¶5 (EX1093)
`citing EX1081 at 7 (excerpted and annotated)


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Was Publicly Accessible
`Petitioners’ Expert
`The “PacketShaper” link on the Products Page
`points to the PacketShaper Page, which is
`excerpted and annotated below. Clicking on the
`“PacketShaper” link leads to the PacketShaper
`Page. The PacketShaper Page includes a section
`titled “White Papers” that includes a link to “Four
`Steps to Application Performance,” which is
`identified by a red arrow below.
`Supp. Jeffay Decl. ¶6 (EX1093)
`citing EX1081 at 9 (excerpted and annotated)


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Was Publicly Accessible
`Petitioners’ Expert
`On the PacketShaper page, the link “Four Steps to
`Application Performance” under the heading
`“White Papers” points to a PDF of the paper “Four
`Steps to Application Performance Across the
`Network,” dated September 2002, at the following
`This URL is the same one reflected in EX1006 and
`the PDF file at that URL is the same as EX1006,
`i.e., the Four-Steps Whitepaper.
`Supp. Jeffay Decl. ¶7 (EX1093)


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Was Publicly Accessible
`Petitioners’ Expert
`Based on my review of these archived web pages,
`it is my opinion that a POSA using a web browser
`in early 2003 could have gone to the Packeteer
`Home Page, clicked on the “Products” link, and
`then clicked the “PacketShaper” link at which
`point he or she would see a link to the Four-Steps
`Whitepaper (EX1006). It would have been a
`simple matter for a POSA to locate and review that
`Supp. Jeffay Decl. ¶8 (EX1093)


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Was Publicly Accessible
`Petitioners’ Expert
`Based on my review of these archived web pages,
`it is my opinion that a POSA using a web browser
`in early 2003 could have gone to the Packeteer
`Home Page, clicked on the “Products” link, and
`then clicked the “PacketShaper” link at which
`point he or she would see a link to the Four-Steps
`Whitepaper (EX1006). It would have been a
`simple matter for a POSA to locate and review that
`Supp. Jeffay Decl. ¶8 (EX1093)
`Patent Owner’s Response
`Coalition for Affordable Drugs thus stands for the
`proposition that where, as here, a petitioner is
`relying on a document located through the use of
`the Wayback Machine as prior art, the petitioner
`has the burden to show that a POSITA would have
`navigated to a webpage with a hyperlink to the
`document and the document and the hyperlink
`would have worked such that the POSITA would
`have retrieved the document.
`Paper 30 at 35-36


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Was Publicly Accessible


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Was Publicly Accessible
`Petitioners’ Attorney
`I clicked on the version of the Packeteer website
`that was archived on November 27, 2002….
`I clicked on the “Products” link along the top of
`the menu bar….
`I clicked on the link for “PacketShaper,”….
`I clicked on the link for “Product Literature,”….
`I clicked on the link for “PacketShaper
`Technical Product Overview Four Steps to
`Application Performance,” which led to the
`tp://, as
`shown below.
`Callaway Reply Decl. ¶¶3-7 (EX1097)


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Was Publicly Accessible
`Petitioners’ Attorney
`Using the Internet Archive, I performed similar
`steps to those above to browse the Packeteer
`website ( to the Four-Steps
`Whitepaper (the version labeled “September
`2002” on the cover, as shown above) using the
`archived versions of the Packeteer website from
`the following dates:
`• September 25, 2002
`• September 29, 2002
`• November 20, 2002
`• November 27, 2002
`• November 29, 2002
`January 22, 2003
`January 24, 2003
`• February 16, 2003
`Callaway Reply Decl. ¶8 (EX1097)


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Was Publicly Accessible
`Author of the Four-Steps Whitepaper
`When I was working for Packeteer, I wrote the
`paper entitled “Four Steps to Application
`Performance Across the Network” dated
`September 2002 (the “Four-Steps Whitepaper”)
`that is attached to this declaration. I understand
`that it has been identified as Exhibit 1006.
`The September 2002 version of the Four-Steps
`Whitepaper (the one that is attached to this
`declaration) was made available to the public in
`September 2002 as indicated on the cover of the
`Spitzer Decl. ¶¶4-5 (EX1098)


`The Four-Steps Whitepaper Was Publicly Accessible
`Author of the Four-Steps Whitepaper
`Different versions of Four-Steps Whitepaper
`were posted on Packeteer’s website at different
`times on the PacketShaper product page.

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