USOO731 0356B2
`(12) United States Patent
`Abd0 et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,310,356 B2
`Dec. 18, 2007
`(75) Inventors: Miguel Abdo, Gulfport, FL (US); Greg
`Munroe, Largo, FL (US); William H.
`Venz, Seminole, FL (US)
`(73) Assignee: Paradyne Corporation, Largo, FL
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 1024 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 10/603,038
`(22) Filed:
`Jun. 24, 2003
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2004/OO52257 A1
`Mar. 18, 2004
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/391,121, filed on Jun.
`24, 2002, provisional application No. 60/391,098,
`filed on Jun. 24, 2002, provisional application No.
`60/391,053, filed on Jun. 24, 2002
`swa- -s
`• 1- is
`(51) Int. Cl.
`H04 3/12
`(52) U.S. Cl. ...................... 370522.370524; 370,373.
`370/377; 370/384; 370/385; 379/221.08;
`379/221.09: 379/229
`(58) Field of Classification Search ................ 370/522,
`370/524, 373,377,384, 385; 379/221.08,
`379/221.09, 229
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`5,930.264 A * 7/1999 Nguyen ...................... 370/466
`6,567,298 B2 * 5/2003 Kato et al. .................. 365,149
`6,671,367 B1 * 12/2003 Graf et al. .................. 379,229
`6,785,372 B1* 8/2004 Moss et al. .............. 379,1142
`2004/01011 25 A1
`5/2004 Graf et al. .................. 379,229
`2004/0264389 A1 12/2004 Abdo et al.
`Co-pending application entitled “Determination of Network Perfor
`mance Characteristics', having U.S. Appl. No. 10/515.222, filed
`Nov. 19, 2004.
`Primary Examiner Quynh H. Nguyen
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Thomas, Kayden,
`Horstemeyer & Risley, LLP
`Systems and methods for automatically discovering the
`configuration of network and/or communication facilities
`are provided. The determination generally involves receiv
`ing and/or sending at least one test message or packet with
`special characteristics that normally would be filtered by
`filtering/forwarding entities in connectionless routed cores,
`but normally would be forwarded by connectionless com
`munication facilities. If the communication facilities do not
`contain the filtering/forwarding entity, the at least one test
`packet will be forwarded or passed through the communi
`cation facilities. If the at least one test packet is filtered or
`not passed, then at least two scenarios are possible. First, the
`at least one test packet may be filtered and may be silently
`discarded in which case a determination that the network did
`not pass the at least one test packet may be made based upon
`a timeout of a counter. Second, the at least one test packet
`may be filtered and may cause the generation of error or
`control messages indicating that the at least one test packet
`E A. a proper packet for the network and/or communication
`35 Claims, 12 Drawing Sheets
`1STP Net
`ext N
`428 pKNE
`1st PN
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1076, page 1


`US 7,310,356 B2
`Page 2
`RFC 760: DOD Standard Internet Protocol (Available at ftp://ftp.
` V: Jan. 1980; pp. i-iii. 1-42.
`RFC 777: Internet Control Message Protocol (Available at ftp://ftp.
`; Jon Postel; Apr. 1981; pp. 1-14.
`RFC 787: Connectionless Data Transmission Survey Tutorial
`(Available at; A. Lyman Chapin;
`May 22, 1981; pp. 1-41.
`RFC 791: Internet Protocol: DARPA Internet Program Protocol
`Specification (Available at; The
`Information Sciences Institute of the University of Southern Cali
`fornia; Editor: Jon Postel; Sep. 1981; pp. i-iii. 1-45.
`RFC 792: Internet Control Message Protocol: DARPA Internet
`Program Protocol Specification (Available at
`notes/rfc792.txt); Jon Postel; Sep. 1981; pp. 1-21.
`RFC 874: A Critique of X.25 (Available at
`rfc874.txt); M. A. Padlipsky; Sep. 1982: pp. i. 1-13.
`RFC 877: A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams Over
`Public Data Networks (Available at
`txt); J. T. Korb; Sep. 1983; pp. 1-2.
`RFC 894: A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over
`Ethernet Networks (Available at
`txt); Charles Hornig; Apr. 1984; pp. 1-3.
`RFC 895: A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over
`Experimental Ethernet Networks (Available at
`notes/rfc895.txt); Jon Postel; Apr. 1984; pp. 1-3.
`RFC 948: Two Methods for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over
`IEEE 802.3 Networks (Available at
`txt); Ira Winston; Jun. 1985; pp. 0-5.
`RFC 950: Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure (Available at
`; J. Mogul and Jon Postel; Aug.
`1985; pp. 1-18.
`RFC 1009: Requirements for Internet Gateways (Available at ftp://
` 1009.txt); Robert Braden and Jon Postel; Jun.
`1987: pp. 1-55.
`RFC 1042: A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over
`IEEE 802 Networks (Available at
`txt); Jon Postel and J. Reynolds; Feb. 1988; pp. 1-15.
`RFC 1051: A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams and
`ARP Packets over ARCNET Networks (Available at ftp://ftp.lisi.
`edu/in-notes/rfc 1051.txt); P. Prindeville; Mar. 1988; pp. 1-4.
`RFC 1053; Telnet X.3 PAD Option (Available at
`in-notes/rfc1053.txt); S. Levy and T. Jacobson; Apr. 1988; pp. 1-21.
`RFC 1055: A Nonstandard for Transmission of IP Datagrams Over
`Serial Lines: SLIP (Available at
`txt); J. Romkey; Jun. 1988; pp. 1-6.
`RFC 1086 ISO-TPO bridge between TCP and X.25 (Available at
`; Julian P. Onions and Marshall
`Rose; Dec. 1988; pp. 1-9.
`RFC 1088: A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over
`NetBIOS Networks (Available at
`txt); Leo J. McLaughlin III; Feb. 1989: pp. 1-3.
`RFC 1090: SMTP on X.25 (Available at
`rfc 1090.txt); Robert Ullmann; Feb. 1989: pp. 1-4.
`RFC 1103: A Proposed Standard for the Transmission of IP
`Datagrams over FDDI Networks (Available at
`notes/rfc1103.txt); Dave Katz; Jun. 1989; pp. 1-9.
`RFC 1122: Requirements for Internet Hosts—Communication Lay
`ers (Available at; The Internet
`Engineering Task Force; Editor: Robert Braden; Oct. 1989; pp.
`RFC 1134: The Point-to-Point Protocol: A Proposal for Multi
`Protocol Transmission of Datagrams Over Point-to-Point Links
`(Available at 1134.txt); Drew D.
`Perkins; Nov. 1989: pp. 1-38.
`RFC 1171: The Point-to-Point Protocol for the Transmission of
`Multi-Protocol Datagrams Over Point-to-Point Links (Available at
`; Drew D. Perkins; Jul. 1990;
`pp. 1-48.
`RFC 1172: The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Initial Configuration
`Options (Available at 1172.txt); Drew D.
`Perkins and Russ Hobby; Jul. 1990; pp. 1-38.
`RFC 1188: A Proposed Standard for the Transmission of IP
`Datagrams over FDDI Networks (Available at
`notes/ftp1188.txt); Dave Katz; Oct. 1990; pp. 1-11.
`RFC 1201: Transmitting IP Traffic over ARCNET Networks (Avail
`able at; Don Provan; Feb.
`1991; pp. 1-7.
`RFC 1209: The Transmission of IP Datagrams over the SMDS
`Service (Available at 1209.txt); Dave
`Piscitello and Joseph Lawrence; Mar. 1991; pp. 1-11.
`RFC 1220: Point-to-Point Protocol Extensions for Bridging (Avail
`able at; Fred Baker; Apr. 1991;
`pp. 1-18.
`RFC 1226: Internet Protocol Encapsulation of AX.25 Frames
`(Available at 1226.txt); Brian Kantor;
`May 1991; pp. 1-2.
`RFC 1234: Tunneling IPX Traffic through IP Networks (Available
`at 1234.txt); Don Provan; Jun. 1991; pp.
`RFC 1241: A Scheme for an Internet Encapsulation Protocol:
`Version 1 (Available at 1241.txt); Robert
`A. Woodburn and David L. Mills; Jul. 1991; pp. 1-17.
`RFC 1242: Benchmarking Terminology for Network Interconnec
`tion Devices (Available at 1242.txt);
`Scott Bradner, Editor; Jul. 1991 pp. 1-12.
`RFC 1256: ICMP Router Discovery Messages (Available at ftp://
` 1256.txt); Stephen E. Deering, Editor; Sep.
`1991; pp. 1.-19.
`RFC 1293: Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (Available at
`; Terry Bradley and Caralyn
`Brown; Jan. 1992: pp. 1-6.
`RFC 1294: Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay (Available
`at; Terry Bradley, Caralyn
`Brown, and Andrew G. Malis; Jan. 1992: pp. 1-28.
`RFC 1326: Mutual Encapsulation Considered Dangerous (Available
`at Tsuchiya; May 1992;
`pp. 1-5.
`RFC 1329: Thoughts on Address Resolution for Dual MAC FDDI
`Networks (Available at; Peter
`Kuehn; May 1992: pp. 1-28.
`RFC 1331: The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) for the Transmission
`of Multi-protocol Datagrams over Point-to-Point Links (Available
`at Allen Simpson;
`May 1992: pp. 1-66.
`RFC 1332: The PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP)
`McGregor; May 1992: pp. 1-12.
`RFC 1333: PPP Link Quality Monitoring (Available at ftp://ftp.lisi.
`edu/in-notes/rfc.1333.txt); William Allen Simpson; May 1992: pp.
`RFC 1335: A Two-Tier Address Structure for the Internet: A
`Solution to the Problem of Address Space Exhaustion (Available at
`; Zheng Wang and Jon
`Crowcroft; May 1992: pp. 1-7.
`RFC 1356: Multiprotocol Interconnect on X.25 and ISDN in the
`Packet Mode (Available at;
`Andrew G. Malis, David Robinson, and Robert L. Ullmann; Aug.
`1992: pp. 1-14.
`RFC 1376: The PPP DECnet Phase IV Control Protocol (DNCP)
`(Available at; Steven J.
`Senum; Nov. 1992: pp. 1-6.
`RFC 1377: The PPP OSI Network Layer Control Protocol
`(OSINLCP) (Available at
`Dave Katz; Nov. 1992: pp. 1-10.
`RFC 1378: The PPP AppleTalk Control Protocol (ATCP) (Available
`at; Brad Parker; Nov. 1992: pp.
`RFC 1381: SNMP MIB Extension for X.25 LAPB (Available at
`; Dean D. Throop and Fred
`Baker; Nov. 1992: pp. 1-33.
`RFC 1382: SNMP MIB Extension for the X.25 Packet Layer
`(Available at; Dean D. Throop,
`Editor; Nov. 1992: pp. 1-69.
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1076, page 2


`US 7,310,356 B2
`Page 3
`RFC 1390: Transmission of IP and ARP Over FDDI Networks
`(Available at; Dave Katz; Jan.
`1993; pp. 1-11.
`RFC 1393: Traceroute Using an IP Option (Available at ftp://ftp.
`; Gary Scott Malkin; Jan. 1993; pp. 1-7.
`RFC 1479: Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol Specification:
`Version 1 (Available at;
`Martha Steenstrup; Jul. 1993; pp. 1-108.
`RFC 1483: Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation
`Layer 5 (Available at; Juha
`Heinanen; Jul. 1993; pp. 1-16.
`RFC 1490: Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay (Available
`at; Terry Bradley, Caralyn
`Brown, and Andrew G. Malis; Jul. 1993; pp. 1-35.
`RFC 1547: Requirements for an Internet Standard Point-to-Point
`Protocol (Available at; Drew
`Perkins; Dec. 1993; pp. 1-21.
`RFC 1548: The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) (Available at ftp://
` 1548.txt); William Allen Simpson; Dec.
`1993; pp. 1-53.
`RFC 1549: PPP in HDLC Framing (Available at
`in-notes/rfc1549.txt); William Allen Simpson, Editor; Dec. 1993;
`pp. 1-18.
`RFC 1552: The PPP Internetwork Packet Exchange Control Proto
`col (IPXCP) (Available at 1552.txt);
`William Allen Simpson; Dec. 1993; pp. 1-16.
`RFC 1577: Classical IP and ARP over ATM (Available at ftp://ftp.
`; Mark Laubach; Jan. 1994; pp. 1-17.
`RFC 1579: Firewall-Friendly FTP (Available at
`notes/rfc1579.txt); Steven M. Bellovin; Feb. 1994; pp. 1-4.
`RFC 1597. Address Allocation for Private Internets (Available at
` Yakov Rekhter, Robert G
`Moskowitz, Daniel Karrenberg, and Geert Jan de Groot; Mar. 1994;
`pp. 1-8.
`RFC 1598: PPP in X.25 (Available at
`rfc.1598.txt); William Allen Simpson; Mar. 1994; pp. 1-7.
`RFC 1613: cisco Systems X.25 over TCP (XOT) (Available at
`; James R. Forster, Greg Satz,
`Gilbert Glick, and Bob Day; May 1994; pp. 1-13.
`RFC 1618: PPP over ISDN (Available at
`rfc.1618.txt); William Allen Simpson; May 1994; pp. 1-6.
`RFC 1619: PPP over SONET/SDH (Available at
`in-notes/rfc1619.txt); William Allen Simpson; May 1994; pp. 1-4.
`RFC 1627: Network 10 Considered Harmful (Some Practices
`Shouldn't be Codified) (Available at
`rfc 1627.txt); Eliot Lear, Erik Fair, Dave Crocker, and Thomas
`Kessler; Jul. 1994; pp. 1-8.
`RFC 1631: The IP Network Address Translator (NAT) (Available at
`; Kjeld Borch Egevang and
`Paul Francis; May 1994; pp. 1-10.
`RFC 1638: PPP Bridging Control Protocol (BCP) (Available at
`; Fred Baker and Rich Bowen,
`Editors; Jun. 1994; pp. 1-28.
`RFC 1661: The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) (Available at ftp://
` 1661.txt); William Allen Simpson; Jul. 1994;
`pp. 1-52.
`RFC 1662: PPP in HDLC-like Framing (Available at ftp://ftp.lisi.
`edu/in-notes/rfc 1662.txt); William Allen Simpson; Jul. 1994; pp.
`RFC 1663: PPP Reliable Transmission (Available at ftp://ftp.lisi.
`edu/in-notes/rfc 1663.txt); Dave Rand; Jul. 1994; pp. 1-8.
`RFC 1700: Assigned Numbers (Available at
`notes/rfc1700.txt); Joyce K. Reynolds and Jon Postel; Oct. 1994;
`pp. 1-230.
`RFC 1701: Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) (Available at
`; Stan Hanks, Tony Li, Dino
`Farinacci, and Paul Traina; Oct. 1994; pp. 1-8.
`RFC 1702: Generic Routing Encapsulation over IPv4 networks
`(Available at; Stan Hanks,
`Tony Li, Dino Farinacci, and Paul Traina; Oct. 1994; pp. 1-4.
`RFC 1717: The PPP Miltilink Protocol (MP) (Available at ftp://ftp.
`; Keith Sklower, Brian Lloyd, Glenn
`McGregor, and Dave Carr; Nov. 1994; pp. 1-21.
`RFC 1739: A Primer On Internet and TCP/IP Tools (Available at
`; Gary C. Kessler and Steven D.
`Shepard; Dec. 1994; pp. 1-46.
`RFC 1752: The Recommendation for the IP Next Generation
`Protocol (Available at; Scott
`Bradner and Allision Mankin; Jan. 1995; pp. 1-52.
`RFC 1755: ATM Signaling Support for IP over ATM (Available at
` 1755.txt); Maryann Perez Maher, Fong
`Ching Liaw, and Allison Mankin; Feb. 1995; pp. 1-32.
`RFC 1762: The PPP DECnet Phase IV Control Protocol (DNCP)
`(Available at; Steven J.
`Senum; Mar. 1995; pp. 1-7.
`RFC 1763: The PPP Banyan Vines Control Protocol (BVCP)
`(Available at; Steven J.
`Senum; Mar. 1995; pp. 1-10.
`RFC 1764: The PPP XNS IDP Control Protocol (XNSCP) (Avail
`able at; Steven J. Senum; Mar.
`1995; pp. 1-5.
`RFC 1788: ICMP Domain Name Messages (Available at ftp://ftp.
`; William Allen Simpson; Apr. 1995;
`pp. 1-78.
`RFC 1814: Unique Addresses are Good (Available at ftp://ftp.lisi.
`edu/in-notes/rfc 1814.txt); Elise Gerich; Jun. 1995; pp. 1-3.
`RFC 1825: Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol (Avail
`able at; Randall Atkinson;
`Aug. 1995; pp. 1-22.
`RFC 1826: IP Authentication Header (Available at
`in-notes/rfc1826.txt); Randall Atkinson; Aug. 1995; pp. 1-13.
`RFC 1827: EP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) (Available at
` 1827.txt); Randall Atkinson; Aug. 1995;
`pp. 1-12.
`RFC 1841: PPP Network Control Protocol for LAN Extension
`(Available at; Joelle Bafile
`Chapman, Dave Coli, Andy Harvey, Dent Jensen, and Kevin
`Rowett; Sep. 1995; pp. 1-66.
`RFC 1853: IP in IPTunneling (Available at
`rfc 1853.txt); William Allen Simpson; Oct. 1995; pp. 1-8.
`RFC 1877: PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol Extensions for
`Name Server Addresses (Available at
`rfc 1877.txt); Steve Cobb; Dec. 1995; pp. 1-6.
`RFC 1883: Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification (Avail
`able at 1883.txt); Stephen E. Deering
`and Robert M. Hinden; Dec. 1995; pp. 1-37.
`RFC 1884: IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture (Available at
` 1884.txt); Robert M. Hinden and
`Stephen E. Deering, Editors; Dec. 1995; pp. 1-18.
`RFC 1885: Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the
`Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Specification (Available at ftp://
` 1885.txt); Alex Conta and Stephen Deering:
`Dec. 1995; pp. 1-20.
`RFC 1887: An Architecture for IPv6 Unicast Address Allocation
`(Available at; Yakov Rekhter
`and Tony Li, Editors; Dec. 1995; pp. 1-26.
`RFC 1897: IPv6 Testing Address Allocation (Available at ftp://ftp.
`; Robert M. Hinden and Jon Postel; Jan.
`1996; pp. 1-4.
`RFC 1918: Address Allocation for Private Internets (Available at
` 1918.txt); Yakov Rekhter, Robert G.
`Moskowitz, Daviel Karrenberg, Geert Jan de Groot, and Eliot Lear;
`Feb. 1996; pp. 1-9.
`RFC 1919: Classical versus Transparent IP Proxies (Available at
` 1919.txt); Marc Chatel; Mar. 1996; pp.
`RFC 1928: SOCKS Protocol Version 5 (Available at ftp://ftp.lisi.
`edu/in-notes/rfc 1928.txt); Marcus Leech, M. Ganis, Y. Lee, R.
`Kuris, D. Koblas, and L. Jones; Mar. 1996; pp. 1-9.
`RFC 1929: Username? Password Authentication for SOCKS V5
`(Available at; Marcus Leech;
`Mar. 1996; pp. 1-2.
`RFC 1932: IP over ATM: A Framework Document (Available at
` 1932.txt); Robert G. Cole, David H.
`Shur, and Curtis Villamizar; Apr. 1996; pp. 1-31.
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1076, page 3


`US 7,310,356 B2
`Page 4
`RFC 1933: Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and Routers
`(Available at; Robert E. Gil
`ligan and Erik Nordmark; Apr. 1996; pp. 1-22.
`RFC 1944: Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect
`Devices (Available at 1944.txt); Scott
`Bradner and Jim McQuaid, Editors; May 1996; pp. 1-30.
`RFC 1963: PPP Serial Data Transport Protocol (SDTP) (Available
`at 1963.txt); Kevin Schneider and Stuart
`Venters; Aug. 1996; pp. 1-20.
`RFC 1970: Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6) (Available
`at 1970.txt); Erik Nordmark, Thomas
`Narten, and William Allen Simpson; Aug. 1996; pp. 1-82.
`RFC 1972: A Method for the Transmission of IPv6 Packets over
`Ethernet Networks (Available at
`txt); Matt Crawford; Aug. 1996; pp. 1-4.
`RFC 1973: PPP in Frame Relay (Available at
`notes/rfc1973.txt); William Allen Simpson; Jun. 1996; pp. 1-8.
`RFC 1989: PPP Link Quality Monitoring (Available at ftp://ftp.lisi.
`edu/in-notes/rfc 1989.txt); William Allen Simpson; Aug. 1996; pp.
`RFC 1990: The PPP Multilink Protocol (MP) (Available at ftp://
` 1990.txt); Keith Sklower, Brian Lloyd, Glenn
`McGregor, Dave Carr, and Tom Coradetti; Aug. 1996; pp. 1-24.
`RFC 2003: IPEncapsulation within IP (Available at
`in-notes/rfc2003.txt); Charles Perkins; Oct. 1996; pp. 1-14.
`RFC 2004: Minimal Encapsulation within IP (Available at ftp://ftp.
`; Charles Perkins; Oct. 1996; pp. 1-6.
`RFC 2019: A Method for the Transmission of IPv6 Packets over
`FDDI Networks (Available at;
`Matt Crawford; Oct. 1996; pp. 1-6.
`RFC 2023: IP Version 6 over PPP (Available at
`notes/rfc2023.txt); Dimitry Haskin and Ed Allen; Oct. 1996; pp.
`RFC 2043: The PPPSNA Control Protocol (SNACP) (Available at
`; Andrew M. Fuqua; Oct. 1996;
`pp. 1-7.
`RFC 2073: An IPv6 Provider-Based Unicast Address Format (Avail
`able at; Yakov Rekhter, Peter
`Lothberg, Robert M. Hinden, Stephen R. Deering, and Jon Postel,
`Editors; Jan. 1997; pp. 1-7.
`RFC 2097: The PPP NetBIOS Frames Control Protocol (NBFCP)
`(Available at; Gurdeep Singh
`Pall; Jan. 1997: pp. 1-13.
`RFC 2101: IPv4 Address Behaviour Today (Available at ftp://ftp.
`; Brian E. Carpenter, Jon Crowcroft,
`and Yakov Rekhter; Feb. 1997; pp. 1-13.
`RFC 2105: Cisco Systems' Tag Switching Architecture Overview
`(Available at; Yakov Rekhter,
`Bruce Davie, Dave Katz, Eric Rosen, and George Swallow; Feb.
`1997; pp. 1-13.
`RFC 2107: Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol—ATMP (Avail
`able at; Kory Hamzeh; Feb.
`1997; pp. 1-21.
`RFC 2151: A Primer On Internet and TCP/IP Tools and Utilities
`(Available at; Gary C. Kessler
`and Steven D. Shepard; Jun. 1997; pp. 1-52.
`RFC 2185: Routing Aspects of IPv6 Transition (Available at ftp://
`; Ross Callon and Dimitry Haskin;
`Sep. 1997: pp. 1-13.
`RFC 2225: Classical IP and ARP over ATM (Available at ftp://ftp.
`; Mark Laubach and Joel Halpern; Apr.
`1998; pp. 1-28.
`RFC 2285: Benchmarking Terminology for LAN Switching
`Devices (Available at; Robert
`Mandeville; Feb. 1998; pp. 1-25.
`RFC 2290: Mobile-IPv4 Configuration Option for PPP IPCP (Avail
`able at; Jim Solomon and
`Steven Glass; Feb. 1998; pp. 1-17.
`RFC 2341: Cisco Layer Two Forwarding (Protocol) “L2F" (Avail
`able at; Tim Kolar, Morgan
`Littlewood, and Andy Valencia; May 1998; pp. 1-29.
`RFC 2356: Sun's SKIP Firewall Traversal for Mobile IP (Available
`at; Gabriel E. Montenegro and
`Vipul Gupta; Jun. 1998; pp. 1-24.
`RFC 2363; PPP Over FUNI (Available at
`rfc2363.txt); George Gross, Manu Kaycee, Arthur Lin, Andrew
`Malis, and John Stephens; Jul. 1998; pp. 1-12.
`RFC 2364: PPP Over AAL5 (Available at
`rfc2364.txt); George Gross, Manu Kaycee, Arthur Lin, Andrew
`Malis, and John Stephens; Jul. 1998; pp. 1-12.
`RFC 2373: IP Version 6 Addressing Architecture (Available at
`; Robert M. Hinden and
`Stephen E. Deering; Jul. 1998; pp. 1-26.
`RFC 2374: an IPv6 Aggregatable Global Unicast Address Format
`(Available at; Robert M.
`Hinden, Mike O'Dell, and Stephen E. Deering; Jul. 1998; pp. 1-12.
`RFC 2390: Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (Available at
`Terry Bradley, Caralyn
`Brown, and Andrew Malis; Sep. 1998; pp. 1-10.
`RFC 2391: Load Sharing using IP Network Address Translation
`(LSNAT) (Available at; Pyda
`Srisuresh and Der-hwa Gan; Aug. 1998; pp. 1-18.
`RFC 2401: Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol (Avail
`able at; Stephen Kent and
`Randall Atkinson; Nov. 1998; pp. 1-66.
`RFC 2402: IP Authenticatino Header (Available at
`in-notes/rfc2402.txt); Stephen Kent and Randall Atkinson; Nov.
`1998; pp. 1-22.
`RFC 2406: IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) (Available at
`; Stephen Kent and Randall
`Atkinson; Nov. 1998; pp. 1-22.
`RFC 24.11: IP Security Document Roadmap (Available at ftp://ftp.
`Doraswamy, and Rob Glenn; Nov. 1998; pp. 1-11.
`RFC 2427: Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame Relay (Available
`at; Caralyn Brown and Andrew
`Malis; Sep. 1998; pp. 1-34.
`RFC 2428: FTP Extensions for IPv6 and NATs (Available at
`; Mark Allman, Shawn
`Ostermann, and Craig Metz; Sep. 1998; pp. 1-8.
`RFC 2460: Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6) Specification (Avail
`able at; Stephen E. Deering
`and Robert M. Hinden; Dec. 1998; pp. 1-39.
`RFC 2461: Neighbor Discovery for IP Version 6 (IPv6) (Available
`at; Thomas Narten, Erik
`Nordmark, and William Allen Simpson; Dec. 1998; pp. 1-93.
`RFC 2463: Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the
`Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Specification (Available at ftp://
`; Alex Conta and Stephen Deering:
`Dec. 1998; pp. 1-18.
`RFC 2464: Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet Networks
`(Available at; Matt Crawford;
`Dec. 1998; pp. 1-7.
`RFC 2467: Transmission of IPv6 Packets over FDDI Networks
`(Available at; Matt Crawford;
`Dec. 1998; pp. 1-9.
`RFC 2470: Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Token Ring Net
`works (Available at; Matt
`Crawford, Thomas Narten, and Stephen Thomas; Dec. 1998; pp.
`RFC 2471: IPv6 Testing Address Allocation (Available at ftp://ftp.
`; Robert M. Hinden, Robert Fink, and
`Jon Postel; Dec. 1998; pp. 1-5.
`RFC 2472: IP Version 6 over PPP (Available at
`notes/rfc2472.txt); Dimitry Haskin and Ed Allen; Dec. 1998; pp.
`RFC 2473: Generic Packet Tunneling in IPv6 Specification (Avail
`able at; Alex Conta and
`Stephen Deering; Dec. 1998; pp. 1-36.
`RFC 2492: IPv6 over ATM Networks (Available at
`in-notes/rfc2492.txt); Grenville Armitage and Peter Schulter; Jan.
`1999: pp. 1-12.
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1076, page 4


`US 7,310,356 B2
`Page 5
`RFC 2497: Transmission of IPv6 Packets over ARCnet Networks
`Souvatzis; Jan. 1999: pp. 1-6.
`RFC 2507: IP Header Compression (Available at
`in-notes/rfc2507.txt); Mikael Degermark, Bjorn Nordgren, and
`Stephen Pink; Feb. 1999: pp. 1-47.
`RFC 25.09: IP Header Compression over PPP (Available at ftp://
`; Mathias Engan, Stephen L. Casner,
`and Carsten Bormann; Feb. 1999: pp. 1-10.
`RFC 2516: A Method for Transmitting PPP Over Ethernet (PPPoE)
`(Available at; Louis Mamakos,
`Kurt Lidl, Jeff Evarts, David Carrel, Dan Simone, and Ross
`Wheeler; Feb. 1999: pp. 1-17.
`RFC 2521. ICMP Security Messages (Available at
`in-notes/rfc2521.txt); Phil Karn and William Allen Simpson; Mar.
`1999: pp. 1-7.
`RFC 2526: Reserved IPv6 Subnet Anycaset Addresses (Available at
`; David B. Johnson and
`Stephen E. Deering; Mar. 1999: pp. 1-7.
`RFC 2544: Benchmarking Methodology for Network Interconnect
`Devices (Available at; Scott
`Bradner and Jim McQuaid, Editors; Mar. 1999: pp. 1-31.
`RFC 2547: BGP/MPLS VPNs (Available at
`notes/rfc2547.txt); Eric C. Rosen and Yakov Rekhter; Mar. 1999;
`pp. 1-25.
`RFC 2590: Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Frame Relay Net
`works Specification (Available at
`txt); Alex Conta, Andrew Malis, and Martin Mueller; May 1999: pp.
`RFC 2615: PPP over SONET/SDH (Available at
`in-notes/rfc2615.txt); Andrew G. Malis and William Allen Simpson;
`Jun. 1999: pp. 1-10.
`RFC 2637: Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) (Available at
`; Kory Hamzeh, Gurdeep Singh
`Pall, William Verthein, Jeff Thaarud, W. Andrew Little, and Glen
`Zorn; Jul. 1999: pp. 1-57.
`RFC 2647: Benchmarking Terminology for Firewall Performance
`(Available at; David Newman;
`Aug. 1999: pp. 1-26.
`RFC 2661: Layer Two Tunneling Protocol “L2TP” (Available at
`; Gurdeep Singh Pall, Bill Pal
`ter, Allan Rubens, W. Mark Townsley, Andrew J. Valencis, and Glen
`Zorn; Aug. 1999: pp. 1-80.
`RFC 2663: IP Network Address Translator (NAT) Terminology and
`Considerations (Available at;
`Pyda Srisuresh and Matt Holdrege; Aug. 1999: pp. 1-30.
`RFC 2684: Multiprotocol Encapsulation over ATM Adaptation
`Layer 5 (Available at; Dan
`Grossman and Juha Heinanen; Sep. 1999: pp. 1-23.
`RFC 2685: Virtual Private Networks Identifier (Available at ftp://
`; Barbara A. Fox and Bryan
`Gleeson; Sep.1999: pp. 1-6.
`RFC 2694: DNS extensions to Network Address Translators
`(DNS ALG) (Available at;
`Pyda Srisuresh, George Tsirtsis, Praveen Akkiraju, and Andy Hef
`fernan; Sep. 1999: pp. 1-29.
`RFC 2702: Requirements for Traffic Engineering Over MPLS
`(Available at; Daniel O.
`Awduche, Joe Malcolm, Johnson Agogbua, Mike O'Dell, and Jim
`McManus; Sep. 1999: pp. 1-29.
`RFC 2709: Security Model with Tunnel-mode IPsec for NAT
`Domains (Available at; Pyda
`Srisuresh; Oct. 1999: pp. 1-11.
`RFC 2761: Terminology for ATM Benchmarking (Available at
`; Jeffrey Dunn and Cynthia
`Martin; Feb. 2000: pp. 1-32.
`RFC 2764: A Framework for IP Based Virtual Private Networks
`(Available at; Bryan Gleeson,
`Juha Heinanen, Arthur Lin, Grenville Armitage, and Andrew G.
`Malis; Feb.; 2000; pp. 1-62.
`RFC 2765: Stateless IP/ICMP Translation Algorithm (SIIT) (Avail
`able at; Erik Nordmark; Feb.
`2000; pp. 1-26.
`RFC 2766: Network Address Translation—Protocol Translation
`(NAT-PT) (Available at;
`George Tsirtsis and Pyda Srisuresh; Feb. 2000; pp. 1-21.
`RFC 2775: Internet Transparency (Available at
`notes/rfc2775.txt); Brian E. Carpenter; Feb. 2000; pp. 1-18.
`RFC 2784: Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) (Available at
` Farinacci, Toni Li, Stan
`Hanks, David Meyer and Paul Traina; Mar. 2000; pp. 1-9.
`RFC 2815: Integrated Service Mappings on IEEE 802 Networks
`(Available at; Mick Seaman,
`Andrew Smith, Eric Crawley, and John Wroclawski; May 2000; pp.
`RFC 2816: A Framework for Integrated Services

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