Traffic Classification On The Fly
`Laurent Bernaille†, Renata Teixeira†, Ismael Akodkenou†
`Augustin Soule‡, Kave Salamatian†
`† LIP6, Universit ´e Pierre et Marie Curie, ‡ Thomson Paris Lab
`Paris, FRANCE
`The early detection of applications associated with TCP flows is
`an essential step for network security and traffic engineering. The
`classic way to identify flows, i.e. looking at port numbers, is not
`effective anymore. On the other hand, state-of-the-art techniques
`cannot determine the application before the end of the TCP flow.
`In this editorial, we propose a technique that relies on the obser-
`vation of the first five packets of a TCP connection to identify the
`application. This result opens a range of new possibilities for online
`traffic classification.
`Categories and Subject Descriptors
`I.2.6 [Learning]: Unsupervised Learning; C.2.3 [Network Moni-
`toring]: Network Management
`General Terms
`Measurement, Algorithms, Management
`Traffic classification, Applications, Machine Learning
`Enterprise or campus networks usually impose a set of rules for
`users to access the network in order to protect network resources
`and enforce institutional policies (for instance, no sharing of mu-
`sic files or gaming). This leaves network administrators with the
`daunting task of (1) identifying the application associated with a
`traffic flow on-the fly and (2) controlling user’s traffic when needed.
`Therefore, accurate classification of traffic flows is an essential step
`for administrators to detect intrusion or malicious attacks, forbid-
`den applications, or simply new applications (which may impact
`the future provisioning of network resources).
`Previous works have proposed a number of methods to identify
`the application associated with a traffic flow. The simplest approach
`consists in examining TCP port numbers. Port-based methods are
`simple because many well-known applications have specific port
`numbers (for instance, HTTP traffic uses port 80 and FTP port 21).
`However, the research community now recognizes that port-based
`classification is inadequate [1, 2, 3, 4], mainly because many ap-
`plications use dynamic port-negotiation mechanisms to hide from
`firewalls and network security tools. An alternative approach is
`to inspect the payload of every packet. This technique can be ex-
`tremely accurate when the payload is not encrypted, but it is an
`unrealistic alternative. First, there are privacy concerns with exam-
`ining user data. Second, there is a high storage and computational
`cost to study every packet that traverses a link (in particular at very
`high-speed links).
`Detecting the application associated with a flow is of limited in-
`terest once the flow is finished (except for provisioning and maybe
`for pricing). To address these challenges, we propose a novel tech-
`nique that only uses the size of the first few data packets of each
`TCP flow to identify the application associated with a TCP flow.
`Our method runs at the edge of the network, i.e., where the net-
`work connects to the Internet, and hence is able to capture all pack-
`ets associated with a TCP flow in both directions (from sender to
`receiver and vice-versa). The accurate classification of flows based
`on information contained only in the first few packets opens new
`possibilities for online classification (i.e. security, SLAs, etc.). Our
`method is in sharp contrast with the current state of the art.
`After port-based classification has been debunked and given the
`limitations of searching payloads for signatures, there has been a
`new trend to classify traffic based on summarized flow information
`such as duration, number of packets and mean inter-arrival time [2],
`[5], [6], [3]. BLINC [4] introduces a new approach for traffic clas-
`sification. It associates Internet hosts with applications. Instead of
`studying TCP (or UDP) flows individually, it looks at all the flows
`generated by specific hosts. BLINC is able to accurately associate
`hosts with the services they provide or use (application server, web
`client, etc.). However, it cannot classify a single TCP flow.
`All classification techniques that use flow statistics can only iden-
`tify the nature of a flow when the flow is finished. BLINC has to
`gather information from several flows for each host before it can
`decide on the role of a host. These requirements prevent the use
`of these methods online. In contrast, our method relies only on the
`first few packets of a TCP flow. This early classification is essen-
`tial to allow automatic blocking, filtering, or recording of specific
`applications. It also limits the amount of memory required to store
`information associated with each flow.
`This section discusses our assumptions and the two main insights
`of our method: the analysis of only the first few packets of the flow,
`and the use of unsupervised clustering to detect a set of flows that
`share a common behavior.
`3.1 Assumptions
`Our goal is to build a classifier that runs online and accurately
`identifies the application associated with a TCP flow as early as
`possible. Our work relies on the following assumptions:
`ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
`Volume 36, Number 2, April 2006
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1044, page 23


`• Access to both directions of a TCP connection. Edge net-
`works usually connect to the Internet at few locations. The
`vast majority in one or two locations. We assume that the net-
`work administrator monitors both directions of all the edge
`• Offline access to flows of a number of applications. Our
`method only needs packet size information. However, for
`training purpose, we need to know the application associated
`with a sample of flows. There are two alternative techniques
`for collecting this training trace: (i) directly from one of
`the monitored links using high-end packet monitoring cards
`(we can then analyze the payloads offline to identify the ap-
`plication corresponding to a given flow) ; or (ii) generated
`in a controlled fashion by explicitly launching instances of
`each of the desired applications and collecting all packets
`• Online access to header of all packets. We only use the
`information on the packet header to do our online classifica-
`tion, which is much smaller and of fixed size.
`3.2 Intuition behind the method
`Our goal is to identify the application associated with a TCP flow
`as early as possible. We design a classifier that uses information
`available in the header of the first P packets of the flow to identify
`the application associated with a flow. Specifically, we only use
`the size of the data packets, not using TCP control packets (SYN,
`ACKs, etc.). The size of the first few packets is a good predictor of
`the application associated with a flow because it captures the appli-
`cation’s negotiation phase, which is usually a pre-defined sequence
`of messages and distinct among applications.
`We illustrate our approach with SMTP and Edonkey flows cap-
`tured at the edge of a large university network to shed light on
`the behaviors of applications. Figure 1 presents the size of the
`first packet versus the size of the second (negative values repre-
`sents packets sent from the TCP server to the client and positive
`from client to server) for every TCP flow of these two applications.
`Edonkey clients initialize request for files, hence the positive sign
`for the size of the first packet, whereas the SMTP server initiates
`negotiation. This simple example illustrates the expressiveness of
`this two-dimensional representation of TCP flows to distinguish the
`application associated with each flow. In fact, the traces we study
`consist of ten major applications and we found that 5 packets were
`enough to distinguish their behaviors.
`3.3 Unsupervised clustering
`To extract groups of flows that share a common communication
`behavior, we borrow techniques from machine learning. We use
`unsupervised clustering as it relies on unlabeled data samples (in
`our case, the size of the first few packets of a TCP flow) to find
`natural groups (or clusters) in a dataset, whereas supervised clus-
`tering uses a pre-labeled set of samples to construct a model for
`each cluster.
`Although the traffic classification mechanism presented in [3]
`uses Naive Bayes Classifiers, an example of supervised clustering,
`unsupervised learning is more appropriate for traffic classification
`because it does not rely on pre-defined classes. A single application
`can have multiple behaviors which should be modeled separately.
`For example, Figure 2 presents the size of the first packet versus the
`size of the second of a set of FTP flows. This figure shows that FTP
`has three very distinct behaviors: (i) command flows correspond
`to a control flow, in which a data connection is negotiated and in
`which clients ask for data; (ii) download flows corresponds to files
`Figure 1: SMTP versus Edonkey flows.
`transfer from client to server; and (iii) upload flows are file transfers
`from server to client.
`Figure 2: Example of a multi-modal application: FTP.
`FTP is an example of a multi-modal application, and we found
`many other applications with several behaviors in our data. Unsu-
`pervised learning finds groups of flows that share the same behav-
`ior, which are easier to model.
`Based on the observations from the previous section, we propose
`a traffic classification mechanism that works in two phases: an of-
`fline learning phase and an online traffic classification phase. First,
`the learning phase uses a set of training data to cluster TCP flows
`that share a common behavior. Then, the traffic classification phase
`uses these classes to determine the application associated with each
`TCP flow. To verify that the behaviors of applications do not vary
`with time, we use one data set for the learning phase and another
`for the evaluation of the derived classification method. These two
`traces were collected several month apart on the same link.
`Size of Packet #2
`Size of Packet #1
`FTP upload Flows
`FTP command flows
`Size of Packet #2
`FTP download Flows
`Size of Packet #1
`ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
`Volume 36, Number 2, April 2006
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1044, page 24


`4.1 Learning phase
`The learning phase is performed offline and consists in detect-
`ing common behaviors in a set of flows. It takes as input a short
`packet trace with TCP flows from a mix of applications. Our study
`uses a one-hour trace collected at the edge of a university network.
`This trace also includes packet payloads. We apply a packet trace
`analyzer to this data set to extract TCP flows. First, to group flows
`into clusters, we need to evaluate the similarity between them. We
`associate each flow with a spatial representation based on the sizes
`of its first P packets. The representation we use is quite simple:
`flows are represented by points in a P -dimensional space where
`each packet is associated to a dimension. The coordinate on the
`dimension p is the size of packet p in the flow. In order to differ-
`entiate packets sent by the TCP-server and the TCP-client, packets
`sent by the server have a negative coordinate. The similarity be-
`tween flows is then evaluated with a simple metric: the Euclidean
`distance between their associated spatial representation.
`In order to extract common behaviors in such a space we rely on
`the well-known K-Means algorithm [7]. Once we have found nat-
`ural clusters in the training set, we model and analyze each cluster.
`The modeling step consists in defining a heuristic to associate a
`new flow to a cluster. We use a simple heuristic: we compute the
`euclidean distance between the new flow and the center of each pre-
`defined cluster, and then choose the cluster for which this distance
`is minimum. The analysis step consists in examining the composi-
`tion of each cluster. We process the training flows with a payload
`analysis tool [8] that is a able to accurately determine the applica-
`tion associated with each flow. This step allows us to decide how
`to label a flow once it has be assigned to a cluster.
`We studied different numbers of packets and found that the best
`separation of applications among clusters was observed with 5 pack-
`ets. We also tried different numbers of clusters for the K-Means
`algorithm and found that, for 5 packets, 50 clusters was the best
`trade-off between behavior separation and complexity.
`The learning phase outputs two sets: one with the description of
`each cluster (or the center of the cluster) and the other with their
`composition (or the set of applications represented in the cluster).
`We use both these sets to classify flows online.
`4.2 Online classification
`Figure 3 presents the structure of the online classifier. This clas-
`sifier can run either at a management host that has online access
`to packet headers or in a network processor at the router. We as-
`sume that the network administrators deploy a monitoring card that
`is able to process the header of all packets traversing the link [9].
`This process is very light since it only involves retrieving informa-
`tion from the IP and TCP headers (the size of the packet and the
`flow id).
`Our classifier takes as input the series of packet headers for both
`directions of an edge link. A packet analyzer extracts the 5-tuple
`(protocol, source IP, destination IP, source port, destination port)
`and the packet size. The analyzer filters out control traffic (the
`three packets of the TCP handshake and ACKs without payload)
`and stores the size of every packet in both directions of the connec-
`tion. When it has the size for the first P packets of the connection, it
`sends this information to the flow conversion module, which maps
`the new flow to a spatial representation. Then, the cluster assign-
`ment module searches all the cluster descriptions to find the best fit
`for the new flow and the application identification module selects
`which application is the most likely for the flow given the set of
`applications that compose the cluster. We chose a simple heuristic
`to associate an unknown flow with an application: it is labeled with
`the application that is the most common in the cluster.
`Figure 3: Design of online classifier.
`This section gives a proof of concept of our flow classification
`method. Further work is necessary to conclude in the applicability
`of the method. We build a prototype classifier using Matlab. First,
`we use a training data set for the learning phase. Based on the
`cluster descriptions and cluster compositions found in the learning
`phase, we emulate the online classification using a trace collected
`six month afterwards on the same link. For validation purposes, we
`label this trace using the payload analysis tool used in the learning
`phase [8].
`Table 1 presents the accuracy of our classifier when it consid-
`ers the first five packets of each flow. We measure accuracy by
`comparing the application labels given by our classifier to the ones
`obtained through payload analysis. We were able to correctly iden-
`tify more than 80% of flows of almost all of the applications. The
`only exception is POP3. Our classifier labels 86.8% of POP3 flows
`as NNTP and 12.6% as SMTP, because POP3 flows always belong
`to clusters where POP3 is not the dominant application. This error
`can be easily fixed if we consider extra information.
`In this ex-
`ample, if we had used the destination port to label POP3 flows, we
`would have achieved over 90% accuracy. We are currently working
`on more sophisticated labeling techniques.
`Application Accuracy
`Table 1: Accuracy of flow classification.
`The initial results observed with our method on a small trace are
`encouraging. The method is promising as it allows early classifica-
`Series of packet headers
`Packet analyzer
`(after first P packets of flow)
`New flow
`Flow conversion
`Spatial representation
`of flow
`Cluster assignment
`cluster id or unknown
`Application identificaiton
`Application label
`ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
`Volume 36, Number 2, April 2006
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1044, page 25


`[1] T. Karagiannis, A. Broido, N. Brownlee, K. Claffy, and
`M. Faloutsos, “Is P2P dying or just hiding?,” in IEEE
`Globecom, 2004.
`[2] M. Roughan, S. Sen, O. Spatscheck, and N. Duffield,
`“Class-of-service mapping for QoS: A statistical
`signature-based approach to IP traffic classification,” in
`Internet Measurement Conference, 2004.
`[3] A. Moore and D. Zuev, “Internet traffic classification using
`bayesian analysis,” in ACM SIGMETRICS, 2005.
`[4] T. Karagiannis, D. Papagiannaki, and M. Faloutsos,
`“BLINC: Multilevel traffic classification in the dark,” in
`[5] A. McGregor, M. Hall, P. Lorier, and J. Brunskill, “Flow
`clustering using machine learning techniques,” in Passive
`and Active Measurement Workshop, 2004.
`[6] D. Zuev and A. Moore, “Traffic classification using a
`statistical approach,” in Passive and Active Measurement
`Workshop, 2005.
`[7] J. McQueen, “Some methods for classification and analysis
`of multivariate tions,” in Symposium on Mathematical
`Statistics and Probability, 1967.
`[8] Qosmos, “”
`[9] Endace, “”
`[10] N. Hohn and D. Veitch, “Inverting sampled traffic,” in
`Internet Measurement Conference, 2003.
`tion of applications and is quite simple. However, the method has
`some limitations that we discuss below. Most of these limitations
`are easy to overcome, while others are more fundamental and affect
`most classification methods to date.
`Multi-homed networks. Large networks often have multiple
`connections to the Internet.
`In this case, we can extend our ap-
`proach to monitor all access links and aggregate information on a
`machine where the classification will take place.
`Packet order. In IP networks, packets may be out of order or
`may appear more than once. Out-of-order packets will change the
`spatial representation of the flow, which will impact the quality of
`our classification. Fortunately, we only need the first five packets
`to arrive in order, which is very likely. On the network we studied,
`less than 4% of TCP flows had an out-of-order packet within the
`first five data packets of the flow.
`Sampling. On high speed links, monitors cannot collect all
`packets. The accuracy of our method will degrade fairly quickly
`under packet sampling. If instead the network adopts flow sam-
`pling [10], then our method will work unaltered.
`Applications with similar behaviors. If two distinct applica-
`tions start by exchanging five packets of approximately the same
`size, then we classify both with the same label. To solve this prob-
`lem, we are working on more sophisticated labeling heuristics that
`take into account other pieces of information available in the first
`few packets (such as port numbers and inter-arrival times).
`Applications with unknown behaviors. The learning phase
`gives a model for the traffic present in the training data. Using this
`model on other networks could be inefficient. Although a specific
`behavior for an application precisely described on a trace should
`not change when observed on another network or at a different
`time, a new network can (and most likely will) have different ap-
`plication behaviors. We can identify new behaviors using limited
`cluster radiuses. Using this limit, we return an accurate application
`label for previously-defined behaviors and classify all flows that are
`not represented in the training data as “unknown”.
`Short flows. It is well known that the traffic is made of a large
`majority of short flows and a small number of very large flows. We
`need to test our method on these very short flows. In this scenario, if
`it is successful, it will not work better than most other techniques.
`However, previous classification techniques have not specifically
`studied these short flows and they may exhibit some limitations
`that have not been observed yet.
`False matches. Most classifiers to date are based on heuristics
`and may misclassify a flow. This possibility of error, even if small,
`prevents the use of traffic classification techniques to automatically
`filter or block flows. Network administrators can use our method
`to identify suspicious flows early and store all their packets. They
`can later audit the stored data.
`Evasion. The main challenge to traffic classification techniques
`is evasion. For instance, an “attacker” could easily evade our method
`by padding packet payloads in order to modify sizes. However, all
`classification methods can be evaded: payload analysis tools can-
`not classify encrypted packets, port-based methods are deceived by
`a simple change of port, and approaches relying on summarized
`flow information are sensitive to simple alterations of packet sizes
`and inter-arrival times.
`To summarize, we now need to analyze our method on a much
`broader panel of traces. This is a difficult task as (i) we need the full
`trace with full payload for validation purposes (such traces are rare
`in the community); and (ii) we need more sophisticated techniques
`to label a flow after it has been assigned to a cluster. We are also
`working on circumventing the limitations and the weaknesses of
`our method.
`ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review
`Volume 36, Number 2, April 2006
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1044, page 26

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