Class-of-Service Mapping for QoS: A Statistical
`Signature-based Approach to IP Traffic Classification
`Matthew Roughanx Subhabrata Sen? Oliver Spatscheck? Nick Duffield?
`School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Adelaide,SA 5005, Australiax
`AT&T Labs – Research, Florham Park, NJ 07932-0971, USA?
` fsen,spatscheck,
`The ability to provide different Quality of Service (QoS) guaran-
`tees to traffic from different applications is a highly desired feature
`for many IP network operators, particularly for enterprise networks.
`Although various mechanisms exist for providing QoS in the net-
`work, QoS is yet to be widely deployed. We believe that a key
`factor holding back widespread QoS adoption is the absence of suit-
`able methodologies/processes for appropriately mapping the traffic
`from different applications to different QoS classes. This is a chal-
`lenging task, because many enterprise network operators who are
`interested in QoS do not know all the applications running on their
`network, and furthermore, over recent years port-based application
`classification has become problematic. We argue that measurement
`based automated Class of Service (CoS) mapping is an important
`practical problem that needs to be studied.
`In this paper we describe the requirements and associated chal-
`lenges, and outline a solution framework for measurement based
`classification of traffic for QoS based on statistical application sig-
`natures. In our approach the signatures are chosen in such as way
`as to make them insensitive to the particular application layer pro-
`tocol, but rather to determine the way in which an application is
`used – for instance is it used interactively, or for bulk-data trans-
`port. The resulting application signature can then be used to derive
`the network layer signatures required to determine the CoS class
`for individual IP datagrams. Our evaluations using traffic traces
`from a variety of network locations, demonstrate the feasibility and
`potential of the approach.
`Categories and Subject Descriptors
`C.2.3 [Computer-Communications Networks]: Network Opera-
`tions—Network Management, Network Monitoring
`General Terms
`Algorithms, Management, Measurement
`Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
`personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
`not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
`bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to
`republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific
`permission and/or a fee.
`IMC’04, October 25–27, 2004, Taormina, Sicily, Italy.
`Copyright 2004 ACM 1-58113-821-0/04/0010 ...$5.00.
`Statistical Signatures, Traffic Classification, Class of Service (CoS),
`Quality of Service (QoS)
`The past few years have witnessed a dramatic increase in the
`number and variety of applications running over the Internet and
`over enterprise IP networks. The spectrum includes interactive (e.g.,
`telnet, instant messaging, games etc.), bulk data transfer (e.g., ftp,
`P2P file downloads), corporate (e.g., Lotus Notes, database trans-
`actions), and real-time applications (voice, video streaming, etc.),
`to name just a few.
`Network operators (particularly in enterprise networks) are ac-
`tively seeking the ability to support different levels of Quality of
`Service (QoS) for different types of applications. The need is driven
`by (i) the inherently different QoS requirements of different types
`of applications (e.g., low end-end delay for interactive applications,
`high throughput for file transfer applications etc.); (ii) the different
`relative importance of different applications to the enterprise: e.g.,
`Oracle database transactions may be considered critical and there-
`fore high priority, while traffic associated with browsing external
`web sites is generally less important; and (iii) the desire to opti-
`mize the usage of their existing network infrastructures under finite
`capacity and cost constraints, while ensuring good performance for
`important applications. In spite of a clear perceived need, and the
`fact that various mechanisms (diffserv, traffic prioritization, etc. [8,
`17, 7]) have been developed for providing different service quality
`guarantees in the network, their adoption has not been widespread.
`A pertinent question then is: what ails QoS?
`Realization of service differentiation capabilities requires associ-
`ation of the traffic with the different applications, determination of
`the QoS to be provided to each, and finally, mechanisms in the un-
`derlying network for providing the QoS. Based on interactions with
`large enterprise network operators, we believe that a key issue be-
`hind the slow spread of QoS-use is not the lack of interest or need,
`but rather, the absence of suitable mapping techniques that can aid
`operators in classifying the network traffic mix among the different
`QoS classes. We refer to this as the Class of Service (CoS) mapping
`problem, and hypothesize that solving this would go a long way in
`making the use of QoS more accessible to operators.
`In principle the division into CoS could be done by end-points
`— for instance by end-user applications. However, for reasons of
`trust, and scalability of administration and management it is typ-
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1034, page 135


`ically more practical to do this within the network, for instance
`at the router that connects the Local Area Network (LAN) to the
`Wide Area Network (WAN). Alternatively there might be appli-
`ances which sit near the LAN to WAN transition point performing
`packet marking for QoS.
`CoS mapping inside the network is a non-trivial task. Ideally,
`a network system administrator would possess precise information
`on the applications running inside their network, along with simple,
`unambiguous mappings from easily obtained traffic measurements
`to applications (e.g. by port numbers, or source and destination IP
`addresses). This information is vital not just for the implementa-
`tion of CoS (e.g. via diffserv), but also in planning the capacity
`required for each class, and balancing tradeoffs between cost and
`performance that might occur in choosing class allocations. For in-
`stance, one might have an application whose inclusion in a higher
`priority class is desirable, but not cost effective (based on traffic
`volumes and pricing), and so some difficult choices must be made.
`Good data is required for these to be informed choices.
`However, in general, the required information is rarely up-to-
`date or complete, if it is available at all. The traditional ad-hoc
`growth of IP networks, the continuing rapid proliferation of new
`applications, the merger of companies with different networks, and
`the relative ease with which almost any user can add a new appli-
`cation to the traffic mix with no centralized registration are some
`factors contributing to this “knowledge gap”. Furthermore, over
`recent years it has become harder to identify network applications
`within IP traffic. Traditional techniques such as port-based classi-
`fication of applications have become much less accurate (details in
`Section 2).
`This paper presents a signature-based traffic classification frame-
`work as a candidate solution for the CoS mapping problem, and
`demonstrates the feasibility and potential of the approach using
`large traffic traces collected from multiple Internet locations. Our
`classification method is based on utilizing the statistics of particu-
`lar applications in order to form signatures. By choosing signatures
`that are determined by the way in which an application is used (e.g.
`is it used interactively, or for bulk data transport), we should ob-
`tain signatures that are insensitive to the particular application layer
`protocol. We can therefore perform CoS categorization without de-
`tailed knowledge of the specific application protocol, or usage case
`(some applications may be used for multiple tasks with different
`QoS requirements). The method would be used off-line to form a
`set of port, or IP address based rules for CoS assignment that would
`then be applied on-line in the QoS implementation. Our evaluations
`indicate that the technique has relatively low error rates. For exam-
`ple, our cross-validation tests using 3-Nearest Neighbor (details in
`Section 5) yield classification error of 2:5% and 5:1% respectively
`when the traffic is categorized into three and four classes, using two
`features. We found that even better results (for instance 0.0% errors
`were possible) with three features. The evaluations even showed
`relatively low error rates even for fine grain traffic classes. The
`last suggests that such statistical classification techniques may be
`good candidates for identifying even individual applications. Such
`identification of the different applications and their associated net-
`work traffic has a number of important usages for network opera-
`tions and management (outside of QoS implementation), including
`application-specific traffic engineering, capacity planning, provi-
`sioning, and security.
`The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2
`overviews existing techniques for identifying IP traffic and their
`limitations. Section 3 presents a three-phase framework for realiz-
`ing CoS mapping. Section 4 presents our techniques for CoS classi-
`fication from network traffic. Section 5 presents evaluations of our
`techniques using real traffic traces. Finally, Section 6 concludes the
`One approach commonly used for identifying applications on an
`IP network is to associate the observed traffic (using flow level data,
`or a packet sniffer) with an application based on TCP or UDP port
`numbers. We argue here that this method (described below) is in-
`The TCP/UDP port numbers are divided into three ranges: the
`Well Known Ports (0-1023), the Registered Ports (1024-49,151),
`and the Dynamic and/or Private ports (49,152-65,535). A typi-
`cal TCP connection starts with a SYN/SYN–ACK/ACK handshake
`from a client to a server. The client addresses its initial SYN packet
`to the well known server port of a particular application. The source
`port number of the packet is typically chosen dynamically by the
`client. UDP uses ports similarly to TCP, though without connec-
`tion semantics. All future packets in either a TCP or UDP session
`use the same pair of ports to identify the client and server side of the
`session. Therefore, in principle the TCP or UDP server port num-
`ber can be used to identify the higher layer application, by simply
`identifying which port is the server port and mapping this port to an
`application using the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Author-
`ity) list of registered ports [20]. However, port-based application
`classification has limitations. First, the mapping from ports to ap-
`plications is not always well defined. For instance,
`(cid:15) Many implementations of TCP use client ports in the registered
`port range. This might mistakenly classify the connection as be-
`longing to the application associated with this port. Similarly,
`some applications (e.g. old bind versions), use port numbers
`from the well-known ports to identify the client site of a ses-
`(cid:15) Ports are not defined with IANA for all applications, e.g. P2P
`applications such as Napster and Kazaa.
`(cid:15) An application may use ports other than its well-known ports
`to circumvent operating system access control restrictions, e.g.,
`non-privileged users often run WWW servers on ports other
`than port 80, which is restricted to privileged users on most
`operating systems.
`(cid:15) There are some ambiguities in the port registrations, e.g. port
`888 is used for CDDBP (CD Database Protocol) and access-
`(cid:15) In some cases server ports are dynamically allocated as needed.
`For example, FTP allows the dynamic negotiation of the server
`port used for the data transfer. This server port is negotiated on
`an initial TCP connection which is established using the well-
`known FTP control port.
`(cid:15) The use of traffic control techniques like firewalls to block unau-
`thorized, and/or unknown applications from using a network
`has spawned many work-arounds which make port based appli-
`cation authentication harder. For example port 80 is being used
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1034, page 136


`by a variety of non-web applications to circumvent firewalls
`which do not filter port-80 traffic. In fact available implemen-
`tations of IP over HTTP allow the tunneling of all applications
`through TCP port 80.
`(cid:15) Trojans and other security (e.g. DoS) attacks generate a large
`volume of bogus traffic which should not be associated with the
`applications of the port numbers those attacks use.
`A second limitation of port-number based classification is that
`a port can be used by a single application to transmit traffic with
`different QoS requirements. For example, (i) Lotus Notes transmits
`both email and database transaction traffic over the same ports, and
`(ii) scp (secure copy), a file transfer protocol, runs over ssh (se-
`cure shell), which is also used interactively on the same port (TCP
`port 22). This use of the same port for traffic requiring different
`QoS requirements is quite legitimate, and yet a good classification
`must separate different use cases for the same application. In prac-
`tice, one use case may dominate on a particular VPN (Virtual Pri-
`vate Network), or use cases will have other discriminating factors
`such as the servers’ IP addresses. Thus a clean QoS implementa-
`tion is still possible through augmenting the classification rules to
`include IP address-based disambiguation. Server lists exist in some
`networks, but again, in practice these are often incomplete, or a
`single server could be used to support a variety of different types of
`traffic, so we must combine port and IP address rules.
`A possible alternative to port based classification is to use a painstak-
`ing process involving installation of packet sniffers and parsing
`packets for application-level information to identify the application
`class of each individual TCP connection or UDP session. However,
`this approach cannot be used with more easily collected flow level
`data, and its collection is computationally expensive, limiting its
`application to lower bandwidth links. Also this approach requires
`precise prior knowledge of applications and their packet formats
`– something that may not always be possible. We use it here to
`identify Kazaa and Gnutella traffic from their application layer pro-
`tocols, but this requires substantial effort for each application, and
`in some cases, each application version. Furthermore, the introduc-
`tion of payload encryption is increasingly limiting our ability to see
`inside packets for this type of information.
`In this paper we explore the potential of signatures derived from
`measured traffic for CoS categorization. In practice, this approach,
`in conjunction with the above techniques and the partial knowledge
`available for most corporate networks can be used to bear on the
`problem of application identification and traffic classification.
`2.1 Related work
`Previous related work has examined the variation of flow charac-
`teristics according to application. Claffy [10] investigated the joint
`distribution of flow duration and number of packets, and its varia-
`tion with flow parameters such as inter-packet timeout. Differences
`were observed between the support of the distributions of some ap-
`plication protocols, although overlap was clearly present between
`some applications. Most notably, the support of the distribution of
`DNS transactions had almost no overlap with that of other appli-
`cations considered. The use of such distributions as a discrimina-
`tor between different application types was not considered. There
`exists a wealth of other research on characterizing and modeling
`workloads for particular applications, e.g., [22, 31, 4, 2, 9, 34]. An
`early work in this space, [29], examines the distributions of flow
`bytes and packets for a number of different applications. Interflow
`and intraflow statistics are another possible dimension along which
`application types may be distinguished. [30] found that user initi-
`ated events—such as telnet packets within flows or ftp-data
`connection arrivals—can be described well by a Poisson process,
`whereas other connection arrivals deviate considerably from Pois-
`All these studies assume that one can identify the application
`traffic unambiguously and then obtain statistics for that applica-
`tion. In contrast, we are considering the dual problem of inferring
`the application from the traffic statistics. This type of approach has
`been suggested in very limited contexts such as identifying chat
`traffic [12]. Our work extends this idea while providing a rigor-
`ous mathematical framework for performing classification based
`on signatures. Signature-based detection techniques have also been
`explored in the context of network security, attack and anomaly de-
`tection (e.g. [6, 5, 36, 26]) where one typically seeks to find a signa-
`ture for an attack. However, we apply our classification techniques
`to identify everyday traffic.
`The constraints under which CoS mapping must operate are prin-
`cipally related to computational complexity. At high speeds, the
`rules that can be used for this task are rather limited. Typically, one
`can use simple criteria such as port numbers or IP source/destination
`addresses, but not details from the higher layer protocols. Our task
`is to use statistical signature based classification (trained on prior
`networks’ traffic, and applied to traffic measurements from the cur-
`rent VPN) to form a set of local rules based on port, or IP addresses,
`which would then be applied on-line for CoS assignment.
`We propose to realize this type of CoS mapping using a three
`stage process.
`1. statistics collection,
`2. classification,
`3. rule creation.
`The first stage — statistics collection — involves placing monitors
`in the network, and collecting appropriate statistics of the traffic
`from certain aggregates. In this case, the aggregates we consider
`are the server port Pi, and server IP address1 Ii of a connection i.
`One could choose these aggregates in a more flexible manner, with
`the proviso that the aggregates used must be easily implementable
`as rules (see below). There are a number of techniques available
`for efficiently identifying the interesting aggregates, for instance,
`see [13]. We then form a vector of statistics SC (i) for each con-
`nection i, and use this to update the statistics of each aggregate that
`connection is involved in, for instance statistics SP (Pi) for port
`aggregates, and SI (Ii) for server aggregates.


`For statistics collected on TCP connections, the procedure would
`foreach packet
`if new TCP connection (give it index i++)
`determine the aggregates for i
`server port Pi = dst port of SYN
`server IP address Ii = dst IP of SYN
`initialize a set of statistics SC(i)
`else if part of existing TCP connection i
`update connection statistics SC (i)
`else if end TCP connection i
`update connection statistics SC (i)
`update statistics foreach aggregate
`by server port: SP (Pi)
`by server IP address: SI (Ii)
`The update procedure for connections depends on the statistic in
`question. Ideally, we should choose statistics that can be updated
`on-line in a streaming fashion, i.e. recursively. This means that we
`do not need to store data per packet, but rather per connection, for
`instance, assuming an update algorithm like
`SCk (i) f (X ij ; SCk (i); (cid:30)(i));
`where X i
`j is the measurement for the jth packet in connection i,
`and SC
`k (i) is the kth statistic for connection i, and (cid:30)(i) is some
`(small) set of state information (e.g. the packet number j) for con-
`nection i, then the memory required to store the state depends on
`the number of connections, not number of packets. For example,
`for a series of real-valued data Xj , the following statistics may be
`easily computed recursively:
`1. average:
`(cid:22)Xj+1 =


`to map the classes/rules to known traffic and servers, and ensure
`that the known policy based rules were enforced in priority to those
`derived above. Think of this as our disgruntled business class pas-
`senger updating his administrator’s list of important people, so that
`he receives the air transport he deserves in the future. In essence,
`the technique above is intended to fill in the unknown gaps in the
`best possible way.
`A side benefit of the above approach is that the collected statis-
`tics can be used in other ways. For instance, the traffic volume per
`aggregate could be useful in planning the required capacity for each
`QoS class, or the network in general. In fact, given a set of prices
`per class, the measured volumes, and a set of utilities per applica-
`tion class, one could create the mapping from the application class
`Cj to QoS class Qk through an optimization process using traffic
`data, rather than as a set of fixed rules.
`Once monitors are installed, there is no reason one could not use
`them in an on-going manner. One could continue to make measure-
`ments (as above) of the statistics per aggregate, and if something
`changes significantly, then one could change the rules used. An
`example might be the introduction of a new application with differ-
`ent QoS characteristics, requiring a rule update. It is not, however,
`envisioned that these updates would occur often.
`We next present the different components in our classification
`approach: identifying different application classes, selecting candi-
`date classification features, and finally specific classification meth-
`4.1 Class Definitions
`In practice, service differentiation mechanisms like diffserv to-
`day only allow a relatively small number of application classes.
`For our initial study, we focus on the following 4 broad applica-
`tion classes, commonly found in corporate networks.
`(cid:15) Interactive: The interactive class contains traffic which is re-
`quired by a user to perform multiple real-time interactions with
`a remote system. This class includes such applications as remote
`login sessions or an interactive Web interface.
`(cid:15) Bulk data transfer: The bulk data transfer class contains traffic
`which is required to transfer large data volumes over the net-
`work without any realtime constraints. This class includes ap-
`plications such as FTP, software updates, and music or video
`downloads (say through an application such as Kazaa).
`(cid:15) Streaming: The streaming class contains multimedia traffic with
`realtime constraints. This class includes such applications as
`streaming and video conferencing.
`(cid:15) Transactional: The transactional class contains traffic which is
`used in a small number of request response pairs which can be
`combined to represent a transaction. DNS, and Oracle transac-
`tions belong to this class.
`The choices were motivated by the need to select a small num-
`ber of classes that would be simple, intuitive and still adequately
`represent the different QoS requirements of commonly used appli-
`cations. We view these 4 classes as a starting point, with the actual
`choice of application classes being a topic for research.
`To characterize each application class we need a reference data
`set for each class from which we can extract a set of representative
`features. Acquiring such a reference data set is made difficult by
`precisely the problems described in Section 2. Selecting the net-
`work traffic based on port numbers may not yield reliable statistics
`that are representative of any particular class, however, to classify
`them otherwise requires a reference data set. To break this circular
`dependency we selected some applications per class, which based
`on their typical use, have a low likelihood of being contaminated
`by traffic belonging to another application class. In particular we
`focus on applications which:
`(cid:15) are clearly within one class (to avoid mixing the statistics
`from two classes);
`(cid:15) are widely used, so as to assure we get a good data-set;
`(cid:15) have server ports in the well known port range to reduce the
`chance of mis-use of these ports.
`These reference applications will then be used to estimate a num-
`ber of statistics, from which we will select features for use in CoS
`categorization. Based on the criterion established in the previous
`section, the reference applications selected for each application class
`(cid:15) Interactive: Telnet,
`(cid:15) Bulk data: FTP-data, Kazaa,
`(cid:15) Streaming: RealMedia streaming,
`(cid:15) Transactional: DNS, HTTPS.
`We include HTTPS in the transactional class, because a large
`proportion of HTTPS interactions involve users filling out a form,
`for instance to conduct secure credit card purchases over the WWW.
`In our current study, we do not use web traffic to train the classi-
`fication. However we do include WWW traffic statistics (as cap-
`tured using port 80) in some plots as an example application, as it
`provides some interesting intuition into the results. Also, although
`Kazaa does not have registered ports, in particular data sets we have
`reliable ways of identifying Kazaa traffic (as describe below).
`4.2 Candidate Features
`The list of possible features one could consider is very large. We
`can broadly classify these into five categories:
`1. Simple packet-level features such as mean packet size and
`various moments such as variance, RMS (root mean square) size,
`etc., are simple to compute, and can be gleaned directly from packet-
`level information. They offer a characterization of the application
`that is independent of the notion of flows, connections or other
`higher level aggregations. Another advantage is that packet-level
`sampling, which is widely used in network data collection, has lit-
`tle impact on these statistics. Other statistics that can be derived
`from simple packet data are time series, from which we could de-
`rive a number of features, for instance relating to correlations over
`time (e.g. parameters of long-range dependence such as the Hurst
`parameter). An example of this type of classification can be seen in
`[23], where the authors use time-of-day traffic profiles to categorize
`web sites.
`2. Flow-level statistics are summary statistics at the grain of net-
`work flows. A flow is defined to be an unidirectional sequence
`Cloudflare - Exhibit 1034, page 139


`set of general rules for classifying future data on the basis of a
`feature vector. Each training data point consists of a pair Xj 2
`IRM ; Gj 2 f1; : : : ; Kg, where Xj is the feature vector, and Gj is
`the class of the jth data point, and our rule should provide a map-
`ping ^G : IRM ! f1; : : : ; Kg.
`One very simple method of classification is NN. In this classifi-
`cation method we assign a new data point to the class of its nearest
`(in this paper we shall use Euclidean distance as the metric for dis-
`tance) neighbor from the training data. That is we take ^G(X) to
`be the class Gi of the data point Xi which minimizes the distance
`jjXi (cid:0) Xjj. NN methods can be generalized to k-NN (where the
`k nearest neighbors essentially ‘vote’ on the class of the observa-
`tion), to enhance its robustness. k-NN methods are generally very
`good on low-dimensional data (small M ), but are less effective on
`high-dimensional data, and give little insight into the most useful
`An alternative set of approaches can be drawn from statistical
`decision theory, in which we choose ^G(X) = Gi if
`Pr(Gijx = X) = max
`Pr(gjx = X):
`That is, we choose the class with maximal conditional probability,
`given the feature vector X. This approach is known as the Bayes
`classifier. In general we can call (cid:14)g = Pr(gjx = X) a discrimi-
`nant function, and we choose the class with the maximum discrim-
`inant. A k-NN approach can be seen as an approximation to the
`Bayes classifier above, where we are approximating the probabili-
`ties Pr(gjx = X) by the proportion of the k nearest neighbors of
`class g.
`There are many alternative approaches for estimating the dis-
`criminant functions. LDA [19] is a simple method that can be de-
`rived via a number of approaches. Perhaps the most famous deriva-
`tion is Fisher’s — he posed the problem “Find the linear combina-
`tion Z = aT x such that the between class variance is maximized
`relative to the within-class variance”. When one considers this lin-
`ear combination it forms a natural discriminant between the classes,
`that minimizes the overlap between them. Another simple method
`of derivation of LDA is to assume that each class g has a Gaussian
`distribution with mean (cid:22)g and with the same intra-class covariance
`(cid:6) for each class. In this case the distribution of features vectors
`within each class can be drawn from
`fk(x) =
`of packets that have some field values in common, typically, the
`5-tuple (source IP, destination IP, source port, destination port, IP
`Protocol type). Example flow-level features include mean flow du-
`ration, mean data volume per flow, mean number of packets per
`flow, and variance of these metrics, etc. There are some more com-
`plex forms of information one can also glean from flows (or packet
`data) statistics, for instance, we may look at the proportion of inter-
`nal versus external traffic within a category – external traffic (traffic
`to the Internet) may have a lower priority within a corporate set-
`ting. These statistics can be obtained using flow-level data collected
`at routers using, e.g. Cisco NetFlow [27]. They do not require the
`more resource intensive process of finer grain packet-level traces. A
`limitation is that flow-collection may sometimes aggregate packets
`that belong to multiple application-level connections into a single
`flow, which would distort the flow-level features.
`3. Connection-level statistics are required to trace some inter-
`esting behavior associated with connection oriented transport-level
`connections such as TCP connections. A typical TCP connection
`starts and ends with well defined handshakes from a client to a
`server. The collection process needs to track the connection state
`in order to collect connection level statistics.
`In addition to the
`features mentioned for the flow-level, other features that are mean-
`ingful to compute at the TCP connection level are the symmetry
`of a connection, advertised window sizes and the throughput distri-
`bution. The connection-level data generally provides better quality
`data than the flow-level information, but requires additional over-
`head, and would also be impacted by sampling or asymmetric rout-
`ing at the collection point.
`4. Intra-flow/connection features There are features we might
`wish to collect which are based on the notion of a flow or TCP
`connection, but require statistics about the packets within each flow.
`A simple example is the statistics of the inter-arrival times between
`packets in flows. This requires data collected at a packet level, but
`then grouped into flows. We use the relative variance of these inter-
`arrival times as a measure of the burstiness of a traffic stream. Intra-
`flow/connection features include loss rates, latencies, etc.
`5. Multi-flow: Sometimes interesting characteristics can be cap-
`tured only by considering statistics across multiple flows/connections.
`For instance, many peer-to-peer applications achieve the download
`of a large file by bulk downloads of smaller chunks from multi-
`ple machines — the individual chunk downloads are typically per-
`formed close together in time. For some multimedia streaming pro-
`tocols, the high volume data connection is accompanied by a con-
`current, separate connection between the same set of end-systems,
`containing low volume, intermittent control data (e.g. RTSP [32]).
`These multi-flow features are more complex and computationally
`more expensive to capture than flow or connection data alone.
`Table 1 gives a summary of the types of features, and which types
`of measurements are needed to collect them. At the conclusion of
`our ongoing work we would like to have identified a minimal set of
`statistical features that can be used to classify traffic into application
`classes reliably and independently of the actual application.
`4.3 Classification methods
`In this paper we test two simple, but common methods for classi-
`fication: Nearest Neighbor (NN) and Linear Discriminant Analysis
`(LDA). The general problem of classification is: given K classes,
`M features, and N training data points, we wish to determine a




`connection-level statistics per application for this trace. Note that
`the numbers corresponding to domain (i.e., DNS) only consider
`DNS communications over TCP.
`(cid:15) Gigasc

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