`Date: Apr 9th, 2002
`Release: REL-5
`Use one of the following releases:
`(GSM Phase 2)
`(Release 1996)
`(Release 1997)
`(Release 1998)
`(Release 1999)
`(Release 4)
`(Release 5)
`3GPP TSG-RAN WG1 Meeting #25
`Paris, France, Apr 9th – Apr 12th 2002
`- Current version:
`25.212 CR 137
` rev
`For HELP on using this form, see bottom of this page or look at the pop-up text over the symbols.
`ME/UE X Radio Access Network X Core Network
`Proposed change affects:
` Basis sequences for HS-DPCCH Channel Quality information code
` LG Electronics and Philips
`Work item code: HSDPA-Phys
` F
`Use one of the following categories:
`F (correction)
`A (corresponds to a correction in an earlier release)
`B (addition of feature),
`C (functional modification of feature)
`D (editorial modification)
`Detailed explanations of the above categories can
`be found in 3GPP TR 21.900.
`Reason for change: Channel code for HS-DPCCH CQI is designed as (20,5) code with basis
`sequences that provide much protection on MSB of channel quality information.
`However, there exist basis sequences that show the better MSB protection
`capability so as to increase the HSDPA system throughput.
`Summary of change:
`This will clearly loose the opportunity to further increase the system throughput.
`Consequences if
`not approved:
`Clauses affected:
`Other specs
`Other comments:
`How to create CRs using this form:
`Comprehensive information and tips about how to create CRs can be found at http://www.3gpp.org/specs/CR.htm.
`Below is a brief summary:
`1) Fill out the above form. The symbols above marked contain pop-up help information about the field that they are
`closest to.
`2) Obtain the latest version for the release of the specification to which the change is proposed. Use the MS Word
`"revision marks" feature (also known as "track changes") when making the changes. All 3GPP specifications can be
`downloaded from the 3GPP server under ftp://ftp.3gpp.org/specs/ For the latest version, look for the directory name
`with the latest date e.g. 2001-03 contains the specifications resulting from the March 2001 TSG meetings.
`3) With "track changes" disabled, paste the entire CR form (use CTRL-A to select it) into the specification just in front of
`the clause containing the first piece of changed text. Delete those parts of the specification which are not relevant to
`the change request.
`In the last line of the table 14, two componets of basis sequences for (20,5) code
`are modified from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0.
` Other core specifications
` Test specifications
` O&M Specifications
`CR page 1
`Commented [H1]: Enter the specification number in this
`box. For example, 04.08 or 31.102. Do not prefix the number
`with anything . i.e. do not use "TS", "GSM" or "3GPP" etc.
`Commented [H2]: Enter the CR number here. This
`number is allocated by the 3GPP support team.
`Commented [H3]: Enter the revision number of the CR
`here. If it is the first version, use a "-".
`Commented [H4]: Enter the version of the specification
`here. This number is the version of the specification to which
`the CR will be applied if it is approved. Make sure that the
`latest version of the specification (of the relevant release) is
`used when creating the CR. If unsure what the latest version
`is, go to http://www.3gpp.org/specs/specs.htm.
`Commented [H5]: For help on how to fill out a field,
`place the mouse pointer over the special symbol closest to
`the field in question.
`Commented [H6]: Mark one or more of the boxes with an
`Commented [H7]: Enter a concise description of the
`subject matter of the CR. It should be no longer than one
`Commented [H8]: Enter the source of the CR. This is
`either (a) one or several companies or, (b) if a (sub)working
`group has already reviewed and agreed the CR, then list the
`group as the source.
`Commented [H9]: Enter the acronym for the work item
`which is applicable to the change. This field is mandatory for
`category F, B & C CRs for release 4 and later. A list of work
`item acronyms can be found in the 3GPP work plan. See
`http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/information/work_plan/ .
`The list is also included in a MS Excel file included in the
`zip file containing the CR cover sheet template.
`Commented [H10]: Enter the date on which the CR was
`last revised. Format to be interpretable by MS Windows ®:
`Commented [H11]: Enter a single letter corresponding to
`the most appropriate category listed below. For more
`Commented [H12]: Enter a single release code from the
`list below.
`Commented [H13]: Enter text which explains why the
`change is necessary.
`Commented [H14]: Enter text which describes the most
`important components of the change. i.e. How the change is ...
`Commented [H15]: Enter here the consequences if this
`CR was to be rejected. It is necessary to complete this
`Commented [H16]: Enter the number of each clause
`which contains changes.
`Commented [H17]: Enter an X in the box if any other
`specifications are affected by this change.
`Commented [H18]: List here the specifications which are
`affected or the CRs which are linked.
`Commented [H19]: Enter any other information which
`may be needed by the group being requested to approve the ...
`Commented [H20]: This is an example of pop-up text.
`IPR2021-00908 Honeywell Exh. 1005 - Page 1 of 2
`(Honeywell International, Inc., et al. v. 3G Licensing S.A.)
`3GPP TS aa.bbb vX.Y.Z (YYYY-MM)
`CR page 2
`Channel coding for HS-DPCCH channel quality information
`The channel quality information is coded using a (20,5) code. The code words of the (20,5) code are a linear
`combination of the 5 basis sequences denoted Mi,n defined in the table below.
`Table 14: Basis sequences for (20,5) code
`Mi,0 Mi,1 Mi,2 Mi,3 Mi,4
`The channel quality information bits are a0 , a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 (where a0 is LSB and a4 is MSB). The output code word bits bi
`are given by:
`Deleted: 1
`Deleted: 0
`= ∑
`where i = 0, …, 19.
`CR page 2
`IPR2021-00908 Honeywell Exh. 1005 - Page 2 of 2
`(Honeywell International, Inc., et al. v. 3G Licensing S.A.)