Volume 100, Number 6, November–December 1995
`Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
`[J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. 100, 699 (1995)]
`Conference Report
`Gaithersburg, MD
`May 9–10, 1995
`Report prepared by
`Joseph I. Hungate and
`Martha M. Gray
`Systems and Software Technology Division,
`National Institute of Standards and Technology,
`Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001
`Kathleen A. Liburdy
`Clemson University,
`Clemson, South Carolina 29634
`The National Institute of Standards and Technology
`(NIST), Systems and Software Division, sponsored a
`Users’ Forum on the Application Portability Profile
`(APP) and Open System Environment (OSE) at NIST in
`May. This forum was the fifteenth in a continuing semi-
`annual series on the NIST APP and its application to
`OSE. The APP Users’ Forums are designed to provide
`users and providers with the opportunity to exchange
`information and respond to NIST proposals regarding
`the evaluation and adoption of an integrated set of
`standards to support the APP and OSE.
`The forum offered the customary presentation of
`standards and activities in the APP, OSE, Institute of
`Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and Joint
`Technical Committee 1 (JTC1-international activities).
`A workshop on Automated Testing Technologies was
`featured on the second day with extensive discussions
`concerning participants’ case studies, current activities,
`plans and lessons learned. A tutorial for beginners with
`little or no experience with the APP and OSE was held
`on the morning of the first day. The tutorial presented
`basic OSE concepts and the reference model.
`The next APP/OSE Users’ Forums will be held May
`7 and 8, 1996 at NIST.
`The APP/OSE Users’ Forum has been developed to
`assist federal agencies with information technology (IT)
`issues. Central
`to this assistance is publication and
`maintenance of a technical guidance document, the
`Application Portability Profile (APP), facilitating the
`migration to open systems. An Open System Environ-
`ment encompasses the functionality needed to provide
`interoperability, portability, and scalability of comput-
`erized applications across networks of heterogeneous,
`multi-vendor hardware/software/communications plat-
`forms. The APP integrates industry, federal, national,
`international, and other specifications into a Federal
`necessary to accommodate a broad range of Federal
`information technology requirements. The Application
`Portability Profile (APP), The U.S. Government’s Open
`System Environment Profile OSE/1 Version 3.0 pro-
`vides recommendations on a variety of specifications
`that will generally fit the requirements of U.S. Govern-
`ment systems. A specific organization will not necessar-
`ily require all of the recommended specifications in the
`APP. As the U.S. Government’s OSE profile,
`guidance is provided to assist Federal agencies in
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`Volume 100, Number 6, November–December 1995
`Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
`making informed choices regarding the selection and
`use of OSE specifications, and in the development of
`more selective application profiles based on the APP. It
`is directed toward managers and project leaders who
`have the responsibilities of acquiring, developing, and
`maintaining information systems supported by hetero-
`geneous application platform environments.
`2. Standards Status
`Fritz Schulz, NIST, presented the following updates
`on the OSE standards activities of IEEE, JTC1 and the
`Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL) of NIST.
`The IEEE Portable Application Steering Committee
`(PASC), which sponsors the Portable Operating System
`Interface (POSIX) projects has reorganized. Previously
`each standard activity had been individually numbered,
`and now activities are grouped into seven areas. These
`areas are system services, shells and utilities, system
`language bindings, security, profiles,
`and test methods. In addition to lowering overhead and
`increasing efficiency, this reorganization will make it
`easier to progress approved standards to the international
`The OSE guide developed by P1003.0 has been ap-
`proved and will be published very soon as a technical
`guide. The POSIX OSE guide describes an OSE Refer-
`ence Model (OSE/RM) that is closely aligned with the
`APP and that provides a framework for describing open
`system concepts and defining a lexicon of terms that can
`be agreed upon generally by all interested parties. The
`same document is in ballot as a draft technical report
`(DTR) 14252 within working group (WG)15 of sub-
`committee (SC)22 of JTC1. The DTR is also expected
`to be approved very soon. The status of individual pro-
`grams within the POSIX project were distributed in a
`Technical Report 10000-3: ‘‘Information Technol-
`ogy—Framework and Taxonomy of International Stan-
`dardized Profiles—Part 3: Principles and Taxonomy for
`Open System Environment Profiles,’’ produced by the
`JTC1 Special Group on Functional Standardization
`(SGFS) has been approved and will be published very
`soon. TR 10000, part 3 provides a context for functional
`standardization in support of Open System Environ-
`ments (OSE). It outlines the basic OSE objectives and
`concepts, and defines an approach to the taxonomy and
`format for OSE Profiles specified by International
`Standardized Profiles. The technical
`report gives
`guidance on the nature and content of International
`Standardized Profiles (ISPs) documents to organizations
`proposing Draft OSE ISPs.
`2.1 Application Portability Profile (APP) Version 3
`Gary Fisher, NIST, made the presentation on the new
`version of the APP.
`A selected suite of specifications that defines the
`interfaces, services, protocols, and data formats for a
`particular class or domain of applications is called a
`profile. The Application Portability Profile (APP) inte-
`grates industry, Federal, national,
`international, and
`other specifications into a Federal application profile to
`provide the functionality necessary to accommodate a
`broad range of Federal information technology require-
`The APP is not a standard and is not designed to cover
`every case. In some instances, the selection of one speci-
`fication recommended in the APP will obviate the need
`for other specifications that are also recommended (i.e.,
`select one or the other, but not both.) There is some
`overlap in functionality covered in different specifica-
`tions. There are also gaps in functionality. In areas
`where the APP does not meet all of a user’s require-
`ments, the user must augment the recommended specifi-
`cations to ensure that proposed systems built on these
`specifications meet organizational requirements. The
`APP is designed to help users determine which specifi-
`cations to use.
`Not only is the U.S. Government involved in the
`development of profiles, but
`industry, national, and
`international organizations are preparing specifications
`that encompass numerous types of profiles. Corpora-
`tions such as American Airlines, Boeing, DuPont,
`General Electric, Kodak, McDonnell Douglas, Merck,
`Motorola, Northrop, and Unilever are developing pro-
`files for use within their own organizations and in many
`cases have based these profiles on the APP. The Institute
`of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the Interna-
`tional Organization for Standardization, and other
`standards-making organizations are in the process of
`developing profiles for specific types of application
`domains. U.S. Government organizations that are
`engaging the concepts of organizational profiles include
`the U.S. Army Sustaining Base Information Services,
`the U.S. Bureau of the Census, the Internal Revenue
`Service, the Defense Information Systems Agency, and
`many others.
`Many specifications were reviewed and evaluated
`before the final
`recommended specifications were
`selected. If there are other specifications that should
`be considered in the APP and that meet a broad range
`of U.S. Government application requirements, users,
`vendors, and other interested parties should formally
`recommend them for evaluation using the same evalua-
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`Volume 100, Number 6, November–December 1995
`Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
`tion criteria applied to the selected specifications. This
`is one of the ways in which the APP will continue to
`evolve as technology evolves.
`The initial version of the APP was published by the
`National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
`in April 1991 as Special Publication 500-187. Version 2
`of the APP Guide, NIST Special Publication 500-210,
`was published in June 1993. The changes in this third
`revision reflect the evolutionary developments that have
`occurred in the standards arena. Examples of the types
`of changes in this version include the following:
`a) The introductory material incorporates work done
`by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engi-
`neers (IEEE) POSIX Working Group 1003.0 on the
`Open System Environment Reference Model (OSE/
`b) The evaluation criterion, de facto usage , has been
`removed and others have been reworded to provide
`more usable definitions.
`c) A new bindings information item has been added to
`individual specifications where appropriate.
`d) All of the recommended specifications have been
`updated and many new ones have been added.
`Areas that have seen the most change are those that
`encompass data interchange and communications
`where numerous new specifications have been
`Specific changes between Version 2 and Version 3
`recommended specifications include the following:
`a) Operating System Services
`IEEE 1003.2-1992 POSIX Shells and Utilities is
`now FIPS 189.
`IEEE 1003.4 Realtime is now IEEE 1003.1b.
`IEEE 1003.6 Security is now IEEE 1003.1e and
`IEEE 1003.2c.
`IEEE P1387.2, .3, and .4 are new.
`b) Human/computer Interface Services
`Proposed FIPS 158-1 X Window System is now
`officially FIPS 158-1.
`IEEE P1295 X Window Toolkit
`is now IEEE
`c) Software Engineering Services
`FIPS 119 Ada is now FIPS 119-1 Ada.
`FIPS 21-3 COBOL is now FIPS 21-4 COBOL.
`FIPS 119 Pascal has been deleted due to very lim-
`ited interest in this specification.
`ECMA PCTE has been replaced by ISEE Reposi-
`tory ISO/IEC 13719-1.
`d) Data Management Services
`FIPS 127-1 SQL is now FIPS 127-2.
`FIPS 193 SQL Environments is new.
`e) Data Interchange Services
`ODA/ODIF/ODL ISO 8613 has been deleted due to
`lack of implementations.
`Draft Portable Document Delivery Format (PDDF)
`is new.
`SPDL ISO 10180 has been deleted and replaced by
`Standard Data Elements ISO 11179 Parts 3, 4, and
`5 are new.
`FIPS 194 Raster is new.
`JPEG is new.
`MPEG is new.
`STEP ISO 10303 has been replaced by the planned
`FIPS 173 SDTS is now FIPS 173-1.
`f) Graphics Services
`FIPS 153 PHIGS is now FIPS 153-1.
`g) Network Services
`PII API P1003.12 has been renamed P1003.1g.
`IEEE 1238.1 FTAM has been deleted. (This speci-
`fication is part of FIPS 146-2.)
`FIPS 146-1 GOSIP is now FIPS 146-2 POSIT.
`ISDN is now FIPS 182 ISDN.
`IEEE 1003.8 TFA has been deleted. (This specifi-
`cation is part of FIPS 146-2.)
`CORBA is new.
`FIPS 179 GNMP has been deleted and replaced
`with OMNIPoint.
`FIPS 192 GILS is new.
`NISO Z39.50 is new.
`FIPS 46-2 DES is new.
`FIPS 186 DSS is new.
`The universe of OSE is continually evolving and the
`APP Guide will strive to reflect this evolution. The
`Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL) welcomes any
`recommendations for changes to the APP.
`2.2 Profiles for Open System Internetworking
`Technology (POSIT)
`Tassos Nakassis, NIST, reported that the Secretary of
`Commerce recently approved two revised standards:
`FIPS 146-2, Profiles for Open Systems Internetworking
`Technologies (POSIT), and FIPS 179-1, Government
`Network Management Profile (GNMP). Effective
`immediately, FIPS 146-2 removes the requirement that
`federal agencies specify Government Open Systems
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`Volume 100, Number 6, November–December 1995
`Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
`Interconnection Profile (GOSIP) protocols when they
`acquire networking products and services and commu-
`nications systems and services. FIPS 179-1 provides
`implementations for network management based on the
`service and protocol standards issued by the Interna-
`tional Organization for Standardization (ISO). These
`revised standards promote the interoperability of
`computers and systems that are acquired from different
`manufacturers in an open systems environment.
`2.3 Document Management Services
`Mike Rubinfeld, NIST presented the status of three
`standards used in document management, Joint Photo-
`graphic Experts Group (JPEG), Moving Pictures
`Experts Group (MPEG) and Portable Document Deliv-
`ery Format (PDDF). JPEG is being developed under the
`auspices of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2 Working Group 10. The
`current standard, IS 10918:1992, specifies the digital
`compression and coding of continuous-tone still images.
`These images can be either grayscale or color. The
`standard uses 24 bit compression and consists of three
`elements, an encoder, a decoder, and the interchange
`format. ISO 10918:1992 uses other standards as well.
`They are SGML Z39.50, MPEG, Huffman Encoding
`and ISO/IEC IS9660.
`ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2 Working Group 11 is the sponsor
`of the IS 11172:MPEG-1 standard. The standard is for
`video compression for multimedia applications. It ad-
`dresses compression of video signals up to 1.5 Mbits/s.
`MPEG audio compresses the audio signal at rates of 64,
`128 and 192 kbits/s. MPEG is used in conjunction with
`mass media such as hard drives, CD-ROM and other
`optical storage, writable CD, DAT tape, and network
`MPEG utilizes two techniques, blocked-based motion
`compression—reduction of temporal redundancy and
`transform domain-based compression—reduction of
`spacial redundancy (DCT).
`PDDF is based on a blue ribbon panel’s recommenda-
`tions and a set of basic requirements for a standard. Final
`Form Portable Document Delivery Format consists of
`encoded representation on electronic medium in presen-
`tation quality final form. The current situation requires
`the use of proprietary formats resulting in conversion
`nightmares that often require resorting to ASCII as a
`common denominator. The PDDF project goals are:
`Identify Needs within the Government
`• Develop a set of Requirements
`• Assess the Current Technology
`• Describe a PDDF that meets the Requirements
`• Develop a Conformance Test Suite Based on the
`• Draft a FIPS for the Preferred PDDF
`To meet these goals, government user and vendor
`workshops were held with NIST serving as an overall
`catalyst, coordinator and initiator of cooperative
`research and development agreements (CRADAs) with
`vendors. NIST will also provide documents from work-
`shops, develop a conformance test plan and consider
`PDDF as a future FIPS.
`PDDF provides new way to preserve documents that
`will alleviate costs associated with conversion and use of
`unnecessary software. This will make the use of elec-
`tronic medium for document exchange much easier.
`Storage cost and paper cost savings will be significant.
`The baseline set of requirements for choosing a
`format was developed in the Open System Environment
`Implementors Workshop (OIW)
`from contributions
`by vendors and the Blue Ribbon Panel. A set of 19
`requirements was established to serve as a guide for
`selecting a PDDF. The project will also address the
`following recommendations from the Blue Ribbon
`• Conformance Verification—Provide for software
`conformance to the format specification via a con-
`formance test plan and associated test suite. Provide
`a registry of conformant software products.
`• Organize a Users PDDF Forum comprised of
`government users and industry developers.
`2.4 SQL Standards and FIPS 127-2
`Joan Sullivan, NIST, gave the presentation on SQL
`and the associated FIPS. First introduced in 1986, FIPS
`127 (SQL-86) addressed only basic functionality. In
`1989, integrity enhancement was added resulting in
`FIPS 127-1 (SQL-89). 1992 saw the issuance of FIPS
`127-2 (SQL-92), with a four level structure. The levels
`are entry, transitional, intermediate, and full. The next
`revision of FIPS 127-2 will be based on SQL-9x, which
`will consist of six major parts.
`The SQL conformance testing began in 1988 with
`191 tests growing to 384 by December of 1989. In April
`of 1990, NIST started a SQL trial testing service, and
`issued registered validation summary reports. The trial
`period ended in 1992, and testing certificates started
`being issued in 1993. Currently tests exists for FIPS
`127-1 and two levels (entry and transitional) of FIPS
`127-2. Additional levels of FIPS 127-2 will be available
`in 1996. The FIPS 127-1 validated product list contains
`12 companies, offering 14 products. The list for FIPS
`127-2 has six companies, offering 12 products. There is
`worldwide interest in SQL testing. The NIST test suite
`licensed internationally in Australia, Belgium,
`Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Japan,
`Korea, Sweden, United Kingdom, and the USA.
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`Volume 100, Number 6, November–December 1995
`Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
`To ensure portability of SQL programs, a simple
`FIPS 127-2 strategy is necessary. Users should specify
`FIPS 127-2 conformance in request
`for proposals
`(RFPs) and require a test certificate. On existing data-
`base products users
`should upgrade to validated
`products. Most importantly, they should educate devel-
`opment staff on standard SQL and enforce its use in
`application development.
`2.5 Digital Encryption Standard (DES) and Digital
`Signature Standard (DSS)
`Lisa Carnahan, NIST, presented the status of FIPS
`46-2, DES, and FIPS 186, DSS. FIPS 46 was first issued
`in 1977 to protect unclassified information from un-
`authorized disclosure or modification. NIST reviews the
`standard every 5 years, and has reaffirmed it at its last
`review in 1993. As a result of that review, use of soft-
`ware implementations is now allowed in addition to
`hardware implementations. DES is documented and is
`validated in accordance with NIST SP 500-20. The
`validation test entails using a NIST supplied key and
`64 bit input and then performing 8 million encryptions
`and 4 million decryptions.
`FIPS 186, DSS, was issued in May of 1994. The
`standard contains an algorithm to use in designing and
`implementing public-key based signature systems. A
`companion FIPS 180-1 for a secure hash standard (SHS)
`was issued in April of 1995 for use when computing a
`condensed representation of a message or data file. Any
`change in the message will, with a high degree of prob-
`ability, result in a different result. DSS conformance
`tests are modular, consisting of signature generation,
`signature verification, primality tests, global parameter
`generation (p,q,g), key generation (x,y), and per mes-
`sage parameter generation (k). All
`must generate k (per message parameter) and sign or
`2.6 Standard for the Exchange of Product
`Model Data
`A FIPS has been proposed for the Standard for the
`Exchange of Product Model Data (STEP) that will
`adopt the voluntary industry specification International
`Organization for Standardization (ISO) Product Data
`Representation and Exchange, ISO 10303:1994. STEP
`defines and describes all product data used during the
`manufacturing life-cycle of a product, the production
`steps needed to make and product, and the order in
`which they occur. Comments on this proposed standard
`are welcomed. The proposed FIPS is available from the
`CSL Office.
`2.7 Standard Generalized Markup Language
`Ron Wilson, NIST reported on a task initiated by the
`CALS Project Office to organize an SGML Confor-
`mance Testing Service. The NIST SGML Conformance
`Testing Program will certify that SGML parsers meet
`the requirements of the Federal Information Processing
`Standard (FIPS) 152. The Computer Systems Labora-
`tory of the National Institute of Standards and Technol-
`ogy (NIST) is responsible for establishing conformance
`testing programs for Federal Information Processing
`Standards (FIPS). In carrying out this responsibility,
`CSL specifies the necessary conformance test specifica-
`tions, test methods (i.e., test suites, test tools, and techni-
`cal procedures), validation procedures, and testing labo-
`ratories for testing product compliance to FIPS.
`NISTIR 5538, SGML Parser Validation Procedures,
`establishes operating policy and procedures for the
`Computer Systems Laboratory’s (CSL) validation pro-
`gram for Federal Information Processing Standards
`(FIPS) 152, Standard Generalized Markup Language
`(SGML) parsers. The testing methodology is based on
`ANSI X3.190-1992, Text and Office Systems—Confor-
`mance Testing for Standard Generalized Markup
`Language Systems. This document contains operating
`policy for a Standard Generalized Markup Language
`Conformance Testing Service and is not intended to
`explain the detailed procedures that can be found in the
`documentation associated with the SGML parser valida-
`tion system, commonly called the SGML Test Suite.
`2.8 POSIX.2 Shells and Utilities
`Sheila Frankel, NIST Portable Operating System
`Interface (POSIX)—Part 2: Shells and Utilities pro-
`vides a command language interpreter (shell) and a set
`of utility programs that promotes user and application
`portability. It is used for directory/file/data creation and
`manipulation, interaction with the operating system, and
`automation of repetitive tasks. POSIX part 2, shells and
`utilities is the subject of FIPS 189, and is based on
`ISO/IEC standard 9945-2:1993. This standard is also
`known as ANSI/IEEE Standard 1003.2-1993 or
`POSIX.2. The effective date of FIPS 189 is April 3,
`1995. FIPS 189 is required for operating systems and/or
`applications development where POSIX shell and utility
`interfaces are required. FIPS 189 adopts the POSIX.2
`Standard, but omits obsolescent features, or violation of
`the general syntactic guidelines of POSIX.2 that may be
`deleted from POSIX.2 at a future date. POSIX.2
`requires that these features not be used by strictly con-
`forming applications. Most obsolescent features have
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`Volume 100, Number 6, November–December 1995
`Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
`equivalent, nonobsolescent counterparts in POSIX.2.
`A FIPS 189 Testing Program is being developed by
`NIST. It will be similar to the conformance testing pro-
`gram that was established for FIPS 151-2. The testing
`program will use accredited Labs from the National
`Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP)
`to perform the testing. Certificates of Validation will be
`issued by NIST and an accredited products list main-
`tained. The FIPS 189 Conformance Testing Program
`will adopt an existing test suite. A call for available test
`technology was published in the Commerce Business
`Daily (CBD) was published on October 20, 1994. Test
`suites submitted in answer to that announcement have
`been evaluated and an in-house report has been issued.
`An advisory board has been convened that will publish
`the testing model, test suite criteria, and select test
`suite(s). A follow-on activity, POSIX 2003.2 is under
`way. Upon approval the Test Methods for POSIX.2
`standard will result in a test suite(s) update.
`For further information contact Sheila Frankel at
`(301) 975-3297 or
`2.9 Open System Environment Implementors’
`Workshop (OIW)
`Joe Hungate, OIW chairman, made the presentation
`on the OIW. The Open Systems Environment Imple-
`mentors Workshop is a public international technical
`forum for the timely development of implementation
`agreements based on emerging international standards
`and public specifications. Its purpose is to broaden the
`utilization of Open Systems Environment (OSE)-based
`technologies and to speed their development. The work-
`shop intent is to support the advancement of a techni-
`cally efficient and compatible technology base for
`emerging Open Systems on a nationwide basis. NIST
`chairs the OIW, which meets quarterly at NIST. Work-
`shop organizational components include the Plenary
`(now conducted electronically), two standing commit-
`tees—the Technical Liaison Committee (TLC) and the
`Open System Environment Technical Committee (OSE-
`TC), and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that perform
`the technical work. The Plenary reviews and ratifies
`SIGs technical programs of work. SIGs may also have
`subsidiary working and study groups to address specific
`issues. The workshop also consists of various Working
`Groups and Special Project Teams created to deal with
`emerging technologies and issues.
`For additional information on the OIW, please contact
`Joe Hungate at (301) 975-3368, or
`3. Automated Testing Technologies
`The workshop presented with the assistance of
`Clemson University, hosted a second workshop on auto-
`mated testing technologies. The goals of this workshop,
`like the first, included reviewing existing and emerging
`technologies for automated specification and develop-
`ment of
`test methods, exploring the relationship
`between automated testing and standards development,
`establishing a forum for the continuing exchange of
`information between experts working in this area, and
`proposing an agenda for action which will support and
`accelerate efforts in automated testing.
`The three focus areas of this workshop were the ADL
`Project, presentations on university experiences and for-
`mal methods, and industry experiences.
`3.1 The ADL Project
`on the Assertions Definition
`3.1.1 Update
`Language (ADL) Project Shane McCarron, Testing
`Research Manager, X/Open Company Ltd., presented
`an overview of the Assertion Definition Language
`Project. This overview provided a brief history of the
`project, described in some detail the activities over the
`last year, and presented a high level view of the activities
`planned for the coming year. The presentation also in-
`cluded a description of last year’s efforts to use ADL to
`generate a test suite for the CORBA (Common Object
`Request Broker Architecture specification) 1.2 specifi-
`cation and a test suite for TET (a public domain, joint
`industry developed test harness).
`McCarron described ADL as ‘‘a (semi)
`language in which it is possible to describe the behavior
`of interfaces. The ADLTranslation System is a collection
`of tools and additional ‘languages’ that permit the speci-
`fication and generation of natural language interface
`specifications, test specifications, and tests based upon
`the ADL interface specification.’’ The goals of ADL are
`to improve test coverage, reduce costs of test develop-
`ment, speed up the process of test suite generation,
`reduce lifecycle costs and improve the reliability of
`3.1.2 ADLT in Practice: Experiences and Anec-
`dotes Roger Hayes of Sun Microsystems Laboratories
`described the ADLT as a freely-available system for test
`software generation, developed by Sun Laboratories
`with the support of X/Open and Japan’s Ministry of
`International Trade and Industry (MITI/IPA). Hayes
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`Volume 100, Number 6, November–December 1995
`Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
`the large-scale testing
`described, briefly, some of
`projects that have adopted ADLT,
`i.e., OpenDoc,
`OpenGL, PIKS, OMG CORBA, and TET, and lessons
`that have been learned in the course of supporting those
`projects. The lessons learned included that ADLT
`works, that there is a high degree of re-use, that it is
`useful in clarifying specifications, and that it can be
`used to develop portable tests.
`3.2. University Experiences and Formal Methods
`3.2.1 Exploration of Easy-to-Use Formalisms for
`Software Specification The project results of a 1 year
`collaborative effort between Sun Microsystems Labora-
`tories and Clemson University were reported in this
`presentation by Kathy Liburdy of Clemson University.
`The goal of this effort was to provide insights on the
`ease of learning and using a software specification
`language such as the Assertion Definition Language
`(ADL) developed by Sun Microsystems Laboratories.
`A classroom experiment involving senior students in
`Clemson University’s Computer Engineering Program
`was designed to provide both a unique learning experi-
`ence for the students as well as to achieve the desired
`goals of the collaborative effort.
`The classroom experiment consisted of two distinct
`phases: tutorial development and specification develop-
`ment. Phase one required the students to develop a tuto-
`rial for ADL based on the ADL Language Reference
`Manual. This effort served the dual purpose of familiar-
`izing the students with ADL and identifying difficulties
`with the Language Reference Manual. There were three
`teams involved in the experiment, and three very differ-
`ent tutorials resulted. An overview of the tutorials as
`well as observations regarding the Language Reference
`Manual were reported.
`The second phase of the experiment required the
`students to develop specifications using ADL for a rela-
`tively simple problem such as a symbol table manager.
`After the specifications were developed, the students
`exchanged specifications and were asked to implement
`software satisfying another team’s specification. As the
`final component of the experiment, implementations
`were returned to the specification developers for evalua-
`tion. Students’ comments on the ease of learning ADL,
`using ADL, and implementing software from ADL
`specifications based on this experience were reported.
`Suggestions for supplemental material for teaching
`ADL concluded the presentation.
`3.2.2 Automated Test Methods for POSIX.5 This
`presentation by Jim Leathrum of Clemson University,
`described the development and transfer of an automated
`testing technology in the open systems standards arena
`which resulted from a government and university
`alliance. The Clemson Automated Testing System
`(CATS) was initiated in response to the U. S. Navy’s
`request for conformance testing technology. The vision
`during the effort was a system which would provide life
`cycle support for conformance testing (i.e., assertion
`writing, test generation, test execution, and test results
`analysis). The system design was based upon the tradi-
`tional compiler paradigm in that assertions about the
`required behavior of an implementation under test are
`translated into executable tests.
`In 1994, the Defense Information Systems Agency
`(DISA) sponsored the application of the CATS technol-
`ogy in the development of test methods for the Ada
`Language binding to POSIX. The development of asser-
`tions for POSIX.5 revealed significant
`which can be directly attributed to the technology, such
`as the value of providing rapid feedback from the CATS
`environment during test development. Additionally,
`Leathrum disclosed that it became apparent that testing
`issues were addressed much earlier in the process than
`in traditional approaches. A discussion of
`learned from this experience concluded the presentation.
`3.2.3 Symbolic Execution and Constraint Satis-
`faction in Automatic Test Case Generation Steven
`Zeil from Old Dominion University submitted a paper
`which described the following.
`For over 20 years, researchers have noted that sym-
`bolic execution offered a conceptually elegant approach
`to the automatic generation of tests for structural and
`other implementation-based testing criteria.
`A number of symbolic execution systems have been
`built, typically for older programming languages and
`offering limited facilities for constraint satisfaction. The
`inability of these systems to deal with abstract data and
`more modern programming languages has
`questions about the viability of symbolic execution in
`The ARIES symbolic executor attempted to modern-
`ize symbolic execution, allowing symbolic execution of
`Ada programs. Although its runtime performance was
`disappointing, it offered some significant advances in
`design, including:
`• Preservation of abstraction in expressions involving
`• Separation of constraint satisfaction from the execu-
`tion engine
`Advances in constraint satisfaction techniques also
`hold new promise. Test case generation has unusual
`characteristics that place a strain on constraint solvers.
`The constraint systems seldom fall into the neat classifi-
`cations on whic

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