`·2· ·--------------------------------------
`· · · · · · ·Petitioner· · Case IPR2021-00831
`· · · · · · ·V.
`·7· · · · · · Patent Owner.
`· · ·--------------------------------------
`10· ·ZADOK, Ph.D., taken by Patent Owner, pursuant
`11· ·to Notice, via Zoom, on Friday, February 18,
`12· ·2022, at 10:00 a.m., before Monique Cabrera, a
`13· ·Shorthand Reporter and Notary Public, within
`14· ·and for the State of New York.
`Exhibit 2025 Page 1
`Daedalus Blue Exhibit 2025
`Microsoft Corp. v. Daedalus Blue, LLC
`Case IPR2021-00831


`·1· ·A P P E A R A N C E S :
`·2· ·McNISH, PLLC
`· · · · · · ·Attorneys for Patent Owner
`·3· ·254 Commercial Street
`· · ·Suite 245
`·4· ·Portland, Maine· 04101
`· · · · ·
`·8· · · · · ·Attorneys for Petitioner
`· · ·1000 Marsh Road
`·9· ·Menlo Park, California 94025-1015
`10· ·BY:· JARED BOBROW, ESQ. (Pro hac vice)
`· · · · ·
`· · · · · · · Li Shen, Esq.
`14· · · · · ·Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
`15· · · · · ·Thomas Del Vecchio,
`· · · · · · ·Videographer
`17· · · · · · · · · · · · * * *
`Exhibit 2025 Page 2


`·1· · · · · · · · · · I N D E X
`·3· ·E. Zadok, Ph.D· ·Mr. McNish· · · · · ·5
`·6· ·EXH NO.· · · · DESCRIPTION· · · · · · ·PAGE #
`·7· ·Exhibit 1003· ·Declaration of Dr.
`·8· · · · · · · · · ·Erez Zadok· · · · · · · ·22
`·9· ·Exhibit 1014· ·Tivoli Storage Manager
`10· · · · · · · · · for Windows· · · · · · · ·25
`11· ·Exhibit 1006· ·Tivoli Storage Manager,
`12· · · · · · · · · A Technical Introduction· 37
`13· ·Exhibit 1005· ·Gelb reference· · · · · · 62
`Exhibit 2025 Page 3


`·1· · · · · · THE VIDEOGRAPHER:· Good morning.
`·2· · · · · ·Here begins Media Number 1 in the
`·3· ·deposition of Dr. Erez Zadok, in the matter of
`·4· ·Microsoft Corporation, Petitioner, versus
`·5· ·Daedalus Blue LLC, Patent Owner, Case No.
`·6· ·IPR2021-00831.· Today's date is Friday,
`·7· ·February 18, 2022.· The time on the monitor is
`·8· ·10:03 a.m.
`·9· · · · · ·My name is Thomas Del Vecchio.· I am
`10· ·the videographer.· The Court Reporter is
`11· ·Monique Cabrera.· We are with Huseby Global
`12· ·Litigation.
`13· · · · · ·Counsel, please introduce yourselves
`14· ·for the record, after which the Court Reporter
`15· ·will swear in or affirm the witness.
`16· · · · · ·MR. MCNISH:· Kevin McNish from McNish
`17· ·PLLC, lead counsel for Daedalus Blue, Patent
`18· ·Owner.
`19· · · · · ·MR. BOBROW:· Good morning.· This is
`20· ·Jared Bobrow, of Orrick, Herrington &
`21· ·Sutcliffe for petitioner Microsoft, and with
`22· ·me from my law firm is Li Shen.
`23· ·Whereupon,
`24· · · · · · · · · EREZ ZADOK, PH.D
`25· ·after having been first duly sworn by the
`Exhibit 2025 Page 4


`·1· ·Court Reporter, was examined and testified as
`·2· ·follows:
`·3· · · · · ·THE WITNESS:· I do.
`·4· · · · · ·COURT REPORTER:· Can you state your
`·5· ·name and address for the record.
`·6· · · · · ·THE WITNESS:· Yes, my name is Erez
`·7· ·Zadok.· The address is 47 Hawkins Road in
`·8· ·Stony Brook, New York 11790.
`10· ·BY MR. MCNISH:
`11· · · ·Q.· Good morning.· My name is Kevin
`12· ·McNish.· I represent the Patent Owner,
`13· ·Daedalus Blue, LLC.
`14· · · · · ·This is a remote videoconference
`15· ·deposition in Case IPR2021-00831 at the Patent
`16· ·Trial and Appeal Board.
`17· · · · · ·Dr. Zadok, I am going to be asking
`18· ·you a series of questions today.· Do you
`19· ·understand that you were just been sworn in
`20· ·and will be answering my questions under oath?
`21· · · ·A.· Yes.
`22· · · ·Q.· Do you understand you are obligated
`23· ·to testify truthfully today?
`24· · · ·A.· Yes.
`25· · · ·Q.· Do you understand that your testimony
`Exhibit 2025 Page 5


`·1· ·will become part of the record in this
`·2· ·proceeding?
`·3· · · ·A.· Yes.
`·4· · · ·Q.· Do you understand that your testimony
`·5· ·will become publicly available as if you are
`·6· ·testifying in court?
`·7· · · ·A.· Yes.
`·8· · · ·Q.· Do you understand that your being
`·9· ·video recorded today?
`10· · · ·A.· Yes.
`11· · · ·Q.· Do you understand that with the
`12· ·Patient Trial and Appeal Board's
`13· ·authorization, that this video recording may
`14· ·be submitted as evidence?
`15· · · ·A.· Yes.
`16· · · ·Q.· We have a Court Reporter appearing
`17· ·today as well remotely, who will be
`18· ·transcribing my questions and your answers
`19· ·today.· Because our Court Reporter is remote,
`20· ·it's going to be especially important that we
`21· ·try to avoid talking over each other.· So
`22· ·would you please wait until I finish my
`23· ·questions before you start answering them
`24· ·today?
`25· · · ·A.· Yes.
`Exhibit 2025 Page 6


`·1· · · ·Q.· Thank you.· Also, just please give
`·2· ·verbal answers for the Court Reporter to write
`·3· ·down as opposed to gestures or "Ah hah's, or
`·4· ·anything like that.· Will you please do that
`·5· ·for me?
`·6· · · ·A.· Sure.
`·7· · · ·Q.· Great.· If you don't understand a
`·8· ·question or if you hear me get off, please
`·9· ·just ask me to repeat the question or clarify
`10· ·it; if you don't, I will assume you understood
`11· ·the question as I asked it; fair?
`12· · · ·A.· Okay.
`13· · · ·Q.· Where are you physically located
`14· ·today?
`15· · · ·A.· Physically, I am located in my home.
`16· · · ·Q.· In Stony Brook?
`17· · · ·A.· Correct.
`18· · · ·Q.· Is anyone in the room with you?
`19· · · ·A.· No.
`20· · · ·Q.· If anyone else comes in will you
`21· ·please just let me know?
`22· · · ·A.· Yes.
`23· · · ·Q.· Do you have any hard copy documents
`24· ·with you?
`25· · · ·A.· Yes, I do.
`Exhibit 2025 Page 7


`·1· · · ·Q.· Would you please give me a list of
`·2· ·the hard copy documents you have with you?
`·3· · · ·A.· You want everything?
`·4· · · ·Q.· Yes, please.
`·5· · · ·A.· Okay.· So there's 3 binders.· I have
`·6· ·like kind of side tables next to me that I
`·7· ·might turn to.· The binders came from Orrick a
`·8· ·couple of weeks ago.
`·9· · · · · ·The first binder is "IPR Briefs and
`10· ·Declarations."· It's got tabs marked
`11· ·"Microsoft Petition '132."
`12· · · · · ·Next is "Declarations Executed."
`13· · · · · ·Next is "Preliminary Patent Owner
`14· ·Response Team."
`15· · · · · ·Next is "2001 White Declaration."
`16· · · · · ·Next is "P Declaration Sealed."
`17· · · · · ·Next is "Ideanomics Declaration
`18· ·Sealed."
`19· · · · · ·Next is "Microsoft Preliminary Reply
`20· ·Sealed."
`21· · · · · ·Next is "Patent Owner Preliminary Su
`22· ·(ph) Replied Sealed."
`23· · · · · ·And the last one here is the "PTAB
`24· ·Decision Granting Institution."
`25· · · ·Q.· You said one of 3 binders that you
`Exhibit 2025 Page 8


`·1· ·have?
`·2· · · ·A.· Yes, that's binder one.
`·3· · · ·Q.· Okay.· Let's stick with binder one
`·4· ·for a moment.· Are there any mark up on any of
`·5· ·the documents in binder one?
`·6· · · ·A.· None that I have seen.
`·7· · · ·Q.· Okay.· Let's turn to binder 2, what
`·8· ·is in that?
`·9· · · ·A.· So this is exhibits -- binder 1 of 2
`10· ·of exhibits, and it says -- so the first one
`11· ·is the '132 patent.
`12· · · · · ·The next one is the '132 file
`13· ·history.
`14· · · · · ·Next is the Gelb reference, G E L B.
`15· · · · · ·Next is the Tivoli Storage Manager
`16· ·documents.
`17· · · · · ·Next is Callaghan NFS illustrated PC
`18· ·NFS reference.
`19· · · · · ·Next is the Deborah Kondo reference.
`20· · · · · ·Next is the Daedalus complaint, dated
`21· ·December 16th, 2020.
`22· · · · · ·Next is a tab marked IBM Red Books,
`23· ·How to Buy.
`24· · · · · ·Next is IA Declaration Tivoli Storage
`25· ·Manager, a Tech Intro.· It looks like an
`Exhibit 2025 Page 9


`·1· ·affidavit of a Dunkin Hall.
`·2· · · · · ·Next is marked Callaghan NFS
`·3· ·Illustrated U.S. Copyright Web Voyage Record.
`·4· · · · · ·Next is Tivoli Storage Manager for
`·5· ·Windows.
`·6· · · · · ·Next is Excerpts from Microsoft
`·7· ·Dictionary 2002.
`·8· · · · · ·Next is a paper titled "Snap Mirror"
`·9· ·by Patterson.
`10· · · · · ·Next is a Patent to Hitz, H I T Z.
`11· · · · · ·Next is a paper titled Design and
`12· ·Implementation of Sun Network Process System
`13· ·to multiple authors.· The first one, last name
`14· ·is Sandberg.
`15· · · · · ·The next is a publication to an
`16· ·author named Hungate, H U N G A T E.
`17· · · · · ·Next is a publication marked "RFC
`18· ·2822."
`19· · · · · ·Next appears to be a copy of an
`20· ·e-mail dated May 4th, '21, from a Jun, J U N,
`21· ·last name Zheng, Z H E N G.
`22· · · · · ·Next seems to be a copy of an article
`23· ·from Law 360 titled, "Judge Albright Now
`24· ·Oversees 20 Percent of New U.S. Patent Cases.
`25· · · · · ·Next is Daedalus Blue Preliminary
`Exhibit 2025 Page 10


`·1· ·Infringement Intentions, dated May 20th, '21.
`·2· · · · · ·Next is a whole affidavit.
`·3· · · · · ·Next is a June 30 scheduling order
`·4· ·for the Western District of Texas Court.
`·5· · · · · ·The last one in this binder is May
`·6· ·7th Notice of Filing Petitions for IPR.
`·7· · · · · ·So that's the second binder.
`·8· · · ·Q.· In the second binder, is there a mark
`·9· ·up on any of the documents?
`10· · · ·A.· Not that I see.
`11· · · ·Q.· You mentioned you also had a third
`12· ·binder with you; what is in that third binder?
`13· · · ·A.· This one is marked Exhibit's 2 of 2.
`14· ·All right.
`15· · · · · ·The first one is July 8th, '21,
`16· ·"Microsoft Preliminary Validity Contentions,"
`17· ·and it looks like a series of Claim Charts
`18· ·after that.
`19· · · · · ·Claim Chart one is Gelb.
`20· · · · · ·Next is Claim Chart 2, Deborah Kondo.
`21· · · · · ·Then it skips to Claim Chart 6
`22· ·Tivoli.
`23· · · · · ·And then there is a tab marked C7,
`24· ·Secondary References.· It seems to mention a
`25· ·case Callaghan here.
`Exhibit 2025 Page 11


`·1· · · · · ·The next is Microsoft Press Computer
`·2· ·Dictionary 2002 excerpts.
`·3· · · · · ·Next is "Protective Order Matil, ST
`·4· ·Spec V1."· This looks like the title is Tivoli
`·5· ·Storage Tank Initial Programming Functional
`·6· ·Specifications, version 1.1.
`·7· · · · · ·The next one says "Protective Order
`·8· ·Material ST Spec V1_2."· It seems to be the
`·9· ·same kind of functional specification
`10· ·document, but this one says version 1.2.
`11· · · · · ·Next, it says "Protective Order
`12· ·Materials Storage Tank Strategy Draft 8.· It
`13· ·looks like a printout from a series of
`14· ·PowerPoint slide presentations, perhaps.
`15· · · · · ·Next is "Protective Order Materials
`16· ·Storage Tank Development Review," February
`17· ·2nd, 2011.
`18· · · · · ·Next is "Protective Order Material
`19· ·ST_R1_HLD_0 Storage Tank Release One High
`20· ·Level Design Version Draft 0."
`21· · · · · ·Next is "Protective Order Material ST
`22· ·Sched, S C H E D, External."· It looks like
`23· ·some timeline scheduling for work on storage
`24· ·tanks.
`25· · · · · ·Next is "Defendants Revised Proposed
`Exhibit 2025 Page 12


`·1· ·Claim Construction."
`·2· · · · · ·Next is "August 3rd, 21, Microsoft
`·3· ·Identification of Extrinsic Evidence."
`·4· · · · · ·Next is a Patent 2 mark, numbered
`·5· ·6,154,776.
`·6· · · · · ·The next is a Patent to Gai, G A I,
`·7· ·number 6,167,445.
`·8· · · · · ·Next is a Patent to Huang, H U A N G,
`·9· ·number 6,212,562.
`10· · · · · ·And the last thing here is MF0
`11· ·Declaration Preliminary Response, Declaration
`12· ·of Michael Flynn O'Brien in support of Patent
`13· ·Owner Daedalus."
`14· · · · · ·That's the last one.
`15· · · ·Q.· Is there any mark up on any of those
`16· ·documents?
`17· · · ·A.· No, none that I see.
`18· · · ·Q.· Do you have any other hard copy
`19· ·documents with you, other than what's in those
`20· ·3 binders?
`21· · · ·A.· No.
`22· · · ·Q.· All right.· So just continue.· So I
`23· ·am going to be using the Huseby Global
`24· ·Litigation exhibit platform to share exhibits
`25· ·today.
`Exhibit 2025 Page 13


`·1· · · · · ·Just to confirm, it sounds like you
`·2· ·have hard copies as well, but have you
`·3· ·established an account with Huseby to receive
`·4· ·exhibits?
`·5· · · ·A.· Yes.
`·6· · · ·Q.· Okay.· Great.
`·7· · · · · ·So as I introduce exhibits, they will
`·8· ·appear in the public folder and you'll be able
`·9· ·to view them by clicking on them.· I will just
`10· ·ask you to confirm that you have received the
`11· ·exhibits as I have introduced them.
`12· · · ·A.· Okay.
`13· · · ·Q.· Other than any windows or tabs for
`14· ·the Huseby platform or this videoconference,
`15· ·do you have any other windows or tabs open on
`16· ·your computer right now?
`17· · · ·A.· Let's see, the browser, Zoom.· I have
`18· ·a blank folder that I created on my desktop
`19· ·that's open on the theory that I might be able
`20· ·to download the Huseby documents in the folder
`21· ·then to open them locally.
`22· · · ·Q.· What you have open on the browser,
`23· ·just the Huseby tab or do you have any --
`24· · · ·A.· Yes, just that one tab.
`25· · · ·Q.· Okay.· All right.
`Exhibit 2025 Page 14


`·1· · · · · ·And the computer that you're using
`·2· ·for this video conference, does that have any
`·3· ·files related to your work on this case on it?
`·4· · · ·A.· Yes.
`·5· · · ·Q.· Which files are those?
`·6· · · ·A.· So pretty much everything that I
`·7· ·received or produced in this matter.
`·8· · · ·Q.· Are any of them open right now?
`·9· · · ·A.· No.
`10· · · ·Q.· And other than the computer that you
`11· ·are using for this video conference, do you
`12· ·have any other computers or communication
`13· ·devices in the room with you today?
`14· · · ·A.· Yes.
`15· · · ·Q.· Okay.· So I am going to ask you not
`16· ·to communicate with any person who is not in
`17· ·this video conference, text messaging, instant
`18· ·messaging, e-mail, anything like that; is that
`19· ·okay?
`20· · · ·A.· Of course.
`21· · · ·Q.· And other than through this video
`22· ·conference, do you have any form of
`23· ·communication with any counsel from Microsoft
`24· ·right now?
`25· · · ·A.· No.
`Exhibit 2025 Page 15


`·1· · · ·Q.· And, again, I will ask that you not
`·2· ·communicate with counsel from Microsoft during
`·3· ·this deposition.
`·4· · · · · ·Will you agree to reframe from using
`·5· ·e-mail, text, instant messaging or any other
`·6· ·form of communication during your deposition
`·7· ·or during breaks today with counsel from
`·8· ·Microsoft?
`·9· · · ·A.· Of course.
`10· · · · · ·MR. BOBROW:· Again, Kevin, I don't
`11· ·know that that's appropriate, I mean, we are
`12· ·allowed to speak, just not about the substance
`13· ·of the deposition, I mean, you're not saying
`14· ·that we can't say hello or speak pleasantries,
`15· ·are you?
`16· · · · · ·MR. MCNISH:· Let me rephrase.
`17· · · ·Q.· During the deposition will you agree
`18· ·to refrain from using e-mail, text, instant
`19· ·messaging or other forms of communications?
`20· · · ·A.· Yes.
`21· · · · · ·MR. BOBROW:· Again, I think, that's
`22· ·also the same point, but go ahead.
`23· · · ·Q.· And do you have a copy of the
`24· ·realtime transcript of this deposition going
`25· ·in front of you?
`Exhibit 2025 Page 16


`·1· · · ·A.· No.
`·2· · · ·Q.· If you encounter any technical
`·3· ·difficulties, will you please let me know and
`·4· ·we can go off the record to address those?
`·5· · · ·A.· Sure.
`·6· · · ·Q.· Okay.· Finally, is there anything
`·7· ·keep you from giving full and truthful
`·8· ·testimony to the best of your ability today?
`·9· · · ·A.· No, not really.
`10· · · ·Q.· When you say "not really," what do
`11· ·you mean by that?
`12· · · ·A.· No.
`13· · · ·Q.· All right, just making sure.
`14· · · · · ·Would you please let me know what you
`15· ·did to prepare for this deposition?
`16· · · ·A.· Sure.· I reviewed a number of
`17· ·documents and met with Microsoft counsel.
`18· · · ·Q.· Any of the documents that you
`19· ·reviewed to prepare for your deposition, did
`20· ·any of them refresh your recollection?
`21· · · ·A.· Yes.
`22· · · ·Q.· All right.· Which documents refreshed
`23· ·your recollection that you reviewed, while
`24· ·preparing for your deposition?
`25· · · ·A.· Let's see, so my own IPR Declaration,
`Exhibit 2025 Page 17


`·1· ·the Patent, the PTAB's institution decision,
`·2· ·the Patent Owner Preliminary Reply,
`·3· ·Dr. White's Declaration, a number of the main
`·4· ·references cited in my Declaration.
`·5· · · ·Q.· Anything else?
`·6· · · ·A.· Let me see; yes, I have also reviewed
`·7· ·some of the -- my Claim Construction
`·8· ·Declaration.
`·9· · · ·Q.· When you say your "Claim Construction
`10· ·Declaration," that's in reference to the
`11· ·District Court litigation?
`12· · · ·A.· Correct.
`13· · · ·Q.· So other than the documents we have
`14· ·discussed, have we covered all the documents
`15· ·that you reviewed that refreshed your
`16· ·recollection in preparing for this deposition?
`17· · · ·A.· Yes, yes.· I mean, let me see, there
`18· ·might have been some other documents, but
`19· ·pretty much whatever is in my Declaration and
`20· ·exhibits cited there.· Those are the primary
`21· ·documents.
`22· · · ·Q.· I believe you said you worked with
`23· ·Microsoft counsel?
`24· · · · · ·MR. BOBROW:· I think, he said he met
`25· ·with.
`Exhibit 2025 Page 18


`·1· · · · · ·MR. MCNISH:· I am sorry, met with
`·2· ·Microsoft counsel, my apologies.
`·3· · · ·Q.· When did you first meet with
`·4· ·Microsoft's counsel to prepare for this
`·5· ·deposition?
`·6· · · ·A.· So maybe 2, 2-and-a-half weeks ago.
`·7· · · ·Q.· Okay.· And who did you meet with
`·8· ·during that first meeting?
`·9· · · ·A.· I believe it was both Li Shen and
`10· ·Jared Bobrow.
`11· · · ·Q.· And how long was that first meeting 2
`12· ·to 2-and-a-half weeks ago?
`13· · · ·A.· I believe it was between an hour and
`14· ·2 hours, roughly.
`15· · · ·Q.· Did you meet with counsel from
`16· ·Microsoft any other time to prepare for your
`17· ·deposition today?
`18· · · ·A.· No.
`19· · · ·Q.· When was -- we talked about the first
`20· ·time, when was the second time?
`21· · · ·A.· Yesterday.
`22· · · ·Q.· And who did you work with -- let me
`23· ·start that over.· Who did you meet with during
`24· ·your deposition preparation?
`25· · · ·A.· Jared and Li.
`Exhibit 2025 Page 19


`·1· · · ·Q.· And how long did you spend meeting
`·2· ·with Jared and Li yesterday?
`·3· · · ·A.· I think it was on the order of 7
`·4· ·hours or so.
`·5· · · ·Q.· Other than your meeting 2 to 2-and-a-
`·6· ·half weeks ago and your meeting yesterday, did
`·7· ·you meet with any other counsel from Microsoft
`·8· ·to prepare for your deposition?
`·9· · · ·A.· Yes.
`10· · · ·Q.· When was that?
`11· · · ·A.· This morning.
`12· · · ·Q.· Okay.· And who did you meet with this
`13· ·morning?
`14· · · ·A.· Again, Li and Jared.
`15· · · ·Q.· And how long was that meeting?
`16· · · ·A.· 20 minutes, half an hour.
`17· · · ·Q.· Were there any other times that you
`18· ·met with counsel from Microsoft to prepare for
`19· ·your deposition today?
`20· · · ·A.· No.
`21· · · ·Q.· And did you do any preparation on
`22· ·your own for your deposition today?
`23· · · ·A.· Yes.
`24· · · ·Q.· Roughly how much time did you spend
`25· ·doing that?
`Exhibit 2025 Page 20


`·1· · · ·A.· I am trying to estimate because I
`·2· ·started several weeks ago and then the first
`·3· ·deposition got rescheduled.· I would say on
`·4· ·the order of 10 to 15 hours first time around
`·5· ·and then kind of second round, over the last
`·6· ·four or five days of another, you know, 15,
`·7· ·maybe 20 hours.
`·8· · · ·Q.· Okay.· So other than that 10 to 15
`·9· ·hours several weeks ago, the 15 to 20 hours
`10· ·you spent on the second round and your 3
`11· ·meetings with counsel for Microsoft, what did
`12· ·you do to prepare for today's deposition?
`13· · · ·A.· Other than that?· I mean that's kind
`14· ·of the core, reviewing the documents,
`15· ·refreshing my recollection.
`16· · · ·Q.· Did you work with anyone other
`17· ·than -- strike that.
`18· · · · · ·Did you meet with anyone other than
`19· ·counsel for Microsoft in preparing for your
`20· ·deposition today?
`21· · · ·A.· Do you mean from -- from the firm?
`22· · · ·Q.· Yeah.· Just anyone other than an
`23· ·attorney from Microsoft in preparing for your
`24· ·deposition?
`25· · · ·A.· No.
`Exhibit 2025 Page 21


`·1· · · ·Q.· And did you bring any electronic or
`·2· ·hard copy documents today about what you plan
`·3· ·to testify on redirect examination that aren't
`·4· ·currently of record in this proceeding?
`·5· · · · · ·MR. BOBROW:· I will object to the
`·6· ·form of the question.
`·7· · · ·A.· If you mean do I have some extra
`·8· ·documents that I have not, you know, maybe
`·9· ·listed before in the exhibits, no.
`10· · · ·Q.· Okay.· All right.· All right.· Okay.
`11· ·All right.
`12· · · · · ·So let's talk about your Declaration.
`13· ·I am going to make that available through the
`14· ·Huseby public folder.· One moment.· Okay.
`15· · · · · ·Providing the witness with what's
`16· ·been previously marked as 1003 in Case
`17· ·IPR2021-00831 via the Huseby public folder.
`18· · · · · ·Dr. Zadok, would you please just
`19· ·confirm that you received Exhibit 1003 in the
`20· ·public folder.
`21· · · · · ·(Whereupon, Exhibit 1003, Declaration
`22· ·of Dr. Erez Zadok, was identified.)
`23· · · ·A.· I don't see it.· I'm not sure if I
`24· ·need to refresh my browser.
`25· · · ·Q.· Yeah.· I just made it available.· You
`Exhibit 2025 Page 22


`·1· ·might need to refresh for it to go through.
`·2· · · ·A.· Okay.· All right.· I see it.· So now,
`·3· ·let me see if I am able to download it.
`·4· · · · · ·So I am able to download it and
`·5· ·scroll all the way to the bottom.· Yes.· Okay.
`·6· ·Got it.
`·7· · · ·Q.· Okay.· Great.· Exhibit 1003 is your
`·8· ·Declaration in Case IPR2021-00831, correct?
`·9· · · ·A.· Yes.
`10· · · ·Q.· I am going to call Exhibit 1003 your
`11· ·Declaration.· Is that okay?
`12· · · ·A.· Yes.
`13· · · ·Q.· Great.· How long did you spend
`14· ·preparing your Declaration?
`15· · · ·A.· It's hard to remember.· This was a
`16· ·while back.· I mean, the work itself unfolded
`17· ·over several months.
`18· · · ·Q.· And over those several months, about
`19· ·how many hours did you spend preparing your
`20· ·Declaration?
`21· · · ·A.· Yeah, it's hard to estimate.· I can
`22· ·go through my records and count the hours and
`23· ·what they were assigned to.· So I would have
`24· ·to guess somewhere between 100 hours and maybe
`25· ·150, 200, somewhere there.
`Exhibit 2025 Page 23


`·1· · · ·Q.· Okay.· Somewhere between 100 to 200
`·2· ·hours would be your estimate?
`·3· · · ·A.· That would be my best estimate, you
`·4· ·know, short of going back and counting.
`·5· · · ·Q.· Okay.· You had the opportunity to
`·6· ·review your Declaration during the preparation
`·7· ·process, correct?
`·8· · · ·A.· Yes.
`·9· · · ·Q.· And you had the opportunity to edit
`10· ·your Declaration as you saw fit during that
`11· ·preparation process, correct?
`12· · · ·A.· Sorry?· What was the last word?
`13· · · ·Q.· Yeah.· Let me start that over.
`14· · · · · ·You had the opportunity to edit your
`15· ·Declaration as you saw fit, correct?
`16· · · ·A.· Obviously, yes, during the
`17· ·preparation of it.
`18· · · ·Q.· Okay.· Great.
`19· · · · · ·And you approved the final version of
`20· ·your Declaration before you signed it,
`21· ·correct?
`22· · · ·A.· Yes.
`23· · · ·Q.· Okay.· Your Declaration accurately
`24· ·reflects your opinions in this proceeding?
`25· · · ·A.· Yes.
`Exhibit 2025 Page 24


`·1· · · ·Q.· Okay.· And you signed your
`·2· ·Declaration to certify that it's true and
`·3· ·accurate to the best of your knowledge under
`·4· ·the penalty of perjury?
`·5· · · ·A.· Yes.
`·6· · · ·Q.· Okay.· All right.· I am going to have
`·7· ·some questions for you about Exhibit 1014
`·8· ·next, so I am going to make that available
`·9· ·through the Huseby platform.
`10· · · · · ·(Whereupon, Exhibit 1014, Tivoli
`11· ·Storage Manager for Windows, was identified.)
`12· · · ·Q.· And just please confirm that you've
`13· ·received it.
`14· · · ·A.· I guess I am going to have to wait
`15· ·for you to see that it's up and then I will
`16· ·refresh when I see it.· If you want to
`17· ·introduce multiple exhibits at once, this
`18· ·could go a little faster.· But let me refresh
`19· ·now.
`20· · · ·Q.· Sure.
`21· · · ·A.· Okay.· I see 1014.· That's the Tivoli
`22· ·reference.
`23· · · ·Q.· So Exhibit 1014 is one of the
`24· ·documents you discuss in your Declaration,
`25· ·correct?
`Exhibit 2025 Page 25


`·1· · · ·A.· Yes.
`·2· · · ·Q.· Okay.· All right.· I am going to be
`·3· ·sharing my screen to depict Exhibit 1003,
`·4· ·paragraph 220.
`·5· · · ·A.· Okay.· 220.
`·6· · · ·Q.· This is labeled at pages 109 and 110
`·7· ·of Exhibit 1003.
`·8· · · ·A.· Okay.· I am on 220 in -- in, you
`·9· ·know, my open copy.
`10· · · ·Q.· Okay.· Great.
`11· · · · · ·Is the copy I'm showing the same as
`12· ·your open copy?
`13· · · ·A.· Yeah.· I would -- I would assume so.
`14· · · ·Q.· Okay.· Just making sure.
`15· · · · · ·So turning to the portion of
`16· ·paragraph 2 -- I am sorry.· Let me start that
`17· ·over.· Strike that.
`18· · · · · ·You testify in paragraph 220 of your
`19· ·Declaration that the Tivoli storage manager
`20· ·was able to utilize an NFS system for file
`21· ·sharing over a SAN; correct?
`22· · · ·A.· So in this paragraph, let me just get
`23· ·the context here.· Okay.· This is in -- looks
`24· ·like in ground 2 motivation to combine Gelb
`25· ·with Tivoli and Callaghan.
`Exhibit 2025 Page 26


`·1· · · · · ·And this is part of it where -- where
`·2· ·I am saying that Tivoli teaches a storage
`·3· ·system and let's users store data across wide
`·4· ·area networks, local area networks or storage
`·5· ·area networks.· And Callaghan is clearly a
`·6· ·reference about NFS, or another form of a
`·7· ·storage system -- a storage file system,
`·8· ·network one.· Right.
`·9· · · ·Q.· Okay.· I'll just -- just reask so
`10· ·we've got a clean transcript.
`11· · · · · ·At the top of page 110, labeled
`12· ·page 110 of your Declaration, you testify,
`13· ·"Indeed, at the time of the alleged invention,
`14· ·the Tivoli storage manager was able to utilize
`15· ·an NFS system for file sharing over a SAN,"
`16· ·correct?
`17· · · ·A.· I mean that's what I am saying there.
`18· ·I am referring to this Patent.· I don't -- I
`19· ·don't have it in front of me, but if I had it
`20· ·I could review it and -- and see what it says.
`21· ·This is from
`22· · · ·Q.· You have a copy of Exhibit 1014
`23· ·available through the Huseby platform?
`24· · · ·A.· Yes.
`25· · · ·Q.· I am just trying to confirm what your
`Exhibit 2025 Page 27


`·1· ·testimony is about that Exhibit 1014.
`·2· · · · · ·Can you see my screen as I am
`·3· ·currently sharing it?
`·4· · · ·A.· Yeah.
`·5· · · ·Q.· Okay.· So in the highlighted portion
`·6· ·of your Declaration, top of page -- labeled
`·7· ·page 110, you testify, "Indeed, at the time of
`·8· ·the alleged invention, the Tivoli storage
`·9· ·manager was able to utilize an NFS system for
`10· ·file sharing over a SAN, correct?· Just
`11· ·confirming that's what your testimony is.
`12· · · ·A.· Again, that -- that's what I am
`13· ·saying in -- in this particular passage.
`14· ·Looking at the Tivoli reference, it does
`15· ·mention using NFS and CIFS to sharing --
`16· ·sharing disks, and also using what looks like
`17· ·a Tivoli product or component called Sanergy,
`18· ·S A N E R G Y.· This on page 4 of the Tivoli
`19· ·reference 1014, the document itself, not
`20· ·the -- the label, Bates label.
`21· · · ·Q.· What is CIFS?
`22· · · ·A.· CIFS is a Windows version of a
`23· ·network file system.
`24· · · ·Q.· Does CIFS run on a Windows server?
`25· · · ·A.· I mean, generally, CIFS is -- is a
`Exhibit 2025 Page 28


`·1· ·Microsoft product, so it definitely runs on
`·2· ·their platform, their servers, computers.· It
`·3· ·doesn't have to be, I think, a Windows server
`·4· ·per se.· It could be, you know, other Windows
`·5· ·operating system versions.
`·6· · · · · ·That said, CIFS uses a particular
`·7· ·protocol implementation to access files across
`·8· ·a network, and there have been versions of
`·9· ·those created to interoperate between Windows
`10· ·and nonWindows systems.· For example,
`11· ·sometimes called a SMB file system or the SMB
`12· ·protocol.· There are tools and software that
`13· ·allows one to access Microsoft -- files on the
`14· ·Microsoft server from a nonMicrosoft server
`15· ·and vice versa.
`16· · · ·Q.· All right.· Let me -- let me follow
`17· ·up with something that you mentioned.
`18· · · · · ·Can CIFS run on a server that is
`19· ·running the Windows operating system?
`20· · · · · ·Let me reask that.
`21· · · · · ·Can CIFS run on a server that is
`22· ·running a Windows operating system?
`23· · · ·A.· So I am trying to find if you're
`24· ·distinguishing between what Microsoft calls
`25· ·the Windows server set of products versus the
`Exhibit 2025 Page 29


`·1· ·nonserver, like the desktop.
`·2· · · · · ·But generally speaking, CIFS, you
`·3· ·know, is kind of part of the Microsoft suite
`·4· ·so it does run on at least some of their
`·5· ·operating systems.· Microsoft does a lot of
`·6· ·versions over the years with variations and
`·7· ·updates, so I can't say exactly which one it
`·8· ·runs, but certainly some of them it would run.
`·9· · · ·Q.· Can CIFS be used to share files
`10· ·between two computers running a Windows
`11· ·operating system?
`12· · · ·A.· I am not sure if it's going to be
`13· ·CIFS alone, but certainly there is a way to
`14· ·share files between two Windows computers
`15· ·creating kind of a network share on one
`16· ·computer and then kind of exporting it, making
`17· ·it available and connecting to it from another
`18· ·computer.
`19· · · ·Q.· Can CIFS be used to share files
`20· ·between a Windows -- let me start that over.
`21· · · · · ·Could CIFS be used to share files
`22· ·over a network between a client computer
`23· ·running Windows and a server running Windows?
`24· · · ·A.· So I think if the -- the computer
`25· ·that is -- that has local files and making
`Exhibit 2025 Page 30


`·1· ·those files available to another computer, we
`·2· ·can call it a server.· It's acting at that
`·3· ·point as a server.· Even if it might have
`·4· ·different functionality at the time, it could
`·5· ·also be a client.
`·6· · · · · ·And then another computer that would
`·7· ·connect to that first computer and be able to
`·8· ·access those files over a network share, a
`·9· ·network volume, we can call that a client of
`10· ·the -- of the server at that time because
`11· ·that's the action that it's taking at the
`12· ·moment.
`13· · · ·Q.· Could CIFS be used to share files
`14· ·over a network between a computer that makes
`15· ·files available that is running Windows and a
`16· ·computer attempting to access those files that
`17· ·is also running Windows?
`18· · · ·A.· I don't see sort of the difference in
`19· ·this question between the previous one.
`20· · · · · ·Again, if you -- if you have two
`21· ·computers and they can communicate over any
`22· ·kind of network, as long as you can set
`23· ·everything correctly with respect to
`24· ·authentication and network access and maybe
`25· ·there is files in between or whatnot, but as
`Exhibit 2025 Page 31


`·1· ·long as they can communicate, then one of them
`·2· ·can export files to another and we call that a
`·3· ·server at the moment.· And the other computer
`·4· ·is a client and it's accessing the files.
`·5· · · · · ·So if it's accessing those files
`·6· ·across a network, you can say that the files
`·7· ·are shared at that moment.
`·8· · · ·Q.· And that could be accomplished via
`·9· ·CIFS?
`10· · · ·A.· Again, I think it's -- it's not
`11· ·necessarily just CIFS.· That's maybe the core
`12· ·technology.· But there is networking that is
`13· ·required, there's authentication; sort of the
`14· ·whole suite.
`15· · · ·Q.· But CIFS could be involved in that
`16· ·file sharing process that you discussed?
`17· · · ·A.· At least in my experience, yes.
`18· · · ·Q.· So just continuing with paragraph 220
`19· ·of your Declaration.· I want to discuss the
`20· ·parenthetica

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