`Attorney Docket No.
`First Named Inventor or Application Identifier
`Total Pages
`James V. Carlson
`t-----------------------------------;e;::;;;I = .-.,,
`See MPEP chapter 600 concerning utility patent application contents.
`1. Q Fee Transmittal Form
`(Submit an original, and a duplicate for fee processing}
`2. ~ Specification
`(Total Pages} __ 35
`referred arrangement set forth below)
`- Descriptive title of the Invention
`- Cross References to Related Application
`- Statement Regarding Fed sponsored R & D
`- Reference to Microfiche Appendix
`- Background of the Invention
`- Brief Summary of the Invention
`- Brief Description of the Drawings (if filed)
`- Detailed Description
`- Claim(s)
`Q -Abstract of the Disclosure
`Drawing(s) (35 USC 113}
`(Total Pages) _§__
`(Total Pages) ._4 __
`4_ Oath or Declaration
`a. Q Newly executed (original or copy)
`(cid:143) Copy from a prior application (37 CFR 1.63(d))
`(cid:143) Incorporation by Reference (useable if Box 4b is checked)
`(for continuation /divisional with Box 17 completed)
`[Note Box 5 below}
`Signed statement attached deleting inventor(s) named
`in prior application, see 37 CFR 1.63{d)(2) and 1.33(b).
`The entire disclosure of the prior application, from which a copy
`of the oath or declaration is supplied under Box 4b is considered
`as being part of the disclosure of the accompanying application
`and is hereby incorporated by reference therein.
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents u
`ADDRESS TO: Box Patent Application
`Washington, DC 20231
`Nucleotide and/or Amino Acid Sequence Submission (if
`applicable, all necessary)
`(cid:143) Microfiche Computer Program (Appendix)
`(cid:143) Computer Readable Copy
`(cid:143) Paper Copy {identical to computer copy)
`(cid:143) Statement verifying identify of above copies
`Assignment Papers (cover sheet & document(s})
`37 CFR 3. 73(b) Statement
`(when there is an assignee)
`Information Disclosure
`Statement (IDS)/PT0-1449
`Return Receipt Postcard (MPEP 503)
`(Should be specifically itemized)
`Status still proper and desired
`0 Power of Attorney
`(cid:143) English Translation Document (if applicable}
`Q Copies of IDS
`(cid:143) Preliminary Amendment
`Small Entity p Statement filed in prior application,
`(cid:143) Certified Copy of Priority Document(s)
`,I foreign priority is claimed)
`Other: Express Mail Certificate
`If a CONTINUING APPL/CATION, check appropriate box and supply the requisite information:
`Continuation-in-part (CIP)
`of prior application No.:
`D Customer Number or Bar Code Label
`D Or Correspondence address below
`Brian C. Kunzler
`10 West 100 South
`I STATE !Utah
`I TELEPHONE lrao1; 994-4646
`United States
`Salt Lake City
`I FAX 1(801) 322-1054
`Assignee Residence: Armonk, New York
`Burden Hour Statement: This form ,s estimated to take 0.2 hours to complete. Time will vary dependmg upon the needs of the md1v1dual case. Any comments
`on the amount of time you are required to complete this form should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, Patent and Trademark Office, Washington, D.C.
`20231. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231.
`Microsoft Ex. 1002, p. 1
`Microsoft v. Daedalus Blue


`Please type a plus sign(+) inside this box (cid:157) G
`PTO/SB/05 ( 12/97)
`Approved for use through 9/30/03. 0MB 0651-0032
`Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are reauired to respond to a collection of information unless it disolavs a valid 0MB control number.
`Complete If Known
`Note: Effective October 1, 2001.
`Patent fees are subject to annual revision.
`METHOD OF PAYMENT (check one)
`1. I[) The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge
`indicated fees and credit any over payments to:
`Deposit Account Number:
`Deposit Account Name:
`Charge Any Additional
`I[) Fee Required Under
`37 CFR 1.16 and 1.17
`Charge the Issue Fee
`In 37 CFR at the Mailing
`of the Notice of Allowance
`2. D Payment Enclosed:
`Check D Money Order
`large Entity Small Entity
`Fee Description
`Fee Paid
`375 Utility filing fee
`165 Design filing fee
`260 Plant filing fee
`375 Reissue filing fee
`80 Provisional filing fee
`Fee from
`$ 750
`Fee Paid
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`Group Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`Attorney Docket Number
`Not yet assigned
`March 14, 2003
`James V. Carlson
`SJO920020041 US 1
`FEE CALCULATION (continued)
`Small Entity
`Large Entity
`Fee($) Code
`Fee Description
`Fee Paid
`65 Surcharge - late filing fee or oath
`25 Surcharge - late provisional filing fee or cover
`130 Non-English specification
`2520 For filing a request for reexamination
`920* Requesting publication of SIR prior to Examiner
`1840* Requesting publication of SIR after Examiner
`55 Extension for reply within first month
`205 Extension for reply within second month
`465 Extension for reply within third month
`725 Extension for reply within fourth month
`985 Extension for reply within fifth month
`160 Notice of Appeal
`160 Filing a brief in support of an appeal
`140 Request for oral hearing
`1510 Petition to institute a public use proceeding
`55 Petition to revive - intentional
`650 Petition to revive - unintentional
`650 Utility issue fee
`235 Design issue fee
`315 Plant issue fee
`130 Petitions to the Commissioner
`50 Petitions related to provisional applications
`180 Submission of Information Disclosure Stmt
`40 Recording each patent assignment per property
`(times number of properties)
`375 Filing a submission after final rejection (37 CFR
`375 For each additional invention to be examined
`(37 CFR 1.129(b))
`Total Claims rn -20= §~lrn· 126
`Ind. Claims
`Multiple Dep. Claims
`- 3 =
`large Entity Small Entity
`9 Claims in excess of 20
`Independent claims in excess of 3
`140 Multiple dependent claim
`Fee Description
`Other fee (specify)
`$ 378
`*Reduced by Basic Filing Fee
`Typed or Printed Name
`Brian C. Kunzler
`1/. __ 9-r
`Deposit Account
`User ID
`Burden Hour Statement: This form is estimated to take 0.2 hours'to c6m lete. Time will va de ending upon the needs of the individual case. An comments on the
`~ p
`amount of time you are required to complete this form should be sent to the Chief Information Officer. Patent and Trademark Office. Washington. DC 20231. DO NOT
`SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, DC 20231 _
`Complete (if applicable)
`Reg. Number
`I Date I Mar 14, 2003
`Microsoft Ex. 1002, p. 2
`Microsoft v. Daedalus Blue


`Docket No.: SJ 0920020041 US 1
`"Express Mail" Mailing Label No.: EU329839960US
`Date of Deposit: March 14, 2003
`I hereby certify that this patent application in the name of James V. Carlson, Linda M.
`Duyanovich, Toby L. Marek, David R. Nowlen, David A. Pease, and Michael L. Walker for
`together with the drawings, a Declaration, Power of Attorney, and Petition, an Assignment and
`Recordation Form Cover Sheet, Information Disclosure Statement, PTO Form 1449, and Copies
`of Cited References are being deposited with the United States Postal Service "Express Mail Post
`Office to Addressee" service under 3 7 C.F .R. § 1.10 on the date indicated above in an envelope
`addressed to Box Patent Application, Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Brian C. Kunzler
`Reg. No. 38,527
`Attorney for Applicant
`Date: March 14, 2003
`Brian C. Kunzler, P.C.
`10 West 100 South, Suite 425
`Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
`Telephone: 801/994-4646
`Microsoft Ex. 1002, p. 3
`Microsoft v. Daedalus Blue


`Attorney Docket No.
`First Named Inventor or Application Identifier
`Total Pages
`James V. Carlson
`t-----------------------------------;e;::;;;I = .-.,,
`See MPEP chapter 600 concerning utility patent application contents.
`1. Q Fee Transmittal Form
`(Submit an original, and a duplicate for fee processing}
`2. ~ Specification
`(Total Pages} __ 35
`referred arrangement set forth below)
`- Descriptive title of the Invention
`- Cross References to Related Application
`- Statement Regarding Fed sponsored R & D
`- Reference to Microfiche Appendix
`- Background of the Invention
`- Brief Summary of the Invention
`- Brief Description of the Drawings (if filed)
`- Detailed Description
`- Claim(s)
`Q -Abstract of the Disclosure
`Drawing(s) (35 USC 113}
`(Total Pages) _§__
`(Total Pages) ._4 __
`4_ Oath or Declaration
`a. Q Newly executed (original or copy)
`(cid:143) Copy from a prior application (37 CFR 1.63(d))
`(cid:143) Incorporation by Reference (useable if Box 4b is checked)
`(for continuation /divisional with Box 17 completed)
`[Note Box 5 below}
`Signed statement attached deleting inventor(s) named
`in prior application, see 37 CFR 1.63{d)(2) and 1.33(b).
`The entire disclosure of the prior application, from which a copy
`of the oath or declaration is supplied under Box 4b is considered
`as being part of the disclosure of the accompanying application
`and is hereby incorporated by reference therein.
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents u
`ADDRESS TO: Box Patent Application
`Washington, DC 20231
`Nucleotide and/or Amino Acid Sequence Submission (if
`applicable, all necessary)
`(cid:143) Microfiche Computer Program (Appendix)
`(cid:143) Computer Readable Copy
`(cid:143) Paper Copy {identical to computer copy)
`(cid:143) Statement verifying identify of above copies
`Assignment Papers (cover sheet & document(s})
`37 CFR 3. 73(b) Statement
`(when there is an assignee)
`Information Disclosure
`Statement (IDS)/PT0-1449
`Return Receipt Postcard (MPEP 503)
`(Should be specifically itemized)
`Status still proper and desired
`0 Power of Attorney
`(cid:143) English Translation Document (if applicable}
`Q Copies of IDS
`(cid:143) Preliminary Amendment
`Small Entity p Statement filed in prior application,
`(cid:143) Certified Copy of Priority Document(s)
`,I foreign priority is claimed)
`Other: Express Mail Certificate
`If a CONTINUING APPL/CATION, check appropriate box and supply the requisite information:
`Continuation-in-part (CIP)
`of prior application No.:
`D Customer Number or Bar Code Label
`D Or Correspondence address below
`Brian C. Kunzler
`10 West 100 South
`I STATE !Utah
`I TELEPHONE lrao1; 994-4646
`United States
`Salt Lake City
`I FAX 1(801) 322-1054
`Assignee Residence: Armonk, New York
`Burden Hour Statement: This form ,s estimated to take 0.2 hours to complete. Time will vary dependmg upon the needs of the md1v1dual case. Any comments
`on the amount of time you are required to complete this form should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, Patent and Trademark Office, Washington, D.C.
`20231. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231.
`Microsoft Ex. 1002, p. 4
`Microsoft v. Daedalus Blue


`Please type a plus sign(+) inside this box (cid:157) G
`PTO/SB/05 ( 12/97)
`Approved for use through 9/30/03. 0MB 0651-0032
`Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are reauired to respond to a collection of information unless it disolavs a valid 0MB control number.
`Complete If Known
`Note: Effective October 1, 2001.
`Patent fees are subject to annual revision.
`METHOD OF PAYMENT (check one)
`1. I[) The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge
`indicated fees and credit any over payments to:
`Deposit Account Number:
`Deposit Account Name:
`Charge Any Additional
`I[) Fee Required Under
`37 CFR 1.16 and 1.17
`Charge the Issue Fee
`In 37 CFR at the Mailing
`of the Notice of Allowance
`2. D Payment Enclosed:
`Check D Money Order
`large Entity Small Entity
`Fee Description
`Fee Paid
`375 Utility filing fee
`165 Design filing fee
`260 Plant filing fee
`375 Reissue filing fee
`80 Provisional filing fee
`Fee from
`$ 750
`Fee Paid
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`Group Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`Attorney Docket Number
`Not yet assigned
`March 14, 2003
`James V. Carlson
`SJO920020041 US 1
`FEE CALCULATION (continued)
`Small Entity
`Large Entity
`Fee($) Code
`Fee Description
`Fee Paid
`65 Surcharge - late filing fee or oath
`25 Surcharge - late provisional filing fee or cover
`130 Non-English specification
`2520 For filing a request for reexamination
`920* Requesting publication of SIR prior to Examiner
`1840* Requesting publication of SIR after Examiner
`55 Extension for reply within first month
`205 Extension for reply within second month
`465 Extension for reply within third month
`725 Extension for reply within fourth month
`985 Extension for reply within fifth month
`160 Notice of Appeal
`160 Filing a brief in support of an appeal
`140 Request for oral hearing
`1510 Petition to institute a public use proceeding
`55 Petition to revive - intentional
`650 Petition to revive - unintentional
`650 Utility issue fee
`235 Design issue fee
`315 Plant issue fee
`130 Petitions to the Commissioner
`50 Petitions related to provisional applications
`180 Submission of Information Disclosure Stmt
`40 Recording each patent assignment per property
`(times number of properties)
`375 Filing a submission after final rejection (37 CFR
`375 For each additional invention to be examined
`(37 CFR 1.129(b))
`Total Claims rn -20= §~lrn· 126
`Ind. Claims
`Multiple Dep. Claims
`- 3 =
`large Entity Small Entity
`9 Claims in excess of 20
`Independent claims in excess of 3
`140 Multiple dependent claim
`Fee Description
`Other fee (specify)
`$ 378
`*Reduced by Basic Filing Fee
`Typed or Printed Name
`Brian C. Kunzler
`1/. __ 9-r
`Deposit Account
`User ID
`Burden Hour Statement: This form is estimated to take 0.2 hours'to c6m lete. Time will va de ending upon the needs of the individual case. An comments on the
`~ p
`amount of time you are required to complete this form should be sent to the Chief Information Officer. Patent and Trademark Office. Washington. DC 20231. DO NOT
`SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, DC 20231 _
`Complete (if applicable)
`Reg. Number
`I Date I Mar 14, 2003
`Microsoft Ex. 1002, p. 5
`Microsoft v. Daedalus Blue


`Docket No.: SJ 0920020041 US 1
`"Express Mail" Mailing Label No.: EU329839960US
`Date of Deposit: March 14, 2003
`I hereby certify that this patent application in the name of James V. Carlson, Linda M.
`Duyanovich, Toby L. Marek, David R. Nowlen, David A. Pease, and Michael L. Walker for
`together with the drawings, a Declaration, Power of Attorney, and Petition, an Assignment and
`Recordation Form Cover Sheet, Information Disclosure Statement, PTO Form 1449, and Copies
`of Cited References are being deposited with the United States Postal Service "Express Mail Post
`Office to Addressee" service under 3 7 C.F .R. § 1.10 on the date indicated above in an envelope
`addressed to Box Patent Application, Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Brian C. Kunzler
`Reg. No. 38,527
`Attorney for Applicant
`Date: March 14, 2003
`Brian C. Kunzler, P.C.
`10 West 100 South, Suite 425
`Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
`Telephone: 801/994-4646
`Microsoft Ex. 1002, p. 6
`Microsoft v. Daedalus Blue


`Express Mailing Label No.: EU329839960US
`Docket No.: 1200.2.60
`IBM Docket No.: SJO92002004 l US 1
`James V. Carlson
`Linda M. Duyanovich
`Toby L. Marek
`David R. Nowlen
`David A. Pease
`Michael L. Walker
`Microsoft Ex. 1002, p. 7
`Microsoft v. Daedalus Blue


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`The Field of the Invention
`The invention relates to networking and data storage. More particularly, the
`invention relates to a system and method for policy-based data management on a distributed
`storage system.
`The Relevant Art
`Networks have become instrumental in situations in which data is transferred from
`one computer to another, orfrom clients such as an independent workstation to a centralized
`storage facility. It is common for storage applications to have very specialized needs. In
`response to these needs, distributed storage systems have been developed. One type of
`distributed storage system is a storage area network (SAN). A distributed storage system
`typically has a plurality of clients connected to a plurality of storage pools. The clients of the
`distributed storage system may, in some cases, be servers that transmit data between the
`distributed storage system and individual computers.
`Unfortunately, a number of storage related issues have not yet been successfully
`addressed by known distributed storage system configurations. A distributed storage system
`is often called upon to carry out several different operations simultaneously. Consequently,
`the resources of the distributed storage system, or of a server connected to the distributed
`storage system, can easily become saturated, particularly when many users wish to
`simultaneously store, retrieve, or move data on the distributed storage system.
`IBM docket no. SJO920020041 US!
`Microsoft Ex. 1002, p. 8
`Microsoft v. Daedalus Blue


`Additionally, many known distributed storage systems have no method of prioritizing
`operations. Consequently, a low-importance, high resource operation, such as a bulk file
`transfer, may preempt memory, caching space, input/output (I/O) bandwidth, processor
`capacity, or other resources that are needed for more important operations. Thus,
`performance of the more important operations is unnecessarily delayed.
`Also, current distributed storage systems are not capable of storing data using
`prioritized operations within multiple platforms. Typically, all of the computers on a
`distributed storage system must have the same type of operating system. If data from
`multiple platforms are to be stored, the data must be routed through multiple distributed
`storage systems and stored in different locations.
`Furthermore, known distributed storage systems generally do not permit a user to
`automatically select between multiple storage options when generating files. Nor do these
`systems account for the different requirements placed on these files. Specifically, different
`files may have different requirements for accessibility, disaster recoverability, retrieval
`speed, retrieval consistency, and storage format. Some files may need to be accessed by
`many people simultaneously, while others are only used rarely, by a single user. Some files
`are "mission critical," and therefore must not be lost if hardware damage occurs; others are
`more expendable. Similarly, some files must be accessed rapidly and/or transferred at a
`consistent, rapid data transfer rate, while others do not require rapid access. Certain file
`types, such as database files, are advantageously stored in a "sparse" format that permits
`subsequent expansion, while other files can be densely packed together.
`By the same token, great variation exists in the equipment available to store data. In
`general, greater capacity, greater access speed, higher throughput, and higher disaster
`recoverability equate to higher cost. Without a variety of options for data storage, some files
`are stored in a manner that provides insufficient performance, and others take up
`comparatively expensive storage capacity that provides an unnecessarily expensive level of
`IBM docket no. SJO92002004 l US I
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`Microsoft Ex. 1002, p. 9
`Microsoft v. Daedalus Blue


`Consequently, what is needed is a comparatively simple and versatile system,
`method, and apparatus for managing data in a network according to predetermined policies.
`What is particularly needed is a data management system, method, and apparatus that
`prioritize files within the network, with clients that operate based on a plurality of different
`operating platforms. Further, what is particularly needed is a data management system,
`method, and apparatus that intelligently stores files in storage pools with a variety of
`performance levels based policies and the nature of the storage pools. Such a system,
`apparatus, and method would be particularly desirable if implemented for distributed storage
`systems that service clients operating under heterogeneous platforms.
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`IBM docket no. SJO92002004 I US I
`Microsoft Ex. 1002, p. 10
`Microsoft v. Daedalus Blue


`The system, method, and apparatus of the present invention have been developed in
`response to the present state of the art, and in particular, in response to the problems and
`needs in the art that have not yet been fully solved by currently available storage area
`network systems. Accordingly, the present invention has been developed to provide a
`policy-based data management system that overcomes many or all of the above-discussed
`shortcomings in the art.
`In one embodiment, the data management system may be implemented in a network
`having a plurality of clients. The clients may be individual workstations or servers
`connected to workstations. Due to the nature of the invention, the clients need not all operate
`on the same platform. The clients may be connected to a local area network (LAN) and to a
`distributed storage system, which may take the form of a storage area network (SAN). One
`or more servers are also connected to the LAN and the SAN. The servers have, as one of
`their functions, the duty of assigning and distributing metadata for files on the system and
`will hereafter be referred to as "metadata servers." Additionally, a metadata disk or pool of
`disks may be connected to the metadata servers through a LAN or the SAN. One or more
`storage devices or pools of storage devices are preferably connected to the distributed storage
`The data management system is, in one embodiment, policy-based. More precisely,
`the data management system preferably incorporates a policy set, which includes a service
`class policy and a storage pool policy. Each of the policies preferably includes a number of
`rules designed to select a service class and/or storage pool for a file based on attributes of the
`file. Service classes may be hierarchical, for example, platinum, gold, silver, or bronze,
`reflecting the relative importance of the data. Of course, the service classes may be assigned
`any combination of rules, and need not be hierarchical.
`In one embodiment, each of the clients is provided with a file transmission module
`that is configured to transmit attributes of a file to the metadata server. A file evaluation
`IBM docket no_ S1O920020041 USI
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`Microsoft Ex. 1002, p. 11
`Microsoft v. Daedalus Blue


`module is preferably configured to apply the rules of the service class policy and the storage
`pool policy to the file attributes and the storage pool characteristics to automatically select a
`service class and a storage pool for the file. These may be added to the file attributes to
`create metadata for the file. The metadata is in one embodiment stored in the metadata disk
`pool, and the file is then stored in the selected storage pool.
`Each of the clients is provided in one embodiment with a file request transmission
`module that is configured to transmit file request to the metadata server. A metadata
`retrieval module in one embodiment receives the translated metadata request and retrieves
`the metadata that corresponds to the file from the metadata disk pool. The file request
`transmission module receives the storage pool designation from the metadata for the file, and
`then transmits a file request to retrieve the file from the corresponding storage pool.
`The file and the service class designation for the file are, in one embodiment,
`received by a file usage module in the client. The file usage module preferably uses the
`service class to determine the proper allocation of client assets, such as RAM allocation,
`performance priority, cache allocation scheme, and input/output (I/O) allocation.
`The metadata may be stored in the form of a lookup table in the metadata disk pool.
`For example, file names or object identities related to unique files may be stored in the
`metadata disk pool, and each file name or object identity may be bound to the corresponding
`file metadata. Thus, the metadata server may retrieve the metadata for a file by locating the
`file name or object identity in the metadata disk pool, and reading the corresponding
`According to one embodiment of a file storage and classification method operable in
`conjunction with the system described above, a policy set is provided and configured. A
`system administrator may configure the appropriate policy. Attributes of the file to be stored
`and classified are received by the metadata server, and the file attributes are translated from
`the native platform of the file to obtain translated attributes.
`Based on the attributes, a service class and a storage pool are automatically selected
`IBM docket no. SJO92002004 I US I
`Cl) Ul Vl <
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`Microsoft Ex. 1002, p. 12
`Microsoft v. Daedalus Blue


`for the fi]e. Designations of the service class and storage pool may be added to the attributes
`of the file to provide the file metadata. The file metadata may be stored in the metadata disk
`pool, in the format described previously. The file may be stored in the selected storage pool.
`The service class and the storage pool may be selected based on an application of the
`policy set. More precisely, the rules of the service class policy may be applied to determine
`the appropriate service class for the file. The rules may be analyzed in order until an
`appropriate classification is found. For example, the first rule of the service class policy may
`first be analyzed. If the file satisfies the conditions for the first rule, the file receives the
`service class that corresponds with the firsf rule. If the file does not satisfy the conditions for
`the first rule, the second rule is analyzed, and so on. If the file satisfies none of the rules, it
`receives a default service class.
`If desired, the storage pool may be determined partially or solely by the service class.
`Thus, the rules of the storage pool policy may simply be based on the selected service class.
`Alternatively, the storage pool policy may involve criteria independent of the service class.
`The rules of the storage pool policy may be applied sequentially, in a manner similar to the
`rules of the service class policy. Because the storage pools typically vary in terms of speed,
`capacity, storage format, disaster recovery, and other factors, these characteristics are taken
`into account in selecting a storage pool. If the file satisfies none of the rules of the storage
`pool policy, the file is stored in a default storage pool.
`According to one embodiment of a file retrieval and usage method, a file request is
`first received by the metadata server. Metadata for the requested file is then retrieved from
`the metadata disk pool. The met

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