Transcript of Andrew F. Calman, M.D., Ph.D.
`Tuesday, April 5, 2022
`Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. v. Novartis Pharma AG
`800.FOR.DEPO (800.367.3376)
`Reference Number: 114766
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.001
`Regeneron v. Novartis


`Andrew F. Calman, M.D., Ph.D.
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` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
` INC., : Case No.
` Petitioner, : IPR2021-00816
` v. :
` NOVARTIS PHARMA AG, et al., : Patent No.
` Patent Owners. : 9,220,631
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x
` Tuesday, April 5, 2022
` Deposition of ANDREW F. CALMAN, M.D., PH.D.,
` a witness herein, called for examination by counsel
` for the Petitioner in the above-entitled matter,
` pursuant to notice, the witness being duly sworn by
` JOAN V. CAIN, a Notary Public in and for the
` Commonwealth of Virginia, taken remotely via Zoom at
` 12:49 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, Tuesday,
` April 5, 2022, and the proceedings being taken down
` by Stenotype by JOAN V. CAIN, Court Reporter, and
` transcribed under her direction.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.002
`Regeneron v. Novartis


`Andrew F. Calman, M.D., Ph.D.
`Page 2
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` On Behalf of Petitioner:
` Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP
` 2001 M Street, Northwest
` Washington, D.C. 20036
` Telephone: (202) 682-7000
` E-mail:
` -AND-
` Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP
` 767 Fifth Avenue
` New York, New York 10153-0119
` Telephone: (212) 310-8000
` E-mail:
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`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.003
`Regeneron v. Novartis


`Andrew F. Calman, M.D., Ph.D.
`Page 3
` A P P E A R A N C E S C O N T I N U E D
` On Behalf of Patent Owners:
` Allen & Overy, LLP
` One Beacon Street
` Boston, Massachusetts 02108
` Telephone: (857) 353-4500
` E-mail:
` Petra Scamborova, Esq.
` Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
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`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.004
`Regeneron v. Novartis


`Andrew F. Calman, M.D., Ph.D.
`Page 4
` C O N T E N T S
` Andrew F. Calman, M.D., Ph.D. Petitioner
` By Mr. Pepe 5
`EXHIBIT NO. 2204 Declaration of Andrew F. 6
` Calman, M.D., Ph.D., in
` Support of Patent Owner
` Response, 1/18/22
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`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.005
`Regeneron v. Novartis


`Andrew F. Calman, M.D., Ph.D.
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` P R O C E E D I N G S
` - - -
` 12:49 p.m.
` April 5, 2022
` - - -
` having been duly sworn under penalties of perjury by
` the Notary Public, was examined and did testify as
` follows:
` Please begin.
` Q All right. Good morning, Dr. Calman.
` A Good morning.
` Q Now, you understand that you're here today
` for a deposition for a declaration that you
` submitted in IPR2021-00816 concerning U.S. Patent
` No. 9,220,631?
` A I do. And if I could ask you to turn your
` volume up slightly, please.
` Q Okay. Are you having trouble hearing me?
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.006
`Regeneron v. Novartis


`Andrew F. Calman, M.D., Ph.D.
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` A Minimally.
` Q Okay.
` MR. BENNETT: We're going to turn up the
` speakers a little bit. So we'll see if that's a
` little better.
` Q All right. So you should have a box of
` exhibits with you. Do you have that near you?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. So you can go ahead and take out the
` exhibit labeled Exhibit 2204.
` A Okay.
` Q All right. And can you -- do you have that
` in front of you now?
` A Yes.
` Q All right. Do you recognize that as a
` declaration that you submitted in this proceeding?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. Do you want to just flip through and
` make sure all the pages are there?
` A It appears to be complete.
` Q All right. So I'm just going to start off
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.007
`Regeneron v. Novartis


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` by going through how things are going to work today.
` The most important part, we have a court
` reporter on the video with us who's going to be
` writing down everything we say. So it's important
` that we don't speak over each other. So if I'm
` asking a question, please let me finish before you
` answer, and when you're answering, I'll do my best
` to let you finish before I ask my next question.
` Does that sound good?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And I'll take a break about once
` every hour. If you need to take a break for some
` other reason before we get to an hour, just let me
` know. I'll just ask that if there's a pending
` question you answer it before we go on break.
` Does that sound good?
` A Yes.
` Q All right. And if you don't understand a
` question I ask you, please let me know, and I will
` do my best to rephrase the question and ask a better
` one.
` Does that make sense?
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.008
`Regeneron v. Novartis


`Andrew F. Calman, M.D., Ph.D.
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` A Okay.
` Q All right. Now, Dr. Calman, you submitted
` a declaration in this IPR, but you also served as an
` expert on behalf of Novartis in an ITC proceeding
` involving Novartis and Regeneron.
` Do you recall that?
` A Yes, I do.
` Q Okay. Do you recall when you first
` began -- well, let me ask a preliminary question.
` Is your consulting agreement for this
` matter with the law firm or with Novartis
` specifically?
` A Well, the letter of engagement came from
` the law firm of -- currently of Allen & Overy, but
` Novartis was mentioned as the client.
` Q Okay. Prior to that, did you have a
` consulting arrangement with a law firm named Goodwin
` Procter?
` A Yes, similarly. We had a similar letter of
` agreement.
` Q Okay. Do you recall when you first entered
` into a consulting agreement with Goodwin Procter?
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.009
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` A I don't recall. I think it was
` approximately 2020.
` Q Okay. Do you have a sense of how much time
` you've billed both Goodwin Procter and Allen & Overy
` for your work since you were first retained?
` A First retained for this matter or first
` retained at all?
` Q First retained at all.
` A It would be a guess rather than an
` estimate.
` Q Okay. What's your best guess?
` A My guess is it's somewhere between 80 and
` 120,000, but that's just a guess.
` Q Okay. Now, with respect to this particular
` proceeding, do you recall when you first started
` working on your declaration?
` A So I -- there was, as you know, an IPR that
` preceded this one that was not instituted because of
` the pending ITC matter, as I understand it. And I
` did do some work with counsel on that. And that
` was -- that was, you know, about a year ago, I
` think. So some of that work, you know, was used in
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.010
`Regeneron v. Novartis


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` this matter also.
` Q Okay. Now, if you take a look at your
` declaration that you have in front of you,
` Exhibit 2204, on the last page it indicates that you
` signed your declaration on January 18th, 2022.
` A Yes.
` Q Do you see that? Do you know how much
` earlier than January 18th, 2022 you started working
` on this particular declaration?
` A I would estimate four to six weeks before,
` with the caveat that there were some components that
` we had worked on in the earlier iteration of the
` IPR.
` Q Okay. Do you have a sense of how much time
` you spent on this particular declaration, with the
` understanding that you had leveraged some previous
` work?
` A You know, it's, again, just an estimate. I
` would say probably 30 to 40 hours.
` Q Now, with respect to the deposition today,
` how much time did you spend preparing?
` A I would estimate somewhere between 15 and
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.011
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`Andrew F. Calman, M.D., Ph.D.
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` 25 hours.
` Q Okay. And did you have any meetings with
` any of the attorneys from Allen & Overy in
` preparation for today?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And when did those meetings take
` place?
` A So I met in person yesterday with
` Mr. Bennett, and then there were three or four Zoom
` calls over the last few weeks.
` Q Okay. Did you meet with anyone other than
` Mr. Bennett to prepare?
` A Not in person.
` Q Okay. How about over Zoom?
` A So there was a representative of Novartis
` present on some of the calls, and I believe -- I'm
` not -- I don't remember -- I don't have a -- yes, I
` do remember. At least one of the calls Mr. James
` was also on the call --
` Q Okay. Now --
` A -- over Zoom.
` Q Oh, okay. So aside from this consulting
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.012
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`Andrew F. Calman, M.D., Ph.D.
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` work you're currently doing with the law firm on
` behalf of Novartis, are you doing any other
` consulting for Novartis currently?
` A Well, I was consulting on the antitrust
` matter through a different law firm, and my
` understanding is that that has been dismissed and is
` now under appeal.
` I think that's it.
` Q Okay.
` A I'm also on the District Court case with
` Allen & Overy -- District Court patent case.
` Q Aside from litigation consulting, have you
` done any consulting work on behalf of Novartis?
` A Not to the best of my recollection.
` Q Okay. All right. So -- now, I understand
` right now you're a practicing ophthalmologist; is
` that right?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And do you currently see patients as
` part of your practice?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. When did you first start seeing
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.013
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` patients in your ophthalmology practice?
` A 1993, after I finished my residency.
` Q Okay. Do you recall when you first
` performed intravitreal injection?
` A During residency.
` Q Okay. And what years would that have taken
` place?
` A 1990 to 1993.
` Q Okay. And what was the drug product you
` were injecting, if you recall?
` A At that time, it was primarily antibiotics
` for infections, and there may have been some steroid
` injections as well.
` Q Okay. Can you recall when the first time
` you performed an intravitreal injection of a VEGF
` antagonist?
` A 2005.
` Q Okay. And do you recall what drug product
` that was?
` A Yes.
` Q What was it?
` A Avastin.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.014
`Regeneron v. Novartis


`Andrew F. Calman, M.D., Ph.D.
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` Q Okay. And after Avastin, what was the next
` drug product that you administered intravitreally
` that was a VEGF antagonist?
` A Lucentis.
` Q In what year did you first administer
` Lucentis?
` A You know, I don't remember exactly.
` Q Okay. And would that have been Lucentis in
` a vial presentation?
` A Yes.
` Q And have you administered Lucentis in a
` prefilled syringe presentation?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. Do you recall when you first did
` that?
` A It would have been shortly after its
` approval, which I believe was 2016.
` Q Okay.
` A Usually, what happens -- and I don't
` remember if it was 2016 or 2017 that it actually
` became available because usually the availability is
` a few months after the approval.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.015
`Regeneron v. Novartis


`Andrew F. Calman, M.D., Ph.D.
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` Q Okay. Have you ever injected Eylea?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And did you ever inject Eylea in a
` vial presentation?
` A Yes.
` Q And do you recall what year that would have
` taken -- first taken place?
` A Shortly after its approval. And, you know,
` forgive me. I think it was 2011 or 2012, but I'd
` have to look it up.
` Q Okay. Have you ever administered Eylea in
` a prefilled syringe presentation?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. Do you recall the first time that
` occurred?
` A Shortly after it was introduced, which I
` believe was towards the end of 2019.
` Q Have you ever administered Macugen?
` A No.
` Q No? Are you familiar with Macugen?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. But in your career, you've never
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.016
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` administered it?
` A Correct.
` Q Have any of your colleagues, to your
` knowledge, administered Macugen?
` A In the past, yes.
` Q Okay. Do you recall when that took place?
` A Well, Macugen was approved in 2004, so it
` would have been that -- if I recall correctly, it
` would have been around that time frame, and the use
` of Macugen rapidly declined after 2005, 2006
` timeframe when anti-VEGF antibody-type molecules
` became available.
` Q Okay. Have you ever administered Beovu?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And do you recall when you first did
` that?
` A Shortly after it was approved, which was --
` I don't remember exactly, but approximately 2020.
` Q Okay. And of the treatments that you've --
` or anti-VEGF treatments that you have used, which
` ones are you currently still administering?
` A Avastin, Lucentis, Eylea, and Beovu.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.017
`Regeneron v. Novartis


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` Q Okay. And of those treatments, is there
` one that you tend to administer more than the
` others?
` A I would say there are two that I tend to
` administer more than the others.
` Q Okay. And which are those?
` A Avastin and Eylea.
` Q Okay. Now, do you have a sense of what
` portion of your current practice involves
` administering Beovu?
` A It's a small number. It's a small
` percentage.
` Q Okay. Like, less than 10 percent?
` A Yes.
` Q Now, would you be more likely to administer
` Beovu if it was available in a prefilled syringe?
` A On balance, it would be a net positive, so,
` it would -- yeah, I don't think it would make a
` major impact, but that would be a net positive.
` Q Now, with respect to your experience, what
` experience do you have working on the development of
` drug products for ophthalmologic applications?
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.018
`Regeneron v. Novartis


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` A I have participated as a clinical
` investigator for a number of Stage III clinical
` trials, as outlined in my CV. I've also done some
` Stage IV clinical trials, and I've done some
` development work on devices that were not directly
` involved with pharmaceuticals.
` Q Okay. And what kinds of devices have you
` worked on the development of?
` A Surgical instruments and some diagnostic
` devices for retinal disease and also for -- for
` other ocular conditions.
` Q Okay. Have you done any product
` development work for syringes for intravitreal
` injection?
` A No.
` Q And with respect to your drug product
` development experience, were any of those intended
` for intravitreal injection?
` A No.
` Q And so what -- for the drug products that
` you've worked on in terms of product development,
` how were they administered to the patient?
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.019
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` A I don't have my CV in front of me, but the
` majority of them were eyedrops, but there were also
` some systemic drugs, where we were looking for
` ocular responses to the drugs.
` Q Okay. What do you mean by systemic drugs?
` A Again, it's been many years, and I'd have
` to look at my CV to give you the details, but there
` were some insulin drugs for diabetics where we were
` looking at diabetic retinopathy. There were some
` oral drugs that were being used for other conditions
` where we were looking for ocular responses.
` So systemic meaning they were taken, you
` know, orally or parenterally for the whole body.
` Q Okay. But you were looking at them with
` respect to whether they would have any ocular side
` effects?
` A Or ocular beneficial effects.
` Q Okay. Okay. In your current practice --
` well, strike that.
` Historically -- and this may be a difficult
` question to answer, but on average, how many
` intravitreal injections do you think you perform
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.020
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` annually since, let's say, 2010?
` MR. BENNETT: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: So, historically, I've
` probably done, you know, roughly -- and it varies by
` the year, but roughly about a hundred a year.
` Q Okay.
` A And that's probably a low-ball estimate.
` Q Now, in your declaration, if you'd go to
` paragraph 68. Are you there?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. And in that paragraph, I believe
` it's the last sentence. It says: "Excessive force
` might be exerted by an ophthalmologist if, for
` example, the break loose or slide force for the PFS
` are too high."
` Do you see that?
` A I do.
` Q So in your experience, have you ever had a
` situation where, you know, a particular PFS had a
` break loose or slide force that was too high such
` that it affected your injection technique?
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.021
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` A So I guess it would depend on your
` definition of too high. What I would say is that
` there are differences between the break loose and
` slide forces between the different products, and
` there's one in particular that has high forces that
` I can perceive, and we can talk about the literature
` on that if you want to, where it definitely, you
` know, initially was a little surprising.
` I'm not sure if I understand your -- I'm
` not sure if I'm remembering your question precisely.
` Q Okay. What product is that?
` A That's the Eylea PFS.
` Q Okay. So in your experience, the forces
` were -- the higher break loose force was a little
` surprising?
` A The higher forces in general were initially
` surprising compared to what I was used to from other
` products.
` Q Okay. And did that negatively impact your
` ability to perform an intravitreal injection with
` Eylea PFS?
` A Not really. One adapts. It's like
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.022
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` learning to use a different surgical instrument.
` Pretty rapidly you do adapt.
` Q Okay. And with respect to Eylea PFS, do
` you find the forces to be consistent in terms of
` break loose and slide force?
` A Generally speaking, yes --
` Q Okay.
` A -- consistent from one Eylea syringe to
` another.
` Q Okay. And if you'd go back to, I think,
` paragraph 68 of your declaration, you know, the next
` part of that last sentence says: "...or if the
` forces are unpredictable such that the
` ophthalmologist not able to determine based on prior
` experience how much force will be required for a
` given injection."
` Do you see that?
` A I see that.
` Q Have you had any products you've used where
` you've experienced unpredictable break loose and
` glide forces?
` A Not that I can recall.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.023
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` Q Now, with respect to intravitreal injection
` using vial presentations versus PFS, have the forces
` been comparable between the two in your experience?
` A No.
` Q No? In what way are they different?
` A There is a distinct increase in the forces
` in the Eylea PFS compared to the syringe combination
` provided with the Eylea vial.
` Q Okay.
` A The Lucentis, I think, there's probably a
` slight increase in forces with the PFS compared to
` the vial, but if I recall correctly, Lucentis didn't
` actually include a syringe, so that might depend on
` which syringe the ophthalmologist used.
` Q And in your experience, how did the forces
` for administering Avastin differ relative to
` Lucentis PFS, for example?
` A So Avastin is a little different because it
` comes as a prefilled syringe from various 503B bulk
` outsourcing facilities, and every facility does it a
` little differently and they use a slightly different
` syringe. So there are some differences between 503B
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.024
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` bulk sourcing facilities, but in my experience,
` generally speaking, the Avastin forces are quite
` low.
` Q Okay. But are you able to tell a
` difference from syringe to syringe using Avastin if
` you're given a different syringe from -- from the
` bulk source facilities?
` MR. BENNETT: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Yeah, I'm not sure I
` understand your question.
` Q Sure. So in your previous answer, you
` indicated that Avastin comes from bulk outsourcing
` facilities, right?
` A Well, Avastin ultimately comes from
` Genentech in a vial, and then the bulk outsourcing
` facilities aliquot the vial into multiple syringes
` in a laminar flow hood under Section 503B, so then
` they ship them to the ophthalmologist.
` Q Okay. And is it correct that you don't
` always receive Avastin in the same model of syringe?
` A Well, in my experience and my -- and I
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.025
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` haven't worked with every 503B, but I've worked with
` at least three of them. Each 503B tends to
` consistently use their own preferred syringe. So
` the differences that I'm talking about would not be
` between syringes within the same batch received from
` a bulk sourcing facility nor between different
` batches received on different dates from the same
` outsourcing facility; however, the -- you know, the
` syringe used by bulk or outsourcing facility A may
` be different from the one used by bulk outsourcing
` facility B.
` And there also have been some -- some of
` these facilities that have changed their syringe
` over time. But, generally, you know, they tend to
` be consistent.
` Q Okay. But if you are injecting one week
` with a syringe from facility A and a few weeks later
` injecting using a syringe from facility B, are you
` able to tell the difference in break loose and slide
` force?
` MR. BENNETT: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Well, I think there may --
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.026
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` you know, I can't say that that would never occur
` because I haven't used every 503B, but in my
` experience having used at least three of them,
` generally speaking, the syringe may be different,
` but it -- break loose and slide forces for these
` Avastin syringes tend to be all comparable and low.
` Q Now, looking back at paragraph 68 of your
` declaration where you refer to excessive force.
` Do you see that?
` A I do.
` Q Can you tell me what, you know, magnitude
` of force you would find to be excessive?
` MR. BENNETT: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Well, this kind of goes a
` little bit beyond what's in the record, but there is
` a recent publication ahead of print by Lee,
` publication date 2022, that looks patients who had
` discomfort with intraocular injections, and they
` looked at the forces that were exerted at different
` speeds of injection with different prepackaged
` syringes.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.027
`Regeneron v. Novartis


`Andrew F. Calman, M.D., Ph.D.
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` And they specifically looked at Lucentis,
` Eylea -- Lucentis PFS, Eylea PFS, and I don't
` remember the source for the Avastin PFS, and they --
` you know, they found, generally speaking, Eylea had
` the highest forces and, I believe, Avastin had the
` lowest forces, and the forces went up with increased
` injection speed and tended to go up towards the end
` of the piston travel or stopper travel, travel under
` travel.
` And the ranges were generally -- and you'd
` have to look at the data, but, generally speaking,
` the ranges for the Lucentis syringe tended to be in
` the 2 to 4 Newton range and the ranges for the Eylea
` syringe tended to be higher, in the 3 to 10 Newton
` range, again, reaching those higher values with
` higher injection speeds and/or towards the end of
` the plunger travel.
` Q Okay. So based on that, is your belief
` that 10 Newtons would be an excessive force?
` A Well, I didn't say --
` MR. BENNETT: Objection to form.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.028
`Regeneron v. Novartis


`Andrew F. Calman, M.D., Ph.D.
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` THE WITNESS: I didn't say that. I'm not
` sure -- I'm not sure -- I wouldn't say that. I
` don't know -- it would depend how I define
` excessive, I suppose. I guess what I was trying to
` do by referencing this recent publication is give
` you some quantification of what I perceive as a
` clinician, you know, when I give these injections.
` Q Okay. So I may have missed it on the
` realtime. Do you recall what the range was for
` Eylea?
` A I don't have the paper in front of me, but,
` you know, what I recall, from having looked at the
` paper, is that the -- at the higher speeds of
` injection and particularly toward the end of the
` plunger travel, toward the end of the injection, the
` forces with Eylea prefilled syringe approached 10
` Newtons.
` They may have gone beyond 10 Newtons. I
` don't remember. You know, and there of course were
` error bars and, you know, confidence intervals. So,
` you know, it's not one hard number.
`Regeneron Exhibit 1208.029
`Regeneron v. Novartis


`Andrew F. Calman, M.D., Ph.D.
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` Q Okay. But you don't have an opinion as to
` whether 10 Newtons would be an excessive force?
` MR. BENNETT: Objection.
` THE WITNESS: I think it would depend on
` how you define excessive. And I think what I'v

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