Roche Group I Notes to the Roche Group Consolidated Financial Statements
`The Group's effective tax rate can be reconciled to the Group's average expected tax rate as follows:
`Reconciliation of the Group's effective tax rate
`Average expected tax rate
`Tax effect of
`- Non-taxable income/non-deductible expenses
`- Equity compensation plans
`- Research and development tax credits and manufacturing deductions
`- US state tax impacts
`- Tax on unremitted earnings
`- Utilisation of previously unrecognised tax losses
`- Deferred tax on intra-group transfers
`- Transitional effect of changes in US tax rates
`- Prior year and other differences
`Group's effective ta.x rate
`- 2.9%
`+ 1,2%
`20 16
`+1 .3%
`- 2.6%
`+1 .7%
`- 2.3%
`+1 . 2%
`The income tax benefit recorded in respect of equity compensation plans, which varies according to the price of the underlying equity,
`was CHF 87 million (2016: CHF 3 million). Had the income tax benefits been recorded solely on the basis of the IFRS 2 expense multiplied
`by the applicable tax rate, then a benefit of approximately CHF 118 million (2016: CHF 111 million) would have been recorded.
`Tax effects of other comprehensive income in millions of CHF
`Remeasurements of defined benefit plans
`Available-for-sale investments
`Cash flow hedges
`Currency translation of foreign operations
`Other comprehensive Income
`Income tax assets (liabilities) in millions of CHF
`Current income taxes
`- Assets
`- Liabilities
`Net current income tax assets (liabilities)
`Deferred taxes
`- Assets
`- Liabilities
`Net deferred tax assets (liabilities)
`20 16
`20 15
`Current income tax liabilities include accruals for uncertain tax positions.
`Novartis Exhibit 2276.0056
`Regeneron v. Novartis, IPR2021-00816


`Notes to the Roche Group Consolidated Financial Statements I Roche Group
`11 9
`Current income taxes: movements in recognised net assets (liabilit ies) in millions of CHF
`Net current income tax asset (liability) at 1 January
`Income taxes paid
`Business combinations
`(Charged) credited to the income statement
`(Charged) credited to equity from equity compensation plans and other transactions with shareholders
`Currency translation effects and other movements
`Net current income tax asset (liability) at 31 December
`Deferred taxes: movements in recognised net assets (l iabilities) in millions of CHF
`plant and
`11 8
`( 128)
`- -
`- -
`- -
`- - 6
`Year ended 3 1 December 2016
`At 1 January 2016
`(Charged) credited to the income statement
`(Charged) credited to other comprehensive income 21
`(Charged) credited to equity from equity compensation plans
`and other transactions with shareholders
`Currency translation effects and other movements
`At 31 December 2016
`Year e nded 31 December 2017
`At 1 January 2017
`Business combinations $
`(Charged) credited to the income statement
`(Charged) credited to other comprehensive income 21
`(Charged) credited to equity from equity compensation plans and
`other transactions with shareholders
`Currency translation effects and other movements
`At 31 December 2017
`The deferred tax net assets for other temporary differences mainly relate to accrued and other liabilities, provisions and unrealised profit
`in inventory.
`Deferred tax assets are recognised for tax losses carried forward only to the extent that realisation of the related tax benefit is probable.
`The Group has unrecognised tax losses. including valuation allowances, as follows:
`Unrecognised tax losses: expiry
`Within one year
`Between one and five years
`More than five years
`Total unrecognised tax losses
`(CHF m)
`20 17
`tax rate
`(CHF m)
`tax rate
`The 'More than five years' category includes losses that cannot be used for US state income tax purposes in those states which only
`permit tax reporting on a separate entity basis.
`Deferred tax liabilities have not been established for the withholding tax and other taxes that would be payable on the remittance
`of earnings of foreign subsidiaries, where such amounts are currently regarded as permanently reinvested for the purpose of these
`financial statements. The total unremitted earnings of the Group. regarded as permanently reinvested for the purpose of these financial
`statements, were CHF 29.1 billion at 31 December 2017 (2016: CHF 29.9 billion).
`Roche Finance Report 20 17 I 55
`Novartis Exhibit 2276.0057
`Regeneron v. Novartis, IPR2021-00816


`Roche Group I Notes to the Roche Group Consolidated Financial Statements
`5. Business combinations
`Acquisitions - 2017
`mySugr GmbH. On 29 June 2017 the Group acquired a 100% controlling interest in mySugr GmbH ('mySugr'), a private company based
`in Vienna, Austria. mySugr has developed one of the leading mobile diabetes platforms in the market and will become part of the Group's
`new digital health services in diabetes care. The acquisition of mySugr expands the Group's leading position in the area of diabetes
`management. mySugr is reported in the Diagnostics operating segment as part of the Diabetes Care business, The total cash
`consideration was EUR 64 million.
`Viewics, Inc. On 27 November 2017 the Group acquired a 100% controlling interest in Viewics, Inc. ('Viewics'), a US privately owned
`company based in San Jose, California. Viewics is a software company focused on a laboratory business analytics solution. The acquisition
`of Viewics expands the Group's leading position in the integrated core lab with business analytics capabilities, enabling laboratories to
`make faster data-driven informed decisions on their operations and processes. Viewics is reported in the Diagnostics operating segment.
`The total consideration was USO 8 1 million, of which USO 62 million was paid in cash, USO 9 million was deferred consideration which
`will be paid over the period from the date of control to 2021 and USO 1 o million arose from a contingent consideration arrangement.
`The contingent payments are based on the achievement of performance-related milestones and the range of undiscounted outcomes
`is between zero and USO 10 million.
`The identifiable assets acquired and liabilities assumed are set out in the table below. The amounts for mySugr and Viewics are
`provisional based on preliminary information and valuations of the assets and liabilities and subject to adjustment during 20 18.
`Acquisitions - 2017: net assets acquired In millions of CHF
`Intangible assets
`- Product intangibles: in use
`- Product intangibles: not available for use
`- Marketing intangibles: in use
`Cash and cash equivalents
`Deferred tax liabilities
`Other net assets (liabilities)
`Net identifiable assets
`Fair value of previously held interest
`Total consideration
`Deferred consideration••
`Contingen t consideration"
`Total consideration
`( 11)
`( 19)
`The fair value of the product intangible asset for mySugr is determined using a replacement cost method. The fair value of the other
`intangible assets is determined using an excess earning method that is based on management forecasts and observable market data
`for discount rates, tax rates and foreign exchange rates. The present value is calculated using a risk-adjusted discount rate of 13.0%
`for mySugr and 9.5% for Viewics. The valuations were performed by independent valuers.
`The Viewics accounts receivable is comprised of gross contractual amounts due of CHF 2 million which were all expected to be
`collectable at the date of the acquisition.
`Goodwill represents a control premium, the acquired work force and the synergies that can be expected from integrating the acquired
`companies into the Group's existing business. None of the goodwill is expected to be deductible for income tax purposes.
`https:~c~~W.Ean'e~WtSmi~s: b 70415c0-954f-4a2a-a0e2-4 7f94bd280e0/en/fb 17 e. pdf
`Novartis Exhibit 2276.0058
`Regeneron v. Novartis, IPR2021-00816


`Notes to the Roche Group Consolidated Financial Statements I Roche Group
`The Group recognised a financial gain of CHF 7 million and CHF 2 million respectively for fair valuing the 12% interest in mySugr and
`the 10% interest in Viewics held by the Group prior to the transaction. This gain is included in other financial income (expense) for 20 17.
`Directly attributable transaction costs of CHF 2 million were reported in the Diagnostics operating segment within general and
`administration expenses.
`The impact of the mySugr and Viewics acquisitions on the 2017 results for the Diagnostics Division and the Group were not material.
`Future acquisitions
`lgnyta, Inc. On 22 December 2017 the Group announced that it had entered into a merger agreement with lgnyta, Inc. ('lgnyta') to fully
`acquire lgnyta at a price of USO 27.00 per share in an all-cash transaction. This corresponds to a total transaction value of USD 1.7 billion
`on a fully diluted basis. lgnyta is a publicly owned US company based in San Diego, California, and is listed on Nasdaq under the stock
`code 'RXDX'. The closing of the transaction is expected to take place in the first half of 2018 and will be subject to a majority of lgnyta's
`outstanding shares being tendered to the Group, to the expiration or termination of the waiting period under the Hart-Scott-Rodino
`Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976 and other customary conditions. Upon closing, lgnyta will be reported in the Pharmaceuticals Division.
`Acquisitions - 2016
`The Group did not complete any business combinations in 20 16.
`Cash flows from business combinations
`Acquisitions: net cash outfl ow in millions of CHF
`Cash consideration paid
`Deferred consideration paid
`Contingent consideration paid "
`Cash in acquired company
`Transaction costs
`Total net cash outflow
`(14 1)
`201 7
`( 132)
`( 146)
`20 16
` 5c0-954f-4a2a-a0e2-47f94bd280e0/en/fb17e.pdf
`Roche Finance Report 2017 I 57
`Novartis Exhibit 2276.0059
`Regeneron v. Novartis, IPR2021-00816


`Roche Group I Notes to the Roche Group Consolidated Financial Statements
`6. Global restructuring plans
`During 2017 the Group initiated various resourcing flexibility plans in its Pharmaceuticals Division to address various future challenges
`including biosimilar competition. The areas of the plans include biologics manufacturing. commercial operations and product development/
`strategy. The Group also continued with the implementation of several major global restructuring plans initiated in prior years, notably
`the strategic realignment of the Pharmaceuticals Division's manufacturing network, and programmes to address long-term strategy in
`the Diagnostics Division.
`Gl obal restructuring pl ans: costs incurred in millions of CHF
`Site consolidationz>
`Other plans•>
`Year ended 31 December 2017
`Global restructuring costs
`- Employee-related costs
`- Site closure costs
`- Divestment of products and businesses
`- Other reorganisation expenses
`Total global restructuring costs
`Additional costs
`Impairment of goodwill
`Impairment of intangible assets
`- Legal and environmental cases
`Total costs
`Year ended 3 1 December 2016
`Global restructuring costs
`- Employee- related costs
`- Site closure costs
`- Other reorganisation expenses
`Total global restructuring costs
`Additional costs
`Impairment of goodwill
`Impairment of intangible assets
`- Legal and environmental cases
`Total costs
`Includes sttategy plans in the Diagnostics Division and the Diabetes Care 'Autonomy and Speed' plan.
`2) Includes the Pharmaceuticals Division's strategic realignment of its manufacturing network and resourcing flexibility in biologics manufacturing network.
`3) Includes plans for resourcing flexibility in the Pharmaceuticals Division's commercial operations and global product development/strategy organisations and the Pharmaceuticals
`Division's research and development strategic realignment and outsourcing of IT and other functions.
`Diagnostics Division
`In 2017 strategy plans in the Diagnostics Division that were launched in 2016 incurred costs of CHF 212 million mainly for employee(cid:173)
`related costs (2016: CHF 106 million related to site closures and employees). Spending on other smaller plans within the division was
`CHF 80 million (2016: CHF 206 million) and included costs related to the 'Autonomy and Speed' initiative in Diabetes Care and certain
`IT projects.
`https:~c~~~Ean'e~WtSmi~s: b 70415c0-954f-4a2a-a0e2-4 7f94bd280e0/en/fb 17 e. pdf
`Novartis Exhibit 2276.0060
`Regeneron v. Novartis, IPR2021-00816


`Notes to the Roche Group Consolidated Financial Statements I Roche Group
`Site consolidation
`On 12 November 2015 the Pharmaceuticals Division announced a strategic realignment of its manufacturing network including exiting
`from the manufacturing sites at Clarecastle, Ireland; Leganes, Spain; Segrate, Italy; and Florence. US. Costs from this plan in 2017 were
`CHF 480 million (2016: CHF 733 million). of which CHF 185 million were non-cash impairments and accelerated depreciation of property.
`plant and equipment (2016: CHF 337 million). Some employee-related provisions were reversed as the most likely scenario for the Segrate
`site was changed from closure to divestment. The divestment of the Florence, Segrate and Leganes sites have been completed in 2017
`and result in total costs of CHF 201 million. This includes CHF 100 million of accumulated currency translation losses on consolidation
`that were transferred to the income statement (see Note 22), The expected costs of the environmental remediation at the Clarecastle
`site were reassessed and resulted in an increase in provisions for environmental remediation (see Note 19). Other plans include the
`resourcing flexibility in biologics manufacturing network which resulted in headcount reductions in the US and also at the Kaiseraugst
`site in Switzerland and the exit from the small molecules manufacturing site at Toluca, Mexico.
`The divestment of the Nutley site in the US was completed in the second half of 2016 and resulted in an increase in provisions for
`environmental remediation.
`Other global restruc turing plans
`In 2017 total costs were CHF 332 million. with the major item being CHF 247 million for resourcing flexibility in the Pharmaceuticals
`Division, including global field force reductions. notably in the US and Europe. The remaining CHF 85 million includes plans for
`the outsourcing of IT and other functions to shared service centres and external providers.
`In 2016 total costs were CHF 197 million, with the major items being CHF 74 million from the Pharmaceuticals Division research and
`development strategic realignment and CHF 90 million in informatics mainly for the outsourcing of IT functions to shared service centres
`and external providers. The remaining minor plans totalled CHF 33 million.
`Global restructuring pl ans: summary of costs incurred inmillionsofCHF
`Employee-related costs
`- Termination costs
`- Defined benefit plans
`- Other employee-related costs
`Total employee- related costs
`Site closure costs
`Impairment of property, plant and equipment
`- Accelerated depreciation of property. plant an d equipment
`(Gains) losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment
`- Other site closure costs
`Total s ite closure costs
`Divestment of products and businesses
`(Gains) losses on divestment of subsidiaries 22
`- Other (gains) losses on divestment of products and businesses
`Total costs on divestment of produc ts and businesses
`Other reorganisation expenses
`Total glo bal restructuring costs
`Additional costs
`Impairment of goodwill
`Impairment of intangible assets
`- Legal and environmental cases
`Total costs
`23 1
`Roche Finance Report 2017 I 59
`Novartis Exhibit 2276.0061
`Regeneron v. Novartis, IPR2021-00816


`Roche Group I Notes to the Roche Group Consolidated Financial Statements
`Global restructuring pl ans: cl assification of costs in millions of CHF
`1,01 4
`1,01 4
`20 17
`and impairment
`35 1
`28 1
`20 16
`3 11
`1,2 57
`and impairment
`-- -3
`Cost of sales
`- Pharmaceuticals
`- Diagnostics
`Marketing and distribution
`- Pharmaceuticals
`- Diagnostics
`Research and development
`- Pharmaceuticals
`- Diagnostics
`General and administration
`- Pharmaceuticals
`- Diagnostics
`- Corporate
`Total by operating segment
`- Roche Pharmaceuticals
`- Chugai
`- Diagnostics
`- Corporate
`https: •c~~W.Ean'e~WtS~b~S: b 7041 5c0-954f-4a2a-a0e2-4 7f94bd280e0/en/fb 17 e. pdf
`Novartis Exhibit 2276.0062
`Regeneron v. Novartis, IPR2021-00816


`Notes to the Roche Group Consolidated Financial Statements I Roche Group
`7. Property, plant and equipment
`Property, pl ant and equipment: movements in carrying val ue of assets in millions of CHF
`and land
`and equipment
`in progress
`(4 1)
`( 107)
`( 1)
`(6,2 12)
`( 11 ,806)
`(1 65)
`(1 O)
`( 12,946)
`6,77 7
`, . 135
`( 1,551)
`( 178)
`(6. 193)
`( 12,889)
`( 8)
`( 15)
`At 1 January 2016
`Accumulated depreciation and impairment
`Net book value
`Year ended 31 December 2016
`At 1 January 2016
`Business combinations
`A ddit ions
`Depreciation charge
`Impairment charge
`Currency translation effects
`At 31 December 2016
`Accumulated depreciation and impairment
`Net book value
`Year ended 31 December 2017
`At 1 January 2017
`Business combinations
`A dditions
`Divestment of subsidiaries 22
`Depreciation charge
`Impairment charge
`Currency translation effects
`At 3 1 Decembe r 2017
`Accumulated depreciation and impairment
`Net book value
`Classification of impairment of property, pl ant and equipment in millions of CHF
`Cost of sales
`Marketing and distribution
`Research and development
`General and administration
`Total impairment charge
`36, 194
`( 16)
`(2,1 58)
`39, 147
`(19,1 90)
`(2,32 1)
`( 15)
`(2 1 O)
`( 1)
`( 1)
`(2. 196)
`Impairment charges for property. plant and equipment were mainly related to global restructuring plans (see Note 6).
`In 2017 no reimbursements were received from insurance companies in respect of impairments to property, plant and equipment
`(2016: none). In 2017 no borrowing costs were capitalised as property, plant and equipment (2016: none).
` 5c0-954f-4a2a-a0e2-47f94bd280e0/en/fb17e.pdf
`Roche Finance Report 20 17 I 6 1
`Novartis Exhibit 2276.0063
`Regeneron v. Novartis, IPR2021-00816


`Roche Group I Notes to the Roche Group Consolidated Financial Statements
`Divestment of Nutley site In 2016
`On 29 September 2016, the Group completed the divestment of the Nutley site. The total net consideration received in cash was
`CHF 96 million.
`Genentech property purchase option exercise in 2015
`In 2004 Genentech entered into a Master Lease Agreement ('MLA') with Slough SSF LLC ('Slough'), which was subsequently acquired
`by Health Care Properties. for the lease of property adjacent to Genentech's South San Francisco site, which was to be developed by
`Slough. The development included a total of eight buildings and construction was completed during 2008, at which time Genentech fully
`occupied the property. The property lease was until 2020 with extension options to 2030. On 1 November 2015 Genentech exercised
`a purchase option contained in the MLA to acquire the eight buildings and land. At 31 December 2015 the Group recorded an addition
`to 'land' and 'buildings and land improvements· and corresponding liabilities for the cash outflows in 2016 and 2018. The Group also
`reclassified the finance lease accounting balances that previously applied to these buildings. In November 2016 the first closing payment
`of USO 31 1 million was made. The final closing payment of USO 269 million is due in July 2018 and is recorded as a current liability
`(see Note 18).
`leasing arrangements where the Group is the lessee
`Finance leases. At 31 December 2017 the capitalised cost of property, plant and equipment under finance leases was CHF 11 million
`(2016: CHF 18 million) and the net book value of these assets was CHF 5 million (2016: CHF 8 million). The carrying value of the leasing
`obligation was CHF 5 million (2016: CHF 5 million). which is reported as part of Debt (see Note 20).
`Finance leases: future minimum l ease payments under non- cancellabl e l eases in millions of CHF
`With in one year
`Between one and five years
`More than five years
`Future finance charges
`Total future minimum lease payments (undlscounted)
`Future minimum lease
`20 17
`Present value of minimum lease
`20 16
`201 7
`Operating l eases. Group companies are party to a number of operating leases, mainly for property rentals and motor vehicles.
`The arrangements do not impose any significant restrictions on the Group. Total operating lease rental expense was CHF 461 million
`(2016: CHF 458 million).
`Operating leases: futu re minimum lease payments under non-cancellable leases in millions of CHF
`Within one year
`Between one and five years
`More than five years
`Total minimum payments
`20 16
`3 11
`leasing arrangements where the Group is the lessor
`Finance leases. Certain assets, mainly Diagnostics instruments, are leased to third parties through finance lease arrangements. Such
`assets are reported as receivables at an amount equal to the net investment in the lease. Lease income from finance leases is recognised
`over the term of the lease based on the effective interest rate method.
`https:-c~~W.Ean'e~WtS~b~S: b 70415c0-954f-4a2a-a0e2-4 7f94bd280e0/en/fb 17 e. pdf
`Novartis Exhibit 2276.0064
`Regeneron v. Novartis, IPR2021-00816


`Notes to the Roche Group Consolidated Financial Statements I Roche Group
`Finance leases: future minimum lease receipts under non-cancellable leases in millionsofCHF
`Within one year
`Between one and five years
`More than five years
`Unearned finance income
`Unguaranteed residual value
`Net Investment In lease
`Gross investment in lease
`20 16
`(1 2)
`( 12)
`Present value of minimum
`lease receipts
`The accumulated allowance for uncollectible minimum lease payments was CHF 1 million (2016: CHF 1 million).
`Operating leases. Certain assets, mainly Diagnostics instruments, are leased to third parties through operating lease arrangements.
`Such assets are reported within property, plant and equipment. Lease income from operating leases is recognised over the lease term
`on a straight-line basis.
`At 3 1 December 2017 machinery and equipment with an original cost of CHF 4.B billion (2016: CHF 4,4 billion) and a net book value of
`CHF 1.7 billion (2016: CHF 1.5 billion) was being leased to third parties.
`Operating leases: future minimum lease receipts under non- cancellable leases in millions of CHF
`Within one year
`Between one and five years
`More than five years
`Total minimum receipts
`Capltal commitments
`The Group has non-cancellable capital commitments for the purchase or construction of property, plant and equipment totalling
`CHF 1.2 billion (20 16: CHF 1.4 billion).
` 5c0-954f-4a2a-a0e2-47f94bd280e0/en/fb17e.pdf
`Roche Finance Report 2017 I 63
`Novartis Exhibit 2276.0065
`Regeneron v. Novartis, IPR2021-00816


`Roche Group I Notes to the Roche Group Consolidated Financial Statements
`8. Goodwill
`Goodwill: movements in carrying value of assets in millions of CHF
`At 1 January
`Accumulated impairment
`Net book value
`Year ended 31 December
`At 1 January
`Business combinations•
`Impairment charge
`Currency translation effects
`At 31 December
`Accumulated impairment
`Net book value
`Allocated to the following cash-generating units
`Roche Pharmaceuticals
`Foundation Medicine
`Total Pharmace uticals Division
`Diabetes Care
`Centralised and Point of Care Solutions
`Molecular Diagnostics
`Tissue Diagnostics
`Divisional goodwill
`Total Diagnostics Division
`Impairment charge - 2017
`20 16
`( 1,373)
`( 1,058)
`( 1,260)
`( 1,373)
`10 1
`2. 135
`During 2017 impairment charges totalling CHF 1,058 million which related to:
`• A charge of CHF 674 million in the Diagnostics Division for the full write-off of the sequencing business goodwill. The factors leading
`to this impairment were: (i) a decrease in forecasted cash flows relative to the previous year's long-term forecast due to changed
`assumptions around market penetration. pricing and reimbursement; and (ii) a revised time to market of the single molecule sequencing
`technology. In addition impairment charges of CHF 120 million were recorded for sequencing business product intangibles in use
`acquired as part of the Ariosa acquisition (see Note 9),
`• A charge of CHF 384 million in the Pharmaceuticals Division for the full write-off of the goodwill relating to the Seragon acquisition due
`to the decision to stop development of the back-up compound acquired.
`Impairment charge - 2016
`During 2016, a goodwill impairment charge of CHF 95 million was recorded in the Pharmaceuticals Division for the full write-off of
`goodwill from the Anadys Pharmaceuticals. Inc. acquisition in 2011 which is deemed to have been disposed of.
`Novartis Exhibit 2276.0066
`Regeneron v. Novartis, IPR2021-00816


`Notes to the Roche Group Consolidated Financial Statements I Roche Group
`Impairment testing
`Pharmaceutical • Division, The division's operating segments are the cash- generating units used for the testing of goodwill. Part of
`the goodwill arising from the Foundation Medicine acquisition is recorded and monitored at a Roche Pharmaceuticals level as it relates
`to the strategic development of Roche Pharmaceuticals. Therefore the cash-generating unit for this strategic goodwill is Roche
`Pharmaceuticals. The recoverable amount used in the impairment testing is the higher of value in use and fair value less costs of disposal.
`For Chugai and Foundation Medicine the fair value less costs of disposal is determined with reference to the publicly quoted share
`prices of Chugai and Foundation Medicine shares.
`Diagnostics Division. The division's business areas are the cash-generating units used for the testing of goodwill. The goodwill arising
`from the Corange/Boehringer Mannheim acquisition and part of the goodwill from the Ventana acquisition is recorded and monitored
`at a divisional level as it relates to the strategic development of the whole division and cannot be meaningfully allocated to the division's
`business areas. Therefore the cash- generating unit for this goodwill is the entire division. The goodwill arising from the Viewics
`acquisition is monitored at the divisional level. The recoverable amount used in the impairment testing is based on value in use.
`Value in use. This is calculated using a discounted expected cash flow approach, with a post-tax discount rate applied to the projected
`risk-adjusted post-tax cash flows and terminal value. The discount rate is the Group's weighted average cost of capital as the cash(cid:173)
`generating units have integrated operations across large parts of the Group. It is derived from a capital asset pricing model using data
`from capital markets. including government twenty-year bonds. For assessing value in use. the cash flow projections are based on the
`most recent long-term forecasts approved by management. The long-term forecasts include management's latest estimates on sales
`volume and pricing, as well as production and other operating costs and assume no significant changes in the organisation. Other key
`assumptions used in the calculations are the period of cash flow projections included in the long-term forecasts. the terminal value
`growth rate and the discount rate.
`Key assumptions used in value in use calculations
`Pharmaceu ticals Division
`- Roche Pharmaceuticals
`Diagnostics Division
`- Sequencing
`- Other Diagnostics businesses
`Period of
`cash now
`value Discount ra1e
`(aft er tax)
`growth rate
`Period of
`cash flow
`value Discount rate
`growth rate
`(after tax)
`5 years
`10 years
`5 years
`5 years
`1 o years
`5 years
`For cash- generating units with a terminal value growth, the respective rate does not exceed the long-term projected growth rate for
`the relevant market. The ten years period of cash flow projections reflects the long-term nature of the development of the sequencing

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