WO 2011/109433
`The method of Claim 33, wherein the section of tissue comprises an ultimate
`tensile strength of greater than about 25 MegaPascals.
`The method of Claim 33, wherein the section of tissue comprises a treated
`pericardium tissue.
`A method of preparing a section of tissue for medical use, comprising:
`contacting the section of tissue with distilled water;
`contacting the section of tissue with isopropyl alcohol for a pre-fixation period of
`time of not less than about 3 days; and
`( c)
`contacting the section of tissue with one of
`a formalin solution, or
`a glutaraldehyde solution
`for a fixation period of time of not less than about 3 days; and
`contacting the section of tissue with isopropyl alcohol for a post-fixation period
`of time of not less than about 3 days;
`wherein step (b) occurs sometime after step (a), wherein step ( c) occurs sometime after
`step (b), and wherein step (d) occurs sometime after step (c).
`The method of Claim 40, wherein for step ( c):
`if the formalin solution is used, then the formalin solution comprises a concentration of
`about 1 - 37.5% formalin; and
`if the glutaraldehyde solution is used, then the glutaraldehyde solution comprises a
`concentration of about 0.1 - 25% glutaraldehyde.
`The method of Claim 40, wherein for step (c):
`if the formalin solution is used, then the formalin solution comprises a concentration of
`about 8-12% formalin; and
`if the glutaraldehyde solution is used, then the glutaraldehyde solution comprises a
`concentration of about 0.1-0.5% glutaraldehyde.
`The method of Claim 40, wherein the section of tissue comprises a treated
`pericardium tissue.
`Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, et al. Exhibit 1011, p. 1551 of 2039


`WO 2011/109433
`r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -~
`I .,,..,,.
`~--------------- 1 ---------------- I
`, /
`.,,..,,. 300
`FIG. 1
`Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, et al. Exhibit 1011, p. 1552 of 2039


`WO 2011/109433
`,,,✓ 220
`r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 ,,,,,,
`I I,.,.,,,
`______________ T ______________ I
`l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t ______________
`: ,.,.,,,,,,228
`L--------------- J ______________ J
`I _____________________________ I
`FIG. 2A
`Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, et al. Exhibit 1011, p. 1553 of 2039


`WO 2011/109433
`---r--- 248 a
`248 b
`248 C
`--L----- 24
`IMMERSION IN ONE OF 248a, 248c, or 248d
`L-,-- 260
`r ---
`FIG. 28
`Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, et al. Exhibit 1011, p. 1554 of 2039


`WO 2011/109433
`/ 3 0
`3 12
`FIG. 3
`, ,
`, ,
`---------------- ---------------- I
`.,,. 320
`~ ,
`Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, et al. Exhibit 1011, p. 1555 of 2039


`WO 2011/109433
`Stress-Strain Curves of Wet Tissue
`50 r----,-----,-..;.......--r-;.._,.;.;......--y, _ _ _ -r-_ _ ---r' _ _ ___,..
`~ to
`~10.___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ....._ _ _ ......._ _ _ ___. ......... _ _ ..J.-_ _ --1 _ _ ~
`Stress-strain curves in wet or hydrated state of five samples. Each curve corresponds
`to a separate sample.
`FIG. 5
`Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, et al. Exhibit 1011, p. 1556 of 2039


`(19) \-Vorld Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`9 September 2011 (09.09.2011)
`1111111111111111 IIIIII IIIII 111111111111111 II Ill lllll 111111111111111 IIIII IIII IIIIIII IIII IIII IIII
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2011/109450 A2
`(51) International Patent Classification: Not classified
`(21) International Application Number:
`PCT/US201 li026763
`(22) International Filing Date:
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`1 March2011 (01.03.2011)
`(30) Priority Data:
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): COLIB(cid:173)
`RI HEART VALVE LLC [US/US]; 2150 W. 6th Ave,
`Suite M, Broomfield, CO 80020 (US).
`1 March 2010 (01.03.2010)
`1 March2011 (01.03.2011)
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): FISH, R., David
`[US/US]; 6349 Vanderbilt Street, Houston, TX 77005
`(US). PANIAGUA, David [CR/US]; 3813 Dnunmond
`Street, Houston, TX 77025 (US).
`(74) Agent: YASKANIN, Mark, L.; Holme Roberts & Owen
`LLP, 1700 Lincoh1 Street, Suite 4100, Denver, CO 80203
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO,
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP,
`KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, M.A, MD,
`ME, MG, MK, MN, J'vIW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI,
`NO, NZ, OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD,
`SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR,
`TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for eve1y
`kind o_f regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG,
`ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ,
`[Continued on next page]
`(57) Abstract: A prosthetic heart valve implantable by catheter
`without surgery includes a substantially "dry" membrane or tissue
`material. In at least one embodiment, the tissue is folded in a dry
`state to form a tissue leaflet assembly that is then attached to a
`frame to form an implantable prosthetic heart valve. Alternatively,
`one or more tissue leaflets are operatively associated with a frame
`to form an implantable prosthetic heart valve. The implantable
`prosthetic heart valve is subsequently pre-mounted on an integrat(cid:173)
`ed catlieter delivery system. The catheter delivery system that in(cid:173)
`cludes the implantable prosthetic heart valve is then packaged and
`transported while the tissue remains dry. The implantable pros(cid:173)
`thetic heart valve, while remaining substantially dry, can then be
`implanted into the receiving patient.
`;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -
`;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; -
`Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, et al. Exhibit 1011, p. 1557 of 2039


`WO 2011/109450 A2 1111111111111111 IIIIII IIIII 111111111111111 II Ill lllll 111111111111111 IIIII IIII IIIIIII IIII IIII IIII
`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, Published:
`EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU,
`L V, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK,
`SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, Cl, CM, GA, GN, GQ,
`GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report (Rule 48.2(g))
`Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, et al. Exhibit 1011, p. 1558 of 2039


`WO 2011/109450
`The present invention relates to the field of medical devices, and more particularly, to a
`percutaneously deliverable heart valve and a method of making a percutaneously deliverable
`heart valve.
`Heart valve disease is a common degenerative condition that compromises physiologic
`function and causes limiting symptoms and threat to life in millions of patients all over the
`10 world. There are various underlying causes, but malfunction of heart valves is ultimately
`expressed as insufficient conduction of blood through the plane of the valve due to narrowing of
`the anatomic pathway (stenosis), or as incompetent closure that allows blood to return back
`through the valve again, thereby reducing the effective forward conduction of blood through the
`valve (insufficiency or regurgitation). These hemodynamic states lead to 1) deficiency of
`cardiac output and 2) adverse loads on the pumping chambers of the heart, both of which in tum
`lead to functional compromise of the patient and often premature death unless effectively
`Definitive corrective treatment of heart valve disease is conventionally performed by
`open-chest surgical techniques, wherein the valve is manipulated, repaired, or replaced with a
`prosthetic valve under direct vision. Heart valve surgery is performed in hundreds of thousands
`of cases yearly world-wide, but carries a high burden of cost, morbidity, and mortality,
`especially in susceptible patients who may be elderly or otherwise physiologically compromised
`by collateral disease. Further, the costs and resource requirements of the surgical enterprise
`restrict the availability of heart valve replacement to many more patients all over the world.
`In pursuit of alternatives to heart valve surgery, over the last ten years a number of
`development programs have brought percutaneous, trans-catheter implantation of prosthetic
`heart valves into commercial use in the European Union (EU) and into pivotal clinical trials in
`the United States of America. Initial clinical experience in the EU was directed toward patients
`who had critical aortic valve stenosis, but were deemed to be at unacceptably high risk for open-
`heart surgical valve replacement. In several thousand such cases, utilizing both balloon(cid:173)
`expandable and self-expanding designs in two separate programs, percutaneous heart valve
`replacement (PHVR) was shown to be feasible and possibly competitive with surgery in selected
`patients with 12-18 month mortality rates of about 25%. Grube E., et al., Progress and Current
`Status of Percutaneous Aortic Valve Replacement: Results of Three Device Generations of the
`Core Valve Revalving System, Circ. Cardiovasc Intervent. 2008;1 :167-175.
`- 1 -
`Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, et al. Exhibit 1011, p. 1559 of 2039


`WO 2011/109450
`The application of PHVR thus far has been challenged by the technical difficulties of the
`implantation sequence-especially in the aortic valve position. The technique for available
`devices is limited by the large caliber of the devices and their delivery catheters; often, if it can
`be done at all in some smaller arteries, open surgical exposure and management of the femoral
`artery is required to insert the 18 -24 French (6 - 8 mm diameter) systems, and their bulkiness
`inside the central arteries can threaten the safety of the delivery sequence. Further, access site
`bleeding complications form a significant part of the adverse events of the procedures.
`Typically, the current PHV designs comprise a biological membrane forming the
`operating leaflets of the valve, attached within a metal frame, that is then collapsed onto a
`delivery catheter or balloon, and then constrained within an outer sheath. After an initial
`dilation of the diseased valve with a large balloon, this assembly is then advanced to the plane of
`the valve and deployed by self-expansion or by balloon expansion.
`The effective caliber of the valve delivery system is determined by the total bulk of each
`coaxially mounted component. The bulk of the PHV itself is determined by the diameter of the
`frame and by the thickness, stiffness, and particular arrangement of the inner membrane forming
`the operating leaflets of the valve. The characteristic thickness of current PHV membranes is
`thus a limiting factor in the ultimate delivery profile of the PHV. Such characteristic membrane
`thickness is, in tum, a result of the methods by which it is processed and ultimately delivered for
`use. Typically, glutaraldehyde fixation (for protein cross-linking) of animal tissue is employed
`to produce suitable biological membranes for incorporation. Requirements for strength and
`durability have determined the most useful ranges for tissue thickness and cross-linking while
`typically imposing countervailing stiffness and brittleness. Subsequent hydration in suitable
`solutions improves these characteristics, but the hydrated membrane by this means also gains
`One of the evident requirements for a PHV design is that the valve functions with a high
`degree of competence immediately on deployment, since the patient's hemodynamic survival
`depends on it. To this end, in part, like surgical valve prostheses, current PHV designs are
`completed, transported, and delivered for use in a hydrated state in a jar of solution. In use,
`commercially available surgical and percutaneously implanted bioprosthetic heart valves are
`rinsed and prepared before use in a "wet" state. More particularly, commercially available
`prosthetic heart valves are rinsed, crimped, and mounted in the catheterization lab. Accordingly,
`problems with current commercially available prosthetic heart valves include the time, cost and
`variability associated with the necessity to rinse, crimp, and mount the valve in the
`catheterization lab. That is, current mounting of prosthetic heart valves in the catheterization lab
`imposes one or more of delay, cost, technical burdens and possible errors. Avoiding one or
`- 2 -
`Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, et al. Exhibit 1011, p. 1560 of 2039


`WO 2011/109450
`more of these problems would be advantageous. In addition, current "wet" valve designs
`impose additional profile on the collapsed valve. The hydrated membrane, while having
`desirable and necessary flexibility for reliable operation immediately on deployment, also
`imposes a large part of the thickness of the assembled and mounted valve that compromises its
`Expanding on some of the problems described above, the use of current PHV s in the
`catheter lab requires a number of preparatory acts that are potentially troublesome and can
`prolong the delivery sequence during a critical phase of the procedure. Since PHVs are
`delivered for use "wet" in a preservative solution, they have to be treated prior to insertion with
`a series of cleansing and hydrating solutions. Once this is completed, the PHV s have to be
`mounted on their delivery catheters. Special crimping and mounting tools are needed in the case
`of the balloon-expandable Edwards Sapien valve, for example. Accordingly, there is a need to
`address the shortcomings discussed above.
`It is to be understood that the present invention includes a variety of different versions or
`embodiments, and this Summary is not meant to be limiting or all-inclusive. This Summary
`provides some general descriptions of some of the embodiments, but may also include some
`more specific descriptions of other embodiments.
`In at least one embodiment, a substantially "dry" membrane PHV system is provided
`20 wherein a tissue material is prepared and folded in a dry state to form a tissue leaflet assembly.
`Thereafter, the tissue leaflet assembly is attached to a frame to form an implantable prosthetic
`heart valve that is subsequently pre-mounted in an integrated catheter delivery system. The
`catheter delivery system that includes the prosthetic heart valve is then packaged and transported
`while the tissue leaflet assembly remains substantially dry. The prosthetic heart valve is
`available for use directly out of its package envelope. Accordingly, it can be inserted into the
`body without need of hydration, crimping or mounting tools, or other preparatory acts. That is,
`the tissue forming the tissue leaflet assembly of the prosthetic heart valve can be treated and
`dried, then while remaining dry, folded into a tissue leaflet assembly. Thereafter, the tissue
`leaflet assembly is at least partially rehydrated and then attached within a frame, such as a stent,
`to form an implantable prosthetic heart valve. The tissue leaflet assembly of the prosthetic heart
`valve is then allowed to dry. The prosthetic heart valve can thereafter be subsequently
`packaged, delivered, and shipped while the tissue leaflet assembly of the prosthetic heart valve
`remains in a dry condition. The prosthetic heart valve can then be implanted into the receiving
`patient. Accordingly, the PHV system simplifies arterial insertion, and, as the dry condition also
`confers lower bulk and profile, procedural manipulation and associated complications may be
`- 3 -
`Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, et al. Exhibit 1011, p. 1561 of 2039


`WO 2011/109450
`reduced if not eliminated. In addition, one or more embodiments of the present invention widen
`the candidacy of patients with smaller arteries for the PHY procedure. As an added advantage,
`at least one embodiment of the present invention allows the implantation to take place under
`shorten elapsed times at the most critical phase of the procedure.
`In at least one embodiment, a membrane PHV system is provided wherein a tissue
`material is prepared and folded in a dry state to form a tissue leaflet assembly, and further
`wherein the tissue leaflet assembly is thereafter at least partially hydrated and attached to a
`frame that is subsequently pre-mounted in an integrated catheter delivery system.
`In at least one embodiment, a membrane PHV system is provided wherein a tissue
`10 material is prepared and folded in a dry state to form a tissue leaflet assembly, and further
`wherein the tissue leaflet assembly is at least partially hydrated and attached to a frame to form
`the prosthetic heart valve. Thereafter, the prosthetic heart valve is allowed to dry and
`subsequently pre-mounted in an integrated catheter delivery system after which the tissue leaflet
`assembly of the prosthetic heart valve remains dry, and wherein the system is then associated
`15 with a package for shipment while the tissue leaflet assembly remains dry.
`In at least one embodiment, a membrane PHV system is provided wherein a tissue
`material is prepared and then folded in a dry state to form a tissue leaflet assembly, and further
`wherein the tissue leaflet assembly is at least partially hydrated and attached to a frame to form
`the prosthetic heart valve. Thereafter, the prosthetic heart valve is allowed to dry and
`subsequently pre-mounted in an integrated catheter delivery system after which the tissue leaflet
`assembly of the prosthetic heart valve is then at least partially hydrated and associated with a
`package for shipment.
`In at least one embodiment, an article adapted for trans-catheter delivery into a patient is
`provided, comprising: a prosthetic heart valve further comprising a treated tissue attached to a
`frame, wherein the treated tissue comprises a thickness of about 50 to 500 micrometers and an
`ultimate tensile strength of greater than about 15 MegaPascals when at a water content of less
`than about 50% by weight of the section of treated tissue. Here it is noted that the tensile
`strength of the treated tissue described herein is higher than the tensile strength of other known
`prepared tissues, whether hydrated or dry. In at least one embodiment, the water content of the
`treated tissue is less than about 40% by weight of the treated tissue. In at least one embodiment,
`the ultimate tensile strength is greater than about 20 MegaPascals. In at least one embodiment,
`the treated tissue does not include a matrix that has been exposed to a polymer infiltrate. In at
`least one embodiment the treated tissue comprises a treated pericardium tissue.
`In at least one embodiment, the method further comprises exposing the section of tissue
`to light energy for an exposure duration, the exposure duration extending until there is no further
`- 4 -
`Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, et al. Exhibit 1011, p. 1562 of 2039


`WO 2011/109450
`visible separation of lipid droplets from an exposed surface of the section of tissue. In at least
`one embodiment, the light energy is at least equivalent to exposing the section of tissue to a 25-
`100 watt light source, and more preferably, a 50 watt incandescent light source with a flat
`radiant face situated at a distance of about 10 centimeters from the exposed surface for about 15
`5 minutes. In at least one embodiment, the method further comprises: ( d) rinsing the section of
`tissue with distilled water and isopropyl alcohol for a post-fixation period of time of not less
`than about 7 days; wherein step ( d) occurs after step ( c ).
`In at least one embodiment, an article adapted for implantation in a patient is provided,
`comprising: a prosthetic heart valve further comprising a treated tissue attached to a frame,
`10 wherein the treated tissue comprises a water content of less than about 60% by weight of the
`treated tissue. In at least one embodiment, the treated tissue comprises a section of pericardium
`tissue having an ultimate tensile strength of greater than about 12 MegaPascals. In at least one
`embodiment, the section of treated tissue comprises a thickness of between about 50 to 300
`micrometers. In at least one embodiment, the water content of the treated tissue is less than
`about 40% by weight of the treated tissue.
`As used herein, the term "dry" ( or "substantially dry") when referring to the state of the
`tissue that forms the heart valve of the percutaneous heart valve means a moisture content less
`than the water moisture content of the tissue when the tissue is allowed to fully rehydrate in the
`body of a patient. Typically, pericardium tissue treated in accordance with one or more
`embodiments described herein is about 70% by weight water when fully hydrated. Drying to a
`constitution of less than 40% by weight of water usefully alters the handling properties for
`purposes of folding and sewing the tissue. As those skilled in the art will appreciate, the
`moisture content of the tissue may vary when dry. For example, the moisture content of the
`tissue when being folded and dry may be different than the moisture content of the tissue when
`dry and being shipped in a premounted state within a catheter delivery system.
`Advantageously, at least one embodiment of the one or more present inventions is
`directed to a prosthetic heart valve that is mounted onto a valve delivery system and stored in a
`sterile package. Accordingly, in at least one embodiment, an assembly is provided, comprising:
`a prosthetic heart valve including:
`a frame; and
`a tissue leaflet assembly attached to the frame;
`a percutaneously insertable valve delivery mechanism, wherein the prosthetic heart valve
`is releasably mounted onto the percutaneously insertable valve delivery mechanism; and
`sterile packaging containing the prosthetic heart valve releasably mounted onto the
`percutaneously insertable valve delivery mechanism.
`- 5 -
`Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, et al. Exhibit 1011, p. 1563 of 2039


`WO 2011/109450
`In at least one embodiment, the percutaneously insertable valve delivery mechanism
`comprises a balloon catheter. In at least one embodiment, the balloon catheter is a 12 to 14
`French balloon catheter. In at least one embodiment, the balloon catheter is less than about 12
`French. In at least one embodiment, the balloon catheter is between about 5 to 12 French. In at
`least one embodiment, the percutaneously insertable valve delivery mechanism comprises a
`mandrel. In at least one embodiment, tissue forming the tissue leaflet assembly within the sterile
`packaging is at least one of hydrated and not substantially dry. In at least one embodiment,
`tissue forming the tissue leaflet assembly within the sterile packaging is substantially dry. In at
`least one embodiment, the frame comprises a stent. In at least one embodiment, tissue forming
`the tissue leaflet assembly comprises treated pericardium tissue.
`At least one embodiment of the one or more present inventions includes a prosthetic
`heart valve for implantation in a patient. Accordingly, a pre-packaged percutaneous, trans(cid:173)
`catheter deliverable prosthetic heart valve ready for implantation in a patient is provided,
`a frame; and,
`a tissue leaflet assembly attached to the frame, the tissue leaflet assembly comprising a
`substantially dry tissue.
`In at least one embodiment, the substantially dry tissue comprises treated pericardium
`tissue. In at least one embodiment, the frame and tissue leaflet assembly attached thereto are
`operably associated with a 12 to 14 French balloon catheter. In at least one embodiment, the
`frame and tissue leaflet assembly attached thereto are operably associated with a balloon
`catheter having a size of less than about 12 French. In at least one embodiment, the frame and
`tissue leaflet assembly attached thereto are operably associated with a balloon catheter having a
`size of between about 5 to 12 French. In at least one embodiment, the substantially dry tissue
`comprises a water moisture content of less than about 40% by weight of the substantially dry
`In at least another embodiment, an assembly for use with a patient is provided,
`a sealed sterile package containing a delivery system for percutaneously deploying a
`heart valve in the patient, the heart valve including:
`a frame releasably mounted on the delivery system within the sealed sterile package; and
`a tissue leaflet assembly attached to the frame.
`In at least one embodiment, the tissue leaflet assembly comprises pericardium tissue.
`In at least one embodiment, a method is provided, comprising:
`partially compressing and mounting a prosthetic heart valve upon a delivery catheter, the
`- 6 -
`Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, et al. Exhibit 1011, p. 1564 of 2039


`WO 2011/109450
`prosthetic heart valve comprising a tissue;
`allowing the tissue to at least partially dry;
`further compressing and mounting the prosthetic heart valve upon the delivery catheter;
`sterilizing and packaging the prosthetic heart valve and delivery catheter.
`In at least one embodiment, the method further comprises transporting the sterilized and
`packaged prosthetic heart valve and delivery catheter. In at least one embodiment, the tissue
`comprises treated pericardium tissue. In at least one embodiment, prior to partially compressing
`and mounting the prosthetic heart valve upon the delivery catheter, the tissue is at least one of
`(a) not substantially dry, and (b) at least partially hydrated.
`For the various embodiments described herein, the prosthetic heart valve, including the
`tissue leaflet assembly, comprises membrane tissue other than pericardium tissue.
`In at least one embodiment, a method is provided, comprising:
`attaching pericardium tissue to a frame;
`partially compressing and mounting the frame, with the tissue attached thereto, upon a
`delivery catheter;
`allowing the tissue to at least partially dry;
`further compressing and mounting the frame, with the tissue attached thereto, upon the
`delivery catheter; and
`sterilizing and packaging the frame and delivery catheter, with the tissue attached
`In at least one embodiment, prior to partially compressing and mounting the frame, the
`tissue is at least one of (a) not substantially dry, and (b) at least partially hydrated. In at least
`one embodiment, the method further comprises transporting the sterilized and packaged frame,
`25 with the tissue attached thereto, mounted upon the delivery catheter, to a surgical or medical
`procedure facility. In at least one embodiment, prior to attaching the tissue to the frame the
`tissue is folded to form a tissue leaflet assembly. In at least one embodiment, the tissue leaflet
`assembly comprises at least one cuff and at least one pleat.
`In at least one embodiment, a method of preparing a percutaneous, trans-catheter
`prosthetic heart valve is provided, the method comprising:
`providing a membrane tissue from an organism;
`treating the membrane tissue with at least one chemical to produce a treated membrane
`drying the treated membrane tissue until it is a substantially dry tissue;
`attaching the substantially dry tissue in a frame;
`- 7 -
`Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, et al. Exhibit 1011, p. 1565 of 2039


`WO 2011/109450
`rehydrating the substantially dry tissue that is attached within the frame to form a
`rehydrated tissue;
`collapsing the frame with the rehydrated tissue attached thereto; and
`drying the rehydrated tissue within the collapsed frame until it is a substantially dry
`In at least one embodiment the method further comprises compressing and mounting the
`frame, with the substantially dry tissue attached thereto, upon a delivery catheter. In at least one
`embodiment the method further comprises sterilizing and packaging the frame, with the
`substantially dry tissue attached thereto, mounted upon the delivery catheter. In at least one
`embodiment, the treating comprises sterilizing the frame with the substantially dry tissue
`attached thereto with exposure to at least one of ethylene oxide, a proton beam, and gamma
`radiation. In at least one embodiment, the method further comprises shipping the sterilized and
`packaged frame with the substantially dry tissue attached thereto, mounted upon the delivery
`catheter, to a surgery or medical procedure facility. In at least one embodiment, prior to the
`attaching step the dry tissue is not folded to provide a cuff and/or a pleat. In at least one
`embodiment, prior to the attaching step the dry tissue is folded to form a tissue leaflet assembly.
`In at least one embodiment, the tissue leaflet assembly comprises at least one cuff and at least
`one pleat.
`In at least one embodiment, the method of preparing a percutaneous, trans-catheter
`prosthetic heart valve further comprises implanting the frame with the substantially dry tissue
`attached thereto into a patient. In at least one embodiment, the frame comprises a stent. In at
`least one embodiment, the method further comprises mounting the frame and the tissue leaflet
`assembly attached thereto upon a 12 to 14 French balloon catheter. In at least one embodiment,
`the method further comprises mounting the frame and the tissue leaflet assembly attached
`thereto upon a balloon catheter having a size of less than about 12 French. In at least one
`embodiment, the method further comprises mounting the frame and the tissue leaflet assembly
`attached thereto upon a balloon catheter having a size of between about 5 to 12 French. In at
`least one embodiment, the method

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