A Cooccurrence-Based Thesaurus and
`Two Applications to Information Retrieval
`Hinrich Schutze and Jan O. Pedersen
`Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
`3333 Coyote Hill Road, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA
`A bstract
`This paper presents a new method for computing
`a thesaurus from a text corpus. Each word is rep-
`resented as a vector in a multi-dimensional space
`that captures cooccurrence information. Words are
`defined to be similar if they have similar cooccur-
`rence patterns. Two different methods for using
`these thesaurus vectors in information retrieval are
`shown to significantly improve performance over the
`ARPA Tipster evaluation corpus as compared to a
`tf.idf baseline.
`Information retrieval systems typically define sim-
`ilarity between queries and documents in terms of
`a weighted sum of matching words (e.g. the vector
`model, ¿is in Salton and McGill 1983). If a doc-
`ument is relevant but uses words synonymous to
`words in the query, it cannot be found. This is a
`particular problem if the query is short. One solu-
`tion is to lengthen the query through relevance feed-
`back (Salton and Buckley 1990). Another approach
`is to expand the query through synonym relations
`as found in a thesaurus. Here “synonym” is used
`loosely to mean “closely related word” , as opposed
`to “syntactically and semantically interchangeable
`word” . We define a thesaurus as simply a mapping
`from words to other closely related words.
`For a thesaurus to be useful in information re-
`trieval it must be specific enough to offer synonyms
`for words as used in the corpus of interest. For ex-
`ample, in a corpus of computer science documents
`the word “interpreter” would have meanings quite
`different from everyday language. It must also cover
`all or most of the words found in queries, includ-
`ing the potentially unbounded set of proper nouns.
`These two considerations suggest that generic the-
`sauri (such as Roget’s) that restrict themselves to
`common usage are unlikely to be helpful. Instead
`one must rely on thesauri tuned to the corpus of
`interest. These might be hand-built for a restricted
`domain or computed from the text of the corpus
`This paper presents a new corpus-based method
`for constructing a thesaurus based on lexical cooc-
`currence. The computation proceeds in two phases.
`First, the lexical cooccurrence pattern of each word
`is represented as a multi-dimensional vector, the
`thesaurus vector. Second, a similarity measure is in-
`duced on words by comparing these vectors. Given
`a particular word its synonyms are then defined to
`be its nearest neighbors with respect to this simi-
`larity me¿wu^e.
`In the following we discuss previous approaches
`to thesaurus construction, describe the new cooc-
`currence- based thesaurus, and demonstrate two ap-
`plications of the thesaurus to information retrieval
`that improve performance as compared to a stan-
`dard vector-space similarity search baseline over
`the ARPA Tipster text retrieval evaluation corpus
`(Harman 1993b). The first application defines the
`context vector of a document to be the weighted
`sum of the thesaurus vectors of its contained words.
`These context vectors then induce a similarity mea-
`sure on documents and queries which can be di-
`rectly compared to standard vector-space meth-
`ods. The second application analyzes a query into
`subtopics. Documents are then scored and ranked
`by the degree to which they simultaneously match
`the subtopics of a query.


`2 R elated Work
`A thesaurus is a data structure that defines seman-
`tic relatedness between words. It is typically used in
`information retrieval to expand search terms with
`other closely related words. Even if a thesaurus
`is not explicitly computed, the mapping performed
`by query expansion implicitly defines a thesaurus.
`Therefore, we will first discuss previous approaches
`to thesaurus construction and then comment on
`query expansion work proper.
`The simplest, and perhaps most conventional,
`approach to thesaurus construction is to manually
`build an explicit semantic mapping table. This is
`clearly labor-intensive, and hence only possible in
`specialized domains where repeated use may justify
`the cost. For example, the RUBRIC and TOPIC
`text retrieval systems (McCune et al. 1985) require
`a domain expert to prepare a hierarchical structure
`of “topics” (each topic is a boolean combination of
`other topics and search terms) germane to a par-
`ticular subject area. Searchers then employ terms
`from this hierarchy to form queries that autom ati-
`cally expand to complex boolean expressions.
`Another approach is to reuse existing online lex-
`icographic databases, such as WordNet (Voorhees
`and Hou 1992) or Longman’s subject codes (Liddy
`and Paik 1992). However, generic thesauri of this
`sort will often not be specific enough for the text
`collection at hand. For example, in (Voorhees and
`Hou 1992), “acts” is expanded with the meaning
`“acts of the apostles” in a corpus of legal docu-
`ments. In addition, they frequently do not record
`information about proper nouns, yet proper nouns
`are often excellent retrieval cues.
`Corpus-based methods perform a computation on
`the text of the documents in the corpus to induce a
`thesaurus. For example, Evans et al. (1991) con-
`struct a hierarchical thesaurus from a computed
`list of complex noun phrases where subsumption
`roughly corresponds to the subset relation defined
`on terms (e.g. “intelligence” subsumes “artificial
`intelligence”). While this method is superior to
`approaches that treat phrase terms as unanalyzed
`atoms, there is no notion of semantic similarity of
`basic terms. For example, the semantic similarity
`of “astronaut” and “cosmonaut” is not represented
`in the hierarchy.
`Grefenstette (1992) and Ruge (1992) use head-
`modifier relationships to determine semantic close-
`ness. This solution is costly since parsing tech-
`nology is req uired to determine head-modifier re-
`lations in sentences.
`It is also unclear to what
`extent words with similar heads or modifiers are
`good candidates for expansion. For example, adjec-
`tives referring to countries have similar heads (“the
`Japanese/Chilean capital” , “the Japanese/Chilean
`government”), but adding “Japanese” to a query
`that contains “Chilean” will rarely produce good
`results. Note that there are many words that distin-
`guish “Japanese” and “Chilean” in terms of coocur-
`rence in a sentence: “Tokyo”, “Andes”, “Samu-
`rai”, etc. Grefenstette (1992) demonstrates that
`head-modifier-based term expansion can improve
`retrieval performance. Our goal in this paper is
`to show that cooccurrence-based similarity, which
`is conceptually simpler than similarity with respect
`to heads or modifiers, is an equally powerful source
`of information for information retrieval.
`Crouch (1990) approaches semantic relatedness
`by considering the occurrence of terms in docu-
`ments. Documents are clustered into small groups
`based on a similarity measure that considers two
`documents similar if they share a significant num-
`ber of terms, with medium frequency terms pref-
`erentially weighted. Terms are then grouped by
`their occurrence in these document clusters. Since a
`complete-link document clustering is performed the
`procedure is very compute intensive; it would not
`scale to the Tipster reference collection. Further,
`the central assumption that terms are related if they
`often occur in the same documents seems problem-
`atic for corpora with long documents. It also does
`not capture the intuitive notion that synonyms do
`not cooccur, but rather have similar cooccurrence
`In contrast the procedure proposed in
`this paper makes use of lexical cooccurrence, which
`is more informative both qualitatively and quanti-
`tatively (cf. Schutze 1992).
`Two terms lexically cooccur if they appear in text
`within some distance of each other (typically a win-
`dow of k words). Qualitatively, the fact that two
`words often occur close to each other is more likely
`to be significant than the fact that they occur in
`the same documents. Quantitatively, there are on
`an order of magnitude more cooccurrence events
`than occurrence-in-document events in a given doc-
`ument collection. For a word occurring n times in
`the document collection and for a definition of cooc-
`currence as occurring in a window of k words, there
`are nk cooccurrence events, but only n occurrence-
`in-document events. If the goal is to capture in-
`formation about specific words, we believe that lex-
`ical cooccurrence is the preferred basis for statistical
`thesaurus construction.
`Crouch (1990)
`words are binned into groups of related words. This
`is problematic since the boundaries between classes


`will be inevitably somewhat artificial. If classes are
`made too small, some words will be cut off from
`part of their topical neighborhood. If they are too
`large, words will be forced into classes with words
`from different topics. Any particular class size will
`either separate some words from close neighbors or
`lump together some words with distant terms.
`In contrast, we propose to construct a multi-
`dimensional continuous space in which each word’s
`thesaurus vector represents its individual position.
`A continuous space does not force a classification
`choice, and hence avoids some of the ensuing prob-
`Qiu and Frei (1993) present an elegant and effec-
`tive thesaurus construction by inverting the stan-
`dard vector-space document similarity function to
`define a similarity measure on terms. Terms are
`represented as high-dimensional vectors with a com-
`ponent for each document in the corpus. The
`value of each component is a function of the fre-
`quency the term has in that document. They show
`that query expansion using the cosine similarity
`measure on these vectors improves retrieval perfor-
`mance. However, because the term vectors are high-
`dimensional, the time complexity for computing the
`similarity between terms is related to the size of the
`corpus (in the same way that the cost of document
`similarity search is related to the size of the cor-
`pus). This prevents its use on a large scale, as will
`be proposed in the discussion on context vectors be-
`low. Further, as argued above lexical cooccurrence
`offers a richer basis for determining word similarity
`than document occurrence.
`Peat and W illett (1991) argue against the utility
`of cooccurrence-based expansion in principle. They
`observe that because synonyms often do not occur
`together a cooccurrence-based approach may have
`difficulty identifying synonymy relations. However,
`although synonyms frequently don’t cooccur, they
`tend to share neighbors that occur with both. For
`example, “litigation” and “lawsuit” share neighbors
`such as “court”, “judge”, and “proceedings”. Our
`thesaurus represents lexical cooccurrence patterns
`and hence defines semantic closeness in terms of
`common neighbors. This implies we do not require
`synonyms to cooccur, but rather require them to
`have similar cooccurrence patterns.
`A second problem pointed out by Peat and W il-
`lett is that many researchers use measures for defin-
`ing closeness that will group words according to fre-
`quency: it is impossible for a frequent word to have
`an infrequent neighbor according to these measures.
`We avoid this difficulty by reducing the dimension-
`ality of the thesaurus space using a singular value
`decomposition (cf. Deerwester et al. 1990). The rea-
`son for the closeness of terms with equal frequency
`is, roughly, that they have about the same number
`of zero entries in their term vectors. For a given
`term, SVD assigns values to all dimensions of the
`space, so that frequent and infrequent terms can be
`close in the reduced space if they occur with simi-
`lar terms. For example, “accident” (frequency 2590
`in our corpus) and “mishaps” (frequency 129) will
`come out as similar in the experiment described be-
`low despite the frequency difference between them.
`3 Cooccurrence Thesaurus
`The goal of the
`lexical-cooccurrence-based the-
`saurus is to associate with each term a vector that
`represents its pattern of local cooccurrences. This
`vector can then be compared with others to mea-
`sure the cooccurrence similarity, and hence seman-
`tic similarity of terms.
`The starting point of the computation is to collect
`a (symmetric) term-by-term matrix C, such that el-
`ement Cij records the number of times that words i
`and j cooccur in a window of size k (k is forty words
`in our experiments). Topical or semantic similarity
`between two words can then be defined as the co-
`sine between the corresponding columns of C. The
`assumption is that words with similar meanings will
`occur with similar neighbors if enough text mate-
`rial is available. Qiu and Frei (1993) use a similar
`scheme, although the matrix in their case is docu-
`ments vs. terms.
`However, simple resource calculations suggest
`that this direct approach is not workable. The ma-
`trix C has v2/2 distinct entries where v is the size
`of the vocabulary. Although this matrix is sparse,
`we can expect v to be very large, and hence the
`overall storage requirement to be unworkable. For
`example, the Tipster category B corpus (Harman
`1993b), which is the subject of our experiments, has
`over 450,000 unique terms.
`Even if enough memory were found to represent
`C directly, the thesaurus vectors associated with
`each word (columns of C) would be v-dimensional.
`Although these vectors are somewhat sparse, this
`implies that word comparisons are an order v op-
`eration, which is prohibitively expensive for large
`scale application.
`We address these issues by reducing the dimen-
`sionality of the problem to a workable size. The key
`dimensionality reduction tool is a singular value de-
`composition (Golub and van Loan 1989) of a matrix
`of cooccurrence counts. However, this matrix must


`be constructed in a series of steps to keep the com-
`putations tractable at each stage.
`3.1 Practical Im plem entation
`The thesaurus is constructed in three steps as shown
`in Figure 1. The goal is to apply a singular value
`decomposition to reduce the dimensionality of the
`problem in a disciplined fashion and in the process
`produce more compact representations. However,
`since SVD is expensive, (time proportional to n 2,
`where n is the dimensionality of the m atrix), the
`dimensionality of the matrix fed into SVD cannot
`be too high. In particular, we cannot use the orig-
`inal matrix C. Instead we approximate it in a two
`stage computation that derives two sets of topical
`word classes from the corpus (the A-classes and B-
`classes in the figure) which we use to contain the
`dimensionality of the problem without sacrificing
`too much information.
`The topical word classes allow us to agglomerate
`information over similar words. We begin by con-
`structing the full cooccurrence matrix for a subset
`of terms in the corpus (see “Matrix A” in Figure 1).
`In our experiment we chose 3,000 medium frequency
`words (frequency ranks 2,000 through 5,000) for
`this subset. Element Oij of the matrix records the
`number of times that words Wi and Wj cooccurred
`in a window of 40 words in the text collection.
`We then form the first set of topical word classes
`by clustering this A-subset into a groups based on
`the cosine similarity between the columns of ma-
`trix A. In our experiment we found 200 A-classes
`9a u 9 a 2, • • •, 9 A200 using group average agglomera-
`tive clustering (Gnanadesikan 1977).
`We now consider a larger vocabulary subset
`and collect a second matrix B which records for
`each word in this larger B-subset the number of
`times words in each A-class occur in neighborhoods
`around that word (see “Matrix B” in Figure 1).
`Each element bij records the number of times that
`word Wj cooccurs with any of the medium-frequency
`words from class g^i- This is similar to the usual
`cooccurrence m atrix construction except that the
`matrix is no longer symmetric: rows correspond to
`A-classes, columns to words. In our experiment the
`B-subset contained the 20,000 most frequent words,
`excluding stop words. This B-subset is again parti-
`tioned into b word classes by clustering the columns
`of matrix B. The purpose of this second iteration
`is to ensure that each word in the corpus has suffi-
`ciently many neighbors from at least one word class.
`If we use only A-classes then many words would
`have no cooccurrence events.
`In contrast every
`word cooccurs with several words in the B-subset
`and hence will have many cooccurrence events with
`respect to B-classes. However, we could not com-
`pute the b-classes directly because a 6 x 6 matrix
`is computationally intractable. In our experiment
`the 20,000 columns of matrix B were clustered into
`200 B-classes gBu9B2, • ■ • , 9 B200 using the Buck-
`shot fast clustering algorithm (Cutting et al. 1992).1
`Finally, a third cooccurrence matrix C* is col-
`lected for the full corpus vocabulary vs. the B-
`classes (see “Matrix C” in Figure 1). Element Cij
`contains the number of times that term j cooccurs
`in a window of k words with any word in class gsi>
`Matrix C' has b rows and v columns. In our ex-
`periment we used all 176,116 words that occurred
`at least twice in the collection and all 272,914 pairs
`of adjacent words that occurred at least 5 times,
`for a total of 449,030 unique terms. At this stage
`an SVD dimensionality reduction to p (p < b) is
`performed so that each of the v terms can be repre-
`sented as a compact p dimensional vector and also
`to improve generalization (Deerwester et al. 1990,
`Berry 1992). In our experiment to reduce compute
`time only a subset of the matrix, corresponding to
`the 1 0 0 0th through 6000th most frequent word, was
`decomposed. This decomposition defined a map-
`ping from the 200-dimensional B-class space to a 20-
`dimensional reduced space. By applying the map-
`ping to each of the 449,030 200-component B-class
`vectors, a smaller 2 0-dimensional vector was com-
`puted for each word and pair.
`One might ask why we do not employ clustering
`for the final reduction in dimensionality. The an-
`swer lies in the smoothing and improved generality
`resulting from an SVD reduction. Similarity be-
`tween b-component vectors can be an errorful mea-
`sure of semantic similarity since there may be sev-
`eral word classes with similar topics. In our exper-
`iment, for example, class g s 4 contains words like
`“navy”, “radar”, and “missile” , while some of the
`members of class g s 47 are “tanks”, “missiles”, and
`“helicopters”. If one of two words has many neigh-
`bors in gsA and the other has many in gB47 then
`they would not be similar in the 2 0 0-dimensional
`space, but they are similar in the reduced space.
`This is because the SVD algorithm recognizes and
`eliminates such redundancies.
`As described above this computation requires
`four passes through the corpus. The first pass com-
`putes word and word pair frequencies. The sec-
`1A random sam ple of 2,000 of th e 20,000 words was clus-
`tered first, an d this clustering was th en extended to all 20,000
`words by assigning every word to th e cluster whose centroid
`it was closest to.


`M atrix B
`M atrix C
`Figure 1: Iterative thesaurus construction.
`ond pass computes Matrix A and the A-classes, the
`third pass Matrix B and the B-classes, the fourth
`pass Matrix C. In addition, Matrix C is SVD de-
`composed and thesaurus vectors computed. In our
`experiment, each pass through the Tipster Category
`B corpus took roughly six hours (includes CPU and
`10 time). Note that these computations could have
`been accelerated by using loosely coupled coarse-
`grained parallelism to effect a linear reduction in
`compute time. The SVD decomposition required
`roughly 30 minutes to compute (using SVDPACK,
`Berry 1992).
`3.2 Sample Synonym s
`The net effect of this computation is to produce
`for each unique term a dense p-dimensional vector
`that characterizes its cooccurrence neighborhoods.
`These vectors then define a thesaurus by associating
`each word with its nearest neighbors with respect to
`a similarity measure on vectors, in our experiments
`the cosine. The following table displays some of the
`associations found in our experiment over the Tip-
`ster category B corpus. Each row displays a word
`and its nine nearest neighbors. For example, “re-
`pair” is the nearest neighbor of “accident”. Word
`pairs used as terms are displayed as couples sepa-
`rated by semicolon. Words in upper case are hand-
`selected synonyms as might be found in a manually
`constructed thesaurus. They are particularly in-
`teresting because they are unlikely to cooccur with
`their mates and hence illustrate that this thesaurus
`construction effectively uses second-order cooccur-
`rence (sharing neighbors in the corpus) rather than
`simple first-order coocurrence (occurring next to
`each other) to find synonyms.
`4 C ontext Vectors
`The thesaurus vectors computed above represent
`for each word its cooccurrence signature. To use
`this information directly in search, one needs a sim-
`ilar representation for documents. The simplest ap-
`proach is to represent each document by the vector
`which is the sum of the thesaurus vectors for the
`words in its text. Formally,
`<5 =
`Vij = (0.5 + 0.5 *
`where dj is the vector for document j, Wij is the
`weight for word i in document
`and Vi is the the-
`saurus vector for word i. Queries may be repre-
`sented as vectors in the same way.
`In our experiments, we use augmented tf.idf
`weighting when summing thesaurus vectors:
`(Salton and Buckley 1990)
`/ N \
`\ »
`maxi(tfij) * °9 ri*
`where tfij is the frequency of word i in document
`j, AT is the total number of documents, rii is the
`document frequency of word i.
`Recall that document vectors that are com-
`puted according to this scheme are called “con-
`text vectors”. Context vectors were first proposed
`by Gallant (1991) as an encoding based on hand-
`assigned microfeatures. In contrast, our approach is
`completely automatic since it depends only on the
`underlying thesaurus vectors. Hand-encoded fea-
`tures may also vary in how appropriate they are
`for different text collections. A derivation from the
`corpus of the application increases the chances that
`the representations are tuned to the relevant topics.
`The work on Latent Semantic Indexing (Deer-
`wester et al. 1990) also bears close resemblance to


`repair faulty personnel accidents exhaust equipped MISHAPS injuries sites
`passage PROPONENTS argument address favoring/-s compromise congress urge
`LAWSUITS audit lawsuit file auditors auditor suit sued proceedings
`taxes income;tax/-es newjtax taxpayer/-s incentives LEVIES corporate;taxes
`drugs syndrome administer/-ed study administering PROCEDURE undergo aids
`Table 1: Five terms and their nearest neighbors in the thesaurus.
`context vectors. The LSI algorithm can be inter-
`preted as computing document and query vectors
`as weighted sums of term vectors. W ith this in-
`terpretation, the difference between our approach
`and LSI is the different term weights (tf.idf weights
`in our case, weights representing the strengths of
`dimensions in the underlying latent structure in
`the case of LSI) and the different statistics from
`which term representations are derived (term cooc-
`currence in our case, document occurrence for LSI).
`Our method is also more efficient. The setup de-
`scribed in (Deerwester et al. 1990) requires a decom-
`position of a full term-by-document matrix, which
`for a large collection such as TIPSTER is an ex-
`tremely time-consuming operation, since its com-
`plexity is quadratic in the number of documents.
`Although our method requires two additional passes
`through the corpus (for collecting the matrices A
`and B), it took only about 30 minutes to compute
`the singular value decomposition described above.
`This time is independent of the size of the corpus.
`4.1 Application to TIPSTER
`Context vectors were computed for the 25 Category
`B topics of the Tipster collection (Harman 1993b)
`and for each of the about 173,000 Wall Street Jour-
`nal articles in the collection. For each query, doc-
`uments were ranked according to vector similar-
`ity as computed by the cosine measure and pre-
`cision/recall statistics collected. We compared our
`results against a baseline standard vector space sim-
`ilarity search with augmented tf.idf term weighting
`(Salton and McGill 1983,Salton and Buckley 1990).
`Our direct application of context vectors achieved
`a small performance improvement in average preci-
`sion. The baseline tf.idf average precision for this
`collection is 0.271 while context vectors achieved
`To achieve better results we considered schemes
`that combined the scores from the tf.idf baseline
`and context vectors. Formally, we considered doc-
`ument ranks of the form
`r' = a * Ttf.idf + (1 - a ) * rcv
`where rcv is the context vector rank and rtf.idf is
`the tf.idf rank and a is a free parameter between 0
`and 1.
`Figure 2 shows precision at eleven points of recall
`for tf.idf (bottom line) and for a linear combination
`for the optimal choice of a , found by exhaustive
`search (a = 0.7, middle line in Figure 2). The aver-
`age precision for tf.idf is 0.271 and the average preci-
`sion for the linear combination of tf.idf and context
`vectors is 0.300.
`5 Word Factorization
`Another application of thesaurus vectors is to an-
`alyze the query into topic-coherent word groups,
`which we call word factors. The goal is to ensure
`that documents are relevant to the entire query by
`arranging that their score with respect to each fac-
`tor be high. In addition, word factors may be manu-
`ally screened for relevance. Word factors containing
`nuisance or non-topical terms can be deleted from
`the query.
`We used group average agglomerative clustering
`to group query terms into factors based on their
`thesaurus vectors. In this experiment, we arbitrar-
`ily decided to cluster each topic into three word fac-
`tors. For example, the following three factors were
`found for topic description 51, which is about trade
`conflicts between the United States and European
`countries on subsidies to the aircraft industry. The
`pairs of words that were used as terms are printed
`as two consecutive words separated by a semicolon.
`All directly juxtaposed words occurring at least five
`times in the corpus were used as terms.
`• aid assistance british code complaint
`consortium controversy douglas economics
`europeanjgovernments financing french
`german government;assistance governments
`international;economics loan objection petition
`policy;review producer retaliation review sanc-
`tions Spanish Spanish ¡government tension
`• aeronáuticas aeronauticas;s.a aerospace
`aerospace;pic aerospatiale airbus airbus;indus-
`trie aircraft aircraft ¡consortium blohm boeing
`boelkow boelkow;blohm british ¡aerospace con-


`Figure 2: Precision for 11 recall points for tf.idf (bottom line), context vectors (middle line), and word
`factorization (top line).
`strucciones construcciones;aeronauticas
`douglas;corp european;aircraft gmbh mcdon-
`nell mcdonnell;douglas messerschmitt messer-
`schmitt;boelkow pic s.a
`• airbus;subsidies antidum ping countervailing
`countervailingjduty dumping dumping;duty
`federal;subsidies gatt general;agreement
`review;group subsidies tariffs tradejdispute
`trade;policy tradejtension
`The three factors correspond to the main topics of
`the query: international politics, the aircraft indus-
`try and trade conflicts.
`We can use these word factors to ameliorate one
`outstanding problem of similarity search: it treats
`search terms as if they were in one large disjunc-
`tion. By scoring each factor separately and recom-
`bining them appropriately, we force documents to
`score highly on all factors, and thus introduce a
`conjunctive constraint.
`For example, a document may score high for a
`query as a whole although it deals with only one
`of the subtopics of the query. A case in point is
`topic 51. Many high-scoring documents are about
`the aircraft industry without mentioning trade con-
`flicts or international politics. Instead of evaluat-
`ing the query as a whole, each subtopic should be
`evaluated individually and the results combined. If
`a document is irrelevant to one of the important
`subtopics of the query, then it often is irrelevant as
`a whole (for example a document on the aircraft
`industry without any mention of trade). Therefore,
`we employed the following algorithm for ranking
`• rank documents for each of the subqueries
`9 i >9 2»9 3> resulting in ranks r ii,r 2«,r3j for doc-
`ument i
`• assign the maximum of the ranks to document
`/(¿) = maxj(rji)
`• rank the r' to get the final ranking
`This algorithm corresponds to imposing a boolean
`constraint on the subtopics of a query.
`The second goal of word factorization is to elim-
`inate irrelevant words semi-automatically. Many
`words in the Tipster topic descriptions are not rele-
`vant for the query in question, but they should not
`be placed on a stop list either because they could
`be relevant for other queries. For example, topic
`description 75 is about failed or successful autom a-
`tion. The topic is identified as belonging to the gen-
`eral area of “Science and Technology” . Therefore,
`“science” is one of the terms of the query. However,
`it is not relevant for the query. One of the word
`factors of topic 75 is the following:
`• failed instance force conversely science
`This word factor doesn’t contain good search terms
`and was therefore not used in retrieval. The deci-
`sion whether a word factor was relevant or not was


`made manually. The word factors that were judged
`relevant were then combined according to the algo-
`rithm described above.
`As in the previous experiment, a linear combina-
`tion of tf.idf and context vectors to evaluate doc-
`ument rank with respect to each factor proved su-
`perior to using either method on its own (average
`precision 0.308 for a ranking based only on tf.idf,
`0.287 for a ranking based only on context vectors).
`Figure 2 shows precision for 11 recall points for
`a — 0.86. Average precision is 0.3218. This is a
`five percent improvement over the tf.idf result of
`0.271 reported above.
`This result is about the same as the best reported
`in (Harman 1993a) for manual and automatic adhoc
`in Category B (0.3219, Queens College CUNY, p.
`388). However, at this point our system lacks stem -
`ming, and the implementation of statistical phrases
`is restricted (only adjacent words were considered).
`We hope to improve our results further with stem-
`ming and more sophisticated statistical phrases.
`6 C onclusion
`We have proposed a new algorithm for inducing
`a thesaurus from a text corpus and have demon-
`strated two applications of it to information re-
`trieval. First, we have shown that representing doc-
`uments with context vectors derived from the the-
`saurus improves recall/precision performance in the
`Tipster collection. Second, we have introduced a
`novel application of thesauri to cluster query terms,
`and have shown that this procedure performs as well
`as the best results published in the TREC proceed-
`Our experiments suggest the quality of the con-
`text vector of a document is sensitive to its length:
`Long documents produce poor context vectors since
`adding up thesaurus vectors from many topics leads
`to averaging out of fine distinctions that would be
`needed for good retrieval. Therefore, we are plan-
`ning experiments with segmented documents. We
`hope that our method will improve precision even
`further when applied to document fragments of sim-
`ilar length.
`thank Marti Hearst,
`A c k n o w le d g m e n ts. We
`David Hull and John Tukey for their helpful com-
`ments and Mike Berry for making SVDPACK avail-
`able to us.
`R eferences
`Berry, M. W. 1992. Large-scale sparse singular
`value computations. The International Journal
`of Supercomputer Applications 6(1):13—49.
`Crouch, C. J. 1990. An approach to the automatic
`construction of global thesauri. Information Pro-
`cessing & Management 26(5):629-640.
`Cutting, D. R., J. O. Pedersen, D. Karger, and
`J. W. Tukey. 1992. Scatter/gather: A cluster-
`based approach to browsing large document col-
`lections. In Proceedings of SIGIR '92, 318-329.
`Deerwester, S., S. T. Dumais, G. W. Furnas, T. K.
`Landauer, and R. Harshman. 1990. Indexing by
`latent semantic analysis. Journal of the American
`Society for Information Science 41(6):391-407.
`Evans, D. A., K. Ginther-Webster, M. Hart, R. G.
`Lefferts, and I. A. Mo

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