as) United States
`a2) Patent Application Publication 0) Pub. No.: US 2003/0001965 Al
`(43) Pub. Date: Jan. 2, 2003
`Caoet al.
`US 20030001965A1
`Inventors: XiWei Cao, Chicago, IL (US); Edwin
`C. Price, Chicago, IL (US); Mike H.
`Kim, Naperville, IL (US); John S.
`Walsh, Chicago, IL (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`BOSTON, MA 02110-2600 (US)
`(73) Assignee: Radiowave.Com Inc.
`(21) Appl. No.:
`Apr. 1, 2002
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 09/163,288, filed on
`Sep. 29, 1998, now abandoned.
`Publication Classification
`Inte C17 oacecceccesscssne HO4N 7/173; HO4N 9/475
`(52) US. Ch.
`cecescssessesscssvee 348/515; 348/512; 725/110
`Asystem and method of coordinating a visual display with
`audio advertisements broadcast over a communicationsnet-
`worksuchas the Internet is provided. A run-time procedure
`in which the visual display is retrieved and concurrently
`displayed at about
`the time the audio advertisement
`broadcast is described. In addition, a set-up procedure, in
`which scheduled broadcast times for the audio advertise-
`ments are captured and provided for use in scheduling the
`broadcasts of the corresponding visual displays,
`is also
`described. The system and method can be beneficially
`employed in other environments, such as the case in which
`a first audio, visual, or audiovisual segment or stream is
`coordinated with a predetermined second audio, visual, or
`audiovisual segmentor stream, and a selected oneofthe first
`and second segments or streams includes or comprises
`advertising material.
`|_AUDIO |
`SYSTEM|pata !
`VW EX1019
`VW v.StratosAudio
`VW EX1019
`VW v. StratosAudio


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`ONOS|oT 4,


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`atestec =!
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`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 10 of 75
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`Patent Application Publication
`pausapeeBvO. iaeSe!


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` xyoypods


`US 2003/0001965 Al
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`Patent Application Publication
` ppdaySyZUpVaINUBUOgYyS9000fT
` Aynuruosfet
`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 13 of 75
` Ol
` OTS]
`US 2003/0001965 Al


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`{****** Object: Table dbo,ContinuityMarketron Script Date: 9/25/98 10:27:12 AM *
`if exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id (’dbo.ContinuityMarketron’)
`and sysstat & Oxf= 3)
`drop table dbo,ContinuityMarketron
`Script Date: 9/25/98 10:27:12 AM *
`/***#* Object: Table dbo.ContinuityMarketron
`CREAT TABLEdbo. ContinuityMarketron (
`StationID int NOT NULL ,
`ContractID varchar (20) NOT NULL,
`SpotTitle varchar (100) NOT NULL,
`StartTime datetime NULL
`Endfime datetime NULL ;
`Advertiser varchar (50) NULL ,
`Coordinated bit NOT NULL ,
`Fig. 16a


`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 17 of 75
`US 2003/0001965 Al
`/****4* Object: Table dbo.ContinuityCuts Script Date: 9/25/98 10:24:41 AM *****
`t i
`f exists (select * from sysobjects where id = object_id (‘'dbo.ContinuityCuts’) and s
`ysstat & Oxf= 3
`drop table. dbo.ContinuityCuts
`/****** Object: Table dbo.ContinuityCuts
`Script Date: 9/25/98 10:24:41 AM ****#**
`/ C
`REATE TABLEdbo.ContinuityCuts (
`CutNumbervarchar (12) NOT NULL,
`StationImageURL varchar (100) NULL ,
`AudiosenselmageURL varchar (100) NULL,
`RedirectURL varchar (100) NULL ,
`UpdateStatus varchar (12) NULL,
`UpdateTime datetime NULL,
`NGUpdateTime datetime NULL
`Fig. 16b


`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 18 of 75
`US 2003/0001965 Al
`<META NAME = "GENERATOR" Content-"Microsoft Developer Studio">
`<META HTTP-EQUIV-"Content-Type" content-"texthtml; charset=iso-8859-1 ">
`<FORM name-"formi">
`<INPUT type-"text" Name="stationID"
`Value="_ "><p>
`<INPUTtype-“text" Name="callLetters"
`Value=" "><p>
`<INPUTtype-"text" Name="action"
`Value=" *><p>
`LoginName: <INPUT type-"text" Name="loginName"
`Value="_ ‘><p>
`<INPUT type-"text™ Name="contractlD”
`Value=" “><p>
`<INPUT type-"text” Name="spotTitle"
`<INPUT type-"text" Name="startTime"
`<INPUT type-“text™ Name="endTime"
`Value=" "><P>
`<INPUTtype-"text" Name="advertiser”
`<INPUT type-“text" Name="cutID"
`Value=" "><p>
`UpdateMode: <INPUT type-"text" Name="updateMode"
`Value=" "><p>
`AppletACK: <INPUTtype-"text" Name="appletACK"
`CutDuplicateStatus: <INPUT type-"text" Name="cutDuplicateStatus" Value=" "><p>
`<script language="JavaScript" src=" .. ‘ScriptLibrary/rs.htm"></script>
`<script language="JavaScript">RSEnableRemoteScripting("./_ScriptLibrary");</script>
`<SCRIPT Language="Javascript">
`var current SelectionIndex;
`var browseElementindex;
`var defaultLocalGIFDir;
`var appleLaunchNumber;
`ff for product drop down list
`4 for cut Imagefile browse
`4 for autofill station local image filename
`function myCallBack(co)
`alert(“CALLBACK\n\n" +
`“status = " + co.status + "\n\n" +
`“message =“ + co.message + “\n\n" +
`“context = " + co.context + “\aln" +
`“data = "+ “\nln" +
`“return_value = "+ co.retum_value);
`function processNGAd(sAdvertiserNanio, SFamilyName, SAdName, nCutID)
`var co;
`action = document.forml.action,value;
`if (action == "Coordinate" |
`| action = "Create")
`/prompt(“create ad:" + sAdName);<—
`co =RSExecute("./cont_ng.asp","CreateAd"sAdvertiserName,sFamilyName,sAdNamenCutID);
`lse if (action == "Update")
`updateMode = document.forml.updateMode.value;
`if (updateMode == "Add")
`/prompt("create ad;" + sAdName);
`else if {updateMode == "Modify")
`Mprompt{“create ad;" + sAdName);
`else if {updateMode == "Delete")
`‘prompt(“delete ad;" + sAdName);
`function processNGRun(sFamilyName,SProfileName,sStartTame,sEndTime,nlmpGoal,,sPriorityLevel,
`var nRunID;
`prompt(“create run for thbe family");
`co=RSExecute("./cont ng.asp",CreateFamilyRun",sFamtlyName,sProfileName,sStartTime,
`sEndTime,nlmpGoal,sPriorityLevel,SCampaignName, sTotalCost);
`nRunld =


`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 19 of 75
`US 2003/0001965 Al
`<% RSDispatch %>
`<SCRIPT RUNAT=SERVERLanguage=javascript>
`<!--4INCLUDE FILE="// ScriptLibrary/rs.asp" -- >
`<{--#INCLUDE FILE="// ScriptLibrary/Asp/dbconnection.asp" -- >
`<1--#INCLUDE FILE="/ cont_ng,js" -- >
`public_description - new cont_ng();
`Fig. 17b


`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 20 of 75
`US 2003/0001965 Al
`<SCRIPT RUNAT=SERVER Language="vbscript>
`Function cont ng ConvertQuotes(oldStr)
`Nim newStr, SingleQuote, DoubleQuote
`SingleQuote = Che(39) & Chr (43) & “char(39)" & Chr (43) & Chr (39)
`DoubleQuote = Chr(39) & Chr (43) & “char(34)" & Chr (43) & Chr (39)
`newSTR = Replace(oldStr. Chr(39), SingleQuote)
`newSTR = Replace(newSt. Chr(34), DoubleQuote)
`cont ng ConvertQuotes = newStr
`End Futiction
`<SCRIPT RUNAT=SERVERLanguage=javascript>
`<!--#INCLUDE FILE="/ ScriptLibrary/Asp/ng advertisers..js* - >
`<!--#INCLUDE FILE="/ ScriptLibrary/Asp/ng families..js” ~ >
`<!-#INCLUDE FILE="J SeriptLibrary/Asp/ng profiles,.js" -- >
`<!-#INCLUDE FILE="/ SeriptLibrary/Asp/ng dimensions..js" —~- >
`~<I-#INCLUDEFILE="/ SoriptLibrary/Asp/ig ads.,js" ~ >
`<!--4INCLUDE FILE="J/ ScriptLibrary/Asp/ng runs..js" —~ >
`<t-.#INCLUDE FILE="/ ScriptLibrary/Asp/ng properties..js" —~ >
`<I-#INCLUDE FILE="/ ScriptLibrary/Asp/ng values..js" -- >
`<|—-#INCLUDE FILE="/ ScriptLibrary/Asp/ng targets..js" ~ >
`<{--#INCLUDE FPILE="/ ScriptLibrary/Asp/ng_familytargets..js" -- >
`function cont_ng{ }
`= cont ng CreateAd;
`= cont og UpdateAd;
`= cont ng DeleteAd;
`= cont_ng_CreateFamilyRun;
`} f
`unction cont_ng_CreateAd(sAdvertiseName, sFamilyName, sAdname, sCutld)
`var sCutNumber;
`var sContent;
`var sClickURL;
`var sAltText;
`var nContentType
`‘var 183
`var sQSAdName
`var sQSAdvertiserName
`df contenttype is image
`aContentType = 3;
`sAltText =--;
`var count = 0;
`sSqll = “select CufNumber- AudiosencelmageURL, RedirectURL from CONTINUITYCUTS;
`sSqli = sSqlt +* where CutlD = " + nCuthd;
`sSqll =sSqli +" and NGUpdateTime < UpdateTime";
`rs = idaDBCont.Execute(sSqlf};
`= cont ng ConvertQuotes(sAdName);
`var ads = new ng_adis( );
`var nAdvertiserld== cont ng CresteAdvertiser(sAdvertisesName);
`var nFamilyld
`if(ts,EOF = false)
`while (rs.EOF == false)
`count = count + 1
`sCutNumber== ts.FieldsItem(0).Value;
`“hetp://" + escape(sFileName);
`sNewAdName =
`sQSAdName + *-" + sCutNumber;
`var nid=ads,Create(nAdvertiserld,nFamilyld,sNewAdName,nContentType,sContent,
`sClickURL, sAltText);
`var nYalueld = cont ng AddDimensionValue (“Item ID", "String", sCutNumber, SCutNumber);
`cont_ngSetFamilyTarget(ild, nValueld);
`nValueld = cont ng ReadDimensionValue (“Item Type", "Traffic";
`cont_ng_SetFamilyTarget(nld, nValueld);


`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 21 of 75
`US 2003/0001965 Al
`return count;
`function Cont_ng_UpdateAd(sAdvertiserName, sFamtlyName, sAdName, nCutId)
`var sCutNumber;
`var sContent:
`var $CHIckURL:
`var £S:
`var sOSAdName
`var sQSAdvertiserNané
`var count = 0;
`sSali ~ “select Cuttunber AudiosenselmaaclRL. RedirectlRL from CONTIMUITYCUTS":
`sSoll = sSall + * were
`CutID = * + noulld:
`SSal1 = sSobl ¢ * tNNalpcateTine < Updateline*:
`rs ~ idabiConn. txecute(sSqil)
`= cont na ConvertOuctes( sAdName
`== contng.convertouotessAdverEigerlane)
`it (rs.EOF — false)
`var ads - new ng_ads():
`white (rs.£0F — false)
`count = court + 1:
`= rs.Fields. Iten(0),Yalue:
`= TS.Fields.Tten(])Valve:
`“htto:/‘continuityimo .audiosense. coms” + escape(siteName}:
`= FS.Fields.Itemt2}.Value:
`» sQSAdName + “_" + sCuthumber;
`ads.SotInaceSce'sOSAtvertisertiane. SNewAdName. sContent):
`Ads. SetCl ickURL(sQSAdvertiserName. sNewkiName. sCTickURL):
`rs Hovelext():
`return count:
`function cont_ngDeleteAd(sAdvertiserName, sAdName. nCutTd)
`var rs:
`var sOSAdvertiserttame
`= cont na ConvertQuotes(sAdvert{serName) ;
`ver sOSAdHoneFi
`- cont_ng_ConvertQuotes{sAdNamne} ;
`var cout
`seolt - “select fathanbor fron CONTEmaTNCOs"
`= sSoll + ° where CutID =°+ nCutl
`eal = SSqil +" and NodateTine < tdTine":
`rs — idaDBConn txecute(s$qll);
`i (rs,€0F e~ false)
`vat_ads = new na ads{
`wile (rs.£0F == fise)
`count = count + 1:
`«rs, Ftelds.Than(0) Value:
`= sOSAdtiane + * * +” sCuttonbe
`ads Delete(sOSAdvertiserName, sNew\dName):
`ts HoveNext(};
`return count;
`iwiclton cont_ngCreateFam{lyRun(slamtiytame. sProfileName, sStertOate, sEndDate, nimpGoal, sPriority, sCampaignName. sRunCost)
`yar nProfiteld:
`var nfamilvid:
`var nAdOrFanily:
`var MPitority;
`var nRunid:
`var sOSCampaigaliase== cont_ngConvertQuotes(sCampa tontlare}:


`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 22 of 75
`US 2003/0001965 Al
`nProfileld = cont nq ReadProfile(sProfileNane).
`=» cont_ng_ReadFamily(sFami]yNare) :
`it (nFamityld !~ -1 8% nProfilald t= -1)
`nédQrFamily = 4;
`gwitch (sPriority}
`case “Highest’:
`nriocity = 1:
`fase “High’:
`nPriority = 25:
`qe "Nordal':
`aPriority = 50:
`case ‘Low’:
`nPriority = 75:
`gase *Lowest':
`nPriority =~ 160:
`return -1:
`runs ~ new na runs(}:
`nuald - runs.Create(nFamilyld. néddrrantly, nProfileld, sStartOate, stndbate. nlmpGoal. nPriority}:
`if (nRumld > 0)
`Oraoerties = néw nq properties ():
`sOSCampaignName) :
`oronerties Create¢“CAMPATGR®. nkunid. “NG RURS*.
`properties Create("COST". nRunid.
`“NG_RUMS". sRunCast):
`return nRunld;
`return -1:
`function cont_ng_CresteAdvertiser(sNane)
`yar advertisers:
`var nid.
`== cont, nq_ConvertQuotes(sName):
`var sOSFamilyNamé
`advertisers + new ma advertisers();
`nig ~ advertisers .Create( sQ6Fami tyNene,
`retuen nid:
`a6 ma any.
`} f
`} f
`unction cont_pg_CreateFamily(sName)
`yar families:
`var nid:
`~ cont_ngConvertQuates(sName);
`var sQSfamilyName
`families — new m4 families):
`nid ~ families Create (sQSFamilyNane);
`return nid;
`unccn cont_ng_CreateProfile(stane)
`yar profiles:
`var nid:
`var sOSProfileName ~ cont_ng_ConvertQuates(sNane}:
`oroftles = nes na orotilest):
`ald = profiles .createcsOSProfitename, 1, 0. ““}:
`return nid:


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`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 23 of 75
`US 2003/0001965 Al
`function cont_ng_CreateDimension(sDimName, aAttName, sDimType, SSource)
`var nDimType;
`var nd;
`var sQSDimensionName = cont_nig.ConvertQuotes(sDimName);
`switch (sDimType)}
`case ‘Number;
`nDimType = 0;
`ase ‘Number Range’;
`aDimType = 1;
`case ‘String’;
`nDimType = 2;
`ase ‘String Range’;
`aDimType = 3;
`ase 'String Prefix’;
`aDimType = 4;
`aso ‘String Prefix Range’;
`aDimType = 5
`case Expression’;
`nDimType = 6;
`ase ‘Daypart;
`aDimType = 75
`return -1;
`dimensions = new ng dimensions();
`ald = dimensions.Crea
`retum ant
`te{sQSDimensionName, sAttName, iDimType, sSource);
`} f
`unction cont_ng_AddDimensi
`ensionValue(sDimName, sDimType, sValueName, sValue)
`* cont ng ConvertQuotes(sDimName);
`= contng_ConvertQuotes(sValueNare);
`var nDimType;
`var dimensions;
`var ld;
`var sQSDimensionName
`var sQSValueName
`ne (SDimType)
`:” ‘Number;
`aDimType = 0;
`nDimType = 2;

`Tetura ~1;
`} d
`imensions = new ng dimensions( );
`nid = dimensions.AddV;
`ream ns
`‘alue(sQSDimensionName, uDimType, sQSValueName,


`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 24 of 75
`US 2003/0001965 Al
`) f
`unction cont_ng_ReadFamily(sName)
`var nid;
`var SQFamilyName
`= cont_ng_ConvertQuotes(sName);
`families = new ng families();
`ald = familiesRead(sQSFamilyName);
`return nid;
`} f
`unction cont_ng_ReadProfile(sName)
`var nid;
`var QSProfileName
`= cont_ng_ConvertQuotes(sName);
`profiles = new ng profiles( );
`tld = profiles.Read(sQSProfileName);
`return nid;
`unction cont_ngReadDimensionValue(sDimName, sValueName)
`var nid;
`var sQSDimensionName
`var sQSValueName
`= cont ng ConvertQuotes(sDimName);
`= cont_ng_ConvertQuotes(sValueName);
`} f
`values = new ng values( );
`old = values.Read(sQSDimensionName, sQSValueName);
`return ald;
`} f
`unction cont_ng_SetProfileTarget(sProfileName, sDimName, sValueName)
`var profiles;
`var nid;
`= cont ng ConvertQuotes(sProfileName);
`yar sQSProfileName
`var sQSDimensionName = cont ng ConvertQuotes(sDimName);
`var sQSValueName
`profiles = new ng profiles( );
`nld = profilesSetTarget(sQSProfileName, sQSDimensionName, sQSValueName);
`return nid;
`} f
`unction cont_ngSetFamilyTarget(nAdld, nValueld)
`var ads;
`var nid;
`ads = new ng ads();
`ald = adsSetfamifuTormet(nAdid, nValueld);
`return nid;
`} a
`=cont ng ConvertQuotes(sAdvertiserName);
`ction cont_ng_SetFrequencyLimit(sAdvertiserName, sAdName, oFrequencyLimit)
`var ads;
`var sQSAdvertiser(Name
`var sQSAdName
`ads = new ng ads();
`adsSetFrequencyLimit(sQSAdvertiserName, sQSAdName, oFrequencyLimit);
`cation cont_ng_SetClickURL(sAdvertiserName, sAdName, sClickURL)
`var ads;
`var sQSAdvertiserName
`yar sQSAdName
`ads = new ng ads();
`ads.SetClickURL (sQSAdvertiserName, sQSAdName, sClickURL);
`= cont ng ConvertQuotes(sAdvertiserName);
`} f
`unction cont_ng_SetimageSre(sAdvertiserName, sAdNamte, simageSre}
`var ads;
`var sQSAdvertiserName
`var sQSAdName
`ads = new ng ads( );
`ads.SetlmageSro(sQS.Advertise:Name, sQSAdName, slmageSro);
`= cont ng ConvertQuotes(sAdvertiserName);
`= cont_ng_ConvertQuotes(sAdName);
`} f
`unction cont_ng_DeleteAdvertiser(sName)


`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 25 of 75
`US 2003/0001965 Al
`var sQSAdvertiserName
`= cont_ng_ConvertQuotes(sName);
`advertisers = new ng advertisers();
`function cont_ng_DeleteFamily(sName)
`var sQSFamilyName
`= cont_ng_ConvertQuotes(sName);
`families = new ng families( );
`} f
`unction cont_ngDeleteProfile(sName)
`var sQSProfileName = cont_ngConvertQuotes(sName);
`profiles = new ng profiles( )
`} f
`unction cont_ng_DeleteDimension(sName)
`var sQSDimensionName = cont_ng_ConvertQuotes(sName);
`dimensions = new ng dimensions( );
`} f
`unction cont_ngDeleteDimensionValue(sDimName, sValueName)
`var sQSDimensionName =cont ag ConvertQuotes(sDimName);
`var sQSValueName
`dimensions = new ng dimensions();
`dimensions.DeleteValue(sQSDimensionName, sQSValueName);
`} f
`unction cont_ng_SetNGUpdateTime(nCudd)
`var Ts;
`sSqit = "update CONTINUITYCUTS";
`sSqli = sSql1 + “ set NGUpdateTime = getDate()";
`sSqll = sSqll +" where CulD =" + nCutid;
`sSqll =sSqil + " and NGUpdateTime < UpdateTime";
`ts = idaDBConn.Execute(sSql1);


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`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 26 of 75
`WANDA =speppeSu


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`AD 10
`FIG. 20


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`<% RSDispatch %>
`<SCRIPT RUNAT=SERVER Language=javascript>
`<!--#INCLUDE FILE="../rs.aasp"-->
`<!--#INCLUDE FILE="dbconnection.asp"~-->
`<{~-#INCLUDE FILE="ng_ads.js"-->
`publicdescription = new ng_ads();
`Fig. 217


`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 33 of 75
`US 2003/0001965 Al
`<SCRIPT RUNAT=SERVER Language="JavaScript">
`function ng_ads()
`= ng_ads_Create;
`= ng_ads_Read;
`= ng_ads_Update;
`this.Delete. = ng_ads_Delete;
`= ng_ads_SetFamilyTarget;
`= ng_ads_SetFamily;
`= ng_ads_GetFamily;
`this .SetImageSre
`= ng_ads_SetFrequencyLimit;
`= ng_ads_SetClickURL;
`= ngadsSetImageSrc;
`this.RemoveAdvertiserAd = ngads_RemoveAdvertiserad;
`= ng_ads_RemoveFamilyAd;
`} /
`/create a new instance from the supplied parameters
`function ng_ads_Create (nAdvertiserId, nFamilyId,
`nContentType, sContent,
`sClickURL, sAltText)
`var nid;
`if (nAdvertiserId <= 0}
`return -1;
`nId = ng_adsRead(nAdvertiserId,
`if (nId > 0)
`return nid;
`sName) ;
`sSqli = "insert into admanager.admanager.
`ads ";
`sCols = "(";
`sSql2 = " values ";
`sValues = "(";
`sValues += nAdvertiserId;
`sCols += ",NAME";
`sValues += ", ";
`sValues += "tN
`sValues += sName;
`Fig. 22a


`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 34 of 75
`US 2003/0001965 Al
`sValues += "Ff";
`switch (nContentType)
`case 1:
`sCols += ",ADTEXT";
`case 2:
`sCols += ",HTML";
`case 3:
`sCols += ",IMAGESRC";
`return -1;
`} s
`Values +=
`sValues t=
`sValues += sContent;
`sValues += "'";
`sCols += ",MAXFREQUENCY";
`sValues t= %,"j
`sValues += "0";
`sCols += ",CLICKURL";
`sValues += ",";
`sValues += "'";
`sValues += sClickURL;
`sValues += "'";
`rs = dbconn.Execute("select max{ID)
`admanager. admanager.ng_ads") ;
`nid = rs.Pields.Item(0) .Value + 1;
`sColis t= ",ID";
`sValues--+= ",";
`sValues += nId;
`sCols += ")";
`Fig. 22b


`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 35 of 75
`US 2003/0001965 Al
`sValues += ")";
`sSql = sSql1 + sCols + sSql2 + sValues;
`rs = dbconn.Execute(sSql) ;
`// set the family id for the ad
`ng_adsSetFamily(nId, nFamilyId) ;
`return nid;
`} /
`/returns the id for the name
`function ng_ads_Read(nAdvertiserlId,
`var nid;
`sSqlil = "select ID from admanager .admanager.NG_ADS where
`ADVERTISERID = " + nAdvertiserId + " and NAME = '" + sName + wid,
`rs = dbconn.Execute (sSql11) ;
`if (rs.EOF == false)
`‘nId = rs.Fields.Item(0) .Value;
`nid = -i;
`return nid;
`unction ng_ads_Update ()
`} f
`{} f
`unction ng_ads_Delete (sAdvertiserName,
`var nid;
`var nAdvertiserId;_
`advertisers = new ng_advertisers();
`nAdvertiserId = advertisers.Read (sAdvertiserName) ;
`nid = ng_ads_Read(nAdvertiserId,
`if (nId > 0)
`sName) ;
`sSqll = “delete admanager.admanager.NG_ADS
`where ID =.
`dbconn. Execute (sSql1) ;
`new ng_runs () ;
`new ng_familytargets() ;
`runs .RemoveAdRun (nId) ;
`familytargets .RemoveAdFamilyTarget (nId) ;
`" + nid;
`Fig. 22c


`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 36 of 75
`US 2003/0001965 Al
`unction ng_ads_SetFamilyTarget (nId, nValueId)
`var nFamilyTargetIid;
`if (nId <=0 |[{ nValueId <= 0)
`return -1;
`//Relate ad to the value
`familytarget = new ng_familytargets() ;
`nFamilyTargetId = familytarget.Create(nId,
`; return nFamilyTargetId;
`} f
`} /
`/function ng_ads_SetFamily(nId, nContractId)
`function ng_ads_SetFamily(nId, nFamilyId)
`var Xs;
`var nFamilyOrder;
`if (nId <=0 || nFamilyId <= 0)
`return ~-1;
`f/fcontractFamily = new as_contractFamily();
`//nFamilyid = contractFamily.Create (nContractId) ;
`if (nFamilyiId > 0)
`// set the family id that this ad belongs
`to sSqll = "update admanager.admanager.ng_
`ads set FAMILYID = " + nFamilyId;
`sSqll = sSqll + " where ID = " 4 nId;
`dbconn.Execute (sSq1i1) ;
`// determine the number of ads belonging to
`the family
`sSql2 = “select count(*)
`admanager.admanager.ng_ads where FAMILYID = " + nFamilyId;
`rs = dbtonn.Execute(sSql12) ;
`nFamilyOrder = rs.Fields.Item(0) .Value - 1;
`// set the family order number for this ad
`sSql3 = "update admanager.admanager.ng_ads
`set FAMILYORDER = " + nFamilyOrder;
`sSql3 = sSql3 + " where ID = " + nid;
`dbconn. Execute (sSql3) ;
`eturn nFamilyId;
`Fig. 22d


`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 37 of 75
`US 2003/0001965 Al
`function ng_ads_GetFamily (nId)
`if (nId <s 0)
`return -1i;
`sSqll = “select FAMILYID from admanager .admanager.
`NG_ADS where ID = " 4 nid;
`rs = dbconn. Execute (sSq11) ;
`(rs.EOF == false)
`nid = rs.Fields.Item(0) .Value;
`nId = -1;
`return nid;
`function ng_ads_SetFrequencyLimit (sAdvertiserName,
`var nid;
`var nAdvertiserId;
`advertisers = new ng_advertisers();
`nAdvertiserlId = advertisers. Read (sAdvertiserName);
`nid = ng_ads_Read (nAdvertiserid,
`sName) ;
`if (nId > 0)
`SSqll = “update admanager .admanager.NG_ADS set
`MAXFREQUENCY = " 4 nFrequencyLimit;
`sSqll = sSqli + " where ID = " 4 nid;
`dbconn. Execute (s$q11) ;
`Function ng_ads_SetClickURL (sAdvertiserName,
`var nid;
`var nAdvertiserid;
`= new ng_advertisers ();
`= advertisers. Read (sAdvertiserName);
`nId = ng_ads_Read (nAdvertiserId,
`if (nId > 0)
`sSqll = “update admanager.admanager.NG_ADS set
`CLICKURL = '" 4 sClickURL, + Wen;
`sSqil = sSqlil + " where Ip = 4 + nid;
`dbconn. Execute (sSql11) ;
`Fig 22¢


`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 38 of 75
`US 2003/0001965 Al
`} f
`unction ng_ads_SetImageSrc (sAdvertiserName, sName, sImageSrc)
`var nid;
`var nAdvertiserId;
`new ng_advertisers({);
`advertisers.Read (sAdvertiserName) ;
`nid = ng_ads_Read(nAdvertiserId,
`if (nId > 0)
`sName) ;
`sSqli = "update admanager.admanager.NGADS set
`' + sImageSre + "'%;
`sSqli = sSqll + " where ID = " + nid;
`dbconn.Execute (sSq11) ;
`function ng_ads_RemoveAdvertiserAd (nAdvertiserId)
`var rs;
`var nid;
`= new ng_runs();
`= new ngfamilytargets();
`sSqll = “select ID from admanager.admanager.NG_ADS
`where ADVERTISERID = " + nAdvertiserId;
`rs = dbconn. Execute (sSql1);
`while (rs.EOF == false)
`nid = rsi.Fields.Item(0) .Value;
`sSqi2 = "delete admanager.admanager.NG_ADS where
`ID =" + nid;
`dbconn.Execute (sSq12) ;
`runs .RemoveAdRun (nId) ;
`familytargets.RemoveAdFamilyTarget (nId) ;
`rs.MoveNext ();
`function ng_ads_RemoveFamilyAd (nFamilyId)
`sSqli = "update admanager.admanager.NG_ADS set FAMILYID
`=1 where FAMILYID = " + nFamilyId;
`dbconn. Execute (sSql11) ;
`"Fig. 22f


`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 39 of 75
`US 2003/0001965 Al
`Fig. 229


`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 40 of 75
`US 2003/0001965 Al
`<% RSDispatch %>
`<SCRIPT RUNAT=SERVER Language=javascript>
`<!--#INCLUDE FILE="../rs -asp"-->
`<!--#INCLUDE FILE="dbconnection.asp"-->
`<!--#INCLUDE FILE="ngadvertisers.js"-->
`publicdescription = new ng_advertisers();
`Fig. 23


`Patent Application Publication
`Jan. 2,

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