as) United States
`a2) Patent Application Publication 10) Pub. No.: US 2006/0230462 Al
` Prabakar (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 12, 2006
`US 20060230462A1
`Publication Classification
`Int. Cl.
`HO4L 9/32
`HOAL=9/00 (2006.01)
`G06F 1730
`H04K 1/00
`G06K 9/00
`HO3M 1/68
`HOA4N 7/16
`(52) U.S. Cheee 726/27; 713/182; 713/151;
`Inventor: Nagarajan Prabakar, Miami, FL (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`CHICAGO,IL 60606 (US)
`EES, Miami, FL (US)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) Filed:
`Apr. 8, 2005
`A method of providing an owner with sccure online control
`of private information comprises providing an owner-edit-
`abie set of private information.Allowing theowner10 eat
`least one ilem olf
`private information and
`ownerto create a firstrelationship between a symbolic name
`and the item ofprivate information. Allowing the owner to
`create a second relationship between a communication
`application and the symbolic name. Allowing the owner to
`create a third relationship between the symbolic name and a
`client, the third relationship arranged to prevent the client
`from accessing the item of private information, and provid-
`ing a website, the website arranged to enable the client to
`access the symbolic name.
`Communicate Authentication
`_-~ 200
`L Pid
`Owner Creates Private
`Information and Associates
`se Symbolic Names
`Client A
`a ee
`Me _|Authentication Applications Private a
`Control of
`L Client Access ~
`se ims“
`“™& I
`Client Invokes
`230 ~~~ Gemmunication Application +
`“Communication Applications
`Use Private Information
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`US 2006/0230462 Al
` Patent Application Publication Oct. 12,2006 Sheet 1 of 8
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`Patent Application Publication Oct. 12,2006 Sheet 2 of 8
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`Patent Application Publication Oct. 12,2006 Sheet 3 of 8
`US 2006/0230462 Al
`FIG. 3
`Owner Authorization
`——Ouner name:
`Obdsonrcums 18 char wih ne space st
`Q4axmom 15 char with no spaces}
`FIG. 4
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`Patent Application Publication Oct. 12,2006 Sheet 4 of 8
`US 2006/0230462 Al
`poe. |
`FIG. 6
`Page 5 of 18
`Choose a task
`FIG. 5
`Private Information
`Ro with three Lields fisecparated ky ¢ ¢pace} ss
`IO_figitteltNuwber SeeviceProvider Ena: iSuttix
`The seme private information can also be azgeciated wich
`# moce than cone symbolic nomex.
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`f Exeupie private iatormation representation:
`# mom 8127862345 mobile, viaxdcom
`# mommy 8427562345
`# cud 8017672587
`plaintiff 8125475236 mobile.
`judge 6427782983 messaging sprintpes cam
`_--Meterdenl 8125426609 mobile
`61 0
`Page 5 of 18


`Patent Application Publication Oct. 12,2006 Sheet 5 of 8
`US 2006/0230462 Al
`Client Information
`oan A2nER Cah be ine laced With “RS
`in tne Lavst cody
`Blenk lines can be added for spacing and remdebalicy
`information is given below
`with f1e1d& (separated by dpaces) as
`ClientNem: OlientPasswort LiscotSywool ietames
`Caeeeeaeae For each client usec, only one line of
`Exemple cliene configuration:
`cheetah david mom
`devid jaguar mommy ded «lice
`SN ~Hocuce pec_kicd david
`74 5
`“~—~+Daniel dog plaintiff judge
`Me 4+Paul pan-defendant
`A conn :
`9:05 am
`Client Events Log
`# Log file of clients’ access
`“~~~ $2005/02/01 99:45:15 “login’ Daniel:dog
`“2005/02/01 09:46:35 From: Daniel ~ To: plaintiff
`Message: Settlement discussion at noon?
`~ Daniel
`2005/02/01 10:45:15 “ogin® Paul pan
`| 2005/02/01 40:18:35 From: Paul ~ To: defendant
`| Message: Confirmed. See you at noon.
`|. Paul
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`Patent Application Publication Oct. 12,2006 Sheet 6 of 8
`US 2006/0230462 Al
`Suet ~
`Text Message
`Client Authorization
`FIG. 9
`Text Message
`9:19 am
`_--Cliont acme:|
`Cdamenum 15 char with no spaces)
`(Manimam 15 char with no spaces)
`FIG. 10
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`Patent Application Publication Oct. 12,2006 Sheet 7 of 8
`US 2006/0230462 Al
`Text Message
`Recipient. fpenweT
`Message: (maz 120 shar inclading spacesi
`Senclement discussion art noon?_<}
`eo 4A
`Your message (30 chars) has been sent.
`FIG. 11
`Text Message
`FIG. 72
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`Patent Application Publication Oct. 12,2006 Sheet 8 of 8
`US 2006/0230462 Al
`DIE/00S5 Text Message 880.3|130G
`Client Profile
`- Glient name: frrcre!
`7 Password: anck
`(Marna 14 char with ne blake)
`‘pdate prota’!
`1310 — cee]
`cemsennettnananconeti etnies evita neces
`FIG. 13
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`US 2006/0230462 Al
`Oct. 12, 2006
`[0001] Many online systems attempt to maintain informa-
`tion in a secure and/or private fashion. However, on many
`such systems the owner of the information cannot conve-
`niently or immediately access the information. Instead, the
`owner must overcome various protective measures before
`the owner can gain access to the information. Such protec-
`tive measures may include keeping the information, such as
`telephone numbers, account numbers, passwords and/or
`social security numbers, in a safe location until the imfor-
`mation is needed.
`[0002] For cxample, an account ownertypically necds an
`account number in order to gain access to his/her own
`account. The account owner also may wish to allow others
`to access the account, suchas service professionals or other
`persons or organizations that require access to the owner’s
`account. For example, the owner may grant access to his or
`her financial planner so that the financial planner can buy/
`sell stocks, or withdraw, deposit or transfer money. Whenthe
`account owner reveals the account number and perhaps an
`associated passwordto the financial planner, the owner gains
`the benefit of the financial planner’s services. However, the
`account owner simultaneously gives up absolute contro] of
`that account numberand the associated password. As such,
`the account owner maybeat risk of intentional or uninten-
`tional security risksif, for example, the financial planner has
`unscrupulous motives, or if the financial planner simply
`leaves anysensitive information in public view.
`[0003] While the ownerofthe sensitive information may,
`in somecircumstances, change a username and password at
`any time whenan apparent breach mayhave occurred, some
`sensitive information may not be easily modified. For
`it is a common business practice to require a
`username for many accounts, such as bank accounts, insur-
`ance policies, and health insurance policies. In many cir-
`cumstances, that username mayitself be sensitive informa-
`tion. For example, many financial accounts use the account
`owner’s social security number as the username. Such
`common business practices often needlessly elevate the
`account owner’s risk of identity theft.
`[0004] Therefore, owners of sensitive information desire a
`practical solution to the aforementioned problems that will
`allow the owner of sensitive information to maintain full
`control over sensitive information, while still allowing the
`ownerto conveniently access the information in a secure and
`private fashion.
`ing the item of private information, and providing a website,
`the website arranged to enable the client to access the
`symbolic name.
`In further accordance with a preferred embodi-
`ment, the method comprises providing a secure socket layer
`connection for transmitting and receiving the item of private
`information, and allowing the ownerto edit at least one item
`of private information,
`including at least one of adding
`information, deleting information, or modifying informa-
`tion. ‘he owner may create thefirst relationship of associa-
`tion or disassociation between the symbolic name and the
`item of private information in which a relationship of
`assaciation permits a linked reference between the symbolic
`name and the private information, and a relationship of
`disassociation disables the linked reference between the
`symbolic name and the private information.
`[0007] The owner may create a second relationship of
`association or disassociation between the communication
`application and the symbolic name. A relationship of asso-
`ciation of the communication application with the symbolic
`name further permits the communication application to use
`the symbolic name, while disassociation of the communi-
`cation application from the symbolic name prevents the
`communication application from using the symbolic name.
`Still preferably, the owner maycreate a third rela-
`tionship of association or disassociation between the sym-
`bolic nameandtheclient. A relationship of association ofthe
`symbolic name with the client permits the client to use the
`symbolic name, while disassociation of the symbolic name
`and the client disables the client from using the symbolic
`name. Permission for the client provides client access to
`functionality of the communication application.
`[0009] Additionally, the method further includes the com-
`munication application comprising at least one of wireless
`text messaging, telephone calling, or electronic mail. The
`owner may create the third relationship which mayfurther
`include allowing the owner to assign a client name and
`password to the client, and assign access time limitations on
`at least one of the client or the symbolic name for client
`(0010] Further still, the method provides a wehsite which
`includes providing a client name, an owner name, or a
`passwordficld, secure authentication for at least one of the
`chent or the owner with the secure authentication uses at
`least one of a client name, an owner name or password. The
`secure authentication may further comprise a secure socket
`communication layer. The website may, additionally, enable
`the owner to monitor client activity.
`In accordance with another aspect of the invention,
`a computer readable medium having computer executable
`instructions for providing an owner with secure online
`In accordance with an aspect of this invention, a
`control ofprivate information comprises computer execut-
`method ofproviding an owner with secure online control of
`able instructions for providing an owner-editable set of
`private information comprises providing an owner-editable
`private information and allowing the ownerto edit at least
`set of private information. Allowing the ownerto edit at least
`one item of private information. The computer readable
`one item of private information and allowing the owner to
`medium further comprises allowing the owner to create a
`create a first relationship between a symbolic name and the
`first relationship between a symbolic nameandthe item of
`item ofprivate information. Allowing the ownerto create a
`private information, allowing the owner to create a second
`second relationship between a communication application
`relationship between a communication application and the
`and the symbolic name. Allowing the ownerto create a third
`symbolic name, and allowing the owner to create a third
`relationship between the symbolic name anda client, the
`third relationship arranged to preventthe client fromaccess- relationship between the symbolic name andaclient, the
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`US 2006/0230462 Al
`Oct. 12, 2006
`third relationship arranged to preventtheclient from access-
`ing the item of private information. The computer readable
`medium also comprises computer readable instructions for
`providing a website,
`the website arranged to enable the
`client to access the symbolic name.
`Inaccordance with yet another aspect ofthe inven-
`tion, a system for providing an owner with secure online
`control of private information comprises a display unit that
`is capable of generating video images, an input device, and
`a processing apparatus operatively coupled to the display
`unit and the input device, the processing apparatus compris-
`ing a processor and a memory operatively coupled to the
`processor. A network interface connected to a network and
`to the processing apparatus, the processing apparatus being
`programmed to provide an owner-editable set of private
`information, to allow the ownerto edit at least one item of
`private information, and to allow the ownerto create a first
`relationship between a symbolic name and the item of
`private information. The processing apparatus also allows
`the owner to create a second relationship between a com-
`munication application and the symbolic name, and allows
`the ownerto create a third relationship between the symbolic
`name and a client, the third relationship arranged to prevent
`the client from accessing the item of private information.
`‘Lhe processing apparatus also being programmedto provide
`a website, the website arranged to enable the client to access
`the symbolic name.
`In accordance with yet another aspect of the inven-
`tion, a method of private information control comprises
`providing an owner with a set of private information,
`enabling the owner to edit at
`least one item of private
`information in the set, enabling the owner to associate a
`symbolic name and the item of private information, and
`enabling the owner to assaciate the symbolic name with a
`communication application. The method also comprises
`providing a website arranged to enable the client to access
`the symbolic name and enables the owner to associate the
`symbolic name with a client, whereby the client is able to
`invoke the communication application without access to the
`item of private information, the communication application
`rendering services to the client.
`[0014] FIG. 1 is an exemplary block diagram of a com-
`puter system that may operate with a system or method of
`secure access contro] with custom authentication.
`[0021] FIG. 8 is an exemplary client event log screen for
`use with the system of FIG. 1.
`[0022] FIG. 9 is an exemplary initial client display screen
`for use with the system of FIG, 1.
`[0023] FIG. 10 is an exemplary client authentication
`screen for use with the system of FIG.1.
`[0024] FIG. 11 is an exemplary trusted application client
`screen for use with the system of FIG. 1.
`[0025] FIG. 12 is an exemplary trusted application results
`screen for use with the system of FIG.1.
`[0026] FIG. 13 is an exemplary client profile screen for
`use with the system of FIG. 1.
`[0027] Although the following text sets forth a detailed
`description of numerousdifferent embodiments, it should be
`understoodthat the legal scope of the inventionis defined by
`the words of the claimsset forth at the end ofthis patent. The
`detailed description is to be construed as exemplary only and
`does not describe every possible embodiment since describ-
`ing every possible embodiment would be impractical, if not
`impossible. Numerous alternative embodiments could be
`implemented, using either current technology or technology
`developed after the filing date of this patent, which would
`still fall within the scope of the claims.
`It should also be understood that, unless a term is
`expresslydefined in this patent using the sentence “As used
`herein, the term ‘
`* is hereby defined to mean...” or
`a similar sentence, there is no intent to limit the meaning of
`that term, either expressly or by implication, beyondits plain
`or ordinary meaning, and such term should not be inter-
`preted to be limited in scope based on any statement made
`in any section of this patent (other than the language of the
`claims). To the extent that any term recited in the claimsat
`the end of this patent is referred to in this patent in a manner
`consistent with a single meaning, that is done for sake of
`clarity only so as to not confuse the reader, and it is not
`intended that such claim term be limited, by implication or
`to that single meaning. Finally, unless a claim
`element is defined by reciting the word “means” in conjunc-
`tion with a function without the recital of any structure,it is
`not intended that the scope of any claim element be inter-
`preted based on the application of 35 U.S.C. § 112, sixth
`[0029] The claimed method and apparatus may be imple-
`mented on an exemplary computing system shownin FIG.
`1. The system 100 includes functionality similar to well
`known computing systems including desktop computers,
`laptop computers, servers, handheld computers, and micro-
`[0016] FIG.3is an exemplary initial owner display screen
`processor systems, to name a few.
`for use with the system of FIG. 1.
`[0015] FIG. 2 is an exemplary block diagramillustrating
`components of a secure access control system having cus-
`tom authentication.
`[0017] FIG. 4 is an exemplary owner authentication
`screen for use with the system of FIG.1.
`[0018] FIG. 5 is an exemplarytask selection screen for
`use with the system of FIG.1.
`[0019] FIG. 6 is an exemplary private information edit
`screen for use with the system of FIG.1.
`[0020] FIG. 7 is an exemplary client
`screen for use with the system of FIG.1.
`information edit
`[0030] An exemplary computer 102 includes a CPU 104,
`a memory 106, a video interface 108, a power supply 110,
`and an audio interface 112. The memory 106 may include
`several types of computer readable media including ROM,
`RAM,flash memory, and EEPROM. Such memory may
`store computer programs, routines, and various data struc-
`tures. Similarly, an I/O Cnput/Output) interface 114 may
`permit external memory devices, such as floppy disk drives
`116 and CDROM drives 118, to store computer programs,
`routines, and data structures. The I/O interface 114 may also
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`US 2006/0230462 Al
`Oct. 12, 2006
`permit; clicnt and owner input via a keyboard 120 and a
`mouse 122, client and owner output via a printer 124, and
`input/output to/from the computer 102 via
`various ports 126 (e.g., RS-232, RS-485, parallel, firewire,
`Bluetooth, etc.). The video interface 108 may support a
`display 128 and a camera 130, and the audio interface 112
`may support speakers 132 and a microphone 134.
`[0031] A networkinterface 136 may support remote com-
`puter system 138 access via internet and intranet access 140,
`or permit access to the computer 102 via a modem 142.
`Additionally, the network interface 136 may support various
`configurations of local area networks (LAN) and wide area
`networks (WAN). Furthermore, the network interface 136
`may support wired or wireless methods of network connec-
`[0032] FIG. 2 shows a block diagramfor internet based
`secure access control with custom authentication, in accor-
`dance with an example ofthe present invention. The block
`diagram mayrepresent functional elements for a system, a
`method, an apparatus, or a sofiware application directed to
`internet based secure access control with custom authenti-
`cation. An owner 200 may create and control a set or item
`of private information 205. The set may include various
`items of private information, such as telephone numbers,
`social security numbers, or any other type of information in
`which the owner 200 requires privacy. An owner 200 may
`include, but is not limited to, individuals, groups, and/or
`organizations. The owner 200 may also create symbolic
`namesto associate with the set or item ofprivate information
`205. Such symbolic names may use nomenclature suggest-
`ing the content of the private information 205 without
`explicitly disclosing the details of that
`information. For
`example, if the item 205 is a nine-digit social security
`number, then the owner 200 may create a symbolic name of
`“SSN,’“Smith SSN,” or “HMO Identification,” to name a
`[0033] An owner 200 may also select a communication
`application 210 that uses the item 205 to provide some
`functionality. The communication application 210 may be a
`software application, a system, or a service provider,
`namea few. lor example, if the communication application
`210 is a wireless telephone application, that application may
`use a wireless telephone number, i.e., the item of private
`information 205, to place a call or forward a text message.
`[0034] The owner 200 may also create a website 230 for
`clients 215, 220, 225. Alternatively, the system and method
`may generate a website 230 for clients 215, 220, 225 through
`various known techniques including Active Server Pages
`(ASP) and Common Gateway Interface (CGT) scripts. Addi-
`the owner 200 may also assign authentication
`credentials, such as client names and passwords, to particu-
`lar clients 215, 220, 225. The owner 200 may also assign
`particular symbolic names to those clients 215, 220, 225.
`The owner may inform the clients 215, 220, 225 about the
`website 230 and provide them with the appropriate authen-
`lication credentials which will authorize access to the web-
`site 230 and permit client access to particular symbolic
`[0035] The clients 215, 220, 225 may access the website
`230 by using the assigned authentication credentials. Once
`authenticated, the website 230 may permit the clients 215,
`220, 225 to invoke the services of a particular communica-
`tion application 210 by using the symbolic name assigned to
`that particular client 215, 220, 225.
`[0036] For cxample, an owner 200, Dr. Smith, may create
`an item in the form of a wireless telephone number, e.g.,
`123-4567. She 200 may also create a symbolic name of
`“Doctor Smith Cell” and associate the wireless telephone
`numberwith that symbolic name. Dr. Smith 200 may further
`select a communication application 210, such as a wireless
`telephone company text messaging application, to use the
`item 205, i.e., 123-4567. Additionally, Dr. Smith 200 may
`create a website 230 for Client B 220, establish authentica-
`tion credentials for the client 220, assign the symbolic name
`“Doctor Smith Cell’ to him or her 220, and informthe client
`220 of the website address and corresponding authentication
`credentials that will allow the client 220 to log onto the
`website 230.
`[0037] Continuing with the example above, Client B 220,
`perhaps a patient of Dr. Smith 200, may access the website
`230 using assigned credentials. lhe website 230 maypresent
`the patient 220 with a list of symbolic namesthat Dr. Smith
`200 has created for the patient’s 220 use. The website 230
`mayalso present the patient 220 with a field for entering text
`messages. The patient’s 220 use of the symbolic name
`“Doctor Smith Cell” and entry of a text message invokes the
`communication application 210. As a result, a wireless
`telephone associated with the private telephone number
`123-4567 displays the text message entered by the patient
`[0038] The preceding example illustrates that a virtual
`barrier 235 prevents anyclient 215, 220, 225 from accessing
`or viewing the set or item of private information 205, while
`simultaneously allowing the authorized client 220 the ben-
`efit of the trusted application’s 210 functionality. Further-
`more, the owner 200 always maintains complete control
`over the private information 205, the symbolic names, the
`relationships between the private information 205 and the
`symbolic names, which communication applications 210
`may use the private information 205, client authentication
`credentials, and which clients 215, 220, 225 may have
`access to any particular symbolic name. In other words, the
`owner 200 has complete control over all of the private
`information 205, and the client 215, 220, 225 has none.
`the owner 200 controls all aspects of the
`client’s ability to use the system, method, apparatus, or
`software application for internet based secure access control
`with custom authentication.
`[0039] Returning to FIG.2 in further detail, the owner 200
`may control various facets of operation, including managing,
`the set or item of private information 205. The set or item
`205 mayinclude any type of information in which the owner
`200 desires to remain confidential (i.e., not visible) fromall
`clients 215, 220, 225. Such information 205 mayinclude,
`but is not limited to, telephone numbers, social security
`numbers, addresses, account numbers, and passwords. The
`owner 200 may enter the set or item of private information
`205 on a computer or terminal and stored on a computer,
`server, database, or any other data storage medium, device,
`or system. Similarly, the owner 200 may delete and edit the
`items of private information 205, or the wholeset of private
`information 205. All data transfer and storage mayoccur in
`a secure manner, particularly when the owner 200 adds,
`deletes, or edits private information 205 via the website 230.
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`US 2006/0230462 Al
`Oct. 12, 2006
`Theset or items of private information 205 may be saved to
`servers, or other
`storage mediums
`in an
`encrypted manner. The data transfer between any combina-
`tion of client 215, 220, 225, owner 200, and webpage 230
`may include a secure socket layer (SSL) connection, thereby
`helping to ensure data security.
`In additionto creating, editing, or deleting private
`information 205, the owner 200 may managea relationship
`between the itemsofprivate information 205 and a symbolic
`name. The symbolic name, generated by the owner 200, may
`include alphanumeric text and may further describe the
`private information 205 in a general manner. For example,
`if the item 205 is a social security number having ninedigits,
`the symbolic name maybe “SSN,’“Smith SSN,” or “HMO
`ID” to namea few. If the owner 200 creates a relationship
`of association between the symbolic name and the private
`information 205, then any further use of this symbolic name,
`discussed in further detail below, will reference the nine-
`digit social security number, but will not explicitly disclose
`or publicize that numberto the client 215, 220, 225. In other
`words, the item of private information 205is invisible to the
`client 215, 220, 225 using the symbolic name,
`protecting the owner 200 from theft, misuse, or accidental
`disclosure ofthe item 205. On the other hand, if the owner
`200 no longer wants the association between the symbolic
`name and the item 205, the owner 200 may disassociate the
`relationship. Each item of private information 205 may be
`associated or disassociated with a unique symbolic name.
`Alternatively, one symbolic name may be associated or
`disassociated with several pieces of private information 205,
`i.e., the set of private information.
`[0041] FIG.2 alsoillustrates a communication application
`210. The owner 200 may select one or more communication
`applications 210 that utilize the private information 205. As
`discussed earlier, the communication application 210 may
`be a software application, a system, or a service provider.
`Generally speaking,
`the communication application 210
`may be any service whichuses items of private information
`205, or requires such items prior to executing services
`offered by the communication application 210. In the pre-
`ceding example, a wireless telephone messaging service was
`the communication application 210 requiring the wireless
`telephone number and the text message prior to rendering
`service. In that example,
`the owner 200 of the wireless
`telephone numbergained the benefit of allowing clients 215,
`220, 225 to utilize that number without concern of the
`numberbeing abusedor distributed to others. In that regard,
`if at any time the owner 200 decides that the client 215, 220,
`225 should no longer have accessto the services rendered by
`the communication application 210,
`the owner 200 may
`simply disassociate that communication application 210
`from the set or item of private information 205. One wayin
`which the owner mayprevent client 215, 220, 225 access is
`to comment-out or delete the client’s 215, 220, 225 authen-
`tication credentials, as will be described in more detaillater.
`Asecond way in which the owner may preventa client from
`using the system is to modify or disassociate the client
`information fromthe list of symbolic names, also discussed
`later. Alternatively, if the owner 200 decides that the client
`215, 220, 225 should only have accessto the symbolic name
`for a specific period of time, then the owner 200 may further
`associate dates and times for which the client’s use of the
`symbolic name will invoke the communication application
`210. For example, if the owner 200 is a doctor and the
`patient is the client 215, 220, 225 participating in a clinical
`trial lasting three months, then the doctor 200 may establish
`a three month time limitation for which the patient’s use of
`the symbolic nameresults in sending a text message to the
`doctor 200. Furthermore, the doctor 200 may establish a
`range of times throughout the day for which any use of the
`symbolic namewill permit invocationof the communication
`application 210.
`[0042] Additionally, if the owner 200 chooses a different
`communication application 210, c.g., a competing wireless
`the owner 200 may simply associate the new
`application 210 (e.g., new wireless provider) with the item
`of private information while simultaneously disassociating
`the former communication application 210 (e.g., old wire-
`less provider). As such, the clients 215, 220, 225 have no
`burden of a newor alternate symbolic name to use for
`receiving the services rendered by the new communication
`application 210. In fact, the clients 215, 220, 225 maynot
`even know that the communication application 210 has
`[0043] Wireless telephone messaging systems, however,
`illustrate only one embodiment which uses a system and
`method of internet based secure access control with custom
`authentication. Additional applications mayinclude, but are
`not limited to; electronic mail systems allowing an owner
`the ability to receive e-mail without disclosing the ¢-mail
`address, telephone systems allowing an owner to receive
`calls without disclosing the telephone number, home auto-
`mation access, home appliance access, security system
`access, software licensing applications, and financial and
`medical account access. As an additional example,
`if a
`patient has a medical insurance plan for which the insurance
`company uses the patient’s social security number as an
`identification number, the patient is typically obligated to
`disclose that social security numberto a health care provider
`(e.g., doctor’s office staff) prior to receiving care and treat-
`ment. Unfortunately, the patient typically has no control of
`the social security number after disclosing it to the health
`care provider. If the health care provider neglects to shred
`documents, the patient may be at a much greater risk of
`identity theft. Alternatively, the patient(i.c., owner 200) may
`provide the health care provider(i.e., client 215, 220, or 225)
`with a web address, authentication credentials, and a sym-
`bolic name(e.g., “Smith HMO ID”). When the health care
`provider 215, 220, 225 uses the symbolic name, the com-
`munication application 210 receives the associated social
`security number and mayvalidate that number with an HMO
`memberdatabase. The communication application 210 may
`further return a simple “approve” or “disapprove” status
`indication to the health care provider 215, 220, 225, or any
`similar innocuous indication of valid health insurance cov-
`erage without subjecting the patient’s 200 social security
`number 205 t

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