as) United States
`a2) Patent Application Publication co) Pub. No.: US 2007/0094609 Al
`(43) Pub. Date: Apr. 26, 2007
`Gilboa et al.
`US 20070094609A 1
`Inventors: Yuval Gilboa, Pardesiya (IL); Rinat
`Gilboa, Pardesiya (IL)
`Correspondence Address:
`Assignee: SAP Portals Israel Ltd., Ra’anana (IL)
`Appl. No.:
`Dec. 29, 2005
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/722,888, filed on Sep.
`30, 2005.
`Publication Classification
`Int. CL
`GO6F 3/00
`GO6F 9/44
`(52) US. Che
`caccecssssssssensen 715/762; 707/102: 717/104
`Techniques for decoupling models created during design-
`time from the runtime environment. A declarative and
`executable representation for GUIs for applications is pro-
`vided that is independent of any particular runtime platform,
`GUI framework, device, or programming language and
`whichacts as an interface between the design environment
`and the runtime environment.
`Bank Address
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`Patent Application Publication Apr. 26,2007 Sheet 1 of 16
`US 2007/0094609 Al
`en ene
`112-1 | COMPILER
`FIG. 1
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` 106
` 110
`FIG. 2
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`US 2007/0094609 Al —
`FIG. 3
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`Patent Application Publication Apr. 26, 2007 Sheet 4 of 16
`US 2007/0094609 Al
`402 Fic.48)
`XGL Rep.
`422 (FIG. 4C)
`(FIG. 4D)
`(FIG. 4E)
`FIG. 4A
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`Patent Application Publication Apr. 26,2007 Sheet 6 of 16
`US 2007/0094609 Al
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`Patent Application Publication Apr. 26,2007 Sheet 8 of 16
`US 2007/0094609 Al
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`Patent Application Publication Apr. 26, 2007 Sheet 9 of 16
`US 2007/0094609 Al
`FIG. 5B)
`XGL Rep.
`(FIG. 5E)
`(FIG. 5C)
`(FIG. 5D)
`FIG. 5A
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`Patent Application Publication Apr. 26,2007 Sheet 11 of 16
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`US 2007/0094609 Al
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`Patent Application Publication Apr. 26,2007 Sheet 12 of 16
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`US 2007/0094609 Al
`Patent Application Publication Apr. 26,2007 Sheet 13 of 16
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`Patent Application Publication Apr. 26,2007 Sheet 14 of 16
`US 2007/0094609 Al
`<?xml version="1.0"?>
`<xg:Componenturn namespace-decl___
`interactor-dec! an
`FIG. 6
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`Patent Application Publication Apr. 26,2007 Sheet 15 of 16
`US 2007/0094609 Al
`<?xml version="1.0"?>
`<xg:Component urn="AAD6BU"xmins:xg="http:/!"
`<xg:Window windowTitle="Wizard1" windowType="top" preferredWidth="760"
`<xg:Canvas enableScrolling="true" scaleMode="fix">
`<xg:Wizard defaultChild="ABA6BV" roadmapStyle="full" frameStyle="none">
`<xg:PanelframeStyle="primary" w="320" h="160" x="344" y="16"
`<xg:FormView id="ACA6CL"infoset="AAA6CL" title="Form5" scaleMode="fix"
`formLayout="absolute" formWiath="184" formHeight="64"isEditable="true">
`- <xg:Operators/>
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`- <xg:Palettes/>
`- <xg:Translations/>
`- <xg:Imports/>
`FIG. 7
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`Patent Application Publication Apr. 26,2007 Sheet 16 of 16
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`FIG. 8
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`US 2007/0094609 Al
`Apr. 26, 2007
`‘The present application is a non-provisional appli-
`cation claiming benefit under 35 U.S.C. 119(e) of U.S.
`Provisional Patent Application No. 60/722,888 (Attorney
`Docket No. 017900-005900US)
`(XGL)filed Sep. 30, 2005, the entire contents (including all
`the appendices) of which are herein incorporated byrefer-
`ence for all purposes.
`invention relates to graphical user
`[0002] The present
`interfaces, and more particularly to techniques for facilitat-
`ing creation of graphical user interfaces for different runtime
`information is com-
`In the computing domain,
`monly stored in the form of models. For example, during the
`design phase, a designer may use a modeling tool to design
`an application. As part of the application design, the mod-
`eling tool may generate a model representation that stores
`information for the application including information about
`graphical user interfaces (GUIs) associated with the appli-
`cation. The model maystore information related to various
`entities or components of the application,
`describing inputs or outputs of the components, information
`describing dependencies between the various components
`and their input and outputs, a component’s response to
`signals, the runtime environment, and other information for
`the application. The model that is used for storing applica-
`tion information may be configured by the designer after
`taking into consideration various factors such as the domain
`in whichthe application is to be used, the memoryresources
`available for
`storing the information,
`the computing,
`resources available for processing the model, tools to be
`used for manipulating the model, and other factors. A model
`representation (also referred to as canonic model represen-
`tation) thus provides a convenient way Lo persist information
`for an application in a machine-readable representation.
`Various different types of model representations may be
`used. The type of model that is used may depend upon the
`domain in which the application is to be used, the design-
`time modeling environment used by the designer, available
`computing and memoryresources, andthelike,
`[0004] During runtime, a design-time model (i.e., a model
`generated during design-time) is typically transformed to a
`form that can then be executed by a target device. The
`transformation from a model representation to an executable
`form is usually performed by a runtime framework which
`may comprise tools such as source code generators, com-
`etc. This
`transformation generally
`depends onthe characteristics of the runtime environment
`such as the runtime platform of the target device on which
`the application is to run (e.g., the target device that is used
`to output or display the GUI), characteristics of the target
`device such as GUI capabilities of the target device, and
`other factors that are specific to the runtime environment.
`transformations from a design-
`[0005] Conventionally,
`time model representation to a runtime form are performed
`by specialized runtime tools (c.g., compilers), cach tool
`programmed to convert a particular type of model to a
`particular target device-specific and runtime environment-
`specific executable form. ‘The model representation is thus
`tightly coupled to the runtime environment. Dueto this tight
`coupling, many times, it becomes very difficult to evolve
`model representations without affecting the runtime envi-
`ronment and the designeris forced to take into consideration
`runtime environment dependencies during the design phase.
`invention provide
`[0006] Embodiments of the present
`techniques for decoupling models created during design-
`time from the runtime environment. A declarative and
`executable representation for GUIs for applications is pro-
`vided that is independent ofany particular runtime platform,
`GUI framework, device, and programming language.
`[0007] According to an embodimentof the present inven-
`techniques are provided for generating an abstract
`representation for a model representation. Information is
`received identifying a model representation for an applica-
`the model
`representation comprising information
`describing a graphical user interface (GUI) for the applica-
`tion. An abstract representation is generated for the GUI
`based upon the model representation, wherein the abstract
`representation is independent of a runtime environment
`platform for executing the application.
`[0008] According to an embodimentof the present inven-
`tion, a first GUI for a first runtime environment platform
`using the abstract representation. In one embodiment, the
`first GUI is generated by generating first source code based
`upon the abstract representation, wherein the first source
`code is in a language supported bythe first runtime envi-
`ronmentplatform, and executing thefirst source code using
`the first runtime environmentplatform to generate the first
`GUI. According to another embodiment, the first GUI is
`generated by generating machine executable statements spe-
`cific to the first runtime environment platform based upon
`the abstract
`representation, and executing the machine
`executable statements using the first runtime environment
`platform to generate the first GUI. The first runtime envi-
`ronment platform may be a Java platform, a Flash platform,
`Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML)plat-
`form, a dynamic HTML (DHTML)platform, or some other
`[0009] According to an embodimentofthe present inven-
`tion, a second GUI is generated for a second runtime
`environment platform using the abstract representation,
`wherein the second runtime environment platform is differ-
`ent from the first runtime environment platform.
`In one embodiment, generating the abstract repre-
`sentation comprises using a first set of mapping rules for
`generating the abstract representation from the model rep-
`resentation, gencrating the first GUI comprises using a
`second set of mapping rules for generating the first GUI
`from the abstract representation, and generating the second
`GUI comprises using a third set of mapping rules for
`generating the second GUIfrom the abstract representation.
`[0011] According to an embodimentof the present inven-
`the abstract representation is not dependent on a
`GUlI-framework of the runtime environment platform.
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`US 2007/0094609 Al
`Apr. 26, 2007
`According to another embodimentof the present invention,
`the abstract representation is not dependent on a language of
`the runtime environment platform.
`[0012] According to an embodimentofthe present inven-
`techniques are provided for generating an abstract
`representation for a model representation. Information is
`received identifying a model representation for an applica-
`the model
`representation comprising information
`describing a graphical user interface (GUID) for the applica-
`tion. An abstract representation is generated for the GUI
`based upon the model representation, wherein the abstract
`representation is declarative and executable.
`[0021] FIG. 4D depicts a screenshot generated GUIfor a
`Flash platform using an XGL representation generated for
`Example #1 according to an embodiment of the present
`[0022] FIG. 4E depicts a screenshot generated GUI for a
`DHTMI, platform using an XGI. representation generated
`for Example #1 according to an embodiment of the present
`[0023] FIG. 5A depicts a processing flow applicable to
`Example #2 according to an embodiment of the present
`[0024] FIG. 5B depictsa visual representation of a model
`representation for a bank data-entry application GUI used in
`Example #2 according to an embodiment ofthe present
`[0025] FIG. 5C depicts a screenshot generated GUI for a
`Java platform using an XGL representation generated for
`[Example #2 according to an embodiment of the present
`[0026] FIG. 5D depicts a screenshot generated GUI for a
`Flash platform using an XGL representation generated for
`Example #2 according to an embodiment of the present
`[0013] According to an embodimentofthe present inven-
`tion, a generic, declarative, and executable GUI language
`(XGL)is defined that is independent of any GUI framework
`or runtime platform, not dependent on characteristics of a
`target device on which the graphic user interface is to be
`displayed, and is also independent of any programming
`language. XGL is used to generate a generic representation
`CXGLrepresentation) for a design-time model representa-
`tion. The XGL representation is declarative and therefore
`does not depend on any GUI framework, runtime platform,
`or device, or programming language. An XGL representa-
`tion is thus a device-independent representation of a GUI.
`The XGLrepresentation is executable implying that for a
`model representation unambiguously encapsulates execu-
`tion semantics for the GUI described by the model repre-
`sentation. The XGL representation that is created from a
`model representation may then be processed in the runtime
`environment. The XGL representation may be used to gen-
`erate device-specific
`and runtime environment-specific
`GUIs and runtimerepresentations for various target devices
`and runtime platforms. An XGL representation thus serves
`as the common-ground or interface between design-time
`[0029] FIG. 7 depicts a sample listing showing the skel-
`user interface modeling tools andaplurality of user interface
`eton of a sample XGL component according to an embodi-
`runtime frameworks.
`ment of the present invention; and
`[0027] FIG. 5E depicts a screenshot generated GUI for a
`DHTMLplatform using an XGL representation generated
`for Example #2 according to an embodimentof the present
`[0028] FIG. 6 depicts a sample XGL componentdeclara-
`tion structure according to an embodiment of the present
`together with other
`[0014] The
`embodiments, and advantages of the present invention, will
`become more apparent when referring to the following
`specification, claims, and accompanying drawings.
`[0015] FIG. 1 depicts a simplified environment in which
`an embodiment of the present invention may be used;
`[0016] FIG. 2 depicts a simplified process for mapping a
`model representation to a runtime representation according
`to an embodiment of the present invention;
`[0017] FIG. 3 depicts a simplified high-level flowchart
`showing processing performed according to an embodiment
`of the present invention;
`[0018] FIG. 4A depicts a processing flow applicable to
`Example #1 according to an embodiment of the present
`[0019] FIG. 4B depicts a visual representation of a model
`representation for a bank data-entry application GUI used in
`Example #1 according to an embodiment ofthe present
`[0020] FIG. 4C depicts a screenshot generated GUIfor a
`Java platform using an XGL representation generated for
`Example #1 according to an embodiment of the present
`[0030] FIG. 8 is a simplified block diagram of a computer
`system that may be used to perform processing according to
`an embodiment of the present invention.
`In the following description, for the purposes of
`explanation, specific details are set forth in order to provide
`a thorough understanding of the invention. However,it will
`be apparent that the invention may be practiced without
`these specific details.
`invention provide
`[0032] Embodiments of the present
`techniques for decoupling models created during design-
`time from the runtime environment. Model representations
`for GUIs created in a design time environment are
`decoupled from the runtime environment in which the GUIs
`are executed. A declarative and executable representation for
`GUIs for applications is provided that is independent of any
`particular runtime platform, GUI framework, device, or
`programming language.
`[0033] According to an embodimentof the present inven-
`tion, a generic, declarative, and executable GUI language
`(XGL) is provided. XGL is independent of any particular
`GUI framework or runtime platform. XGL is also not
`dependent oncharacteristics of a target device on whichthe
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`US 2007/0094609 Al
`Apr. 26, 2007
`graphic uscr interface is to be displayed. XGL is also
`independent of any programming language. XGL is used to
`generate a generic representation (referred to as the XGL
`representation or XGL-compliant
`for a
`design-time model representation. The XGLrepresentation
`is declarative which implies that the representation does not
`depend on any GUIframework, runtime platform, or device,
`or programming language. An XGL representation is thus a
`device-independent representation of a GUI. The XGLrep-
`resentation is executable and therefore unambiguously
`encapsulates execution semantics for the GUI described by
`a model representation. Models of different types can be
`transformed to XGL representations.
`is created from a
`[0034] An XGL representation that
`model representation may then be used for processing in the
`runtime environment. For example, the XGI. representation
`may be used to generate a machine-executable runtime GUI
`(or someother runtime representation) that may be executed
`by a target device. As part of the runtime processing, an
`XGLrepresentation maybe transformed into one or more
`runtime representations (e.g., source code in a particular
`programming language, machine-executable code for a spe-
`cific runtime environment, executable GUI, etc.) that may be
`generated for specific runtime environments and devices.
`Since the XGLrepresentation, rather than the design-time
`model representation, is used by the runtime environment,
`the design-time model representation is decoupled from the
`runtime environment. An XGLrepresentation thus serves as
`the common-ground orinterface between design-time user
`interface modeling tools and a plurality of user interface
`runtime frameworks. It provides a self-contained, closed,
`and deterministic definition of all aspects of a graphical user
`interface in a devicc-independent and programming-lan-
`guage independent manner. In an embodiment,
`the XGL
`semantics may be rigorously defined using, an abstract model
`of a GUI framework. A specific embodiment of XGL is
`described below under the section titled “SAMPLE XGL
`SPECIFICATION (example embodiment)’.
`In the runtime environment, various different GUI
`framework-specific and platform-specific tools (e.g., code
`interpreters, compilers, etc.) may be used to
`transform an XGL representation into GUIs running on
`target devices. These tools may comply with XGL specifi-
`cation. For example, XGL-compliant code generators may
`conform to semantics of XGL, as described below. XGL-
`compliant code gencrators may ensure that the appearance
`and behavior of the generated user interfaces is preserved
`across a plurality of target GUI frameworks, while accom-
`modating the differences in the intrinsic characteristics of
`each and also accommodating the different levels of capa-
`bility of target devices.
`[0036] XGL maybe used for generating representations of
`various different GUIs and supports various GUI features
`including full windowing and componentization support,
`rich data visualizations and animations, rich modes of data
`entry and userinteractions, and flexible connectivity to any
`complex application data services. XGL is fully declarative
`and therefore does not rely on anyparticular programming
`[0037] FIG. 1 depicts a simplified environment 100 in
`which an embodimentof the present invention maybe used.
`As depicted in FIG. 1, a modeling tool 104 running ona data
`processing system 102 may be used by a GUI designer
`during the application design phase to create a model
`representation 106 for a GUI application. Model represen-
`tation 106 may be a machine-readable representation of an
`application or a domain specific model. Model representa-
`tion 106 may encapsulate various design parameters related
`to the GUI such as GUI components, dependencies between
`the GUI components, inputs and outputs,andthe like. Model
`representation 106 provides a form in which a model(s) is
`persisted and transported, and possibly handled by various
`tools such as code generators, runtime interpreters, analysis
`and validation tools, merge tools, and the like. In one
`embodiment, model representation 106 may be a collection
`of XML documents with a well-formed syntax. Various
`ditferent modeling tools 104 may be used to generate model
`representation 106. These tools include butare not restricted
`to Visual Composer™ provided by SAP AG of Germany,
`Rational Rose™, Borland Together™, Microsoft ViSio™,
`and others. Modeling tool 104 and modelrepresentation 106
`may be considered to be part of a design time environment.
`[0038] According to an embodimentof the present inven-
`tion, an abstract representation generator (or XGL generator)
`108 is provided that generates an abstract representation
`(XGLrepresentation or XGL-compliant representation) 110
`based upon model representation 106. Abstract representa-
`tion generator 108 takes model representation 106 as input
`and outputs abstract representation 110 for the model rep-
`resentation. A specific embodiment of XGL is described
`below. Various other types of XGLs may also be used in
`alternative embodiments.
`[0039] Model representation 106 may be of various forms
`or types depending on the tool/language used for the mod-
`eling. These various different model representations may be
`mapped to XGL representation 110. Different mapping rules
`may be provided for mapping a model representation to an
`XGLrepresentation. Different types of model representa-
`tions may be transformed or mapped to XGL representa-
`tions. For each type of model representation, mapping rules
`may be provided for mapping the model representation to an
`[0040] As previously indicated, XGL is independent of
`any GUI framework or runtime platform and is also inde-
`pendent of any programming language or target device
`characteristic. Further, XGL is capable of unambiguously
`encapsulating execution semantics for the GUI model rep-
`resentation. Accordingly, XGL representation 110 generated
`for a model representation 106 is declarative and execut-
`able—XGT. representation 110 thus provides a representa-
`tion of the GUI of model 106 that is not dependent on any
`device or runtime platform, is not dependent on anypro-
`gramming language,
`and unambiguously encapsulates
`execution semantics for the GUI. The execution semantics
`may include for example, identification of various compo-
`nents of the GUI, interpretation of connections between the
`various GUI components, information identifying the order
`of sequencing of events, rules governing dynamic behavior
`of the GUI, rules governing handling of values by the GUI,
`and the like. The XGL representation is also not GUI
`runtime-platform specific. The XGL representation provides
`a self-contained, closed, and deterministic definition of all
`aspects of a graphical user interface that is device indepen-
`dent and language independent. XGL generator 108 may be
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`US 2007/0094609 Al
`Apr. 26, 2007
`configured to gencrate XGL representations for modcls of
`different types, which may be created using different mod-
`eling tools 104.
`[0041] XGL or abstract representation 110 provides an
`interface between the design time environment and the
`runtime environment. As depicted in FIG. 1, abstract rep-
`resentation 110 may be used by runtime processing. As part
`of runtime processing, various runtime tools 112 may gen-
`erate different types of runtime representations based upon
`abstract representation 110. Examples of runtime represen-
`tations include device or language dependent source code,
`runtime platform-specific machine-readable code, GUIs for
`a particular target device, and the like. Runtime tools may
`include compilers, interpreters, source code generators, and
`other such tools that are configured to generate runtime
`platform-specific or target device-specific runtime represen-
`tations of abstract representation 110.
`[0042] A runtime tool may generate

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