Systems and Methods for Presenting Information on Mobile Devices
`4: Tight Integration with Phone Functions
`As described above as a prerequisite for messaging and social networking, there are a large and
`expanding set of phone based resources that must be tightly integrated with any consumer facing
`application to be a viable robust solution. This list will continue to grow, but it already includes:
`> Placing and receiving phone calls
`> Access to the phone's PIM data
`> Access to the phone's camera
`5: Mashups
`The efficient and robust integration of different web services to create a value-added seamless user
`experience should be an inherent attribute of the Authoring Platform. Some of the facilities that support
`mashups are:
`> The Feed Collector
`Utilizing a vendor supplied rules based populator, dynamic content from different feeds and/or web
`services can be logically consolidated.
`’ Extensible Attributes for Complex Objects
`Slide shows, virtual tours, GlS Service objects, and child objects, can consolidate content in a
`logical way, whether it be text. video, audio, pictures and/or vectors.
`> Vendor Supplied Web Services
`Services such as dynamic binding and Server Pages further help facilitate the mashup of logically
`related dynamic content.
`Graphlc 15: Web Services Objects
`Page 864 of 1295
`GOOGLE EXHIBIT 1006 (Part 3 of 3)
`Page 864 of 1295
`GOOGLE EXHIBIT 1006 (Part 3 of 3)


`Systems and Methods for Presenting Information on Mobile Devices
`Example: Location Awareness Integration with all Relevant Services
`More and more social networking applications require the use of geographical information services (GIS)
`and location-based services (LBS) as integral components. For example, a social networking application
`may detect the location of “friends" within a certain radius of the mobile device using GIS and phone
`triangulation (location based on the three nearest mobile cell towers near the respective phone) or
`through the GPS received on the phone. GIS images may be used for mapping to theaters or restaurants,
`detect optimal travelling routes based on traveling conditions, etc. A broad array of mobile GIS web
`services have been built into the proposed delivery platform for location-aware applications.
`Graphic 16A and Graphic 168 are two examples of possible implementations.
`Graphic 16A: LBS Optimal Travel Route
`Step 1
`Select the E icon or fire after moving a soft cursor to zoom in to
`the desired geography.
` Step 3
`Step 2
`West directions from two User-Defined geospatial points. Select the
`icon and move cursor to a desired start-point ‘A'. Move your
`cursor to a desired end-point 'B’.
`To get the directions, select 5‘" icon again
`You will start off with a raster image of a map with two points selected. The optimal route will be displayed as a
`green vector graphic on top of the raster image of the map. You call zoom in closer to the optimized directions for
`a closer look. You can also see points of Interest, by viewing a 360-degree virtual tour. See Graphic 17 LBS
`Enhanced Services
`Page 865 of 1295
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`Systems and Methods for Presenting Information on Mobile Devices
`Graphic 168: L88 Enhanced Services Demo
`Step 1
`The user could, as a short cut, select a point of interest through a
`button or any other navigation object.
`Step 2
`Alternatively. the user could select the E icon or fire after moving a
`soft cursor to zoom in to the desired geography so that the point of
`interest becomes visible and is selected. Or the user could enter in or
`select an address. The user could then fire on the button labeled ‘Take
`Step 3
`Immediately a virtual tour of the point of interest becomes available in
`which the user can now pan and zoom throughout the virtual
`representation of the point of interest.
`Alternatively. if a video cam is operational. a live video feed could be
`Page 866 of 1295
`Page 866 of 1295


`Systems and Methods for Presenting Information on Mobile Devices
`E: Maximum Distribution to Internet Connected Devices
`1: Removal of Most Device & Network Constraints
`Thick vs. Thin Client
`Most current implementations that support rich and highly interactive user experiences are computer
`programs that are written either to the Operating System (OS) or Virtual Machine (VM) of the device.
`From a development point—of~view this is a far quicker path to take. However, it means that all significant
`changes to the application require reprogramming the application and then complete the required Q/A
`cycle. a process that can take severai months. Also, for feature phones, the entire application must be
`downloaded and placed into the limited heap of the device. For any robust and full featured application
`this design will, at best, quickly restrict its use to a very limited number of devices.
`Graphic 17: Thlck vs. Thin Client
`Thick Client (500K+)
`- Resident Program
`Custom Code and Data
`Ultra-thin Client (<1 30K)
`- Application management
`- \firtual memory manager
`- Multi-Ievel cache manager
`- Anticipatory streaming
`Code and Data Compaction
`Docket: XPR002PR
`Page 867 of 1295
`Page 867 of 1295


`Systems and Methods for Presenting Information on Mobile Devices
`As mentioned before, the Proposed
`Platform is based on an ultra—thin
`client architecture. The Client is light
`weight and extends the OS and/or VM
`of the device to:
`’ Extend the capability of the
`device to that of a desktop
`Graphic 18: Ultra-thin Client Engine and Its extensions
`' Manage all applications and
`application upgrades
`’ Resolve device, 08, VM and
`language fragmentation
`A thin client architecture requires that
`a language be adopted that manages
`resources efficiently, is extensible,
`supports a robust application model, and has no device specific dependencies. .
`Virtual Memory and Multi-Level Cache Architecture
`Virtual Memory
`Desktop systems all support virtual memory by using a physical
`page model with supporting hardware. The proposed platform
`should implement a logical page virtual memory manager. This
`architecture requires no supporting hardware and works efficiently
`with constrained devices. All page view images. which could span
`multiple applications, are placed in a table as highly compacted
`and compressed code. A typical page view will range from 500
`bytes up to about 1,500 bytes. When rolled into the heap and
`instantiated this code increases to the more typical 50,000 up to
`250,000 bytes. Additional alert pages may also be rolled into the
`heap and superimposed on the current page view. Any changes
`to any page currently downloaded are placed in a highly compact
`change vector for each page, and rolled out when the page is
`discarded. Note that whenever an application is visited that had
`previously been placed in virtual memory the Server is
`interrogated to see if a more current version is available, and, if
`so, downloads it. This means that application logic can be
`changed in real-time and the results immediately available to
`mobile devices.
`Page 868 of 1295
`Change Vectors E‘IIIIIIIII'
`App 1
`Page Images
`Charge Vectors
`App N
`Page Images
`. as .<
`Record Store or File System
`Cache for all Medla
`Page 868 of 1295


`Systems and Methods for Presenting Information on Mobile Devices
`Gra htc 21:
`Cod: and Data Compaction
`Java Objects
`Reassembled Primitives
`O O O
`Logical Compression
`Anticipatory Streaming and Multi-Level Caching
`To operate efficiently with the bandwidth constraints of mobile devices,
`this delivery platform also features anticipatory streamingTM and multi-Ievel
`caching. Anticipatory streaming looks ahead in the current application to
`see if there is content that is likely to be visited in yet untouched page
`With the multi—level caching system, mobile applications are bounded so
`that the handsets don't run out of memory. Multi-level caching is a
`memory management system with results similar to embedding, without
`the overhead of instantiating the content. In other words, with multi-level
`caching. handset users get an “embedded" performance without the
`embedded download. Multi-level caching determines the handset’s heap
`through an API, and also looks at the record store to see how much
`memory is resident. This content is placed in record store and/or the file
`system, and may, if there is available heap, also place the content there
`as well. Note that when content is flagged as cacheable and is placed in
`persistent storage, a digital rights management (DRM) solution will be
`Graphic 20; Memory Speed vs. Volume
`Network HTTP
`File System {it available)
`L2 Encoded
`Code and Data Compaction
`This delivery platform uses compaction to transform the code and data in
`an intelligent way while preserving all of the original classes, methods and
`attributes. This requires both an intelligent server engine and client
`(handset) player, both of which fully understand what the data means and how it will be used.
`This compaction technology should include transformation algorithms that deconstruct the logic and data
`into their most primitive representations, and then reassembles them in a way that can be optimally
`digested by further compression processing. This reassembled set of primitive representations define the
`"proposed PDL.
`Prior to compression the code has already been transformed so that:
`> There are no dependencies on the original programming language (Java)
`> The code and data have been reduced by 4 to 10 times
`Compression has two distinct phases. The first takes advantage of how the primitive representations had
`been assembled, while the second utilizes standard LZ encoding.
`Page 869 of 1295
`Page 869 of 1295


`Systems and Methods for Presenting Information on Mobile Devices
`The final result is an overall reduction of 40 to 100 times the original size as
`represented by Java serialized objects.
`The player, when preparing a page view for execution, will decompress and
`then regenerate the original objects, but this time in compliance with the
`programming APls exposed by that device.
`2: Solution for Device Fragmentation
`Response Director for wide coverage of the wireless device
`The heart of this proposed deployment platform resides in its Response
`Director, which determines a user’s handset, fetches the correct application
`from different databases, and delivers a respective highly compressed
`application in a Postscript-like Portable Description Language (PDL) format
`over the air (OTA)
`With the Response Director, any mobile device can be serviced, and the
`most appropriate application for the device will be delivered to the device,
`based on the characteristics of the device.
`How the Response Director Works
`Let’s take a look at how it works. First, an SMS message is generated to the
`mobile device, which then automatically sends an http:// stream that includes
`handset information and its phone number to the Response Director. The
`Response Director then looks at a field in the http header (which includes the
`user agent and IP address) that identifies the browser (i.e., the User Agent).
`The User Agent prompts a database lookup table that brings back a slew of
`data (for example, make, model, attributes, MIDP 1.0 MIDP 2.0. WAP). The
`database also distinguishes the same models from different countries. There
`is another IP address database, which identifies the cam'er/operator. A
`decision tree determines which application to fetch and send to the handset.
`Graphic 22: Decompression
`Compacted Page Images
`Cache Manager
`Retrieve. Decompress. Reassemble
`Device Objects
`Graphic 23: Response Director
`HTTP Header (User Agent/IF Address)
`Find Make, Model
`Using User Agent
`. z; 0!:th ggiifigg'c) ?
`Using IP Address
`, - _,, __,
`Xpresmo File Database
`(jam, Jada, htrnl, waplwmt, sms)
`(ISP, Carrier]
`User Agent
`Display Page
`a (himI 6310 Big
`owns. “Flinn-mull
`Open Toolbar
`Page 870 of 1295
`Page 870 of 1295


`Systems and Methods for Presenting lnforrnation on Mobile Devices
`Another Vendor supplied database should contain the data types such as jad1, jad2, html, wmI/wap2, and
`so on. A list of available applications are returned to the decision tree, which then returns, to the handset,
`the application that is appropriate for the respective handset. For each file type, there is an attributes list
`(e.g., streaming video. embedded video, streaming audio. etc.) so that there is enough information to
`determine what to send to the handset.
`If there is an application that has a data type that the handset cannot support, for example. video, the
`Response Director sends an alternative application to the handset. for example one that has a slide show
`instead. If the device cannot support a slide show. an application might have text and images and display
`a message that indicates it does not support video.
`Another proposed feature of the Response Director is its exposed API from the decision tree that permits
`the Vendor solution providers to override the default output of the decision tree. The Vendor solution
`providers will be given a choice of applications and then can decide to use the defaults or force other
`Device Scaling for Reduced Fragmentation
`One of the most visible forms of fragmentation resides in the various form factors of wireless. and
`particularly mobile, devices, which range from 128x128, 176x208, 240x260, 320x320, and many other
`customized sizes in between. Often, developers must create hundreds of builds for one mobile
`This proposed platform should automatically scale applications at publishing time to various form factors
`to reduce the amount of fragmentation among devices, and the Response Director would then serve the
`appropriately scaled version to the device. For example, a QVGA application will automatically scale to
`the QCIF form factor.
`Player Abstraction and Device Adaptation for Eliminating Fragmentation
`The proposed player architecture includes an abstraction interface that separates all device, operating
`system and virtual machine dependencies from the player's application model business logic.
`The advantages of this abstraction interface are:
`Porting to other operating systems and virtual machines is far more efficient.
`' Adding extensions to the application model and PDL can be implemented once and then
`seamlessly propagated across all platform implementations.
`' Less robust platforms can be augmented by extending higher end capabilities inside that
`platform's abstraction interface implementation.
`The players also extend the power of the Response Director by adapting the application to the resources
`and limitations of any particular device.
`Some of these areas of adaptation include:
`D The speed of the device's microprocessor.
`D The presence of device resources such as cameras and touch screens.
`D The Heap. Record Store and File System memory constraints.
`For example. the player will automatically throttle down an animation to the frame rate that the device can
`handle so that the best possible user experience is preserved.
`Page 871 of 1295
`Page 871 of 1295


`Systems and Methods for Presenting Information on Mobile Devices
`Automatic Deployment around the Globe
`Finally, the Response Director can automate the deployment of applications acrossnational boundaries,
`supporting both traditional and double byte Asiatic languages.
`Graphic 24: Reduce Fragmentation
`Xpreesmo Authoring Tool
`I Ina-nnnT-Iunuu
`Page 872 of 1295
`Page 872 of 1295


`Systems and Methods for Presenting Information on Mobile Devices
`3: Application Model Support for Operator Extensions and Advanced JSRs
`Over time, the operators, device manufacturers, operating system and virtual machine vendors,
`responding to market demand, will increase the robustness of the IP Stack. This is already being seen as
`numerous optional JSRs have been released that extend the power of the Java MIDP virtual machine,
`new versions of operating systems with ever increasing capability are now available on mobile devices,
`and operators such as DoCoMo, Vodafone and Sprint have released numerous extensions that are
`specific to their networks.
`The proposed platform should have a facility, when it makes business sense, to extend its application
`model to support these new capabilities, without fragmenting application deployment over legacy devices
`that do not support these capabilities. Generally, this would be accomplished by using the following
`criteria to determine which new capabilities to add to the application model.
`Is this capability useful to a broad segment of the market?
`Is there a reasonable comparable or fail-softimplementation that can be added to the players for
`devices that do not support this capability?
`The processes below are largely automated in order to efficiently generate and support an expanding
`data base of Player Profiles.
`Graphic 25: Player Profiles
`03 and VM
`Dependent APIs
`Device Profile
`Fall Soft Implementation
`Dependent APIs
`Géfisfié'P'léyer: ' ‘
`, W9 méfltétiOn.
`Operator Extension
` Dependent APis
`Operator Profile
`Fall Soft implementation
`, .x' p.
` Iran-Input..-..V'DU‘.
`Native API Implementations
`Fall Soft Implementation
`h -.» .‘. ; . .'
`Advanced and
`Page 873 of 1295
`Page 873 of 1295


`S stems and Methods for Presentin Information on Mobile Devices
`As discussed previously, the Response Director manages the deployment of all players.
`Graphic 26: Player Deployment
`Receive HTTP Header
`Query for
`Device Characteristics
`Operator and Locale
`' ”
`yrs—"a vr
`:z-g-Ixnr «~15: vrrn
`‘llllll *Illllllli
`Response Director
`Query and Receive
`URL for Matchan Player
`Device Appropriate Player Install
`Player Profile
`Player Build Process
`Generate Players for all
`Abstraction implementations
`This does not preclude the support for advanced capabilities when there is no reasonable way to
`implement some reasonable representation on legacy devices.
`it does, however, infer that:
`D Legacy devices will, when receiving PDL instructions that it cannot support, ignore those
`t The vendor, or its customers, may release advanced versions of this proposed Platform targeted
`for these more capable environments.
`Docket: XPR002PR
`Page 874 of 1295
`Page 874 of 1295


`Systems and Methods for Presenting Information on Mobile Devices
`4: Robust and Extensible Cross-Platform Application Model
`It would not be possible, with modern technology, to have a solution for deploying rich intelligent content
`to the wide array of 21st Century Internet applications that span set-top boxes, game consoles, PCs, and
`mobile devices without the implementation of a well conceived Application Model as the conceptual
`framework for all applications and services.
`Graphic 27: Cross Platform Application Model
`Page 875 of 1295
`Page 875 of 1295


`Systems and Methods for Presenting Information on Mobile Devices
`F: Complete Analytic Reporting
`Analytics can be tracked and reported by:
`> Application
`t User Demographic
`’ Time of Day
`t Location
`In addition, the type of analytic content is really only limited by which listeners have been activated for
`which objects and for which pages. Some of the choices are:
`> Player-side forms-based content
`> Player-side user interactions
`> Player-side object status
`' Server-side driven dynamic content events
`Graphic 26: Reporting and Management
`End Users
`sends SMS code
`Text ACME:
`for latest
`promotion ACME
`Mobile Phcnu
`Xpressmo Sewer
`ACME Server
`receives SMS
`Page 876 of 1295
`Page 876 of 1295


`Systems and Methods for Presenting Information on Mobile Devices
`G: Enhanced User Experience
`The quality of the user experience will be determined by a number of factors. All of the sections above
`address various components that will affect the user experience. in summary, they are:
`D Mlnlmized Handset Response Time Delay
`This will have been addressed by the suggested Cache and Virtual Memory Manager, anticipatory
`streaming, compaction of code and data, and the design of the proposed player.
`> Navigation
`This includes the various launch strips, graphical lists, intelligent test objects, and the overall power
`the proposed Event Manager Model.
`’ Entertaining Presentation Layer
`By empowering the designer and UI Engineer with the Publishing Tool, by offering, through
`massive analytic reporting the behaviors of the consumer, and with the rapid iteration capability to
`continue to adapt the presentation layer to consumer needs, the likelihood of success goes way up
`while the risk of failure is greatly minimized.
`> Personalization
`With both extensive customization choices available to the consumer on both the phone and
`desktop. and with the adaptive technologies based on actual usage, the consumer will find the
`experience familiar, pleasing and intimate.
`D Coverage
`Although this discussion has been primary focused on the feature phone, the consumer already is
`connected to the intemet with office and hone PCs, through the television and its STB, and possibly
`through other mobile devices such as laptops, PDAs, Blackberries, etc. Since this proposed
`platform can operate on all these devices, and can create an integrated and adaptive experience
`that will follow the consumer anywhere in this interconnected world, the intemet world becomes
`human centric, not device centric.
`' Docket: XPROOZPR
`Page 877 of 1295
`Page 877 of 1295


`Systems and Methods for Presenting information on Mobile Devices
`The following appendices are illustrative of one embodiment of the present invention.
`Docket: XPFl002PFi
`Page 878 of 1295
`Page 878 of 1295


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`Fees Due: Filing Fee of $210 ($105 for small entity).
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