United States Patent 19
`Lee et al.
`Patent Number:
`45 Date of Patent:
`Dec. 30, 1997
`(75) Inventors: Chung-Kuang Lee; Jung-Hsien Hsu;
`Pin-Nan Tseng, all of Hsin-chu, Taiwan
`(73) Assignee: Taiwan Semiconductor
`Manufacturing Company, Ltd.,
`Hsin-Chu, Taiwan
`(21) Appl. No.: 623,438
`2 Filled:
`r 28,
`................ 0121/44
`(51) Int. Cl'................
`52 U.S. C. ... 437/195; 437/231; 437/228;
`437/DIG. 978
`58) Field of Search
`437/195. 231
`"22 DiG 978
`References Cited
`5,173,442 12/1992 Carey ..................................... 437/194
`5,284,799 2/1994 Sato .......
`... 437/89
`... 437/194
`5,409,862 4/1995 Wada et al. .
`K. Ueno et al., "A Half-Micron Pitch Cu Interconnection
`Technology" 1995 Symposium on VLSI Technology Digest
`, pp. 27-28.
`Primary Examiner-Charles L. Bowers, Jr.
`Assistant Examiner-Lynne A. Gurley
`Attorney Agent, or Firm-George O. Saile; Stephen B.
`A method for making metal interconnections and buried
`metal plug structures for multilevel interconnections on
`semiconductorintegrated circuits was achieved. The method
`utilizes a single patterned photoresist layer for etching
`trenches in an insulating layer, while at the same time
`protecting the device contact areas in the contact openings
`from being etched, thereby reducing process complexity and
`manufacturing cost. After the trenches are formed, the
`patterned photoresist layer and the photoresist in the contact
`openings is removed by plasma ashing, and a metal layer is
`deposited and etched back or chem/mech polished to form
`concurrently the metal interconnections and the buried metal
`plug contacts. The surface of the metal interconnections is
`coplanar with the insulating surface, thereby allowing the
`process to be repeated several times to complete the neces
`sary multilevel of metal wiring needed to wire-up the
`integrated circuits while maintaining a planar surface.
`32 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
`J.4. 20
`52 S4
`Ef A.
`24 yf
`Ex. 1020, IPR2021-00704
`Page 1 of 10


`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 30, 1997
`Sheet 1 of 3
`FIG. 1
`FIG. 2
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 30, 1997
`Sheet 2 of 3
`FIG. 4
`F.I.G. 6
`FIG 6
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 30, 1997
`Sheet 3 of 3
`3.4 2 O
`J2 S4
`Z y 4
`M. K.
`FIG 7
`Ex. 1020, IPR2021-00704
`Page 4 of 10


`The present invention relates to a method of making metal
`contacts and multilevel interconnections, and more particu
`larly relates to a method for concurrently forming buried
`metal plug contacts and metal interconnections for inte
`grated circuits on semiconductor substrates, wherein the
`metal interconnections are planar with an insulating layer.
`Ongoing advances in semiconductor processing
`technologies, such as high-resolution photolithography and
`anisotropic plasma etching are dramatically reducing the
`feature sizes of semiconductor devices. This has resulted in
`increased device packing density on semiconductor sub
`strates leading to Ultra Large Scale Integration (ULSI). For
`example, device feature sizes are now well below one half
`micrometer, and the number of devices utilized in making
`integrated circuits are well over a million, such as on the
`microprocessor, dynamic random access memory (DRAM),
`and similar types of chips.
`It is common practice in the semiconductor industry to
`interconnect these semiconductor devices by using multi
`layers of patterned metal layers to form the integrated
`circuits. Interposed insulating layers having via holes
`between the metal layers and contact openings to the semi
`conducting substrate are used to electrically insulate the
`various metal levels. The accumulated effect of depositing
`and patterning the metal layers, one layer over another,
`results in an integular or substantially non-planar surface on
`an otherwise microscopically planar substrate. The rough
`topography becomes substantially worse as the number of
`metal levels increases. This downscaling of devices and the
`formation of the interconnecting metal wiring over the rough
`topography result in several processing problems. For
`example, improvement in photolithographic resolution
`requires a shallow depth of focus (DOF) during photoresist
`exposure, and results in unwanted distortion of the photo
`resist images when the photoresistis exposed over the rough
`topography. Another problem occurs during anisotropic
`etching to pattern the metal layer. It is difficult to remove the
`metal over steps in the rough topography because of the
`directional nature of the anisotropic etch. This can lead to
`intra-level shorts between metal lines. In addition, thinning
`of the metal lines over the steps in the rough topography
`during the metal deposition can lead to yield and reliability
`problems, and is especially true at high current density
`where electromigration of the metal atoms can occur, result
`ing in voids and open lines.
`One approach to circumventing these topographic prob
`lems is to provide an essentially planar insulating layer on
`which the metal is deposited and patterned. This planar
`surface is particularly important at the upper multilayer
`metal levels where the rough topography can be quite
`severe. Various methods have been employed to achieve
`more planar insulating layers. For example, on the semicon
`ductor substrate surface it is common practice to use a
`chemical vapor deposition (CVD) to deposit a low-melting
`temperature glass, such as phosphosilicate (PSG) or boro
`phosphosilicate glass (BPSG), and then thermally annealing
`the glass to form a more planar surface. At the multilayer
`metal level, where even lower temperature processing is
`required, biased plasma enhanced CVD (PECVD) or sputter
`deposition can be used. Another approach is to deposit a
`CVD oxide and etch-back or use chemical/mechanical pol
`ishing (CMP) to planarize the surface, similar to the pol
`ishing of silicon wafers. Still other approaches include spin
`coating on the substrate a spin-on-glass (SOG) layer and
`then applying etch-back techniques to planarize the layers.
`It is also now common practice in the semiconductor indus
`try to employ metal plugs in the contact openings and via
`holes etched in the insulating layer to further improve the
`planarity and to improve the reliability, as described by J.
`Sato in U.S. Pat No. 5,284,799, for making tungsten plugs
`to the semiconductor substrate. Unfortunately, the improved
`planar structures require additional processing steps and is
`less manufacturing cost effective.
`Amore recent method for forming planar metal/ insulator
`structures is the Damescene technique, in which recesses or
`trenches having vertical sidewalls are anisotropically plasma
`etched in a planar insulating layer, and the insulating layer
`is then deposited with metal thereby filling the trenches. The
`metal layer is etched-back or chemical/mechanical polished
`(CMP) to the insulating layer surface to form metallines that
`are imbedded in, and coplanar with the insulating layer
`surface. The method also incorporates contact openings or
`via holes which are formed at the same time as the trenches,
`and then both are simultaneously filled with metal and
`etched back at the same time to further reduce the number
`of processing steps. This method for forming 0.35 microme
`ter (um) wide copper lines with half-micron pitch is
`described by K. Ueno et al. in a paper published in the 1995
`Symposium on VLSI Technology Digest, pages 27-28,
`entitled "A Half-Micron Pitch Cu Interconnec-tion Technol
`ogy." However, the method requires an additional etch
`stopper layer to form contact holes that are self-aligned to
`the trenches.
`There is still a strong need in the semiconductor industry
`to further improve upon the planar interconnecting metall
`urgies while combining processing steps to provide a more
`cost-effective manufacturing process.
`It is therefore a principal object of the present invention
`to provide an improved method for forming planar multi
`level metal interconnections and concurrently forming metal
`contact plugs to the substrate and between the metal levels.
`It is another object of this invention to provide the above
`structure by using a single photoresist etch mask to etch the
`trenches in a planar insulating layer for the metal
`interconnections, while retaining a portion of the photoresist
`layer in previously etched contact openings and via holes to
`protect the device contacts from being attacked during the
`trench etching.
`The method of this invention begins by providing a
`semiconductor substrate, typically consisting of a lightly
`doped single crystal silicon substrate. Field oxide (FOX)
`regions are formed on the substrate surface surrounding and
`electrically isolating devices areas. Semiconductor devices,
`such as field effect transistors (FETs) or bipolar transistors
`having device contact areas are then formed in the device
`areas. The method for forming, by the same sequence of
`process steps, the electrical interconnections and the metal
`plug contacts according to this invention, begins by depos
`iting an insulating layer, such as a chemical vapor deposited
`(CVD) silicon oxide (SiO). The insulating layer is made
`planar by such methods as using a planarizing photoresist
`layer and etching back in a plasma etcher having a 1:1 etch
`Ex. 1020, IPR2021-00704
`Page 5 of 10


`selectivity between the photoresist and CVD oxide.
`Alternately, chemical/mechanical polishing (CMP) can be
`used to planarize the CVD oxide. Using conventional pho
`tolithographic techniques and anisotropic plasma etching,
`contact openings are etched to the device contact areas. After
`etching the contact openings and removing the contact
`opening photoresist mask, another photoresist layer is spin
`coated on the insulating layer filling the contact openings
`and forming an essentially planar photoresist layer. The
`photoresist layer is then patterned to provide an etch mask
`for anisotropically plasma etching trenches in the insulating
`layer which extend over the contact openings. By the
`method of this invention, the planar photoresist layer being
`thicker in the contact openings is only partially removed
`during the photoresist development, thereby leaving a por
`tion of the photoresist layer in the contact openings to
`protect the contact areas when the trenches are etched in the
`insulating layer. Trenches are then partially etched into the
`insulating layer, and plasma ashing in oxygen (O) is used
`to remove completely the patterned photoresist on the insul
`lating layer and the portion of photoresist remaining in the
`contact openings. A conformal metal layer which is substan
`tially thicker than half the trench width is deposited to form
`a metal layer that is essentially planar over the trenches and
`contact openings. The metal layer is then blanket etched
`back in a plasma etcher or chemicallyl mechanically pol
`ished (CMP) to the surface of the insulating layer, thereby
`forming metal interconnections in the trenches. The surface
`of the metal interconnections is coplanar with the surface of
`the insulating layer. Metal plugs are concurrently formed in
`the contact openings from the same metal layer.
`Because the interconnection structure above has a planar
`surface, the method of this invention can be applied a second
`time to form the next level of interconnections. Another
`insulating layer is deposited over the interconnection
`structure, and contact openings, commonly referred to in the
`semiconductor industry as via holes, are etched in this
`second insulating layer to contact areas on the underlying
`patterned metal in the trenches. The process continues as
`above by photoresist masking and forming trenches in the
`second insulating layer, while portions of photoresist
`retained in the contact openings protect the underlying metal
`from being etched. A second level of interconnections is
`formed by removing (ashing) the photoresist, depositing a
`second metal layer, and plasma etching or polishing back to
`the surface of the second insulating layer, again forming a
`planar surface. This method can then be repeated several
`times to form a multilevel interconnection structure required
`to complete the wiring of the integrated circuit.
`The objects and other advantages of the invention are best
`understood with reference to the preferred embodiments
`when read in conjunction with the following drawings.
`FIGS. 1 through 6 show schematic cross-sectional views
`for the sequence of process steps for forming a single level
`of planar electrical interconnections and buried metal plugs
`on a substrate by the method of this invention.
`FIG. 7 shows a schematic cross-sectional view of a
`multilevel interconnection and metal plug structures for two
`levels of wiring on a semiconductor substrate, by the method
`of this invention.
`The present invention relates to a method for forming
`electrical interconnections and metal plugs for interconnect
`ing the semiconductor devices, such as field effect transistors
`(FETs) and bipolar transistors on a semiconductor substrate.
`The method utilizes a single masking step for forming
`trenches in an insulating layer for the interconnecting metal
`wires, and is also used to protect from etching the contact
`areas in the contact openings which were previously formed.
`This single masking step reduces the number of process
`steps and reduces cost. The method also provides a planar
`surface on which the method can be repeated several times
`to form multilevel interconnections, thereby further reduc
`ing complexity and cost.
`Referring now to FIGS. 1 through 7, a detailed embodi
`ment of the invention is described. However, to better
`appreciate the importance of the invention, and to set the
`invention in perspective, a brief description of the semicon
`ductor substrate structure on which the interconnections are
`formed is briefly reviewed.
`Starting with FIG. 1, a schematic cross-sectional view is
`shown of a portion of a semiconductor substrate 10 having
`partially completed device contact areas and field oxide
`isolation regions. The most widely used substrate in the
`semiconductor industry is composed of single crystal silicon
`having, for example, a <100D crystallographic axial orien
`tation. The silicon is usually conductively doped with
`N-type dopants, such as arsenic, or P-type dopants, such as
`boron. Integrated circuits, such as dynamic random access
`memory (DRAM), static random access memory (SRAM),
`microprocessors and the like are then built in and on the
`silicon substrate. However, it should be well understood by
`those skilled in the art that the method of this invention is
`equally applicable to other types of substrates where mul
`tilevel wiring is required. For the purpose of this invention
`a silicon substrate is used.
`As shown in F.G. 1, field oxide 12 (FOX) regions are
`formed on the principal surface of the substrate 10 to
`electrically isolate device areas. The most commonly used
`field oxide is formed by the method of LOCal Oxidation of
`Silicon (LOCOS). In this method a silicon nitride layer
`(SiN) is deposited, for example by chemical vapor depo
`sition (CVD), and patterned by conventional photolitho
`graphic techniques and plasma etching to forma SiN., layer
`over the desired device areas. This silicon nitride layer (not
`shown in the FIG.) is retained over the desired device areas
`and is used as a barrier mask to oxidation. The exposed
`regions of the silicon substrate 10 are then oxidized, for
`example by steam (wet) oxidation, to form the field oxide
`12, as shown in FIG. 1, after removal of the silicon nitride
`layer. The thickness of the LOCOS-grown oxide 12, which
`is partially formed above and partially below the surface of
`the substrate 10, is usually about 4000 to 5500 Angstrons.
`Referring still to FIG. 1, semiconductor devices are
`formed next in and on the substrate surface. However, to
`simplify the discussion and the drawing, only cross sections
`through the contact areas for the devices are depicted in FIG.
`1. These devices are typically made by forming diffused
`junctions in the single crystal silicon and incorporating
`patterned doped polysilicon or polysilicon/silicide
`(polycide) layers. For example, the N+ doped diffused
`region 8 can serve as one of a multitude of device contact
`areas in the substrate, and the patterned polysilicon layers 14
`can serve as the gate electrodes for FETs, or for forming bit
`lines for DRAM and SRAM devices. Layer 14 can also
`serve as polysilicon emitters and/or bases on bipolar tran
`Referring now more specifically to this invention, the
`method for forming the metal interconnections and metal
`Ex. 1020, IPR2021-00704
`Page 6 of 10


`plugs is described. The process starts by depositing an
`insulating layer 16, commonly referred to as a polylmetal
`dielectric (PMD) layer, on the device and field oxide areas,
`as shown in FIG. 1. Preferably the insulating layer 16 is a
`silicon oxide deposited by low pressure chemical vapor
`deposition (LPCVD) using, for example, the decomposition
`of tetraethosiloxane (TEOS). Alternatively, a plasma
`enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) using a reac
`tant gas, such as TEOS, can also be used. The insulating
`layer 16 is then planarized by one of several methods, such
`as a blanket etch-back using a photoresist planarizing layer
`and an etch selectivity of 1:1 between the photoresist and
`LPCVD oxide layer. Alternatively, chemical/mechanical
`polishing can also be used to planarize the insulating layer.
`Another approach of forming the planar layer 16 is to
`deposit a thin barrier layer, such as a LPCVD oxide and then
`a low-melting temperature oxide, such as a borophospho
`silicate glass (BPSG) that is annealed to provide an essen
`tially planar layer. The thickness of layer 16 after planariza
`tion is preferably between about 5000 and 10000 Angstroms
`over the elevated regions on the underlying substrate.
`Referring still to FIG. 1, conventional photolithographic
`techniques and anisotropic plasma etching are used to etch
`contact openings having essentially vertical sidewalls to the
`substrate contact areas, such as the contact openings 2 and
`3 shown in F.G. 1. For example, the contact openings can be
`etched in a reactive ion etcher (RIE) using an etch gas
`mixture containing carbon tetrafluoride (CF) and hydrogen
`(H), or alternatively can be etched in trifluoromethane
`(HF) using a carrier gas such as argon (Ar).
`Referring now to FIG. 2, a photoresist layer 18 is
`deposited, by spin coating, on the insulating layer 16 and in
`contact openings, such as the contact openings 2 and 3
`shown in FIG. 1. The photoresist layer is applied so as to fill
`the contact openings, and thereby form an essentially planar
`photoresist layer, as depicted in FIG. 2. The preferred
`photoresist is a positive photoresist, such as type PF-38
`photoresist manufactured by the Sumitomo Company of
`Japan. After coating the substrate with photoresist, it is
`soft-baked (or pre-baked) at a temperature in the range of
`about 90° to 100° C. for about 30 minutes to drive-off
`solvents from the photoresist and to improve adhesion. The
`thickness of the photoresist layer 18 is preferably from about
`0.7 to 1.5 micrometers (um) over the planar areas of the
`insulating layer 16, but, as is obvious from FIG. 2, the
`photoresist is much thicker in the contact openings, as
`shown for contact openings 2 and 3. As will soon be seen,
`the thicker photoresist in the contact openings is utilized by
`the invention to prevent plasma etching of the device contact
`areas when trenches are etched in the insulating layer 16
`using the patterned photoresist layer 18 as the etch mask.
`Now as shown in FIG. 3, the photoresist layer 18 is
`patterned forming open regions 5 in the areas on the under
`lying insulating layer 16 where trenches are to be etched,
`and as shown in FIG. 3, the open regions also extend over
`the contact openings, such as contact openings 2 and 3 (FIG.
`1). For example, the trench regions extending over the
`contact openings provide the means for electrically connect
`ing the metal lines that are laterformed in the trenches with
`metal plugs the are concurrently formed in the contact
`openings to contact device contacts areas. However, as
`shown in FIG. 3, and by the method of this invention, the
`photoresist layer is not developed to completion, but is only
`partially developed, leaving a portion of the positive pho
`toresist layer 18 in the contact openings, as depicted in FIG.
`3 by the portion of photoresist labeled 18. The photoresist
`layer 18' is sufficiently thick to protect the source/drain area
`during the trench etching.
`Referring still to FIG. 3, trenches 6 are anisotropically
`etched in the insulating layer 16 using the patterned photo
`resist layer 18 as the etch mask, while the portions of
`photoresist layer 18' in the contact openings protect the
`device contacts areas 8 and 14 from being etched. The
`trenches 6 are partially etched into the insulating layer 16,
`typically to a depth sufficient to provide for the required
`current density and resistance of the metal line which is
`formed in the trench. Preferably, the trench is etched to a
`depth of about 4,000 to 10,000 Angstroms. For an insulating
`layer 16 composed of silicon oxide, such as a LPCVD SiO,
`the trench is preferably anisotropically etched using, for
`example, a reactive ion etcher (RTE) and an etchant gas such
`as carbon tetrafluoride (CF) and hydrogen (H2).
`Alternatively, the etchant gas can be a trifluoromethane
`(CHF). The etch depth can be controlled by using a timed
`etch, or by using endpoint detection such as optical inter
`After the trenches 6 are etched in layer 16, the remaining
`photoresist layer 18 including the photoresist layer 18' in the
`contact openings 2 and 3, is removed by plasma ashing in
`oxygen as shown in FIG. 4.
`Referring to FIGS. 5 and 6, the method for concurrently
`forming the metal interconnections and buried metal plugs is
`now described in which a conformal metal layer is deposited
`and removed to the surface of the insulating layer 16. The
`method involves depositing an electrically conducting layer
`20, as shown in FIG. S. Preferably the metal layer 20 is
`composed of a high conductivity metal such as aluminium
`(Al) or copper (Cu), to minimize the line resistance in the
`interconnections and to thereby improve the circuit perfor
`mance. To prevent aluminium penetration into the shallow
`device junctions that are formed in the silicon substrate 10,
`and to prevent copper poisoning of the shallow diffused
`35 junctions of the semiconductor devices, it is common prac
`tices in the semiconductor industry to include a barrier layer
`between the device contact areas, such as region 8 in FIG.
`5, and the low resistivity metal (Al or Cu). However, to
`simplify the drawings in FIGS. 5 and 6, the barrier layer is
`not depicted separately, but is part of layer 20. The most
`commonly used barrier layers are composed of refractory
`metals. For example, tungsten (W), titanium (T), or a
`tantalum (Ta)-tungsten (W) alloy are some metals that are
`used as the barrier layer. Alternatively, a titanium nitride
`(TIN) layer can also be used which is electrically conduct
`ing. Typically the barrier layer is relatively thin, from about
`200 to 1000 Angstroms thick. A conformal tungsten layer
`can be deposited, for example, by CVD using a reactant gas
`of tungsten hexafluoride (WF).
`After forming the thin barrier layer, a much thicker
`conformal low resistivity metal, such as aluminum (al) or
`copper (Cu), is deposited to complete the layer 20. This low
`resistivity metal simultaneously fills the contact openings (2
`and 3 in FIG. 5) to form the buried metal plugs and the
`trenches 6 to form the metal interconnections. The Al or Cu
`is deposited to a thickness sufficient to form a planar surface
`7, as also shown in FIG. 5. For example, at present-day
`lithography the trench widths would be about 0.35um wide,
`and the thickness of layer 20 including the barrier layer
`would beatleast greater than about 2000 Angstroms (greater
`than half the trench width), but typically would have a
`thickness of from about 2000 to 3000 Angstroms. The
`submicrometer-wide trenches and high aspect ratio contact
`openings can be filled using more newly developed chemical
`vapor deposition methods or high pressure extruded Al For
`example, a method is described by G. Dixit et al. in a paper
`entitled "Application of High Pressure Extruded Aluminum
`Ex. 1020, IPR2021-00704
`Page 7 of 10


`to ULSI Metallization' in Semiconductor International,
`pages 79-86, August 1995.
`Now as shown in FIG. 6, the metal layer is removed to the
`surface of the insulating layer 16, thereby forming the
`electrically isolated metal lines 20 in the trenches 6, and
`concurrently forming the metal plug contacts 21 in the
`contact openings 2 and 3. The preferred method of removing
`the metal layer to insulating layer 16 is by chemical/
`mechanical polishing as commonly practiced in the industry,
`and commonly referred to as the dual Damascene Aluminum
`process. Alternatively, a plasma etch-back can be used to
`etch the aluminum layer. For example, a chlorine containing
`gas, such as boron trichloride (BC), carbon tetrachloride
`(CC), silicon tetrachloride (SiC), or chlorine (Cl) can be
`used. This completes the first level of metal interconnects by
`the method of this invention, in which a single photoresist
`layer is used to form the trenches and to simultaneously
`protect the contact areas from etch attack.
`Now as shown in FIG. 7, the method of this invention is
`applied a second time to form a second level of intercon
`nections. The process proceeds by depositing another insu
`lating layer 30, as shown in FIG. 7. Since the first level of
`metal interconnections is planar (the surfaces of layers 20
`and 16 are coplanar, as shown in FIG. 6), layer 30 does not
`require the planarizing step used to form the first level of
`interconnections. Layer 30 is typically referred to in the
`semiconductor industry as the inter-metal-dielectric (IMD)
`layer. Contact openings 32, also referred to in the industry as
`via holes, are etched in the insulating layer 30 to the
`underlying patterned metal layer 20. The previous process
`using a single photoresist layer, by the method of this
`invention, is again used to form the trenches 36, and portions
`of the patterned photoresist layer are retained in the contact
`openings 32 to protect the contact areas on the metal layer
`20 during the trench etching. The remaining portions of the
`photoresist layer are then removed from the contact
`openings, such as by plasma ashing. Next, the trenches 36
`and contact openings 32 are filled with a high conductivity
`metal, such as aluminum or copper, as previously described,
`and are then etched back or chemical/mechanical polished to
`the surface of the insulating layer 30 to form the second level
`of interconnections and metal plugs. The process can be
`repeated several times to fabricate the necessary number of
`levels to complete the wiring for the integrated circuit.
`However, after the first interconnection level is formed, the
`barrier layer metal, which was previously used for substrate
`contacts, is not required, thereby further simplifying the
`While the invention has been particularly shown and
`described with reference to the preferred embodiments
`thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in the art that
`various changes in form and details may be made without
`departing from the spirit and scope of the invention.
`What is claimed is:
`1. A method for fabricating electrical interconnection and
`buried metal plug structures, concurrently, on a semicon
`ductor substrate, comprising the steps of:
`providing a semiconductor substrate having device areas
`and field oxide areas, and further having semiconductor
`devices in said device areas with device contact areas;
`depositing a blanket insulating layer composed of an
`inorganic material on said semiconductor device areas,
`said insulating layer having a planar surface over said
`masking and anisotropically plasma etching contact open
`ings in said insulating layer to said device contact
`coating a photoresist layer on said insulating layer and
`filling said contact openings, said photoresist layer
`having a planar surface over said contact openings;
`patterning said photoresist layer on said insulating layer
`and forming a photoresist etch mask for etching
`trenches in said insulating layer extending over said
`contact openings, and leaving a portion of said photo
`resist layer in said contact openings; anisotropically
`plasma etching said trenches extending partially into
`said insulating layer, said photoresist in said contact
`openings protecting said device contact areas from
`being etched;
`plasma ashing and thereby completely removing said
`patterned photoresist layer and portions of said photo
`resist in said contact openings;
`depositing a conformal metal layer, and filling said
`trenches and said contact openings in said insulating
`layer, said metal layer deposited to a thickness that
`forms a planar surface over said trenches;
`blanket removing said metal layer to the surface of said
`insulating layer, and thereby leaving metal in said
`trenches and in said contact openings, said metal in said
`trenches and in said contact openings being coplanar
`with the surface of said insulating layer, and thereby
`completing said electrical interconnections and metal
`plug structures.
`2. The method of claim 1, wherein said insulating layer is
`silicon oxide (SiO2) deposited by chemical vapor deposition
`(CVD) having a thickness of between about 5000 and 10000
`3. The method of claim 1, wherein the thickness of said
`photoresist layer, deposited by spin coating, is from about
`0.7 to 1.5 micrometers.
`4. The method of claim 1, wherein the thickness of said
`portion of said photoresist layer in said contact openings
`protects said device contact areas during said anisotropic
`plasma etching of said trenches.
`5. The method of claim 1, wherein said insulating layer is
`siliconoxide (SiO2) deposited by plasma enhanced chemical
`vapor deposition (PECVD) having a thickness of between
`about 5000 and 10000 Angstroms.
`6. The method of claim 1, wherein the depth of said
`trenches in said insulating layer is from about 4000 to 10000
`7. The method of claim 1, wherein the thickness of said
`conformal metal layer is from about 2000 to 3000 Ang
`8. The method of claim 1, wherein said blanket removal
`of said conformal metal layer is by chemical/mechanical
`polishing (CMP).
`9. The method of claim 1, wherein said blanket removal
`of said conformal metal layer is by a blanket plasma
`10. The method of claim 1, wherein said conformal metal
`layer is composed of aluminum (Al).
`11. The method of claim 1, wherein said conformal metal
`layer is composed of tungsten (W).
`12. The method of claim 1, wherein said conformal metal
`layer is composed of copper (Cu).
`13. The method of claim 1, wherein said conformal metal
`layer is a multilayer comprising a bottom layer composed of
`the refractory metal barrier layer tungsten (W), and the
`upper layer is composed of the electrically conducting metal
`aluminum (Al).
`14. A method fo

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