`15 October 2009 (15.10.2009) (10) International Publication Number
`WO 2009/126614 A1
`(43) International Publication Date
`International Patent Classification:
`H04R 1/02 (2006.01)
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`7 April 2009 (07.04.2009)
`Priority Data:
`7 April 2008 (07.04.2008)
`Applicant (for all designated States except US): KOSS
`CORPORATION [US/US]; 4129 North Port Washing-
`ton Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53212 (US).
`Inventors; and
`for US
`Michael. J. [US/US]; N 4626 Wildwood Lane, Princeton,
`WI 54968—8738 (US). KOSS, Michael, J. [US/US]; 2800
`West Bradley Road, Milwaukee, WI 53217 (US).
`SAGAN, Michael [US/US]; 598 Woodbcrry Strcct, Mar-
`shall, WI 53559 (US). RECKAMP, Steven [US/US];
`1 158 Atcheson Avenue, Sun Prairie, WI 5 3 5 90-3 812
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind ofnational protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ,
`EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN,
`HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO,
`NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG,
`SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA,
`UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BVV, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZVV), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ,
`TM), European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE,
`ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV,
`MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR),
`MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Declarations under Rule 4.17:
`[Continued on nextpage]
`(57) Abstract: A wireless earphone
`that comprises a transceiver circuit
`for receiving streaming audio from a
`data source over a local ad hoc Wire—
`less network. When the data source
`and the earphone are out of range,
`they transition automatically to an in-
`frastructure wireless network. If there
`is no common infrastructure wireless
`network for both the data source and
`the speakerphone set,
`the earphone
`connects t a host scrvcr via an avail-
`able wireless network.
`Bose Exhibit 1013
`Bose Exhibit 1013
`Bose v. Koss
`Bose v. Koss
`WO 2009/126614 A1 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
`as to applicant’s entitlement to apply for and be granted Published:
`a patent (Rule 4.17(ii))
`— with international search report (Art. 21(3))
`as to the applicant’s entitlement to claim the priority of
`the earlier application (Rule 4.17(iii))
`Attorney Docket No. 080188PCT
`WO 2009/126614
`Inventors: Michael J. Pelland, Michael J. Koss, Michael Sagan,
`Steven Reckamp, Greg Hollingstad, Jeff Bovee, and Morgan Lowery
`The present application claims priority to United States provisional application serial
`number 61/123,265, filed April 7, 2008, which is incorporated herein by reference.
`Digital audio players, such as MP3 players and iPods, that store and play digital audio
`files, are very popular. Such devices typically comprise a data storage unit for storing and playing
`the digital audio, and a headphone set that connects to the data storage unit, usually with a IA” or a
`3.5 mm jack and associated cord. Often the headphones are in-ear type headphones. The cord,
`however, between the headphones and the data storage unit can be cumbersome and annoying to
`users, and the length of the cord limits the physical distance between the data storage unit and the
`headphones. Accordingly, some cordless headphones have been proposed, such as the Monster
`iFreePlay cordless headphones from Apple Inc., which include a docking port on one of the
`earphones that can connect directly to an iPod Shuffle. Because they have the docking port,
`however, the Monster iFreePlay cordless headphones from Apple are quite large and are not in-
`ear type phones. Recently, cordless headphones that connect wirelessly via IEEE 802.11 to a
`WLAN-ready laptop or personal computer (PC) have been proposed, but such headphones are
`also quite large and not in-ear type phones.
`In one general aspect, the present invention is directed to a wireless earphone that
`comprises a transceiver circuit for receiving streaming audio from a data source, such as a digital
`audio player or a computer, over an ad hoc wireless network. When the data source and the
`earphone are out of range via the ad hoc wireless network, they may transition automatically to a
`common infrastructure wireless network (e. g., a wireless LAN). If there is no common
`infrastructure wireless network for both the data source and the earphone, the earphone may
`connect via an available infrastructure wireless network to a host server. The host server may, for
`example, broadcast streaming audio to the earphone and/0r transmit to the earphone a network
`address (e. g., an Internet Protocol (IP) address) for a network-connected content server that
`PI-2159849 v1 1284037-00271
`Attorney Docket No. 080188PCT
`WO 2009/126614
`streams digital audio. The earphone may then connect to the content server using the IP address.
`The content server may be an Internet radio server, including, for example, an Internet radio
`server that broadcasts streaming audio from the data source or some other content.
`These and other advantageous, unique aspects of the wireless earphone are described
`Various embodiments of the present invention are described herein by way of example in
`conjunction with the following figures, wherein:
`Figures lA-lE are views of a wireless earphone according to various embodiments of the
`present invention;
`Figures 2A-2D illustrate various communication modes for a wireless earphone according
`to various embodiments of the present invention;
`Figure 3 is a block diagram of a wireless earphone according to various embodiments of
`the present invention;
`Figures 4A-4B show the wireless earphone connected to another device according to
`various embodiments of the present invention;
`Figure 5 is a diagram of a process implemented by a host server according to various
`embodiments of the present invention;
`Figure 6 is a diagram of a process implemented by the wireless earphone to transition
`automatically between wireless networks according to various embodiments of the present
`Figures 7, 8 and 10 illustrate communication systems involving the wireless earphone
`according to various embodiments of the present invention;
`Figure 9 is a diagram of a headset including a wireless earphone and a microphone
`according to various embodiments of the present invention; and
`Figure 11 is a diagram of a pair of wireless earphones with a dongle according to various
`embodiments of the present invention.
`In one general aspect, the present invention is directed to a wireless earphone that receives
`streaming audio data via ad hoc wireless networks and infrastructure wireless networks, and that
`transitions seamlessly between wireless networks. The earphone may comprise one or more in—
`ear, on—ear, or over—ear speaker elements. Two exemplary in—ear earphone shapes for the wireless
`earphone 10 are shown in Figures 1A and 1B, respectively, although in other embodiments the
`Attorney Docket No. 080188PCT
`WO 2009/126614
`earphone may take different shapes and the exemplary shapes shown in Figures 1A and 1B are
`not intended to be limiting. In one embodiment, the eaiphone transitions automatically and
`seamlessly, without user intervention, between communication modes. That is, the earphone may
`transition automatically from an ad hoc wireless network to an infrastructure wireless network,
`without user intervention. As used herein, an “ad hoc wireless network” is a network where two
`(or more) wireless—capable devices, such as the earphone and a data source, communicate directly
`and wirelessly, without using an access point. An “infrastructure wireless network,” on the other
`hand, is a wireless network that uses one or more access points to allow a wireless-capable device,
`such as the wireless earphone, to connect to a computer network, such as a LAN or WAN
`(including the Internet).
`Figures 1A and 1B show example configurations for a wireless earphone 10 according to
`various embodiments of the present invention. The examples shown in Figures 1A and 1B are not
`limiting and other configurations are within the scope of the present invention. As shown in
`Figures 1A and 1B, the earphone 10 may comprise a body 12. The body 12 may comprise an ear
`canal portion 14 that is inserted in the ear canal of the user of the earphone 10. In various
`embodiments, the body 12 also may comprise an exterior portion 15 that is not inserted into user’s
`ear canal. The exterior portion 15 may comprise a knob 16 or some other user control (such as a
`dial, a pressure-activated switch, lever, etc.) for adjusting the shape of the ear canal portion 14.
`That is, in various embodiments, activation (6. g. rotation) of the knob 16 may cause the ear canal
`portion 14 to change shape so as to, for example, radially expand to fit snugly against all sides of
`the user’s ear canal. Further details regarding such a shape-changing earbud earphone are
`described in application PCT/U 808/88656, filed 31 December 2008, entitled “Adjustable Shape
`Earphone,” which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. The earphone 10 also may
`comprise a transceiver circuit housed within the body 12. The transceiver circuit, described
`further below, may transmit and receive the wireless signals, including receive streaming audio
`for playing by the earphone 10. The transceiver circuit may be housed in the exterior portion 15
`of the earphone 10 and/or in the ear canal portion 14.
`Although the example earphones 10 shown in Figures 1A and 1B include a knob 16 for
`adjusting the shape of the ear canal portion 14, the present invention is not so limited, and in other
`embodiments, different means besides a knob 16 may be used to adjust the ear canal portion 14.
`In addition, in other embodiments, the earphone 10 may not comprise a shape-changing ear canal
`portion 14.
`In various embodiments, the user may wear two discrete wireless earphones 10: one in
`each ear. In such embodiments, each earphone 10 may comprise a transceiver circuit. In such
`Attorney Docket No. 080188PCT
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`embodiments, the earphones 10 may be connected by a string or some other cord-type connector
`to keep the earphones 10 from being separated.
`In other embodiments, as shown in Figure 1C, a headband 19 may connect the two (left
`and right) earphones 10. The headband 19 may be an over—the-head band, as shown in the
`example of Figure 1C, or the headband may be a behind-the-head band. In embodiments
`comprising a headband 19, each earphone 10 may comprise a transceiver circuit; hence, each
`earphone 10 may receive and transmit separately the Wireless communication signals. In other
`embodiments comprising a headband 19, only one earphone 10 may comprise the transceiver
`circuit, and a wire may run along the headband 19 to the other earphone 10 to connect thereby the
`transceiver circuit to the acoustic transducer in the earphone that does not comprise the
`transceiver circuit. The embodiment shown in Figure 1C comprises on-ear earphones 10; in other
`embodiments, in—ear or over-ear earphones may be used.
`In other embodiments, the earphone 10 may comprise a hanger bar 17 that allows the
`earphone 10 to clip to, or hang on, the user’s ear, as shown in the illustrated embodiment of
`Figures 1D—1E. Figure 1D is a perspective View of the earphone and Figure 1E is a side view
`according to one embodiment. As shown in the illustrated embodiment, the earphone 10 may
`comprise dual speaker elements 106-A, 106—B. One of the speaker elements (the smaller one)
`106—A is sized to fit into the cavum concha of the listener’s ear and the other element (the larger
`one) lO6-B is not. The listener may use the hanger bar to position the earphone on the listener’s _
`ear. In that connection, the hanger bar may comprise a horizontal section that rests upon the
`upper external curvature of the listener’s ear behind the upper portion of the auricula (or pinna).
`The earphone may comprise a knurled knob that allows the user to adjust finely the distance
`between the horizontal section of the hanger bar and the speaker elements, thereby providing, in
`such embodiments, another measure of adjustability for the user. More details regarding such a
`dual element, adjustable earphone may be found in United States provisional patent application
`Serial No. 61/054,238, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
`Figures 2A—2D illustrate various communication modes for a wireless data communication
`system involving the earphone 10 according to embodiments of the present invention. As shown
`in Figure 2A, the system comprises a data source 20 in communication with the earphone 10 via
`an ad hoc wireless network 24. The earphone 10, via its transceiver circuit (described in more
`detail below), may communicate wirelessly with a data source 20, which may comprise a wireless
`network adapter 22 for transmitting the digital audio wirelessly. For example, the data source 20
`may be a digital audio player (DAP), such as an mp3 player or an iPod, or any other suitable
`digital audio playing device, such as a laptop or personal computer, that stores and/or plays digital
`Attorney Docket No. 080188PCT
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`audio files. In other embodiments, the data source 20 may generate analog audio, and the wireless
`network adapter 22 may encode the analog audio into digital format for transmission to the
`earphone 10.
`The wireless network adapter 22 may be an integral part of the data source 20, or it may be
`a separate device that is connected to the data source 20 to provide wireless connectivity for the
`data source 20. For example, the wireless network adapter 22 may comprise a wireless network
`interface card (WNIC) or other suitable transceiver that plugs into a USB port or other port or jack
`of the data source 20 (such as a TRS connector) to stream data, e.g., digital audio files, via a
`wireless network (e.g., the ad hoc wireless network 24 or an infrastructure wireless network). The
`digital audio transmitted fiom the data source 20 to the earphone 10 via the wireless networks
`may comprise compressed or uncompressed audio. Any suitable file format may be used for the
`audio, including mp3, lossy or lossless WMA, Vorbis, Musepack, FLAC, WAV, AIFF, AU, or
`any other suitable file format.
`When in range, the data source 20 may communicate with the earphone 10 via the ad hoc
`wireless network 24 using any suitable wireless communication protocol, including Wi—Fi (e.g.,
`IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n), WiMAX (IEEE 802.16), Bluetooth, Zigbee, UWB, or any other suitable
`wireless communication protocol. For purposes of the description to follow, it is assumed that the
`data source 20 and the earphone 10 communicate using a Wi-Fi protocol, although the invention
`is not so limited and other wireless communication protocols may be used in other embodiments
`of the invention. The data source 20 and the earphone 10 are considered in range for the ad hoc
`wireless network 24 when the signal strengths (e.g., the R881) of the signals received by the two
`devices are above a threshold minimum signal strength level. For example, the data source 20
`and the earphone 10 are likely to be in range for an ad hoc wireless network when then are in
`close proximity, such as when the wearer of the earphone 10 has the data source 20 on his/her
`person, such as in a pocket, strapped to their waist or arm, or holding the data source in their hand.
`When the earphone 10 and the data source 20 are out of range for the ad hoc wireless
`network 24, that is, when the received signals degrade below the threshold minimum signal
`strength level, both the earphone 10 and the data source 20 may transition automatically to
`communicate over an infrastructure wireless network (such as a wireless LAN (WLAN)) 30 that
`is in the range of both the earphone 10 and the data source 20, as shown in Figure 2B. The
`earphone 10 and the data source 20 (e. g., the wireless network adapter 22) may include fim'iware,
`as described further below, that cause the components to make the transition to a common
`infrastructure wireless network 30 automatically and seamlessly, e. g., without user intervention.
`The earphone 10 may cache the received audio in a buffer or memory for a time period before
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`playing the audio. The cached audio may be played after the connection over the ad hoc wireless
`network is lost to give the earphone 10 and the data source 20 time to connect via the
`infrastructure wireless network.
`For example, as shown in Figure 2B, the infrastructure network may comprise an access
`point 32 that is in the range of both the data source 20 and the earphone 10. The access point 32
`may be an electronic hardware device that acts as a wireless access point for, and that is
`connected to, a wired and/or wireless data communication network 33, such as a LAN or WAN,
`for example. The data source 20 and the earphone 10 may both communicate wirelessly with the
`access point 32 using the appropriate network data protocol (a Wi-Fi protocol, for example). The
`data source 20 and the earphone 10 may both transition automatically to an agreed-upon WLAN
`30 that is in the range of both devices when they cannot communicate satisfactorily via the ad hoc
`wireless network 24. A procedure for specifying an agreed—upon infrastructure wireless network
`30 is described further below. Alternatively, the infrastructure wireless network 30 may have
`multiple access points 32a—b, as shown in Figure 2C. In such an embodiment, the data source 20
`may communicate wirelessly with one access point 32b and the earphone 10 may communicate
`wirelessly with another access point 32a of the same infrastructure wireless network 30. Again,
`the data source 20 and the earphone 10 may transition to an agreed—upon WLAN.
`If there is no suitable common infrastructure wireless network over which the earphone 10
`and the data source 20 can communicate, as shown in Fig. 2D, the earphone 10 may transition to
`communicate with an access point 32a for an available (first) wireless network (e.g., WLAN) 30a
`that is in the range of the earphone 10. In this mode, the earphone 10 may connect via the
`wireless network 30a to a network-enabled host server 40. The host server 40 may be connected
`to the wireless network 30a via an electronic data communication network 42, such as the
`Internet. In one mode, the host server 40 may transmit streaming digital audio via the networks
`33a, 42 to the earphone 10. In another mode, the host server 40 may transmit to the earphone 10 a
`network address, such as an Internet Protocol (IP) address, for a streaming digital audio content
`server 70 on the network 42. Using the received IP address, the earphone 10 may connect to the
`streaming digital audio content server 70 via the networks 30a, 42 to receive and process digital
`audio from the streaming digital audio content server 70.
`The digital audio content server 70 may be, for example, an Internet radio station server.
`The digital audio content server 70 may stream digital audio over the network 42 (e. g., the
`Internet), which the earphone 10 may receive and process. In one embodiment, the streaming
`digital audio content server 70 may stream digital audio received by the streaming digital audio
`content server 70 from the data source 20. For example, where the data source 20 is a wireless—
`Attorney Docket No. 080188PCT
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`capable device, such as a portable DAP, the data source 20 may connect to the streaming digital
`audio content server 70 via a wireless network 30b and the network 42. Alternatively, where for
`example the data source 20 is non—wireless—capable device, such as a PC, the data source 20 may
`have a direct wired connection to the network 42. After being authenticated by the streaming
`digital audio content server 70, the data source 20 may stream digital audio to the streaming
`digital audio content server 70, which may broadcast the received digital audio over the network
`42 (e. g., the Internet). In such a manner, the user of the earphone 10 may listen to audio from the
`data source 20 even when (i) the earphone 10 and the data source 20 are not in communication via
`an ad hoc wireless network 24 and (ii) the earphone 10 and the data source 20 are not in
`communication via a common local infrastructure wireless network 30.
`Figure 3 is a block diagram of the earphone 10 according to various embodiments of the
`present invention. In the illustrated embodiment, the earphone 10 comprises a transceiver circuit
`100 and related peripheral components. As shown in Figure 3, the peripheral components of the
`earphone 10 may comprise a power source 102, a microphone 104, one or more acoustic
`transducers 106 (e.g., speakers), and an antenna 108. The transceiver circuit 100 and some of the
`peripheral components (such as the power source 102 and the acoustic transducers 106) may be
`housed within the body 12 of the earphone 10 (see Figure 1). Other peripheral components, such
`as the microphone 104 and the antenna 108 may be external to the body 12 of the earphone 10. In
`addition, some of the peripheral components, such as the microphone 104, are optional in various
`In various embodiments, the transceiver circuit 100 may be implemented as a single
`integrated circuit (IC), such as a system—on-chip (SOC), which is conducive to miniaturizing the
`components of the earphone 10, which is advantageous if the earphone 10 is to be relatively small
`in size, such as an in—ear earphone (see Figures 1A-1B for example). In alternative embodiments,
`however, the components of the transceiver circuit 100 could be realized with two or more
`discrete ICs or other components, such as separate ICs for the processors, memory, and RF (e.g.,
`Wi—Fi) module, for example.
`The power source 102 may comprise, for example, a rechargeable or non—rechargeable
`battery (or batteries). In other embodiments, the power source 102 may comprise one or more
`ultracapacitors (sometimes referred to as supercapacitors) that are charged by a primary power
`source. In embodiments where the power source 102 comprises a rechargeable battery cell or an
`ultracapacitor, the battery cell or ultracapacitor, as the case may be, may be charged for use, for
`example, when the earphone 10 is connected to a docking station or computer. The docking
`station may be connected to or part of a computer device, such as a laptop computer or PC. In
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`addition to charging the rechargeable power source 102, the docking station and/or computer may
`facilitate downloading of data to and/or from the earphone 10. In other embodiments, the power
`source 102 may comprise capacitors passively charged with RF radiation, such as described in
`U.S. Patent No. 7,027,311. The power source 102 may be coupled to a power source control
`module 103 of transceiver circuit 100 that controls and monitors the power source 102.
`The acoustic transducer(s) 106 may be the speaker element(s) for conveying the sound to
`the user of the earphone 10. According to various embodiments, the earphone 10 may comprise
`one or more acoustic transducers 106. For embodiments having more than one transducer, one
`transducer may be larger than the other transducer, and a crossover circuit (not shown) may
`transmit the higher frequencies to the smaller transducer and may transmit the lower frequencies
`to the larger transducer. More details regarding dual element earphones are provided in U.S.
`Patent 5,333,206, assigned to Koss Corporation, which is incorporated herein by reference in its
`The antenna 108 may receive and transmit the wireless signals from and to the wireless
`networks 24, 30. A RF (e.g., Wi-Fi) module 110 of the transceiver circuit 100 in communication
`with the antenna 108 may, among other things, modulate and demodulate the signals transmitted
`from and received by the antenna 108. The RF module 110 communicates with a baseband
`processor 112, which performs other functions necessary for the earphone 10 to communicate
`using the Wi-Fi (or other communication) protocol.
`The baseband processor 112 may be in communication with a processor unit 114, which
`may comprise a microprocessor 116 and a digital signal processor (DSP) 118. The
`microprocessor 116 may control the various components of the transceiver circuit 100. The DSP
`114 may, for example, perform various sound quality enhancements to the digital audio received
`by the baseband processor 112, including noise cancellation and sound equalization. The
`processor unit 114 may be in communication with a volatile memory unit 120 and a non-volatile
`memory unit 122. A memory management unit 124 may control the processor unit’s access to the
`memory units 120, 122. The volatile memory 122 may comprise, for example, a random access
`memory (RAM) circuit. The non-volatile memory unit 122 may comprise a read only memory
`(ROM) and/or flash memory circuits. The memory units 120, 122 may store firmware that is
`executed by the processor unit 114. Execution of the firmware by the processor unit 114 may
`provide various functionality for the earphone 10, such as the automatic transition between
`wireless networks as described herein. The memory units 120, 122 may also cache received
`digital audio.
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`A digital-to-analog converter (DAC) 125 may convert the digital audio fiom the processor
`unit 114 to analog form for coupling to the acoustic transducer(s) 106. An IZS interface 126 or
`other suitable serial or parallel bus interface may provide the interface between the processor unit
`114 and the DAC 125. An analog-to—digital converter (ADC) 128, which also communicates with
`the 128 interface 126, may convert analog audio signals picked up by the microphone 104 for
`processing by the processor unit 114.
`The transceiver circuit 100 also may comprise a USB or other suitable interface 130 that
`allows the earphone 10 to be connected to an external device via a USB cable or other suitable
`link. As shown in Figure 4A, the external device may be a docking station 200 connected to a
`computer device 202. Also, in various embodiments, the earphone 10 could be connected directly
`to the computer 202 without the docking station 200. In addition, the external device may be a
`DAP 210, as shown in Figure 4B. In that way, the earphone 10 could connect directly to a data
`source 20, such as the DAP 210 or the computer 202, through the USB port 130. In addition,
`through the USB port 130, the earphone 10 may connect to a PC 202 or docking station 202 to
`charge up the power source 102 and/or to get downloads (e. g., data or firmware).
`According to various embodiments, the earphone 10 may have an associated web page
`that a user may access through the host server 40 (see Figure 2D) or some other server. An
`authenticated user could log onto the website fiom a client computing device 50 (e.g., laptop, PC,
`handheld computer device, etc., including the data source 20) (see Figure 2D) to access the web
`page for the earphone 10 to set various profile values for the earphone 10. For example, at the
`web site, the user could set various content features and filters, as well as adjust various sound
`control features, such as treble, bass, frequency settings, noise cancellation settings, etc. In
`addition, the user could set preferred streaming audio stations, such as preferred Internet radio
`stations or other streaming audio broadcasts. That way, instead of listening to streaming audio
`from the data source 20, the user could listen to Internet radio stations or other streaming audio
`broadcasts received by the earphone 10. In such an operating mode, the earphone user, Via the
`web site, may prioritize a number of Internet radio stations or other broadcast sources (hosted by
`streaming digital audio content servers 70). With reference to Figure 7, the host server 40 may
`send the IP address for the earphone user’s desired (e.g., highest priority) Internet radio station to
`the earphone 10. A button 11 on the earphone 10, such as on the rotating dial 16 as shown in the
`examples of Figures 1A and 1B, may allow the user to cycle through the preset preferred Internet
`radio stations. That is, for example, when the user presses the button 1 1, an electronic
`communication may be transmitted to the host server 40 via the wireless network 30, and in
`response to receiving the communication, the host server 40 may send the IP address for the
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`user’s next highest rated Internet radio station via the network 42 to the earphone 10. The
`earphone 10 may then connect to the streaming digital audio content server 70 for that Internet
`radio station using the IP address provided by the host server 40. This process may be repeated,
`e.g., cycled through, for each preset Internet radio station configured by the user of the earphone
`1 0.
`At the web site for the earphone 10 hosted on the host server 40, in addition to establishing
`the identification of digital audio sources (e. g., IDs for the user’s DAP or PC) and earphones, the
`user could set parental or other user controls. For example, the user could restrict certain Internet
`radio broadcasts based on content or parental ratings, etc. That is, for example, the user could
`configure a setting through the web site that prevents the host server 40 from sending an IP
`address for a streaming digital audio content server 70 that broadcasts explicit content based on a
`rating for the content. In addition, if a number of different earphones 10 are registered to the
`same user, the user could define separate controls for the different earphones 10 (as well as
`customize any other preferences or settings particular to the earphones 10, including Internet radio
`stations, sound quality settings, etc. that would later be downloaded to the earphones 10). In
`addition, in modes where the host server 40 streams audio to the earphone 10, the host server 40
`may log the files or content streamed to the various earphones 10, and the user could View at the
`web site the files or content that were played by the earphones 10. In that way, the user could
`monitor the files played by the earphones 10.
`In addition, the host server 40 may provide a so—called eavesdropping function according
`to various embodiments. The eavesdropping service could be activated via the web site. When
`the service is activated, the host server 40 may transmit the content that it is delivering to a first
`earphone 10a to another, second earphone 10b, as shown in Figure 8. Alternatively, the host
`server 40 may transmit to the second earphone 10b the most recent IP address for a streaming
`digital audio content server 70 that was sent to the first earphone 10a. The second earphone 10b
`may then connect to the streaming digital audio content server 70 that the first earphone 10a is
`cLu-rently connected. That way, the user of the second earphone 10b, which may be a parent, for
`example, may directly monitor