`(12) United States Patent
`Vanderelli et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,027,311 B2
`Apr. 11, 2006
`References Cited
`(75) Inventors: Timm A. Vanderelli, Ligonier, PA
`(US); John G. Shearer, Ligonier, PA
`US): John R. Sh
`Pittsburgh, PA
`S. O
`earer, F1ulsburgn,
`(73) Assignee: FireFly Power Technologies, Inc.,
`Ligonier, PA (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(*) Notice:
`(21) Appl. No.: 10/966,880
`(22) Filed:
`Oct. 15, 2004
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2005/O104453 A1
`May 19, 2005
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/511,860, filed on Oct.
`17, 2003.
`51) Int. C
`(51) to's/00
`(52) U.S. Cl
`(58) Field O f Classification search- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 363/8
`363/59, 60, 157,164, 165
`See application file for complete search history.
`4,703.190 A * 10, 1987 Tamura et al. ................. 307/2
`W -
`5,612,652 A * 3/1997 Crosby ..................... 333.24 R
`5,737,177 A * 4/1998 Mett et al. .................. 361,234
`5,898,911 A * 4/1999 White ..................... 455,232.1
`6,094, 161 A
`7/2000 Cassen et al. .............. 342/175
`6,633,750 B1 * 10/2003 Dacus et al. ......
`... 455,126
`6,841,981 B1* 1/2005 Smith et al. ................ 323,312
`cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner Matthew V. Nguyen
`74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Ansel M. Schwartz
`V, Ag
`An apparatus for a wireless power Supply including a
`mechanism for receiving a range of RF radiation across a
`collection of frequencies. The apparatus includes a mecha
`nism for converting the RF radiation across the collection of
`frequencies, preferably at a same time into DC. A method for
`a wireless power Supply including the steps of receiving a
`range of RF radiation across a collection of frequencies.
`There is the step of converting the RF radiation across the
`collection of frequencies, preferably at a same time into DC.
`20 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
`14 1
`APPLE 1010
`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 11, 2006
`Sheet 1 of 2
`US 7,027,311 B2
`2-1 D1 THRU Dx
`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 11, 2006
`Sheet 2 of 2
`US 7,027,311 B2
`a-1 1N34A x 6
`28 u x 7
`26 D
`g D
`2200 UF
`O68 UF x 8
`US 7,027,311 B2
`This application claims the benefit of Provisional Appli
`cation No. 60/511,860, filed Oct. 17, 2003.
`The present invention is related to the retrieval of radiated 10
`electrical energy. More specifically, the present invention is
`related to the retrieval of radiated electrical energy that is
`optimized for any given portion of the RF spectrum using a
`plurality of taps.
`In the operation of the invention, ambient RF and gener
`ated RF signals provide a source of potential energy that can 20
`be gathered, stored and Supplied to a multitude of devices
`requiring electrical energy or that can restore energy lost by
`a discharged source.
`Traditional RF receiving devices utilize an antenna to
`capture a narrow band of frequencies within the RF spec
`trum, whereby the collection of RF frequencies is then
`filtered, or tuned, to a specific frequency(s) for the purposes
`of maximizing the signal being transmitted within the cho
`Sen frequency(s). The potential energy contained in the 30
`signal is then used for its intended purpose, such as audio,
`video or data processing. These RF receiving devices have
`focused on maximizing selectivity of the frequency in order
`to isolate and to be coherent without interference from other
`The present invention pertains to an apparatus for a 40
`wireless power Supply. The apparatus comprises means for
`receiving a range of RF radiation across a collection of
`frequencies The apparatus comprises means for converting
`the RF radiation across the collection of frequencies, pref
`erably at a same time into DC.
`The present invention pertains to a method for a wireless
`power Supply. The method comprises the steps of receiving
`a range of RF radiation across a collection of frequencies.
`There is the step of converting the RF radiation across the 50
`collection of frequencies, preferably at a same time into DC.
`In the accompanying drawings, the preferred embodiment 55
`of the invention and preferred methods of practicing the
`invention are illustrated in which:
`FIG. 1 is a schematic representation of a preferred
`embodiment of an apparatus of the present invention.
`FIG. 2 is a schematic representation of a preferred
`embodiment of an apparatus of the present invention opti
`mized for medium wave bandwidth RF energy retrieval,
`collection and storage.
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram of the apparatus of the present
`Referring now to the drawings wherein like reference
`numerals refer to similar or identical parts throughout the
`several views, and more specifically to FIG. 1 thereof, there
`is shown an apparatus 10 for a wireless power Supply. The
`apparatus 10 comprises means 12 for receiving a range of
`RF radiation across a collection of frequencies. The appa
`ratus 10 comprises means 14 for converting the RF radiation
`across the collection of frequencies, preferably at a same
`time into DC.
`Preferably, the converting means 14 includes an absorb
`ing mechanism 16 which is resonant for a desired band of
`RF spectrum. The absorbing mechanism 16 preferably
`includes an inductor 18 which is resonant for the desired
`band of RF spectrum. Preferably, the converting means 14
`includes a plurality of taps 20 placed at points along the
`inductor 18 to access the RF energy.
`The tap points preferably are calculated by matching the
`inductor's 18 impedance to the desired band of RF spectrum.
`Preferably, the receiving means 12 includes an antenna 22.
`The converting means 14 preferably includes a rectifying
`mechanism 24 which rectifies the RF energy and converts it
`into DC voltage. Preferably, the rectifying mechanism 24
`includes a plurality of diodes 26 at each tap point which
`rectifies the RF energy and converts it into DC voltage.
`The apparatus 10 preferably includes a storage device 28
`for storing the DC voltage. Preferably, the antenna 22
`impedance is matched 1:1 with the inductor 18 impedance.
`The RF spectrum preferably is between 60 Hz to 28 giga
`The present invention pertains to a method for a wireless
`power Supply. The method comprises the steps of receiving
`a range of RF radiation across a collection of frequencies.
`There is the step of converting the RF radiation across the
`collection of frequencies, preferably at a same time into DC.
`Preferably, the converting step includes the step of
`absorbing the energy. The absorbing step preferably includes
`the step of absorbing the energy with an inductor 18.
`Preferably, the converting step includes the step of accessing
`the absorbing energy with a plurality of taps 20 on the
`inductor 18. There is preferably the step of matching the
`inductor's impedance to a desired RF range.
`Preferably, the converting step includes the step of recti
`fying energy available at each tap and converting it into DC
`voltages. The rectifying step preferably includes the step of
`rectifying the energy available at each tap and converting it
`into DC voltages with diodes 26. Preferably, the converting
`step includes the step of Summing the DC voltages. The
`Summing step preferably includes the step of adding the DC
`Voltages among a series capacitor integrator. Preferably,
`there is the step of storing the summed DC voltages. There
`is preferably the step of using the stored DC voltages.
`A method and apparatus 10 for retrieval of radiated
`electrical energy is described herein. The radiated energy to
`be captured is being transmitted in the portion of the
`electromagnetic spectrum sometimes referred to as RF, or
`Radio Frequency. The primary purpose of the method and
`apparatus 10 described herein, is to receive RF energy and
`convert the energy into a usable form of power. The method
`and apparatus 10 does not discern or interpret individual
`signals or frequencies. It is designed to absorb and convert
`signal, carrier and any associated interference for a chosen
`band or range of frequencies into reusable power.
`In contrast, to traditional RF receiving devices, this meth
`odology and apparatus 10 avoids selectivity. It has the
`unique characteristic of accepting broad ranges of the RF
`spectrum as a collection of frequencies. Each collected range
`of frequencies is then rectified, or converted, as a whole into
`a single voltage. Preferably, at the same time of RF absorp
`tion, the resultant Voltage is generated. The apparatus 10
`makes no attempt to tune for any specific frequency or
`signal. Each Voltage, which is gathered from a given range
`of frequencies, is then added together and made available to
`power a device directly, to be stored, or to Supply energy to
`a recharging apparatus.
`The radiated electrical energy, to be utilized by the circuit,
`can be in the form of a wide range of the RF spectrum. Some
`examples of ambient RF Sources can include, but are not
`limited to: Very Low Frequency VLF (Maritime/Aeronau
`tical Mobile), Medium Frequency MF (AM Radio Broad
`cast), High Frequency HF (Shortwave Radio Broadcast),
`Very High Frequency VHF (TV and FM Radio Broad
`cast), Ultra High Frequency-UHF (TV, HDTV, PCS, WiFi)
`and certain Microwave transmissions. In addition, the appa
`ratus 10 allows for the reception of dedicated RF transmis
`sion that are generated and broadcast for the specific purpose
`of transmitting power to the apparatus 10 for absorption,
`collection and utilization. In this case, it is not necessary for
`the dedicated RF transmission to contain a specific signal or
`data that needs to be interpreted for ancillary purposes Such
`as audio/video or data reception and interpretation.
`Using the technique described herein, one can design and
`create an apparatus 10 that is optimized for any given
`portion of the RF Spectrum. The necessary electrical and
`magnetic characteristics of the apparatus 10 components
`will vary depending on the chosen portion of the spectrum.
`Because of this, it is impractical to create one single appa
`ratus 10 to cover the entire RF spectrum. However, it is
`possible to create individual apparatus 10, each designed for
`a given RF band, and combine both the apparatus 10, their
`outputs for maximum power efficiency.
`A portion of a selected RF frequency band is intercepted
`by an antenna 22 placed in the field of emitted energy. The
`antenna 22 receives energy, in accordance with its design
`efficiency, and directs it into a system where it is absorbed,
`rectified, Summed and delivered for use or storage.
`RF Energy->Antenna-->
`Absorbed->Rectified->Integrated-e Delivered
`RF signals striking an antenna 22 are fed into an inductor
`(L), which is resonant for the desired band of RF spectrum.
`Note: In areas with a high concentration of RF energy, there
`is no need to attach an antenna 22. The absorbed RF energy,
`consisting of fundamental, harmonic, inter-harmonic and
`standing waves is accessed via taps 20 (T1-TX) on the
`inductor 18 which are placed at points along the inductor 18.
`A key characteristic of this device is that a capacitor-less
`front-end allows for the inductors wide bandwidth and
`maximum admittance of the incoming RF energy. The tap
`points are calculated by matching the inductor 18 section’s
`impedance to the desired RF range.
`US 7,027,311 B2
`The resultant RF energy, available at each tap point, is
`rectified by a device, such as diodes 26 (D1–DX), and
`converted into DC Voltages. The individual rectified volt
`ages are spread among a series capacitor integrator consist
`ing of capacitors (C1-CX). This broadband approach allows
`maximum energy to be spread among the series capacitor
`The sum of the voltages available from C1-Cx is stored
`in any storage device 28 Such as a capacitor or group of
`capacitors Cs (S1-SX) and made available for immediate use,
`or to supply electronic device(s) requiring intermittent
`power. The electrical characteristics of the storage devices or
`capacitors, the configuration and actual number of Storage
`devices is dependent on the Voltage and power requirements
`of the device the apparatus 10 is delivering power to. (See
`Figure One)
`Although not considered part of the apparatus 10, the
`antenna 22 is an integral component of any practical device
`utilizing the method and apparatus 10 described. The key
`characteristics of the antenna 22 would be that it is capable
`of wide band reception, optimized for the chosen bandwidth,
`and takes into consideration the necessary effective area to
`Support the power requirements of the target device.
`Ideally, the antenna 22 impedance is matched 1:1 with the
`inductor 18 impedance of the apparatus 10.
`Note: In areas with a high concentration of RF energy,
`there is no need to attach an antenna 22 to the apparatus
`Inductor 18:
`The characteristics of the inductor 18 is dependent on the
`chosen bandwidth of frequencies to be collected and uti
`lized. The ideal inductor 18 should be constructed so that the
`midpoint of total inductance would be resonant at the center
`frequency of the chosen RF segment or spectrum.
`Multiple taps 20 provide fundamental and inter-harmonic
`output voltages from the selected band segments of radio
`frequency energy.
`For example, a medium wave circuit (FIG. 2), utilizing an
`antenna 22 impedance of 375 ohms, into an inductive circuit
`with 375 ohms of reactance, with a center frequency of 1.2
`MHz would require an inductance of 100 uH. The effective
`bandwidth would be approximately 2 MHz wide. (-3 db
`down at each end of the band).
`The inductor 18 can be calculated using the following
`standard resonance formula (Formula 1):
`L=(d squared times n squared) divided by (18 times
`d plus 40 timesi)
`Linductance in micro-henryS.
`d conductor diameter in inches.
`conductor length in inches.
`n number of conductor iterations.
`Using similar formulae, the required inductance can be
`re-calculated for henrys, milli-henrys, pico-henrys and
`nano-henrys, ie. VLF, LF, MW, HF, VHF, UHF and Micro
`wave frequency band segments.
`Utilizing a capacitor-less front-end insures the inductors
`wide bandwidth, and maximum admittance to the incoming
`RF energy.
`US 7,027,311 B2
`Taps 20:
`Taps 20 are to be constructed and placed at points along
`the inductor 18. Each tap provides an individual output
`Voltage into the rectifying portion of the apparatus 10.
`The number of taps 20 from the inductor 18 can be
`calculated by the following formula (Formula 2):
`Tn=Bw times pi
`a higher concentration of RF energy, the apparatus 10 itself.
`without an antenna 22, is sufficient to develop stored power.
`The inductor 18 is in the form of an air coil comprised of
`enameled #28 gauge wire wound onto a 2" form. The coil is
`a continuous tightly wound wire with taps 20 placed every
`twenty turns with a total of six taps 20 available (T1-T6).
`The top of the coil is where the antenna 22 is connected. The
`bottom of the coil is connected to ground.
`Germanium diodes (IN34A) (D1-D6) are connected to
`each tap on the coil. The series capacitor integrator (C1-C6)
`is constructed as illustrated with the C6 attached to ground.
`C1-C6 are poly capacitors with a 0.068 uF rating. The
`power storage device 28 utilized in this sample apparatus 10,
`C7, is a 2200 uF electrolytic capacitor.
`Very wide band operation can be utilized by coupling
`multiple instances of the Broadband Wireless Power Supply
`For Example:
`A BWPS circuit designed and constructed (see design
`considerations) for a Very Low Frequency wave segment
`(60 Hz center frequency), can be coupled into another
`BWPS circuit designed and constructed (see design consid
`erations) for an Ultra High Frequency wave segment (5 GHz
`center frequency). The outputs of each individual circuit
`connect (via another integrator circuit) into a common
`storage device 28 (i.e., capacitor) to “pool' collected and
`converted RF energy together. This technique can be
`repeated for any or all segments of the energy spectrum.
`Although the invention has been described in detail in the
`foregoing embodiments for the purpose of illustration, it is
`to be understood that such detail is solely for that purpose
`and that variations can be made therein by those skilled in
`the art without departing from the spirit and scope of the
`invention except as it may be described by the following
`What is claimed is:
`1. An apparatus for a wireless power Supply comprising:
`means for receiving a range of RF radiation across a
`collection of frequencies; and
`means for converting the RF radiation across the collec
`tion of frequencies into DC, the converting means
`includes an absorbing mechanism which is resonant for
`a desired band of RF spectrum.
`2. An apparatus as described in claim 1 wherein the
`absorbing mechanism includes an inductor which is resonant
`for the desired band of RF spectrum.
`3. An apparatus as described in claim 2 wherein the
`converting means includes a plurality of taps placed at
`points along the inductor to access the RF energy.
`4. An apparatus as described in claim 3 wherein the tap
`points are calculated by matching the inductor's impedance
`to the desired band of RF spectrum.
`5. An apparatus as described in claim 4 wherein the
`receiving means includes an antenna.
`6. An apparatus as described in claim 5 wherein the
`converting means includes a rectifying mechanism which
`rectifies the RF energy and converts it into DC voltage.
`7. An apparatus as described in claim 6 wherein the
`rectifying mechanism includes a plurality of diodes at each
`tap point which rectifies the RF energy and converts it into
`DC voltage.
`8. An apparatus as described in claim 7 including a
`storage device for storing the DC voltage.
`Tn=Total number of taps.
`Bw=Effective Bandwidth of inductor (in Megahertz).
`The default position of each tap on the inductor 18 is
`equidistant along the inductor 18. Tap positions can also be
`calculated for optimum output voltage. When calculating the
`taps 20, one must take into consideration known frequencies
`within the chosen band segment that contain higher RF
`energies, And using a standard resonance inductance for
`mula (1) each individual tap can be calculated for the
`required frequency and optimum voltage output.
`The RF energy available at each tap is converted to DC
`Voltage via a rectifying device. The type of rectifying device
`to be used is dependent on the chosen frequency band, and
`includes crystal, germanium, silicon and any other types.
`A Voltage integrator is composed of capacitors C1-CX.
`The values of these capacitors are dependent on the chosen
`frequency band, the unique characteristics of the rectifiers
`and the load imposed by the Storage stage. The reactance of
`this circuit varies greatly, even during normal operation.
`However, one can use a standard formula for capacitive
`reactance as a starting point for preliminary calculations:
`Xc-Capacitive reactance in ohms
`C=Capacitance in Microfarads.
`F-Frequency in Hertz.
`Storage component(s) are determined by the power
`requirements of the attached device(s), and the available RF
`energy absorbed by the inductor (L).
`Using a Medium Wave example, a 2.200 micro-farad elec
`trolytic capacitor is used as storage.
`Sample Apparatus 10: Medium Wave (AM) Wireless Power
`A device has been constructed, using the method stated
`above, which uses the ambient (existing) AM Broadcast
`band of the RF spectrum as its source of energy. The
`device's primary purpose is to optimize the energy absorbed,
`collected and converted to reusable power.
`The size and characteristics of the antenna 22 required for
`the circuit to operate are not considered a design require
`ment for the apparatus 10. The antenna 22 needed to obtain
`Sufficient energy to charge a storage device 28 in a typical
`urban area with several AM radio stations, would be similar
`to one used for a standard AM radio. In areas where there is
`US 7,027,311 B2
`9. An apparatus as described in claim 8 wherein the
`antenna impedance is matched 1:1 with the inductor imped
`10. An apparatus as described in claim 9 wherein the RF
`spectrum is between 60 Hz to 28 gigahertz.
`11. A method for a wireless power supply comprising the
`steps of:
`receiving a range of RF radiation across a collection of
`frequencies; and
`converting the RF radiation across the collection of fre
`quencies into DC, including the step of absorbing the
`12. A method as described in claim 11 wherein the
`absorbing step includes the step of absorbing the energy with
`an inductor.
`13. A method as described in claim 12 wherein the
`converting step includes the step of accessing the absorbing
`energy with a plurality of taps on the inductor.
`14. A method as described in claim 13 including the step
`of matching the inductor's impedance to a desired RF range.
`15. A method as described in claim 14 wherein the
`converting step includes the step of rectifying energy avail
`able at each tap and converting it into DC voltages.
`16. A method as described in claim 15 wherein the
`rectifying step includes the step of rectifying the energy
`available at each tap and converting it into DC voltages with
`17. A method as described in claim 16 wherein the
`converting step includes the step of adding the DC Voltages.
`18. A method as described in claim 17 wherein the
`summing step includes the step of integrating the DC
`voltages among a series capacitor integrator.
`19. A method as described in claim 18 including the step
`of storing the summed DC voltages.
`20. A method as described in claim 19 including the step
`of using the stored DC voltages.
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