(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2016/0278160 A1
`Schliwa-Bertling et al. Sep. 22, 2016 (43) Pub. Date:
`US 20160278160A1
`(71) Applicant: Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson
`(publ), Stockholm (SE)
`Inventors: Paul Schliwa-Bertling, Ljungsbro (SE);
`Thomas Walldeen, LinkOping (SE);
`Stefan Johansson, LinkOping (SE);
`Hakan Axelsson, LinkOping (SE)
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) PCT Filed:
`Oct. 20, 2015
`(86) PCT N0.:
`§ 371 (00):
`(2) Date:
`NOV- 17: 2015
`Related US Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 62/079,821, filed on Nov.
`14, 2014, provisional application No. 62/069,382,
`filed on Oct. 28, 2014.
`Publication Classification
`Int. Cl-
`H04W 76/06
`H04W 48/10
`H04W 48/02
`(52) US. Cl,
`CPC .............. H04W 76/06 (2013.01); H04W48/02
`(2013.01); H04W 48/10 (2013.01)
`A method performed by a wireless device for handling sus-
`pension of a connection between the wireless device and a
`wireless communications network. The wireless communi-
`cations network comprises the first network node.
`The wireless device receives information from the first net-
`work node. The information comprises a first identifier iden-
`tifying a first cell area. The first cell area comprises one or
`more cells capable of resuming the connection.
`The wireless device suspends the connection in a first cell out
`of the one or more cells.
`When selecting a cell access method for a cell the wireless
`device determines whether or not resumption of the connec-
`tion is allowed in the cell based on the information from the
`network node.
` El
`102. RA ms-2
`103. RA msa
`(RRC Connection Request)
`104. RA ms-4
`(RRC Connection Setup)
`105. RRC Connection Setu-
`(NAS Service Request)
`107. S1-AP Initial UE ms
`(NAS Service Request)
`108. §1-AP Initial Ctxt Setup Request
`109. RRC Securi Mode Command
`110. RRC Secunt Mode Comlete
`111. RRC Connection
`112. RRC Connection
`Reconfig complete
`113. S1-AP Inililal Ctxt Setu-
`114. Modif Bearer
`115. Modif Bearer
`116. UL data
`117. UL data
`118. DL data
`119. DL data
`Some time elapses -> Timeout
`120. S1-AP UE Ctxt Release
`121. Release Access Bearers fieq
`122. Release Access Bearers Resp
`123 S1-AP UE Ctxt Release Cmd
`124. RRC Connection Release
`125. S1-AP UE Ctxt Release Cgmpl


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 1 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`102. RA msg2
`103. RA.msg3
`104. RA msg4
`(RRC Connection Setup)
`105. RRC Connection Setup Comple e
`(NAS Service Request)
`107. S1-AP Initial UE msg
`(NAS Service Request)
`1-AP Initial Ctxt Setup Request
`101. RA msg1
`Reconfig complete
` 114. Modify Bearer
`115. Modify Bearer
`116. UL data
` 117. UL data
`Sometime elapses -> Timeout
` 109. RRC Security Mode Command
`110. RRC Security Mode Complete
`111. RRC Connection
`112. RRC Connection
`113. S1-AP Initital Ctxt Setup ompl
`119. DL data
`118. DL data
` i
`120. S1-AP UE Ctxt Release
`121. Release Access Bearers Req
`122. Release Access Bearers Resp
`124. RRC Connection Release
`123 S1 -AP UE Ctxt Release Cmd
`125. S1-AP UE Ctxt Release Compl


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 2 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 3 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 4 of 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`UE context related to connection 251
`Fig. 2c


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 5 of 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`303. RA msgs
`304. RA ms4
`301. RA ms;1
`3(02. RA ms).2
`(RRC Connection Setup)
`305. RRC Connection Setup Comple e
`(NAS Service Request)
`306. S1-AP Initial UE ms-
`(NAS Service Request)
`1—AP Initial Ctxt Setu Request
` 08. RRC Security Mode Command
`309. RRC Security Mode Complete
`310. RRC Connection
`311. RRC Connection
`Reconfig complete
`312. S1-AP Initital Ctxt Setup Compl
`313. Modif Bearer Reuet
`3 4. Modify Bearer Response
`315. UL data —
`_ 316. Mata _
`Some time elapses —> Timeout
`317. S1—AP UE Ctxt Deactive
`318 S1—AP UE Ctxt Deactive Ack
`(to suspend DL traffic)
`320. RRC Connection Suspend
`(Resume Id, Resume Area)
`________ €21; Esarq§y§p_enq99_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
`Fig. 3


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 6 of 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`401. RA msg1
`402. RA mng
`403. RA msgs
`RRC Connection Resume Request
`Resume Id, Auth token(UE), Bearer |nd,Est Cause)
`404.889 QQQneeten Beaumefanmg
`(C-RNTI,Resume |d))
`40 . RRC Connection Resume Complete
`(Bearer description)
`(If no Pending message also: C-RNTI, Resume Id)
`Encryption Started using 'old key', UL traffic enatSled
`| 4
`06. S1—AP UE Ctxt Activ
`_ _ _ _ _ _ £197.- Bearerfleflrne ______
`(to resume DL traffic)
`408. UL data
`411. DL data
`409. S1-AP UE Ctxt Active Ack
`410. Bearer Resume Ack
`Some time elapses -> Timeout
`412. S1-AP UE Ctxt Deactive
`413. S1-AP UE Ctxt Deactive Ack
` ______ 1‘14.- §HSP§rldfie§LGL _ _ _ _ _ _
`415. RRC Connection Suspend
`(Resume Id, Resume Area)
`(to suspend DL traffic)
`_ _ _ _ _ .416.- Eearetfiugeeflged______


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 7 of 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`401 b.RA msg1
`RRC Connection Resume Request
`(Resume Id, Auth token(UE), Bearer |nd(keep suspended),Est Cause)
`_ _ .4911).- 559 9.00 119.0?er BEEUWPPPDQWQ _ _ _
`(C-RNTI,Resume |d))
`405b.RRC Connection Resume Complete
`(Bearer description)
`(If no Pending message also: C-RNTI, Resume Id)
`Encryption Started using 'old key', UL signalling traffic enabled
`406b.S1-AP UE Ctxt Active
`(Bearers suspended)
`407b.81-AP UE Ctxt Active Ack
`408b.NAS message UL
`409b.NAS message DL
`Some time elapses -> Timeout
`410b.S1-AP UE Ctxt Deactive
` 412b.RRC Connection Suspend
`(Resume Id, Resume Area)
`411b.S1-AP UE Ctxt Deactive Ack
`Fig. 4b


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 8 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`401c.RA msg1
`RRC Connection Resume Request
`(Resume Id, Auth token(UE),
`Bearer Ind(keep suspended),Est Cause)
`404c.RRC Connection Resume Pending
`(C-RNT|,Resume |d))
`405c.RRC Connection Resume Complete
`(Bearer description)
`(If no Pending message also: C-RNTI, Resume Id)
`Encryption Started using 'old key', UL signalling traffic enabled
`406C.S1-AP UE Ctxt Active
`407c.St-AP UE Ctxt Active Ack
`4080.NAS messag- UL
`409c.NAS message DL
`UE wants to send payload
`410c.RRC Connection Reconfiguration msg
`(Bearers to be resumed)
` (Bearers suspended)
`416c.Bearer Resume Ack
`413c.RRC Connection Reconfiguration Complete
`414c.UL d ta
`411c.S1-AP UE Ctxt Active
`(Bearers active)
`412c.Bearer Resume
`(to resume DL traffic)
`415c.S1-AP UE Ctxt Active Ack
`Some time elapses‘-> Timeout
`417c.S1-AP UE Ctxt Deactive
`418c.S1-AP UE Ctxt Deactive Ack
`419c.RRC Connection Suspend
`(Resume Id, Resume Area)
`Fig. 4c


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 9 of 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`401d.RA msgt
`402d.RA msg2
`403d.RA msgS
`RRC Connection Resume
`(RAN Id, Auth token(UE),Est
`Cause, 'Not same eNB‘ flag)
`404d.RRC Connection Resume
`405d.RRC Connection Resume
`Req addition
`(Global eNB Id (PLMN, eNB id))
`406d.Transparent message Fetch UE Context
`(Global old eN' Id, RAN Id, New eNBl Ref)
`407d.Transparent message UE Context transfer
`(Global new eNB id, New eNB Ref, Context)
`408d.S1 AP Path
`Switch Request
`Bearer Request
`Bearer Response
`411d.StAP Path
`Switch Response
`412d.UE Context Release
`(Global old eNB Id, RAN Id)
` E
`413d.RRC Connection Resume
`(Bearer descriptions, Auth(NW))
`Encryption Started using 'old key', UL and DL traffic enabled E
`Fig. 4d


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 10 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`I ma, LEE in REC Cfinfificiflfii EEEEEEEE
`{Bearers smug: mm
`$81 E Newark. Emma m anal
`m 3 Emma: SEEP LEE
`5:32“ {llama LEE Sgwm RE—Nf} ' CEEE'EEeEEE Remase aEEEE REES
`l x“
`5&3. Seams: fleaciimtmn 0f LEE {Jamext
`SE} a {Emmal SEEP LEE
`and 595b, SEEspeEEEE LEE
`f 5% UEEEE Edle Made buisuspendefi
`{RE{Bearers mm swam imam: Emm EEmEEmEs }
`seasian ramgmmmiiV}
`Fig. 5


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 11 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`339.133“: {:33 {33333, {33331133351335
`RX {333333 Ami securiiy {2333333 fmm {Ea-{mus 3E83§ea {ememébergm
`{EEG-1‘ EJE wanis. H3 mniact neiwafis:
`, N‘s.
`,3" 533 ill: LEE \x
`Reauma if}
`883E). LIE is: {is 3 Hawaii
`same {estabééfihmani
`8833: LEE {333233 3 {3113331 333333 333" gpmvim‘es 3::
`REC Canneciian Begum Rages: {333 {game id.
`3:: aufiwemicatien {3333, iadimaiéan 3:133:33; sheuizfi
`be resumesfi 3H3 33iab§ishm3m {335:3
`- p
`WWW). N“
`, "3x,
`{£33. engB {€{33E-5Ehe wimp:
`LMCGfifia “x
`._ ;
`attwmiacw fies:
`{{{m an {mmfienm { headmaE
`‘ W i W?
`333E331: can {eta {again {$33 {1:33
`t3 {3353338
`{'{B‘SLER’E again}
`E1353. eNadeB {33333 $13 afiemgt wiih a{{
`infiiwtim {hat a mama? “ewige
`, ’“
`:33” 8635:}: 85513333 "m
`$333333me is 333333 This {333. eiiher E33
`3;” $303.33 and {33:33 LEE 9-me
`Gene {isrerafiy With the assigned Esheduimg
`swim Gk
`idefiiiiy‘ {:3 make a mmpiaie new 33323333
`“x 3”“
`fiflfib. ML paytsad {raffia posgibéie.
`flit-83 eNoéeB inifi3tes asiivaiicn {3? LEE caniexfi in; FAME
`fig? "\
`hfifia. {11¢me tn {.33 {3‘ 3333 {:3 {{{ME 333 {1323323 33 SSW GE {:3 :33
`{3:33.333 33% a 3333 fissnnaii 33333 {E33333 {33d mafia-ad. This {13:1
`5%“06 {33' NW,»
`331%“ he Sane {Simafi‘y‘ {{{Efit m3 asségaeci aahsefiaimg identity er make- a
`\ "’
`p “’
`camfiets new {ansciem ans-ass.
`fififia ENWQB imfiafia {%S{{{n;)fi{sn {:{f bearers {01‘ SL in 33323 {UL never suspamflieé}
`333. $5 in RRC Cannmfied Made {53mm 3333;: 33:}
`Fig. 6


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 12 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`”Tm—093 mmmmmmmmmm
`70§mmTrtémn§FnifiFIdmiEationm§3 gécgufidm m
`En—etwork node.
`FMflfififlfifiwfi “:3ng Sig-Np I3: dgaw
`.. mmmmmm”L mmmmmm
`70_5. Store UE context, resume id
`Wmmmwm mmmmmm
`Ifiimfieaaég 55d?eanc;a€?o§BtK/matmem ]
`UEMEOQ’EIG’SL mmmmmmmm 1
`Wing). Rina}; ruémgufiimgtion OFBLBgaESW m
`Fig. 7


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 13 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`8 1. Receive command
`8 2. Transition to suspended idle modeIl
`803. Transmit first message
`8 O4. Receive second message
`Fig. 8


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 14 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`fl. Receive indication
`L... mmmmmmmmmmm
`fl. Deactivate UE context
`E" mmmmmmmmmm ”"i
`903. Page UE
`904. Activate UE context
`Fig. 9


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 15 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`901a. Receive indication that UE 240 is
`EQOZa. Deactivate UE context for UE 240 3
`Store UE context
`E Store 81 signalling identifier
`g Command sew to buffer DL traffic to UE
`L... mmmmmmmmmmm
`&- Page UE 240 in case of DL
`E E
`Fig. 9a


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 16 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`1001. Suspend bearer
`|1_002. Inform 2nd netWork node of DL
`1003. Transmit buffered DL data
`Fig. 10


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 17 of 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`1 00. Obtain indication of suspension of UE 240
`1 01. Suspend bearer
`1002. Inform 2nd network node of DL
`Fig. 10a


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 18 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`211 first network node
`111 Timer module
`1120 Checking_module
`1130 Transmitting
`1140 Requestingmodule
`m Memory
`1180 Processor
`1150 Commanding
`1160 Recieving_module
`1170 Initiating module
`1175 Identifying module
`Fig. 11


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 19 of 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`240 wireless device/UE
`1210 Receiving module
`1290 Memory
`1220 Transitioning
`1230 Transmitter module
`1280 Processor
`Fig. 12


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 20 of 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`12 third network node
`1310 Receiving module
`1320 Deactivating
`1330 Paging module
`1390 Memory
`1380 Processor
`1340 Activating module
`Fig. 13


`1420 |nforming_module
`1430 Transmitting
`1480 Processor
`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 21 of 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`m fourth network node
`1410 Suspending
`1490 Memory
`Fig. 14


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 22 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`Cell 1-1:
`Cell 2-3: RRA=B
`Fig. 15


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 23 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`1 600
`RRA Information
`1 602
`RRA Code Version
`RRA Code Version
`2 bits
`Second RRA Information
`2 bits
`Fig. 16


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 24 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`Cell A
`Cell B
`RRAC 11111
`RRAC 11111
` Cell C
`RRAC 11111
`Fig. 173
`Cell A
`Cell B
`RRAC 11111
`RRAC 11111
` Cell C
`RRAC 11111
`Fig. 17b


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 25 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`Agfifln «gag-g53mg) 4
`3} RES Cfiafisfifiafifld
` Swami mmeéum
`' REV?" ignéfiaiéfifiii
`fifiiifln ififlfiSita-g E
`UEE exfitis
`Mimi: isw’S'teg 6
`Adm ifififig‘éfiep fi
`mm i8§4§8ie=s a:
`Fig. 18


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 26 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`/RRC suspended with\ Action 1901/
`RRA stored
`Step 1
` ...........................................................................................
`Cell Change (Optionally)
`Action 1902/
`Step 2
`Trigger tor RRC connection Action 1903/
`Step 3
`// ,t// “‘x.\\
`{:FigocrgtneegcfiynimN0/\'CurrentasV:ri\|/;rlt)?ec?ell RRA\,/>’
`/’// Action 1904/
`Step 4
`Action 1905/
`Step 5
`Action 1906/
`Fig. 19


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 27 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`Fig. 20 Method in UE/wireless device 240


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 28 of 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`M. Receive identifier
`l" mmmmmmmmmm “l
`§2002a Receive timer
`memmjmmmmm j
`2006a. Select cell access method
`Fig. 20a Method in UE/wireless device 240


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 29 of 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`E” mmmmmmmmmmmm "”3
`12101. Configure capability of cell, e.g. with
`access to resume information
`2102. Identify cell area
` 21 3. Transmit identifier
`Fig. 21 Method in network node 211


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 30 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
` E2101a. Configure capability of cell, e.g. E
`with access to resume information
`M- Identify cell area
`2103a. Transmit identifier
`2104a. Suspend connection
`Fig. 21a


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 31 of 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`240 wireless device/UE
`2210 Receiving module
`2220 Transitioning
`2230 Transmitter module
`2290 Memory
`fl Processor
`2240 Suspending
`2250 Deleting module
`2260 Selecting module
`Fig. 22


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 32 of 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`211 first network node
`2301 Configuring module
`2310 Timer module
`2302 Identifying module
`m Memory
`2303 Suspending
`mDeIeting module
`2380 Processor
`2350 Commanding
`2360 Recieving_module
`2370 Initiating module
`Fig. 23


`Patent Application Publication
`Sep. 22, 2016 Sheet 33 0f 33
`US 2016/0278160 A1
`214 second network node
`2480 Processor
`2430 Transmitting
`2490 Memory
`Fig. 24


`US 2016/0278160 A1
`Sep. 22, 2016
`[0001] Embodiments herein relate to a network node, a
`wireless device, a system of network nodes and methods
`therein. In particular the embodiments herein relate to han-
`dling a connection between the wireless device and a wireless
`communications network.
`[0002] Communication devices such as terminals are also
`known as e.g. User Equipments (UE), mobile terminals, wire-
`less terminals and/or mobile stations. Terminals are enabled
`communicate wirelessly in a wireless or cellular communi-
`cations network or a wireless communication system, some-
`times also referred to as a cellular radio system or cellular
`network. The communication may be performed e. g. between
`two terminals, between a terminal and a regular telephone
`and/or between a terminal and a server Via a Radio Access
`Network (RAN) and possibly one or more core networks,
`comprised within the cellular communications network.
`[0003] Examples ofwireless communications networks are
`Long Term Evolution (LTE), Universal Mobile Telecommu-
`nications System (UMTS) and Global System for Mobile
`communications (GSM).
`[0004] Terminals may further be referred to as mobile tele-
`phones, cellular telephones, laptops, surf plates or tablets
`with wireless capability,
`to mention some further
`examples. The terminals in the present context may be, for
`example, portable, pocket-storable, hand-held, computer-
`comprised, or vehicle-mounted mobile devices, enabled to
`communicate voice and/or data, via the RAN, with another
`entity, such as another terminal or a server.
`[0005] The cellular communications network covers a geo-
`graphical area which is divided into cell areas, wherein each
`cell area being served by an access node such as a base station,
`e.g. a Radio Base Station (RBS), which sometimes may be
`referred to as e.g. “eNB”, “eNodeB”, “NodeB”, “B node”, or
`BTS (Base Transceiver Station), depending on the technol-
`ogy and terminology used. The base stations may be of dif-
`ferent classes such as e.g. macro eNodeB, home eNodeB or
`pico base station, based on transmission power and thereby
`also cell size. A cell is the geographical area where radio
`coverage is provided by the base station at a base station site.
`One base station, situated on the base station site, may serve
`one or several cells. Further, each base station may support
`one or several communication technologies. The base sta-
`tions communicate over the air interface operating on radio
`frequencies with the terminals within range of the base sta-
`tions. In the context of this disclosure, the expression Down-
`link (DL) is used to denote the transmission path from the
`base station to the mobile station. The expression Uplink
`(UL) is used to denote the transmission path in the opposite
`direction i.e. from the mobile station to the base station.
`In 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) LTE,
`base stations, which may be referred to as eNodeBs or even
`eNBs, may be directly connected to one or more core net-
`works and related core network nodes, such as a Mobility
`Management Entity (MME) and a Serwing GateWay (SGW).
`[0007] The MME is a control node and is responsible for
`idle mode UE tracking and paging procedure including
`retransmissions. The MME is involved in the bearer activa-
`tion/deactivation process and is also responsible for choosing
`the SGW for a UE at the initial attach and at time of intra-LTE
`handover involving Core Network (CN) node relocation. The
`MME is responsible for authenticating the user.
`3GPP LTE radio access standard has been written in
`order to support high bitrates and low latency both for uplink
`and downlink traffic. All data transmission is in LTE con-
`trolled by the radio base station.
`[0009] The introduction of new types of devices, such as
`devices that are used for Machine-Type-Communication
`(MTC), that interact with wireless communications networks
`put new requirements both on the devices, such as UEs, and
`the networks. Such new requirements may impose problems,
`such as shorter battery lifetime for the UEs, and from the
`network point of view one of the problems is to handle many
`devices sending small amounts of data.
`For example, when a device, such as a UE, wants to
`send data, it needs to set up a connection towards the wireless
`communications network. This implies some mandatory
`steps, e.g. establishing a control connection to the MME
`through the eNodeB, establishing a secure radio connection
`on the air interface and configuring data bearers through
`which data may be sent. FIG. 1 shows a legacy normal service
`request establishment in LTE when data is to be received or
`transferred. As can be seen from FIG. 1 there is rather much
`signaling, i.e. actions 101-114, before the UE sends 115 the
`payload data to the eNodeB.
`[0011] The signaling described above consumes much pro-
`cessing resources compared to the data volume being trans-
`ferred for some devices, such as MTCs. This may then set a
`limit on how many devices that an eNodeB may handle, or
`how much other traffic the eNodeB may handle.
`[0012] One prior art approach is to always have the devices
`in connected mode, that is e. g. have a control connection
`towards the MME, a secure radio connection and configured
`data bearers established all the time. This will however have
`impacts both on the performance of mobile devices, e.g. in
`terms of battery lifetime, and also on the performance of the
`network, since the connected mode consumes network
`resources. In fact, an eNodeB is normally designed to only
`handle a certain maximum number of users in connected
`mode. Since the actual number of devices in the area may be
`multiples higher than the designed maximum number ofusers
`in connected mode this will impose a large limitation.
`It is therefore an object of embodiments herein to
`address at least some of the problems and issues mentioned
`above, by providing an improved way of handling a connec-
`tion between a wireless device and a wireless communica-
`tions network.
`[0014] When a connection between the UE, i.e. wireless
`device, and the network is released in LTE, all contexts in the
`eNodeB and the related information in the MME and the
`SGW are released. At the next service request, e. g. when the
`UE wants to send data, the entire signaling procedure for
`establishing a connection needs to be performed again.
`[0015] The current way to always establish a new connec-
`tion leads to much signaling and hence consume much pro-
`cessing resources compared to the data volume being trans-
`ferred for some devices, such as MTCs.


`US 2016/0278160 A1
`Sep. 22, 2016
`Instead of releasing an established connection
`between a wireless device, such as the UE, and the wireless
`communications network, the wireless device is ‘suspended’
`in embodiments herein. Suspended means that data related to
`the established connection between the wireless device and
`the wireless communications network are saved in the wire-
`less device and in network nodes connected to the wireless
`device, such as an eNodeB, an MME and an SGW.
`[0017] The data may comprise a UE context, for example a
`UE context related to security, bearers, Temporary Interna-
`tional Mobile Subscriber Identity (T—lMSl) and UE capabili-
`Further, in embodiments herein, instead of estab-
`lishing a new connection between the wireless device and the
`wireless communications network when there is new data to
`be transferred, the previous connection is resumed, or contin-
`ued, at a later time with the same security context and bearers.
`In other words, in embodiments herein the wireless
`device may be connected to the wireless communications
`network using the same connection parameters for several
`sessions of the connection since these connection parameters
`are saved in the wireless device and in the network nodes
`during the above suspension of the connection.
`[0020] The wireless device is in other aspects handled as in
`‘ldle mode’. Although the wireless device is in other aspects
`handled as in ‘ldle mode’, the wireless device may continue a
`previous session of the connection, i.e. ‘resume the previous
`session’ when the wireless device wants to establish a con-
`nection towards the network, e.g. when there is new data to be
`[0021] The ‘Resume’ of the previous connection may be
`allowed within the cell where the wireless device was ‘sus-
`pended’ or in a cell in which information indicating that
`resume is possible is broadcasted.
`[0022] Embodiments herein are related to such information
`indicating whether or not resume is possible.
`In order for the UE to be able to resume its RRC
`connection, a set of parameters, e.g. the UE’s security con-
`text, also referred to as ‘RRC Resume Context’ or ‘UE Con-
`text’ herein, and a resume identifier of the UE, may be needed
`to be available to the cell that the UE wants resume its RRC
`connection with. These parameters will be further explained
`in the detailed description below.
`Furthermore it is fair to assume that due to typical
`network deployments a given RRC Resume Context and a
`resume identifier of the UE will only be available to cells
`within some limited geographical area. Therefore a UE
`attempting blindly to resume its RRC connection with an
`arbitrary cell that may or may not have access to the RRC
`Resume Context will result in a high rate of resume attempt
`failures wasting the UEs’ battery lifetime, radio resources,
`network resources, such as Random Access bandwidth, or L3
`signalling load or node CPU cycles and increasing the inter-
`ference level.
`Finally, storing the RRC Resume Contexts infinitely
`may cause memory exhaustion in the UE and in network
`nodes involved in RRC Resume, which impacts the network
`[0026] According to a first aspect of embodiments herein,
`the object is achieved by a method performed by a wireless
`device for handling suspension of a connection between the
`wireless device and a wireless communications network. The
`wireless communications network comprises the first net-
`work node.
`[0027] The wireless device receives information from the
`first network node. The information 1600 comprises a first
`identifier identifying a first cell area. The first cell area 281
`comprises one or more cells capable of resuming the connec-
`[0028] The wireless device suspends the connection in a
`first cell out of the one or more cells.
`[0029] When selecting a cell access method for a cell the
`wireless device determines whether or not resumption of the
`connection is allowed in the cell based on the information
`from the network node.
`[0030] According to a second aspect of embodiments
`herein, the object is achieved by a method performed by a first
`network node for handling suspension of a connection
`between a wireless device and a wireless communications
`network. The wireless communications network comprises
`the first network node.
`[0031] The first network node identifies a first cell area. The
`first cell area comprises one or more cells capable ofresuming
`the connection when the connection is suspended.
`[0032] The first network node transmits information to the
`wireless device, which information comprises a first identifier
`identifying the first cell area. The information enables the
`wireless device to determine whether resumption of the con-
`nection is allowed or not in a cell.
`[0033] The first network node suspends the connection in a
`first cell out of the one or more first cells.
`[0034] According to a third aspect of embodiments herein,
`the object is achieved by a wireless device configured to
`perform the method according to the first aspect.
`[0035] According to a fourth aspect of embodiments
`herein, the object is achieved by a first network node config-
`ured to perform the method according to the second aspect.
`[0036] According to a fifth aspect of embodiments herein,
`the object is achieved by a method performed by a system of
`network nodes for suspension of a connection between a
`wireless device and a wireless communications network. The
`wireless communications network comprises the system of
`network nodes.
`[0037] A first network node comprised in the system of
`network nodes identifies a first cell area. The first cell area
`comprises one or more cells capable of resuming the connec-
`tion when the connection is suspended.
`[0038] The first network node transmits information to the
`wireless device. The information comprises a first identifier
`identifying the first cell area.
`[0039] The first network node suspends the connection in a
`first cell out of the one or more cells.
`[0040] A second network node comprised in the system of
`network nodes transmits a second information to the wireless
`device. The second information is related to a cell. The second
`information comprises a third identifier identifying a second
`cell area. The second cell area comprises the cell. This
`enables the wireless device to determine whether or not
`resumption of the connection is allowed in the cell based on
`comparing the first information with the second information.
`[0041] According to a sixth aspect of embodiments herein,
`the object is achieved by a system of network nodes config-
`ured to perform the method above performed by the system of
`network nodes.
`[0042] The wireless device receives information compris-
`ing the first identifier identifying the one or more cells capable
`ofresuming the connection from the first network node. Since
`the wireless device selects a cell access method based on the


`US 2016/0278160 A1
`Sep. 22, 2016
`information comprising the first identifier radio resources are
`only spent on cell access attempts that are supported by the
`wireless device and the wireless communications network
`FIG. 4b is a signaling diagram illustrating further
`embodiments of a method performed in a wireless commu-
`nications network.
`and therefore the performances ofthe wireless device and the
`first network node are improved.
`In other words, since the wireless device selects a
`cell access method based on the information from the first
`network node the performances ofthe wireless device and the
`first network node are improved.
`[0044] Embodiments herein enable a flexible handling of
`RRC connections.
`[0045] Embodiments herein enable a faster transition from
`‘idle’ to ‘ready to transfer data mode’, such as RRC Con-
`nected Mode. In embodiments herein no round trip commu-
`nication towards the core network node is needed to set up a
`connection towards the wireless communications network.
`This will significantly reduce the time before an uplink packet
`may be transferred. Note also that the reduced time before an
`uplink packet may be transferred will be the same when the
`SI connection is over satellite, i.e. 20-30 ms compared to l s
`with the current method where a new connection is needed
`every time new data is to be sent from the UE to the network.
`Further, when the SI connection is over satellite, also the time
`to transfer a DL package from the wireless communications
`network to the UE is significantly improved, 250 ms com-
`pared to l s for the current method.
`[0046] Embodiments herein require less si

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