as) United States
`a2) Patent Application Publication 10) Pub. No.: US 2016/0192403 Al
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Jun. 30, 2016
`US 20160192403A1
`(71) Applicant: QUALCOMMIncorporated, San
`Diego, CA (US)
`HOAW 12/06
`HOAL 12/18
`(52) U.S. CL.
`CPC wee HO4W 76/002 (2013.01); HO4E 12/18
`(2013.01); HO4L 63/166 (2013.01); HO4L
`63/0876 (2013.01); HO4W 12/06 (2013.01);
`HO4W 84/12 (2013.01)
`Inventors: Siddharth GUPTA, San Diego, CA
`(US); Rohit TRIPATHI, San Diego, CA
`(US); Kuo-Chun LEE, San Diego, CA
`(US); Sivaramakrishna
`Tyler Byron WEAR, San Diego, CA
`(US); Vaibhav KUMAR,San Diego,
`CA (US)
`(21) Appl. No.: 14/586,878
`Dec. 30. 2014
`Publication Classification
`Int. Cl.
`HO4W 76/00
`HOAL 29/06
`A method, an apparatus, and a computer program product for
`communication ina network. The apparatus sends a multicast
`message to a network device. The multicast message facili-
`tates discovery of an unknown IP address of the network
`device. The apparatus determines whether a first response
`message is received from the network device in response to
`the multicast message and determines the IP address of the
`network device from the first response message whenthefirst
`response messageis received from the network device. The
`apparatus establishes a secure connection with the network
`device using the determined IP address. The apparatus sends
`a link status check message to the network device to detect a
`failed end-to-end link between the apparatus and the network
`Evolved Packet
` Gateway


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`413 &SQ)


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`Initialize ODU [~ 782
`Detect Ethernet
`~ 704
`Start multicast
`Listen for
`Send UDP
`Send link status
`Wail for TCP
`check message
`connect signal
`from Gateway
`connect signal from
`Close TCP SSL
`FIG. 7
`SSL handshake


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`Jun. 30,2016 Sheet 8 of 19
`US 2016/0192403 Al
`Send multicast
`810 Shut down
`multicast client
`Initiate TCP
`~ $12
`connection with
` Is TCP
`FIG. 8


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`Jun. 30,2016 Sheet 9 of 19
`US 2016/0192403 Al
`Connection Established
`Ethernet Down
`Ethernet Up
`Multicast client
`Multicast message
`Stop multicast
`Start TCP client
`Wait for TCP
`TCP connect
`TCP accept
`SSL chent handshake
`SSL server handshake
`SSL handshake:certificate, key
`+————~“FinSSE handshake: key, change cipher 2
`Handshake completed
`Handshake change cipher
`Handshake completed
`FIG. 9


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` Stl


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`UOY}ROUAYINRYroMIOU|94}©}VoTTeUUTOJUToY]FOUOTTBOUOIINopQeudO1f|WoIDIUUOS3IOAYOU|fayyAqABMS bepee|PICT|DOTADP yromauayywosugen|aovypsaqul||jowaypgueySnompuoNsenU0samoasay||voaoraapswramp||JOHPJRI]puss—f
`SASPYIOMIAUBO}2BessatuisesyfNw puas


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`puosas8JaqjayLMYAOAAJOUOY]WOATauTIA}IG|yooyoPAAjoIaLS]oBessous|| asuiodsar |SulJopouiadproysauyeuri|o8essouwsnyeysYU]OY)O}aSuOdsOIUI||SNAIP
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`a1d989]ayeUltuta|j pyoysa.ryyay)ULIiPoeAlad9I1JOUSIaspssoulpuogoaasiOY]USMUSIOAUUOSasuodsar


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` ||2AN198SIUoMSTIUODS1Nd—asay]PuPasladasi|SVSSOU yooyoAaINDes94}areUun|bampe |stmJoporiodppoysampyeBurYyyIMpoatooos7|jousfa8essoursnguysyu]oy}0}|lasuodsarBFTUOTMAUNOD[SVANoy)UYABMS—|
`asuodsa1puosas&puag|ifOtel uwAvanos||at0,oessatu|aSessaruysvonpnur||juanbasqnsv0}asuodsai


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`US 2016/0192403 Al
`Jun. 30, 2016
`1. Field
`[0002] The present disclosure relates generally to commu-
`nication systems, and more particularly, to a mechanism to
`provide Long Term Evolution (LTE) Voice, Internet and
`evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (EMBMS)
`services over Ethernet for connected homearchitecture.
`2. Background
`are widely
`[0004] Wireless
`communication systems
`deployed to provide various telecommunication services
`such as telephony, video, data, messaging, and broadcasts.
`Typical wireless communication systems may employ mul-
`tiple-access technologies capable of supporting communica-
`tion with multiple users by sharing available system resources
`(e.g., bandwidth, transmit power). Examples of such mul-
`tiple-access technologies include code division multiple
`access (CDMA) systems,
`time division multiple access
`frequency division multiple access
`(FDMA)systems, orthogonal frequency division multiple
`access (OFDMA)systems, single-carrier frequency division
`multiple access (SC-FDMA)systems, and time division syn-
`chronous code division multiple access (TD-SCDMA)sys-
`the network device, where the IP address of the network
`device is unknown. The apparatus determines whethera first
`response message is received from the network device in
`response to the multicast message and determines the IP
`address ofthe network device from thefirst response message
`whenthefirst response message 1s received from the network
`device. The apparatus establishes a secure connection with
`the network device using the determined IP address.
`Inan aspect ofthe disclosure, a method, a computer
`program product, and an apparatus are provided. For
`example, the method may be performed by a networkdevice.
`The method includes monitoring a first port for a multicast
`message from a gateway, sendinga first response message to
`the gateway when the multicast message is received, receiv-
`ing a signalto initiate establishmentofa secure connection on
`a secondport, and establishing the secure connection with the
`gateway. The apparatus is configured to recetve MBMSdata,
`Internet traffic, and/or IMStraffic from a basestation.
`[0009] The apparatus monitors a first port for a multicast
`message from a gateway and sendsa first response message to
`the gateway when the multicast message is received. The
`apparatus receives a signal to initiate establishment of a
`secure connection on a secondport and establishes the secure
`connection with the gateway.
`FIG. 1 is a diagram illustrating an example of a
`network architecture.
`FIG. 2 is a diagram illustrating an example of an
`access network.
`FIG. 3A is a diagram illustrating an example of an
`evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service channel
`configuration in a Multicast Broadcast Single Frequency Net-
`FIG. 3B is a diagram illustrating a format of a Mul-
`ticast Channel Scheduling Information Media Access Con-
`trol control element.
`[0005] These multiple access technologies have been
`adopted in various telecommunication standards to provide a
`common protocol that enables different wireless devices to
`communicate on a municipal, national, regional, and even
`global level. An example of an emerging telecommunication
`standard is Long Term Evolution (LTE). LTE is a set of
`enhancements to the Universal Mobile Telecommunications
`System (UMTS)mobile standard promulgated by Third Gen-
`eration Partnership Project (GPP). LTE is designedto better
`FIG. 4is a diagram illustrating an example network
`support mobile broadbandInternet access by improving spec-
`in accordance with various aspects of the disclosure.
`tral efficiency, lowering costs, improving services, making
`[0015] FIG.5is a diagram illustrating a network architec-
`use of new spectrum, andbetter integrating with other open
`ture in accordance with various aspects of the disclosure.
`standards using OFDMAon the downlink (DL), SC-FDMA
`on the uplink (UL), and multiple-input multiple-output
`FIG. 6 is a diagram illustrating data flow of the
`(MIMO)antenna technology. However, as the demand for
`network architecture in accordance with various aspects of
`the disclosure.
`mobile broadband access continues to increase, there exists a
`need for further improvements in LTE technology. Prefer-
`ably, these improvements should be applicable to other multi-
`access technologies and the telecommunication standards
`that employ these technologies.
`Inan aspect of the disclosure, a method, a computer
`program product, and an apparatus are provided. The method
`includes sending a multicast message to a network device,
`wherethe Internet Protocol (IP) address ofthe network device
`is unknown, determining whethera first response messageis
`received from the network device in responseto the multicast
`message, determining the IP address of the network device
`from the first response message whenthe first response mes-
`sage is received from the network device, and establishing a
`secure connection with the network device using the deter-
`mined IP address.
`[0007] The apparatus sends a multicast messageto a net-
`work device. The multicast message facilitates discovery of
`FIG. 7 is a flow chart of a method for an ODU in
`accordance with various aspects of the disclosure.
`FIG. 8 is a flow chart of a method for a gateway in
`accordance with various aspects of the disclosure.
`FIG. 9 is a diagram illustrating a message flow
`between an ODU and gateway in accordance with various
`aspects of the disclosure.
`FIG. 10 is a diagram illustrating a message flow
`between an ODU and gateway in accordance with various
`aspects of the disclosure.
`FIG. 11 isa diagram illustrating a network architec-
`ture in accordance with various aspects of the disclosure.
`FIGS. 12A and 12Bare a flow chart of a method of
`FIGS. 13A and 13B are a flow chart of a method of
`FIG. 14 is a conceptual data flow diagram illustrat-
`ing the data flow between different modules/means/compo-
`nents in an exemplary apparatus.


`US 2016/0192403 Al
`Jun. 30, 2016
`FIG. 15 is a conceptual data flow diagram illustrat-
`ing the data flow between different modules/means/compo-
`nents in an exemplary apparatus.
`FIG. 16 is a diagram illustrating an example of a
`hardware implementation for an apparatus employing a pro-
`cessing system.
`FIG. 17 is a diagram illustrating an example of a
`hardware implementation for an apparatus employing a pro-
`cessing system.
`[0028] The detailed description set forth below in connec-
`tion with the appended drawings is intendedas a description
`of various configurations and is not intendedto represent the
`configurations in which the concepts described herein may be
`practiced. The detailed description includes specific details
`for the purpose of providing a thorough understanding of
`various concepts. However,it will be apparent to those skilled
`in the art that these concepts maybepracticed without these
`specific details. In someinstances, well knownstructures and
`components are shown in block diagram form in order to
`avoid obscuring such concepts.
`Several aspects of telecommunication systems will
`now be presented with reference to various apparatus and
`methods. These apparatus and methods will be described in
`the following detailed description and illustrated in the
`accompanying drawings by various blocks, modules, compo-
`nents, circuits, steps, processes, algorithms, etc. (collectively
`referred to as “elements”). These elements may be imple-
`mented using electronic hardware, computer software, or any
`combination thereofWhether such elements are implemented
`as hardware or software depends uponthe particular applica-
`tion and design constraints imposed on the overall system.
`[0030] By way of example, an element, or any portion ofan
`element, or any combination of elements may be imple-
`mented with a “processing system”that includes one or more
`processors. Examples ofprocessors include microprocessors,
`microcontrollers, digital signal processors (DSPs), field pro-
`grammable gate arrays
`(FPGAs), programmable logic
`devices (PLDs), state machines, gated logic, discrete hard-
`ware circuits, and other suitable hardware configuredto per-
`form the various functionality described throughoutthis dis-
`closure. One or more processors in the processing system
`may execute software. Software shall be construed broadly to
`mean instructions, instruction sets, code, code segments, pro-
`gram code, programs, subprograms, software modules, appli-
`cations, software applications, software packages, routines,
`subroutines, objects, executables, threads of execution, pro-
`cedures, functions, etc., whether referred to as software, firm-
`ware, middleware, microcode, hardware description lan-
`guage, or otherwise.
`[0031] Accordingly, in one or more exemplary embodi-
`ments, the functions described may be implementedin hard-
`ware, software, firmware, or any combination thereof. If
`implemented in software, the functions may be stored on or
`encoded as one or more instructions or code on a computer-
`readable medium. Computer-readable media includes com-
`puter storage media. Storage media may beany available
`media that can be accessed by a computer. By way of
`example, and not limitation, such computer-readable media
`can comprise a random-access memory (RAM),a read-only
`memory (ROM), an electrically erasable programmable
`ROM (EEPROM), compact disk ROM (CD-ROM)or other
`optical disk storage, magnetic disk storage or other magnetic
`storage devices, or any other medium that can be usedto store
`desired program code in the form of instructions or data
`structures and that can be accessed by a computer. Combina-
`tions ofthe above should also be included within the scope of
`computer-readable media.
`FIG. 1 is a diagram illustrating an LTE network
`architecture 100. The LTE network architecture 100 may be
`referred to as an Evolved Packet System (EPS) 100. The EPS
`100 may include one or more user equipment (UE) 102, an
`Evolved UMTSTerrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UT-
`RAN) 104, an Evolved Packet Core (EPC) 110, and an Opera-
`tor’s Internet Protocol (IP) Services 122. The EPS caninter-
`connect with other access networks, but for simplicity those
`entities/interfaces are not shown. As shown,the EPS provides
`packet-switched services, however, as those skilled in the art
`readily appreciate,
`the various concepts presented
`throughout this disclosure may be extended to networkspro-
`viding circuit-switched services.
`[0033] The E-UTRANincludesthe evolved Node B (eNB)
`106 and other eNBs 108, and may include a Multicast Coor-
`dination Entity (MCE) 128. The eNB 106 provides user and
`control planes protocol terminations toward the UE 102. The
`eNB 106 may be connected to the other eNBs 108 via a
`backhaul (e.g., an X2 interface). The MCE 128 allocates
`time/frequency radio resources for evolved Multimedia
`Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS) (eMBMS), and deter-
`minesthe radio configuration (e.g., a modulation and coding
`scheme (MCS)) for the eMBMS. In the present disclosure,
`the term MBMSrefers to both MBMSand eMBMSservices.
`The MCE128 maybea separateentity or part ofthe eNB 106.
`The eNB 106 mayalso bereferred to as a base station, a Node
`B, an access point, a base transceiver station, a radio base
`station, a radio transceiver, a transceiver function, a basic
`service set (BSS), an extended service set (ESS), or some
`other suitable terminology. The eNB 106 provides an access
`point to the EPC 110 for a UE 102. Examples of UEs 102
`include a cellular phone, a smart phone, a session initiation
`protocol (SIP) phone, a laptop, a personal digital assistant
`(PDA), a satellite radio, a global positioning system, a mul-
`timedia device, a video device, a digital audio player(e.g.,
`MP3player), a camera, a game console, a tablet, or any other
`similar functioning device. The UE 102 mayalso be referred
`to by those skilledin the art as a mobile station, a subscriber
`station, a mobile unit, a subscriber unit, a wireless unit, a
`remote unit, a mobile device, a wireless device, a wireless
`communications device, a remote device, a mobile subscriber
`station, an access terminal, a mobile terminal, a wireless
`terminal, a remote terminal, a handset, a user agent, a mobile
`client, a client, or someother suitable terminology.
`[0034] TheeNB 106 is connected to the EPC 110. The EPC
`110 may include a Mobility Management Entity (MME) 112,
`a HomeSubscriber Server (HSS) 120, other MMEs 114, a
`Serving Gateway 116, a Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Ser-
`vice (MBMS) Gateway 124, a Broadcast Multicast Service
`Center (BM-SC) 126, and a Packet Data Network (PDN)
`Gateway 118. The MME 112 is the control node that pro-
`cesses the signaling between the UE 102 and the EPC 110.
`Generally, the MME 112 provides bearer and connection
`management. All user IP packets are transferred through the
`Serving Gateway 116, which is connected to the PDN Gate-
`way 118. The PDN Gateway 118 provides UE IP address
`allocation as well as other functions. The PDN Gateway 118
`and the BM-SC 126 are connected to the IP Services 122. The
`IP Services 122 may include the Internet, an intranet, an IP


`US 2016/0192403 Al
`Jun. 30, 2016
`Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), a PS Streaming Service (PSS),
`and/or other IP services. The BM-SC 126 mayprovide func-
`tions for MBMSuserservice provisioning and delivery. The
`BM-SC 126 mayserve as an entry point for content provider
`MBMStransmission, may be used to authorize andinitiate
`MBMSBearer Services within a PLMN,and maybeusedto
`schedule and deliver MBMStransmissions. The MBMS
`Gateway 124 maybeusedto distribute MBMStraffic to the
`eNBs (e.g., 106, 108) belonging to a Multicast Broadcast
`Single Frequency Network (MBSFN)area broadcasting a
`particular service, and may be responsible for session man-
`(start/stop) and for collecting eMBMS related
`charging information.
`FIG. 2 is a diagram illustrating an example of an
`access network 200 in an LTE network architecture. In this
`example, the access network 200 is divided into a numberof
`cellular regions (cells) 202. One or more lower powerclass
`eNBs 208 may havecellular regions 210 that overlap with one
`or more ofthe cells 202. The lower power class eNB 208 may
`be a femto cell (e.g., home eNB (HeNB)), pico cell, micro
`cell, or remote radio head (RRH). The macro eNBs 204 are
`each assigned to a respective cell 202 and are configured to
`provide an access point to the EPC 110 for all the UEs 206 in
`the cells 202. There is no centralized controller in this
`example of an access network 200, but a centralized control-
`ler may be used in alternative configurations. The eNBs 204
`are responsible forall radio related functions including radio
`bearer control, admission control, mobility control, schedul-
`ing, security, and connectivity to the serving gateway 116. An
`eNB may support one or multiple (e.g., three) cells (also
`referred to as a sectors). The term “cell” can refer to the
`smallest coverage area of an eNB and/or an eNB subsystem
`serving a particular coverage area. Further, the terms “eNB,”
`“base station,’ and “cell” may be used interchangeably
`[0036] The modulation and multiple access
`employedby the access network 200 may vary depending on
`the particular telecommunications standard being deployed.
`In LTE applications, OFDM 1s used on the DL and SC-FDMA
`is used on the UL to support both frequency division duplex
`(FDD) and time division duplex (TDD). As those skilled in
`the art will readily appreciate from the detailed description to
`follow, the various concepts presented herein are well suited
`for LTE applications. However, these concepts may be readily
`extended to other telecommunication standards employing
`other modulation and multiple access techniques. By way of
`example, these concepts may be extended to Evolution-Data
`Optimized (EV-DO)or Ultra Mobile Broadband (UMB). EV-
`DO and UMBareairinterface standards promulgated by the
`3rd Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2)as part of the
`CDMA2000 family of standards and employs CDMAtopro-
`vide broadbandInternet access to mobile stations. These con-
`cepts may also be extended to Universal Terrestrial Radio
`Access (UTRA) employing Wideband-CDMA (W-CDMA)
`and other variants of CDMA, such as TD-SCDMA;Global
`System for Mobile Communications (GSM) employing
`TDMA;and Evolved UTRA (E-UTRA), IEEE 802.11 (Wi-
`Fi), IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX), IEEE 802.20, and Flash-OFDM
`employing OFDMA. UTRA, E-UTRA, UMTS, LTE and
`GSMare described in documents from the 3GPP organiza-
`tion. CDMA2000 and UMBare described in documents from
`the 3GPP2 organization. The actual wireless communication
`standard and the multiple access technology employed will
`depend on the specific application and the overall design
`constraints imposed on the system.
`[0037] The eNBs 204 may have multiple antennas support-
`ing MIMOtechnology. The use of MIMOtechnology enables
`the eNBs 204 to exploit the spatial domain to support spatial
`multiplexing, beamforming, and transmit diversity. Spatial
`multiplexing maybe usedto transmit different streams ofdata
`simultaneously on the same frequency. The data streams may
`be transmitted to a single UE 206 to increase the data rate or
`to multiple UEs 206 to increase the overall system capacity.
`This is achieved by spatially precoding each data stream (i.e.,
`applying a scaling of an amplitude and a phase) and then
`transmitting each spatially precoded stream through multiple
`transmit antennas on the DL. The spatially precoded data
`streamsarrive at the UE(s) 206 with different spatial signa-
`tures, which enables each of the UE(s) 206 to recover the one
`or more data streams destined for that UE 206. On the UL,
`each UE 206 transmits a spatially precoded data stream,
`which enables the eNB 204 to identify the source of each
`spatially precoded data stream.
`Spatial multiplexing is generally used when channel
`conditions are good. When channelconditionsare less favor-
`able, beamforming may be used to focus the transmission
`energy in one or more directions. This may be achieved by
`spatially precoding the data for transmission through multiple
`antennas. To achieve good coverage at the edges of the cell, a
`single stream beamforming transmission may be used in
`combination with transmit diversity.
`In the detailed description that follows, various
`aspects of an access networkwill be described with reference
`to a MIMOsystem supporting OFDM on the DL. OFDM isa
`spread-spectrum technique that modulates data over a num-
`ber of subcarriers within an OFDM symbol. The subcarriers
`are spaced apart at precise frequencies. The spacing provides
`“orthogonality” that enables a receiver to recover the data
`from the subcarriers. In the time domain, a guard interval
`(e.g., cyclic prefix) may be added to each OFDM symbolto
`combat inter-OFDM-symbolinterference. The UL may use
`SC-FDMA in the form of a DFT-spread OFDMsignal to
`compensate for high peak-to-average powerratio (PAPR).
`FIG. 3A isa diagram 350 illustrating an example of
`an evolved MBMS (eMBMS)channel configuration in an
`MBSEN.The eNBs 352in cells 352' may form a first MBSFN
`area and the eNBs 354 in cells 354' may form a second
`MBSENarea. The eNBs 352, 354 may each beassociated
`with other MBSFNareas, for example, upto a total of eight
`MBSENareas. A cell within an MBSFNarea may bedesig-
`nated a reserved cell. Reserved cells do not provide multicast/
`broadcast content, but are time-synchronizedto the cells 352',
`354' and may haverestricted power on MBSFNresources in
`order to limit interference to the MBSFNareas. Each eNB in
`an MBSFNarea synchronously transmits the same eMBMS
`control information and data. Each area may support broad-
`cast, multicast, and unicast services. A unicast service is a
`service intended for a specific user, e.g., a voice call. A mul-
`ticast serviceis a service that may be received by a group of
`users, e.g., asubscription video service. A broadcastservice is
`a service that may be received by all users, e.g., a news
`broadcast. Referring to FIG. 3A, the first MBSFN area may
`support a first eMBMSbroadcastservice, such as by provid-
`ing a particular news broadcast to UE 370. The second
`MBSENarea may support a second eMBMSbroadcastser-
`vice, such as by providing a different news broadcast to UE
`360. Each MBSENarea supports one or more physical mul-


`US 2016/0192403 Al
`Jun. 30, 2016
`ticast channels (PMCH)(e.g., 15 PMCHs). Each PMCHcor-
`responds to a multicast channel (MCH). Each MCH can
`multiplex a plurality (e.g., 29) of multicast logical channels.
`Each MBSENarea may have one multicast control channel
`(MCCH). As such, one MCH may multiplex one MCCH and
`a plurality of multicast traffic channels (MTCHs) and the
`remaining MCHs may multiplex a plurality of MTCHs.
`[0041] A UE can camp on an LIEcell to discover the
`availability ofe€MBMS service access and a corresponding
`access stratum configuration. Initially, the UE may acquire a
`system information block (SIB) 13 (SIB13). Subsequently,
`based on the SIB13, the UE may acquire an MBSFN Area
`Configuration message on an MCCH. Subsequently, based on
`the MBSFN Area Configuration message,
`the UE may
`acquire an MCHscheduling information (MSI) MAC control
`element. The SIB13 may include (1) an MBSFNareaidenti-
`fier of each MBSFNarea supported by the cell; (2) informa-
`tion for acquiring the MCCH such as an MCCHrepetition
`period (e.g., 32, 64,..., 256 frames), an MCCH offset(e.g.,
`0, 1,..., 10 frames), an MCCH modification period (e.g.,
`512, 1024 frames), a signaling modulation and coding
`scheme (MCS), subframe allocation information indicating
`which subframesofthe radio frame as indicated by repetition
`period and offset can transmit MCCH; and (3) an MCCH
`changenotification configuration. There is one MBSFN Area
`Configuration message for each MBSFNarea. The MBSFN
`Area Configuration message may indicate (1) a temporary
`mobile group identity (TMGI) and an optional session iden-
`tifier of each MTCHidentified by a logical channelidentifier
`within the PMCH, and (2) allocated resources (i.e., radio
`frames and subframes) for transmitting each PMCHof the
`MBSENarea and the allocation period (e.g., 4, 8,..., 256
`frames) of the allocated resources for all the PMCHsin the
`area, and (3) an MCHscheduling period (MSP)(e.g., 8, 16,
`32,..., or 1024 radio frames) over which the MSI MAC
`control elementis transmitted.
`gateway 408, and UEs 412, and 413. The ODU 404 may
`establish a communication link 414 with the BS 402 and may
`send and receive communications to and from the BS 402
`over the communication link 414. For example, the commu-
`nication link 414 may be established using a WAN radio
`access technology (RAT), such as LTE. In an aspect, the BS
`402 may be configured to transmit and receive eMBMStraf-
`fic, IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)traffic, and/or Internet

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