`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`I lllll llllllll II llllll lllll lllll lllll llll I II Ill lllll lllll lllll 111111111111111111111111111111111
`( 43) International Publication Date
`20 October 2005 (20.10.2005)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2005/099294 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification7:
`H04Q 7/38
`(21) International Application Number:
`PCT /IB2004/001099
`(22) International Filing Date:
`8 April 2004 (08.04.2004)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): NOKIA
`CORPORATION [Fl/FI]; Keilalahdentie 4, FIN-02150
`Espoo (Fl).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): OKSALA, Jarkko
`[Fl/FI]; Pennantanhua 11, FIN-33470 Y15jlirvi (FI).
`HILTUNEN, Harri [Fl/FI]; Patrunanpiha 9, FIN-90450
`Kempele (FI).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN,
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, Fl,
`GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE,
`KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG,
`PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM,
`TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM,
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW),
`Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), Euro(cid:173)
`pean (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, Fl, FR,
`GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK,
`TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, Cl, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW,
`ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`with international search report
`(74) Agent: COHAUSZ & FLORACK (24); Bleichstrasse 14,
`40211 Diisseldorf (DE).
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid(cid:173)
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin(cid:173)
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
`iiiiiiiiiiii ----
`iiiiiiiiiii ----iiiiiiiiiiii
`iiiiiiiiiiii ----
`- i
`Client 2
`Client 3
`"" °" M °" °" Q
`l{) (57) Abstract: The invention relates to a method for controlling the use of transmission resources, wherein transmission resources
`for a transmission between a first entity (200) and a second entity (204) can be used by at least a first connection (205) and a second
`connection (219), comprising checking (208, 211) whether QoS requirements of said first connection (205) can still be guaranteed
`M when said transmission resources are jointly used by said first connection (205) and said second connection (219), and controlling
`0 (212) the use of at least one portion of said transmission resources by at least one of said first (205) and second connections (219),
`> accordingly. Said connections may for instance be packet-switched (205) and circuit-switched (219) connections in a General Packet
`~ Radio System that is capable of Dual Transfer Mode (DTM).
`ZTE, Ex. 1006


`WO 2005/099294
`PCT /IB2004/001099
`Controlling Transmission Resources in Mobile Radio
`Systems with Dual Transfer Mode
`Field of the invention
`The invention relates to a method for controlling the use
`of transmission resources, wherein transmission resources
`of a transmission link between a first entity and a
`second entity can be used by at least a first connection
`and a second connection.
`Background of the invention
`In packet data systems according to the Third Generation
`Partnership Project (3GPP) standard, comprising in
`particular the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) and
`its derivatives, Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms are
`used for requesting and guaranteeing certain Quality of
`Service (QoS) criteria for packet data connections, i.e.
`Packet Data Protocol (PDP) contexts. One example of such
`a QoS criterion is the bit rate of a connection, but also
`other QoS parameters that are defined in 3GPP standards
`may be used.
`The bit rate that can be supported by the packet data
`system is dependent on capabilities of both the mobile
`station and the network. One of the main limiting factors
`is the mobile station's multislot class, which indicates
`the number of Packet Data Channels (PDCHs) that a mobile
`station can handle (in a GPRS system, this multi-slot
`class ranges from 1 to 8). Obviously, applications in a
`mobile station demanding a certain QoS can request only a
`bit rate that is less or equal to the maximum bit rate
`supported by the mobile station's multislot class. The


`WO 2005/099294
`network then decides on a Guaranteed Bit Rate (GBR)
`according to the mobile station's capabilities, but uses
`also some other network related parameters in said
`decision, e.g. the network load.
`(DTM) enables simultaneous
`The Dual Transfer Mode
`Circuit-Switched (CS) and Packet-Switched (PS)
`connections in mobile radio networks. Basically this
`means that part of the air interface capabilities of the
`mobile station are being allocated from pure PS usage
`also for CS channels. Consequently, the maximum available
`bit rate for PS connections is lower during DTM activity
`than during PS-only activity. Since PDP contexts, i.e.
`packet data connections with a related QoS, are normally
`reserved for a long time, DTM activity in parallel needs
`to be taken into account in some way when QoS parameters
`are requested by a mobile station and guaranteed by the
`According to 3GPP standards, currently CS connections are
`prioritised over PS connections during parallel
`connection set-up (DTM mode establishment) . This means
`also that the applications operating on PS connections
`and relying on previously negotiated QoS for said PS
`connections can suffer dramatically from parallel CS
`connections, because the bit rate of the PS connections
`may significantly fall below the guaranteed bit rate when
`parallel CS connections are prioritised, and said
`applications running on top of said PS connections then
`may no longer properly function.
`Furthermore, when a CS connection is added to already
`established PS connections, the resources of the mobile
`station such as processing power and memory limits may be


`WO 2005/099294
`exceeded without control, thus affecting both the PS and
`CS connections and the applications using said
`Summary of the invention
`It is thus an object of this invention to provide a
`method, a device, a computer program, a computer program
`product, a system, a mobile station and a network element
`for controlling the use of transmission resources that
`overcomes the above-mentioned problems.
`It is proposed that a method for controlling the use of
`transmission resources, wherein transmission resources
`for a transmission between a first entity and a second
`entity can be used by at least a first connection and a
`second connection, comprises checking whether QoS
`requirements of said first connection can still be
`guaranteed when said transmission resources are jointly
`used by said first connection and said second connection,
`and controlling the use of at least one portion of said
`transmission resources by at least one of said first and
`second connections, accordingly.
`Said transmission may for instance be a wire-bound or
`wireless transmission between a transmitter as a first
`entity and a receiver as a second entity. Said entities
`may for instance be protocol entities in said transmitter
`and receiver, and said transmission may be bound to a
`logical or a physical link between said protocol
`entities. Said transmission may be provided by a bearer
`service. Said transmission resources for said
`transmission can be used by said at least two
`connections, which may for instance be packet-switched or
`circuit-switched connections between said transmitter and


`WO 2005/099294
`receiver. It may then be possible that two packet(cid:173)
`switched, two circuit-switched or a packet- and a
`circuit-switched connection jointly use the transmission
`resources. Also the use of the transmission resources by
`more than two connections of the same or different types
`is possible. It may be possible that one of said
`connections already has been established before said
`steps of checking. The data transmission capability of
`said first and/or second entity may be characterised by
`said transmission resources, which may for instance
`represent a number of time slots, frequency channels,
`polarization modes, antenna beams or similar, that can be
`supported by said first and/or second entity. Said
`transmission resources may be different for different
`constellations of connections. Said transmission
`resources may further depend on said transmission link
`between said transmitter and receiver as well. For
`instance, said transmission resources may not be the
`whole number of time slots available in an up- or
`downlink frame, but only a fraction thereof due to the
`limited ability of the first entity to process large data
`rates or large numbers of time slots, or due to load
`restrictions imposed by the second entity. Depending on
`the QoS ~equirements of said first connection, which may
`for instance be defined by a fixed or minimum bit rate,
`it may be possible that said first and second connection
`can jointly use the transmission resources for said
`transmission or not. If joint usage of said transmission
`resources is possible, said first and second connection
`may share transmission resources, for instance a couple
`of time slots per uplink and/or downlink frame may be
`used by said first connection and a couple of time slots
`per uplink and/or downlink may be used by said second
`connection. Joint usage of said transmission resources


`WO 2005/099294
`may not be possibie if the demand for transmission
`resources of one of said connections is larger than the
`available transmission resources, or if the sum of the
`demands for transmission resources of both connections is
`larger than the available transmission resources.
`In order to control the use of said transmission
`resources, said method first checks whether said
`transmission resources can be jointly used by said first
`and second connection under observation of the QoS
`requirements of said first connection. If more than two
`connections are involved, it has to be checked whether
`said transmission resources can be jointly used by all of
`said connections, correspondingly. Said step of checking
`may comprise transformation of said QoS requirements of
`said first connection into a measure that can be compared
`to said transmission resources, or determining the
`available transmission resources themselves. The QoS
`requirements or the demand for transmission resources of
`said second connection may be considered in said step of
`checking as well. It may be preferred to observe the QoS
`requirements of the connection that has the lower
`priority, and to assume that the transmission resources
`are sufficient to satisfy the QoS requirements or
`transmission resource demands of the connection that has
`the higher priority.
`According to the outcome of the checking step, the use of
`at least one portion of said transmission resources by at
`least one of said first and second connection is
`controlled. Said control may for instance comprise
`pausing or releasing of said first connection, or
`changing the portion of transmission resources that said
`first connection has been assigned before (involving


`WO 2005/099294
`reduction of the QoS requirements of said first
`connection and/or changing the portion of transmission
`resources that can be used by said first connection) , in
`order to increase the portion of available transmission
`resources for a second connection that is or may be
`established, or it may comprise blocking of said second
`Thus in contrast to prior art, where said second
`connection is established regardless of the fact whether
`the Qo~ requirements of said first connection then can
`still be guaranteed, according to the present invention,
`it is first checked if joint usage of the transmission
`resources under observation of the QoS requirements of
`said first connection is possible, and, depending on the
`outcome of this determination, the use of said
`transmission resources by said first and/or second
`connection is controlled. This ensures that said first
`connection always maintains a certain guaranteed QoS, or
`alternatively is paused or released in a controlled
`manner. This QoS may be smaller than the QoS that was
`originally guaranteed to said first connection. However,
`due to the negotiation on this QoS, the proper
`functionality of applications using said first connection
`is ensured. The step of checking considers the
`transmission resources, that may for instance be limited
`by the transmission capabilities of said first entity for
`the requested combination of first and second connection,
`and thus also ensures that hardware that is used by said
`first entity is not overloaded by said first and second
`According to the method of the present invention, it may
`be pref erred that said step of controlling the use of at


`WO 2005/099294
`least one portion of said transmission resources by at
`least one of said first and second connections comprises
`pausing or releasing said first connection, if it is
`determined that said QoS requirements of said first
`connection can no longer be guaranteed when said
`transmission resources are jointly used by said first
`connection and said second connection.
`If it is determined in said step of checking that said at
`least first and second connections can not jointly use
`said transmission resources, it may be advantageous to
`pause or release said first connection, in order to avoid
`that the application running on top of said first
`connection, for instance a streaming application, does no
`longer properly work. Whereas pausing means that the
`paused connection may be granted access to said
`transmission resources at a later time instance,
`releasing (or deactivating) means that a connection is
`completely terminated. Pausing and releasing may
`particularly occur for a first connection that has
`already been established when there arises a request for
`a second connection which may have a higher priority than
`the already established first connection, so that it is
`advantageous to establish the new connection and to
`interrupt the already established connection. Pausing or
`releasing said first connection may involve signalling to
`inform the second entity on said changes.
`According to the method of the present invention, it may
`be pref erred that said step of controlling the use of at
`least one portion of said transmission resources by at
`least one of said first and second connections comprises
`blocking said second connection, if it is determined that
`said QoS requirements of said first connection can no


`WO 2005/099294
`longer be guaranteed when said transmission resources are
`jointly used by said first connection and said second
`Blocking may occur if a (possibly low-priority) second
`connection has not been established yet and is requesting
`transmission resources. If it is determined that said
`requests for transmission resources of said second
`connection and the QoS requirements of an already
`established first connection can not be satisfied by the
`available transmission resources, said second connection
`is blocked and will not be established.
`According to the method of the present invention, it may
`be pref erred that said step of controlling the use of at
`least one portion of said transmission resources by at
`least one of said first and second connections comprises
`reducing the QoS requirements of said first connection
`and changing the portion of said transmission resources
`that can be used by said first connection, if it is
`determined that said QoS requirements of said first
`connection can no longer be guaranteed when said
`transmission resources are jointly used by said first
`connection and said second connection.
`If the application that uses said first connection may
`still properly function when the original QoS
`requirements are reduced, such a reduction of QoS
`requirements may be negotiated in said step of
`controlling, after it has been determined in said step of
`checking that joint usage of said transmission resources
`by said first and second connection is not possible and
`thus said first connection would otherwise be paused or
`released in favour of said second connection. According


`WO 2005/099294
`to the reduced QoS requirements, then the portion of the
`transmission resources that can be used by said first
`connection are changed. Changing said portion may involve
`signalling to inform the second entity on said changes.
`According to the method of the present invention, it may
`be preferred that said step of controlling the use of at
`least one portion of said transmission resources by at
`least one of said first and second connections comprises
`changing the portion of said transmission resources that
`can be used by said first connection, if it is determined
`that said QoS requirements of said first connection can
`still be guaranteed when said transmission resources are
`jointly used by said first connection and said second
`It may occur that said first connection has been assigned
`a portion of said transmission resources during its
`establishment that is larger than actually prescribed by
`the QoS requirements of said first connection. Said step
`of checking then determines that the joint usage of said
`transmission resources is possible; however, in said step
`of controlling the portion of transmission resources that
`is used by said first connection still has to be changed
`to the portion that is actually demanded by its QoS
`requirements. Changing said portion may involve
`signalling to inform the second entity on said changes.
`According to the method of the present invention, it may
`be pref erred that said steps of checking and controlling
`are performed before said first and second connection
`have been established.


`WO 2005/099294
`Said steps of determining and controlling may for
`instance be performed prior to or during the
`establishment phase of said first connection, regardless
`if a second connection will ever be established or not.
`The advantage of this approach is that, when the
`possibility of a future establishment of a second
`connection that uses the transmission resources jointly
`with the first connection is considered during the
`establishment of said first connection, when the QoS
`requirements of said first connection and the
`corresponding portion of transmission resources is
`negotiated between the entities that establish said first
`connection, this future establishment of said second
`connection may then take seamlessly place. This may be
`of particular importance in cases where the second
`connection has a higher priority than the first
`connection, so that, when the future possible
`establishment (and its consumption of transmission
`resources) is not considered during the establishment of
`said first connection, there may not be enough
`transmission resources left when said second connection
`is to be established, so that the first connection has to
`be paused or released. Similarly, if the first connection
`has a higher priority, said second connection may be
`blocked. In both cases, thus pausing, releasing or
`blocking of connections is omitted by performing said
`steps of checking and controlling before the
`establishment of both connections, so that each
`connection is assigned a suited portion of said
`transmission resources.
`According to the method of the present invention, it may
`be pref erred that said steps of checking and controlling
`are performed after said first connection has been


`WO 2005/099294
`established and before said second connection has been
`If said first connection has already been established, it
`has been assigned a portion of transmission resources.
`When a second connection is requested, it is
`advantageously checked before the establishment of said
`second connection if said first and second connection can
`jointly use said transmission resources. Furthermore,
`instead of assigning said second connection the remaining
`portion of said transmission resources that are not used
`by said first connection or blocking said second
`connection (if there are no priorities of connections or
`if said first connection has a higher priority), said
`step of controlling the use of said transmission
`resources by said first and second connection may reduce
`the portion of transmission resources that is used by
`said first connection under consideration of its QoS
`requirements or under reduction of said QoS requirements,
`and thus enable an establishment of a second connection
`that now may use a sufficiently large portion of
`transmission resources. If said second connection has a
`higher priority, releasing or pausing of said first
`connection can be avoided by reducing the portion of
`transmission resources that are used by said first
`connection, while still considering its QoS requirements.
`It should be noted that a second connection does not
`necessarily have to be established at all. For instance,
`if one of said first and second entities is an entity of
`a mobile station in a wireless communication system, it
`may be possible that said first connection is established
`in a cell of said wireless communication system that does
`not support the joint usage of the transmission resources


`WO 2005/099294
`by two connections, so that said first .connection may be
`assigned all transmission resources. When the mobile
`moves into a cell that supports the joint usage of the
`transmission resources by two connections, the above(cid:173)
`described cases where a second connection is to be
`established might occur, and pausing, releasing or
`blocking of one of said first and second connection then
`may be necessary. It thus may be advantageous to perform
`said steps of checking and controlling directly upon
`entry of said mobile station into said cell that supports
`joint usage of transmission resources by two connections,
`so that the transmission resources assigned to said first
`connection are reduced to a degree that allows seamless
`addition of a future possible second connection.
`According to the method of the present invention, it may
`be pref erred that said transmission resources
`characterise the data transmission capabilities of said
`first and/or second entity.
`The amount of data that can be transmitted between said
`first entity and said second entity may be characterised
`by the number of units in an orthogonal or pseudo(cid:173)
`orthogonal transmission space that said connections can
`use, for instance by the number of time slots, frequency
`channels, polarization states, antenna beams or code
`channels assigned to said connections. If said first and
`second entity are located in a mobile station and a
`network of a mobile radio system, for instance a mobile
`radio network comprising a radio access network and/or a
`core network of said mobile radio system, usually not all
`time slots, frequency channels, codes, etc. will be
`allocated by the network to one mobile station, in order
`to allow for multiple access of several mobile stations.


`WO 2005/099294
`Thus the resources that are available for connections
`between said first and second entity are limited by the
`network. Furthermore, the data processing power and
`memory of the mobile station further reduces the amount
`of data said mobile station can transmit and receive, so
`that the resources that can be used by said connections
`may be further reduced.
`The transmission resources that can be used by said
`connections for transmission between said first and
`second entity thus may be understood to be limited by
`both said first and second entity.
`According to the method of the present invention, it may
`be pref erred that said step of checking is at least
`partially performed by a transmission resources control
`instance that interacts with said first and/or second
`Said transmission resources control instance may for
`instance at least partially perform or initiate said step
`of checking whether the QoS requirements of a first
`connection may still be guaranteed when the transmission
`resources are jointly used by said first and a second
`According to the method of the present invention, it may
`be pref erred that said step of checking comprises the
`step of checking capabilities of hardware that is used by
`said first or second entity.
`In said step of checking, it is advantageous that
`information on the QoS requirements of said first
`connection, on the consumption of transmission resources


`WO 2005/099294
`by said second connection and on the transmission
`resources themselves is available, in order to be able to
`determine whether joint usage of the transmission
`resources is possible. Knowledge of said transmission
`resources may be based on knowledge on the capabilities
`of hardware that is used by said first and/or second
`entity, for instance information on the maximum
`processing power or the maximum memory capacity. Such
`knowledge may be available in the form of profiles for
`different constellations of connections, to account for
`the different processing power and memory requirements of
`different mixes of different-type connections.
`According to the method of the present invention, it may
`be preferred that said entities are contained in a mobile
`station and in a network of a wireless communication
`system, in particular a 2G or 3G mobile radio system.
`Said network may for instance be a mobile radio network
`comprising a radio access network and/or a core network
`of said wireless communication system. Said wireless
`communication system may for instance operate at least
`partially according to the General Packet Radio Service
`(GPRS) standard, the Enhanced GPRS
`(EGPRS) standard, the
`Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE) standard,
`the Universal Mobile Telecommunications Standard (UMTS),
`or any other telecommunications standard. Furthermore,
`said wireless communication system may operate according
`to Wireless Local Area Network (W-LAN) standards such as
`HiperLAN, HiperLAN/2 or IEEE 802.11 and its derivatives.
`According to the method of the present invention, it may
`be preferred that said connections are packet-switched
`and/or circuit-switched connections between said entities
`in said mobile station and said network. Said wireless


`WO 2005/099294
`communication system then may for instance support two or
`more packet-switched connections jointly using the same
`transmission resources, or a mix of packet-switched and
`circuit-switched connections.
`According to the method of the present invention, it may
`be pref erred that said QoS requirement of said first
`connection is a minimum bit rate. Such a QoS requirement
`may for instance stem from a higher-layer application, as
`for instance a streaming application, or a downloading
`application. Other QoS parameters such as for instance
`mean or maximum delay of packets, or combinations of QoS
`parameters in the form of QoS profiles may be applied as
`According to the method of the present invention, it may
`be pref erred that. said wireless communication system is
`capable of operating a Dual Transfer Mode
`(DTM) that
`comprises a packet-switched connection, in particular a
`connection according to the General Packet Radio Service
`(GPRS) or the Enhanced General Packet Radio Service
`(EGPRS), as said first connection and a circuit-switched
`connection as said second connection, and wherein said
`step of checking determines whether bit rate requirements
`of said packet-switched connection can still be
`guaranteed when said transmission resources are jointly
`used by said packet-switched and said circuit switched
`According to the method of the present invention, it may
`be preferred that said packet-switched and circuit(cid:173)
`switched connections are provided by a radio bearer, and
`that in said step of checking, said transmission


`WO 2005/099294
`resources control instance informs said bearer on the
`availability of said transmission resources.
`Said bearer, for instance a GPRS bearer, then may use the
`services of said transmission resources control instance
`to check the actual availability of transmission
`resources, which may for instance represent the portion
`of transmission resources that is not assigned to a
`connection yet, so that it may be determined if said
`packet-switched and circuit-switched connections may
`share said transmission resources by determining if said
`available transmission resources are sufficient for said
`circuit-switched connection.
`According to the method of the present invention, it may
`be pref erred that said transmission resources control
`instance monitors the connections provided by said bearer
`and, based at least on said monitored connections and on
`hardware profiles of said mobile station, determines the
`availability of said transmission resources.
`Said transmission resources control instance may monitor
`the number and type of connections that are already
`active with said mobile station and may consult mobile(cid:173)
`station-specific hardware profiles that may have been
`stored in said transmission resources control instance to
`determine the present portion of available transmission
`resources. Said hardware profile may be developed for
`said mobile station during R&D and may consider the
`different charge of the mobile station concerning
`processing power and memory usage depending on the
`composition of packet-switched and/or circuit-switched


`WO 2005/099294
`It is further proposed a computer program with
`instructions operable to cause a processor to perform the
`above-mentioned method steps.
`It is further proposed a computer program product
`comprising a computer program with instructions operable
`to cause a processor to perform the above-mentioned
`method steps.
`It is further proposed a wireless communication system,
`comprising at least one mobile station, and at least one
`network, wherein transmission resources for a
`transmission between a first entity and a second entity
`can be used by at least a first connection and a second
`connection, wherein it is checked whether QoS
`requirements of said first connection can still be
`guaranteed when said transmission resources are jointly
`used by said first connection and said second connection,
`and wherein the use of at least one portion of said
`transmission resources by at least one of said first and
`second connections is controlled, accordingly.
`Said wireless communication system may for instance be a
`2G or 3G mobile radio system supporting DTM of packet(cid:173)
`switched and circuit switched connections and guarantees
`QoS at least for the packet-switched connections. Said
`network may comprise a radio access network and/or a core
`network of said wireless communication system.
`It is further proposed a device for controlling the use
`of transmission resources,

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