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`WSGR Docket No. 352354-701 .101


`[0001] While preferred embodiments of the present invention have been shown and described
`herein, it will be obvious to those skilled in the art that such embodiments are provided by way
`of example only. Numerous variations, changes, and substitutions will now occur to those
`skilled in the art without departing from the invention. It should be understood that various
`alternatives to the embodiments of the invention described herein may be employed in practicing
`the invention. It is intended that the following claims define the scope of the invention and that
`methods and structures within the scope of these claims and their equivalents be covered thereby.
`The Problem
`[0002] Future cellular service will be characterized by the ability to deliver broadband wireless
`services anytime, anywhere. This statement implies that mobility must be integral part of the
`offered services. The biggest challenge of broad band mobile service is, with no doubt,
`insufficient link budget: the ability to deliver enough electromagnetic energy to support the
`desired data rate. - The majority of current wide area networks today are focusing on voice
`services (cellular and PCS provides like Sprint, Verizon, Singular etc.). While voice service _
`moves about 10Kbits/sec and just recently has managed to reach acceptable coverage, broadband
`service will require two orders of magnitude more bits/sec!
`In addition, the frequency range
`allocated to the newer technologies (3 G, WiMax etc.) is generally higher than current the range
`used by current cellular services, filrther exasperating the path loss challenge. The traditional
`solution is increase of infrastructure density (number of base stations) by similar order; not very
`Commonly suggested solutions
`[0003] Multiple approaches to solve this problem have been suggested:
`0 Much higher infrastructure density infrastructure deployment as mentioned above.
`This approach can solve the problem (“brut-force approach”) but may very well be
`cost prohibitive: Adding many more base stations or fixed repeaters will be very
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`WSGR Docket No. 32354-70! .l01


`costly (site cost, access rights, service (“truck roll”) and management), which may put
`in question the whole business preposition of mobile broadband wireless service.
`0 Mesh networks. One approach providing for acceptable link budget is through relays
`and mesh networks routing. While significantly reducing the cost of base stations
`backhaul, site cost, access rights, service (“truck roll”) and management is similar to
`“high density” solution above.
`It became obvious that the cost of the hardware
`involved with relays is almost insignificant relative to the maintenance cost, hence the
`cost of a fixed network node (the relay) is not much different from a base station
`(zoning, access, truck-roll etc.). Furthermore, location of relays may not be optimal
`for the unpredictable locations of the subscribers, so relays density must be very high.
`Smart antenna technology. While the smart antenna can add few dB’s to the link
`budget, it will not be able to increase the link budget as needed (~20 to 3ODB).
`Proposed solution
`[0004] It becomes clear that traditional methods to improve link budget will not suffice. The
`mobile broadband wireless service is in need for a new, out-of—box solution. We propose a
`cross-disciplinary solution that crosses the boundaries of technology to exploit social behavior.
`[0005] Instead of fixed, high density deployment of wireless network (cellular, mesh) we
`propose an ad-hoc network that adjusts its'deployment density to expected service demand. We
`exploit the fact that cars’ presence density is highly correlated to expected service volume.
`Studies have shown that a car owner (potential wireless service consumer) is seldom (<10%)
`farther than 100 yards from his car. Following this fact one can argue that the more cars in the
`neighborhood, the higher the probability of wireless service demand. Although in some
`populations car owners may not be the majority, but the above correlation can still be
`substantiated. By installing a broadband wireless relays in cars, cellular broadband coverage can
`be dynamically enhanced where mostly needed. The appearance of dual mode handsets on the
`market allows the subscriber station to always revert to traditional cellular service when relay
`connectivity is unavailable. Although significant value is gained by allowing each subscriber
`connect to the cellular network through a wireless relay in his car, to get the most of this
`improvement, these wireless relays should be shared between subscribers.
`[0006] This approach provides the desired performance for acceptable cost based on a whole
`new concept: collaborative wireless networking (CWN). This idea exploits the fact that wireless
`WSGR Docket No. 32354-701.101


`networks connections are normally established between a base station and plurality of clients
`(subscriber stations). While each individual connection via a car can provide an average
`improvement in path loss and system gain budget (the car is normally not subjected to building
`penetration loss, minimal battery power, small antenna), aggregating (or selecting the best of)
`some of these connections can dramatically improve upon individual, pre-selected connection.
`For example: while each subscriber station can generate very little transmission power, multiple
`subscriber’s stations with sufficient proximity to each other (and hence one subscriber can easily
`communicate with its close peers) could “join forces” to aggregate their transmission power in
`order to overcome the notorious uplink challenge.
`[0007] This approach may work well since technically: only small fraction of subscribers is
`being served at each period, hence for each subscriber we can engage multiple radios (that are
`free) at a time.
`[0008] The proposed solution can span across multiple service providers; a subscriber can use
`any service provider that offer broadband service, thereby increasing the number of possible
`connectionsand further improving the expected network performance. It is likely that a
`subscriber of one cellular service provider will carry traffic generated by a subscriber of another
`cellular service provider: files can be moved as attachments or data stream can be tunneled such
`'that service operator cannot distinguish between his own subscriber traffic to “foreign”
`subscriber traffic. The actual implementation of this idea will be discussed below. Figure 1
`provides conceptual system architecture.
`[0009] Collaboration can be achieved if there is a compelling purpose. The Internet world has
`already been introducing collaborative behavior (file sharing, data routing, social networks etc.).
`A well known example is file sharing activity: In order to be able to access other people data
`bases, one must share its own. Furthermore, individuals are participating in the process of data
`minim by hosting various applications including indexing etc. In this case, collaborative
`behavior enables new and improving existing services. For example: high quality video
`presentations such as TV, movie clips etc. The proposed solution is an integrated package of
`technical and social methods to achieve the desired services and performance. We discuss the
`social aspects in section 5.
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`[0010] We propose a Collaborative Wireless networking (CWN) method for using multiple radio
`links (ex. car to cell site connections) to support multiple subscribers: at each instance subscriber
`can be served by either one out of many or few out of radio links. Similar to file sharing where
`the traded commodity is data, here we are trading with network bandwidth; bandwidth sharing.
`This way we use plurality of connections to serve each subscriber.
`[0011] The plurality of connections can be exploited by combining (“connection combining”) or
`selecting the best connection out of a given set (“connection selection”). Connection combining
`can be done by splitting the data stream through multiple radios with more data running through
`the higher quality connections and less data running through the ‘lower quality connections.
`Connection selection will run data only through the best connection. Connection combining is
`superior to connection selection (maximum ratio combining VS. Switched diversity) The
`connection selection approach is obviously simpler, and due to the large variance in wireless
`connections quality, good selection is expected to perform not much worse than connection
`combining. Some communication systems are natural for this approach; for example OFDMA.
`With OFDMA multiple radios can share the link by utilizing orthogonal sets of sub-carriers.
`Other systems like CDMA can share orthogonal codes.
`[0012] To facilitate CWN we need to establish “neighborhood radio node groups” (NRG); one
`possibility to increase the probability of existence of NRG we could use cars as radio
`nodes/relays. In a preferred embodiment each relay will communicate with the cellular network
`using any cellular protocol (UMTS, 1XEVDO, WiMax) and use WiFi to connect to mobile
`subscribers; The bridge from cellular to WiFi can be deployed in cars, houses etc. The underline
`principle is this bridges is that the bridge is owned by the subscriber (unlike traditional repeaters)
`and not by the service provider. Even if only small fraction of the subscribers will be equipped
`with these bridges, herein referred to as broadband relay (BBR), we should expect tremendous
`number of relays and consequently good selection.
`[0013] Facilitating this approach requires collaboration between subscribers. Assuming the
`BBRs are to be deployed within the service subscribers’ cars, each subscriber must be willing to
`allow service to other subscribers go through the BER deployed in his car.
`WSGR Docket No. 32354-701101


`‘Connection combining” implementation
`[0014] As mentioned above, connection combining provides for similar benefits as provided by
`maximum ratio combining method used to enhance receiving performance in. cellular
`[0015] Each BBR is periodically publishing its cellular connection quality (CCQ) through WiFi
`beacons. CCQ is calculated by C/N+I at BBR’s cellular receiver port. This is particularly
`important for interference limited cellular environment: at each location both serving signal level
`and interference contributed by neighboring cells may vary considerable. Selection based on
`C/N+1 can be much more powerful than based on received signal strength (RS SI) only.
`[0016] Subscriber unit can simultaneously be connected to multiple BBRs of choice (set of
`BBRs with best CCQ). The subscriber unit than split its traffic through the selected BBRs in
`proportion to their reported CCQ. The network follows the subscriber unit traffic splitting and
`uses the same splitting ratio.
`[0017] Obviously, this approach will require significant changes in WiFi client behavior,
`including association and authentication. To enable use of an existing base of WiFi clients,
`multiple BBRs can be programmed to imitate a single WiFi access point. A' subscriber unit
`associates with one primary BBR. Neighboring BBRs that overhear this‘subscriber (and also
`hear the primary BBR) report to the primary BBR their subscriber reception quality (could be
`RSSI or ratio between RSSI and interference or similar metric). The primary BBR than may
`assign the reporting (secondary) BBRs a portion of the traffic to be communicated to the cellular
`network. The assignment can be based on IP frame number or similar approach.‘ In this case
`each secondary BBR uses promiscuous WiFi mode to receive traffic from the non-associated
`client. This approach will require a “proxy” sever that resides on the IP network behind the
`cellular network (see Figure 2). to recombine the [P data up—stream and split the IP traffic down-
`stream accordingly.
`‘Connection selection” implementation
`[0018] Although the connection combining is the preferred approach, “connection selection”
`may not be far inferior when large variation of CCQ is expected (typical for urban, downtown
`environment). Connection selection is simpler to implement since no traffic proxy is needed:
`each subscriber unit selects the best path by choosing the BER that publishes the best CCQ in its
`neighborhood (Figure 3).
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`WSGR Docket No. 32354-70Ll0l


`[0019] BBRs are spread at the coverage area. At each time BBRs with best CCQ are selected as
`active servers. The selection process is executed in a distributed method as discussed below.
`Subscriber units are looking for the serving BBRs and associate with them (association process
`following 802.11 methods including 802.1x for security management).
`[0020] Each active BBR publishes its CCQ value (can be done through beacon). A BBR that
`has lower CCQ value by pre-defined margin relative to neighbor BBR will switch into secondary
`BBR mode and associate with the stronger CCQ BBR (become a WDS unit, relay and will not
`converse directly with the cellular network). When more than one BBR is found in the
`neighborhood with higher CCQ, the BER will associate with the higher CCQ-BBR (unless
`association is rejected, and than will associate with the next higher CCQ BBR). When a BBR
`does not identify a higher CCQ BBR in its neighborhood, it set itself to be a primary BER and
`' connect directly to cellular network.
`[0021] This approach assumes CCQ has large variance as a result of shadowing and Raleigh
`fading (relative to simple geometric loss). Figure 4 describes connections topology that is
`created based on the above rule: the red units represent BBRs with high CCQ, the orange -
`medium CCQ and the yellow - low CCQ. Since shadowing path loss is by far the dominant loss
`(log-normal with 8dB standard deviation) and path loss correlation length is typically far smaller
`than distance from BBR to cellular base station, we expect many primary BBRs (each selected
`by local maxima of CCQ).
`[0022] The primary BBR margin can be calculated by comparing the bandwidth achievable by
`connecting directly to cellular network or through the selected BBR.
`[0023] When a subscriber terminal is activated, it will follow 802.11 procedures of association
`and authentication. Hence, subscriber terminal may be associated with the lowest path loss
`(indicated by beacon’s RSSI) BBR in its neighborhood (unless rejected, and than associate with
`the next lower path loss BBR).
`Comment: BBR can be implemented using 802.11 based nodes, cellular connection
`(GSM CDMA, and WiMax) or a scheduled radio (for better performance). When implemented
`as a scheduled radio the primary BBR can provide transmission schedule to its associated BBRs
`and therefore reduce back—oflefi’ects. Scheduled BBRs arrangement will befarther discussed
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`WSGR Docket No. 32354-70110]


`Comment: The rationalfor equal number ofsubscribers and BBRs is as follows: the
`number ofclients that cellular operator will see will not change as a result ofintroducing the
`BBRs. Operator can deliver more bandwidth (service) as number ofBBRs increases. A
`subscriber is motivated to play since in this scheme he is getting better service. Yhefirst
`subscriber will have already better service since in substantial percentage ofthe time he is not
`farfrom his car (BBR). This service'will keep improving as more BBRs are added.
`[0024] The proposed network spans over multiple service provides (operators), as seen in Figure
`5. Subscribers may select any cellular service provider that provides IP connectivity (most
`currently do, over 2G, 3G and future WiMax). BBRs are expected to be deployed in subscribers’
`cars (as hand-free devices). Subscriber may connect to his own car or a car that incorporates a
`BBR (BBR can be installed in houses as well); BBRs can connect directly to base station (BTS)
`or other BBRS in their neighborhood (recognized to have superior connection quality).
`[0025] Whenever a subscriber is associating, its association is processed by the network’s
`admission control server (using RADIUS for‘example) that handles:
`Subscriber’s BBR status (active, turned off etc.).
`- 0 Billing
`o Authentication
`o Mobility (handover) support
`0 Encryption keys distribution
`0 Traffic load balancing
`o Etc.
`Software updates
`0 Maintenance
`0 Etc.
`[0026] The idea is to make sure that number of subscribers is approximately equal number of
`[0027) Increasing the number of BBRs can be accomplished by giving discount or service
`preferences to subscribers who are willing to install BBR in their cars. These subscribers will
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`WSGR Docket No. 32354-70] . 1 0|


`make sure “their BBRs” are operational since the BER operation is used to authenticate them
`with the network.
`[0028] A subscriber unit can also connect directly to cellular network if possible.
`[0029] The service quality will generally be determined by the ratio between the number of
`BBRs and the number of subscribers: since each subscriber activity duty cycle is expected to be
`less than 10% (typically 5%) each subscriber can enjoy the full bandwidth of primary BBR
`connection, provided the BER to Subscriber ratio is approximately one. If this ratio is reduced
`(not every subscriber owns a BBR) the service quality will be reduced accordingly.
`[0030] The above service quality is assumed when BBRs and subscribers are relatively isolated;
`when BBRs and subscribers density increases, we start seeing the regular 802.11 limitations on
`bandwidth. This issue can be partially mitigated by automatic channel allocation (there are
`different implementation approaches) such that neighboring BBRs are not going to share same
`[0031] Proposed system performance is best evaluated relative to existing wireless network
`solutions. We assume connection quality between base station and any BBR is based on the
`typical wide area network implementation, including smart modulation type (CDMA, TDMA,
`OFDMA etc.), antenna arrangements (receive diversity, transmit diversity, MIMO etc.),
`transmission power etc. The proposed solution is improving on top of any those exiting
`[0032] To evaluate the proposed solution performance we remember that the gain is achieved
`similarly to multi—branch diversity based on maximum ratio combining (MRC) or selection
`diversity. In the uplink the system will enjoy both power combining and diversity gain (adding
`multiple radios powers with proper weighting) while in the downlink we expect only diversity
`gain (best base station’s connection to BBR is selected).
`Comment: since coherent transmission combining may be very hard (although should be
`considered), power weighting is achieved by shaping the trafficfrom subscriber terminal to base
`station such that more traflic is handled by the BBRs that have better connection quality. In
`1 0
`WSGR Docket No. 32354-70l.10l


`extreme case, the weight can be “I "for the best BER and “0”for all the others such that the
`MRC is reduced to selection ofbets path é selection diversity.
`[0033] Connection quality to cellular network should be calculated based on signal to
`interference plus noise ratio. Static relay has a fixed connection; if neighboring cell site becomes
`very loaded, the system cannot switch to a different connection.
`[0034] Solving the maintenance problem (servicing BBR) allows for great increase of number of
`BBRs, thereby increasing the connection choice, thereby improving the network performance.
`Comment: Increasing the choice providesfor car battery power saving: the serving time
`can be divided between multiple BBRs, hence less battery usagefor each individual BBR ’5 car.
`[0035] The scenario is that of a car based wireless relay is talking to a mobile subscriber. The
`link between the mobile subscriber and the bridge is assumed to be good with typical penetration
`loss (~25dB), and is not considered here (penetration loss is assumed to be the same as for wide
`area network hence not being taken in account in relative advantage calculations).
`Mobile vs. Car-based Unit
`[0036] Having a car-based unit has several advantages over a mobile subscriber (MS)
`Higher transmit power: MS 24 dBm, Bridge 36 dBm
`Better antenna: MS: 0 dBi, car mount relay: 6 dBi
`[0037] Assuming the car is stationary and the MS may be moving, the bridge will require a
`smaller fade margin than the MS. Assume a 3dB difference.
`[0038] This provides a total link budget advantage of 12 + 6 + 3 = 21 dB for the car-based relay.
`Multiple vs. Single Car-Based Units
`[0039] While using the wireless relay can provide about 20dB advantage in average, one must
`consider the variance: case the car is not located in a location that either provide for good cellular
`connectivity or WiFi connectivity to the subscriber. In this case the collaborative mechanism
`described above provides for variance reduction and further like budget advantage.
`[0040] To see the additional advantage of using multiple cars we assume that the cars are located
`not far from each other so they have the same geometric path loss but independent lognormal
`shadowing loss. Because the cars are stationary we assume that there is no Raleigh fading.
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`1 1
`WSGR Docket No. 32354—70l .101


`Consider a strategy of “connection selection” (always picking the bridge which has the largest
`[0041] Figure 6 shows the probability that the SNR of the selected wireless relay will exceed the
`SNR value on the x-axis for different numbers of wireless relays. If we want, for example, to
`have a 99% level of guaranteed SNR we see that having 2 wireless relays give an 6 dB advantage
`over a single relay, having 3 relays give an 9 dB advantage, and having 4 relays give an 11 dB
`[0042] The BBR is a “smart bridge” between cellular service and WiFi. The preferred
`embodiment incorporates a “hand-free” kit that includes external mount antenna. The simple
`, antenna can be replaced by antenna array (diversity, beam—forming etc.) to further improve
`system performance. The cell-phone cradle contains the WiFi access point hardware (dual
`radio)_. Other BBR packaging solutions are possible such as home charging cradle, the cell-
`phone itself (WiFi is being integrated with cell-phones now) and others.
`[0043] Figure 7 provides a car mount BBR block diagram to include:
`1. Modified hand-free cradle that can be secured to car dashboard.
`2. A dual radio WiFi access point with router (allowing operations at the 2.4GHZ and
`5.8GHz ranges.
`3. An optional PA/LNA booster for cellular handset (transmission power amplifier and
`low noise receiving amplifier and asSociated circuitry).
`. 4. An Optional antenna array adaptor to provide for better diversity for cellular radio
`and WiFi radios. This adaptor can be further enhanced to provide other “smart
`antenna” solutions, exploiting the ability to mount larger antenna array as part of the
`5. Power supply/adaptor allows the BBR to use car battery. This unit may include
`voltage level gage to provide for .low battery indication. When battery level
`deteriorates (as a result of over-usage, for example) the power supply/adaptor may
`cutoff the BBR operation.
`' 6. Multi-band antenna array will serve bother WiFi and cellular units. WiFi service
`requires 2.4GHZ and 5.8GHz range. Cellular need to cover 800MHz, 900MHz,
`WSGR Docket No. 32354.70] .10]


`1900MHz, 2.1GHz for existing cellular networks. WiMax will require 2.5GHz,
`5.8GHz, and 3.5GHz. One array “fits all” may be very challenging hence antenna
`elements may be interchangeable. In a minimal configuration, the cellular handset
`could use its integral antenna.
`[0044] The advantages of car based implementation:
`0 Large power source allows higher TX power than subscriber unit
`0 Large surfaces allows antenna array plays
`0 Large number of alternatives
`0 Deploying the BBRs on cars solves one of the biggest cost issues mentioned above;
`BBRs can be driven to repair shop, thereby avoiding truck-rolls and access. BBR will
`. be served similar to regular cell-phone.
`0 BER can be combined with other devices commonly installed in cars:
`0 “Hand-free” cell phone cradle.
`0 Navigation system
`0 Car phones
`0 Radar detectors
`0 Collision avoidance warning device
`[0045] Although even a single BBR will bring a substantial value to its user (as any radio
`repeater), increasing the BER population is fundamental to a very robust wireless broadband
`service. To quickly expedite the deployment of BBRs we need a “grassroots” process. Social
`networkng may be a good mean to achieve this. Successful social networking proliferation
`requires an undisputable payback to the participants; in this case, there must be some “killer”
`application(s) that is enabled once you “join the party”. In this section we examine collaboration
`examples that lead to fast technology/service proliferation and possible “added values” or
`applications that may trigger collaboration in our case.
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`WSGR Docket No. 32354—701 .101


`Collaboration examples
`The Internet
`[0046] The explosive diffusion of the Internet into some countries such as the United States was
`also accompanied by the proliferation of Virtual communities. The nature of those communities
`and communications is rather diverse, and the benefits are not necessarily realized, or pursued,
`by many. At the same time, it is rather commonplace to see anecdotes of someone in need of
`special help or in search of a community benefiting from the use of the Internet.
`[0047] Since the late 19905 this original idea of topic-specific information exchange has evolved
`again leading to professional networks of all kinds. Nowadays online portals specifically
`designed for a certain industry or profession serve again as topic related exchange platforms.
`Such specific B2B platforms range from more general networks for the creation of personal
`networks [[1] (] (for general B2B Topics), various IT-related
`communities such as (http://www.experts—exchange.c0m/), [php-
` (http://www.php-classes.0rg)], to highly specified professional communities for
`medicals or such for linguists (e. g. [2] (http:/www. babelport. com) babelport,
`[3] (http://www. translatorscafe. com),
`“small world”
`[0048] The small world phenomenon (also known as the small world effect) is the hypothesis
`that everyone in the world can be reached through a short chain of social acquaintances. The
`concept gave rise to the famous phrase six degrees of separation after a 1967 small world
`experiment by psychologist Stanley Milgram which found that two random US citizens were
`connected by an average of six acquaintances. However, after more than thirty years its status as
`a description of heterogeneous social networks (such as the aforementioned "everyone in the
`world") still remains an open question. Remarkably little research has been done in this area
`since the publication of the original paper.
`[0049] Afier the discovery of Watts and Strogatz, Albert-Laszlo' Barabasi from the Physics
`Department at the University of Notre Dame was able to find a simpler model for the emergence
`of the small world phenomenon. While Watts' model was able to explain the high clustering
`coefficient and the short average path length of a small world, it lacked an explanation for
`another property found in real—world networks such as the Internet: these networks are scale-free.
`WSGR Docket No. 32354-701.101


`In simple terms, this means that they contain relatively few highly interconnected super nodes or
`. hubs: the vast majority of nodes are weakly connected, and the connectedness ratio of the nodes
`remains the same whatever size the network has attained. If a network is scale-free, it is also a
`small world.
`[0050] Barabasi's scale-free model is strikingly simple, elegant, and intuitive. To produce an
`artificial scale-fr

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