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`APPLE 1007
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`WSGR Docket No. 323 54-702.]01
`Shimon Scherzer,
`Citizen of United States, Residing at
`23185 Old Santa Cruz Hwy
`Los Gatos, CA 95033
`Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosaiti
`650 Page Mill Road
`Palo Alto, CA 94304
`(650) 493-9300
`(650) 493-6811
`' Express Mail Label N0. EV 711413775 US
`Confidential and Proprietary


`0 Table of Contents
`Table of Contents ........................................................................................ 1
`Introduction ................................................................................................. 2
`2 Basic principle ............................................................................................. 4
`Embodiment example ................................................................................. 5
`System components ................................................................................... 7
`General ..... , ............................................................................................ 7
`Client operations .................................................................................... 7
`Network controller operations ................................................................. 9
`- 5
`Trunking option ......................................................................................... 10
`Uplink Trunking (client to serving network) ......................................-..... 10
`Downlink Trunking .................................................. ‘.............................. 12
`Client to client communications using range extenders ....................... 12
`Special case: voice centric networks ...................................................... 12
`7 Performance ........................................ 14
`Confidential and Proprietary


`Providing ubiquos broadband wireless service anywhere is becoming the next .
`big challenge for the cellular industry. Multiple technologies are being promoted
`as potential solutions: 1XEVDO, UMTS, WiMax and others. Broadband wireless
`will become popular only if:
`1. Quality of service is similar to quality of current wire-line services (DSL,
`2. The service is ubiquous (everywhere); this is the real advantage of
`3. Customers’ expenditure on communication will not grow (as least not
`None of technologies mentioned above can provide an economical ubiquous
`coverage while Using traditional deployment methods due to lack of spectrum;
`path loss (basic physics). Figure 1 demonstrate the “wireless reality" in urban
`environment: the probability of a good connecting link is quite low due to
`buildings obstructions. Furthermore, in comparison to wire-line capacity at
`the amount of traffic that can be supported by any imaginable wireless
`service is minuscule.
`To illustrate the problem let consider PCS voice services: PCS network is already
`quite densely deployed (in urban areas the cells are few hundreds yards apart,
`and still voice quality is marginal. While voice service requires only about 1OKb/s
`data rate, broadband service will need two order of magnitude higher data rate
`which creates a two order of magnitude challenge gap.
`Broadband services are currently provided by DSL and cable technologies.
`Typical bandwidth required per 2000 subscribers (similar to a typical cellular cell
`site population) in peak time is about 150Mb/s (at DISLAM uplink). This is way
`higher than any of wireless broad band technologies mentioned above can
`deliver (typical spectrum allocation).
`This gap cannot be resolved only by traditional methods:
`Increasing deployment density by more than order of magnitude; the cost
`(CAPEX and especially OPEX) will render the service non-economical.
`. Antenna technology or “smart antenna” present cost challenge and may
`bridge only small fractibn of the gap.
`Confidential and Proprietary
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`. WiFi static mesh networks require even higher deployment density due to
`transmission power limits, radio interference and low efficiency.
`Consequently they are limited to certain areas and cannot provide for
`ubiquity. These networks (although being experimented by some
`municipalities) cannot justify themselves in the long run due to high OPEX
`(need to serve equipment in many locations)
`. Ad-hoc mesh-networks. This approach is aimed to extend the coverage of
`wireless network without adding more infrastructure equipment.
`Subscriber terminals can relay traffic form traffic sources to terminals that
`are not in range of the serving network hence range is effectively '
`multiplied. The down side of this approach is in its inherent instability:
`critical control signaling is handled over unreliable connections. Ad-hoc .
`mesh network routing is calculated through a converging process;
`neighboring nodes are exchanging routing info and routing is repeatedly
`calculated until an optimal solution is found. Once a node becomes
`unavailable (due to power shutdown, radio interference, traffic congestion,
`location change etc.) it would take a considerable time for the system to
`If this happen frequently, the system may not be able to recover
`at all. Hence ad-hoc mesh network has never become a real alternative to
`fixed infrastructure.
`Figure 1: The “wireless reality”
`Confidential and Proprietary


`2 Basic principle
`We consider a wireless communication network whose aim is to provide high
`speed data to mobile users. The network consists of a variety of mobile hand-
`held (ex. cell phones, PDAs) and stationary devices (ex. WiFi access points)
`equipped with wireless transceivers. Each of these devices is capable of wireless
`communications with neighboring devices within communication range. We will
`refer to these as "internal connections". Some of these devices also
`communicate via high speed wireless links (ex. 1XEVDO, UMTS, GPRS, EDGE.
`WiMax) or other means (ex. DSL, cable, fiber) with data sources outside the
`network (i.e. the intemet). We will refer to these as "external connections".
`Devices which do not have external connections are connected to the data
`sources by communicating with devices which do have external connections.
`,This communication takes place over the internal connections.
`All of the devices in the network are connected by low rate data links through the
`external network to a network controller. The low data rate connection serves as
`a control channel. We will refer to these as "control connections". For
`example, a dual-mode cell phone may have a WiFi internal connection and may
`use SMS or ‘IXRTT as the control connection.
`Network ‘ ’
`controller Qua,

`External wire-line
`External wire—line
`connection _
`External wireless
`Figure 2: Network architecture
`The external connections provide data at different rate, depending on the type
`and quality of the connection. Because of the large variability in quality of
`Confidential and Proprietary
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`wireless connections the available data rates may vary greatly from device to
`device and, for a given device, over time. Thus if these devices were to operate
`independently they will not be able to get the data they need at the required rate.
`For example, a device with a wireless external connection may be situated so
`that it can only get a low data rate connection at a certain time. Devices which
`have no external connections will be unable to get data.
`By using the internal connections we can distribute the data flowing in and out of
`the external connections in a time-varying manner to as to satisfy the needs of all
`the network devices which are requesting data, in an optimal manner. This is
`accomplished by dynamically configuring the network connections to take into
`account: the data needs of each device (data rates, latency), the rates at which
`data can be transmitted over each internal and external link at any given time,
`the battery status of mobile devices, the traffic load at each device etc.
`The control of the network is accomplished by having the devices communicate
`with control servers on the internet, through their control channels. Each device
`transmits status information to the server about its data needs and current
`It receives instructions from the server as to who it should
`communicate with, at what data rates, etc. A software client running on each of
`these devices provides the functions necessary for collecting and communicating
`status information to the control server, controlling the data flow, etc. A control
`algorithm running on the server collects information from all the devices in a
`given area, calculates the optimal configuration, and generates instructibns for
`the devices.
`The control connections turn the unmanageable ad-hoc mesh network (see
`above) into a manageable network. Once these connections are in action, no
`converging routing calculation is needed. Furthermore, a change in the network
`connectivity is instantly reported and dealt with.
`3 Embodiment example
`The concept described above can take different embodiments. For example, an
`“under-layer” peer to peer network between mobile terminals and fixed WiFi
`access points can be used (see Figure 3). To provide control most mobile
`terminals are permanently connected to network controller (web server) through
`(low data rate) cellular connections (1XRTT, GSM, WiMax etc.). When WiFi
`resources are unavailable, the cellular connections are used as data sources as
`Confidential and Proprietary


` Network with software
`Figure 3: Cellular & WiFi implementation
`Since the required bandwidth for control functionality is by far lower than the
`actual traffic; consequently this arrangement could use ZG networks, SMS
`messaging etc. Since data rate can be low, the control functionality can be
`guaranteed almost everywhere (even when voice connection may not be
`In this embodiment we capitalize on the introduction of dual mode subscriber
`terminals (cellular and WiFi or Bluetooth). Although peer to peer connection
`between terminals can be done by WiFi on unlicensed spectrum, solution should
`not be limited to this approach.
`Once central control is introduced all radio resources may be combined into a
`large collaborative network. Subscribers who join his network can enjoy the high
`performance broadband transmission capability. Subscriber that is located
`where WiFi radios are heard can identify their identity once they are part of the
`collaboration. Once identified, the subscriber can initiate a service request
`through his cellular connection (indicating which radios are in his earshot). The
`network controller than identifies the best radio source (see below) and send a
`' service request to the selected source.
`If service can be granted, the requesting
`subscriber is notified and executes connection to the selected radio source.
`Once being served, the network controller continues to monitor the service
`conditions and may instruct handover of the connection when needed. When
`WiFi source is not sufficient (due to poor reception, for example) the broadband
`connection can be switched to the cellular network.
`Confidential and Proprietary
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`4 System components
`4.1 General
`In the system described in Figure 3 each client assumed to be able to connect to
`both external connections and to other clients in its neighborhood (through
`internal connections).
`In one embodiment a client could be a dual mode device
`using ZG or 3G radio (GPRS. 1XRTT1XEVDO, UMTS) or WiMax to
`communicate with the cellular network and using WiFi radio to communicate with
`other clients and access points. Connections to cellular network are used for
`network control and broadband connectivity. The communication with the cellular
`network can use license spectrum while the communication with other clients
`may utilize unlicensed spectrum.
`4.2 Client operations
`To join the collaboration a subscriber must have or download a software module
`(client) from network controller. By communicating with network controller over
`the cellular connection and using the WiFi radio as a sniffer the client module
`executes the following:
`. Acquire the following information:
`0 Identity of WiFi access points (or any other radio resources) that
`may be used to connect to wire-line network (sufficiently close).
`For each detected access point path loss is estimated.
`0 Identity of potential peer clients that can become bridges to the
`cellular network or wire-line network. For each peer client path loss
`is estimated using short interchange.
`0 Traffic load at access point backhaul using web interface to access
`point (When residing in the computer connected to a WiFi access
`0 Traffic load in and out of its associated mobile terminal
`0 Number of hops to the selected broadband source
`0 Type and speed of broadband source
`0 Level of unlicensed spectrum related interference conditions at the
`mobile terminal
`Confidential and Proprietary


`Client’s battery status (for battery operated devices)
`0 Based on the above information, the client will:
`Send connection request via network controller or
`Send connection request directly to peer (when pre-authorization
`has been granted)
`Disconnect from current peer when necessary (traffic load at peer
`is too high, connection quality is too low, interference is above
`threshold etc.)
`Execute quick reconnection to a peer that has been pre-
`conditioned to accept the connection (connection context must be
`pre—downloaded to accepting peer). Quick reconnection is
`essential to maintain un-interruptible streaming services like voice
`and video.
`0 0
`Report connection quality history to network controller
`Disconnect after reporting disconnection reasons to network
`Initial user terminal embodiment is shown below: this terminal is based on
`commonly used elements such as laptop and data capable cellphone connected
`either wirelessly or by wire.
`Improved user terminal could use 3G PCMCIA
`adaptor allowing 3G broadband service;
`To cellular
`Bluetooth, mm
`Or wire connection
`fl ©§
`Figure 4: Initial client embodiment
`Confidential and Proprietary


`4.3 Network controller operations
`4.3.1 General
`The network controller collects the clients’ reports and continuously calculates
`the best routes by which each mobile terminal should be connected to the
`broadband media. This calculation is executed each time a subscriber connects
`or disconnects. Clients reports are mostly arriving through the external
`connections such that reporting reliabilityIs maximized.
`In addition, the network
`controller communicates with the participating WiFi access points via their web
`interface to manage to evaluate their traffic load and manage their admission list
`(for example: list of allowable MAC addresses). When 802.1X capability is
`available on access points, the network controller can provide for 802.1X
`authentication service.
`If 802.1X is not available, the network controller can use
`the WEP and MAC list to implement non 802.1X authentication.
`4.3.2 Access of network resources example
`Clients can access peers clients or access point as follows:
`. Clients that desire to access the WiFi network reports to network controller
`via his cellular external connection all WiFi resources in its reach.
`. Network controller checks which of the reported WiFi resources,
`participates in the collaboration, and for those evaluates their business
`status (backhaul traffic load).
`. Network controller request service form the participating access points or
`other clients by setting the allowable MAC address list to allow the
`requesting client access. When done, network controller informs the
`requesting client a list of available access point and peers
`0 Client connects to the best radio resource
`. When service is no longer needed, client disconnects form access
`point/peer and informs the network controller.
`4.3.3 Routing method
`Network controller uses the clients' reports (see 4.2) to calculate the best routes
`by which clients are served.
`Confidential and Proprietary


`Path loss between clients and serving network varies greatly; in outdoor
`environment the typical standard deviation is 8 to 10dB. Consequently serving
`network signal level at each client location is expected to be a strong function of
`its location.
`A possible algorithm can take each of the elements mentioned above: path loss,
`load, battery status etc., attribute some weight to each and calculate a numeric
`value related to it. All these values can be collected to create a vector. The
`algorithm calculates the vectors’ length and selects the longest (or shortest) one;
`the network Controller instructs the subscriber to connect to the associated radio
`5 Trunking option
`The following section suggests some variations of the above methods to further
`enhance wireless connectivity.
`5.1 Uplink Trunking (client to serving network)
`A typical portable client is greatly transmission power limited (mainly due to
`battery constrains). Consequently uplink operation is a much bigger challenge
`than downlink (especially when connected directly to cellular broadband
`network). Using the under-layer network (ex. WiFi) as a trunking switch will allow
`significant increase in uplink ability: client can establish multiple connections via
`multiple clients plus himself with the target destination. The assignment of the
`various connections can be either on random basis or on amount of data and
`criticality basis: the client that has a better link will carrythe more challenging
`connection. For example, high capacity streaming video will be served by the
`best channel quality client while voice channel will be served by a client with less
`quality link (one can argue via versa since voice requires stricter delay jitter
`channel). The end result is' uplink with a power multiplier, sum of all peers that
`can be tapped).
`To further clarify the idea, suppose there are 5 clients within under-layer network
`proximity. At each instance one client requires uplink communicatiOn hence it
`utilizes all clients’ uplink thereby reducing its delay considerably (greatly affecting
`TCP/IP performance). Same principle can be utilized when each of these clients
`is being served differently; one may execute voice connection while another run
`streaming video and another downloads a large data file. Clients can than
`negotiate between themselves who will carry each of the connections following
`their link status and not based on who is being served.
`Confidential and Proprietary


` Aggregation sewer
` Sewing networks
`Website Server
`Figure 5: Aggregating uplink
`The implementation of this idea is very similar to a trunking switch; the’under—
`layer network (WiFi, ex.) is used to transport the sessions from the originating
`client to the supporting clients and all the clients participating (including the
`originator) are communicating with the serving network. Obviously, to allow
`connectivity to standard network destinations, a proxy router is added (see
`Figure 5).
`For example, in 1XEVDO system, where downlink is based on time division the
`. uplink still uses 1XRTT style communication (CDMA). One client can
`communicate its uplink data to multiple clients (through the client to client
`connections, ex. WiFi) and than all the connected clients can concurrently
`transmit the data over their individual uplinks (code channels). With WiMax, sub-
`carriers could be used in exchange for the CDMA codes.
`Comment: non time division based uplink is very common within mobile packet
`serving networks since fast feedback from clients (downlink quality) can
`dramatically help the downlink scheduling. This feedback is normally used to
`increase the probability the client will be served when its downlink conditions are
`at their best.
`Confidential and Proprietary


`5.2 Downlink Trunking
`There one fundamental difference between downlink and uplink: in downlink
`transmission a single (or very few) data source (in most cases) communicates to
`many clients while in uplink the opposite process exists.
`The downlink aggregation can be valuable either in the case described in section
`6 or in case of multiple base stations that can serve or multi-carrier (serving
`networks) case. When multiple service networks is present and consequently
`multiple sets of clients (each belong to different network), a proxy router can
`aggregate downlink as described in section 6.
`5.3 Client to client communications using range extenders
`Client to client communication is very critical in the proposed invention. While
`direct connectivity using ad-hoc WiFi method is well known in the art, the
`connection range can be significantly enhanced using WiFi range extenders
`located in various locations. The WiFi range extender is indirectly defined in
`802.11 standards (WDS): the extender does not require the typical Ethernet
`connectionthat is part of WiFi access point. Consequently the range extender
`can be located almost anywhere while on power source isvrequired.
`Typical range extenders are being sold for less than 100$ and are light weight
`and small size which makes them ideal companion to laptops and other network
`access devices.
`The main benefit of the range extender as part of the proposed scheme is
`increasing the number of clients that can collaborate in a given location.
`Consequently the probability to locate a client that possesses good connection
`with the serving network increases or conversely, the expected service network
`connection path-loss can be greatly reduced.
`6 Special case: voice centric netWorks
`Existing cellular data networks such as 1XRTT, UMTS and GPRS are less
`optimized for data service: each client connection is limited to data rate that is far
`lower than the data rate possible by adequate link budget. This approach is a
`reminiscent of voice centric networks.
`If we can device a method through which
`Confidential and Proprietary


`multiple client channels could be seamlessly aggregated. data service
`performance could be at par with the data centric networks such as 1XEVDO or
`Explanation: voice centric traffic is characterized by constant bit rate (CBR) with
`approximately 10Kb/s (not counting for voice activity duty cycle). A serving
`network accommodates certain number of traffic (mainly voice) channels that are
`allocated as needed. The more voice service is needed, more channels are
`allocated. Data traffic is mostly bursty; the bursts are normally short and could
`use data rate as high as available. Assuming low correlation between different
`subscribers, the data bursts have different time which calls for time division
`multiplex transmission: the newer data centric wireless systems are exploiting
`this to increase data rates (1XEVDO, WiMax, HSDPA). These solutions are
`actually aggregating bandwidth to serve each subscriber on time division basis
`through common packet channels or similar arrangements.
`Website Server
`Figure 6: Downlink aggregation network
`Existing voice centric network can benefit from the present invention as follows:
`say there are 10 different clients demanding data service. A serving network
`trying to serve one client could split the traffic for each client into 10 parts and
`communicate them through all 10 clients. Using the proposed communication
`. between clients above, all other 9 clients can rout the traffic to the targeted client
`via the WiFi connection (this connection could be of other type).
`Confidential and Proprietary
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`13 ‘


`Obviously, this method requires routing proxy server (one or more) at the core
`network (Figure 6): the traffic source goes to the proxy router that executes the
`traffic splitting (can be done by Trunking switch). The traffic is than fonNarded to
`the serving network that transport the data to/from the clients.
`Proxy aggregation servers can be either part of the core network or handles by
`third party. The clients are loaded with the right proxy sever IP address
`whenever some website are accessed.
`This solution can provide legacy serving network with similar capability of new
`common channel based networks thereby saving significant investment.
`7 Performance
`The proposed solution provides for very large network performanceimprovement
`through the followings:
`. Leveraging on wire-line network resources (through WiFi connectivity).
`Improving typical link budget between client and cellular network.
`We assume that each wire-line resource is intermittently used by its main user so
`the resource can be available to others at most times. Given the fast proliferation
`of WiFi all over the place, it is expected that under sufficient collaboration wire-
`line networks will provide for most of the traffic bandwidth (unlike the cellular
`networks, these networks indeed have the needed bandwidth). For example, in
`a given neighborhood DSL based network can provide 150Mb/s at peak times
`' while the cellular base station covering same neighborhood can provide less than
`10Mb/s. When the collaboration is sufficiently deep, the potential throughput
`gain can easily exceed 15X!
`To evaluate the performance gain contributed by link budget we executed
`simulation that distribute cellular subscriber at a given area with various
`subscribers’ densities. We calculate the path loss between the serving base
`station and the subscriber terminals using accepted propagation models for
`urban and suburban environments. The following are the simulation parameters:
`l Pout coll
`= outage probability for collaborative user
`I Pout non coll = outage probability for a nonacollaborative user
`I nump
`= maximum number of parallel transmission
`I rate max
`Confidential and Proprietary
`largest transmission rate
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`I rate min
`= lowest possible transmission rate
`I Db
`I Dr
`= density of base-stations per km"2
`= density of collaborative user per km"2
`'I Lmax
`= maximum allowed path-loss to collaborative user
`I' model
`= propagation model
`I B
`= bandwidth MHz
`I shadow
`= standard deviation ol‘ shadowing loss: 8dB
`t coll = 0 Pout non coll = 0.005 nump= 5 lale_rnax =10 rate_min = 0.1 DD = 0.25 Dr = 200 Lmax = 100 model = WI-indoor B = 5 shadow = 1
`No Collaboration
`' _ Collaborative Users - single link
`*— Collaborative Users - multiple links
` 0
`histogram of number of candidate links
`number of links
`Figure 7: CDF for data rate and number of possible under-layer
`connections simulation results for Lmax =1 OOdB
`The simulation shows that achievable data rate improvement can easily exceed
`Confidential and Proprietary


`Combining the two performance gain elements (as described above) we
`can argue that two order of magnitude performance improvement relative
`to traditional cellular broadband service is feasible.
`Confidential and Proprietary


`10/25/2005 ZJUHARI
`00000033 232415
`. 01 FC:2005
`100.00 DA
`PTO-1556 ‘
`. (5/87)
`11.8 WM”: anon—mm

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