`Ramanathan Subramaniam
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virgmia 22313-1450
`P.O. BOX 398
`AUSTIN, TX 78767-0398
`Date Mailed: 10/25/2011
`This is in response to the Power of Attorney filed 10/19/2011.
`The Power of Attorney in this application is accepted. Correspondence in this application will be mailed to the
`above address as provided by 37 CFR 1.33.
`Office of Data Management, Application Assistance Unit (571) 272-4000, or (571) 272-4200, or 1-888-786-0101
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`APPLE 1006
`BOSTON, MA 02109-2881
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virgmia 22313-1450
`Ramanathan Subramaniam
`Date Mailed: 10/25/2011
`This is in response to the Power of Attorney filed 10/19/2011.
`•The Power of Attorney to you in this application has been revoked by the assignee who has intervened as
`provided by 37 CFR 3.71. Future correspondence will be mailed to the new address of record(37 CFR 1.33).
`Office of Data Management, Application Assistance Unit (571) 272-4000, or (571) 272-4200, or 1-888-786-0101
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`PTO/SB/80 (11-08)
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`Rarnanathan Subrarnaniarn
`Applicant/Patent Owne r : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`Application No./Patent No.:
`Entitled: Wi-Fi Setup Configuration
`SMSC Holdings S.<'u.I
`(r.Jame of Assignee)
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`/Jeffrey C. Hood/
`Jeffrey C. Hood, Reg.# 35198
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`Group/ Art Unit:
`Atty. Dkt. No:
`Application No.:
`Ramanathan Subramaniam
`Title: Wi-Fi Setup Configuration
`STATEMENT UNDER 37 CFR 3.73(b) and
`Commissioner for Patents
`Please find attached a Power of Attorney and Statement Under 37 CFR 3.73(b) with regard to the
`above-identified patent application. Applicant respectfully requests the Commissioner to change the
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`The old correspondence address was:
`Customer Number 51414
`BOSTON, MA 02109-2881
`Applicant's new address is:
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`Jeffrey C. Hood
`Meyertons, Hood, Kivlin, Kowert & Goetzel PC
`P.O. Box 398
`Austin, Texas 78767-0398
`(512) 853-8820
`If there are any questions regarding this matter, please contact me.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Jeffrey C. Hood/
`Jeffrey C. Hood, Reg. #35198
`Attorney for Applicant
`Meyertons, Hood, Kivlin, Kowert & Goetzel PC
`P.O. Box 398
`Austin, Texas 78767-0398
`(512) 853-8800
`Date: 2011-10-19
`BOSTON, MA 02109-2881
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
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`Applicant( s)
`Ramanathan Subramaniam, Old Bridge, NJ;
`Power of Attorney:
`Steven Russell--60410
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`page 3 of 3
`Wi-Fi Setup Configuration
`Embodiments of the present invention are generally directed to systems and
`methods for configuring wireless networks and, more particularly, to adding
`a device having a limited user interface and/or no display to a wireless
`network, even in the absence of wireless configuration protocols such as Wi(cid:173)
`Fi Protected Setup ("WPS").
`Establishing a basic at-home wireless network between traditional computing
`devices (e.g., desktop and laptop computers) has become very easy. For
`example, next-generation customer-premises equipment
`for broadband
`access (e.g., cable and DSL modems provided by Internet service providers)
`may directly support wireless networks. Alternatively, a user may connect a
`wireless access point ("WAP") to a broadband modem to create a wireless
`home network.
`A simple, unsecured wireless network, however, may permit anyone to
`snoop on the conversations between the devices and/or gain access to the
`network and the information being exchanged. To avoid these unwanted
`intrusions, access points may be configured to use wireless security. A
`secure wireless network is created by sharing confidential
`among the various devices and the WAP. The wireless client and the WAP
`exchange information over the wireless connection in a secure manner.
`Over the years, various wireless security schemes have evolved, such as
`these schemes often involve complex, hexadecimal
`"keys" or passwords as a part of the confidential information that needs to
`be shared among the devices. The process of securing a wireless network
`involves configuring the router for the desired type of security and then
`configuring each wireless client with the settings and passwords to be used
`(i.e., the ones associated with the type of security scheme used in the
`router). This process may be tedious and challenging for an average home
`user, especially when the device requiring wireless configuration settings has
`limited input and display capabilities, such as a digital media player. As
`for networked and
`internet-based media
`rises, more next(cid:173)
`generation media-rendering devices would support networking - preferably
`wireless networking, given its ease and convenience of use. Thus, there is a
`need for establishing methods that simplify the process of adding a device to
`a wireless network.
`To address the above-mentioned problem, some efforts have been made to
`simplify establishment of wireless networks. For example, the Wi-Fi Alliance
`promotes a set of standards known as Wi-Fi Protected Setup ("WPS") for the
`purpose of simplifying wireless configuration. Additionally, newer versions of
`Microsoft Windows support a technology called Windows Connect Now
`("WCN") that supports storing configuration settings in a portable storage
`device, like USB flash memory, and transferring them to a device that needs
`to be configured.
`However, this does not completely solve the problem as most access points
`currently deployed still do not support WPS. Further, the devices that need
`to be configured may not support interfaces for portable/removable storage
`In summary, despite the efforts in the industry, the task of adding a new
`device to an existing secure wireless network continues to be complex and a
`daunting one.
`Embodiments of the invention include systems and methods for using a
`computing device to a) interface with an electronic device that needs to be
`configured to join a wireless network and b) execute a computer program
`(on the computing device) to gather network configuration information using
`various schemes and/or c) interact with the electronic device to configure it
`with Wi-Fi settings, thus enabling it to join the network.
`The process of configuration described herein of the wireless electronic
`device is different from prior-art methods at least because:
`a) It does not mandate the availability of a Wireless Access Point that
`supports WPS;
`b) It uses a computing device that supports a display and a user interface
`to couple with
`the wireless electronic device and provide
`configuration; and/or
`c) Among the various methods used for connecting the computing device
`to the electronic device, it uses wireless, the same media used by the
`electronic device to connect to the network. Thus, no additional
`hardware interface is required in the electronic device.
`Sernro:! \/Iii-Fi
`Figure 1: Typical Wi-Fi Network at a home
`' ~'"""""'~~:;:;;,~;';;"""""""'··· .1 ... ~.:::.~.--~-It!,,.~~:
`Secun~ Wi-Fi
`.. ··::>:>
`.... _.<.· ' PD.A
`Device to be
`Added to Secure
`\N'i·fi Network
`Figure 2: New device needs to be added to the secure Wi-Fi Network
`S>l!!eure \cVi-Fi
`l->lptop :lnd th£
`D.:vii;:,,;: Conn,,;:,t
`D~vki:: Put in
`Confieu r::ition
`Figure 3: Device Configuration using a Laptop
`Secw rf.l \•Vi-Fi
`PDA or SP\.3rt
`Ph on<;:
`Confit::ll r•~tion
`Figure 4: Device Configuration using a Smart Phone or a PDA
`~~·-. -----\~·,·ir•e•d•l•A•t•J----~~
`Se>:lH'e Wi-Fi
`.......... -.·.
`·.::::.:: ____ v_>/.ir_e_d __ E.th-· .e.rn •. e.-t------!·
`L~~ptop am:! the Device
`Col'itH':cted tViine
`wired Eth«lr~~t
`Device Ptit in
`Confieu ration
`Figure 5: Device configuration when the laptop and the device are connected using a wired
`t. ns
`6· Configuration utility an I
`d "ts interac IO
`Seeure V\/i-Fi
`.......... · .
`••.• ;.v.
`Device joins the
`Wi-FI Networl<
`Figure 7: Device now able to join the Wi-Fi Network
`Figure 1 shows a typical Wi-Fi network in which an embodiment of the
`present invention may be implemented.
`Figure 2 illustrates the problem when a new wireless electronic device needs
`to be added to a secure Wi-Fi network.
`Figures 3 to 5 illustrate the process of interfacing to the wireless electronic
`device that needs to be configured.
`Figure 6 shows the configuration utility that interfaces with the web server
`or the proxy agent in the wireless electronic device to configure the settings.
`Also, the different ways in which the Wi-Fi settings may be obtained are
`Figure 7 shows that the new electronic device has been able to join the Wi-Fi
`network upon successful configuration.
`Figure 1 illustrates an example of a type of network in which the various
`embodiments of the invention may be employed. As shown in Figure 1, the
`network may include a variety of computing devices (also referred to as
`"nodes"). For example, the network may include one or more desktop
`computers, one or more laptop computers, and/or one or more smart
`The networked devices communicate with a Wireless Access Point ("WAP").
`The WAP may be connected to an external network, such as the Internet or
`other wide-area network. The modem that interfaces with the broadband
`Internet connectivity may be built
`the WAP.
`Alternatively, the modem may be disposed externally relative the WAP, and
`the WAP may be connected directly to the external modem. The WAP may
`also function as a gateway, thereby mediating some or all traffic exchanged
`between the nodes in the network and/or the Internet.
`Thus in the above context, a network may be defined as a set of networked
`devices that exchange data through a gateway device that also functions as
`a Wireless Access Point. The network devices may be connected to the
`gateway using any suitable communications medium. For example, in the
`network shown in Figure 1, the desktop computer is connected to the
`gateway using a wired Ethernet connection, while the laptops and the PDA
`communicate using an IEEE 802.11 wireless connection.
`The process of securing a wireless network involves configuring the router
`for the desired type of security and then configuring each wireless client with
`the corresponding settings and passwords associated with type of security
`being used.
`Figure 2 shows an electronic device that needs to be added to the secure Wi(cid:173)
`Fi network. This device is capable of exchanging data over the network once
`properly configured. However, it is not easy to configure as it does not have
`a display and has limited input capabilities.
`The new electronic device that needs to be added to the secure Wi-Fi
`network cannot communicate unless it is configured with proper wireless
`To accomplish the same, on receiving a trigger from the user, the electronic
`device switches from a normal operating mode to a configuration operating
`mode. The trigger may be generated using, for example, a push button,
`switch, or toggle on the electronic device. The electronic device may thus
`enter into a configuration operating mode even in the absence of Wi-Fi
`Protected Setup (WPS).
`During the normal operating mode, the electronic device may operate in
`wireless infrastructure mode and configure itself to be a wireless client trying
`to connect to the Wireless Access Point which is the server. When operating
`in the configuration operating mode, the device switches to ad-hoc wireless
`mode and uses a well-known (e.g., a pre-determined) SSID.
`As shown in Figure 3, in one embodiment, a laptop or other computing
`device that is already a part of the network to which the electronic device
`needs to join is used to connect to the electronic device. The laptop and the
`electronic device may establish a point-to-point private ad-hoc wireless
`network or other type of device-to-device network link.
`In another embodiment of the invention, when operating in the configuration
`operating mode, the electronic device operates in infrastructure mode, but
`configures itself as a Wireless Access Point and broadcasts a well-known
`SSID. The laptop is configured as a wireless client and connects to the
`network associated with the SSID broadcast by the electronic device.
`In contrast to prior-art methods, embodiments of the current invention do
`not mandate using a Wireless Access Point that has additional hardware
`support for the purpose of easy setup of the wireless client. A computing
`device like a laptop is used to interface with the electronic device, using the
`same wireless media. Thus, no special hardware interface needs to be
`supported by the wireless electronic device.
`Other modes of connectivity may also be considered between the computing
`device and the wireless electronic device, if the other modes are supported
`In one embodiment, an Ethernet interface is
`by the electronic device.
`supported by the electronic device and the laptop is connected to the
`electronic device using a point-to-point wired Ethernet link, as illustrated in
`Figure 5. The laptop and the electronic device establish a point-to-point
`private network using link local communication.
`include a configuration utility and/or a
`Embodiments of the
`computer program that is executed on the computing device (e.g., a laptop).
`Given that the laptop is already a part of the secure Wi-Fi network, the
`wireless settings are available embedded as a part of the operating system
`on the laptop. The configuration utility extracts the wireless settings and
`uses them to configure the electronic device.
`the configuration utility
`In another embodiment of
`communicates with the Wireless Access Point associated with the network to
`which the electronic device wants to join, retriev