` ____________
` Petitioners,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` ____________
` Case No. IPR2021-00591
` U.S. Patent No. 7,868,880
` ____________
` Monday, April 18, 2022
` Remotely Testifying from Powell Butte, Oregon
` Reported By: Hanna Kim, CLR, CSR No. 13083
`4 5
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
`Page 1
`Petitioner Samsung Ex. 1014
`Page 001


` ____________
` Petitioners,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` ____________
` Case No. IPR2021-00591
` U.S. Patent No. 7,868,880
` ____________
` Virtual videoconference video-recorded
` deposition of THOMAS CREDELLE, taken on
` behalf of the Petitioners, on April 18,
` 2022, before Hanna Kim, CLR, Certified
` Shorthand Reporter, No. 13083.
`4 5
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`866 299-5127
`Page 2
`Petitioner Samsung Ex. 1014
`Page 002


` 1999 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 700
` Los Angeles, California 90067
` 213.430.6496
` 12424 Wilshire Blvd.
` Los Angeles, California 90025
` 310.826.7474
` KIMBERLEE DECKER, Video Operator
`2 3
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` BY MR. COOK: 7
`2 3
`6 7 8 9
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`Exhibit 1013 Copy of public version of trial 14
` testimony from ITC
` Investigation No. 337-TA-1243,
` November 16, 2021; 48 pages
`Deposition Exhibit 2001 10
`Deposition Exhibit 1001 18
`Deposition Exhibit 1008 23
`Deposition Exhibit 1006 28
`Deposition Exhibit 1009 129
` --o0o--
`2 3
`8 9
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` Remotely Testifying from Powell Butte, Oregon
` Monday, April 18, 2022; 11:06 a.m., PDT
` --o0o--
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We are
` on record at 11:06 a.m. -- wait, that's not right. 11:06:16
` Yep, 11- -- 11:06 a.m., sorry, on April the 18th of
` 2022.
` All participants are attending remotely.
` Audio and video recording will continue to
` take place, unless all parties agree to go off the 11:06:35
` record.
` This is Media Unit 1 of the recorded
` deposition of Thomas Credelle, taken by counsel for
` the Petitioner, in the matter of Samsung Display
` Company, Limited, versus Solas OLED LTD., filed 11:06:51
` with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Case
` Number IPR2021-00591.
` My name is Kimberlee Decker, from Veritext
` Legal Solutions, and I am the videographer.
` The court reporter is Hanna Kim. 11:07:15
` I'm not related to any party in this
` action, nor am I financially interested in the
` outcome.
` Counsel and all present will now state
` their appearances and affiliations for the record. 11:07:22
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` If there are any objections to proceeding,
` please state them at the time of your appearance,
` beginning with the noticing attorney.
` MR. COOK: This is Brian Cook. I'm with
` O'Melveny & Myers representing the Petitioners, 11:07:33
` Samsung Electronics Company and Samsung Electronics
` America.
` MR. RUBIN: This is Neil Rubin of Russ
` August & Kabat, representing the Patent Owner Solas
` OLED Limited and defending the witness. 11:07:48
` Will the court reporter please swear in
` the witness.
` having been duly administered an oath over
` videoconference as stipulated by all counsel, was
` examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning.
` Could you please state your name for the
` record.
` A. Yes. This is Thomas Credelle. 11:08:21
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` Q. And, Mr. Credelle, have you been deposed
` before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. About how many times?
` A. I've lost count, but it's 20 or 30 at 11:08:32
` least.
` Q. Okay. Have you been deposed by
` videoconference before like we're doing now?
` A. Yes. During the last two years, almost
` exclusively. 11:08:50
` Q. Okay. So you're familiar with the
` deposition process generally?
` A. Yes.
` Q. So even though we're taking this
` deposition remotely, you understand that you're 11:08:58
` under oath to tell the truth under penalty of
` perjury?
` A. I do.
` Q. And as we have a reporter here today
` taking down everything we say, it's important not 11:09:08
` to talk over one another.
` Do you understand that?
` A. Yes. Yes.
` Q. Where are you located today?
` A. I'm in Powell Butte, Oregon. 11:09:17
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` Q. And is that at your home?
` A. Yes, it is.
` Q. Okay. Is there anybody else in the room
` there with you?
` A. No, there's not. 11:09:30
` Q. Do you have any electronic devices in the
` room with you, other than the computer that you're
` using for the remote deposition?
` A. I do. My cell phone is in the room. It's
` on mute. I can remove it if you'd like, but it's 11:09:44
` in the room.
` Q. Okay. That -- that's fine just as long as
` you understand you're not -- not to use that cell
` phone to communicate with anyone during the
` deposition. 11:09:57
` A. Yes, I agree.
` Q. Okay. Do you have any documents in the
` room with you?
` A. Yes. I did print out two or three of the
` documents that I found facilitate these kind of 11:10:07
` depositions.
` I have my report printed, no -- no
` notations on it. I have Mr. Hatalis's report. I
` have the '880 patent and the Miyazawa patent
` printed it out. 11:10:19
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` I didn't print out Morosawa. It's too
` big.
` So the other ones, we could use the
` electronic version.
` Q. Okay. And none of those documents have 11:10:29
` any markings or notations on them?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Okay. And any other documents, any notes
` or anything with you?
` A. No other documents on my desk or nearby. 11:10:42
` Yes, they're all put away. Other documents are in
` drawers and not -- not accessible.
` Q. Okay. So did you submit a declaration on
` behalf of Solas OLED Limited in IPR2021-'591?
` A. Yes, I did, I believe in January. 11:11:03
` Q. Okay. So I've uploaded to the Exhibit
` Share or you can use the one in front of you, I
` have a copy of Exhibit 2001 previously marked in
` this case.
` (Previously marked Deposition Exhibit 2001 11:11:18
` was referenced.)
` Do you recognize that as your declaration
` that you submitted in this case?
` A. 2001, yes, that's my declaration.
` Q. And in Exhibit 2001, could you flip to the 11:11:30
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` end there, page 97.
` A. Okay. Yes.
` Q. And on page 97, is that your signature?
` A. Yes, it is.
` Q. Okay. Did you write this declaration? 11:12:04
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. Okay. Did you -- did anybody help you
` with writing the declaration, or you did it
` yourself?
` A. It was a collaboration with the attorneys 11:12:18
` at -- at the law firm.
` Q. Are there any opinions in this declaration
` that you disagree with?
` A. Not that I can recall. I think it's my
` opinion. 11:12:40
` Q. And are all of your opinions in this case
` included in this declaration?
` A. All -- all of my opinions relative to the
` '880 IPR are included in this document.
` Q. Okay. So this -- this declaration's a 11:13:00
` complete statement of your opinions in this -- in
` this IPR?
` A. It's a statements of my opinions that I
` recorded in this document, correct.
` Q. And it -- it's a complete statement of 11:13:09
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` your opinions in this case?
` A. When you say "complete," I -- I have --
` have other opinions about aspects of the -- of the
` patent in the case, but these are the ones --
` these -- what's in the report is what I -- I wrote 11:13:24
` in support of this IPR.
` Q. And -- and the other opinions that you're
` referring to, why are they not in your
` declaration?
` A. Because I didn't feel they were necessary. 11:13:35
` Q. Okay.
` THE COURT REPORTER: Counsel, this is the
` court reporter. May we go off the record for an
` audio adjustment, please.
` MR. COOK: Yes. 11:13:55
` MR. RUBIN: That's fine.
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are off the record
` at 11:14 a.m.
` (Off the record.)
` THE VIDEOGRAPHER: We are on the record at 11:17:53
` 11:17 a.m.
` Q. Okay. So, Mr. Credelle, we were just
` discussing that you had a couple of additional
` opinions, but that you didn't feel that they were 11:18:12
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` necessary.
` Do you still feel that those additional
` opinions are not necessary to your opinion?
` MR. RUBIN: Objection. Form.
` THE WITNESS: Basically my -- my opinions 11:18:21
` are captured in this document.
` Q. Okay.
` Can you turn to page 6 of your
` declaration? There's a heading called "MATERIALS 11:18:31
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. Does this -- is this a list of all the
` materials you considered in forming your opinion
` in this case? 11:18:55
` A. Let me review quickly.
` I don't see reference to the prosecution
` history, but I did review that as well. Maybe I
` left that out.
` Q. Okay. 11:19:22
` So you reviewed Dr. Hatalis's declaration?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And you reviewed all of the prior art that
` Dr. Ha- -- Dr. Hatalis opined on in his
` declaration? 11:19:39
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` A. I did.
` Q. Are you aware of any errors in your
` declaration that you need to correct?
` A. I'm not aware of any.
` Q. Now, did you also give testimony recently 11:19:44
` before the International Trade Commission
` regarding the '880 patent?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. And was that in Investigation Number
` 337-TA-1243, Certain Active Matrix OLED Display 11:20:04
` Devices and Components Thereof?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay.
` MR. COOK: I've uploaded a -- an exhibit
` that I've marked as Exhibit 1013. 11:20:22
` (Credelle Deposition Exhibit 1013 was
` marked electronically.)
` Q. Would you let me know when you have that 11:20:27
` opened up?
` A. I have it on my screen.
` Q. Do you recognize Exhibit 1013 as the
` public version of your trial testimony from the
` '1243 ITC investigation? 11:20:38
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` A. I did read it, and I see that it is
` public, and it at least is a portion of my
` testimony. I don't think it's the entire public
` portion.
` Q. Is it the entire portion that deals with 11:20:48
` the '880 patent?
` A. That -- to that I'm not certain. This was
` provided to me. I -- I've read it, recognize it.
` But I don't know if it's all of the testimony
` regarding the '880. 11:21:05
` Q. Now, in the ITC trial, you did not testify
` regarding validity of the '880 patent; is that
` correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Okay. 11:21:16
` I'd like to turn back to your declaration
` again for a minute, Exhibit 2001.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Now, in -- in analyzing the claims of the
` '880 patent in the context of this IPR, did you 11:21:33
` apply the plain and ordinary meaning to all claim
` terms?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. And let's turn to page -- or, sorry,
` paragraph 69 of your declaration. 11:21:58
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` A. Yes, I see the reference to the ITC claim
` construction.
` Q. Okay. And at paragraph 69, you say, "In
` his declaration, Dr. Hatalis assumes that each
` term of the '880 patent is to be given its plain 11:22:29
` and ordinary meeting. Unless otherwise noted, I
` apply the" -- "I apply the claims of the '880
` using their plain and ordinary meaning in this
` declaration." [As read]
` Do you see that? 11:22:43
` A. I see that.
` Q. Okay. Was there any place in your
` declaration that you -- where you noted that you
` did not apply -- or you applied some other meaning
` other than the plain and ordinary meaning? 11:22:54
` A. Not to my recollection. But as I state in
` paragraph 71, my opinions would be the same even
` if these ALJ constructions that I listed on page
` 28 and 29 were applied.
` Q. Okay. So in -- the ALJ constructions 11:23:11
` you're referring to are the -- are the terms as
` construed by the ALJ in the ITC case?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Okay. And you stated, as you noted in
` paragraph 71, that your opinions would also apply 11:23:27
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` if any of those ITC constructions were adopted by
` the PTAB?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Okay. So did you apply the -- ITC's
` constructions, or did you apply -- apply plain 11:23:43
` meaning?
` A. I applied the plain meaning, which I think
` lines up well with what the ALJ, you know,
` concluded about various terms.
` Q. Mm-hmm. 11:23:59
` So did you conclude that there was no
` difference between plain meaning and the
` constructions the ALJ adopted in the related ITC
` case?
` A. I didn't see any major distinctions 11:24:12
` between the two that affected my opinion.
` (Interruption in audio/video.)
` THE COURT REPORTER: One second, please.
` THE WITNESS: Something happened here to
` my -- oh, excuse me one minute. 11:24:32
` For some reason, my tablet woke up, and
` I'm going to mute it. I apologize for that.
` Q. Okay. No problem.
` A. Hopefully that won't happen again. 11:24:55
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` Q. Okay. No problem.
` A. The sound is off, too.
` Okay. I'm sorry.
` Q. Okay. So are you ready? All right.
` So, in other words, for the purposes of 11:25:14
` applying the prior art in this IPR to the claims
` of the '880 patent, you've concluded that there's
` no appreciable difference between whether --
` between applying the plain meaning or applying the
` constructions from the ITC case. 11:25:30
` Is that a fair statement?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay.
` Do you have Exhibit 1001 -- that's the
` '880 patent -- there in front of you? It's also 11:25:43
` uploaded to the Exhibit Share.
` (Previously marked Deposition Exhibit 1001
` was referenced.)
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Okay. I'd like to start by turning to 11:25:49
` page -- or, sorry, turning to Figure 10. And let
` me know when you have that in front of you.
` A. Okay.
` Q. So do you understand Figure 10 to depict
` a -- a -- a claimed embodiment of the alleged 11:26:12
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` invention?
` A. Yes, that's my understanding.
` Q. And Figure 10 is a schematic
` representation of the display panel?
` A. The display panel, including various 11:26:24
` drivers attached to the panel, depending on how
` you define "the panel."
` Q. Okay. So Figure 10 includes boxes
` representing various functional blocks?
` A. Yes. 11:26:44
` Q. Like the data driver, for example, the
` scanning driver, and so forth?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Okay. And Figure 10 also includes symbols
` and arrows representing connections between the 11:26:57
` functional blocks?
` A. Yes, it does.
` Q. Does Figure 10 depict the layout of the
` pixels on the display?
` A. It does not from a layout perspective. 11:27:10
` Q. Does Figure 10 depict the location of
` pixels relative to other structures?
` A. Figure 10 shows a box labeled "EM," which
` is the display circuit attached to various inputs
` and outputs -- I should say inputs only, shown by 11:27:31
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` vertical and horizontal lines coming from the data
` driver or scan drivers and power supply, other --
` other functional blocks.
` Q. And -- and does it depict the location of
` those pixels relative to other structures? 11:27:50
` A. It shows schematically their location.
` Q. And what do you mean by "it shows
` schematically their location"?
` A. It shows a block which, I believe in
` the -- in the patent, describes is the circuitry, 11:28:05
` for example what's on page 11 -- or Figure 11,
` being in the -- the location of various connecting
` lines drawn as vertical and horizontal lines on
` this -- on this page.
` Q. So Figure 10 shows that the pixels are 11:28:25
` connected to the horizontal and vertical lines you
` just mentioned?
` A. Yes. And -- and in terms of an electrical
` schematic, they are shown connected with a small
` black circle. 11:28:45
` Q. And does Figure 10 provide a distance
` between pixels and intersections of the data and
` scanning lines?
` A. Not on this schematic, it does not.
` Q. Does the patent anywhere provide distance 11:28:53
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` between the pixels and the loca- -- and the
` intersections of data and scanning lines?
` A. I don't recall if it said the resolution
` of the display example. I don't recall any
` dimensions in the patent specifically. 11:29:10
` Q. Does -- does -- does Figure 10 indicate
` that the pixels are located entirely within the
` areas defined by the intersections of the data and
` scanning lines?
` A. It -- it doesn't really indicate that. It 11:29:25
` shows a set of transistors connected, as I
` mentioned, to the various vertical and horizontal
` lines.
` Q. Do you understand that to be the case even
` though it doesn't specifically say that? 11:29:44
` A. I understand that the box labeled "EM,"
` there's one box for every vertical data line and
` for every group of three horizontal lines as
` depicted in Figure 10.
` Q. Can we turn to -- to, let's see, column 3, 11:30:04
` line 40.
` A. Okay. Would you like me to read the whole
` paragraph, or do you want to ask a question?
` Q. No, we don't need to read it.
` Taking a look at that paragraph, do you 11:30:36
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` see -- did you see in there that it discusses
` pixels arranged in vicinities of intersections of
` scanning lines and data lines?
` THE COURT REPORTER: Excuse me. Counsel,
` could you slow down just a little bit please and
` repeat that.
` MR. COOK: Sure. I'm sorry.
` Q. Yeah, in -- in that paragraph that starts
` at -- at line 40, do you see a reference to 11:30:50
` display pixels arranged in vicinities of
` intersections of the scanning lines and data
` lines?
` A. Yes, I see that passage.
` Q. How did you interpret the term 11:31:05
` "vicinities" in your analysis?
` A. I think vicinities, in my analysis, means
` in the vicinity of. It means near -- could be
` nearby or as -- even as the ALJ suggested,
` proximity to those intersections. But, to me, 11:31:28
` it's a plain and ordinary meaning.
` Q. So vicin- -- and "vicinities of" could
` mean near, for example?
` A. It -- it could mean near with the
` qualification that each -- well, each set of 11:31:40
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` transistors is -- is -- is between various lines,
` as shown in the schematic. So I wouldn't say that
` the last pixel is near the first pixel, but it's
` near -- it's -- they're near adjacent pixels.
` Q. Okay. And you mentioned the ALJ's 11:32:01
` construction. Is -- is there a difference between
` "near" and "in proximity to"?
` A. Not -- not really in my opinion. They're
` very similar.
` Q. I've -- I've put Exhibit 1008 in Exhibit 11:32:14
` Share, which is the Morosawa reference.
` (Previously marked Deposition Exhibit 1008
` was referenced.)
` A. Okay.
` Q. Let me know when you have that open. 11:32:39
` Do you recognize this exhibit, 1000- --
` 1008 as the Morosawa reference?
` I'm sorry, I didn't quite hear that.
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Oh. Thank you. 11:32:58
` Did you analyze the Morosawa reference in
` preparing your declaration?
` A. I did.
` Q. I'd like you to turn to page 2 of Morosawa
` and take a look at the paragraph that begins on 11:33:16
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` line 16.
` A. Page 2 of the patent? Okay, I got it.
` Q. So I'll just read, the -- the
` paragraphs -- the -- the sentence starting on line
` 16 says, "This particular type of display panel, 11:33:46
` briefly, is" -- or "is comprises an array of
` display pixels which contain light emitting
` elements arranged near each of the intersecting
` points of the signal lines and in the direction of
` the scanning lines set in the line writing 11:34:04
` direction;"
` Do you see that?
` A. I see that.
` Q. Did you -- did you consider that
` disclosure in Morosawa when you reached your 11:34:13
` conclusions about whether Morosawa discloses
` pixels arranged in the vicinity of intersections?
` A. I -- I did consider that, and -- and I
` expressed my opinions in my report as you, I'm
` sure, have read. 11:34:28
` Q. Okay. Let's turn to page 6, line 12.
` And starting at line 12 Morosawa states,
` "To achieve the foregoing advantage, the first
` display device in the present invention comprises
` a display panel with a plurality of signal lines 11:35:02
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` and a plurality of scanning lines which intersect
` at right angles with each other, and a plurality
` of display pixels with optical elements arranged
` near the intersecting point of the plurality of
` signal lines and the plurality of scanning lines;" 11:35:21
` Did I read that correctly?
` A. Yes, you did. I -- I -- let me see.
` Yeah, so this is referring to the optical
` elements near the intersections, yes.
` Q. And the optical elements are part of the 11:35:40
` display pixel?
` A. I don't recall actually the -- what
` Morosawa defines optical elements. I can't recall
` if it's just the organic --
` (Interruption in audio/video.) 11:35:58
` -- or if it's the transistors that drive
` it.
` THE COURT REPORTER: Excuse me. I can't
` recall if?
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall if Morosawa 11:36:00
` describes all the optical element the organic
` light-emitting material only, or it also included
` the transistors that drive it.
` Q. So on line 16 of page 6, it refers to -- 11:36:16
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` or line 15 and 16, I guess, it says "a plurality
` of display pixels with optical elements arranged
` near the intersecting points"? [As read]
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is that -- okay. 11:36:31
` And how did -- how did you interpret --
` did you interpret that sentence to say that only
` the optical elements but not the display pixels
` are arranged near the intersecting point?
` A. As -- as I said, I -- I actually don't 11:36:44
` recall precisely if the display pixel definition
` in Morosawa includes the transistors that drive
` the optical elements or the word "optical
` elements" includes the transistors. I'm sure we
` could look and find that, but I don't recall. 11:37:02
` So at least it includes the optical
` elements for sure within the display pixel. There
` are other components which aren't listed here.
` Q. Okay. Did you consider this -- this
` disclosure here on page 6 in reaching your 11:37:21
` conclusions about whether Morosawa discloses
` pixels arranged in the vicinity of intersections?
` A. I considered it.
` Q. Okay. Let's turn to page 57 of Morosawa,
` about line 23. 11:37:49
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` A. Okay.
` Q. So line 23 is referring to Figure 16.
` A. Okay.
` Q. And starting on line 23, Morosawa says,
` "As shown in Figure 16, the pixel driver circuits 11:38:08
` DCx related to this example case has a
` configuration on Nch transistor Tr71, an Nch
` transistor Tr72, an Nch transistor Tr73 and a
` capacitor Cx. In the pixel driver circuits DCx,
` near the intersecting point in which the scanning 11:38:39
` lines SL and the signal lines DL are arranged,"
` and then it goes on from there.
` A. Yes, I see that.
` Q. So is that referring to pixel driver
` circuits DCx that are near the intersections of 11:38:53
` the scanning and data lines?
` A. What it's describing schematically on
` Figure 16 is -- is the circuit configuration, yes,
` and is as schematically drawn near the
` intersections of the vertical and horizontal lines 11:39:25
` that is shown in Figure 16.
` Q. And did you also consider this disclosure
` here on page 57 in forming your opinions about
` whether Morosawa discloses pixels arranged in the
` vicinity of intersections? 11:39:46
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` A. It was considered, yes.
` Q. Okay. I'd like to switch over to
` Exhibit 1006.
` (Previously marked Deposition Exhibit 1006
` was referenced.) 11:40:01
` Q. Do you recognize Exhibit 1006 as the
` Miyazawa reference?
` A. Yes, I do.

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