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`RingCentral Ex-1036, p. 1
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`RingCentral Ex-1036, p. 2
`RingCentral v. Estech
`white oak: leaves and
`white oak • who
`white oak n (1634): any of various oaks (esp. Quercus alba of eastern
`No. America) with acorns that mature in one year and leaf veins that
`never extend beyond the margin of the
`leaf; also : its hard strong durable wood
`white oil n (ca. 1900) : any of various
`colorless odorless tasteless mineral oils
`used esp. in medicine and in pharmaceu(cid:173)
`tical and cosmetic preparations
`white·out \'hwit-,aut, 'wit-\ n [white +
`blackout] (1942)
`: a surface weather
`condition in a snow-covered area (as a
`polar region) in which no object casts a
`shadow, the horizon cannot be seen, and
`only dark objects are discernible; also: a
`blizzard that severely reduces visibility
`white pages n pi ( 1952) : the section of a
`telephone directory that lists individuals
`and businesses alphabetically
`white paper n (1899) 1 : a government
`report on any subject; esp: a British publication that is usu. less exten(cid:173)
`sive than a blue book 2 : a detailed or authoritative report
`white pepper n (14c) : a pungent condiment that consists of the fruit
`of an East Indian plant (Piper nigrum) ground after the black husk has
`been removed
`white perch n (1775) 1 : a silvery anadromous bass (Marone ameri(cid:173)
`cana) chiefly of the coast and coastal streams of the eastern U.S. 2
`white pine n (1682) 1 a: a tall-growing pine (Pinus strobus) of east(cid:173)
`ern No. America with long needles in clusters of five -
`called also
`eastern white pine b : any of several trees that resemble the white pine
`esp. in having leaves in bundles of five 2: the wood of a white pine
`and esp. of the eastern white pine
`white-pine blister rust n (1911): a destructive disease of white pine
`caused by a rust fungus (Cronartium ribicola) that passes part of its
`complex life cycle on currant or gooseberry bushes; also : this fungus
`white potato n (ca. 1890) : POTATO 2b
`white rice n (1923) : rice from which the hull and bran l.::>ve been re(cid:173)
`moved by milling
`white room n (1961) : CLEAN ROOM
`White Russian n (1850) 1 : BELORUSSIAN 2 : a cocktail made of
`vodka, coffee liqueur, and cream or milk
`white rust n (ca. 1848) : any of various plant diseases caused by a
`fungus (genus Albugo of the order Peronosporales) and characterized
`by the presence of masses of white spores that escape through ruptures
`of the host tissue; also : a fungus causing a white rust
`white sale n (1914): a sale of white goods
`white sauce n (1723) : a sauce consisting essentially of a roux with
`milk, cream, or stock and seasoning
`white sea bass n (1884) : a large croaker (Atractoscion nobilis) o{ the
`Pacific coast that is an important sport and food fish
`white shark n (1674): GREAT WHITE SHARK
`white slaven (1882): a woman or girl held unwillingly for purposes of
`commercial prostitution
`white slav-er \-'sla-v~r\ n (1912): one engaged in white-slave traffic
`white slavery n (1857): enforced prostitution
`white-smith \'hwit-,smith, 'wit-\ n (14c) 1: TINSMITH 2: a worker in
`iron who finishes or polishes the work
`white space n ( 1849) : the areas of a page without print or pictures
`white spruce n ( 1770) 1 : any of several spruces; esp : a widely dis(cid:173)
`tributed spruce (Picea g/auca) of coniferous forests of Canada and the
`northern U.S. that has short stiff blue-green needles and slender cones
`2 : the wood of a white spruce; esp : the light pale tough straight:::
`grained wood of the common white spruce (Picea glauca) used esp. for
`construction and as a source of paper pulp
`white sucker n (ca. 1891) : a common and widespread edible sucker
`(Catostomus commersoni) of the U.S. and Canada
`white supremacist n (1945): an advocate of or believer in white su(cid:173)
`white supremacy n (1867) : a doctrine based on a belief in the inher(cid:173)
`ent superiority of the white race over the black race and the correlative
`necessity for the subordination of blacks to whites in all relationships
`white•tail \'hwit-,tal, 'wit-\ n (1872): WHITE-TAILED DEER
`white-tailed deer \-,tald-\ n (1849): a No. American deer (Odocoi(cid:173)
`/eus virginianus) with a rather long tail white on the undersurface and
`the males of which have forward-arching antlers
`white-throat \'hwit-,throt, 'wit-\ n (1676) : any of several birds with
`white on the throat: as a: an Old World warbler (Sylvia communis)
`with rusty upper parts and largely pale buff underparts b : WHIT&
`white-throat-ed sparrow \-,thro-t~d-\ n (1811) : a common brown
`sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis) chiefly of eastern No. America with a
`black-and-white striped crown and a white patch on the throat
`white-tie adj (1936) : characterized by or requiring the wearing of
`formal evening clothes consisting of white tie and tailcoat for men and
`a formal gown for women (a"' dinner)- compare BLACK-TIE
`white trash n sing but p/ in constr ( 1831) usu disparaging: POOR WHITE
`white-wall \'hwit-,w6l, 'wit-\ n (1953) : an automobile tire having a
`white band on the sidewall
`white walnut n (1743) 1 : BUTTERNUT 1 2 : the light-colored wood
`of a butternut
`Iwhite-wash \'hwit-,w6sh, 'wit-, -,wash\ vt (1591) 1 : to whiten with
`whitewash 2 a : to gloss over or cover up (as vices or crimes) b : to
`exonerate by means of a perfunctory investigation or through biased
`presentation of data 3 : to hold (an opponent) scoreless in a game or
`contest- white-wash-er n
`2whitewash n (1689) 1: a liquid composition for whitening a surface:
`as a : a preparation for whitening the skin b : a composition (as of
`lime and water or whiting, size, and water) for whitening structural
`surfaces 2 : an act or instance of glossing over or of exonerating 3
`: a defeat in a contest in which the loser fails to score
`white•wash·ing n (1663) : an act or instance of applying whitewash;
`a/so: WHITEWASH 3
`ete-wwataetrern a(d1'J~86) : frothy water (as in breakers, rapids, or falls).......
`\'wo, 'ho, 'hw6\ vb imper [ME wh<
`animal) to stand still
`white way n [the Great White Way, nickname for the theatrical seer
`(1640): who had: who wo1
`of Broadway, New York City] (1909) : a brilliantly lighted street10n 'Jl:•c<:.ho•Ollna·n also who-dun-nit \hli-'d~-m
`avenue esp. in a city's business or theater district
`detective story or mystery stor)
`white whale n (ca. 1834) : a cetacean (Delphinapterus leucas) that. ·.-· ··"'"'"' ___ \hii-'e-v~r\ pron (13c): whatev
`about 10 feet (3.0 meters) long and white when adult -
`called ails
`anY grammatical relation except t
`money to buy)
`white wine n (14c) : a wine ranging in color from faintly Yellow t
`\'hoi\ adj [ME hoof healthy, unht
`amber that is produced from the juice alone of dark- or light-colore~
`heil healthy, unhurt, ON heill, OC
`of wound or injury : UNHURT (2)
`white-wing \'hwit-,W~lJ· 'w!t-\ n (1898) : a ,person and esp. a street
`: RESTORED (3) : being healed ('
`sweeper weanng a wh1te umform
`-A. E. Housman) b : free of def•
`white-wood \-,wild\ n (1663) 1 : any of various trees with pale 0
`sound and healthy: free of d
`white wood: as a: TULIP TREE 1 b: an Australian tree (Atalaya he~n[
`emotionally sound 2: having a
`~./aTUucLaiP)Wo0f0tDh1e soap berry family 2 : the wood of a whitewood; es;
`: coMPLETE, UNMODIFIED(,.._, milk) (
`sum or undiminished entirety:
`w:!~·~Y w~~~!~;le~~~-\ n, often cap ( 1828) usu disparaging : the white
`or all ~~ t~~d~~i~~J~~i~n: t~~;~
`white zinfandel n ( 1976) : a blush wine made from zinfandel grapes
`b : directed to one end : CONCI
`Iwhith-er \'hwi-th~r, 'wi-\ adv [ME, fr. OE hwider; akin to L quis who
`attention) 5 a: seemingly comp
`and to OE hider hither- more at WHO, HITHER] (bef. 12c) 1 : to what
`hinder) b : very great in quanti
`place("' will they go) 2: to what situation, position, degree, or end
`now) 6 : constituting the ent
`("'will this abuse drive him)
`(educate the"' student) 7
`Zwhither conj (bef. 12c) 1 a : to what place (knew "' to go -Daniel
`brother) syn see PERFECT-
`Defoe) b : to what situation, position, degree, or end 2 a : to the
`syn WHOLE, ENTIRE. TOTAL, ALL mean inc!
`place at, in, or to which b : to which place 3 : to whatever place
`without exception. WHOLE implies that
`whith·er•SO•eV•er \,hwi-1h~r-s~-'we-v~r, ,wi-\ conj 04c) : to whatever
`ignored, abated, or taken away (read t
`place (will go"' you lead)
`, suggest a state of completeness or perfec
`whith·er•ward \'hwi-th~r-w~rd, 'wi-\ adv (13c) archaic: toward what
`added (the entire population was wiped
`or which place
`erything has been counted, weighed, rr
`Iwhit.ing \'hwi-til), 'wi-\ n [ME, fr. MD witinc, fr. wit white; akin to
`total number of people present). ALL n
`OE hwit white] (15c) : any of various marine food fishes: as a : a
`(all proceeds go to charity).
`common European fish (Mer/angus mer/angus) of the cod family . b
`n (14c) 1 : a complete amount 01
`lacking no part, member, or el<
`2whiting n [ME, fr. gerund of whiten to white] (15c): calcium carbon-
`a complex unity : a coherent sys1
`ate ground into fine powder, washed, and used esp. as a pigment and
`or working together as one -
`extender, in putty, and in rubber compounding and paper coating
`: WHOLLY- usu. used in the phn
`whit-low \'hwit-(,)15, 'wit-\ n [ME whit/lawe, whitf/owe, whit/owe] (14c)
`1 : in view of all the circu
`: a deep usu. suppurative inflammation of the finger or toe esp. near
`2 : in general : in mos
`the end or around the nail -
`called also felon
`Whit•mon-day \'hwit-,m~n-de, 'wit-, -·m~n-\ n [Whitsunday + Mon~
`2: as a complete entity
`day] (1557) : the day after Whitsunday observed as a legal holiday in
`n (1840): pure fabrication-
`England, Wales, and Ireland
`Whit-sun \'hwit-s~n, 'wit-\ adj [ME Whitson, fr. Whitsonday] (14c)
`galen (ca. 1805): wind having as
`: of, relating to, or observed on Whitsunday or at Whitsun tide
`· _
`101 kilometers) per hour- see BEAUFORT:
`Whit·sun·day \-'s~n-de, -s~n-,dii\ n [ME Whitsonday, fr. 9E hw!ta
`\fhole·heart·ed \'h6l-'hii.r-t~d\ adj (184(
`sunnanda![J, lit., white Sunday; prob. fr. the custom of weanng white
`;cerely devoted, determined, or enthusiasti<
`robes by those newly baptized at this season] (12c): PENTECOST2
`!ems) 2 : marked by complete earnest
`Whit·sun•tide \-s~n-,trd\ n (13c) : the week beginning with Whitsun·
`'reserve or hesitation (gave the proposal,..._
`day and esp. the first three days of this week
`- whole·heart·ed·IY adv
`Iwhit-tle \'hwi-t"l, 'wi-\ n [ME whitte/, alter. of thwitel, fr. thwit~n to
`whole-hog adj (1829) : committed with•
`whittle, fr. OE thwftan; akin to ON thveita to hew] ( 15c) archaiC : a
`GOING (a,...._, patriot)
`large knife
`'whole hog n (1829) : the whole way 01
`Zwhittle vb whit-tled; whit·tling \'hwit-lil), 'wit-; 'hwi-t"l-il), 'w1-\_thvt
`dverbially in the phrase go the whole hog
`(1552) 1 a: to pare or cut off chips from the surface of (wood) WI
`whole hog adv (1844) : to the fullest ,
`a knife b : to shape or form by so paring or cutting 2 : to redu~e,
`: COMPLETELY (accepting whole hog the s
`remove, or destroy gradually as if by cutting off bits with ~ kn(lfe
`B. Kaplan)
`: PARE ("' down expenses) ,_, vi 1 : to cut or shape somethmg as
`\'hol-'Irf\ adj (1845) : of, relati
`wood) by or as if by paring it with a knife 2 : to wear oneself O! an-
`premium for the life of the p
`other out with fretting- whit· tier \ 'hwit-l~r, 'wit-; 'hwi-t"l-~r. _'wt-\ nt
`be redeemed on sale of the polic
`whit-tling n 0854) 1 : the act or art of whittling 2 : a p1ece cu
`:hlt~~~t~~~i~~~t, 'wi-\ n [ME whitrat, fr. white, whit white+ rat rat]
`n (l~~Y/ ~o~e~~i~:! ~~i~itl~~
`n °557
`~hl~~ c:/.e:&if:~: \·h'!~~t~~ 'wi-\ adj (1593): somewhat white: WH,Ill"'' ·.~·•·!
`) : any of the set
`- usu. used in combination
`. ( S47)
`n (ca. 1890): a musical rest cc
`Iwhiz or whizz \'hwiz, 'wiz\ vb whizzed; whiz-zing [imit.] VI \aU)
`-see REST illustration
`1 : to hum, whir, or hiss like a speeding object (as an arrow _or'"" v/
`\'hol-,siil\ n (15c) : the sale
`passing through air 2 : to fly or move swiftly esp. with a whiZ
`(as by a retail merchant)
`: to cause to whiz; esp: to rotate very rapidly
`Zwhiz or whizz n, pi whiz-zes ( 1620) 1 : a hissing, buzzing, or. 'd bY
`(1642) 1: performed or'
`("' slaughter) 2 :
`ring sound 2 : a movement or passage of something accompame
`in quantity for res1
`a whizzing sound
`RD 3
`adv (1759) : in a wholesale ma1
`3whiz n, p/ whiz-zes [prob. by shortening & alter.] (1914): WIZA
`vb whole-saled; whole·sal·ii
`(a,...._, at math)
`) . one
`usu. for resale ,_, vi :
`whiz-bang also whizz·bang \'hwiz-,bal), 'wiz-, -'bal)\ n ~19
`~t ~
`that is conspicuous for noise, speed, excellence, or starthng effe
`whiz-bang adj
`. nusu:
`whiz kid also whizz kid n [3whiz] (ca. 1942) : a person who IS u
`:~fz~~~e~l~~h~\~~;~~~~i~\ ~(~~e:f~~l ~~~-ti:a~~hl~Je:;g:sp : a centrifugal
`machine for drying something (as grain, sugar, or nitratt;d cotton)proll·•
`who \'hli, li\ pron [ME, fr. OE hwii; akin to OHG hwer, mterrog.hat or
`who, L quis, Gk tis, L qui, rei. pron., who] (bef. 12c) 1 : fected?)
`which person or persons- used as an interrogative<,._, was e and bY
`(find out ,...._, they are); used by speakers on all educationallevelrians, as
`many reputable writers, though disapproved by some gramm~ a span•
`the object of a verb or a following preposition("' did I se~ bf m ~-
`ish lady -Padraic Colum) (do not know "' the message IS ~0 _used
`K. Chesterton) 2 : the person or persons that : WHOEVER.
`as a function word to introduce a relative clause; used esp. lllt grouP.S
`to persons (my father,,..._, was a lawyer) but also in reference) ~to an!·
`(a generation"' had known nothing but war -R. B. West 0to inanJ·
`mals (dogs "' ... fawn all over tramps -Nigel Balchin). or
`. a
`mate objects esp. with the implication that the reference IS
`person (earlier sources ,..._,maintain a Davidic ancestry -F. t ble
`0r a
`used by speakers on all educational levels and by many repu 3
`ers, though disapproved by some grammarians, as the obJe_ct _rimes
`or a following preposition (a character,...., we are meant !O pitY 00e tb~ 1
`Lit. Supp.) usage see WHOM. THAT- as who archaic: as wbO 1S
`: as if someone- as who should say archaic: so to speakh -;otewor·
`who or who's who or who was who : the identity of or t e
`thy facts about each of a number of persons
`adj ( 1834) : me
`: a musical interv~
`also whole tone
`: made of ground
`'""'··~;·u•"'"-•';- \1">-'1•«-tHc\ varo/HOLISTIC
`hoo/ly, fr. hoof
`extent : COMPLETELY (a"' owneo
`of other things : SOLELY (a book de
`'hlim, lim\ pron, objective case of v
`who] (bef. 12c) -used as an inteJ
`a verb or a preceding preposition
`Donne) or less frequently as the o
`man ,.._, you wrote to) though 1
`interrogative and esp. in oral t
`with a copulative verb or as !
`of a preposition or a verb of which
`RingCentral Ex-1036, p. 3
`RingCentral v. Estech