`International Bureau
`WO 99/05590
`(11) International Publication Number:
`(51) International Patent Classification 6:
`G06F 3/00
`(43) International Publication Date:
`4 February 1999 (04.02.99)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`22 July 1998 (22.07.98)
`(74) Agents: WALKER, Williain, B. et al.; Enterprise Law Group,
`Inc., Suite 280, 4400 Bohannon Drive, Menlo Park, CA
`94025 (US).
`(30) Priority Data:
`25Iuly 1997 (25.07.97)
`17 October 1997 (17.10.97)
`29Ianuary 1998 (29.01.98)
`16 April 1998 (16.04.98)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States excep1 US): STARVOX,
`INC. [US/US); 2880 Zanker Road, San Jose, CA 94134
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): CHANG, Gcrdon, K.
`[US/US); 2954 Heidi Drive, San Jose, CA 95132 (US).
`HARBISON, Robert, W. [US/US]; 118 Bonita Street,
`Sausalito, CA 94965 (US). BARRY, Richard, B. [US/US};
`305 South Gordon Way, Los Altos, CA 94022 (US). LO,
`Ming, C. [US/US]; 3331 Country Leaf Court, San Jose, CA
`95132 (US). RAAB, Stephen, R.(US!US); 738 Marin Drive,
`Mill Valley, CA 94941 (US).
`(81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR,
`BY. CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, Fl. GB, GE,
`GH, GM, HU, ID, IL, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC,
`LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG. MK, MN, MW, MX,
`NO. NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SO, SE. SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM.
`TR, TI, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZW, ARIPO patent
`(GH, GM. KE, LS, MW, SD, SZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian patent
`(AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European patent
`(AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, OK, ES. Fl, FR. GB, GR. IE, IT,
`LU, MC, NL, PT. SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, Cl,
`CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TO, TG).
`Without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report.
`(57) Abstract
`An integrated voice gateway system
`for use within a company which can route a
`voice telephone call between parties at two
`different locations over an JP network or
`over the PSTN. The system can route a voice
`telephone call from a first location within
`the system to a second location within the
`system via the IP network, and then from
`the second location to a third location via the
`PSTN. The integrated voice gateway system
`includes a gateway server which serves as
`an intranet/lntemet telephony gateway. The
`gateway server routes intra-company voice
`or facsimile (fax) calls, over the company's
`intranet or the public Internet. The gateway
`server provides an alternate voice network.
`to the PSTN for a company. This alternate
`network is provided at a much lower cost.
`The gateway server is a combination of
`hardware and software components which
`reside on a PC server platfonn. The gateway
`server is coupled to a customer premise
`telephone system, i.e. a PBX via a Tl or El trunk for larger systems, or an analog trunk for smaller systems. The gateway server
`is coupled to the company's intranet via industry standard connections. The gateway servers in a multi-site company are coupled together
`via the company's intranet or wide area network (WAN) into a gateway network. The gateway server uses PBX call status links to provide
`many unique and useful features which are otherwise unavailable. The gateway server uses Tl inband ANI. PRI, QSIG or industry standard
`CTI applications programming interfaces (API) and works with any PBX which supports any of these call status links. The gateway
`server is equipped with a database of user and gateway objects and attributes, and provides many unique features including caller's name
`based on caller phone number, address translation, gateway network routing infonnation, user authentication, etc. This database can be
`integrated with industry standard enterprise directory services systems including any directory which supports the Lightweight Directory
`Access Protocol (X.500) <LDAP) interface.
`RingCentral Ex-1003, p. 1
`RingCentral v. Estech
`Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT.
`Bosnia and He<Zegovina
`Bwicina Faso
`Central African Republic
`Cme d'lvoirc
`Czech Republic
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People's
`Republic of Korea
`Republic of Kowa
`Sa.int Lucia
`Sri Lanka
`Republic of Moldova
`The former Yugoslav
`Republic of Macedonia
`New Zealand
`Russian Federation
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States af America
`RingCentral Ex-1003, p. 2
`RingCentral v. Estech
`This invention relates to an integrated voice gateway system.
`The widespread popularity of the Internet has provided new means of
`rapid and comprehensive communication between users located in distant
`and diverse locations around the world. Methods of sending, finding and
`retrieving information, previously confined to the domain of government,
`academia and industry, are now available in business, in the community, and
`in the home. Formerly arcane technical terms such as telnet, electronic mail
`(e·mail), file transfer protocol (FTP), hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) and
`world wide web (WWW or web} are now widely used.
`Very soon after the popularity of the Internet became widespread, new
`applications of the underlying technology began to emerge. With the
`concomitant growth of multimedia, a predominately text·based medium
`quickly expanded to include graphics, imagery, motion pictures and sound. A
`natural extension of the capability to transmit recorded, digitized sound
`between personal computers (PC), was the advent of PC based telephony.
`Although the initial users of PC to PC telephone calls over the Internet were
`primarily computer hobbyists and the like, there was an early recognition of
`the fact that the Internet provided the potential for the average user to make a
`telephone call anywhere in the world for the cost of a local telephone call to
`an Internet service provider (ISP).
`PC to PC telephone technology is limited by the need to be logged on
`to a PC and the Internet to place or receive a call. Software incorporating
`proprietary algorithms limit the ability to call to others having the same or
`similar software. The sound quality is often degraded because of packet loss
`and delays in forwarding packets from the sender to the receiver over the
`Internet, operation in a half·duplex mode, and the use of low quality PC
`speakers and microphones.
`With the expectation of improved performance and reduced cost of
`telephone calls in the business environment, voice gateways have facilitated
`RingCentral Ex-1003, p. 3
`RingCentral v. Estech
`PCT/US98/l 5015
`the interconnection of the private branch exchange (PBX) and the computer
`network. As used herein, PBX includes hybrid, key systems, and other such
`systems. Thus, through a PBX coupled to an Internet protocol (IP) network
`(e.g., intranet, wide area network (WAN), Internet), telephone calls between
`different sites within a company, or other institution, organization or enterprise
`(hereinafter referred to as "company"), or between companies, the company
`or companies having installations at two or more locations which locations
`may be geographically distant from each other, may be routed over the IP
`network rather than via the public switched telephone network (PSTN). As
`used herein, the PSTN includes both public and private networks. This can
`result in significant cost savings and can also help to improve communication
`within and between companies by providing a variety of related services
`which are not available via the PSTN.
`The level of integration achieved in current voice gateway systems is
`quite low, and such systems are limited in the services they can provide. In
`particular, current voice gateway systems are capable of only routing a
`nominal telephone call from a calling party at point A to a called party at point
`B. However, if, for example, the called party is not present, or if the called
`party's telephone is currently busy, current voice gateway systems do not
`provide important additional services to facilitate making a connection
`between the calling party and the called party at a later time or at another
`location or by an alternative method.
`One of the reasons for the limitations is that current voice gateway
`systems are limited in their ability to obtain, store, update and retrieve
`necessary information about both the calling party and the called party in
`order to do anything other than simply attempt to make a straight forward
`connection between the two points.
`If the telephone system had sufficient
`information about both parties, then the system could facilitate making the
`connection at a later time, at another location or by an alternative method.
`30 However, in current voice gateway systems, there is no way to obtain the
`necessary call status and call control information, nor is there an accessible
`central data base in which to store and from which to retrieve this information.
`Current voice gateway systems have no real-time call control/call status
`information link with the PBX, nor do they have any storage of telephone user
`For example, current voice gateway networks have no
`information regarding the calling party's name, telephone number, or status of
`the called party, e.g., busy or idle. It is this information about the calling and
`RingCentral Ex-1003, p. 4
`RingCentral v. Estech
`called parties which is not readily available, but which is necessary to provide
`important additional services.
`There is a need for a highly integrated voice gateway system for use
`within a company and between companies having installations at two or more
`locations which locations may be geographically distant from each other. The
`integrated voice gateway system should have the ability to route telephone
`calls between parties at two different locations over the IP network as well as
`the PSTN, and to automatically select which of the IP network and PSTN over
`which to route telephone calls. The integrated voice gateway system should
`have the means to obtain, store, update and retrieve information about calling
`and called parties. For example, in instances in which a calling party is
`unsuccessful in making a connection to a called party,
`the integrated voice
`gateway system should have the means to use information about the calling
`and called parties to provice services which facilitate making an alternate or
`subsequent connection between the calling party and the called party.
`The following standards are incorporated herein by reference:
`ITU-T Recommendation H.323
`Packet-based multimedia
`communications systems;
`ITU-T Recommendation X.500 - Open systems interconnection - The
`directory: Overview of concepts, models and services; and
`lPNS Forum QSIG Handbook.
`We have now invented a highly integrated voice gateway system for
`use in a company or between companies having installations at two or more
`locations which locations may be geographically distant from each other.
`As used herein, a voice telephone call from a caller telephone to a
`called telephone, the call carried via an IP network, is referred to as a VoiP
`call. As used herein, a fax call from a caller fax machine to a called fax
`machine, the call carried via an IP network, is referred to as an FoiP call.
`Accordingly, it is an object of the invention to provide an integrated
`voice gateway system for use within a company which can route a voice
`telephone call between parties at two different locations over an IP network
`as well as the PSTN and to automatically select which of the IP network and
`PSTN over which to route the calls.
`It is a further object of the invention to
`RingCentral Ex-1003, p. 5
`RingCentral v. Estech
`provide a system which can route a voice telephone call between a calling
`party using a telephone at a first location within the system to a second
`location within the system via an IP network, and then from the second
`location to a called party at a third location via the PSTN.
`It is an object of the invention to provide an integrated voice gateway
`system which can place a telephone call over an IP network, and then if,
`during the telephone call, the quality of the telephone call falls below a
`predetermined quality level, to be able to reroute the telephone call over the
`PSTN, and to do so in a manner which is transparent to both the calling and
`called parties.
`It is an object of the invention to provide an integrated voice gateway
`system which can track any move, add or change to any telephone user in
`the enterprise in the integrated voice gateway system. It is a further object of
`the invention to provide an integrated voice gateway system which can
`integrate with an enterprise directory to allow single point of entry of moves,
`adds and changes to telephone users and to provide replication of these
`changes across all enterprise sites.
`It is an object of the invention to provide an integrated voice gateway
`system in which the identification of the calling party (e.g. name, title,
`department, telephone number) is displayed on a computer screen (rather
`than on a telephone display) co-located with the called party's telephone, and
`that such information be djsplayed regardless of the vendor(s) supplying the
`telephone equipment used by the calling and called parties.
`It is a further
`object of the invention that such information be provided regardless of the
`desktop workstation or PC
`(workstation and PC are
`interchangeably herein), or operating system used via a WWW browser
`It is an object of the invention to provide an integrated voice gateway
`system which can create a log of incoming telephone calls over an IP network
`30 which telephone calls are not answered by a called party, and identify the
`It is a further object of the invention to provide a
`name of each calling party.
`log of all incoming and outgoing calls whether the calls are on net (i.e., IP
`network) or off net (i.e, PSTN or internal PBX).
`It is an object of the invention to provide an integrated voice gateway
`system in which, when a called party's telephone is busy, the system can
`RingCentral Ex-1003, p. 6
`RingCentral v. Estech
`automatically set up a call between the calling party and the called party as
`It is a further object of the invention to
`soon as the called party hangs up.
`provide such a capability even when a called party has voice mail.
`It is an object of the invention to provide an integrated voice gateway
`system in which, when a called party is busy, the calling party may send a
`computer message which will be immediately displayed on a computer screen
`co~located with the called party's telephone, for example to explain why the
`calling party needs to speak with the called party.
`It is an object of the invention to provide an integrated voice gateway
`system in which, when a called party does not answer an incoming telephone
`call, the calling party may forward the call, for example from voice mail, to a
`receptionist or other designated party. It is a further object of the invention to
`provide the capability for a party at an answering station to send a computer
`message which will be immediately displayed on a computer screen co~
`located with the called party's telephone.
`It is an object of the invention to provide an integrated voice gateway
`system in which a user of the system may set up the system to forward that
`user's telephone calls to a different telephone.
`It is a further object of the
`invention to forward calls to PSTN telephones or PC~based IP telephones. It
`is a further object of the invention to provide the capability for a user to set up
`the system to forward that user's telephone calls to different telephones
`according to a time schedule predetermined by the user.
`It is a still further
`object of the invention to provide the capability for a user to set up the system
`to forward telephone calls originating only from one or more calling parties so
`designated by the user.
`It is a further object of the invention to provide the
`capability to setup call forwarding via a browser interface or interactive voice
`response (IVA).
`It is an object of the invention to provide an integrated voice gateway
`system in which users can initiate telephone functions from the workstation,
`such functions including, without limitation, dialing a call, transferring a call,
`add~on conference, and forward a call to/from any white pages entry or
`personal telephone book entry.
`It is an object of the invention to provide an integrated voice gateway
`system which provides secure access to the system from telephones,
`including PC-based IP telephones, which are outside the system.
`RingCentral Ex-1003, p. 7
`RingCentral v. Estech
`It is an object of the invention to provide an integrated voice gateway
`system which, when a call from a source to a first destination is transferred
`from the first destination to a second destination, can direct the path of the
`call directly from the source to the new destination and thereby maintain the
`quality of the call.
`It is an object of the invention to provide an integrated voice gateway
`system with an operating system independent browser based client which
`It is a further object of the
`therefor requires no client software installation.
`invention to provide the desktop telephone users with a telephone white
`pages display of any entry in the enterprise directory services database.
`In a first aspect, the invention provides a communication system
`comprising a public switched telephone (PST) network; an IP network; a PBX
`coupled to the PST network for routing a telephone call over the PST
`network; a telephone coupled to the PBX; a voice gateway coupled to the
`PBX through a call status-call control link and a trunk, and coupled to the IP
`network for routing a telephone call over the IP network; selection means for
`selecting which of the PST network or the lP network to route a telephone
`call; and call status means for the voice gateway to monitor events associated
`with incoming calls to the telephone and outgoing calls from the telephone.
`In a second aspect, the invention provides a communication system
`comprising a PST network; an IP network; a PBX coupled to the PST network
`for routing a telephone call over the PST network; a telephone coupled to the
`PBX; a voice gateway coupled to the PBX through a call status-call control
`link and a trunk, and coupled to the IP network for routing a telephone call
`over the IP network; a desktop workstation coupled to the voice gateway;
`selection means for selecting which of the PST network or the IP network to
`route a telephone call; and PC call control means for controlling the telephone
`from the desktop workstation.
`In a third aspect, the invention provides, in a communication system
`comprising a PST network, an IP network, a plurality of PBXs at a plurality of
`locations, the PBXs coupled to the PST network for routing telephone calls
`over the PST network, coupled to each PBX a respective plurality of
`telephones, a plurality of voice gateways, each voice gateway coupled to a
`respective PBX and to the IP network for routing telephone calls over the IP
`network, and selection means for selecting which of the PST network or the
`RingCentral Ex-1003, p. 8
`RingCentral v. Estech
`IP network to route telephone calls, fallback to PSTN means for rerouting a
`telephone call connected over the IP network to the PST network.
`In a fourth aspect, the invention provides, in a communication system
`comprising a PST network, an IP network, a plurality of PBXs at a plurality of
`locations, the PBXs coupled to the PST network for routing telephone calls
`over the PST network, coupled to each PBX a respective plurality of
`telephones,a plurality of voice gateways, each voice gateway coupled to a
`respective PBX and to the IP network for routing telephone calls over the IP
`network, and selection means for selecting which of the PST network or the
`IP network to route telephone calls, a method of automatically rerouting an in
`process telephone call from the IP network to the PST network when the
`quality of the telephone call over the IP network falls below a predetermined
`quality level, the method comprising the steps of (a) establishing a connection
`for the telephone call over the PST network while the telephone call is still
`connected over the IP network; (b) switching the parties to telephone call over
`the PST network; and (c) breaking the connection for the telephone call over
`the IP network while maintaining the telephone call over the PST network.
`In a fifth aspect, the invention provides, in a communication system
`comprising a PST network, an IP network, a plurality of private branch
`exchanges (PBX) at a plurality of locations, the PBXs coupled to the PST
`network for routing telephone calls over the PST network, coupled to each
`PBX a respective plurality of telephones, a plurality of voice gateways, each
`voice gateway coupled to a respective PBX and to the IP network for routing
`telephone calls over the IP network, and selection means for selecting which
`of the PST network or the IP network to route telephone calls, fallback during
`call setup means to automatically route a telephone call over the PST network
`if, during call setup, the telephone call cannot be setup over the IP network.
`In a sixth aspect, the invention provides a method of configuring an
`enterprise directory for IP telephony, the method comprising the steps of (a)
`providing an X.SOO compatible directory; and (b) including in the schema of
`the directory at least one of GateKeeper, Gateway, Multipoint Control Unit
`(MCU), GateKeeper Exchange, and a desktop user object and attribute.
`In a seventh aspect, the invention provides a computer telephony
`integration (CTI) system comprising a PBX, a telephone coupled to the PBX,
`a local area network (LAN), a voice gateway coupled to the LAN, a CTI server
`coupled to the PBX and coupled to the LAN, a web server coupled to the
`RingCentral Ex-1003, p. 9
`RingCentral v. Estech
`LAN, a desktop workstation coupled to the LAN, the desktop workstation
`comprising a web browser.
`In an eighth aspect, the invention provides a communication system
`comprising a PST network, an IP network, a PBX coupled to the PST network
`for routing a telephone call over the PST network, a voice gateway coupled to
`the PBX and the IP network for routing a telephone call over the IP network,
`and selection means for selecting which of the PST network or the IP network
`to route a telephone call, and for a telephone call placed from a first
`telephone at a first location, over the IP network to a second telephone at a
`second location, path replacement means for transferring the telephone call
`from the second telephone at the second location to a third telephone at a
`third location, the path replacement means routing the telephone call from the
`first telephone at the first location over the IP network to the third telephone.
`In a ninth aspect, the invention provides a communication system
`comprising a PST network, an IP network, a plurality of PBXs at a plurality of
`locations, the PBXs coupled to the PST network for routing telephone calls
`over the PST network, coupled to each PBX a respective plurality of
`telephones, a plurality of voice gateways, each voice gateway coupled to a
`respective PBX through a call status and call control link and a trunk, and
`coupled to the IP network for routing telephone calls over the IP network,
`coupled to a plurality of voice gateways, selection means for selecting which
`of the PST network or the IP network to route telephone calls, and feature
`networking means for providing PBX features among the plurality of locations
`over the IP network.
`The integrated voice gateway system includes a gateway server which
`serves as an lntranet/lnternet telephony gateway. The gateway server routes
`intra-company voice or facsimile (fax) calls, made from user's desktop phones
`or fax machines/servers, over the company's intranet or the public Internet.
`The gateway server provides an alternate voice network to the PSTN for a
`company. This alternate network carries voice and fax calls at a much lower
`cost. This is because an intranet is built to support bursty data traffic and the
`bandwidth is underutilized most of the time. The gateway server takes
`advantage of the underutilized bandwidth when such bandwidth is available to
`transmit voice.
`The gateway server is a combination of hardware and software
`components which reside on a workstation server platform. The gateway
`SUBSTITI;TE SHEET ( rule 26 )
`RingCentral Ex-1003, p. 10
`RingCentral v. Estech
`WO 99/05590
`server is coupled to a customer premise telephone system, i.e. a PBX via a
`T1 or E1 trunk for larger systems, or an analog trunk for smaller systems.
`The gateway server is coupled to the company's intranet via industry standard
`connections (e.g., ethernet, frame relay or asynchronous transfer mode
`(ATM)). Thus, the gateway server is a gateway between the PBX/PSTN and
`the company's intranet. The gateway servers in a multi-site company are
`therefore coupled together via the company's intranet or wide area network
`(WAN) into a gateway network.
`The gateway server uses call status and call control integration with
`the PBX to provide many unique and useful features which are otherwise
`unavailable. The gateway server supports a variety of call status/call control
`PBX links including T1 inband ANI, PRI, QSIG (global DSS1 based signaling
`system for corporate networks, not an acronym, known at the international
`level as Private Signaling System No. 1 (PSS1)) and CTI. Industry standard
`15 CTI applications programming interfaces (API) are supported, including the
`AT&T/Novell Telephony Services Application Programming Interface (TSAPI),
`the Microsoft Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAP!), and the
`European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) Computer Supported
`Telephony Applications (CSTA) protocol. Hence the gateway server can
`provide enhanced features via a variety of call status/call control links with the
`level of enhanced features available depending on the type of link used.
`The gateway server is also equipped with a database of user and
`gateway objects and attributes. This database provides many unique
`features including providir.g caller's name based on caller phone number,
`address translation, gateway network routing information, user authentication,
`etc. This database is stored in the server but can be integrated with industry
`standard enterprise directory services systems including Novell Directory
`Services (NOS), Microsoft Active Directory Services (ADS), Domain NT and
`any directory which supports the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
`(X.SOO) (LDAP) interface. The integration provides the enterprise with a
`single point of entry for user adds, moves and changes, and provides
`replication throughout all corporate sites.
`A gateway network in a company essentially connects a company's
`PBXs, which are often geographically dispersed, into a single intelligent virtual
`PBX (VPBX). A company-wide VPBX provides advanced end-user features
`across the company. These features would otherwise be available only within
`RingCentral Ex-1003, p. 11
`RingCentral v. Estech
`WO 99/05590
`the scope of a single PBX, or would require expensive PBX features
`interworking products which require expensive PBX resident software and
`expensive data connections, e.g. dedicated voice tie lines between sites. By
`providing PBX features interworking via IP, call status-call control and a
`database of user and gateway objects and attributes, the gateway server
`offers PBX features interworking, at a lower cost, over a network of mixed
`PBXs from different vendors and over a single converged network (data tie
`line or data VPN).
`The gateway server works with existing telephone systems, and with
`the mixed networks of telephone systems commonly
`companies. The gateway server provides feature interworking using the
`combination of the desktop telephone and desktop workstation. Current PBX
`systems provide such internetworking capabilities only between desktop
`telephones. With the gateway server, however, a worker using a desktop
`telephone can be notified of an important call via the desktop workstation.
`The unique ability of the gateway server to control both the desktop telephone
`and the desktop workstation for calls between remote workers provides many
`new VPBX features not available with current PBX to PBX solutions, and
`provides an alternative method for current PBX networking features that is not
`limited to only sites with the same vendor PBX models. These consistent
`features across the network substantially improve communications and
`enhance productivity by making employees at multiple sites feel like they are
`In addition to end-user visible features, the
`part of a single community.
`gateway server also offers benefits such as intelligent routing (using
`automatic configuration) and increases network performance.
`The gateway server supports routing of telephone and fax calls made
`from desktop telephones or stand alone fax machines, or workstation
`integrated fax servers over a company's intranet or the public Internet. By
`configuring a selection table in the server, the gateway server can route real-
`time fax calls over either the intranet or Internet to minimize the cost of the fax
`call. The gateway server supports computer-based fax as well as stand-alone
`fax machines.
`By integrating CTI and enterprise directory service with IP telephony,
`the gateway server provides many more features in a user-friendly way than
`current lnternet/intranet telephony to IP voice gateways. Current voice
`gateways connect only to a telephone system's voice lines, e.g., analog,
`I 0