`Personal Information
`University of Maryland
`College Park, Maryland 20742
`Office phone: (301) 405-2702
`CSU Dominguez Hills 1986
`UC Irvine
`UC Irvine
`Computer Science
`Computer Science
`Computer Science
`University Experience
`9/86–6/87 Teaching Assistant
`6/87–6/91 Research Assistant
`8/91–12/91 Lecturer
`Department of Information and Computer Science,
`UC Irvine
`Department of Information and Computer Science,
`UC Irvine
`Department of Computer Science, University of
`Maryland University of Maryland Institute for
`Advanced Computer Studies
`12/91–8/98 Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science, University of
`Maryland University of Maryland Institute for
`Advanced Computer Studies
`Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione,
`Politecnico di Milano
`Dipartimento di Scienze della Comunicazione,
`Università della Svizzera Italiana
`8/98–7/07 Associate Professor Department of Computer Science, University of
`Maryland University of Maryland Institute for
`Advanced Computer Studies
`Department of Computer Science, University of
`Maryland University of Maryland Institute for
`Advanced Computer Studies
`University of Maryland Institute for Advanced
`Computer Studies
`9/98–9/99 Visiting Professor
`2/99–6/99 Visiting Professor
`8/07 -
`Full professor
`7/07 – 6/09 Associate Director
`Exhibit 1003
`MG Freesites v. Scorpcast
`University Experience (continued)
`Visiting Professor
`Libera Universita’ di Bolzano
`6/11 –
`Visiting Professor
`Visiting Scientist
`1/14 - 1/15 Research Fellow
`2/15 - 6/5
`Director (acting)
`7/15 -
`Executive Director
`and Scientific
`Affiliate Faculty
`Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
`Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon
`Fraunhofer Center for Experimental Software
`Fraunhofer Center for Experimental Software
`Fraunhofer Center for Experimental Software
`University of Maryland Institute for Systems
`Other Experience
`Technical Consultant: Sun Microsystems, Lucent Bell Laboratories, Software
`Productivity Consortium, Motorola, MCC, IBM, CMU - Software Engineering Institute
`Member of Technical Staff, Hughes Aircraft Co., Fullerton, CA
`Member of Technical Staff, Contel Co., Fairfax, VA
`Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities1 2
`Books Edited
`1. Adam Porter and Janos Sztipanovits Eds. New Visions for Software Design &
`Productivity: Research & Applications Workshop of the Interagency Working
`Group for Information Technology Research and Development (ITRD) Software
`Design and Productivity (SDP) Coordinating Group. 2002.
`2. Alessandro Orso and Adam Porter, Eds. 1st ICSE Workshop on Remote Analysis
`and Measurement of Software Systems (RAMSS). 2003.
`3. Alessandro Orso and Adam Porter, Eds. 2nd ICSE Workshop on Remote Analysis
`and Measurement of Software Systems (RAMSS). 2004.
`4. Adam Porter, Victor Pankratius and Lawrence Votta, International Workshop on
`Multicore Software Engineering (IWMSE 2009), 2009.
`1 Student co-authors for whom I was a primary advisor are indicated with the † symbol.
`2 Student co-authors for whom I was not a primary advisor, but on whose thesis
`committees I sat are indicated with the ‡ symbol.
`Book Chapters
`1. Adam A. Porter and Richard W. Selby. Empirically guided software development
`using metric-based classification trees. In “Applying Software Metrics”, edited by
`Paul Oman and Shari Lawrence Pfleeger. IEEE Computer Society Press, October
`2. Turner, H., White, J., Reed, J., Galindo, J., Porter, A., Marathe, M., Vullikanti, A., &
`Gokhale, A. (2013). Building a Cloud-Based Mobile Application Testbed. In I.
`Management Association (Ed.), IT Policy and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies,
`Tools, and Applications (pp. 879-899). Hershey, PA: Information Science
`Refereed Journals
`1. Richard W. Selby and Adam A. Porter. Learning from examples: Generation and
`evaluation of decision trees for software resource analysis. IEEE Transactions on
`Software Engineering, SE-14 (12): 1743–1757, December 1988.
`2. Adam A. Porter and Richard W. Selby. Empirically guided software development
`using metric-based classification trees. IEEE Software, 7(2): 46–54, March 1990.
`3. Adam A. Porter and Richard W. Selby. Evaluating techniques for generating metric-
`based classification trees. Journal of Systems and Software, 12(3): 209–218, July
`4. Adam A. Porter. Using measurement-driven modeling to provide empirical feedback
`to software developers. Journal of Systems and Software, 20(3): 237–254 March
`5. Adam A. Porter, Lawrence G. Votta, and Victor R. Basili. Comparing Detection
`Methods for Software Requirements Inspections: A Replicated Experiment. IEEE
`Transactions on Software Engineering, 21(6): 563–575, June 1995. (Early version
`appears as University of Maryland Technical Report, CS-TR-3327, July 1994).
`6. Adam Porter, Harvey Siy†, and Lawrence Votta. A Survey of Software Inspections,
`Advances in Computers, vol. 42:39–76, 1996. (Early version appears as University of
`Maryland Technical Report, UMCP-CSD CS-TR-3552, October 1995).
`7. Adam A. Porter and Philip M. Johnson. Assessing Software Review Meetings:
`Results of a Comparative Analysis of Two Experimental Studies. IEEE Transactions
`on Software Engineering, 23(3): 129–145, March 1997. (Early version appears as
`University of Maryland Technical Report, UMCP-CSD: CS-TR-3755, February
`8. Adam A. Porter, C. A. Toman, Harvey Siy† and L. G. Votta. An Experiment to
`Assess the Cost-Benefits of Code Inspections in Large Scale Software Development,
`IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 23(6): 329–346, June 1997.
`9. Adam A. Porter. Fundamental Laws and Assumptions of Software Maintenance,
`Empirical Software Engineering, 2(2): 119-131 June 1997. (invited) (Early version
`appears as University of Maryland Technical Report, UMCP-CSD: CS-TR-3761,
`February, 1997).
`10. Lalita Jategaonkar Jagadeesan, Adam Porter, Carlos Puchol, J. Christopher Ramming,
`and Lawrence G. Votta. Specification-based Testing of Reactive Software: A Case
`Study in Technology Transfer, Journal of Systems and Software, 40(3): 249-262,
`January 1998. (Early version appears as University of Maryland Technical Report,
`UMCP-CSD: CS-TR-3756, February 1997).
`11. Adam A. Porter, Harvey P. Siy†, Audris Mockus, and Lawrence G. Votta. Sources of
`Variation in Large-Scale Software Development, ACM Transactions on Software
`Engineering and Methodology, January 1998 7(1): p. 41–79. (Early version appears
`as University of Maryland Technical Report, UMCP-CSD: CS-TR-3762, February,
`12. Adam A. Porter and Lawrence G. Votta. Comparing Detection Methods for Software
`Requirements Inspections: A Replication Using Professional Subjects, Empirical
`Software Engineering, 1998. 3(4): p. 355–379.
`13. T.L. Graves, Mary Jean Harrold, Jung-Min Kim†, Adam Porter, and Gregg
`Rothermel, an Empirical Study of Regression Test Selection Techniques. ACM
`Transactions on Software Engineering Methodology, 10(2): pp. 184-208 (2001).
`14. D. E. Perry, A. Porter, M. Wade, L. Votta and J. Perpich, Reducing inspection
`interval in large-scale software development. IEEE Transactions on Software
`Engineering. 28(7): 695 – 705, July 2002.
`15. Stuart Faulk, John Gustafson, Philip Johnson, Adam Porter, Walter Tichy and
`Lawrence Votta. Measuring HPC Productivity. Journal of High Performance
`Computing Applications. 18(4): 459-473, Dec. 2004.
`16. Arvind S. Krishna‡, Cemal Yilmaz†, Atif Memon, Adam Porter, Douglas C. Schmidt,
`Aniruddha Gokhale, and Balachandran Natarajan, Applying Model-based Distributed
`Continuous Quality Assurance Processes to Enhance Persistent Software Attributes,
`IEEE Software, 21(6): 32-40, Nov/Dec 2004.
`17. Arvind S. Krishna‡, Douglas C. Schmidt, Atif Memon, Adam Porter, Cemal Yilmaz†,
`A Distributed Continuous Quality Assurance Process to Manage Variability in
`Performance-intensive Software. Studia Informatica Universalis, 4(1): 53-72, March
`18. Jung-Min Kim†, Adam Porter, and Gregg Rothermel. An Empirical Study of
`Regression Test Application Frequency. The Journal of Software Testing,
`Verification & Reliability. Volume 15, Issue 4, pp. 257-279, December 2005.
`19. Cemal Yilmaz†, Myra Cohen, Adam Porter, Covering Arrays for Efficient Fault
`Characterization in Complex Configuration Spaces. IEEE Transactions on Software
`Engineering. January 2006, 32(1), pp. 20-34.
`20. Cemal Yilmaz†, Atif Memon, Adam Porter, Arvind Krishna‡, Douglas C. Schmidt
`and Aniruddha Gokhale, Techniques and Processes for Improving the Quality and
`Performance of Open-Source Software. The Software Practice and Improvement
`Journal, 11(2), pp. 163-176, May 2006.
`21. Cemal Yilmaz†, Adam Porter, Arvind Krishna‡, Atif Memon, Douglas C. Schmidt,
`Aniruddha Gokhale, and Bala Natarajan, Reliable Effects Screening: A Distributed
`Continuous Quality Assurance Process for Monitoring Performance Degradation in
`Evolving Software Systems. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. February
`2007, 33(2), pp. 124-141.
`22. Murali Haran, Alan Karr, Michael Last, Alessandro Orso, Adam Porter, Ashish Sanil
`and Sandro Fouche†, Techniques for Classifying Executions of Deployed Software to
`Support Software Engineering Tasks, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering.
`May 2007, 33(5), pp. 287-304.
`23. Adam Porter, Atif Memon, Cemal Yilmaz†, Douglas C. Schmidt and Bala Natarajan,
`Skoll: A Process and Infrastructure for Distributed Continuous Quality Assurance.
`IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. August 2007, 33(8), pp. 510-525.
`24. Michael Last, Gheorghe Luta, Alex Orso, Adam Porter and Stan Young, Pooled
`ANOVA, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, August 2008, vol. 52, issue 12,
`pages 5215-5228.
`25. Jules White, Brian Dougherty, Richard Schantz, Douglas C. Schmidt, Adam Porter,
`and Angelo Corsaro, R&D Challenges and Solutions for Highly Complex Distributed
`Systems: a Middleware Perspective, the Springer Journal of Internet Services and
`Applications special issue on the Future of Middleware, 2011.
`26. Ilchul Yoon and Alan Sussman and Atif Memon and Adam Porter, Testing
`Component Compatibility in Evolving Configurations, in Journal of Information and
`Software Technology, Volume 55, Issue 2, February 2013.
`27. Charles Song, Adam Porter, Jeffrey S. Foster, "iTree: Efficiently Discovering High-
`Coverage Configurations Using Interaction Trees," IEEE Transactions on Software
`Engineering, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 251-265, March, 2014.
`28. Cemal Yilmaz, Adam Porter, Myra B. Cohen, Emine Dumlu, "Reducing Masking
`Effects in Combinatorial Interaction Testing: A Feedback Driven Adaptive
`Approach," IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 43-66,
`Jan., 2014
`29. Cemal Yilmaz, Sandro Fouche, Myra B. Cohen, Adam Porter, Gulsen Demiroz, Ugur
`Koc, "Moving Forward with Combinatorial Interaction Testing," Computer, vol. 47,
`no. 2, pp. 37-45, Feb., 2014
`30. Experiences Using Online War Games to Improve the Business of Naval Systems
`Acquisition, Nickolas H. Guertin, Paul Bruhns, Douglas C. Schmidt, and Adam
`Porter, IT Cutter, June 2014.
`31. Nick Guertin, Brian Womble, Paul Bruhns, Douglas C. Schmidt, Adam Porter, and
`Bill Antypas, "Management Strategies for Software Infrastructure in Large-Scale
`Cyber-Physical Systems for the US Navy," Cutter IT Journal, Vol. 28, No. 5, May
`32. Shilton, K., Heidenblad, D., Porter, A., Winter, S., and Kendig, M. Role-Playing
`Computer Ethics: Designing and Evaluating the Privacy by Design (PbD) Simulation.
`Sci Eng Ethics (2020)
`Refereed Journals in Submission
`1. NA
`Talk, Abstracts, and Other Professional Papers Presented
`Invited Talks
`1. Contel Technology Center, Chantilly, VA, June 22, 1990.
`2. University of Washington, Seattle, WA, April 4, 1991.
`3. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, April 9, 1991.
`4. University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, .MD, April 11, 1991.
`5. Portland State University, Portland, OR, April 17, 1991.
`6. Textronics Corp., Beaverton, OR, April 18, 1991.
`7. Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, April 23, 1991.
`8. AT&T Bell Laboratories, Naperville, IL, June 17, 1991.
`9. Fourteenth International Conference on Software Engineering, Melbourne, Australia,
`May 1992. (Poster session).
`10. Mitre Corporation, McClean, VA, June 1992.
`11. Workshop on Experimental Software Engineering Issues, Dagstuhl, Germany
`September 11, 1992.
`12. Software Productivity Consortium, Herndon, VA, June 1993
`13. Hughes Aircraft Corp., Landover, MD, Feb. 1994.
`14. University of Bari, Italy, May 21, 1994.
`15. University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany, Oct. 21, 1994
`16. The Second Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, New Orleans,
`LA, Dec. 1994, Panelist, "Making Software Engineering More Scientific".
`17. Mini-Tutorial Session: The International Symposium on Software Metrics, Berlin,
`Germany, Mar. 1996, "What makes inspections work? Understanding how and why
`different inspection methods impact effectiveness and cost".
`18. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, May 1996.
`19. Washington University at St. Louis, November 15 1996.
`20. University of Virginia, November 18 1996.
`21. National Institute of Statistical Sciences, November 19 1996.
`22. University of California, Irvine, 1996.
`23. University of Washington, May 1997.
`24. Politecnico di Milano, Sep. 1998.
`25. Università della Svizzera Italiana, Mar. 1999.
`26. University of Texas at Austin, May 2000.
`27. Workshop on New Visions for Software Design and Productivity, National Science
`Foundation, Arlington, VA. April 18-19, 2001.
`28. Workshop on New Visions for Software Design and Productivity: Research and
`Applications. Vanderbilt University. December 12-15 2001.
`29. Workshop on Remote Analysis and Measurement of Software Systems (RAMSS) at
`ICSE-2003, Portland, Oregon, May 9, 2003.
`30. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta. GA. June 2003.
`31. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. June 2003.
`32. Keynote address. 2nd Workshop on Remote Analysis and Measurement of Software
`Systems (RAMSS) at ICSE-2004, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. May 2004.
`33. Dagstuhl Seminar on Multi-Version Program Analysis, Wadern, Germany June
`34. Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. March 2006.
`35. Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. April 2006.
`36. University College London, London, UK. April 2006.
`37. University of Lugano, Lugano, Switzerland. June 2006.
`38. Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy. June 2006.
`39. Free University of Bozen – Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy. July 2006.
`40. Selected Speaker, 1st Google Conference on Test Automation. September 2006.
`41. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Amherst, MA. September 2006.
`42. Microsoft Research, Redmond, WA. November 2006.
`43. Selected Speaker, 2nd Google Conference on Test Automation. August 2007.
`44. IBM TJ Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, NY. September 2007.
`45. Keynote address: 21st Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, Campinas,
`SP, Brazil, October 2008.
`46. South Chinese University of Technology, Guangzhou, PRC. October 2008.
`47. Sichuan University, Chengdu, PRC. October 2008.
`48. Universita’ degli Studi di Bari, Bari, Italy. July 2009.
`49. Libera Universita’ di Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy. July 2009.
`50. Invited Speaker, Oredev Developers Conference, Malmo, Sweden, Nov. 2009.
`51. Panelist, Dagstuhl Seminar on Practical Software Testing: Tool Automation and
`Human Factors, March 2010.
`52. Libera Universita’ di Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy. May 2010.
`53. Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, June 2010.
`54. Sichuan University, Chengdu, PRC. July 2011.
`55. Capitol Area Franchise Association, Vienna, VA, March 2012.
`56. Sichuan University, Chengdu, PRC. June 2013.
`57. Distinguished Lecture, University of Delaware, Nov. 2013.
`58. Panelist, "The Future of Cloud Computing," Federal Cloud Computing Summit,
`Washington DC, Dec. 2013
`59. Panelist, "Specializations: An Overview for Partners," Coursera Partners
`Conference, London UK, March 2014.
`60. Panelist, "Inter-Partner Collaboration," Coursera Partners Conference, London UK,
`March 2014.
`61. Fraunhofer Center for Experimental Software Engineering, June 2014.
`62. Panelist, "Designing Successful Specializations: Perspectives from Professors and
`Partners", Coursera Partners Conference, Irvine, CA, March 2015.
`63. 2nd Autonomy Research Workshop, College Park, MD, May 2015.
`64. Keynote address, International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and
`Validation, Chicago, IL, April 2016.
`65. Deconstructing the Smartphone: How Federally Funded R&D Enabled the
`Technologies We Can’t Live Without, Congressional R&D Caucus, Washington,
`DC, June 2016.
`66. RMI: Industry 4.0 - Smart Services, Baltimore, MD, Feb. 2017
`67. RMI: Industry 4.0 - Smart Services, Baltimore, MD, March. 2017
`68. Applying the Rapid Innovation Lab Concept for Smart Farming, International VDI
`Conference on Smart Farming, Dusseldorf, Germany, April 2017
`69. Keynote address, 20th Intl. Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages
`and Systems, Austin, Texas, September 2017.
`70. Panelist: RMI: The Future Impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution on Maryland
`Manufacturing, Timonium, MD, Jan. 2018
`71. South Carolina Logistics Tech Talk, October 31, 2018, Charleston, SC
`72. What is Industry 4.0?, South Carolina Research Alliance, Columbia, SC, March 7,
`73. Invariant Extraction from Virtual Heart Models, CyberCardia Workshop on Medical
`CPS - ESWEEK 2019, New York, Oct. 2019
`Refereed Conference Proceedings
`1. Richard W. Selby and Adam A. Porter. Software Metric Classification Trees Help
`Guide the Maintenance of Large-Scale Systems. In Proceedings of the Conference on
`Software Maintenance, Miami, FL, October 1989.
`2. Richard W. Selby, Greg James, Kent Madsen, Joan Mahoney, Adam Porter, and
`Doug Schmidt. Classification Tree Analysis Using the Amadeus Measurement and
`Empirical Analysis System. In Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Software
`Engineering Workshop, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD, November 1989.
`3. Joseph C. Fitzgerald Shari Lawrence Pfleeger and Adam A. Porter. The Contel
`Software Metrics Program. In Proceedings of the International Conference on
`Applications of Software Measurement, San Diego, CA, November 1990.
`4. Richard W. Selby, Adam A. Porter, and R. Kent Madsen. Metric-Driven
`Classification Models. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Minnowbrook Software
`Engineering Workshop, Blue Mountain Lake, NY, July 1990.
`5. Richard W. Selby, Adam A. Porter, Doug C. Schmidt, and James Berney. Metric-
`driven analysis and feedback systems for enabling empirically guided software
`development. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference on Software
`Engineering, Austin, TX, May 1991. (An early version appears as Arcadia Technical
`Report UCI–90–19, University of California, September 1990.)
`6. Adam A. Porter and Lionel Briand. Optimized Set Reduction for Empirically Guided
`Software Development. In Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Software Engineering
`Workshop, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD, December 1991.
`7. Adam A. Porter. Using Measurement-Driven Modeling to Provide Empirical
`Feedback to Software Developers. In Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Oregon
`Workshop on Software Metrics, Silver Falls, OR, March 1992.
`8. Lionel C. Briand and Adam A. Porter. An Alternative Modeling Approach for
`Predicting Error Profiles in Ada Systems. In Proceedings of the Eurometrics ‘92
`Conference Brussels, Belgium, April 1992.
`9. Jianhui Tian‡, Adam A. Porter and Marvin Zelkowitz. An Improved Classification
`Tree Analysis of High Cost Modules Based upon an Axiomatic Definition of
`Complexity. In Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Software
`Reliability Engineering. Research Triangle Park, NC, October 1992.
`10. Adam A. Porter. Classification Rules for Predicting Faulty Software Components.
`Fifth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering.
`San Francisco, CA, June 1993.
`11. Adam A. Porter and Larry G. Votta. An Experiment to Assess Different Defect
`Detection Methods for Software Requirements Inspections. In Proceedings of the
`Sixteenth International Conference on Software Engineering, Sorrento, Italy, May
`1994. (An early version appears as University of Maryland Technical Report, CS-TR-
`3130. September 1993.)
`12. Chen Chen‡, Adam Porter, and James Purtilo. Tool Support for Tailored Prototyping.
`In Proceedings of the Quality Software Development Tools Conference, July 1994,
`Washington D.C. (An early version appears as University of Maryland Technical
`Report, CS-TR-3242. April, 1994.)
`13. Adam A. Porter, Harvey Siy†, Carol Toman, and Lawrence G. Votta, An Experiment
`to Assess the Cost-Benefits of Code Inspection in Large Scale Software
`Development: A Preliminary Report. In the Nineteenth Annual Software Engineering
`Laboratory Workshop, NASA/GSFC Greenbelt, MD, November 1994.
`14. Lawrence Votta, Adam Porter, and Dewayne Perry. Experimental Software
`Engineering: A Report on the State of the Art. In Proceedings of the Seventeenth
`International Conference on Software Engineering, Seattle, Washington, April 1995.
`15. Adam A. Porter, Harvey Siy†, Carol Toman, and Lawrence G. Votta. An Experiment
`to Assess the Cost-Benefits of Code Inspection in Large Scale Software
`Development, In Proceedings of the Third Symposium on the Foundations of
`Software Engineering, Washington, D.C. Nov, 1995. (An early version appears as
`University of Maryland Technical Report, CS-TR-3410 and UMIACS-TR-95-14.
`February, 1995.)
`16. Patricia McCarthy†, Adam A. Porter, Harvey Siy† and Lawrence G. Votta Jr. An
`Experiment to Assess Cost-Benefits of Inspection Meetings and their Alternatives, In
`Proceedings of the International Symposium on Software Metrics, Berlin, Germany,
`March, 1996. (An early version appears as University of Maryland Technical Report,
`UMCP-CSD CS-TR-3520. September, 1995.)
`17. Dewayne E. Perry, Adam A. Porter, Lawrence G. Votta and Michael W. Wade,
`Evaluating Workflow and Process Automation in Wide-Area Software Development,
`In Proceedings of the Fifth European Workshop on Software Process Technology,
`October, 1996.
`18. Alan F. Karr, Adam A. Porter, and Lawrence Votta, An Empirical Exploration of
`Code Evolution, In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Empirical Studies
`of Software Maintenance, Monterey, CA, November, 1996.
`19. M. Perpich, D. E. Perry, A. A. Porter, L. G. Votta and M. W. Wade, Anywhere,
`Anytime Code Inspections: Using the Web to Remove Inspection Bottlenecks in
`Large-Scale Software Development, In Proceedings of the Nineteenth International
`Conference on Software Engineering”, Boston, MA, May 1997. (An early version
`appears as University of Maryland Technical Report, UMCP-CSD: CS-TR-3757,
`February, 1997.)
`20. Adam A. Porter, Harvey P. Siy†, and Lawrence G. Votta, Understanding the Effects
`of Developer Activities on Inspection Interval, In Proceedings of the Nineteenth
`International Conference on Software Engineering”, Boston, MA, May 1997. (An
`early version appears as University of Maryland Technical Report, UMCP-CSD: CS-
`21. Lalita Jategaonkar Jagadeesan, Adam Porter, Carlos Puchol, J. Christopher Ramming,
`and Lawrence G. Votta, Specification-based Testing of Reactive Software: Tools and
`Experiments, In Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Software
`Engineering”, Boston, MA, May 1997. (An early version appears as University of
`Maryland Technical Report, UMCP-CSD: CS-TR-3759, February, 1997.)
`22. Thomas Ball, Jung-Min Kim†, Adam Porter, and Harvey Siy†, If Your Version
`Control System Could Talk, In Proceedings of the Workshop on Process Modeling
`and Empirical Studies of Software Evolution, Boston, MA, May, 1997.
`23. Mary Jean Harrold, Renee Miller, Gregg Rothermel, and Adam Porter, A
`Collaborative Investigation of Program-Analysis-Based Testing and Maintenance, In
`Proceedings of the International Workshop on Empirical Studies of Software
`Maintenance, Bari, Italy, October, 1997.
`24. Todd Graves, Mary Jean Harrold, Jung-Min Kim†, Adam Porter, and Gregg
`Rothermel, An Empirical Study of Regression Test Selection Techniques, in
`Proceedings of the Twentieth International Conference on Software Engineering,
`Kyoto, Japan, April 1998.
`25. Jung-Min Kim†, Adam Porter, and Gregg Rothermel, An Empirical Study of
`Regression Test Application Frequency, Proceedings of the Twenty-Second
`International Conference on Software Engineering, Limerick, Ireland, June 2000.
`26. Dewayne Perry, Adam Porter and Lawrence Votta, Empirical Studies of Software
`Engineering: a Roadmap, in The Future of Software Engineering, Proceedings of the
`Twenty-second International Conference on Software Engineering, Limerick, Ireland,
`June 2000. (invited).
`27. Douglas Schmidt and Adam Porter, Leveraging Open-Source Communities to
`Improve the Quality & Performance of Open-Source Software 1st Workshop on Open
`Source Software Engineering, Toronto, Canada, May 2001.
`28. Jung-Min Kim† and Adam Porter, A History-Based Test Prioritization Technique for
`Regression Testing in Resource Constrained Environments. Proceedings of the
`Twenty-Fourth International Conference on Software Engineering. Orlando, Fl. May
`29. Alessandro Orso and Adam Porter, ICSE Workshop on Remote Analysis and
`Measurement of Software Systems (RAMSS). In Proceedings of the International
`Conference on Software Engineering 2003. Portland OR. May 2003. (Invited).
`30. Cemal Yilmaz†, Adam Porter, and Douglas C. Schmidt, Distributed Continuous
`Quality Assurance: The Skoll Project, Workshop on Remote Analysis and
`Measurement of Software Systems (RAMSS) at ICSE-2003, Portland, Oregon, May
`9, 2003.
`31. Kenny C. Gross, Scott McMaster†, Adam Porter, Aleksey Urmanov, and Lawrence G.
`Votta, Proactive System Maintenance Using Software Telemetry. Workshop on
`Remote Analysis and Measurement of Software Systems (RAMSS) at ICSE-2003,
`Portland, Oregon, May 9, 2003.
`32. Stuart Faulk, John Gustafson, Adam Porter and Lawrence Votta. "Measuring HPCS
`Productivity." Proceedings of the Seventh Annual High Performance Embedded
`Computing Workshop, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, September 2003, pp 53-54.
`33. Atif Memon, Adam Porter and Doug Schmidt. Feedback-driven Design of Distributed
`Real-time & Embedded Component Middleware Via Model-Integrated Computing &
`Distributed Continuous Quality Assurance', Science of Design: Software-Intensive
`Systems, A National Science Foundation Invitational Workshop, November 2-4,
`2003, Airlie, Virginia
`34. A. Memon, A. Porter, C. Yilmaz†, A. Nagarajan†, D. Schmidt and B. Natarajan.
`Skoll: Distributed Continuous Quality Assurance, in Proceedings of the International
`Conference on Software Engineering, May 2004, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
`35. Stuart Faulk, Adam Porter, Walter Tichy, Philip Johnson, John Gustafson and Larry
`Votta. Toward Accurate HPC Productivity Measurement, In Proceedings of the 1st
`International Workshop on Software Engineering for High Performance Computing
`System Applications, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. May 2004.
`36. C. Yilmaz†, A. S. Krishna‡, A. Memon, A. Porter, D. C. Schmidt, A. Gokhale, and B.
`Natarajan. A Model-based Distributed Continuous Quality Assurance Process to
`Enhance the Quality of Service of Evolving Performance-intensive Software Systems,
`In proceedings of the 2nd ICSE Workshop on Remote Analysis and Measurement of
`Software Systems, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. May 2004.
`37. Cemal Yilmaz†, Myra Cohen, and Adam Porter. Covering Arrays for Efficient Fault
`Characterization in Complex Configuration Spaces. In Proceedings of the
`International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. July 2004. Boston, MA.
`38. A. S. Krishna‡, D. C. Schmidt, A. Memon, A. Porter and D. Sevilla, Improving the
`Quality of Reusable and Reconfigurable Performance-intensive Software using
`Model-Integrated Distributed Continuous Quality Assurance. In Proceedings of the
`International Conference on Software Reuse. July 2004, Madrid, Spain.
`39. Emre Turkay, Arvind S. Krishna‡, Aniruddha Gokhale, Douglas Schmidt, Bala
`Natarajan, Adam Porter, Cemal Yilmaz†, and Atif Memon, Model-Driven Quality
`Assurance Techniques for Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems. In the
`Proceedings of the OMG Workshop on Distributed Object Computing for Real-time
`and Embedded Systems. July 12-15, 2004, Reston, VA.
`40. Adam Porter, Atif Memon, and Cemal Yilmaz†, Don Hinton, Arvind Krishna‡, and
`Douglas C. Schmidt Distributed Continuous Quality Assurance for Distributed and
`Real-time Systems. In Proceedings of the 4th Annual Workshop on TAO and CIAO.
`July 2004, Alexandria, VA.
`41. Arvind S. Krishna‡, Cemal Yilmaz†, Atif Memon, Adam Porter, Douglas C. Schmidt,
`Aniruddha Gokhale and Balachandran Natarajan, A Distributed Continuous Quality
`Assurance Process to Manage Variability in Performance-intensive Software. In
`Proceedings of the OOPSLA 2004 Workshop on Component & Middleware
`Performance, Vancouver, BC, Canada, October 2004.
`42. Cemal Yilmaz†, Arvind Krishna‡, Atif Memon, Adam Porter, Douglas C. Schmidt,
`Aniruddha Gokhale, and Bala Natarajan, Main Effects Screening: A Distributed
`Continuous Quality Assurance Process for Monitoring Performance Degradation in
`Evolving Software Systems, in Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on
`Software Engineering, St. Louis, MO, May 15-21, 2005.
`43. Il-Chul Yoon†, Alan Sussman and Adam Porter, Improving Productivity by
`Effectively Launching Complex HPC Applications. In Proceedings of the 2nd
`International Workshop on Software Engineering for High Performance Computing
`System Applications. St Louis, Mo, May 2005.
`44. Alan F. Karr and Adam A. Porter, Distributed Performance Testing using Statistical
`Modeling, 1st International Workshop on Advances in Model-Based Software
`Testing, St Louis, Mo, May 2005.
`45. Murali Haran, Alan Karr, Alessandro Orso, Adam Porter and Ashish Sanil, Applying
`Classification Techniques to Remotely-Collected Program Execution Data. In the
`Proceedings of the Joint 10th European Software Engineering Conference and 13th
`ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering
`(ESEC/FSE 2005). Sept. 2005, Lisbon, Portugal.
`46. Cemal Yilmaz†, Cagatay Catal, Oya Kalipsiz and Adam Porter, Dagitik Kalite
`Guvencesi, (Distributed Quality Assurance) Turkish International Symposium on
`Software Engineering (UYMS), September 2005, Ankara, Turkey.
`47. Kenny C. Gross, Scott McMaster†, Adam Porter, Aleksey Urmanov and Lawrence G.
`Votta, Towards Dependability in Everyday Software Using Software Telemetry, In
`the Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Workshop on Engineering of Autonomic Systems.
`Potsdam, Germany. March 2006.
`48. Adam Porter and Douglas Schmidt, Distributed Continuous Quality Assurance for
`Ultra-Large-Scale (ULS) Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems, Ultra-
`Large-Scale Systems Workshop at OOPSLA 2006, Portland, OR. October 2006.
`49. Hamid Haidarian Shahri, James Hendler, Adam Porter, “Software Configuration
`Management Using Ontologies,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on
`Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering at the 4th European Semantic Web
`Conference (ESWC’07), Innsbruck, Austria, June 6-7, 2007.
`50. Sandro Fouche†, Myra Cohen and Adam Porter. Incremental Adaptive Covering
`Arrays for Efficient Fault Detection. In the Proceedings of the Joint 12th European
`Software Engineering Conference and 15th ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the
`Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2007). Dubrovnik, Croatia.
`September 2007.
`51. Il-Chul Yoon†, Alan Sussman, Atif Memon and Adam Porter, Direct-Dependency-
`based Software Compatibility Testing, In the Proceedings of the Conference on
`Automated Software Engineering Nov. 2007, Atlanta, Georgia.
`52. James Hill, Douglas C. Schmidt, John Slaby, and Adam Porter, CiCUTS: Combining
`System Execution Modeling Tools with Continuous Integration Environments,
`Proceedings of the 15th Annual IEEE International Conference and Workshops on the
`Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS), March 31st - 4th April, 2008
`Belfast, Northern Ireland.
`53. Il-Chul Yoon†, Alan Sussman, Atif Memon and Adam Porter, Effectiv