`DIRECTOR, Clemson University Center for Flexible Packaging
`232 Poole Agricultural Center, Box 340316
`Dept. of Food, Nutrition and Packaging Sciences
`Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-0316
`14 Red Fern Trail
`Simpsonville, SC 29681
`M: 864.313.0922
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
`Sc. D. in Materials Engineering
`Dissertation: Effects of High Pressure on Amorphous Polymers
`Materials Engineer
`M. S. (unspecified) Concentrations in polymer science, textile technology
`Thesis: Birefringence and Orientation States in Polyacrylonitrile
`B. S. in Materials Engineering
`Thesis: Temperature Dependence of Birefringence Effects in Acrylonitrile Polymers
`1999 – present Clemson University, Clemson, SC
`2010 - present Director, Packaging Science Program, Department of Food, Nutrition and Packaging Sciences
`2006 -- 2010
`Chair, Department of Packaging Science
`2004 – present Director, Center for Flexible Packaging
`Associate Professor (tenured 2005): Co-founder and director of Clemson Center for Flexible
`Packaging. Developed and teach Packaging Science capstone courses "Package Design and
`Development" and “Packaging Career Preparation”; developed core undergraduate/graduate courses
`“Converting for Flexible Packaging” and “Applications of Polymers in Packaging”; developed and
`taught 800 level graduate courses “Flexible Packaging,” “Semi-rigid Packaging.” Short courses:
`“Materials for Confectionary Packaging,” “Understanding Plastics Packaging,” "Analyzing Plastics
`Research: Environmental impact of grocery carrier bags. Sustainable package design. Development
`of bag-in-container packaging for large volumes of liquids. Development of polymeric packaging
`for MREs. Effects of norbornene and octene content on the properties of LLDPE/COC blends as
`heat seal layers; Gelatin as an active layer in multi-layer packages; Unique barrier films using
`“Smart Blending" chaotic advection; Adaptation of materials characterization techniques to
`collaborative discovery-based learning in the undergraduate Packaging Science curriculum.
`Food Packaging Design Conference, Orlando, FL, Lecturer
`Celanese Chemical Group Middle Management Development Program, Lecturer
`NSF Summer Institute for College Teachers on Applied Polymer Science, Cleveland, Lecturer
`Massachusetts Institute of Technology
`Teaching Assistant: full responsibility as instructor for graduate course in polymer science required
`for all textile technology graduate students
`1999 - present Reedy River Associates, Simpsonville, SC, President. Consulting to the plastics and packaging
`industries. Expert witness for plastics and packaging (infringement, validity, trade dress, breach of
`contract, antitrust—plaintiff and defendant experience). Projects to develop and quantify product
`development and market entry strategies for major international plastics producers to introduce new
`materials into industrial and consumer packaging. Technical consulting to major polymer, plastics
`and packaging materials suppliers, converters and end users.
`RJRV EX 1005
`1968 - 1998
`1994 - 1998
`Dr. Robert M. Kimmel
`Page 2
`Hoechst NA Holdings and its predecessor companies
`Business Manager, Hoechst Research & Technology, Greer, SC. Managed group of 9 to create
`three corporate R&D projects in multi-layer, semi-rigid and rigid plastic packaging, focused on high
`barrier PET resins, bottles and films, with estimated sales potential >$500MM. Based on a jointly-
`developed strategy, the target business unit created a new organization and product line to which
`these projects were transferred and commercialized.
`Department Head, New Films Business Development, Hoechst AG, Wiesbaden, Germany.
`Managed department of 20 conducting basic and applied research in new polymers, films and
`casings. Established and led applications lab and new business development team to support LCP
`laminates for printed circuit boards.
`Business Manager, Packaging and Specialties Films, Hoechst Celanese Corporation, Greer,
`SC. Global business team leader and directly responsible for 40 people in sales, marketing and
`technical service for Hostaphan® polyester film to the Packaging and Industrial
`Converting markets in North America, Latin America and Europe. Grew business >6X to >$50MM,
`with 60% of sales from new products. Co-authored and secured approval for three business
`strategies. Created, secured approval and implemented the Hostaphan packaging strategy, including
`building a new team hired from the industry, a $2MM applications laboratory, and an award-
`winning advertising/publicity program. Justified and secured approval for >$100MM in capital
`investment for new product lines. Established and managed global product and market development
`of Hostaphan 4400 ultra-clear films for pressure-sensitive labels and Hostaphan 2600 improved
`adhesion packaging film, which won AIMCAL Technology of the Year in its first year of
`commercial sales and numerous industry awards for specific packages. Principal representative to
`five major trade associations, including Flexible Packaging Association, Tag and Label
`Manufacturers Association, AIMCAL and Screen Printing Association.
`Process Research Manager, Polyester Film, American Hoechst Corporation. Managed
`department of 45 people, including films process research and R&D pilot line (24/7), engineering,
`facilities, accounting, and safety.
`Industry Manager, Packaging and Specialties Films, American Hoechst Corporation.
`Product Specialist, Packaging and Specialties Films, Celanese Plastics Company.
`Project Manager, Polyester Bottle Resin, Celanese Plastics Company. Responsible for process
`development, pilot manufacturing and manufacturing strategy development for the entry of Celanese
`into polyester bottle resin
`Product Specialist, Packaging and Specialties Films, Celanese Plastics Company
`Group Leader Application/Product Development, Celanese Plastics Company. Applied
`polyester film research, including new shrink film product line.
`Sr. Research Scientist/Team Leader, Celanese Research Company, Summit. NJ. Research in
`polyester films, polyester resins, graphite fibers and composites, acrylonitrile fibers and films,
`acetate fibers, and polymer physics. Pioneered new thermal analysis techniques now considered
`standard. Team leader for multi-disciplinary group supporting the polyester film business.
`Research Scientist, U.S. Army Natick Labs - Ballistic Materials Lab, Natick, MA
`1991 - 1994
`1987 - 1991
`1985 -1987
`1979 - 1985
`1977 - 1979
`1975 - 1977
`1973 - 1975
`1968 - 1973
`Expert testimony for complainant before International Trade Commission
`Expert testimony for Plaintiff before Federal Court, Calgary
`Expert for defendant in patent infringement case before Singapore High Court
`Member of Scientific Committee, 19th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging, Melbourne
`Member of Scientific Committee and presenter, 26th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging, Espoo,
`Member of Scientific Committee, 18th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging, San Luis Obispo
`Member of Scientific Committee, 25th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging, Berlin, Germany
`Member of Scientific Committee and attendee, 17th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging,
`Tianjin, China
`Symposium chair, 24th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging, Greenville, SC
`16th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging, Bangkok, Thailand
`RJRV EX 1005
`Dr. Robert M. Kimmel
`Page 3
`1991 – 1996
`1991 - 1994
`1988 - 1992
`1988 – 1990
`Seminar at Korea University; Keynote speaker at YonSei Packaging Forum; Keynote speaker at the
`20th KOPAST International Seminar on Packaging Science & Technology, Seoul, Korea
`Visits to ESIEC, France; Clemson Brussels Center; European companies)
`23rd IAPRI Symposium on Packaging, Windsor, UK
`Visits to packaging science schools in Europe; seminar at Korea University, Seoul
`14th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging, Stockholm, Sweden
`Invited speaker Masterfoods international innovation conference, Tokyo, Japan
`Tours of Great Britain food and packaging companies; visit to Faraday Association
`13th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging, East Lansing, MI
`12th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging, Warsaw, Poland
`Responsible for global coordination of a U.S.-Germany-Japan development partnership for LCP
`Managed a new films business development department, including marketing and semi-works
`manufacturing, while living in Germany for three years
`Member of negotiating team and later technical and marketing coordination teams for three way
`U.S.-Germany-Japan polyester film joint venture.
`Managed successful anti-dumping case against Japanese and Korean polyester film producers,
`including testifying before the International Trade Commission.
`Global business team leader for Hoechst Celanese Packaging and Specialty Films
`1987 – 1991
`Extensive business travel in Western Europe and Japan; personal/business travel in Eastern Europe, Middle East,
`Languages (with varying degrees of fluency): German, French, Hebrew
`Listed in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in American Education
`Invited presenter NSF Showcase-2002 ASEE Annual Meeting
`The Fiber Society Lecturer
`Rohm & Haas Fellow
`American Can Fellow
`Susich Award in Fiber Rheology
`National Merit Scholar
`First Place winner, Mass. State Science Fair “Graft Copolymers of polystyrene and polymethyl
`methacrylate with natural rubber”
`Institute of Packaging Professionals
`Society of Plastics Engineers
`International Safe Transit Association
`Volunteer, instructional technology, Woodland Elementary School, 1997-2004, Greer, SC,
`Graduate of Leadership Greenville, 1988-89, Greenville, SC
`Co-founder and chairman, Suzuki Academy of Talent Education, 1984-89, Greenville, SC
`RJRV EX 1005
`Dr. Robert M. Kimmel
`Page 4
`Peer-reviewed Report/Book
`R.M. Kimmel, Kay D. Cooksey and A. Littman, “Life Cycle Assessment of Grocery Bags in
`Common Use in the United States” (2015) Clemson, SC: Clemson University Press. 192 pgs.
`Refereed Journal Articles
`T. Chen, D. Darby, R. Kimmel, K. Cooksey and E. Gohr. “Characterizing Metallocene-catalyzed
`Skin Layers on Oriented Polypropylene Films” J. Plastic Film and Sheeting. In preparation
`K. W. Kim, B.J. Min, Y.T. Kim, R. M. Kimmel, K. Cooksey, S.I. Park “Antimicrobial activity
`against foodborne pathogens of chitosan biopolymer films of different molecular weights“,LWT-
`Food Sci. Tech 44 565-569 (2011)
`H. J. Bae, H. J. Park, D. O. Darby, R. M. Kimmel and W. S. Whiteside “Development and
`characterization of pet/fish gelatin-nanoclay composite/LDPE laminate: gelatin-nanoclay film as a
`functional barrier layer” Pkg. Tech. Sci., 22, 371-383 (2009)
`H. J. Bae, Park, H. J., Hong, S. I., Byun, Y. J., Darby, D. O., Kimmel, R. M., Whiteside, W. S..
`“Effect of clay content, homogenization rpm, ph, and ultrasonification on mechanical and barrier
`properties of fish gelatin/montmorillonite nanocomposite films" LWT -- Food Science and
`Technology. 42, 1179–1186.(2009)
`H. J. Bae, D. O. Darby, R.. M. Kimmel, H. J. Park, W. S. Whiteside, "Effects of transglutaminase
`induced crosslinking on properties of fish gelatin-nano clay composite film", J. Food Chem., 114
`180-189 (2009)
`R.A. Hurley, R. M. Kimmel, D. D. Darby, K. Cooksey, L. Bix "Design and Build of an
`accelerometer to determine package orientation over time" NIPHLE Annual Conference: Norfolk,
`VA (2008)
`Y-T. Kim, Y-S. Hong, R. M. Kimmel, J-H Rho, C-H. Lee “New Approach for characterization of
`biopolymer film using proton behavior determined by low field 1H NMR” J. Agri. Food Chem., 55
`10678-84 (2007)
`R. M. Kimmel. “Undergraduate Labs in Applied Polymer Science – A Case Study” Proc. 2002
`ASEE Ann. Conf. (2002)
`R. M. Kimmel “A Primer on Plastic” Graphic Arts Monthly 55, 132, 135-136 (1983)
`R. M. Kimmel. “Polyester Film” J. Microgr. 12, 15-23 (1982)
`W. Whitney and R. M. Kimmel. “Griffith Equation and Carbon Fiber Strength” Nature Physical
`Science 237, 93-94 (1972).
`R. M. Kimmel and D. R. Uhlmann. “Activation-energy Spectra for Retraction of Hot-Stretched
`Polystyrene and Shear Creep in Polymethyl Methacrylate” J. Appl. Phys. 42, 4926-4930 (1971).
`R. M. Kimmel and D. R. Uhlmann. “Effects of Pressure on Amorphous Polymers: Thermodynamic
`Properties of Densified Polymethyl Methacrylate” J. Appl. Phys. 42, 4917-4925 (1971).
`R. M. Kimmel and D. R. Uhlmann. “Effects of High Pressure on Amorphous Polymers. II.
`Annealing of Densified Polymethyl Methacrylate” J. Appl. Phys. 42, 1892-1896 (1971).
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`Dr. Robert M. Kimmel
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`PUBLICATIONS (continued)
`Refereed Journal Articles (continued)
`R. M. Kimmel and D. R. Uhlmann. “Effects of High Pressure on Amorphous Polymers:
`Densification of Polymethyl Methacrylate” J. Appl. Phys. 41, 2917-2927 (1970).
`R. M. Kimmel and D. R. Uhlmann. “Activation Energy Spectra for Nonlinear Relaxation Processes”
`J. Appl. Phys. 41, 592 (1970).
`R. M. Kimmel and D. R. Uhlmann. “On the Energy Spectrum of Densified Silica Glass.” Phys.
`Chem. Glasses 10, 12-17 (1969).
`R. M. Kimmel and D. R. Uhlmann. “Activation Energy Spectra for Relaxation in Amorphous
`Materials. I. Volume Relaxation in Polystyrene and Polyvinyl Acetate” J. Appl. Phys. 40, 4254-
`4260 (1969).
`R. M. Kimmel and R. D. Andrews. “Birefringence Effects in Acrylonitrile Polymers. II. The Nature
`of the 140°C Transition” J. Appl. Phys. 36, 3063-3071 (1965).
`R. D. Andrews and R. M. Kimmel. “Solid State Structure and Glass Transitions in Polyacrylonitrile:
`the Hetero-bonded Solid State” J. Polymer Sci. B3, 167-169 (1965).
`R. D. Andrews and R. M. Kimmel. “Birefringence Effects in Acrylonitrile Polymers. I Effects at
`Different Temperatures” J. Appl. Phys. 35, 3194-3202 (1964).
`Other Journal Articles
`Trade Journals
`R.M. Kimmel. “PET Also is a Film Material” Plastics Design & Processing 23, 15-16 (1983).
`R. M. Kimmel “The Basics of Polyester Film for Metallising” Food & Drug Pkg. 47 21-25 (1983)
`B.L. Kindberg and R.M. Kimmel. “Films: Flexibility in Labeling” Paper, Film & Foil Converter
`55, 46-48 (1981)
`Proceedings, Published with Oral Presentations
`R. M. Kimmel, K.D. Cooksey and A. Littman, “Environmental Impact Of Grocery Bags in
`Common Use in the U.S. Market” 26th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging, Espoo, Finland (2013)
`R.A. Hurley, K. Cooksey, D. Darby, R. Kimmel and L. Bix “The Design of a Data Recorder to Test
`the Effects of Color Contrast on ‘This Side Up’ Pictorial Markings on Package Orientation within
`UPS Ground” Proc. of 25rd IAPRI Symposium on Packaging, Berlin, Germany. (2011)
`D. O. Darby, W. S. Whiteside and R. M. Kimmel “Troubleshooting Case Studies—Centre for
`Flexible Packaging“ Proc. Int’l Polyolefins Conf., Houston TX Feb. 22-25 (2010)
`R. M. Kimmel and K. D. Cooksey “Challenges in Sustainable Packaging” Functional Packaging
`Through Chemistry, North Jersey Section American Chemical Society, Newark, NJ (2008) –
`Keynote Address
`H. Bae, H. Park, D. Darby, R. Kimmel and W. Whiteside. “Development and characterization of
`PET/fish gelatin-nanoclay composite/LDPE laminate” IAPRI World Conference on Packaging,
`Bangkok, Thailand (2008)
`RJRV EX 1005
`Dr. Robert M. Kimmel
`Page 6
`PUBLICATIONS (continued)
`Proceedings, Published with Oral Presentations (continued)
`R.M. Kimmel, W.S. Whiteside, K. D. Cooksey and D. O. Darby, "New Developments in Food
`Packaging in North America" 20th KOPAST International Seminar on Packaging Science &
`Technology, Seoul, Korea (2008) – Keynote Address
`V. A. Chougule, R. M. Kimmel and D. A. Zumbrunnen. “Novel Barrier Films using Smart Blending
`Technology for Reducing Flavor Migration in Packaging Applications” Proc. of 23rd IAPRI
`Symposium on Packaging, Windsor, U.K. (2007)
`D. Darby, K. Cooksey and R. M. Kimmel. “Flavor and aroma permeation concepts and
`applications” Proc 2006. TAPPI Place Conference (2006)
`V. A. Chougule, R. M. Kimmel and D. A. Zumbrunnen. “Morphology, Barrier and Mechanical
`Properties of Novel Films developed using Smart Blending Technology” Proc. 2005 International
`Polyolefins Conference (2005)
`V. A. Chougule, R. M. Kimmel and D. A. Zumbrunnen. “Novel Barrier Films
`using Smart Blending Technology for Packaging Applications” Proc. Flexible Packaging
`Conference 2005 (2005)
`V. A. Chougule, R. M. Kimmel and D. A. Zumbrunnen. “Development of Novel Barrier Films
`using Chaotic Advection ‘Smart Blending’ Device” Proc. 2005 Annual Technical Conference
` of the Society of Plastics Engineers (2005)
`Y. T. Kim and R.M. Kimmel. “Development of Gelatin Film as an Active Packaging Layer” Proc
`2004. TAPPI Place Conference (2004)
`R. M. Kimmel. “Polymer Physics Laboratories for the Undergraduate Packaging Curriculum” 13th
`IAPRI World Conference on Packaging, Lansing, MI, June, 2002.
`R. M. Kimmel, A. Wolf and J. A. Penoyer. “Wide-mouth PET bottles: achieving hot-filling ability
`through multi-layer reinforcement” 12th IAPRI World Conference on Packaging, Warsaw, Poland,
`June, 2001
`R. M. Kimmel. "21st Century Challenges for the Packaging Industry" Food Packaging Design
`Conference, Orlando, FL, April 11-13, 2000
`Abstracts, Published with Oral Presentation or Poster Session and not subsequently published
`D. Darby and R.M. Kimmel “Packaging Materials Trends” GAA Global Summit, New Orleans
`R. M. Kimmel, K.D. Cooksey and A. Littman, “Environmental Impact Of Grocery Bags in
`Common Use in the U.S. Market” IOPP Bags Committee Annual Meeting, Greenville, SC (2014)
`R. M. Kimmel “Sustainable Packaging-One Academic’s View” Yon Sei University Packaging
`Research Forum, Seoul, Korea (2008)
`R. M. Kimmel “Results of NACDS/Clemson Packaging Study” NACDS Supply and Logistics
`Conference, Orlando March 26, 2007 (invited speaker)
`R. Thomas, R. M. Kimmel, W. S. Whiteside. “Rethinking Packaging Design to Support a Piece-
`Pick Distribution Operation” NACDS Supply and Logistics Conference, San Diego March 19, 2006
`(Invited speaker)
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`Dr. Robert M. Kimmel
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`PUBLICATIONS (continued)
`Abstracts, Published with Oral Presentation or Poster Session and not subsequently published
`R. M. Kimmel. “Smart Blending; The Clemson University Center for Flexible Packaging” Korea
`University, Seoul, Korea. October 19, 2005 (invited speaker)
`Y. S. Hong, Y. T. Kim, R. M. Kimmel, J. H. Rho, C. H. Lee. “Characterization of Proton Behavior
`In Gelatin Films Plasticized With Glycerol Using Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance”
`Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society 230, U53-U54 Meeting Abstract: 102-
`AGFD Published: AUG 28 2005
`R. M. Kimmel.” Recent Developments in Polymers, Extrusion Technology and Films” Masterfoods
`international innovation conference, Tokyo, Japan, Oct. 2004
`Y. T. Kim, R. M. Kimmel and S. H. Jun “Effect of incorporated antioxidants (ascorbic acid, citric
`acid, phytic acid and BHA) on physical properties and antioxidant activity of gelatin film” IFT
`Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV July 15, 2004 (Poster, 1st Place Student Competition)
`Y. T. Kim and R. M. Kimmel. "Effects of a series of organic acids on the properties of edible gelatin
`films" IFT Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL July 14, 2003 (Poster)
`R. M. Kimmel. "The Challenge of the Plastic Beer Bottle" IFT Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, June
`12, 2000. (Invited speaker)
`W. Whitney and R. M. Kimmel “Influence of Structure on the Strength of High Polymers” Ber.
`Deutschen Keramischen Gesell. 50 25-30 Carbon ’72 Annual Conference, Baden-Baden, W.
`Germany, June 1972.
`R. M. Kimmel “Structure-Property Relationships in the After-Processing of Acrylic Yarns” The
`Fiber Society, Princeton, NJ 1971
`R. D. Andrews, T. J. Hammack, E. M. Krokosky and R. M. Kimmel. “Comparative Photoelastic
`Behavior of Styrene and Acrylic Polymers” Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 11, 180 (1966)
`Y. T. Kim, K. W. Kim, J. H. Han, R. M. Kimmel Chapter 6: “Antimicrobial Packaging for Food”
`in J. Kerry and P. Butler (eds.) Smart Packaging Technologies for Fast Moving Consumer Goods
`Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons (2008).
`R. M. Kimmel. “Structure-Property Relationships in the After-Processing of Acrylic Yarns” paper
`presented to The Fiber Society, Princeton, NJ 1971 and summarized (with figures) in M. Jaffe.
`“Fibers” in Thermal Characterization of Polymers. E. A. Turi (ed.). New York: Academic Press
`(1981). pp. 709-792.
`R. D. Andrews, Jr., Allison, S.W., Ender, D.H., Kimmel, R.M., Whitney, W. “Research Study on
`Cold Drawing Phenomena in High Polymers” (1966) Cambridge: M.I.T. Dept. Mechanical
`Engineering. 161 p.
`Program/Symposium Chair
`24th IAPRI Symposium on Packaging, May 2009, Greenville, SC
`Flex-Pack '99 Europe, Amsterdam, Nov. 8-9, 1999
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`Dr. Robert M. Kimmel
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`PUBLICATIONS (continued)
`Review and Award Panels
`Judge, AIMCAL Product Awards, 2020
`Judge, Flexible Packaging Association Achievement Awards 2019
`Judge, AIMCAL Product Awards 2019
`Judge, AIMCAL Technology Awards, 2018
`Judge, Flexible Packaging Association Achievement Awards 2017
`Judge, Flexible Packaging Association Achievement Awards 2016
`Judge, Flexible Packaging Association Achievement Awards 2015
`Packaging Hall of Fame Commission 2014
`Packaging Hall of Fame Commission 2011
`NSF Division of Undergraduate Education, Arlington, VA July 28-30, 2010
`NSF Division of Undergraduate Education, Arlington, VA July 23-26, 2001
`R. M. Kimmel, A.E. Wolf, J.A. Penoyer and D.D. Roth, U.S. Patent 6,426,128 "Co-processable
`multi-layer laminates for forming high strength, haze-free, transparent articles and methods of
`producing same" July 31, 2002.
`J.E. Kuder, R.N. Demartino, D. Cangiano, R.D. Jester, A.E.Wolf, R. M. Kimmel, S.H. Rounsville,
`J.A. Penoyer, U.S. Patent 6,312,772 “Multilayer laminate formed from a substantially stretched
`non-molten wholly aromatic liquid crystalline polymer and non-polyester thermoplastic polymer”
`Nov. 6, 2001.
`R.D. Jester, A.E. Wolf, R. M. Kimmel, D. Cangiano and J.A. Penoyer, U.S. Patent 6,268,026
`“Multilayer laminate formed from a substantially stretched non-molten wholly aromatic liquid
`crystalline polymer and non-liquid crystalline polyester and method for forming same” July 31,
`A.E. Wolf, R.M. Kimmel, J.A. Penoyer and D.D. Roth, EP0928683 "Co-processable multi-layer
`laminates for forming high strength, haze-free transparent articles and methods of producing same"
`Jul. 14, 1999.
`D. Cangiano, J.E. Kuder, A. Wolf, R.D. Jester, R. M. Kimmel, J.A. Penoyer, R.N. DeMartino and
`S.H. Rounsville, EP0911150 "Laminates formed from wholly aromatic, amorphous stretchable
`liquid crystalline polymers and non-polyester thermoplastics and methods of forming same" Apr.
`28, 1999.
`D. Cangiano, A. E. Wolf, R.D. Jester, R.M. Kimmel and J.A.Penoyer, EP0909781 "Laminates
`formed from wholly aromatic, amorphous stretchable liquid crystalline polymers and non-liquid
`crystalline polyesters and methods of forming same" Apr. 21, 1999
`K-H Kochem, P. Boening, H. Schenk and R. M. Kimmel, DE4310082, "Electroluminescent film,
`process for its production and use" Sep. 29, 1994
`E. C. Chenevy and R. M. Kimmel. U.S. Patent 4,002,426 “Production of Stabilized Non-burning
`Acrylic Fibers and Films” Jan. 11, 1977.
`R. M. Kimmel, J. P. Riggs, R. W. Swander and W. Whitney. U.S. Patent 3,925,524 “Process for the
`Production of Carbon Filaments” Dec. 9, 1975.
`E. C. Chenevy and R. M. Kimmel. U.S. Patent 3,708,326 “Stabilization of Acrylic Fibers and
`Films” Jan. 2, 1973.
`RJRV EX 1005
`Dr. Robert M. Kimmel
`Page 9
`2000, 2005
`Burt’s Bees (Clorox)
`Frito-Lay North America
`McKinsey & Co.
`Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox
`T. Floyd Associates
`Regent Group
`Masterfoods USA
`Bayer Cropscience
`Reckitt Benckiser
`Taylor Companies
`Expert Witness/Litigation (2003 – pres)
`Expert and/or consultant for 78 cases, including 59 patent infringement/validity cases (including
`10 IPRs, 1 EPR and 4 ITC Investigations), 4 trade dress/design patent cases and 19 product
`liability/breach of contract/miscellaneous subject cases; have written 52 expert reports and 44
`declarations, have been deposed 23 times and testified in Federal court 7 times (one of these in
`Canada; 2 jury trials) and before the ITC one time. Experience split about equally between
`plaintiff/petitioner and defendant/respondent.
`Other litigation (1981 – 1991)
`Managed anti-dumping investigation and testified before the ITC
`Deposed for defendant in Robinson-Patman litigation
`RJRV EX 1005