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`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1042, p. i


`Case 2:18-cv-00134-RWS Document 106-15 Filed 01/14/19 Page 4 of 4 PageID #: 1761
`beachcomber / bearnaise sauce
`beach·comb•er (bechfk6 1mJr) (cid:141) n. 1. One who
`scavenges along beaches. 2. A seaside vaca(cid:173)
`(cid:141) n. 1. A position on
`beach•head (bech1hed1
`an enemy shoreline captured by troops in
`advance of an invading force. 2. A first achieve(cid:173)
`ment that opens the way; foothold.
`bea•con (be1bn) (cid:141) n. 1. A lighthouse. 2. A radio
`transmitter that emits a guidance signal for
`aircraft. 3. A source of guidance. 4. A signal
`fire. f< OE beacen.]
`bead (bed) (cid:141) n. 1a. A small piece of mate(cid:173)
`rial pierced for stringing. b. beads A necklace
`made of beads. c. beads A rosary. 2. A small
`round object, as: a. A drop of moisture: beads
`of sweat. b. A knoblike forward sight on a fire(cid:173)
`arm. (cid:141) v. To decorate with or collect into beads.
`-idiom: draw (or get) a bead on To take
`careful aim at. [ < OE gel1ed, prayer.}
`bea•dle (bed'!) (cid:141)
`11, A former minor parish offi(cid:173)
`cial in an English church. [ < OE bydel.J
`bead•y (be'de) (cid:141) adj. -i•er, +est 1. Small,
`round, and shiny: beady eyes. 2. Decorated
`with beads.
`bea•gle (be'g.:,l) (cid:141)
`11. A small hound with droop(cid:173)
`ing ears and a smooth white. black, and tan
`coat. [ME begle.]
`beak (bek) (cid:141) ». 1. The horny projecting man(cid:173)
`dibles of a bird; bill. 2. A similar structure, as
`the spout on a pitcher, 3. Informal The human
`nose.(< Lat. beccus,ofCelt. orig.]
`from top to bottom: black skimmer, pileated
`woodpecker, and American goldfinch
`beak•er (befk;:)r) (cid:141) n. 1. A wide glass cylinder
`with a pouring lip, used as a laboratory con(cid:173)
`tainer. 2. A large, wide-mouthed drinking cup.
`[ < Med.Lat. biciirius. J
`beam (bem) (cid:141) n. 1. A horizontal bar or support,
`esp. one used in construction. 2a. The maxi(cid:173)
`mum breadth of a ship. b. 1be side of a ship.
`3a. A ray of light. b. A concentrated stream of
`particles or waves: a beam of protons. (cid:141) v. 1. To
`radiate; shine. 2. To emit or transmit ( e.g., a
`signal). 3. To smile expansively. f < OE beam.}
`bean (ben) (cid:141) n. 1a. Any of various twining
`plants 'With edible pods and seeds. b. A seed or
`pod of a bean plant. 2. Any of various plants
`related to or suggestive of beans, including the
`soybean and coffee bean. 3. Slang A person's
`head. 4. beans ~fang A small amount: I don't
`know beans about investing. (cid:141) v. Slang To hit
`on the head. -idiom: spill the beans To
`disclose a secret. [ < OE bean.]
`bean·bag (benlbiig') (cid:141) n. 1. A small bag filled
`with dried beans and thrown in games. 2. An
`article, such as a chair, that is constructed as a
`bag filled with small pellets.
`bean ball (cid:141) n. Baseball A pitch aimed at the
`batter's head.
`bean curd (cid:141) n. Tofu.
`bean·ie (be,ne) (cid:141) n, A si:nall brimless cap.
`bean·o (be'n0) (cid:141) n., pl. -os A form of bingo, esp.
`one using beans as markers.
`bean sprouts (cid:141) pl.n. The tender, edible seedlings
`of certain bean plants.
`bear' (bar) (cid:141) v. bore (bor), borne (born) or
`born (b6rn), bear•ing 1a. To carry (some(cid:173)
`thing) on one's person from one place to
`another. b. To move from one place to another
`while containing or supporting (something);
`transport: a train bearing grain. 2. To carry
`or hold in the mind over time; harbor: bear a
`grudge. 3. To have as a visible characteristic
`or attribute: a letter bearing her name. 4. To
`conduct ( oneself): bore herself with dignity. Sa.
`To hold up; support: This wall bears the weight of
`the roof b. To be accountable for; assume: becir(cid:173)
`ing heavy responsibilities. 6. To endure: couldn't
`bear the pain. 7. To warrant: bears investigation.
`8. To have relevance; apply: We studied how
`psychology bears on politics. 9. p.part, born To
`give birth to. 10. To yield: bear }lowers. See Syn(cid:173)
`onyms at produce. 11. To offer; render: bear
`witness. 12. To proceed in a specified direction:
`bear left. -phrasal verbs: bear down 1.
`To exert muscular pressure downward, as in
`birthing a baby. 2. To advance in a threatening
`manner: Tlte ship bore down on us. 3. To apply
`maximum effort and concentration. bear out
`To prove right; confirm. -idioms: bear a
`resemblance To be, appear, or function like.
`bear in mind To remember: Bear in mind that
`it will be cold. [ < OE beran.] -bearfa•ble adj.
`-bearta•bly adv.
`bear2 (bar) (cid:141) n. 1. Any of various large, usu.
`omnivorous mammals having a shaggy coat
`and short tail. 2. A large, clumsy,. or ill-man(cid:173)
`nered person. 3. One that sells secµrities or
`commodities in expectation of falling prices.
`4. Something that is difficult or unpleasant: The
`final exam was a bear. [ < OE bera.J -bear'#
`ish adj.
`beard (bird) (cid:141) 11. 1. A growth of hair on the chin,
`cheeks, and throat of a person, esp. a man. 2. A
`hairy or hairlike growth, as on certain animals
`and plants. (cid:141)
`v. To confront boldly. [< OE.]
`-beardted adj.
`bear•er (bfirl;,r) (cid:141)
`11, 1. One that carries or
`supports. 2. One that holds a check or note
`for payment.
`bear hug (cid:141) n. A rough, tight hug.
`bear•ing (b5.r'lllg) (cid:141) n. 1. Deportment; demean(cid:173)
`or. 2. A device that supports, guides, and
`reduces the friction of motion ·between fixed
`and moving machine parts. 3. Something that
`supports weight. 4. Direction, esp. angular
`direction measured using geographical or
`celestial reference lines. S. often bearings
`Awareness of one's position relative to one's sur(cid:173)
`roundings. 6. Relevant relationship: That has
`no bearing on our work. 7. A heraldic emblem.
`bear·naise sauce (ba.r-naz,, ba'ar-, -;,r-) (cid:141) n. A
`sa~ce of butter and egg yolks that is flavored
`wit~ herbs. [Fr. biarnaise, of Beam, former
`region of France.)
`bear•skin (bar1sk1n') (cid:141) n. 1. Something, such as
`a ~~g, made from the skin of a bear. 2. A tall
`military hat made of black fur.
`beast (best) (cid:141) n. 1. An animal, esp. a large
`four-footed mammal. 2. A brutal person [<
`Lat. bestia.J

`beast-ly (best'le) (cid:141) adj. ·li·er, •li·est 1. Of or
`like a beast; bestial. 2. Ver}'.' disagreeable; nasty:
`beastly behavior. -beast'h•ness n.
`beat (bet) (cid:141) v. beat, beat•en (betln) or beat
`beat•ing 1a. To strike repeatedly; pound. b:
`To subject to repeated physical abuse; batter.
`2. To flap, esp. wings. 3. To sound by striking:
`beat a drnm, 4a. To shape by blows; forge. b.
`To make by trampling: beat a path. 5. To mix
`rapidly: beat eggs. 6, To pulsate; throb. 7. To
`defeat. 8. To strike agaitist, repeatedly and with
`force; pound: waves beating against the shore. 9.
`Informal To be better than: Riding beats walking,
`10. ~fan~ To baffle: It beats me. 11. Informal a.
`To circumvent: beat the traffic. b. To arrive or
`finish before (another). (cid:141) n. 1. A stroke or blow.
`2, A pulsation; throb. 3. A steady succession of
`units of rhythm. 4. An area regularly covered,
`as by a reporter or police officer. (cid:141) adj. Informal
`Worn-out; fatigued. -phrasal verb: beat off
`To drive away, -idioms: beat around (or
`a~out) the b~sh To fail to confront a subject
`duectly. beat 1t Slang To leave hurriedly. [ < OE
`beaten.) -beatfer n.
`Syns: batter, hammer, pound, pummel, thrash
`be·a•tif-ic (be';,-tTf'Ik) (cid:141) adj. Showing exalted
`joy or bliss: a beatific smile. [ < Lat, beat11s,
`blessed.] -be'a•tif'i•caHy adv.
`be•at+fy (be-iitf,.fi') (cid:141) v. -tied, -fy•ing 1. Rom.
`Cath. Ch. To proclaim (a deceased person) to
`be worthy of religious veneration. 2. To exalt;
`glorify. -be•at'i-fi•Ca'tion n.
`(cid:141) n.
`Supreme blessedness.
`beat•nik (bettnik) (cid:141)
`tl. A member of a group or
`movement esp. of the 1950s and early 1960s
`stressing nonconformity ·to social and cul(cid:173)
`tural mores. [ beat (generation), unconventional
`group of the 1950s and 1960s + -NIK.]
`Be•a•trix (bal;,-tr1ks', be'-) b. 1938. Queen of
`the Netherlands (assumed the throne 1980).
`beat•up (bet/Up') (cid:141) adj. Slang Damaged or worn
`through neglect or heavy use.
`beau (bo) (cid:141) n., pl. beaus or beaux (boz) 1. A
`suitor. 2. A dandy; fop. [Fr,, handsome.J
`Beau•fort Sea (boffart) A part of the Arctic
`Ocean N of NE AK and NW Canada.
`beau geste (b6 zhestl) (cid:141) n., pl. beaux gestes
`or beau gestes (b0 zhest') 1, A gracious
`gesture. 2. A gesture noble in form but mean(cid:173)
`ingless in substance. [Fr.]
`Beau•har•nais (b0-8.r-na'), Josephine de
`1763-1814. Empress of the French (1804-09)
`as the wife of Napoleon I.
`beau i•de•al (b0' 1-de';:)l) (cid:141) n., pl. beau ideals
`An ideal type or model. [Fr. beau ideal.]
`beau monde (bo m0nd', m0Nd') (cid:141) n.,pl. beaux
`mondes (bo m6Nd1) or beau mondes (b6
`m6ndz1) Fashionable society. [Fr.}
`(cid:141) adj. Beautiful.
`-beau'te•ous•ly adv.
`beaux (boz)
`beaux-arts (
`bea•ver (be,
`ing thick
`flat tail, a
`and buil
`of comp
`be·bop (
`ship) m
`beck (bek)
`Beck•ett (bek
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1042, p. 1

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