`School of Engineering Faculty Personnel Record
`Brian W. Anthony
`Mechanical Engineering / Institute of Medical Engineering and Science
` Carnegie Mellon University
`July 1972
` Video Based System Monitoring
`Date: November 18, 2018
`1. Date of Birth:
`2. Citizenship:
`3. Education:
`4. Title of Thesis for Most Advanced Degree:
`5. Principal Fields of Interest:
`Computational Instrumentation, Medical Device Design and Manufacturing, Innovation and
`Product Realization, Ultrasound Imaging and Novel uses of Ultrasound
`6. Name and Rank of Other Department Faculty in the Same Field:
`7. Non-MIT Experience (including military service):
`Independent Consultant
` Xcitex
` Cooper Perkins
`8. History of MIT Appointments:
` Harry Asada, Professor
`Ian Hunter, Professor
` Kamal Youcef-Toumi, Professor
` Charlie Sodini, Professor (EECS)
`CoFounder / CTO
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1053, p. 1


`9. Consulting Record:
`10. Professional Service
`Engagements greater than 3 months.
`Los Alamos National Labs
`Federal Trade Commission
` Kodak
` Redlake
` Olympus
` Cooper Perkins
` Alcon
` Ximedica
` Herman Miller
` Novartis
` Apple
` Activity
` Rank
`Lecturer, Sloan
` (present)
`Lecturer, MechE
` 2013
` Research Scientist
` (present)
`Principal Research Scientist
` Director Singapore MIT Alliance – Manufacturing Systems and Technology
`Program (SMA-MST)
` 2010
` Director Master of Engineering in Manufacturing Program (MEngM)
` (present)
`Faculty Lead for Education, MIT Skoltech Initiative 2011
` 2016
` Deputy Director, MIT Skoltech Initiative
` 2016
` Associate Director, AIM Academy
` 2017
` Associate Director, MIT.nano
`Faculty Lead for Industry Engagement, MechE
` MEngM Admissions Committee
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1053, p. 2


` CDO Admissions Committee
` Career Fair – SMA in Singapore, Org Chair
` Career Fair – SMA/MIT in Singapore, Org Chair
` Mfg. microFluidics Symp, Chair
`SMART Proposal Lead on Med Devices
`LMP Summit Co-Chair
` MEDRC Workshop, Chair
`Pilot IMI Proposal, MIT Lead
` Additive mfg working group, Lead
` MIT's role in reducing the cost of health care
` Activity
`SPIE Conference Committee
`SPIE Conference Committee
` Co-Chair Education Workstream, AMP 2.0
` Award
`National Television Academy, Emmy for Innovative
`Technical Achievement. "Golf on CBS, SwingVision."
`BPLA Invented Here, Featured Honoree
`11. Awards Received:
`12. Current Organization Membership:
`13. Patents and Patent Applications Pending:
` Organization
`Offices Held
` AIUM (American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine)
`Sigma Xi
`1. US Patent 5606130 “Method for determining the octane rating of gasoline samples by
`observing corresponding acoustic resonances therein.”
`2. US Patent 6393384 “Apparatus and method for remote ultrasonic determination of thin
`material properties using signal correlation.”
`3. US Patent 6226081 “Optical height of fill detection system and associated methods.”
`4. US Patent 8,333,704, B. Anthony and M. Gilbertson, “Handheld Force-Controlled
`Ultrasound Probe,” Dec 11, 2012
`5. US Patent 8,328,725, B. Anthony and M. Gilbertson, “Ultrasound Probe,” Dec 18, 2012
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1053, p. 3


`6. US Patent 8,382,671, B. Anthony and M. Gilbertson, “Handheld Ultrasound Probe,” Feb
`26, 2013
`7. US Patent 9,121,705, B. Anthony and D. Ljubicic, “Sensor for Simultaneous
`Measurement of Thickness and Lateral Position of a transparent object,” Sept 1, 2015
`8. US Patent 9,456,800, Brian W. Anthony, Matthew W. Gilbertson, “Ultrasound scanning
`system”, Oct 4, 2016
`9. MIT Case 14088, Force Controlled Ultrasound Probe, 16-Dec-09
`10. MIT Case 14387, Deformation Estimation and Correction in Elastography with a
`Handheld Force Controlled Ultrasound Probe, 16-Jul-10
`11. MIT Case 14422, High-Speed Profilometer for Manufacturing Inspection, 30-Jul-10
`12. MIT Case 14966J, Force Measurement Ultrasound Probe for Sonographer Fatigue
`Monitoring, 10-Jun-11
`13. MIT Case 15012, A 6-DOF Optical System for Freehand 3D Ultrasound, 05-Jul-11
`14. MIT Case 15681J, Local Actuation and Control of Stamp Deformation in Microcontact
`Printing, 06-Jun-12
`15. MIT Case 15782, Usability Improvements to a Handheld Force-Controlled Ultrasound
`Probe, 03-Aug-12
`16. MIT Case 15884, Computer-Guided Restoration of Ultrasound Scan Poses by Optical
`Tracking, 01-Oct-12
`17. MIT Case 16160, Quick-Release Mechanism for a Force-Measuring Ultrasound Probe,
`18. MIT Case 16447, Force-correlated Quantitative Ultrasound Image Analysis, 02-Jul-13
`19. MIT Case 17106J, Acoustic Characterization of Superficial Body Fluids, 07-May-14
`20. MIT Case 17211J, Wireless Capsule Endoscopic Ultrasound, 24-Jun-14
`21. MIT Case 17259K, A Concentric Circle Scanning Technique for Large Area Inspection,
`22. MIT Case 17260K, Grid-Based Matching for Full-Field Large-Area Deformation
`Measurement, 09-Jul-14
`23. MIT Case 17344, Recovery and Computer-Guided Restoration of Ultrasound Scan Poses
`Based on Human Skin Features, 21-Aug-14
`24. MIT Case 17864J, Ultrasound-Based Individual Scatterer Detection Method Using
`Scatterer Motion Induced by Acoustic Radiation Force, 21-Apr-15
`25. MIT Case 17865, Ultrasound-Based Absolute Scatterer Concentration Measurement
`Technique: Image Volume Estimation from Scatter Spread Function Extracted From the
`Image, 21-Apr-15
`26. MIT Case 17990, Hydrogel Ultrasound Angle Wedge, 04-Jun-15
`27. MIT Case 18074, Joint Camera-Ultrasound Data Acquisition for Limb Scanning, 13-Jul-
`28. MIT Case 18544, An Iterative RTM with a Priori Data to Estimate Bone Thickness Using
`a Cylindrically Scanning Ultrasound Tomography Scanner, 22-Feb-16
`29. MIT Case 18545K, Block-Wise Inversion for the Soundspeed of Human Soft Tissue and
`Bone Using Ray Based Travel Time Tomographic Techniques, 22-Feb-16
`30. MIT Case 18636, Concentric Ring-Based Point Pattern Matching of Skin Features, 05-
`31. (to be updated)
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1053, p. 4


`14. Professional Registration:
` N/A.
`15. Major New Products, Processes Designs, or Systems:
` See next.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1053, p. 5


`16. Major New Products, Processes Designs, or Systems:
`The following is split between a) University Programs or Significant Initiatives, b) Products, and c) Companies.
`A. Programs, Centers, or Significant Initiatives
`Director of the Master of Engineering in Manufacturing Program, and previously the director of the
`Singapore MIT Alliance - Manufacturing Systems and Technology Program since 2006. In these roles I
`have developed an education partnership program with small to multi-national corporations, defined and
`built the MEngM program and structure for the development and execution of company based projects.
`I place student groups into companies, teach professional engineering practice in the contact of industry
`based group projects, and broadly define and execute the operations of the MEngM degree program.
`Between 2007 and 2010, I raised over $900,000 from our partner companies to support program
`sponsored student fellowship and program operations.
`Co-Founder, Co-Director of the Medical Electronic Device Realization Center (MEDRC). Along with
`Charlie Sodini, and Joel Voldman, I recruit large Medical Device manufacturing companies, lead
`research, and engage with the Med Tech community nationally and internationally.
`The MEDRC establishes partnerships between the microelectronics industry, the medical devices
`industry, medical professionals, and MIT faculty, researchers and students to collaboratively achieve
`improvements in the cost and performance of medical electronic devices. The successful realization of
`such a vision also demands innovations in the usability and productivity of medical devices, and new
`technologies and approaches to manufacture devices. The MEDRC is a focal point for large business,
`for venture-funded startups, and for the medical community.
`The unique research methodology of the MEDRC begins with the project definition. Research activities
`are jointly defined by faculty, physicians and clinicians, and industrial partners. Visiting scientists from
`microelectronic and medical device companies, physically resident at the Center, provide the industrial
`viewpoint in the project definitions and participate in the realization of the technology. Prototype
`systems are developed which are used in clinical tests early in the projects to help guide the research
`technology being developed in parallel.
`To date we have raised significant funding and identified a visiting scientist from GE, Analog Devices,
`Maxim, Philips, Nihon Kohden, Novartis. Each company commits to $900,000 over 3 years.
`MIT Skoltech Initiative
`Deputy Director, and Lead Education, MIT Skoltech Initiative. I servied as the education faculty lead in
`the development of high level curriculum concept for SkolTech Master’s degree programs, spanning
`across domains (space, nuclear, biomedicine, IT, and energy). We develop the education-team
`collaboration, build consensus on vision, objectives, and plans, and to create education programs for
`each domain.
`AIM Academy
`Associate Director of AIM Advance Integrated Photonics Manufacturing Academy. The AIM
`Photonics manufacturing institute is a public-private partnership that focuses the nation’s premiere
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1053, p. 6


`capabilities and expertise to capture critical global manufacturing leadership in Integrated Photonics
`technology that is essential to the U.S. economy. In this role I supported community, careers and
`investment for US world leadership in Integrated Photonics manufacturing. I lead development of a
`Masters program in Integrated Photonics Manufacturing and development of an Education Factory
`practice facility.
`MIT.nano / SENSE.nano
`Associated Director, MIT.nano.
`Founding director of first center of excellence at MIT.nano, SENSE.nano. New sensors and sensing
`systems can provide previously unimaginable insight into the condition of the built and natural world
`and to positively impact man, machine, and environment. For example, new sensors can provide
`accessible sensing capabilities important to individual’s health and wellness, such as recently-developed
`nanoparticle-embedded paper strips that can rapidly diagnose Zika, Ebola, and other diseases in a simple
`color-coded test. Massively distributed networks of sensors enable large-scale, global data collection
`important to agriculture and water distribution, environment monitoring, disaster recovery, disease
`outbreak detection and intervention, supply chain operations, and the operations of cities. Nano sciences
`and technologies offer unprecedented opportunities to realize designs for, and scale manufacturing of,
`the sensors and sensing technologies required to fundamentally understand and fight diverse challenges.
`MIT–with comprehensive excellence in engineering, business, earth science, electronics, computation,
`nanoscience, materials science, neuroscience, chemistry, physics, manufacturing, and biology–is poised
`to address the engineering, science, policy, and commercial challenges required to realize these grand,
`but nano, visions, to translate them to scale, and to positively impact society. MIT.nano is a world-class,
`nano-capable, shared laboratory facility and provides an open collaborative and cross-disciplinary nexus
`for advanced research, innovation, and education.
`Other Significant, formative, Initiatives
`SMART Center - March through September 2010
`I developed consensus around a theme, built the team of 10 investigators in Singapore and 10
`investigators at MIT for a whitepaper and requested full center-proposal for SMART, entitled
`“Realization (Design, Manufacturing, and Use) of Injectable Physiological Monitors – Enabling a
`Patient Centric Information Driven Healthcare Future.” The research was motivated by addressing the
`need for unobtrusive, continuous, ambulatory, physiological monitoring of Congestive Heart Failure and
`Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients. The 'state of health' information generated from these
`sensors can help reduce societal health care costs, improve quality of health care, increase quality
`lifespan, and lead to new understanding of the human physiology. Our proposal made it to the final
`round but was not selected. However these efforts lead to the creation of the MEDRC.
`Pilot Innovation Manufacturing Institute (IMI) Proposal – May, June 2012
`A team (University of Massachusetts Amherst, University of Connecticut, Massachusetts Institute of
`Technology, the Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, the Pennsylvania State University,
`UMass Lowell, United Technologies Corporation, and the National Center for Manufacturing Sciences)
`proposed to form an independent, non-profit technical center of excellence to accelerate technological
`progress and innovation in additive manufacturing (AM), in response to the May 8, 2012 Air Force
`Research Laboratory Broad Agency Announcement (BAA-122-17-PKM) for the NNMI pilot. The
`NNMI Pilot Institute will demonstrate the value of the kind of collaborative problem-solving and asset-
`building that could occur on a broader scale with a nation-wide network of Institutes for Manufacturing
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1053, p. 7


`Innovation. Federal government funding for the 2.5-year pilot program is $30M with a minimum of
`$30M in required cost sharing from industry, state government and universities.
`In our center, The Advanced Direct Additive Manufacturing Institute (ADAM-I), we proposed to
`address key gap-bridging challenges in AM, including: rapid net shape production of structural metal,
`ceramic and polymer parts, and cost-effective manufacturing of large-area functional materials,
`components and devices.
`Marty Schmidt and I spearheaded the MIT collaboration. We developed the business plan and financial
`sustainability model for the proposed center. I raised $3 million in matching fund commitments (10% of
`the total match commitment).
`Flexible Hybrid Electronics Manufacturing Innovation Institute (NextFlex) – October 2015
`MIT PI on winning proposal, including a team of : Marc Baldo, Duane Boning, Vladimir Bulovic, Karen
`K Gleason, David E Hardt, Anastasios John Hart, Sang-Gook Kim.
`$150M national center with a mission to catalyze the development of an ecosystem for manufacturing
`new forms of electronics that integrate bulk ICs and printed devices with functions such as power,
`communications, fluidics, and bio-sensing in flexible systems that can bend, fold, stretch, and conform.
`B. Products
`Fuselage Crack Inspection System for FAA
`In support of the Federal Aviation Administration National Aging Aircraft Research Program (NAARP)
`the state-of-the-art Full-Scale Aircraft Structural Test Evaluation and Research (FASTER) Facility was
`established at the FAA William J. Hughes Technical Center. A fixture was designed to simulate the
`actual loads to which an aircraft fuselage structure is subjected while in flight. Data from tests using this
`fixture was used to experimentally validate analytical theories and methodologies to evaluate and predict
`the onset of Widespread Fatigue Damage (WFD). Crack growth data from testing was gathered from
`the Remote Control Crack Monitoring System.
`I designed, built, and delivered The Remote Control Crack Monitoring System consisting of a pair of
`cameras with two different fields of view manipulative by with a large gantry robot. The cameras ‘fly’
`over the fuselage surface to identify and track cracks using processed camera images to generate the
`feedback signal
`Laser Wave for Textron
`Textron Inc.’s LaserWave® products integrated advanced signal processing techniques, robust software
`algorithms, lasers, optics and ultrasonic technology. The LaserWave Instrument could measure material
`characteristics such as density, hardness, temperature, thickness, elastic constants and more. LaserWave
`was developed to measure the temperature of Silicon Wafers undergoing rapid thermal processing and
`evolved to become a general system for material characterization.
`A pulse laser system is used to initiate a circular thermo-elastic Lamb wave. I developed propagation
`models describing the propagation of the collapsing circular, thermo-elastic, transient Lamb waves. I
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1053, p. 8


`developed real-time inversion routines using a time-frequency wavelet decomposition to extract and
`identify group velocity mode shapes. The LaserWave products use models and algorithms that I
`developed to invert the measured temporal signals in order to estimate elastic constants and material
`thickness of thin layers.
`This product line didn’t fit Textron’s business mode. They transferred the technology to Brown
`Motion Tools for Photron Inc
`I designed Photron Motion Tools to operate high-speed PCI cameras. Photron Motion Tools provides
`users with manual and automatic tracking capabilities. By simply selecting the point of interest within
`the recorded image sequence, Motion Tools automatically tracks the points-motion within the sequence.
`i-Speed for Olympus
`Capable of capturing images at speeds from 60 to 150,000 frames per second in 'normal' mode (down to
`1 second/frame in 'timelapse' mode) i-SPEED cameras are an effective method of locating problems
`quickly and easily. The user can evaluate designs, increase productivity and reduce maintenance costs.
`Video images are digitally captured onto its onboard memory, where they can be written to compact
`flash card or downloaded via Ethernet connection to a laptop or PC.
`I designed custom software to provide the operator with the ability to analyze and enhance images.
`Velocity and distance measurement can also be calculated. The i-SPEED Software Suite was designed
`to mirror the ease-of-use and high specification power of the camera range.
`Swing Vision for CBS
`I designed and built the Swing Vision camera system, camera control system, camera mounts, the server
`architecture, and the analysis software. Two high-speed cameras record a golfer t-shot. A 2000 fps
`camera records the full view of the golfer. A 12500 frame per second camera is used to record the ball-
`club interaction. As the 2000 fps video is broadcast in slow motion, the 12500 fps video (gigabytes of
`raw video data) is automatically analyzed (in under 20 seconds). The ball is located, used for
`calibration, and tracked, the club is identified and tracked – all under highly variable condition (variable
`lighting from shadows, grass, occlusions, etc). The calculated speeds, back spin, and launch angle are
`sent to the broadcast truck. The results are broadcast in a graphic.
`I won an Emmy for this system in 2005.
`MiDAS - Xcitex
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1053, p. 9


`As Xcitex’s first engineer, I developed the core of the flagship products - MiDAS and ProAnalyst. And
`as CTO and Vice-President of Xcitex, I developed and directed the development of products and
`solutions for the industrial and scientific video markets.
`MiDAS is now the the standard for controlling, synchronizing, and automating digital high-speed and
`industrial video cameras. With thousands of installations worldwide, MiDAS software is used by
`researchers, production line engineers, scientists, doctors, and military range operators to convert their
`video cameras into easy-to-use motion capture systems.
`MiDAS includes intelligent triggering, autonomous recording, synchronized video/data collection, large
`file organization tools. Features such as distance and velocity measurement calipers, auto-tracking, and
`video triggering are included.
`ProAnalyst - Xcitex
`As Xcitex’s first engineer, I developed the core of the flagship products - MiDAS and ProAnalyst. And
`as CTO and Vice-President of Xcitex, I developed and directed the development of products and
`solutions for the industrial and scientific video markets.
`ProAnalyst is a software package for automatically measuring moving objects with video. It is used
`extensively by NASA, engineers, broadcasters, researchers and athletes. ProAnalyst allows users to
`measure and track velocity, position, size, acceleration, location and other characteristics. Results can
`be instantly graphed and reviewed, compared against external data, and exported to a variety of output
`formats for further analysis or presentation purposes.
`C. Companies
`Xcitex – CoFounder, formerly CTO, formerly Vice-President, Board of Directors
`Xcitex was self-funded and grew through solid product development and consistent execution of our
`business strategy. As Xcitex’s first engineer, I developed the core of the flagship products - MiDAS
`and Pro Analyst. I also describe these products in a document that I include as supplemental material.
`As CTO and Vice-President of Xcitex, I built the technical team, architected and directed the
`development of products and solutions for the industrial and scientific video markets. Our products
`alone fueled our growth from startup to dominant market leader.
`dRNOME – CoFounder, Investor, Board of Director
`CueVue is a cloud computing and storage service for the scientific video industry - enabling video
`content query and generalized motion analysis in video content management systems. We provide
`tools for managing, manipulating, archiving, and searching your scientific video. It removes the
`necessity for its customers to make heavy investments in expensive hardware and software solutions,
`removes the overhead required to manage high-volume video needs, and we back this with a service
`level guarantee.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1053, p. 10


`Dynamic Time and Space Warping (DTSW), an algorithm that I developed for part of my doctoral work
`is core technology for CueVue - enabling video content query and generalized motion analysis in video
`content management systems.
`dRNOME Inc. ( – Launched in February 2011, sold technology in 2014). Our core
`technologies can be used to perform automated feature recognition of multiple streaming telemetry
`sources and to extract metadata and make this information available for ongoing operations, forensics,
`and security. Our products enable multi-camera real(cid:486)time feature recognition, extraction & tagging
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1053, p. 11


`Teaching Evaluations of Brian W. Anthony
`Nonlinear Optics
`Dynamics and
`Control II
`Large Scale
`Global Mfg &
`Large Scale
`Global Mfg &
`Lecturer in
`Lecturer in
`Large Scale
`Global Mfg &
`Global Mfg &
`Global Mfg &
`Systems and
`Global Mfg &
`Models and
`Introduction to
`EECS through
`Lecturer in
`Lecturer in
`charge, Course
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1053, p. 12


`Teaching and Educational Contributions of Brian W Anthony
`11.004J /
`Introduction to
`EECS through
`Introduction to
`EECS through
`Introduction to
`EECS through
`People and the
`Histories and
`Lecturer in
`Charge (new
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1053, p. 13


`Publications of Brian W. Anthony
`Smart Manufacturing On-line course, to be deployed 2019
`1. Books:
`2. Papers in Referred Journals:
`2.1. B. Anthony, A. Abbate, D. Klimek, P. Kotidis., "Analysis of Ultrasonic Waves in Arbitrarily Oriented
`or Rotating Anisotropic Thin Materials", Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. Vol 18. pgs 215 -
`222. (1999).
`2.2 A. Abbate, B. Anthony, D. Klimek, P. Kotidis., "Analysis of Dispersive Ultrasonic Signals by the
`Ridges of the Analysitc Wavelet Transform", Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. Vol 18. pgs 703
`- 710. (1999).
`2.3 Dan Klimek, Brian Anthony, Agostino Abbate, Petros Kotidis, "Laser Ultrasonic Instrumentation for
`Accurate Temperature Measurement of Silicon Wafers in Rapid Thermal Processing Systems", Rapid
`Thermal and Integrated Processing VII, Materials Research Society, Volume 525, pg 135. (1999)
`2.4 Hardt, D.E., Anthony, B.W., Tor S.B., "A teaching factory for polymer microfabrication - μFac,"
`International Journal of Nanomanufacturing, 2010, Vol. 6, No.1/2/3/4, pp. 137 - 151.
`2.5 Shih-Yu Sun, Matthew Gilbertson, and Brian W. Anthony, "Probe Localization for Freehand 3D
`Ultrasound by Tracking Skin Features", Book Section, Medical Image Computing and Computer-
`Assisted Intervention - MICCAI 2014, Springer, 2014, Vol. 8674. Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
`Pages 365-372.
`2.6 Xian Du, Brian W. Anthony, Nigel C. Kojimoto, “Grid-based matching for full-field large-area
`deformation measurement”, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Volume 66, March 2015, Pages 307-
`2.7 Xian Du, Nigel C. Kojimoto, Brian W. Anthony, “Concentric circular trajectory sampling for super-
`resolution and image mosaicing”, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Volume 32, No. 2,
`February 2015, Pages 293-304.
`2.8 M. Gilbertson, B. Anthony. "A Force and Position Control System for Freehand Ultrasound", IEEE
`Transactions on Robotics, Volume 31, Issue 4. 2015.
`2.9 Andrey Kuzmin, Aaron Zakrzewski, Brian Anthony, Victor Lempitsky, "Multi-frame Elastography
`Using Handheld Force-Controlled Ultrasound Probe". Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and
`Frequency Control, Volume 62 , Issue 8, Pages 1486 – 1500, 2015.
`2.10 Xian Du and Brian Anthony, "Concentric circle scanning system for large-area and high-precision
`imaging," Optics Express, Vol 23, Issue 15, Pages 20014-20029, 2015.
`2.11 Du, X.., Anthony, B., “Controlled angular and radial scanning for super resolution concentric circular
`imaging,” Opt. Express 24(20), 22581, United States (2016).
`2.12 Jimenez, X., Shukla, S. K., Ortega, I., Illana, F. J., Castro-González, C., Marti-Fuster, B., Butterworth,
`I., Arroyo, M., Anthony, B., et al., “Quantification of Very Low Concentrations of Leukocyte
`Suspensions In Vitro by High-Frequency Ultrasound,” Ultrasound Med. Biol. 42(7), 1568–1573,
`England (2016).
`2.13 Koppaka, S., Shklyar, I., Rutkove, S. B., Darras, B. T., Anthony, B. W., Zaidman, C. M.., Wu, J. S.,
`“Quantitative Ultrasound Assessment of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Using Edge Detection
`Analysis,” J. Ultrasound Med. 35(9), 1889–1897, United States (2016).
`2.14 Lee, J., Boning, D., Anthony, B., "Measuring the Absolute Concentration of Microparticles in
`Suspension using High Frequency B-mode Ultrasound Imaging", Ultrasound in Medicine and
`Biology, 2018.
`2.15 Correa-de-Araujo, R., Harris-Love, M., Miljkoviv, I., Fragala, M.S., Anthony, B.W., Manini, T.,
`Newman, A.B., "The Need for Standardized Assessment of Muscle Quality in Skeletal Muscle
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1053, p. 14


`Publications of Brian W. Anthony
`Function Deficit and Other Aging-Related Muscle Dysfunctions: A Symposium Report", Frontiers in
`Physiology, Section on Striated Muscle Physiology, 2017
`2.16 Anthony, B, et al, “A Pilot Study to Precisely Quantify Forces Applied by Sonographers While
`Scanning: A Step Toward Reducing Ergonomic Injury”, WORK: A Journal of Prevention,
`Assessment, and Rehabilitation, 2017
`2.17 Zakrzewski, Aaron M., Anthony, Brian W., "Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Estimation Using
`Ultrasound and Simple Finite Element Models", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2017
`2,18 Anthony, B., Fitriana, "Computationally-Efficient Optimal Video-Comparison for Machine
`Monitoring and Process Control", Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2017
`2.19 Lee I, Du X, Anthony B. “Hair segmentation using adaptive threshold from edge and branch length
`measures,” Computers in Biology Medicine, (2017).
`2.20 Pigula-Tresansky AJ, Wu JS, Kapur K, Darras BT, Rutkove SB, Anthony BW. “Muscle compression
`improves reliability of ultrasound echo intensity,” Muscle Nerve, 2017.
`2.21 Xian Du, David Hardt, and Brian W. Anthony, “Real time imaging of invisible micron-scale
`monolayer patterns on a moving web using condensation figure,” IEEE Transactions on Industry
`Electronics, (submitted, in review), 2017.
`2.22 Brian W. Anthony, Xian Du, Ina Kundu, Judith Beaudoin, “Skin registration and point pattern
`matching of skin microrelief structure,” (submitted, in revision), 2017.
`2.23 Ozturk A, Grajo JR, Dhyani M, Anthony BW, Samir AE. Principles of ultrasound elastography.
`Abdominal Radiology. 2018.
`2.24 Benjamin A, Zubajlo RE, Dhyani M, Samir AE, Thomenius KE, Grajo JR, Anthony, Brian W., “A
`Novel Approach to the Quantification of the Longitudinal Speed of Sound and its Potential for Tissue
`Characterization (Part I)”, Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 2018
`2.25 B. Anthony et al, “Experimental Validation of Longitudinal Speed of Sound Estimates in the Diagnosis
`of Hepatic Steatosis (Part II)”, Journal of Ultrasound in medicine and biology, 2018
`2.26 A. Ozturk et al., "Quantitative Hepatic Fat Quantification in NAFLD using Ultrasound-Based
`Techniques: A Review of Literature and their Diagnostic Performance," Ultrasound in Medicine and
`Biology, 2018
`2.27 Zak

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