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`Case 2:18-cv-00134-RWS Document 106-14 Filed 01/14/19 Page 4 of 4 PageID #: 1757
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1047, p. 106
`bead • bearing
`metal 5 : a projecting rim, band, or molding 6 : a precise knowledge
`used in such phrases as get a bead on
`or understanding -
`2bead vt (1577) 1 : to furnish, adorn, or cover with beads or beading 2
`: to string together like beads ~ vi : to form into a bead - bead-er n
`bead•ing n (1845) 1 : a beaded molding 2 : material or a part or a
`piece consisting of a bead 3 : an openwork trimming 4 : BEADWORK
`bea 0 dle \'be-d'l\ n [ME bede/ messenger, fr. OE bydel; akin to OHO
`buti/ bailiff, OE beodon to command - more at BID] (1581) : a minor
`parish official whose duties include ushering and preserving order at
`services and sometimes civil functions
`bead-roll \'bed-,rol\ n [fr. the reading in church of a list of names of
`persons for whom prayers are to be said] (1529) 1 : a list of names
`beads-man \'bedz-mgn\ n (13c) archaic : one who prays for another
`bead•work \'bed-,wgrk\ n (1751) 1 : ornamental work in beads 2
`: joinery beading
`beady \'be-de\ adj bead 0 i0 er; -est (1826) 1 a : resembling beads b
`: small, round, and shiny with interest or greed <~ eyes> 2 : marked
`by bubbles or beads (a~ liquor) - bead•i•IY \'be-do-le\ adv
`bea-gle \'be-ggl\ n [ME beg/el (15c) : any of a breed of small short,
`legged smooth-coated often black, white, and tan hounds
`beak \'bek\ n [ME bee, fr. AF, fr. L beccus, of Gaulish origin] (13c) 1 a
`: the bill of a bird; esp : a strong short broad bill b (1) : the elongated
`sucking mouth of some insects (as the true bugs) (2) : any of various
`rigid projecting mouth structures (as of a turtle) c : the human nose
`2 : a pointed structure or formation: a : a metal-pointed beam pro(cid:173)
`jecting from the bow esp. of an ancient ga]]ey for piercing an enemy
`ship b : the spout of a vessel c : a continuous slight architectural
`projection ending in an arris -
`see MOLDING illustration d : a pro~
`cess suggesting the beak of a bird 3 chiefly Brit a : MAGISTRATE b
`: HEADMASTER - beaked \'bekt\ ac/i - beaky \'be-ke\ ac/i
`beaked whale n (1755): any of a widely distributed family (Ziphiidae)
`of medium-sized toothed whales that have an elongated snout and a
`small dorsal fin
`bea 0 ker \'be-br\ n [ME biker, fr. ON bikarr, prob. fr. OS bikeri, fr. ML
`bicarium] (14c) 1 : a large drinking cup that has a wide mouth and is
`sometimes supported on a standard 2 : a deep widemouthed thin•
`walled vessel usu. with a lip for pouring that is used esp. in science lab(cid:173)
`be-all and end-all \'be-,61-gn(d)-'end-,61\ n (1605) 1 : prime cause
`: essential element 2 : TOTALITY 1
`1beam \'hem\ n [ME beem, fr. OE beam tree, beam; akin to OHO boum
`tree] (bef. 12c) 1 a : a long piece of heavy often squared timber suit(cid:173)
`able for use in construction b : a wood or metal cylinder in a loom on
`which the warp is wound c : the part of a plow to which handles, stan(cid:173)
`dard, and coulter are attached d : the bar of a balance from which
`scales hang e : one of the principal horizontal supporting members
`(as of a building or ship) (a steel ~ supporting a floor>: also : BOOM,
`f : the extreme width of a ship at the widest
`SPAR (the ~ of a crane>
`part g : an oscillating lever on a central axis receiving motion at one
`end from an engine connecting rod and transmitting it at the other 2
`a : a ray or shaft of light b : a collection of nearly parallel rays (as X
`rays) or a stream of particles (as electrons) c : a constant directional
`radio signal transmitted for the guidance of pilots; also : the course in(cid:173)
`dicated by a radio beam 3 : the main stem of a deer's antler 4 : the
`width of the buttocks - on the beam 1 : following a guiding beam
`2 : proceeding or operating correctly
`2 beam vt (15c) 1 : to emit in beams or as a beam 2 : to support with
`beams 3 a : to transmit esp. by satellite : BROADCAST b : to transmit
`(data) electronically c : to direct to a particular audience~ vi 1 : to
`send out beams of light 2 : to smile with joy
`beam-ends \'bem-'en(d)z\ n pl (1750) : the ends of a ship's beams -
`on her beam-ends : inclined so much on one side that the beams ap(cid:173)
`proach a vertical position
`beam 0 ish \'be-mish\ aclj (1870) : beaming and bright with optimism,
`promise, or achievement (a~ boy) - beam-ish•IY adv
`beam sea n (1861) : a sea whose surface motion is approximately at a
`right angle to the course of a vessel
`beam splitter n (1935) : a mirror or prism or a combination of the two
`that is used to divide a beam of radiation into two or more parts
`beamy \'be-me\ aclj (14c) 1 : emitting beams of light : RADIANT 2
`: broad in the beam (a~ cargo ship>
`1bean \'hen\ n [ME bene, fr. OE bean; akin to OHO bona bean] (bef.
`12c) 1 a : BROAD BEAN b : the seed of any of various erect or climb(cid:173)
`ing plants (as of the genera Phaseo/us and Vigna) of the legume family
`other than the broad bean c : a plant bearing beans d : an immature
`bean pod used as a vegetable 2 a : a valueless item b pl : the least
`amount <didn't know ~s about it) 3 : any of various seeds or fruits
`that resemble beans or bean pods (coffee ~s); also : a plant producing
`these 4 a pf : EXUBERANCE -
`used in the phrase full of beans b p/
`used in the phrase full of beans 5 : HEAD,
`BRAIN 6 : a protuberance on the upper mandible of waterfowl -
`DUCK iilustration
`2bean vt (1910) : to strike (a person) on the head with an object
`bean°bag \'ben-,bag\ n (1871) 1 : a cloth bag partially filled typically
`with dried beans and used as a toy 2 : any of various pellet-filled bags
`used as furniture (as a chair) or household articles (as an ashtray base)
`bean-ball \-,bol\ n (ca. 1905) : a pitch thrown at a batter's head
`bean counter n (1975) : a person involved in corporate or government
`financial decisions and esp. one reluctant to spend money
`bean curd n (ca. 1885) : TOFU
`bean°ery \'hen-re, 'be-na-\ n, pl -er-ies (1887) : RESTAURANT
`bean°ie \'be-ne\ n [prob. fr. 'bean (head) + -ie] (1904) : a small round
`tight-fitting skullcap
`1beano \'be-(,)no\ n, pl beanos [alter. of beanfeast festive occasion]
`(1891) Brit : a noisy festive celebration
`2 beano n, pl beanos [by alter.] (1935) : BINGO
`bean-pole \'ben-,po(g)l\ n (1798) 1 : a pole up which bean vines may
`climb 2 : a tall thin person
`bean sprouts n p/ (1921) : the sprouts of bean seeds esp. of the mung
`bean used as a vegetable
`bean thread n (1977) : CELLOPHANE NOODLE
`1bear \'her\ n, p/ bears often attrib [ME bere, fr. OE bera; akin to OE
`brun brown - more at BROWN] (bef. 12c) 1 or pl bear : any of a fam-
`ily (Ursidae of the order Carnivora) of large heavy mammals of Amer(cid:173)
`ica and Eurasia that have long shaggy hair, rudimentary tails, and plan(cid:173)
`tigrade feet and feed largely on fruit, plant matter, and insects as well
`as on flesh 2 : a surly, uncouth, burly, or shambling person (a tall,
`friendly ~ of a man) 3 [prob. fr. the proverb about selling the bear(cid:173)
`skin before catching the bear] : one that sells securities or commodities
`compare BULL 4 : something dif(cid:173)
`in expectation of a price decline -
`to clean) - bear•llke \-,lik\
`ficult to do or deal with (the oven is a ~
`2 bear vb bore \'bor\; borne also born \'born\; bear-Ing [ME beren to
`carry, bring forth, fr. OE beran; akin to OHO beran to carry, Lferre,
`Gkpherein] vt (bef. 12c) 1 a: to move while holding up and support(cid:173)
`ing b : to be equipped or furnished with C : BEHAVE, CONDUCT
`(~ing himself well) d : to have as a feature or characteristic <~s a
`likeness to her grandmother) e : to give as testimony <~ false wit(cid:173)
`f : to have as an identification (bore the name of John~ g : to
`hold in the mind or emotions<~ malice) h : DISSEMINATE
`I : LEAD,
`i : RENDER, GIVE 2 a : to give birth to b : to produce as
`yield c (1) : to permit growth of (2) : CONTAIN <oil-bearing shale)
`3 a : to support the weight of : SUSTAIN b : to accept or allow oneself
`to be subjected to esp. without giving way (couldn't ~
`the pain) <I
`can't ~ seeing you cry) c : to call for as suitable or essential (it ~s
`watching) d : to hold above, on top, or aloft e : to admit of : ALLOW
`f : ASSUME, ACCEPT 4 : THRUST, PRESS ~ vi 1 : to produce fruit
`: YIELD 2 a : to force one's way b : to extend in a direction indicat(cid:173)
`ed or implied c : to be situated : LIE d : to become directed e : to
`go or incline in an indicated direction 3 : to support a weight or strain
`often used with up 4 a : to exert influence or force b. : APPLY,
`often used with on or upon (facts ~ing on the question)
`- bear a hand : to join in and help out - bear arms 1 : to carry
`or possess arms 2 : to serve as a soldier - bear fruit : to come to sat(cid:173)
`bear in mind : to
`isfying fruition, production, or development -
`think of esp. as a warning : REMEMBER - bear with : to be indulgent,
`patient, or forbearing with
`up with something trying or painful. BEAR usu. implies the power to
`sustain without flinching or breaking (forced to bear a tragic loss).
`SUFFER often suggests acceptance or passivity rather than courage or
`patience in bearing (suffering many insults>. ENDURE implies continu(cid:173)
`ing firm or resolute through trials and difficulties <endured years of
`rejection). ABIDE suggests acceptance without resistance or protest
`(cannot abide their rudeness). TOLERATE suggests overcoming or suc(cid:173)
`cessfully controlling an impulse to resist, avoid, or resent something
`injurious or distasteful (refused to tolerate such treatment>. STAND
`emphasizes even more strongly the ability to bear without discompo(cid:173)
`sure or flinching (unable to stand teasing).
`bear-able \'ber-g-bal\ ac/i (ca. 1550) : capable of being borne - bear(cid:173)
`abil•i•tY \,ber-a-'bi-lHe\ n - bear-ably \-hie\ adv
`bear-bait-ing \'ber-,ba-tiQ\ n (14c) : the practice of setting dogs on a
`chained bear
`bear-ber-ry \-,ber-e, -,be-re\ n (1625) : a trailing evergreen plant (Arcto(cid:173)
`staphy/os uva-ursi) of the heath family with astringent foliage and red
`bear claw n (1936) : a filled pastry that is cut and fanned to resemble a
`bear's foot
`1beard \'bird\ n [ME berd, fr. OE beard; akin to OHO bart beard, L
`barba] (bef. 12c) 1 : the hair that grows on a man's face often exclud(cid:173)
`ing the mustache 2 : a hairy or bristly appendage or tuft 3 : FRONT
`beard 0ed-ness n -
`beard 0 ed \'bir-dgd\ aclj -
`7a -
`\'bird-lgs\ ac/i
`2 beard vt (15c) 1 : to confront and oppose with boldness, resolution,
`and often effrontery : DEFY 2 : to furnish with a beard
`bearded collie n (1880) : any of a breed of large herding dogs of Scot(cid:173)
`tish origin that have a long rough coat and drooping ears
`bearded iris n (1923) : any of numerous wild or cultivated irises with a
`growth of short hairs on each fall
`bearded seal n (1853) : a large
`arctic hair seal (Erignathus barba(cid:173)
`tus) with a tuft of long whiskers
`on each side of the muzzle
`bear down vt (14c) : OVERCOME,
`OVERWHELM ~ vi : to exert full
`strength and concentrated atten(cid:173)
`tion - bear down on 1 : EM-
`PHASIZE 2 : to weigh heavily on
`beard-tongue \'bird-,tglJ\ n (1821) : PENSTEMON
`bear-er \'ber-ar\ n (13c) : one that bears: as a : PORTER 1 b : a plant
`yielding fruit c : PALLBEARER d : one holding a check, draft, bond,
`or other order for payment esp. if marked payable to bearer -
`used attributively <~ bonds)
`bear grass n (1750) : any of several plants (genera Yucca, No/ina, or
`Xerophyl/um) of the lily or agave families chiefly of the southern and
`western U.S. with foliage resembling coarse blades of grass
`bear-hug \'ber-,hgg\ vt (1927) : to embrace in a bear hug
`bear hug n (1921) : a rough tight embrace
`bear•ing n (13c) 1 : the manner in which one bears or comports one(cid:173)
`self 2 a : the act, power, or time of bringing forth offspring or fruit
`b : a product of bearing : CROP 3 a : an object, surface, or point that
`supports b : a machine part in which another part (as a journal or
`pin) turns or slides 4 : a figure borne on a heraldic field 5 : PRES·
`SURE, THRUST 6 a : the situation or horizontal direction of one point
`with respect to another or to the compass b : a determination of posi(cid:173)
`tion cpl : comprehension of one's position, environment, or situation
`d : RELATION, CONNECTION; also : PURPORT 7 : the part of a struc(cid:173)
`tural member that rests on its supports
`mean the outward manifestation of personality or attitude. BEARING
`is the most general of these words but now usu. implies characteristic
`posture (a woman of regal bearing). DEPORTMENT suggests actions or
`behavior as formed by breeding or training (your deportment was
`atrocious). DEMEANOR suggests one's attitude toward others as ex(cid:173)
`pressed in outward behavior (the haughty demeanor of the headwait•
`er). MIEN is a literary term referring both to bearing and demeanor <a
`bearded seal

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