Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (2008) 42, 153—163
`MOPET: A context-aware and user-adaptive
`wearable system for fitness training
`Fabio Buttussi, Luca Chittaro *
`HCI Lab, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Udine,
`Via delle Scienze 206, 33100 Udine, Italy
`Received 20 November 2006; received in revised form 13 November 2007; accepted 21 November 2007
`Wearable systems;
`Fitness training;
`Embodied agents
`Objective: Cardiovascular disease, obesity, and lack of physical fitness are increas-
`ingly common and negatively affect people’s health, requiring medical assistance and
`decreasing people’s wellness and productivity. In the last years, researchers as well as
`companies have been increasingly investigating wearable devices for fitness applica-
`tions with the aim of improving user’s health, in terms of cardiovascular benefits, loss
`of weight or muscle strength. Dedicated GPS devices, accelerometers, step counters
`and heart rate monitors are already commercially available, but they are usually very
`limited in terms of user interaction and artificial intelligence capabilities. This
`significantly limits the training and motivation support provided by current systems,
`making them poorly suited for untrained people who are more interested in fitness for
`health rather than competitive purposes. To better train and motivate users, we
`propose the mobile personal trainer (MOPET) system.
`Methods and material: MOPET is a wearable system that supervises a physical fitness
`activity based on alternating jogging and fitness exercises in outdoor environments.
`By exploiting real-time data coming from sensors, knowledge elicited from a sport
`physiologist and a professional trainer, and a user model that is built and periodically
`updated through a guided autotest, MOPET can provide motivation as well as safety
`and health advice, adapted to the user and the context. To better interact with the
`user, MOPET also displays a 3D embodied agent that speaks, suggests stretching or
`strengthening exercises according to user’s current condition, and demonstrates how
`to correctly perform exercises with interactive 3D animations.
`Results and conclusion: By describing MOPET, we show how context-aware and user-
`adaptive techniques can be applied to the fitness domain. In particular, we describe
`how such techniques can be exploited to train, motivate, and supervise users in a
`wearable personal training system for outdoor fitness activity.
`# 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
`* Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 0432 558450; fax: +39 0432 558450.
`E-mail addresses: (F. Buttussi), (L. Chittaro).
`0933-3657/$ — see front matter # 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1026, p. 153


`1. Introduction
`Cardiovascular disease, obesity, and lack of physical
`fitness are increasingly common and negatively
`affect people’s health, requiring medical assistance
`and decreasing people’s wellness and productivity.
`These problems can be prevented or alleviated by
`regularly practicing physical activities and sports,
`but a lot of people are not motivated enough or get
`involved in physical activities rarely, wrongly or
`irregularly, wasting potential benefits and even risk-
`ing injuries.
`Information technology researchers as well as
`companies are devoting an increasing attention to
`sports, fitness and physical activities to support
`people with new devices and applications at home
`[1,2] and outdoors [3—9]. In particular, wearable
`solutions are very promising because they can assist
`the user anywhere and allow her to get the benefits
`of open-air environments, such as clean air and
`sunlight. However, user interfaces of current com-
`mercial products as well as their artificial intelli-
`gence capabilities are extremely limited. Moreover,
`current products do not focus much on user’s moti-
`vation and training: most solutions are based on a
`digital watch interface and measure or derive user’s
`parameters without trying to recognize interesting
`patterns and provide more sophisticated user-adap-
`tive and context-aware advice.
`To overcome the above mentioned limitations
`and provide users with personalized training and
`motivation support, this paper proposes the MOPET
`system, a wearable system that supervises a physi-
`cal fitness activity based on alternating jogging and
`fitness exercises in open-air environments. MOPET
`provides motivation as well as safety and health
`advice, adapted to the user and the context, by
`exploiting real-time data coming from sensors,
`knowledge elicited from a sport physiologist and a
`professional trainer, and a user model that is built
`and periodically updated through a guided autotest.
`To improve user interaction, MOPET also displays a
`3D embodied agent that speaks, suggests stretching
`or strengthening exercises according to user’s cur-
`rent condition, and demonstrates how to correctly
`perform the chosen exercises with interactive 3D
`MOPET is designed to be used anywhere the user
`can run or walk outdoors. The user wears an heart
`rate monitor with a 3D accelerometer around her
`chest, and a PDA with a built-in GPS unit on her
`wrist. User’s parameters such as heart rate, position
`and exercising time are analyzed and visualized.
`The first time the user runs MOPET, the embodied
`agent asks for user’s gender, age, weight and height,
`then it invites the user to perform an autotest: a
`F. Buttussi, L. Chittaro
`particular exercise which consists in walking onto
`and off a step, as demonstrated by the embodied
`agent with a 3D animation. By considering the
`information provided by the user and her heart rate
`during the autotest, MOPET builds an initial user
`model. Based on the user model and the information
`acquired or derived from the sensors, MOPET sug-
`gests to increase or reduce jogging speed, provides
`advice and proposes different types of exercises,
`which are demonstrated with interactive 3D anima-
`The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
`surveys related work on computer-aided physical
`exercise, especially focusing on mobile and wear-
`able solutions. Section 3 summarizes our previous
`work on a preliminary prototype of MOPET [10].
`Section 4 analyzes in detail how we extended that
`preliminary prototype with context-awareness and
`user-adaptation capabilities. Section 5 provides
`conclusions and outlines future research directions.
`2. Related work
`2.1. Indoor applications based on
`embodied agents
`Philips Virtual Coach [1] was one of the first projects
`to employ an embodied agent which acts as a per-
`sonal trainer to motivate the user. The system is
`meant to be used at home with a stationary exercise
`bike. A 2D embodied agent is projected on a screen,
`which also shows a virtual environment representing
`an open-air landscape. With a study on 24 users, the
`authors showed that the embodied agent lowered
`perceived pressure and tension, while the virtual
`environment offered fun and had a beneficial effect
`on motivation. However, the embodied agent was
`not as effective as authors expected, but this may
`be due to the information provided by the agent
`rather than the agent itself. Indeed, the system
`provides the user only with information about her
`heart rate, instead of motivating her by reporting
`the calories she burnt or speaking about other ben-
`efits of physical activity.
`EyeToy: Kinetic [2] is an indoor fitness training
`system for the Playstation 2 and exploits an EyeToy
`camera, i.e. a cheap webcam-like device, which
`detects user’s movements. The application allows
`the user to choose between a male or female personal
`trainer and creates an individual 12-week plan, tak-
`ing into account user’s height, weight, age, famil-
`iarity with EyeToy games and physical condition (by
`means of a short questionnaire). The application
`adopts a game style, presenting martial arts, Tai
`Chi and cardio exercises as entertainment. During
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1026, p. 154


`Wearable system for fitness training
`the games, user position is monitored to determine
`her score and give her suggestions on how to perform
`the exercise better. The personal trainer is a 3D
`embodied agent that comments on the game, daily,
`weekly and monthly performance giving the user an
`‘‘E’’ to ‘‘A+’’ mark and congratulating her for the
`results or encouraging her to keep training and
`further improve. However, since EyeToy: Kinetic uses
`a single simple camera, it can detect only movements
`on a 2D plane, severely limiting the actions users can
`do. Moreover, since it does not consider heart rate, it
`cannot detect if the user is exercising at the correct
`2.2. Wearable applications
`The two solutions described in the previous section
`are both meant for indoor use. Therefore, they do
`not allow one to get the benefits of exercising in
`outdoor natural environments. To support people in
`open-air physical activities,
`some researchers
`[3,8,9] and companies [4—7] proposed wearable
`sensors, such as heart rate monitors and ped-
`ometers, and mobile applications for notebooks,
`PDAs and smartphones.
`To monitor user’s physiological parameters (e.g.,
`heart rate and temperature) during physical activ-
`ities, Knight et al. [3] proposed the SensVest, a
`wearable device integrated in a shirt that can mea-
`sure user’s heart rate, body temperature and accel-
`eration and send them to a remote computer. This
`device focuses on sensing aspects and does not come
`with analysis or training applications that could run
`on a mobile device.
`Polar heart rate monitors [4] are commercial wear-
`able devices that consist in a wrist-worn watch unit
`and a chest-worn heart rate sensor. Besides measur-
`ing heart rate and deriving other parameters, such as
`burnt calories, Polar devices can give basic motiva-
`tional feedback, such as ‘‘calorie bullets’’, i.e. beeps
`that occur every time a certain amount of calories is
`burnt, inciting the user to keep running and burn
`other calories. After a training session, some Polar
`devices allow the user to transfer her data to a PC or to
`send them to a Polar web site for further analysis. One
`device is able to send data via infrared to Nokia 5140
`phones provided with a Java application that allows
`the user to plan and keep track of her physical activ-
`ities. However, since heart rate data can be sent only
`after the user has completed the training session,
`real-time data analysis is not possible.
`Nike+ iPod Sport Kit [5] consists in a pedometer
`that fits into special Nike shoes and in a receiver that
`is connected to iPods. The iPod can be worn using
`special Nike T-shirts and the personal training soft-
`ware can provide information on distance and speed
`while listening to music. Since it relies on steps and
`elapsed time, the system can incite the user in
`running for a distance or a period that can fit a plan
`based upon her goals and her previous performance,
`while monitoring of physiological parameters is not
`Unlike the previously discussed systems, Suunto
`t4 [6] provides a function (Coach) that monitors and
`makes suggestions about adjustments in user’s
`workout routine. It follows the American College
`of Sports Medicine [11] guidelines to plan the opti-
`mal intensity and duration of the next workout,
`adapting planned exercise length to user’s perfor-
`mance and maintaining an up-to-date plan. If user’s
`workout exertion is above or below the optimal
`level, the system adjusts the suggested intensity
`and duration of the next workout to compensate for
`the difference. The device provides information
`about heart rate, burnt calories, speed and dis-
`tance, along with an estimation on how the workout
`improves user’s aerobic fitness, but, unfortunately,
`this information is only displayed with numbers, text
`and bar charts on a watch-like unit.
`Mobile graphical analysis of user’s parameters,
`along with training plans and 2D illustration of
`exercises are supported by VidaOne MySportTraining
`software for PDAs [7]. The software can acquire data
`in real-time from a GPS, but unfortunately heart
`rate data can be acquired only via infrared after the
`training session. Therefore, advice and motivation
`during the physical activity cannot be provided.
`Oliver and Flores-Mangas [8] proposed MPTrain, a
`smartphone-based trainer that analyzes heart rate
`and acceleration data to select and change one’s
`favorite music. By choosing music with a specific
`rhythm, MPTrain encourages the user to speed up,
`slow down or keep the pace according to her training
`Personal wellness coach [9] is another system
`that tracks user’s movement, monitors heart rate,
`and provides music feedback. This wearable system
`can send the data produced by an heart rate moni-
`tor, an accelerometer and a body temperature sen-
`sor to a laptop that can be up to 9 m away. Beside
`providing music feedback, the system can warn of
`overexertion and motivate the user with interactive
`audio. Anyway, the need for a laptop limits the
`wearability of personal wellness coach. As a result,
`mobile physical activities, such as outdoor running
`and exercising on fitness trails become impractical.
`3. Preliminary prototype of MOPET
`A preliminary simple prototype of MOPET we devel-
`oped at the beginning of our project was based on a
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1026, p. 155


`F. Buttussi, L. Chittaro
`doubts, and (ii) animations require much less space
`than videos on the mobile device.
`3.1. Navigation
`MOPET displays a location-aware map of the trail
`on the screen of the PDA. User position on the map
`is marked with an icon depicting a running person.
`Other icons are used to mark checkpoints: the
`start—finish (a chequered flag), the fitness trail
`exercise stations (a person performing an exer-
`cise), the points where the trail forks (a compass)
`and additional points where MOPET tells the user
`her speed (a red triangular flag). Moreover, the
`is marked with a polygonal
`line which is
`initially blue. MOPET provides common naviga-
`tional cues, such as changing the user’s position
`in the map based on GPS data and changing the
`color of the polygonal lines to indicate the com-
`pleted parts of the trail. Fig. 2 shows the map after
`the user has completed the left half of the trail.
`However, this graphical feedback can be conveni-
`ently examined only by a user who is not running,
`so we provide the user also with audio information:
`when she approaches a fork, MOPET gives her vocal
`directions using the internal speaker of the PDA or
`a Bluetooth earphone.
`Figure 2 Map with the left half of the trail completed.
`The embodied agent is demonstrating a typical
`Figure 1
`exercise with rings on a fitness trail.
`PocketPC connected to a GPS device and was meant
`to guide users in fitness trails, i.e. trails where the
`user has to alternate jogging and exercising. The
`user runs along an indicated path and has to stop
`when she arrives at exercise stations. In each exer-
`cise station, the user finds an exercise tool to per-
`form a specific fitness exercise. The prototype
`includes an embodied agent (Fig. 1) and helps users
`in three ways:
` Navigation: location-aware audio and visual navi-
`gation instructions are provided to allow the user
`to follow the correct path in the fitness trail.
` Motivation: audio and visual feedback on user’s
`speed is provided. This is meant to motivate the
`user to maintain an adequate speed during the
`entire session.
` Training: when the user reaches an exercise sta-
`tion, the embodied agent is animated in 3D to
`show how to correctly perform the exercise.
`As an alternative to the embodied agent, one
`could display videos of a real trainer performing the
`exercises on the mobile device, but using 3D anima-
`tions has two main advantages over pre-recorded
`videos: (i) 3D animations can be interactively
`explored by the user, who can easily watch the
`exercise from the desired positions to clarify her
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1026, p. 156


`Wearable system for fitness training
`3.2. Motivating the user
`MOPET motivates the user, by exploiting graphics as
`well as audio. The application calculates average
`user’s speed on the different parts of the trail. We
`divided speed into four ranges: slow walking ( < 5
`km/h), fast walking (5—8 km/h), moderate running
`(8—12 km/h) and fast running ( > 12 km/h). To pro-
`vide the user with immediate audio feedback,
`MOPET tells the user her current speed and incites
`her to increase or decrease her speed, as soon as a
`checkpoint is reached. For each speed range, dif-
`ferent pre-recorded sentences are available. Sen-
`tences are not aggressive and try to highlight
`positive aspects of user’s performance, even if
`she walks very slowly (e.g., ‘‘You are walking at a
`regular pace. If you are not tired, try to increase
`your speed.’’). We chose to incite users gently
`because the evaluation results of [1], which incites
`aggressively (e.g., ‘‘Your heart rate is slow! Run
`faster!’’), were not as positive as expected. The
`user can also get visual feedback about her speed
`during the entire session by checking the color of the
`lines corresponding to the different parts of the
`trail, since they map speed into a blue—red tem-
`perature scale.
`3.3. Training
`In fitness trails, exercises are usually explained by
`graphic plates in the stations (see Fig. 3 for an
`example). These plates are often difficult to under-
`stand and exercises could thus be performed impro-
`perly, wasting the benefits of the physical activity
`and also risking injuries.
`Figure 3 Graphic plate of a fitness trail exercise.
`Therefore, MOPET gives location-aware exercise
`demonstrations and explanations on how to perform
`the exercises correctly and safely: as the user
`approaches a fitness trail exercise station, the
`embodied agent first whistles to attract user’s
`attention and invites the user to look at the PDA
`display, then it demonstrates how to correctly per-
`form the exercise with a 3D animation (for example,
`Fig. 1 refers to the demonstration of an exercise
`with rings).
`We evaluated navigation, motivation and train-
`ing support provided by MOPET on 12 users. GPS
`logs, questionnaires and videos of users’ perfor-
`mance were analyzed, showing that MOPET is
`more useful than fitness trail maps for helping
`users to orient themselves in a fitness trail. MOPET
`is also much more effective than metal plates for
`learning how to correctly perform exercises. The
`mean of users’ ratings for motivation support was
`3.33 on a five-value Likert scale. This was partly
`due to the very limited personalization capabil-
`ities of the training system due to the absence of a
`user model (e.g., we used general values for speed
`thresholds, without considering the particular
`user’s weight, age and so forth) and to context-
`awareness relying only on GPS data. The evalua-
`tion of the first prototype of MOPET is described in
`detail in [10].
`4. The new MOPET: context-
`awareness and user-adaptation
`Starting from the analysis of the limitations of the
`first prototype of MOPET and the suggestions pro-
`vided by the users, we extended the system in
`different directions, focusing on artificial intelli-
`gence, context-awareness and user-adaptation
`aspects to provide a more effective motivation
`support as well as safety and health advice.
`MOPET now offers three new personalized func-
` it guides the user through the autotest described
`in Section 1, also suggesting how frequently she
`should walk onto and off the step;
` it supports jogging from a fitness exercise to
`another, by (i) visualizing information on
`speed and heart rate, (ii) providing motivational
`and safety advice, and (iii) suggesting appro-
`priate exercises
`those situations where
`the user is not in a fitness trail with exercise
` it provides advice while the user performs an
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1026, p. 157


`F. Buttussi, L. Chittaro
`To acquire more information about the user, we
`added the support for a new wireless sensor, i.e. an
`heart rate monitor with a 3D accelerometer. Fig. 4
`shows the devices worn by the user: the heart rate
`monitor with the 3D accelerometer is worn on the
`user’s chest, the PDA is worn using a wristband and
`gets position data through an integrated Sirf Star III
`As a result, MOPET can now acquire or derive the
`following information, which constitutes the sensed
` cinematic information, i.e. user’s position, 3D
`acceleration and speed;
` physiological information, i.e. ECG, heart rate
`and burnt calories;
` time elapsed from the beginning of the training
`session or since the user started to perform an
`Besides analyzing the sensed context, MOPET
`relies on a user model, which consists of:
` personal information, i.e. weight, height, gender
`and age, which is provided by the user before
`starting the autotest;
` physiological
`information, i.e. the maximum
`volume of oxygen the user can consume in
`a minute, which is
`calculated with the
` user’s experience with each strengthening exer-
`cise, i.e. how many times the user completed the
`exercise keeping her heart
`rate under
`required threshold, how many times she com-
`pleted the exercise with an higher heart rate,
`and how many times she quit the exercise instead
`of completing it.
`Figure 4 Wearing MOPET during outdoor activities.
`The high-level architecture of MOPET is illu-
`strated in Fig. 5 and is organized into three main
` The context analyzer acquires raw data from the
`sensors and analyzes it to derive additional infor-
`mation, such as burnt calories and speed, by
`considering also information about the user
`(e.g., weight), available from the user model
`database. Collected and derived information
`about the sensed context is then provided to
`the user interface subsystem and to the training
`expert subsystem. At present, the context analy-
`zer considers GPS and heart rate data, while it
`simply logs acceleration data for future off-line
` The user interface visualizes speed and heart rate
`graphs, the total amount of calories burnt in the
`current training session, and the time elapsed
`since the user has started running. Moreover,
`whenever the training expert subsystem decides
`that advice, suggestions or 3D demonstrations are
`needed, the user interface retrieves the appro-
`priate media from the media database and plays
`audio or 3D animations to the user.
` The training expert considers both the informa-
`tion provided by the context analyzer and the
`information in the user model database, and
`applies the rules stored in the knowledge base
`(KB) to decide if (and which) advice is needed.
`Considering the functionality chosen by the user,
`which is provided to the training expert by the
`user interface, the training expert activates one
`of its three modules: user autotest, jogging, or
`exercise. The user autotest module, besides
`deciding if advice or motivation are needed dur-
`ing the autotest, is responsible for updating the
`user model database with the information it cal-
`culates during the autotest.
`The three subsystems are described in detail in
`the following subsections.
`4.1. Context analyzer
`While the user is jogging between exercises, the
`context analyzer considers her positions in a given
`time interval (currently set to 5 s) and calculates
`derived information, i.e. mean speed and calories
`burnt during the considered interval. While GPS
`data is usually accurate enough for measuring user’s
`speed, it occasionally contains highly inaccurate
`positions that should not be used to calculate user’s
`speed. Therefore, the context analyzer tries to
`detect and discard such inaccurate positions by
`calculating mean speed in each time interval as
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1026, p. 158


`Wearable system for fitness training
`Figure 5 MOPET architecture.
`1. it calculates instantaneous speeds by considering
`single pairs of subsequent GPS positions;
`2. if the instantaneous speed value for a particular
`pair of positions is physically feasible for a jogger,
`then the instantaneous speed is considered reli-
`able, otherwise it is discarded;
`3. it calculates the mean speed in the time interval
`by considering only the reliable values; if there
`are no reliable values in the time interval, the
`mean speed of the previous time interval is used.
`Once the context analyzer has calculated user’s
`speed in a time interval, it estimates the user’s
`energy expenditure (J) in the same interval by using
`the following formula:
`EnergyExpenditure ¼ Speed  Weight  Time  EC
`where Speed is the average speed in m/s in the time
`interval, Weight the user’s weight in kilograms
`retrieved from the user model (current weight is
`periodically provided or confirmed by the user
`before taking the autotest), Time the duration of
`the time interval in seconds, and EC is the energetic
`cost of jogging. This last variable is expressed in
`joules per kilogram and per meter. Users who had
`their jogging energetic cost measured in a physiol-
`ogy laboratory can enter it during the autotest,
`otherwise EC is set at 3.8, i.e. an average value
`for joggers on flat ground.
`While the joule is the standard unit for measuring
`energy in the International System (SI), it is better
`to provide the user with energy expenditure in
`calories, since people commonly use this unit.
`Therefore, the context analyzer converts the energy
`expenditure in calories before sending it to the
`other subsystems.
`Considering heart rate, the employed sensor pro-
`vides only electrocardiographic (ECG) data. This
`data can be visualized as an electrocardiogram,
`which might be interesting for physiologists and
`cardiologists, but it is not familiar to the intended
`users of MOPET. Therefore, the context analyzer
`analyzes ECG data and counts the local maximums
`in a time interval. Since ECG data has two local
`maximums for each heartbeat, the analysis derives
`the number of heartbeats per minute (bpm), i.e.
`user’s heart rate.
`4.2. User interface
`In designing the MOPET interface, we had to deal
`with many challenging constraints and require-
`ments. Mobile devices have several limitations in
`terms of performance, input peripherals and display
`[12], and user’s activities such as jogging or exercis-
`ing further limit the attention the user can devote to
`the interface.
`We designed an interface that can be navigated
`by using only the two softkeys and the arrow pad of
`the PDA. The user is asked to use the pen and the
`virtual keyboard only to enter her personal informa-
`tion before the autotest, but the autotest is not
`needed in each training session and, after the first
`time, the user rarely needs to change her personal
`information. To further simplify user interaction
`with MOPET, the user interface can automatically
`switch screens, e.g., after the end of an exercise or
`after the autotest, the user interface returns to the
`screen which provides information about the jogging
`To provide suggestions, advice and accurate
`demonstrations of the exercises, we use a 3D embo-
`died agent, as mentioned in the previous sections.
`The agent follows the ISO H-Anim specifications
`[13], which standardize joints and segments of vir-
`tual human bodies. More specifically, it is compliant
`with level of articulation 2 of H-Anim: it can thus
`move 71 joints, displaying the correct position of
`all body parts, including fingers. Moreover, an
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1026, p. 159


`F. Buttussi, L. Chittaro
`The different screens of the user interface: (a) welcome screen, (b) jogging screen, (c) personal information
`Figure 6
`screen, (d) exercise screen, (e) 3D screen and (f) autotest screen. Arrows indicate possible switches among screens.
`Arrows starting from buttons represent switches triggered by the user, the other arrows represent switches triggered by
`the system.
`embodied agent which can move and speak may
`attract users’ attention and convey conversational
`and emotional cues [14,15], which is useful for an
`effective users’ motivation. To model animations of
`3D embodied agents and display them on mobile
`devices, we created a specific software called MAge-
`AniM [16].
`Fig. 6 illustrates the different screens of the user
`interface and the possible switches among screens:
`when the user starts MOPET, a welcome message is
`displayed (Fig. 6a); the user can press one of the two
`softkeys to watch an introductory 3D animation
`about system functionalities (Fig. 6e) or immedi-
`ately get information about burnt calories and
`elapsed time along with speed and heart rate graphs
`about the last minute of activity in the jogging
`screen (Fig. 6b). If the user chooses to watch the
`introductory 3D animation, the jogging screen is
`automatically displayed at the end of the introduc-
`In the jogging screen, the two softkeys allow the
`user to start a fitness exercise or the autotest. In the
`first case, the user interface asks the training
`expert subsystem to choose an exercise that is
`appropriate for the user and the sensed context
`(see Section 4.3.3); then it provides the user with an
`interactive 3D animation of the embodied agent
`that demonstrates how to perform the exercise
`correctly and safely. To view the correct move-
`ments under different viewpoints, the user can
`use the navigation pad: left and right keys rotate
`the embodied agent, while up and down keys get
`closer or farther from it. At the end of the demon-
`stration, the user interface displays a message
`which invites the user to start the exercise
`(Fig. 6d). During the exercise, the user interface
`plays voice messages which provide information on
`how many times the exercise should be repeated
`and suggest a correct rhythm.
`If the user chooses the autotest, the user inter-
`face plays a voice message which introduces the
`autotest exercise, then it displays a form (Fig. 6c) to
`collect or update user’s personal information (i.e.
`gender, age, height and weight) and the height of
`the step that will be used for the test. After the user
`completes the form, the information is sent to the
`training expert, and then the embodied agent
`demonstrating how to perform the test is displayed.
`After the 3D animation, the user is invited to per-
`form the test herself (Fig. 6f) following the sugges-
`tions and the advice of the training expert (see
`Section 4.3.1). At the end of the autotest, the
`interface provides the user with the results of the
`test, then it switches to the jogging screen.
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1026, p. 160


`Wearable system for fitness training
`4.3. Training expert
`The training expert takes decisions by considering
`the sensed context, the information stored in the
`user model database, and the functionality required
`by the user through the user interface.
`As shown in Fig. 5, the training expert is orga-
`nized into three modules (user autotest, jogging,
`and exercise) which are respectively devoted to the
`user autotest, the jogging activity and the physical
`exercises. In the following, we examine each of
`them in detail.
`4.3.1. The user autotest module
`The autotest allows to estimate the maximum
`volume of oxygen (VO2Max) the user can consume
`in 1 min. The User Autotest module exploits known
`physiological equations which involve user’s heart
`rate (HeartRate), the power produced by the user
`during the exercise (Power), and some coefficients
`which vary with user’s gender and age. HeartRate
`and Power have to be managed carefully, since they
`can vary during the exercise. Moreover, to obtain a
`valid estimation of VO2Max, HeartRate should be
`nearly constant for some minutes and it should be
`inside a particular range.
`Therefore, we use a context-aware strategy to
`determine the power which keeps user’s heart rate
`inside the range required by the autotest. Power can
`be calculated by using well-known physics equa-
`tions. In particular, for the autotest with the step:
`Power ¼ Weight  g  StepHeight
`where Weight is the user’s weight, g the gravity
`acceleration, StepHeight the height of the step, and
`TimePerStep is the time required to walk onto or off
`the step. Since Weight, g and StepHeight are con-
`stants, the user autotest module should try different
`values of TimePerStep until user’s heart rate is
`inside the required range. The idea is to start with
`a TimePerStep value calculated for a safe value of
`Power and then increase or decrease TimePerStep
`by considering the difference between current
`heart rate and the needed one. TimePerStep values
`are sent to the user interface, which plays a voice
`message saying ‘‘Up!’’ or ‘‘Down!’’ every TimePer-
`Step seconds to pace the exercise intensity.
`As a result, considering the same step with a
`given height, an overweight user may have an high
`heart rate even

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