`Jim Waldo
`Geoff Wyant
`Ann Wollrath
`Sam Kendall
`SMLI TR-94-29
`November 1994
`We argue that objects that interact in a distributed system need to be dealt with in ways that are
`intrinsically different from objects that interact in a single address space. These differences are
`required because distributed systems require that the programmer be aware of latency, have a dif-
`ferent model of memory access, and take into account issues of concurrency and partial failure.
`We look at a number of distributed systems that have attempted to paper over the distinction
`between local and remote objects, and show that such systems fail to support basic requirements
`of robustness and reliability. These failures have been masked in the past by the small size of the
`distributed systems that have been built. In the enterprise-wide distributed systems foreseen in the
`near future, however, such a masking will be impossible.
`We conclude by discussing what is required of both systems-level and application-level program-
`mers and designers if one is to take distribution seriously.
`A Sun Microsystems, Inc. Business
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`A Note on Distributed Computing
`Jim Waldo, Geoff Wyant, Ann Wollrath, and Sam Kendall
`Sun Microsystems Laboratories
`2550 Garcia Avenue
`Mountain View, CA 94043
`In what follows, we will talk about local and distributed
`computing. By local computing (local object invocation,
`etc.), we mean programs that are confined to a single
`address space. In contrast, we will use the term distributed
`computing (remote object invocation, etc.) to refer to pro-
`grams that make calls to other address spaces, possibly on
`another machine. In the case of distributed computing,
`nothing is known about the recipient of the call (other than
`that it supports a particular interface). For example, the
`client of such a distributed object does not know the hard-
`ware architecture on which the recipient of the call is run-
`ning, or the language in which the recipient was
`Given the above characterizations of “local” and “distrib-
`uted” computing, the categories are not exhaustive. There
`is a middle ground, in which calls are made from one
`address space to another but in which some characteristics
`of the called object are known. An important class of this
`sort consists of calls from one address space to another on
`the same machine; we will discuss these later in the paper.
`Much of the current work in distributed, object-oriented
`systems is based on the assumption that objects form a sin-
`gle ontological class. This class consists of all entities that
`can be fully described by the specification of the set of
`interfaces supported by the object and the semantics of the
`operations in those interfaces. The class includes objects
`that share a single address space, objects that are in sepa-
`rate address spaces on the same machine, and objects that
`are in separate address spaces on different machines (with,
`perhaps, different architectures). On the view that all
`objects are essentially the same kind of entity, these differ-
`ences in relative location are merely an aspect of the
`implementation of the object. Indeed, the location of an
`object may change over time, as an object migrates from
`one machine to another or the implementation of the
`object changes.
`It is the thesis of this note that this unified view of objects
`is mistaken. There are fundamental differences between
`the interactions of distributed objects and the interactions
`of non-distributed objects. Further, work in distributed
`object-oriented systems that is based on a model that
`ignores or denies these differences is doomed to failure,
`and could easily lead to an industry-wide rejection of the
`notion of distributed object-based systems.
`The Vision of Unified Objects
`There is an overall vision of distributed object-oriented
`computing in which, from the programmer’s point of view,
`there is no essential distinction between objects that share
`an address space and objects that are on two machines
`with different architectures located on different continents.
`While this view can most recently be seen in such works
`as the Object Management Group’s Common Object
`Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) [1], it has a his-
`tory that includes such research systems as Arjuna [2],
`Emerald [3], and Clouds [4].
`In such systems, an object, whether local or remote, is
`defined in terms of a set of interfaces declared in an inter-
`face definition language. The implementation of the object
`is independent of the interface and hidden from other
`objects. While the underlying mechanisms used to make a
`method call may differ depending on the location of the
`object, those mechanisms are hidden from the programmer
`who writes exactly the same code for either type of call,
`and the system takes care of delivery.
`This vision can be seen as an extension of the goal of
`remote procedure call (RPC) systems to the object-ori-
`ented paradigm. RPC systems attempt to make cross-
`address space function calls look (to the client program-
`mer) like local function calls. Extending this to the object-
`oriented programming paradigm allows papering over not
`just the marshalling of parameters and the unmarshalling
`of results (as is done in RPC systems) but also the locating
`and connecting to the target objects. Given the isolation of
`an object’s implementation from clients of the object, the
`use of objects for distributed computing seems natural.
`Whether a given object invocation is local or remote is a
`function of the implementation of the objects being used,
`and could possibly change from one method invocation to
`another on any given object.
`Implicit in this vision is that the system will be “objects all
`the way down”; that is, that all current invocations or calls
`for system services will be eventually converted into calls
`that might be to an object residing on some other machine.
`There is a single paradigm of object use and communica-
`tion used no matter what the location of the object might
`thing. The vision is that developers write their applications
`so that the objects within the application are joined using
`the same programmatic glue as objects between applica-
`tions, but it does not require that the two kinds of glue be
`implemented the same way. What is needed is a variety of
`implementation techniques, ranging from same-address-
`space implementations like Microsoft’s Object Linking
`and Embedding [5] to typical network RPC; different
`needs for speed, security, reliability, and object co-location
`can be met by using the right “glue” implementation.
`Writing a distributed application in this model proceeds in
`three phases. The first phase is to write the application
`without worrying about where objects are located and how
`their communication is implemented. The developer will
`simply strive for the natural and correct interface between
`objects. The system will choose reasonable defaults for
`object location, and depending on how performance-criti-
`cal the application is, it may be possible to alpha test it
`with no further work. Such an approach will enforce a
`desirable separation between the abstract architecture of
`the application and any needed performance tuning.
`The second phase is to tune performance by “concretiz-
`ing” object locations and communication methods. At this
`stage, it may be necessary to use as yet unavailable tools to
`allow analysis of the communication patterns between
`objects, but it is certainly conceivable that such tools could
`be produced. Also during the second phase, the right set of
`interfaces to export to various clients—such as other
`applications—can be chosen. There is obviously tremen-
`dous flexibility here for the application developer. This
`seems to be the sort of development scenario that is being
`advocated in systems like Fresco [6], which claim that the
`decision to make an object local or remote can be put off
`until after initial system implementation.
`The final phase is to test with “real bullets” (e.g., networks
`being partitioned, machines going down). Interfaces
`between carefully selected objects can be beefed up as
`necessary to deal with these sorts of partial failures intro-
`duced by distribution by adding replication, transactions,
`or whatever else is needed. The exact set of these services
`can be determined only by experience that will be gained
`during the development of the system and the first applica-
`tions that will work on the system.
`In actual practice, of course, a local member function call
`and a cross-continent object invocation are not the same
`A central part of the vision is that if an application is built
`using objects all the way down, in a proper object-oriented
`fashion, the right “fault points” at which to insert process
`or machine boundaries will emerge naturally. But if you
`initially make the wrong choices, they are very easy to
`Unfortunately, all of these principles are false. In what fol-
`lows, we will show why these principles are mistaken, and
`why it is important to recognize the fundamental differ-
`ences between distributed computing and local computing.
`One conceptual justification for this vision is that whether
`a call is local or remote has no impact on the correctness
`of a program. If an object supports a particular interface,
`and the support of that interface is semantically correct, it
`makes no difference to the correctness of the program
`whether the operation is carried out within the same
`address space, on some other machine, or off-line by some
`other piece of equipment. Indeed, seeing location as a part
`of the implementation of an object and therefore as part of
`the state that an object hides from the outside world
`appears to be a natural extension of the object-oriented
`Such a system would enjoy many advantages. It would
`allow the task of software maintenance to be changed in a
`fundamental way. The granularity of change, and therefore
`of upgrade, could be changed from the level of the entire
`system (the current model) to the level of the individual
`object. As long as the interfaces between objects remain
`constant, the implementations of those objects can be
`altered at will. Remote services can be moved into an
`address space, and objects that share an address space can
`be split and moved to different machines, as local require-
`ments and needs dictate. An object can be repaired and the
`repair installed without worry that the change will impact
`the other objects that make up the system. Indeed, this
`model appears to be the best way to get away from the
`“Big Wad of Software” model that currently is causing so
`much trouble.
`This vision is centered around the following principles
`that may, at first, appear plausible:
`• there is a single natural object-oriented design for a
`given application, regardless of the context in which
`that application will be deployed;
`• failure and performance issues are tied to the imple-
`mentation of the components of an application, and
`consideration of these issues should be left out of an
`initial design; and
`• the interface of an object is independent of the context
`in which that object is used.
`Déjà Vu All Over Again
`For those of us either old enough to have experienced it or
`interested enough in the history of computing to have
`learned about it, the vision of unified objects is quite
`familiar. The desire to merge the programming and com-
`putational models of local and remote computing is not
`Communications protocol development has tended to fol-
`low two paths. One path has emphasized integration with
`the current language model. The other path has empha-
`sized solving the problems inherent in distributed comput-
`ing. Both are necessary, and successful advances in
`distributed computing synthesize elements from both
`Historically, the language approach has been the less influ-
`ential of the two camps. Every ten years (approximately),
`members of the language camp notice that the number of
`distributed applications is relatively small. They look at
`the programming interfaces and decide that the problem is
`that the programming model is not close enough to what-
`ever programming model is currently in vogue (messages
`in the 1970s [7], [8], procedure calls in the 1980s [9], [10],
`[11], and objects in the 1990s [1], [2]). A furious bout of
`language and protocol design takes place and a new dis-
`tributed computing paradigm is announced that is compli-
`ant with the latest programming model. After several
`years, the percentage of distributed applications is discov-
`ered not to have increased significantly, and the cycle
`begins anew.
`A possible explanation for this cycle is that each round is
`an evolutionary stage for both the local and the distributed
`programming paradigm. The repetition of the pattern is a
`result of neither model being sufficient to encompass both
`activities at any previous stage. However, (this explana-
`tion continues) each iteration has brought us closer to a
`unification of the local and distributed computing models.
`The current iteration, based on the object-oriented
`approach to both local and distributed programming, will
`be the one that produces a single computational model that
`will suffice for both.
`A less optimistic explanation of the failure of each attempt
`at unification holds that any such attempt will fail for the
`simple reason that programming distributed applications is
`not the same as programming non-distributed applications.
`Just making the communications paradigm the same as the
`language paradigm is insufficient to make programming
`distributed programs easier, because communicating
`between the parts of a distributed application is not the dif-
`ficult part of that application.
`The hard problems in distributed computing are not the
`problems of how to get things on and off the wire. The
`hard problems in distributed computing concern dealing
`with partial failure and the lack of a central resource man-
`ager. The hard problems in distributed computing concern
`insuring adequate performance and dealing with problems
`of concurrency. The hard problems have to do with differ-
`ences in memory access paradigms between local and dis-
`tributed entities. People attempting to write distributed
`applications quickly discover that they are spending all of
`their efforts in these areas and not on the communications
`protocol programming interface.
`This is not to argue against pleasant programming inter-
`faces. However, the law of diminishing returns comes into
`play rather quickly. Even with a perfect programming
`model of complete transparency between “fine-grained”
`language-level objects and “larger-grained” distributed
`objects, the number of distributed applications would not
`be noticeably larger if these other problems have not been
`All of this suggests that there is interesting and profitable
`work to be done in distributed computing, but it needs to
`be done at a much higher-level than that of “fine-grained”
`object integration. Providing developers with tools that
`help manage the complexity of handling the problems of
`distributed application development as opposed to the
`generic application development is an area that has been
`poorly addressed.
`Local and Distributed Computing
`failure, and concurrency.1 The difference in latency is the
`most obvious, but in many ways is the least fundamental.
`The often overlooked differences concerning memory
`access, partial failure, and concurrency are far more diffi-
`cult to explain away, and the differences concerning par-
`tial failure and concurrency make unifying the local and
`remote computing models impossible without making
`unacceptable compromises.
`The most obvious difference between a local object invo-
`cation and the invocation of an operation on a remote (or
`possibly remote) object has to do with the latency of the
`two calls. The difference between the two is currently
`between four and five orders of magnitude, and given the
`relative rates at which processor speed and network
`latency speeds are changing, the difference in the future
`promises to be at best no better, and will likely be worse. It
`is this disparity in efficiency that is often seen as the essen-
`tial difference between local and distributed computing.
`Ignoring the difference between the performance of local
`and remote invocations can lead to designs whose imple-
`mentations are virtually assured of having performance
`problems because the design requires a large amount of
`communication between components that are in different
`address spaces and on different machines. Ignoring the
`difference in the time it takes to make a remote object
`invocation and the time it takes to make a local object
`invocation is to ignore one of the major design areas of an
`application. A properly designed application will require
`determining, by understanding the application being
`designed, what objects can be made remote and what
`objects must be clustered together.
`The vision outlined earlier, however, has an answer to this
`objection. The answer is two-pronged. The first prong is to
`rely on the steadily increasing speed of the underlying
`hardware to make the difference in latency irrelevant.
`This, it is often argued, is what has happened to efficiency
`concerns having to do with everything from high level lan-
`guages to virtual memory. Designing at the cutting edge
`has always required that the hardware catch up before the
`design is efficient enough for the real world. Arguments
`from efficiency seem to have gone out of style in software
`The major differences between local and distributed com-
`puting concern the areas of latency, memory access, partial
`1. We are not the first to notice these differences; indeed, they
`are clearly stated in [12].
`engineering, since in the past such concerns have always
`been answered by speed increases in the underlying hard-
`The second prong of the reply is to admit to the need for
`tools that will allow one to see what the pattern of commu-
`nication is between the objects that make up an applica-
`tion. Once such tools are available, it will be a matter of
`tuning to bring objects that are in constant contact to the
`same address space, while moving those that are in rela-
`tively infrequent contact to wherever is most convenient.
`Since the vision allows all objects to communicate using
`the same underlying mechanism, such tuning will be pos-
`sible by simply altering the implementation details (such
`as object location) of the relevant objects. However, it is
`important to get the application correct first, and after that
`one can worry about efficiency.
`Whether or not it will ever become possible to mask the
`efficiency difference between a local object invocation and
`a distributed object invocation is not answerable a priori.
`Fully masking the distinction would require not only
`advances in the technology underlying remote object invo-
`cation, but would also require changes to the general pro-
`gramming model used by developers.
`If the only difference between local and distributed object
`invocations was the difference in the amount of time it
`took to make the call, one could strive for a future in
`which the two kinds of calls would be conceptually indis-
`tinguishable. Whether the technology of distributed com-
`puting has moved far enough along to allow one to plan
`products based on such technology would be a matter of
`judgement, and rational people could disagree as to the
`wisdom of such an approach.
`However, the difference in latency between the two kinds
`of calls is only the most obvious difference. Indeed, this
`difference is not really the fundamental difference
`between the two kinds of calls, and that even if it were
`possible to develop the technology of distributed calls to
`an extent that the difference in latency between the two
`sorts of calls was minimal, it would be unwise to construct
`a programming paradigm that treated the two calls as
`essentially similar. In fact, the difference in latency
`between local and remote calls, because it is so obvious,
`has been the only difference most see between the two,
`and has tended to mask the more irreconcilable differ-
`4.2 Memory access
`A more fundamental (but still obvious) difference between
`local and remote computing concerns the access to mem-
`ory in the two cases—specifically in the use of pointers.
`Simply put, pointers in a local address space are not valid
`in another (remote) address space. The system can paper
`over this difference, but for such an approach to be suc-
`cessful, the transparency must be complete. Two choices
`exist: either all memory access must be controlled by the
`underlying system, or the programmer must be aware of
`the different types of access—local and remote. There is
`no inbetween.
`If the desire is to completely unify the programming
`model—to make remote accesses behave as if they were in
`fact local—the underlying mechanism must totally control
`all memory access. Providing distributed shared memory
`is one way of completely relieving the programmer from
`worrying about remote memory access (or the difference
`between local and remote). Using the object-oriented para-
`digm to the fullest, and requiring the programmer to build
`an application with “objects all the way down,” (that is,
`only object references or values are passed as method
`arguments) is another way to eliminate the boundary
`between local and remote computing. The layer under-
`neath can exploit this approach by marshalling and unmar-
`shalling method arguments and return values for intra-
`address space transmission.
`But adding a layer that allows the replacement of all point-
`ers to objects with object references only permits the
`developer to adopt a unified model of object interaction.
`Such a unified model cannot be enforced unless one also
`removes the ability to get address-space-relative pointers
`from the language used by the developer. Such an
`approach erects a barrier to programmers who want to
`start writing distributed applications, in that it requires that
`those programmers learn a new style of programming
`which does not use address-space-relative pointers. In
`requiring that programmers learn such a language, more-
`over, one gives up the complete transparency between
`local and distributed computing.
`Even if one were to provide a language that did not allow
`obtaining address-space-relative pointers to objects (or
`returned an object reference whenever such a pointer was
`requested), one would need to provide an equivalent way
`of making cross-address space reference to entities other
`than objects. Most programmers use pointers as references
`for many different kinds of entities. These pointers must
`either be replaced with something that can be used in
`cross-address space calls or the programmer will need to
`be aware of the difference between such calls (which will
`either not allow pointers to such entities, or do something
`special with those pointers) and local calls. Again, while
`this could be done, it does violate the doctrine of complete
`unity between local and remote calls. Because of memory
`access constraints, the two have to differ.
`The danger lies in promoting the myth that “remote access
`and local access are exactly the same” and not enforcing
`the myth. An underlying mechanism that does not unify all
`memory accesses while still promoting this myth is both
`misleading and prone to error. Programmers buying into
`the myth may believe that they do not have to change the
`way they think about programming. The programmer is
`therefore quite likely to make the mistake of using a
`pointer in the wrong context, producing incorrect results.
`“Remote is just like local,” such programmers think, “so
`we have just one unified programming model.” Seemingly,
`programmers need not change their style of programming.
`In an incomplete implementation of the underlying mech-
`anism, or one that allows an implementation language that
`in turn allows direct access to local memory, the system
`does not take care of all memory accesses, and errors are
`bound to occur. These errors occur because the program-
`mer is not aware of the difference between local and
`remote access and what is actually happening “under the
`The alternative is to explain the difference between local
`and remote access, making the programmer aware that
`remote address space access is very different from local
`access. Even if some of the pain is taken away by using an
`interface definition language like that specified in [1] and
`having it generate an intelligent language mapping for
`operation invocation on distributed objects, the program-
`mer aware of the difference will not make the mistake of
`using pointers for cross-address space access. The pro-
`grammer will know it is incorrect. By not masking the dif-
`ference, the programmer is able to learn when to use one
`method of access and when to use the other.
`Just as with latency, it is logically possible that the differ-
`ence between local and remote memory access could be
`completely papered over and a single model of both pre-
`sented to the programmer. When we turn to the problems
`introduced to distributed computing by partial failure and
`concurrency, however, it is not clear that such a unification
`is even conceptually possible.
`4.3 Partial failure and concurrency
`While unlikely, it is at least logically possible that the dif-
`ferences in latency and memory access between local
`computing and distributed computing could be masked. It
`is not clear that such a masking could be done in such a
`way that the local computing paradigm could be used to
`produce distributed applications, but it might still be possi-
`ble to allow some new programming technique to be used
`for both activities. Such a masking does not even seem to
`be logically possible, however, in the case of partial failure
`and concurrency. These aspects appear to be different in
`kind in the case of distributed and local computing.2
`Partial failure is a central reality of distributed computing.
`Both the local and the distributed world contain compo-
`nents that are subject to periodic failure. In the case of
`local computing, such failures are either total, affecting all
`of the entities that are working together in an application,
`or detectable by some central resource allocator (such as
`the operating system on the local machine).
`This is not the case in distributed computing, where one
`component (machine, network link) can fail while the oth-
`ers continue. Not only is the failure of the distributed com-
`ponents independent, but there is no common agent that is
`able to determine what component has failed and inform
`the other components of that failure, no global state that
`can be examined that allows determination of exactly what
`error has occurred. In a distributed system, the failure of a
`network link is indistinguishable from the failure of a pro-
`cessor on the other side of that link.
`These sorts of failures are not the same as mere exception
`raising or the inability to complete a task, which can occur
`in the case of local computing. This type of failure is
`caused when a machine crashes during the execution of an
`object invocation or a network link goes down, occur-
`rences that cause the target object to simply disappear
`rather than return control to the caller. A central problem
`in distributed computing is insuring that the state of the
`2. In fact, authors such as Schroeder [12] and Hadzilacos and
`Toueg [13] take partial failure and concurrency to be the defining
`problems of distributed computing.
`whole system is consistent after such a failure; this is a
`problem that simply does not occur in local computing.
`The reality of partial failure has a profound effect on how
`one designs interfaces and on the semantics of the opera-
`tions in an interface. Partial failure requires that programs
`deal with indeterminacy. When a local component fails, it
`is possible to know the state of the system that caused the
`failure and the state of the system after the failure. No such
`determination can be made in the case of a distributed sys-
`tem. Instead, the interfaces that are used for the communi-
`cation must be designed in such a way that it is possible
`for the objects to react in a consistent way to possible par-
`tial failures.
`Being robust in the face of partial failure requires some
`expression at the interface level. Merely improving the
`implementation of one component is not sufficient. The
`interfaces that connect the components must be able to
`state whenever possible the cause of failure, and there
`must be interfaces that allow reconstruction of a reason-
`able state when failure occurs and the cause cannot be
`If an object is coresident in an address space with its
`caller, partial failure is not possible. A function may not
`complete normally, but it always completes. There is no
`indeterminism about how much of the computation com-
`pleted. Partial completion can occur only as a result of cir-
`cumstances that will cause the other components to fail.
`The addition of partial failure as a possibility in the case of
`distributed computing does not mean that a single object
`model cannot be used for both distributed computing and
`local computing. The question is not “can you make
`remote method invocation look like local method invoca-
`tion?” but rather “what is the price of making remote
`method invocation identical to local method invocation?”
`One of two paths must be chosen if one is going to have a
`unified model.
`The first path is to treat all objects as if they were local and
`design all interfaces as if the objects calling them, and
`being called by them, were local. The result of choosing
`this path is that the resulting model, when used to produce
`distributed systems, is essentially indeterministic in the
`face of partial failure and consequently fragile and non-
`robust. This path essentially requires ignoring the extra
`failure modes of distributed computing. Since one can’t
`get rid of those failures, the price of adopting the model is
`to require that such failures are unhandled and cata-
`The other path is to design all interfaces as if they were
`remote. That is, the semantics and operations are all
`designed to be deterministic in the face of failure, both
`total and partial. However, this introduces unnecessary
`guarantees and semantics for objects that are never
`intended to be used remotely. Like the approach to mem-
`ory access that attempts to require that all access is
`through system-defined references instead of pointers, this
`approach must also either rely on the discipline of the pro-
`grammers using the system or change the implementation
`language so that all of the forms of distributed indetermi-
`nacy are forced to be dealt with on all object invocations.
`This approach would also defeat the overall purpose of
`unifying the object models. The real reason for attempting
`such a unification is to make distributed computing more
`like local computing and thus make distributed computing
`easier. This second approach to unifying the models makes
`local computing as complex as distributed computing.
`Rather than encouraging the production of distributed
`applications, such a model will discourage its own adop-
`tion by making all object-based computing more difficult.
`Similar arguments hold for concurrency. Distributed
`objects by their nature must handle concurrent method
`invocations. The same dichotomy applies if one insists on
`a unified programming model. Either all objects must bear
`the weight of concurrency semantics, or all objects must
`ignore the problem and hope for the best when distributed.
`Again, this is an interface issue and not solely an imple-
`mentation issue, since dealing with concurrency can take
`place only by passing information from one object to
`another through the agency of the interface. So either the
`overall programming model must ignore significant modes
`of failure, resulting in a fragile system; or the overall pro-
`gramming model must assume a worst-case complexity
`model for all objects within a program, making the pro-
`duction of any program, distributed or not, more difficult.
`One might argue that a multi-threaded application needs to
`deal with these same issues. However, there is a subtle dif-
`ference. In a multi-threaded application, there is no real
`source of indeterminacy of invocations of operations. The
`application programmer has complete control over invoca-
`tion order when desired. A distributed system by its nature
`my handlin