`U8008i'62471 B2
`(12) United States Patent
`Robertson et a].
`[10) Patent No.:
`(45} Date of Patent:
`US 8,762,471 32
`*Jun. 24, 2014
`(71) Applicant: Amazon Technologies, Inc.. Reno. NV"
`Inventors: Brian D. Robertson, Boston. MA (US):
`Warren William Adams. Edgartown.
`MA (US)
`(73) Assignee: Amazon Technologies, Inc.. Reno. NV
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`use. 154(k) by 0 days.
`This patent is subject to a terminal dis-
`(21) Appl.No.: 13n4s,rsi
`Jan. 23, 2013
`Prior Publication Data
`US 201310166661!“
`Jun. 27. 2013
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Continuation of application No. 121506.167. filed on
`Jul. 20. 2009. now Pat. No. 8.380396, which is a
`division of application No. 12f127.495. filed on May
`27. 2008. now Pat. No. 1739.139. which is a
`continuation of application No.
`llt022,089_. tiled 011
`Dec. 22. 2004. now Pat. No. 7.386.464. which is a
`division of application No. 101780486. filed on Feb.
`17. 2004. now Pat. No. 7.194.419. which is a
`continuation of application No. 098518.355. filed on
`7". 1999, now Pat. No. 6.714.916. which is a
`continuation ol'application No. 081962.997, filed on
`Nov. 2. 1997. now Pat. No. 6269.369.
`1m. (:1.
`G06F 15/16
`(52) U.S.Cl.
`7091206: T091204; 7091205; 709907
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`7091204. 205, 206
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`4,626,836 A
`4,862.35? A
`12:”1986 Curtis ct al.
`831989 Ahislrom cl a1.
`011 [FR PUBI..1CA‘1‘10NS
`“199’? Edition US Lotus Organizer-"l'ixploring Organizer.="\\’indows
`95 edition" pp. iii-vii and 8-1-8-6. (of-record in mrcnt application).
`Primary Examiner — Oscar Louie
`Assistant Examiner — Lin L-iu
`(74) Attorney-3 Agent. or Firm — Knobbe. Martens. Olson &
`Bear. LLP
`A networked computer system provides various services for
`assisting users in locating. and establishing contact relation—
`ships with. other users. For example. in one embodiment,
`users can identify other users based on their alfilialions with
`particular schools or other organizations. The system also
`provides a mechanism for a user to selectively establish con-
`tact relationships or connections with other users, and to grant
`permissions for such other users to view personal information
`of the user. The system may also be capable ofdetecting. and
`notifying a user of. an event in which the user and a contact of
`the user are concurrently in a common location.
`20 Claims, 14 Drawing Sheets
`“W ‘\
`LYFT 1018
`LYFT 1018


`US 8,762,471 B2
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`“Symantcc ACT! User's Guide and Reference Version 2.0 for Win-
`dows” pp. ix-xvi and 3-11-3-26 (of-record in parent application).
`“Information about Lotus Notes from the Lotus Web Site (www.
`} " pp. 1-13 (Apr. 1998) {of-record in parent application).
`“Domino 4.6 Features Overview“ Jul. 1997 2 pages WW.10|1|S.COH17
`domino (of-record in parent application).
`“Yahoo! White Pages" Copyright 1994-1998 Yahoo! http:7.-'\\ww.
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`“WhoWhere?” Copyright 1995-1998 Whoa-“Where? Inc. http:7 WW.
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`R. Tamura et al. “Lotus Notes 4” pp. 39 64-65 and 176 (1996)
`(of-record in parent application).
`Caldwell "Cyberscene Planet KeepsYOu in Touch” Dec. [996 Boston
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`Day “New Sofiwarc Tracks Corporate Travel Plans” Jan. 1991 [Jen-
`ver Pest (Denver COUS)V99 N153 sC p2 Dialog File 63 Accession
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`Aug. 1991 Amusement Business v103 n31 p3(3) Dialog File 148
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`other principals“ Mar. 1995 Agency Sales Magazine v25n3 pp. 13-15
`Dialog File 15 Accession No. 00988855 (of—record in parent appli—
`Smith “Companies Meet Each Other at the Airport” Jul. 1995 The
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`Gerety “Whose Job Is It Anyway?: Meetings As a Subset of Travel:
`Yes or No?" Apr. 1992 Business Travel News [SSN: 8750-3670
`(of-record in parent application).
`Brisson ct al. "Lifoco Puts Pro-Trip Control in Travel Managers‘
`Hands” Mar. 1991 Business Travel News ISSN: 8750—3670 (of-
`record in patent application).
`“PIanetAlI plans to Make aWorld of Difference in Busy Lives" Nov.
`1996 PR Newswire pp. 11 l3NEW025 (of-record in parent applica-
`“Fall Internet World ‘96 Exhibitor Previews" Dec. 3. 1996 Business
`Wire p 12030220 Dialog 1“ ile 16 Accession No. 04716024 (of-record
`in parent application).
`Answer and Second Amended Counterelaims of Defendant Amazon.
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`06-491-MPT) (of-record in patent application), (Jan. 2. 2008).
`Dialog “Special Report: Russell Information Sciences‘ Calendar
`Manager." Sep. 1995; PCNetter. v10. n9; Dialog file 636. Accession
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`laborating Filtering). Mar. 1997. Communication of the ACM. vol.
`40. No. 3. pp. 1-4 (of-record in parent application).
`retrieved via
`ClassMaIes: ClassMates Online web snapshot
` dated Apr. 1997 (of-record in parent application).
`* cited by examiner


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`Jun. 24, 2014
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`WNW Sumo:


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`US. Patent
`Jun. 24, 2014
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`US 8,762,471 32
`555 a
`No me
`Home Phone
`Work Address
`Work Phone
`You r High School
`.562?— 74
`Your College
`Year of Enrollment
`Graduation Year El
`Graduation Year El


`US. Patent
`Jun. 24, 2014
`Sheet 8 of 14
`US 8,762,471 32
`55W “—\\
`Following are the other members who went
`your college at about
`the some time.
`to the names of
`Click on the boxes next
`you’d like to add to your Address Book.
`the people
`State University, 1982—1986
`5&9 m\
`\IX] John Doe (Graduated 1985)
`I: Robert Johnson (Graduated 1985)
`Jane Smith (Graduated 1986)


`US. Patent
`Jun. 24, 2014
`Sheet 9 of 14
`US 8,762,471 32
`/" 600—!
`Click on the boxes next
`to the Permission Levels that
`you would like to grant
`to y0ur new contact
`Crossing Paths Notification Permission
`/— 500—5
`Work Information
`Birthday Notification
`Friend of Friends Information
`6190— I4!


`US. Patent
`Jun. 24, 2014
`Sheet 10 of 14
`US 8,762,471 B2


`US. Patent
`Jun. 24, 2014
`Sheet 11 0114
`US 8,762,471 32
`Member Update flew-2
`December 7, 1998
`The following of your confucl‘s have uioming bir’lhdoys:
`Avery Rogers (Dec. 11;
`Jone Bigelow (Dec. 14
`650 6
`Your confoci’s have regis’rered The following address changes:
`Tom Kohn
`New work address:
`1000 Wilson Boulevard
`Arling’ron. Va 22229
`New work phone:
`The following new members have affiliated with lhe some groups as you:
`Clu ion Slole Colle e, 1985
`) “mom-M
`The following members have linked To you and hove requesfe
`you reciprocole:
`Jun Dhomo
`Lee Rogers } 6‘59v-20
`659- /5
`You have scheduled a trip lo Phoenix on December 14. The following of
`your confocfs live in Phoenix or will be in Phoenix on lhal dole:
`Andrew Kress
`Toylor Pierce }65§—24
`}650 2‘9
`/- 550-25
`fhe following of your confocls ore compofible wilh
`According lo Aslrclogy,
`you lodoy (Libros)
`Bryon Jomieson
`Anne Thlerry
`[76: 1/


`US. Patent
`762,471 B2
`093mmm 0.3%


`US. Patent
`Jun. 24, 2014
`Sheet 13 of 14
`US 8,762,471 B2
`umme433502I, "49.65EmucwtmUSmust...50>


`471 B2
` $9630m£2334.533.m_.._EmBSQEB“5:02.5__E_mv
` .2_M,_-4gem:Bm._llllllllllll55“.62:8uEmLow:


`US 8,262,471 B2
`This application is a continuation of US. application Ser.
`No. 12606.1 6?. filed Jul. 20. 2009, which is a divisionofUS.
`application Ser. No. 121127.495. filed May 27. 2008 (now
`U.S. Pat. No. 7,239,139), which is a continuation of U.S.
`application Ser. No. 111022089. filed Dec. 22. 2004 (now
`U.S. Pat. No. 1386.464}. which is a division ofU.S. patent
`application Ser. No.
`l(1t"780,486. filed Feb. 17. 2004 (now
`U.S. Pat. No. 2,194,419). which is a continuation of US.
`patent application Ser. No. 09;” 348.3 55. filed Jul. 7. 1999 (now
`US. Pat. No. 6.714.916). which is a continuation of U.S.
`application Ser. No. 08f962,997, filed Nov. 2, 1997 (now U.S.
`Pat. No. 6.269.369).
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates generally to multi-user com-
`puter systems, sttch as contact management systems. that
`provide services for users to locate and share personal infor-
`mation with other users.
`2. Description of Related Art
`Several types ofprior art for tnanaging contact infomtation
`exist, including Personal Information Management software
`applications, Groupware Applications. and Internet-based
`“White Pages" and email services.
`Personal Information Management Software.
`As represented generally in FIG. 1. in a typical prior art
`Personal Information Management (PIM) software applica-
`tiott (e.g., Lotus Organizer, Microsoft Outlook, or US.
`Robotics Palm Pilot), a PIM software application 120, 124
`that stores contact information in a database resides on a
`workstation or handheld computer 100 having a central pro-
`cessing unit 102. a display 108. a keyboard anda’or mouse 110.
`a primary memory 104 (eg. randotn access memory) for
`program execution. a secondary memory 106 (e.g.. a hard
`disc) for program storage. and peripheral devices 112. As is
`well known, programs, such as the PIM sofiware 120, are
`executed in the RAM 104 by the CPU 102 under control ofthe
`operating system software 122, 126.
`In the prior art. ttsers themselves enter the contact infor-
`mation that they want to store in the PIM software. A variety
`of methods exist for entering this contact information. It tnay
`be entered manually ttsing the keyboard. itnported from an
`existing file on their computer, or imported via a peripheral
`device such as a business card scanner. The defining charac«
`teristic o f this class of prior art is that the input ofthe contact
`information is perfomted by the user of the software and.
`when the information changes. the user ntust modify the
`information himself. What this class of prior art lacks is a
`tneans for information to be shared between multiple users
`and a means for a given user to post changes to his own
`inlbrtnation for the benefit of others.
`Groupware Applications.
`As generally represented in FIG. 2, in a typical prior art
`Groupware application (cg. Lotus Notes). a user worksta-
`tion 160 accesses inforntatiort stored on a central server com-
`puter130 overa computer network 150, such as a Local Area
`Network or Intranet. The server system consists of a central
`processing unit 132, a primary memory 134 (cg. random
`access memory) for program execution. a secondary storage
`device 136 (e.g., a hard disc) for program storage. and a
`modem 138 or other device for connecting to the computer
`network. The user workstation 160 is the same as the user
`workstation 100 described in reference to FIG. 1 with the
`addition ofa modem 162 or other device for connecting to the
`computer network. The file server or database contains data
`files 148 that can be accesst only by authorized ttsers. The
`user uses client software 1'74, 1'76 running on the user work—
`station 160 to access the files 148 under the mediation of
`server software 140. 144 running on the server 130.
`Typically. in such a system a central system administrator
`organizes risers into classes and the creator of a file 148
`determines what classes of users may view the file. The rules
`governing which individual users or classes of users have the
`authorization to view a particular file 148 may be stored as
`part ofthe file itself. Altematively. these rules are based upon
`the hierarchical directory structure of the file server in which
`the file is stored. That is, a particular user may view files in
`one directory but not another.
`FIG. 3 represents a common deployment ofa contact man-
`agement system based on Groupware. Iiach user enters in for-
`tnation 202 about himself and specifies a set of permissions
`204 that define what classes ofusers are able to view various
`pieces of the inibrmation 202. What this deployment of the
`prior art lacks is the ability to authorize viewing privileges on
`a user-by-user basis rather than on a class-by-class basis. For
`instance, a user would be able to grant access to his home
`phone number 206 to the Ilumart Resources department ofhis
`employer (e.g., Class A) while denying access to the same
`inibrmation to his oo—workers (cg. Class C ). The user would
`not be able to give access to his home phone number selec-
`tively to a first co-worker while denying it to a second co-
`worker if both co-workers were part of the same class of risers
`as organized by the central system administrator. Further-
`more, such a system would lack a practical notification meth-
`odology. There would be no way for a user to specify “noti fy
`me when the first co—worker changes his information bttt not
`when the second conworker changes his information."
`Internet-Based “White Pages" and E-Mail Directory Ser-
`In a typical priorart “white pages" or e-mail service. client
`computers and a server computer are connected via the World
`Wide Web as depicted in FIG. 4. A user subscribes to a White
`Pages or E—Mail service via a client computer 270 operating
`a web browser 282 or other software application residing in
`memory 274 that allows it to display information downloaded
`from a server computer 230 over the World Wide Web 260.
`The server computer system accesses a database 240 contain-
`ing contact information entered by registered users. The ser-
`vice enables users to view contact information entered by
`other users. The authorization scheme may allow all users to
`lintit certain classes ofusers from viewing certain parts of
`their user record as represented in FIG. 3. However. there are
`no linkages between individual users and thus users cannot
`restrict the viewing of their information on a user-by-uscr
`basis. Furthermore, users caturot be notified when informa-
`tion for particular users has changed.
`A networked computer system provides various services
`for assisting users in locating. and establishing contact rela-
`tion ships with. other users. For ex ample. in one embodiment.
`users can identify other users based on their affiliations with
`particular schools or other organizations. The system also
`provides a mechanism for a user to selectively establish con—
`tact relationships or connections with other use rs, and to grant
`permissions for such other users to vietv personal infonnation


`US 8362,47] B2
`ofthe user. The system may also include features for enabling
`users to identify contacts oftheir respective contacts. In addi-
`tion. the system may automatically notify users of personal
`information updates made by their respective contacts.
`The accompanying drawings. which are incorporated in
`and form a part of this specification. illustrate embodiments
`of the invention. wherein:
`FIG. 1 depicts a computer loaded with Personal Informa-
`tion Management software;
`FIG. 2 generally depicts the data schema of a category of
`prior art known as groupware applications;
`FIG. 3 shows a common scheme for authorizing permis-
`sion to view information in the prior art:
`FIG. 4 depicts two computers interconnected via the litter-
`net. one of which is a server connected to a database and the
`other of which represents a user‘s client workstation. both of
`which are configured according to the prior art;
`FIG. 5 depicts two computers intercomtected via the Inter-
`net, one of which is a server coimected to a database and the
`other of which represents a user's client workstation. both of
`which are configured according to the present invention:
`FIG. 6 represents an object model of the key tables in the
`relational database maintained on the server computer in the
`preferred embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 7 represents a pseudo graphical user interface in
`which a userenters infomtation in specific data fields to create
`a personal data record:
`FIG. 8 represents a pseudo graphical user interface for
`listing other users with the same group affiliation as that
`specified by a first user;
`FIG. 9 represents a pseudo graphical user interface for
`specifying what type ofdata fields from a first user‘ 3 personal
`data record to which the first user wishes to grant a specific
`second user access;
`FIG. 10 represents a pseudo graphical user interface that
`displays the information stored in a user‘s personal address
`FIG. 11 represents a pseudo graphical user interface that
`provides a first user with specific information that has
`changed about the other users to which the first user is linked:
`FIG. 12 represents a pseudo graphical user interface that
`allows a first user to enter travel infonnation and find out
`which contacts have overlapping travel schedules:
`FIG. 13 represents a pseudo graphical user interface that
`allows a first user to gather information about the contacts of
`his contacts; and
`FIG. 14 is a data flow diagram ofan altemative einbodi—
`ment of the present invention where a personal digital assis-
`tant is synchronized with a server database of user infonna-
`Reference will now be made in detail to the preferred
`embodiments of the invention. examples of which are illus-
`trated in the accompanying figures. While the invention will
`be described in conjunction with the preferred embodi merits.
`it will be understood that they are not intended to limit the
`invention to those embodiments. On the contrary. the inven—
`tion is intended to cover alternatives, modifications and
`equivalents. which may be included within the spirit and
`scope of the invention as defined by the appended claims.
`As represented in FIG. 5. the preferred embodiment fol-
`lows a standard Internet architecture, in which client comput-
`ers 370 and a server computer 330 are connected via the
`World Wide Web 360 and modems 338, 378 or other com-
`munications channels. A user accesses the server 360 via a
`client computer 370 operating a web browser 382 or other
`software application residing in memory 374 that allows it to
`display information downloaded from a server computer 330.
`The server computer system 330 runs server software 342.
`including the uetwork-computer—based personal contact
`manager 343 of the present invention. which interacts with
`the cl icnt computers 370 and a user information database 340.
`In a commercial embodiment of the present invention. the
`personal contact manager 343 is the heart of a Web—based
`personal contact management service called PlanetAll. The
`database 340 contains contact information entered by regis-
`tered users. The personal contact manager 343 in some sitti-
`ations will notify a set of users of updates made to the data-
`base 340 by another user to whom the notified set is related.
`The database 340 in is a relational database built from a set
`of relational tables 350. In the conventional manner. both the
`server 330 and the clients 370 include respective storage
`devices. such as hard disks 336 and 376 and operate under the
`control ofoperating systems 344, 384 executed in RAM 334.
`374 by the (Z'PUs 332, 372. The server storage device 336
`stores program files 346 and the operating system 348. Simi-
`larly. the client storage devices 376 store the web browser
`software 386 and the operating systems 388. In an altemative
`configuration. in which the client is a personal information
`manager (PIM), such as the U.S. Robotics Palm Pilot. the disc
`3'76 can also include a local PIM database 390 and PIM
`software. which performs data management and synchroni-
`zation functions.
`FIG. 6 outlines the data eructure ofthe relational database
`340 in the preferred embodiment, in which seven tables 350
`are employed to enable most of the functionality ofthe sys—
`( l ) Customer Table 440;
`(2) Friend Table 460:
`(3) Group Table 400;
`(4) Affinity Table 420:
`(5) Address Table 480;
`(6) Phone Table 500; and
`(7) Travel Event Table 520:
`The Customer Table 440 contains one record for each
`unique user. The key field in this table is Custonierll) 440-2.
`All information stored in the various database tables relating
`to a particular member is linked together by a unique number
`in this field. Other important fields in this table include infor—
`mation used by users to login to the system (Usemame 440—6
`and Password 440-8), information which helps users identify
`each other (First Name 440-10. Last Name 440-12, and
`li-mail 440-20). infonnation required to provide Birthday
`Notification (Birthday 440-16) and information required to
`provide Crossing Paths notification (Citle 440-14). l'iach
`record in the Customer Table 440 is time~stamped via the
`RecordDate field 440—4. Other fields 440—22 can also be
`included in the Customer Table 440 (and the other tables as
`The Friend Table 460 relates users to each other. Each
`record in the table represents a relationship between one user.
`identified by Customer] 1) 460-4. and another. identified by
`FriendID 46043. with a certain level of permissions 460-10.
`The user interface of the system provides a multitude of ways
`for users to view information about other users, and every one
`of these ways relies on a database query of the I-‘ricnd Table
`460 to determine the list of other users whose information a


`US 8362,47] B2
`particular user may see. Each record is time-stamped via the
`Recordl)ate field 460-8 so that users may be notified when
`their contacts’ records change. Each record is uniquely iden-
`tified by a RelationlD 460-2.
`'lhe Group Table 400 contains one record for each unique
`group with which users may affiliate. Iiach group is identified
`by a GroupName 400-4 and Group'lype 400-6. I'ixarnples of
`these groups would be GroupName 400-4---“Massachusetts
`Institute of Technology" (GroupType'==“University") and
`[GroupType=“Fraternity"). Each record has a time-stamp
`400—8 and a unique identifier 400—2.
`Each record of the Affinity Table 420 relates a user. iden—
`tified by Customerll) 420-4.
`to a group.
`identified by
`GrotthD 420-6. [f a user affiliates with six groups. there
`would be six records in the Affinity Table 420. This table
`stores information about the time period ofa user’ 5 affiliation
`with a particular group in the FromYcar and ToYear fields
`420-8, 420-10 so that the system may help users find their
`contemporaries. Each record is time—stamped 420—12 so that
`the system may report to users when other users join the
`group, has a unique identifier 420-2 and can include addi-
`tional fields 420-14.
`The Address Table 480 stores infomtation for any number
`and kind of addresses for a particular user.
`identified by
`Customerll) 480-4. For instance. if a user wants to make his
`home address. work address and summer home address avail—
`able to his contacts. there would be three records for that user
`in the Address Table 480, each being identified in part by an
`appropriate AddressType 480-8 (e.g.. home, work. summer
`home). Each record is time-stamped 480-16 so that the sys-
`tem can notify users when their contacts have added or modi-
`fied address infonnation and has a unique identifier 480-2.
`information is conventional.
`including street
`Address 480—8. CityID 480-10. Postal code 480—12. and mili—
`tary Base 480-14 fields.
`The Phone Table 500 is directly analogous to the Address
`Table 480. but it stores telephone and fax number information
`instead of address information. [Each record is identified by a
`unique PhoneRccordIl) 500-2 and includes the Customer“)
`500-4 ofthe user whose phone information is contained in the
`record. a phone type ID 500—6 indicating. eg, whether the
`record is for a telephone or fax. the phone number 500-8 and
`a time-stamp 500-10.
`The Travel Event Table 520 stores infomtation about users’
`travel plans. This table is required to notify users when their
`travel plans intersect with the travel plans of their contacts. A
`record in the Travel Event Table 520 includes the CustomerID
`52 0—4 of the user who se travel information is contained in the
`record. arrival and departure dates 520-6, 520—8 and a CityID
`520-10 identifying the travel destination. Each record is
`uniquely identified by a ‘1'ravel_Event[l') 520-2 and is time-
`stamped with a RecordDate 520-14.
`In the preferred embodiment. a multitude of other tables
`540 are used to enable a variety of user services. The Permis—
`sion Type Table 542 contains one record for each of the
`varieties of permission levels the system allows members to
`assign to their contacts in the Friend Table 460. In the pre-
`ferred embodiment. as illustrated in F IG. 9, permission infor-
`mation is grouped into five categories for the purpose of user
`interface simplicity [crossing paths notification permission
`600-6. personal information 600-8, work infonnation 600—
`10_. birthday notification 600—12. and friends of friends infor—
`mation 600-14). However. the Permission Type table 542
`could just as easily be structured to allow members to grant
`and deny access to information on a field by field basis.
`The City Table 550 stores latitude and longitude informa-
`tion for two million cities to enable the system to notify users
`when their contacts travel within a defined geographical
`radius. The Zodiac Table 552 allows the system to associate
`birthdays with signs ofthe Zodiac and thereby notify which of
`their contacts have compatible astrological signs on a particu-
`lar day. The Address’l‘ype. Phone'fype and Group’l'ype tables
`544, 546. 548 define the types of address. phone and group
`that can be defined in the respective Address, Group and
`Phone tables 480. 400. 500. The advantage of this normalized
`relational database architecture is that it pennits scaling and
`speed far in excess of any embodiment of the prior art.
`FIGS. 7 through 12 display pseudo software graphical user

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