
`.12) United States Patent
`Bezos et at.
`[10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,433,832 Bl
`Oct. 7, 2008
`Inventors: Jeffrey P. Bezos. Greater Seattle Area.
`WA (US): Warren Adams. Seattle. WA
`(US); Kenneth L. Dinovo. Seattle. WA
`(US); Ryan J. Snodgrass. Kirkland. WA
`(US): Brian Robertson, Boston. MA
`(US); Jennifer A. Jacobi. Seattle. WA
`(73) Assignee: Inc.. Seattle. WA (US)
`( * } Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer. the term oi'thjs
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.s.(:. 154(b)by 1635 days.
`(21 ) Appl. No; 091715.850
`Nov. 17, 2000
`6.175.831 Bl
`6.3493713 Bl
`6.269.369 Bl ’“
`6.311722 Bl
`112001 Weinreich el al.
`612001 Allard ct al.
`T-‘ZDOI Robertson
`Jacobi et a].
`70 7-" 10
`W0 99:23 59 1
`PlanetAll; Cardwell. Annette; "Cyberscene PlanetAll Keeps You in
`"touch." Boston Herald. Dec. 6. I996. Proquest #1350285.“
`Related US. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 601’ 166,547. filed on Nov.
`19. 1999. provisional application No. 601166.664,
`filed on Nov. 19, 1999.
`Priiitarj’ Examiner—Robert M. Pond
`(74} Attorney. Agent. or Firm—Knobbe. Martens. Olson &
`Bear LLP
`Int. Cl.
`G062” I7/30
`7051'26; 705.97
`[52} U.S.(Il.
`(58} Field ofClassifieation Search
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`4.992.940 (
`5396.395 A
`5.884.282 A
`5,913,032 A
`5.918.014 A
`5.9114396 A
`6.029.141 A
`6.041.311 A
`6.092.049 A
`2:199! Dworkin
`8:"1998 dc i-Iond
`3:”1999 Robinson
`6:"1999 Schwartz elal.
`6-1999 Robinson
`[011999 Anderson et al.
`ZFZDOO Bezosetal.
`3.12000 Chislenko etal.
`12000 (Thislenko eta].
`One embodiment (tithe present invention distributes data via
`a network to remotely located users. IIistorieal purchase
`information for a first user is stored in a database. Authoriza-
`tion is received over a network from the first user allowing a
`second user to view at least a portion ol'the historical pur-
`chase infonnation. in addition. the first user selectively speci—
`fies which historical purchase information may be viewed by
`the second customer. An electronic notification is transmitted
`to the second user. wherein the notification informs the sec—
`ond user of the first user’s anthorizzuion.
`29 Claims, 19 Drawing Sheets
`LYFT 1051
`LYFT 1051


`US 7,433,832 B1
`Page 2
`6.321.221 B1
`6.460.036 Bl
`6,473,738 Bl
`6.525.?47 Bl
`6.598.026 131*
`6.611.814 Bl
`6.925.444 Bl“3
`20020023132 Al
`2002-“0042TT5 Al
`200210095298 Al
`2003i0074265 Al
`2004501232588 Al
`[“200] Bieganski
`1032002 Hcrz
`109'2002 Garreil
`2.".2003 Bezos
`'i'e'2003 thaeta].
`832003 Lee elaI.
`8’2005 McCollom et al.
`21’2002 Tornabene etal.
`4.12002 Nelsonetal.
`7.12002 Ewing
`4r’2003 Oshima
`9r2004 Maitaway
`WO 0062223
`W0 01-"15002 A2
`3-"200 1
`PlanetAll: Internet Archive Wayback Machine. unwarchiveorg:
`wwplanctallcom; Nov. 14. 1997. 19 pgs.*
`Amazon: Parquet. Cheri: “Amazoncom Buys Junglee and PlanetAll.“
`PC World Online. Aug. 5. 1998. Proquest #58947830.*
`Amazon: Wei]. Nancy; “PlanetAll Keeps Online Masses Organized."
`PC World Oniine. Aug. 14. 1998. Proquest #33761930.‘
`UU: Carroll. Matt: “Can’t Keep Track ol‘four Friends? A Cambridge
`Firm Will." Boston Globe. Jan. 4. £998. Proquest til S464125.‘
` “Delphi lionlms-Niow Leading Provider of Personal
`Communities; Registered Membership Reaches Half-Million Mile-
`stone.“ Business Wire. Aug. 17. 1998. 2pgs. Proquestti'33159980.*
`Delphi .com: Bass. Steve; “Talk Amongst Yourselves in a Free Web
`Forum.“ PC. World, Sep. 1993. v16n9p3250. Zpgs. Proquest
`PhotoNer: Heid. Jim; “Personal Technology: With Online Finishing.
`Family Photos Are a Click Away.” Los Angeles Times. Jun. 29. 1998.
`Proquest #30824463. 5pgs.*
`PlanetAll: “PlanetAll Interent Community Personalized the Web
`with Hot New Feallu'es and a Fresh Look." PR Newswire. Sep. 30.
`1997. Dialog file #813. #1150053.4pgs.*
`U.S. Appl. No. 09r"i'15.929. filed Nov. 17. 2000. Bczos. et :11.
`Abstract: “Just Add People—Collaborative filtering brings human
`input to intbrmation retrieval in the enterprise".
`Watt. Peggy; Internet Article; “Varied Collaborative Approaches
`Entice Intranet Users.“ Network World. Apr. 2|. 1997: Proquest
`fil 1525439.
`Epinions.eotn. Dec. 4. 1999 [retrieved May 1?.
`2004]. pp. 1021. retrieved from: Googlecorn and archiveorg.
`“MyGifiList.corn Announces Launch of {Jnline Gifi Registry“ Dec.
`1999. Business Wire.
`Specification o1'U.S. Appl. No. 093718.445. filed Nov. 20. 2000.
`D. Willmort."DejaView." PC Magazine Online. dated May 26. 1999
`(2 Pages).
`M. Rafter, "10 Companies to Watch: Epinions.Corn.” The Industry
`Standard Magazine. dated Jan. 1?. 2000 (3 pages printed from
`TheStandard.corn Web site).
`D. Willmott. "epinions.corr1." PC lVlagazine1 dated Sep. 10. 1999 (2
`pages printed from web site).
`A. Barrett. “What‘s Your Epinion?". PC World. Sep. I3. 1999 (2
`pages printed from PCWORLDCOM Web Site).
`C. Kirby. “Everyone‘s A Critic—Web sites Hope online reviews of
`products lead to online buying." San Francisco Chronicle. Jan. 22.
`2000 (3 pages printed from sfgatccom web site).
`W. Andrews. “Building Communities As Way of Building Sales."
`Web Week. vol. 2. Issue 20. Dec. 16. 1996 (2 pages).
`M. Roscheisen. C. Mogensen and T. Winograd. “Beyond browzring:
`shared comments. SOAPs. trails. and on-line communities." Com-
`puter Networks and ISDN Systems. Proceedings of the Third Inter-
`national Wo rld-Wide Web Conference. pp. 739-749. dated Apr. 1995.
`* cited by examiner


`US. Patent
`Oct. 7, 2008
`Sheetl of 19
`US 7,433,832 B1
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`Oct. 7, 2008
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`Oct. 7, 2008
`Sheet 3 of 19
`US 7,433,832 B1
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`Oct. 7, 2008
`Sheet 4 of 19
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`BOOK ® Voice over IP Fundamentals
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`Our Price: 350.00
`Usually ships in 24
`01960 Pr
`Hardcover — 408
`1 edition (March 2?,
`G. Add to Cart
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`: {24:99
`: $21.24
`: 33.75
`ovo © More Barney Songs DVD
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`Usually ships in 2—3
`Not Rated
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`US. Patent
`Oct. 7, 2008
`Sheets of 19
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`cause-notes ”WW5
`TOYS 5:
`WARE uoEo GAMES a; omwfl
`c‘rour About You
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`Doug Vaughn recently reviewed:
`BOOK ® Tides of Won A Novel of Alcibiades and
`cow-:3 the Pelmonnesiqn War
`by Steven Pressfield
`Doug Vaufln's Rating and Review
`M If it weren't true it would be hard to believe
`Those who have read Pressfield's previous book. Gates of
`Fire, will have a hard time recognizing this novel as being the
`some authors work Whereas that one was focused on a
`single battle and thus had a limited time and place imposed
`on the action, Tides of War deals with the entire
`Pelaoonnesion war (all 27 years) and is all over the place in
`both time and location. One problem. for sure. for many
`readers will be the 'voice' of the story.
`is told by someone
`who gets it
`from his grandfather... see entire review
`In the Newport Beach. Ca Purchase Circle:
`BOOK @The Power Game : How Woshin ton Works
`by Hedriok Srmth
`top ems
`#3 Angel Lee
`PHOTO 256
`votes: 19%
`#4 Donald W.
`M it chell
`votes: 2340
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`LAIIN & toms e,
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`.ELECTRDNICS 50mm: “BED (W55 5: 35m“, %FRIENDS 3:
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`Usuallyr ships in 2—3 days
`Rated G
`Region 1 encadlrlg {U5 and
`Canada only)
`June 20. 2000
`W Great music, great fun!
`As my 25 year old son loves this movie.
`I have had
`to watch it at least 20 times Yet
`I still enioy it. The
`music and lyrics are great fun. and |
`find myself
`humming the tunes hours after each viewing, The acting
`Is excellent. and the characters are charming,
`Your Private Reviews (View Eur gublic revieweJI of 1
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`US. Patent
`Oct. 7, 2008
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`Januory 7. 2000
`5 of 5 people found the following review helpful:
`toe-eels it impossible to make films like this anymore?
`Reviewer“. A viewer from Oeltona. F1.
`Thll motifs is nos- 36 years old. It is snort.
`lunar. fresh and as Ilrrltla' es the day it In!
`retested In August of 996‘.
`llr’os thls review helpful
`to you?
`ART 5:
`m comcnsus ms
`' @ mnew a: FUTURE
`Mary Poppins (1964)
`List Prime-$2959—
`Our Price: $19.49
`You Save: $10.50 (35%)
`July 4. 2000. You maulr stilt
`Release Date:
`order this title. We will ship it
`to you as
`soon as it
`is available
`- Shopping with us is
`100% safe.
`Rated: IE]
`Starring: J lie Andrews Didi
`Director: Rofigri SEVERE" ifl
`Edition Details:
`n D e. oi oi.
`(We‘ll set one up for you)
`\I"iemI m! Wish List
`.Region I encoding [US and Canada only)
`.Galar, Animated
`.The Making of "Ellery Poppli'ls"
`.Wldescreen anamorphic tormat
`'ASIN:5305578325 flick here for more technical details about this edition...
`Other Formatszw
`Amozonxon'l Sales Rank (DVD):56
`this DVD also bought:
`Customers who bought
`sMnle (Navemher 1". 1999)“: Clamsheil
`aPcte'I Dragon (November .3.
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`Auctions and zShops sellers and our other stores recommend:
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`Customer Reviews of the Day(whot's this?)
`Write on saline revie- u'ld lime your though“ with other vision]
`July 3. 1999
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`1| of 12 people found the following review helpful:
`Ravi-«er: Bob files more about the)
`T0? 50 To out...
`il a. had to than. or o movis that tntergroted mm chiveler.
`59””9’ adulation aid live action as mdwllingly es Hwy Poppins.
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`to you? @-
`illusion! nowhere
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`US. Patent
`Oct. 7, 2003
`Sheet 9 of 19
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`moo»:- M mo ems-mFRIENDS or
`we. ewe—1:.rwr mm Frost-.
`Robertino m Top Reviewers
`Donald W. Mitchell
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`Francis J.
`Balm Harm
`RD. Allison
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`Ra R. Behrens
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`1 am
`Total reviews written: 621
`I was an acquisitions librarian in Pennslvania
`and Iwrote a monthly review column of recommended
`found I
`liked reviewing and Imerit on to
`freelance after my son was born.
`I have 2 dogs. a carin and a porn, and four oats. Oh,
`I have a 21 year olo....rnore
`Total reviews written: 341
`time lecturing
`teacher who now has a wonderful
`Retires Junior High School
`about musical history and writing reviews for local publications up in New
`Hampshire and Vermont. Laments the death of the American Musical Comedy
`and the emphasis on....more
`3 Angel Lee
`Total reviews written: 256
`I work at home as a
`I am 25 years old 8: live in Cleveland. 011.
`pawerseller an Eboy.
`love oil arts dc crafts. Some of my favorites are
`bookbinging. paper arts. marbling. papemiaking, rubber stamping. collage.
`origami. aalligraphy....more
`4- Donald W. megs“
`Total reviews written: 372
`My real passion is helping other to become much more effective in
`their lives from a professional and personal point of view.
`I want people
`to be about
`to use these improved lives to add goodness for those they care
`This desire to serve is... more


`US. Patent
`Oct. 7, 2008
`Sheet 10 0f19
`US 7,433,832 B1


`US. Patent
`US 7,433,832 B1


`US. Patent
`Oct. 7, 2008
`Sheet 12 0f19
`US 7,433,832 B1
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`7. What happened to my Member Page?
`Your Member Page has changed a bit. It's now called your .about You area.
`Thoth the name is different and the layout
`is new.
`the information on the
`page is still
`the some. Now its justeasier to read and prettier to look at.
`Iitie've also made it easier to edit and add information to this page. Just
`click an the edit buttons to see instructions for adding and editing
`F/é‘. 9/4


`US. Patent
`Oct. 7, 2008
`Sheet 13 0f19
`US 7,433,832 B1
`8. What's an About You area?
`Your hbout You area is the place at where others can team
`more about you. You can do all sorts of things to spruce it up. Write a little
`blurb about yourself. Add your photo. Write a product review. Create a
`Wish List. There's even a private area of your About You area where you
`are able to share your purchases with Trusted Friends.
`turn off my About You area?
`9. How do I
`No problem. Please send e—mail to communitthelflamazancom and our
`customer service department will accornodote your request.
`I've noticed a page with objectionable content.
`should i do?
`it you feel another person has creadted an About You Area that contains
`objectionable content. please send e—maii
`to community:
`helflamozoncorn and we will
`investigate the .matter promptly. You can
`read our full guidelines Mg.
`is purchase sharing?
`11. What
`Purchase marina is your opportunity to share a list at your purchases
`{including personal ratings and comments [or each) with your group of
`Trusted Friends. Your Shared Purchases page is the part or your About You
`area that shows your purchases. comments. and ratings.
`Unlike the other areas of your Abdut You area. your Shared Purchases
`page can be accessed only bt the Trusted Friends that you invite or by
`anyone if you decide to make it public.
`12. Why should I share my purchases?
`Purchase sharing is a great tool
`for helping your Trusted Friends become
`better-informed consumers. and for letting them get to know you a little
`bit better. By sharing stories about purchases——great deals, regrets, must—
`haves. etc.——yot.l and your Trusted Friends will be able to learn from your
`euporiences and discover smarter. more effcient ways to shop.
`Shared Purchases page atany time.
`13. How do i access someone else’s Shared Purchases page?
`ll‘ your friend hasn't made their Shared Purchases public you need an
`in this case you could wait
`to be invited by someone else. but
`we recommend that you take one of these more proactive approaches:
`invite your friend. and
`- Create your own Shared Purchases area.
`encourage him or her to return the favor and invite you to his or hers
`Shared Purchase area.
`Add the person you want to be able to see your page lo your group
`or Trusted Friends.
`its part of this process. he or she will receive an
`e—maii on your behall inviting him or her to visit your Shared
`Purchases area.
`tell him or her about purchase sharing. and ask it
`Coil your triend.
`who is interested in sharing inlormatian with you.
`14. May I choose which purchases appear on my Shared
`Purchase page?
`Definotely. When you set up your Shared Purchases page. you decide which
`purchases you want to share with your friends and which ones you'd like to
`keep private. Each time you buy something now, we'll ask whether you
`to add it
`to your Shared Purchses.
`II you change your mind.
`you can add and delete purchases. comments, and ratings [ram your


`US. Patent
`Oct. 7, 2008
`Sheet 14 0f19
`US 7,433,832 B1
`15. Who can access my Shared Purchases page?
`Unless you make your Shared Purchases puhiic only the people you invite
`as Trusted Friends will be able to access your Shared Purchases page at
`Amazanxom. When these people respond to your invitation,
`they become
`Trusted Friends on your Favorite People list. You'll know who these people
`are because they?" have a star next
`to their name when you view your
`Favorite People list, (tau can add and delete names from your Trusted
`Friends list at any time.)
`16, How does Amazoncom keep my purchase
`information secure?
`We take customer privacy very seriously at Amazoncam. The peapie
`you're invited to be Trusted Friends are able to see your Shared Purchases
`page only if they are logged into‘s secure server and
`recognized in our database as your Trusted Friends.
`If {or any reason you
`decide that you no longer want a person to have access to your purchase
`information, you can delete that person's name from your group of Trusted
`Friends. and he or she will no longer be able to access your Shared
`Purchases page.
`Go back to the Friends 5: Favorites home page.
`Friends .2 Favorites | Top Reviewers
`| Purdtase Circies] Discussion Boards] Refer—A—Friend |
`5.13 e—Cords
`Where's My Stuff?
`a Track your recent orders.
`e Use Your Account to view or
`change your orders.
`Shipping Gr Returns
`I See our Shipping Rates e
`Need Help?
`o Forgot your password? Click
`a Read our Returns Policy
`- M531]! or M a gift cerlificate.
`a Visit the Help Desk.
`Our Internationo Sites: united Kingdom, Germany. Eronce
`Amazon.corn|Home IBooksl MusicJDVDI Video! Toys a: GomeleIectronics lCaI-nera a: PhotoISoftworeICon-Iputer s: Video
`GameslNew CarsIKitchenIToals dc HordvrarelLown & PatiolHealth dc Beautylr‘uctianslzShapsi_e-_—_Cordsi1—Click Setting;
`Shop-ping CurtlYour AccountIl-telg] Sell Items
`lnternationail‘l'og Sellers iFriegds k Egmjjgelmll’my Slgjianz
`x476: 96‘


`US. Patent
`Oct. 7, 2008
`Sheet 15 0f19
`US 7,433,832 B1
`umfl we,“
`mm Emcee was a: saw m
`5m. Pm1:!
`m rm. ,W._@
`is the Rating Scale?
`The buttons numbered 1—5 represent
`the following ratings:
`g; W 3:23;:
`3 W ”h u
`34 m It’s Gm"
`@5 m I w in
`with Trusted Primes
`E Purchase Sharing
`Share your purchases with your
`Trusted Friends
`Now you can connect with your Trusted Friends in
`a whole new war-by sharing your Amazonccm
`purchases. You‘lf
`find out
`things you never knew
`about such other. Passions.
`interests. and hobbies
`thatnever came up in conversation will pop up in
`your lists 0! purchases, So go ahead. Choose the
`purchases you'd like to shore. Give mr purchases
`a star rating. Add comments. Make this page on
`information—packed resource for your Trusted
`Items 1
`to 25 are shown below.
`we Item
`U uqm
`El Was
`El Disney: swam
`fig” «1.: III; wing
`D meme m
`:1 WW
`Cutting edge animation
`1:] ~O~O~O~=Oe0
`W—W .
`U Smr mm
`M children love it
`s Jun
`Disney sun
`7'! t Tllrec Adventure-s
`The best
`Wnu m Wm, WM i:


`US. Patent
`Oct. 7, 2008
`Sheet 16 0f19
`US 7,433,832 B1
`D Disney Studio:
`blessingW a Tum.
`D The ma Primary Contributor)
`Began-II SI
`- 1
`nt Mlh lie
`“in Beer: Heel Little Bear
`Primal)! CunLriLillie tor). Maurice Smack {Pfimory :Contdbuior
`Beg; o! Kermit on Squam- Strut
`Friends 5: Fovoritee | Tag Revigwers
`| Eamon Circlegi Discussion Boarde| Refer-A-Friend |
`Free e~Cords
`Need Heip'?
`I Forgot your password? Click
`Amozogggms I m
`Shipping 3: Returns
`Where's My Stuff?
`I Get he]
`:- Track your recent orders.
`I Use Your Account
`to View or _
`change your orders.
`. minim 0 “sit the Help 0 k.
`Check out our new navigation and tell us what you think.
`Text 0m!r
`AmuzonmomifiomelBookslMusictiIWdeoEToE a: GomeolElectronics |C_on_1ero a: PhotoISoftworeIComputer a Video
`GgmeeiNew Qgggikitchaanoole a HordwureILown a: PotioIHeolth J: BeoutglAuctionslzShogsIe—g‘grdsh—Cfick Sailings
`Engaging Cort

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