`(12) United States Patent
`Cuppinger et a}.
`[10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,295,835 32
`Oct. 23, 2012
`_ @1998
`Inventors: Paul D Coppinger. Mesa. AZ (US):
`Michael s Klingen. Scottsdale. AZ
`Egg} Rinaldo A Splnella. Medford. MA
`Notice of Allowance issued Jan. 13. 2005 in U.S. Appl. No.
`(73) Assignec: Apriva. LLC. Scottsdale, AZ (US)
`( ’9 J Notice:
`Stlbjectto any disclaimer. the terln ofthjs
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154%) by 55 days.
`Pri‘iimrir Em,"iner
`[74) Attornei; Agent. or [‘imi — Snell & Wilmer LLP
`(21) Appl. No: 13251559
`Oct. 15’ 2008
`Prior Publication Data
`lie’o. 5.- 2009
`“3 200910036125 A1
`Related U“ ' Application Data
`(60) Continuation ol‘ application No. 10f929,096. filed on
`Aug. 27. 2004. which is a division of application No.
`091‘??9.71 3. filed on Feb. 8. 2001 , now Pat. No.
`[60) Provisional application No. 60i131.416. filed on Feb.
`9‘ 2000‘
`Int. (11.
`1104”” Milt)
`(52) U.S. Ci.
`(58) Field of(.‘lass1fication Search
`4551’4322. 433. 435.1. 418—420. 406—407.
`455141041]. 414.]. 435.2
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`4.673.802 A
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`5-"1993 Martinez
`A communication system includes a development sector For
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`for controlling utilization of an application program and for
`receiving application data. a service sector for deploying the
`application program and for providing the application data to
`the business sector in accordance with communication with at
`least one wireless device ot‘the plurality: and a mobile sector
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`receiving the application program deployed by the service
`sector. executing the application program in response to the
`business sector, and conununicating with the service sector to
`SHPPC'” me'iSiO“ 01" “19 aPPIi‘fa‘iD“ dam ‘0 “‘6 basins“ 6*“:-
`tor. The busniess sector or service sector may monitor or limit
`utilization of the auxiliary device. Deployment of application
`pnigralns may be controlled by the business sector or the
`development sector by rendering an application program or
`auxiliary device available for use only aftera particular time
`orafiermceipt 01‘a message- l'Jistrihmcd processing applica-
`lion programs having components in the business. service,
`and mobile sectors may thereby be updated in an orderly
`manner. An application program on a wireless device may
`assist confirmation of an order made by a buyer via a web site.
`The wireless device is expected to be operated by the buyer.
`Fraud reporting is accomplished by comparing data obtained
`by registration ot'tlie wireless device with data provided ill the
`12 Claims, 16 Drawing Sheets
`Ipuéwzss SECTOR
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`No .
`* cited by examiner


`US. Patent
`Oct. 23, 2012
`Sheet 1 of 16
`US 8,295,835 B2


`US. Patent
`Oct. 23, 2012
`Sheet 2 of 16
`US 8,295,835 B2
`i—Cflofififiim—gEPfiIFT 12:6_____ 1
`1 52
`L ________________ J
`FIG. 2


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`Oct. 23, 2012
`Sheet 3 of 16
`US 8,295,835 B2
`{aoRT‘ERT’sTERvERm““““ 1!
`L ________________ J


`US. Patent
`Oct. 23, 2012
`Sheet 4 of 16
`US 8,295,835 132
`F66NfEfif'éEEVE§"725"""""" 7
`L ________________ J


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`T 24
`| |
`I... ____________ _I
`FIG. 5


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` ,mmémmmm>¢mm_Lméfiémm;___
` Omwk


`US. Patent
`Oct. 23, 2012
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`IEEE 802.3
`IEEE 1394
`FIG. 9


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`FIG. 10


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`\ F


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`FIG. 12


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`FIG. 13


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`l I | 1 i I 1 I|
`FIG. 14


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`FIG. 15


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`US 8,295,835 B2
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`._.Zm_§><a ”$29530


`US 8,295,835 B2
`This application is a continuation of. and claims priority to
`U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10l929.096. filed Aug. 27",
`2004. which is a divisional of application Ser. No. 09l779,
`713. U.S. Pat. No. 6.934.532. filed Feb. 8. 2001. which claims
`priority to US. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No.
`60! 181,416.
`filed Feb. 9, 2000. by Paul
`I). Coppinger.
`Michael S. Klingon, and Rinaldo A. Spinclla.
`Embodiments of the present invention relate to conununj-
`cation systems. components. and methods operative with pro-
`grammable wireless devices.
`Wireless communication technology has been used widely
`in systems and devices for voice and data connnunication
`including conventional cellular telephones. alphanumeric
`pagers. personal digital assistants [Pl)As). and palm-top com-
`puters. to name a few applications. A personal digital assistant
`is a handheld computer that primarily serves as an organizer
`for personal information. It generally includes at least a name
`and address database, to-do list, and note taker. PDAS are
`typically pen based and use a stylus to tap selections on menus
`and to enter printed characters. The PDA mayr include a small
`on-screen keyboard which is lapped with the pen. Data is
`transferred between the PDA and a conventional desktop
`computer via a cable or wireless transmission channel (e.g._.
`typically a radio or optical link). A characteristic difference
`between a PDA and a palm-top computer is that the PDA uses
`a pen while the palm-top typically uses a small keyboard.
`Portable wireless devices including conventional cellular
`telephones. alphanumeric pagers. personal digital assistants
`(PDAs). and palm~top computers typically include one or
`more integrated circuits that cooperate as a microprocessor
`that executes a program stored in memory for performing a
`majority of the built-in functions of the portable wireless
`device. Recently developed wireless devices pennit a pro-
`gram to be transferred via the wireless link (e.g.. downloaded]
`for storage in the memory and for execution as an application
`program. Such an application program may define unique
`displays for acquiring data input by the user and provide lor
`transfer of resulting data via the wireless link (e.g._. upload) to
`a conventional desktop computer.
`Application programs and data to be used by a wireless
`device may reside on a node of a conventional computer
`network (e. g._. office computer system network, client-server
`environment. intranet. internet. or the world wide web}. Such
`networks typically employ numerous personal computers
`allowing users graphical user interfaces (GU15) for develop-
`ing data, developing programs. and for accomplishing con-
`ventional business purposes: several servers for supporting
`common computing tasks (cg. support for common access to
`file systems. database managers. data processing computers.
`printers}; and gateways for coupling the local network to
`other systems not connecta ble to the local network because of
`physical limitations, differences in electrical signaling, and
`differences in communication technology (cg. mcdium. pro-
`tocol, bandwidth, security. redundancy, firewall implementa-
`tion, etc. ). Users typically create data and programs for use on
`other nodes of a network {e.g.. an intranet) and analyze data
`received therefrom using conventional programs including
`program development environments, database application
`programs. report writers. browsers. distributed computing
`applications, and client-server applications. Due to idiosyn-
`crasies of wireless communication and wireless devices,
`these conventional programs (and networked computer pro-
`gram technology in general) are not practical for use with
`wireless devices. Improved wireless gateway technology is
`needed to better utilize wireless devices in automated com-
`mercial transactions.
`Conventional wireless devices have limited data input and
`output capabilities. Input and output capabilities for desktop
`computers are conventionally provided by cable-connected
`peripheral equipment. Conventional wireless devices are
`typically packaged for convenient handheld use where aux-
`iliary cable connections to the wireless device are undesir-
`able. Without improved ecoperation with peripheral devices,
`wireless devices are not suitable for use in automated com-
`mercial transactions.
`A method according to various aspects of the present
`invention may be used to develop software for use in wireless
`devices. Such a method includes: providing a web page to a
`browser that offers alternative types of wireless devices to be
`programmed or a platfonn independent designation for the
`wireless device; receiving from the browser a rcSponsc that
`includes a designation of the subject device; providing one or
`more web pages offering a mechanism for associating func-
`tions to each other in a sequence or parallel manner: providing
`one or more web pages offering a list of parametric values
`from which a selection can be made; receiving at least one
`association between selected functions; receiving at least one
`parametric value: developing a program to perform the func~
`tions in accordance with the parametric value in an interme-
`diate finnnat: translating the program from intermediate for-
`mat into a format to be executed by an application engine of
`a wireless device.
`In alternate implementations of the above method. plat—
`form independence may be presumed and the first two steps
`omitted. In another implementation. steps reciting parametric
`value are omitted. In yet another implementation, the inter-
`mediate format is omitted.
`A method for registering a wireless device according to
`various aspects of the present invention includes: providing a
`web page to a browser: receiving from the browser an iden~
`tification of the wireless device; and storing in a memory a
`record of the identification. In an alternate implementation,
`the method further includes receiving from the browser an
`identification of an auxiliary device (cg. a printer, a bar code
`scanner. a magnetic stripe reader. a smart card reader {contact
`or contactless). or a combination ofany o fthese); and storing
`in the memory and in association with the record. the identi~
`fication of the auxiliary device. In yet another implementa—
`tion, the method includes providing an application engine
`coupled for execution by a processor of the wireless device.
`Providing may be by installing a preprogrammed memory
`into the wireless device. Providing may otherwise be accom-
`plished by downloading into a memory ofthe wireless device.
`A method according to various aspects of the present
`invention includes: registering a wireless device; enabling the
`wireless device to execute an application engine; and trans—
`ferring an application program to the wireless device over the
`wireless medium or through other direct interfaces. Further,


`US 8,295,835 B2
`the step of transferring may include receiving an instruction
`directing transfer of the application program to a plurality of
`wireless devices including the wireless device: and transfer-
`ring the application program in turn to the wireless device.
`The original method may include the step of transferring a
`program to a server for execution to support communication
`between the wireless device and the server.
`A method according to various aspects of the present
`invention includes: providing from a server a web page to a
`browser: receiving a response from the browser for control-
`ling execution of a program on a wireless device; and provid-
`ing a message li'om the server to the wireless device that
`effects the desired control of the program on the wireless
`device (cg. starts a program, steps a program, modifies the
`execution ofa program, or provides a value to a program). In
`this manner the operating system (a program) of the wireless
`device may be controlled; or a program (other than the oper-
`ating system] may be controlled.
`Embodiments of the present invention will now be further
`described with reference to the drawing. wherein like desig-
`nations denote like elements, and:
`FIG. I is a functional block diagram of a communication
`system according to various aspects o f the present invention:
`FIG. 2 is a message sequence diagram for creating an
`account using the system of FIG. 1;
`FIG. 3 is a message sequence diagram for registering a
`wireless device using the system of FIG. 1:
`FIG. 4 is a message sequence diagram for developing an
`application program for a type of wireless device used in the
`system ofFlG. 1:
`FIG. 5 is a message sequence diagram for publishing an
`application program to various wireless devices using the
`system of FIG. 1;
`FIG. 6 is a message sequence diagram resulting from acti-
`vating an application program at the wireless device in the
`system ofFlG. 1;
`FIG. 7 is a message sequence diagram for activating an
`application program in a wireless device item a browser of
`the system of FIG. 1;
`FIG. 8 is a message sequence diagram for authorizing
`utilization ofan auxiliary device with a wireless device of the
`system of FIG. 1:
`FIG. 9 is a table of protocols which may be used for
`communication in the system of FIG. 1:
`FlG. 10 is a perspective view ofan auxiliary device tog. a
`bar code scanner) in one implementation according to various
`aspects of the present invention;
`FIG. 11 is a top view of the device of FIG. 10 looking
`toward the device in the direction indicated by the arrow at A;
`FIG. 12 is a bottom view of the device of FIG. 10 looking
`toward the device in the direction indicated by the arrow at 13;
`FIG. 13 is a side view of the device of FIG. 10 looking
`toward the device in the direction indicated by the arrow at C;
`FIG. 14 is a side view of the device of FIG. 10 looking
`toward the device in the direction indicated by the arrow at (T
`and showing the orientation of a PDA (e.g._. Research In
`Motion of Waterloo; Canada. model RIM-950) when
`mounted together with the device as a tutit;
`FIG. 15 is a view of the flexible circuit substrate used
`within the device of FIG. 10; and
`FIG. 16 is a message sequence diagram for confirming a
`payment arrangement according to various aspects of the
`present invention.
`Conventional information systems have been based on data
`acquisition and data reporting occurring at fixed locations by
`skilled employees. For example. an inventory control system
`that is responsive to data captured at a point of sale is com-
`monly operated by a trained cashier and managed by an
`inventory control clerk trained to generate various reports
`from a system terminal at a fixed location. With the availabil-
`ity of network data communication among wireless devices
`(e.g., pagers and cellular telephones equipped with Internet
`browsers) various irmovative information systems have been
`developed and deployed [e.g.. user-specified weather report-
`ing and stock price reporting on alphanumeric pagers). In
`general. these systems utilize a special purpose application
`program installed in each wireless device cooperating with a
`special purpose application program installed in one or more
`servers through which information originates, or passes for
`storage, analysis. or communication. The development.
`deployment, version management, mid control of these spe-
`cial purpose programs has been costly dtte in part. inter alia.
`to the large number of types ofwireless devices. the difficulty
`ol'integrating wireless communication technology with other
`network corrununication technologies. and the system design
`preference for centralized administration and control.
`A system according to various aspects ofthe present inven—
`tion solves the problems discussed above, inter alia, by pro-
`viding registration andi’or authentication of wireless devices
`(and auxiliary devices which may be used in cooperation with
`wireless devices) and by providing orderly methods andfor
`mechanisms for developing. deploying. updating, andfor con-
`trolling the utilization of distributed processing application
`programs which operate in part on wireless devices. Such
`application programs may implement one or more classes of
`transactions described in Table 1.
`Class of Transactions
`Example Transactions
`Wireless device to one or more other
`wireless devices where exemplary wireless
`devices include programmable cellular
`telephones. PDAs. palm-top computers.
`pagers. and programmable radio frequency
`identification tRFlDJ devices.
`Digital voice comnnuncation, conference
`calls. call forwarding serverless email.
`FDA data synchronization. arranging
`meetings and maintaining. personal [or
`object related] data including. schedules of
`events. tracking the location of a wireiess
`device. object tracking. applications for
`radio I‘mquency identification:
`Credit authorization from mobile location,
`conventional email. access to dnlabases
`managed by other: (c.g.. aceess to an
`intranet. to the internet. or to die World
`Wireless device or devices in
`communication with at Icas1 one server
`where an cxeritpllry server may include 3
`File system. a protocol conversion


`US 8,295,835 B2
`TABLE l-oontinued
`Class of Transactions
`Example Transactions
`capability. anchor access to one or more
`Wireless device or devices in
`conutiurlication willl tttorfl‘ Then one. special
`purpose server.
`Wide Web}. unilateral placement clan
`order, task delegation. announcements:
`Automated commercial transactions
`ll'tVoIving credit or communication with
`more than one payment te.g.. supported by
`a first server} and delivery special purpose
`server of goods te.g.. supported by a
`second server}: ordering goods for
`immediate or scheduled delivery: package
`tracking at check. point. pick-up. or
`delivery: posting changes to inventory.
`quality control databases. andi'or financial
`accounts upon receiving from a supplier.
`presenting an order. taking an order, or
`delivering product; receiving or delivering
`information (cg... supported by a third
`server) controlled by license; Automated
`commercial Iransactions involving credit or
`payment and provision ofservices: pay—
`pervusc information delivery systems tang“
`financial aspects supported by a first server
`and inforuulion aspects supporlcrl by a
`second server); transactions involving
`financial aspects and other aspects
`including for exmnpie purchase and sale of
`stocks. bonds. commercial paper. and title
`transact i ons:
`Systems for supporting the conununication and data stor-
`age requirements for any of the above transactions may be
`described with reference to a system having one or more
`functional groups of equipment herein called sectors. Wire-
`less devices and their cellular communication support equip-
`ment may be designated respectively as a mobile sector in
`communication with a broadcast sector. When more than one
`developing and deploying application programs. Such appli-
`cation programs may include conventional “client-server”
`technology (e.g.. a wireless device is a “client“ and a server is
`a “server"): may include application programs that operate in
`isolation {e.g._. a calculator for use on a wireless device); or
`may include “actor” technology where the wireless device
`and server may each act as both “client" and “server“. Each
`may include multiple simultaneous actors.
`communication medium or protocol is used in the mobile
`An example of a system of the type described above is
`sector, equip ment Willi corresponding capability in the broad-
`shown in FIG. 1. System 190 includes business sector 110,
`service sector 120, broadcast sector 130, mobile sector 140,
`cast sector may be arranged to operate independently {c.g..
`finance sector 150. and development sector 160. each with
`for redundancy) or may be coupled for communication links
`one or more sector component. Each sector component may
`that include more than one medium or more than one proto-
`include equipment of the type described in Table 2. though
`col. Put another way, the broadcast sector may include a
`particular subsystems. web clients. servers. stations. and
`network coupling separate stations and may include protocol
`devices may differ in the complement of installed software to
`translation functions or data storage fimctions that are part of
`be discussed below. Dashed lines in FIG. 1 indicate that each
`each station or managed by one or more gateway servers or
`file servers. For transactions that utilize one or more servers,
`item may represent a plurality of items cooperating (e.g..
`redundant or teamed) or operating so as to carry out wholly
`at service sector may be coupled to the broadcast sector. In
`independent operations (cg. multiple simultaneous web cli-
`accordance with various aspects of the present invention. the
`ent operators. such as business Web client 114. and wireless
`service sector may include database management and appli-
`device operators, such as wirelessARDIS device 142) subject
`cation program support for such transactions. Further. when
`to design choices for supporting a predetermined computing
`particular servers are not under common admimstrative con—
`capability. For example, several of each web client. such as
`trol (up... when a financial institutions servers and a product
`business web client 114, may be simultaneously active per-
`manufacturer‘s servers are needed for a particular

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