`Volume25 AbstractSupplement August/September2004 ISSN0195-668X
`ESC Congress 2004
`28 August - 1 September
`Munich, Germany
`Editor-in-Chief: Frans Van de Werf
`09.lune 25(2004)Suppl
`Efe AGS)
`HED supe}
`Liquidia's Exhibit 1091
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`Liquidia's Exhibit 1091
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`European Heart Journal (2004) 25 (Abstract Supplement), xi-xvi
`Programme number(P = poster)
`Abstract Selection ...... 0000 cece cee EERE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE E TEE E EEE EE EEE EEE EEE
`Abstract Review Committee .........6.. 00 ceceEEE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE Vil
`ADStractS ...0.ccccccrevoueessseueeteneneeeneresereeseateeenedtsae ees eteueaaae esse reneernee caterer ertager seers cgar esses
`Day 2 — Sunday 29 August 2004
`Trends andrisk factors in cardiovascular disease. ........ 6. eseeee rete ener teen eee e eres ences
`Risk factors managementin prevention.......... see ee sence e teen e etter teeter essere eee reece
`Predictive factors in dilated cardiomyopathy ....... 0... ccs cree eee eee eee ene ten eer e renee ete e neers eres
`New applicationsof strain and strain rate imaging ........+.s es seeee seers nett renter esses sists ee eee eee sss
`From mice to men: lessons in myocardial protection and hypertrophy......-+++++ sees reese terse eee ttt e eee es
`Impact of nonsurgical treatment and physiological stress on the GUCH-heart ......+ +2000 s sees sees teenies
`Vascular growth and collateral vessels: opportunities and drawbacks. ..... cece eee eee eect tence tenets
`Drug eluting stent in complex lesion subsets ........-.- 1+ sseee eens eee ee ester neces nese sees sees sees eee
`Genevariants in hypertension, coronary artery disease and dilated cardiomyopathy ............e eee sees eee eee
`Markers of severity in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ........-..0ese cnet eee ener enter tn nesses sees s ness sess
`How toperfect coronary artery bypass grafting? 0... cece net nen ne een e reese es
`Intravascular ultrasound and plaque characterisation ..........- see seer eee e etree erent enn te een e recess
`Epidemiology andtreatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension .... 0.00... eee eee ee erent ees 21
`Revisiting the electrocardiogram and electrophysiologic markers of arrhythmic events ........-+++ssereeeere eee
`Nursing aspects of acute cardiac Care... . 6.66. ieee eee cere eee eer tne ree ee eee ee eee
`Follow-up in the pacemaker and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator Era: old and new issueS........+++eeeeeees
`Threatening complications with sophisticated CEVICES oo cee cece ee reenter een ete n ene e nee een ee aeeen tes
`New risk markers of sudden death after acute myocardial infarction ..... 02. e cece cence eee eee eee eens = 28
`Inotropic intervention: new mechamisms..........s0eeee reese eset etter teeter n eee nese eee eee ee 30
`Muscle wasting and cachexia in heartfailure: ready for intervention... 2.0.6... cece e teen eet nen enee
`Percutaneous coronary intervention and beyond for §T-elevation acute myocardial infarction ..........++.+++-++-
`Ilb or notto be in acute myocardial infarction? ..........0.seeeee eee etree e eres ener eres
`P356-P361 Moderated e-Posters I: Cardiac dysfunction: new insights .......--+ +--+. seerreeee eres esses seers sees ees sess ss
`Atherosclerosis I — Basic Science .......- eee cece teeter nnn nenteee 37
`Nuclear cardiology/Magnetic resonance imaging and cardiac radiology ...... 6. c ect e eect e eee ee teen eee ee
`Computers in cardiology ...... 1... .e se ee ee ee eee teen e renee eee eee eeeeee 43
` Echocardiography/Doppler....... 26... 0s eee eee eeeen EEE EEE EEE 44
`Atherosclerosis I — Basic Science ..... 2.6... sere eee eee etree tenner etter ree eee ees
`Nuclear cardiology/Magnetic resonance imaging and cardiac radiology. .....-.. eee e eee eee e teeters
`Computers in cardiology ©... 2.60.60. eect e cece eee nen ee ete ee eee eee EEE EEE 53
` Echocardiography/Doppler......... 2.6000 0c beeen renner eee eee EEE EEE EEE
`ModeratedPoster session I: Arterial hypertension ........ eee eee eee terete een nent nee ress
`Atrial fibrillation. ......0. 000 e cece eee eee nr EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE ETE EE
`P467-P498 Mechanisms of arrhythmias. ....... 66.60 e cece eee teeter eee nee eee EEE EEE EE TEESE
`P499-P540_—_Heartfailure: clinical aspects... 0.0.0 0.ce eee escent nner renee eee eee eee eee eee EEE 71
`Pulmonarycirculation ..........0ee cece enceee EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE TEESE SS
` Thrombosis.........c000cc cence eter ener ee eee reer eee ee EERE SERRE TEESE REET TEESE TESS
`Coronary plaque imaging .....-.- +... sse reeset eee nee nent ene neeee 98
`Endothelial function........-.. 0: eeeeee eee eee eee ener reese ester ees sere seer eee eee ees
`P653-P682 Myocardial disease... . 6... veneer eee eee eee nee ne ee eee EEE EEE EEE EET 109
`Computed tomography: Imagingof coronary ALLETICS . 0c cee cee enn en Een EEE enn een ee
`Young Investigators’ Award Session — Basic Science........ +++ +-+20sse0reteteesen nesses ee eereeese esses:
`YoungInvestigators’ Award Session — Thrombosis .......++ 0+ +++ 20ssecr rete n eres reese sere nee reer se sees
`Young Investigators’ Award Session — Population Sciences ......-+-.+++++-ssererrrenteseeresesseneee esses sss:
`Young Investigators’ Award Session — Clinical Science... ....+- ++. 20. sesertrr eee tes esses ees ee senses esses ss 120
`New preventionstrategies 0.0... ..000ee ences eee e renee ee EEE EEE EEE EEE 121
`Women, men and cardiovascular disease... 6.1.0 ee eee eee e reer eee t nent n eee ee eee ee eee 123
`Multiple uses of myocardial deformation assessment by echocardiography ...... sss cece cree e eee eee tenner ees
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`Communication in vascular smooth muscle cells... 2... ee eeeeceeeeeeseeeeveccseeveseveeeecce cc 126
`Oxidativestress and the endothelium... 00... eel cetettetetreterteeeee 127
`Improvingrisk stratification by nuclear CATIOlOgy. ... 0... eee eee ec ees eseseececaeceetaseuteceesecccsc
`Pathophysiological aspects ofresynchronisation therapy i... cece eeccceeeesesaeseuessunccescecew
`Determinants and prevention of post myocardial infarctionleft ventricular remodelling...............0eecec ese,
`Ablation of atrial fibrillation: from source to SUCCESS... eee cee eeee etereS 133
`Heart failure with preserved systolic function: whats EW? civiscive cs eetesesuewn eet éascmuevenstseisivuittecseces.
`Diagnosis and evaluation of heart failure — still a challenge in the everydayclinical Practice... eee 136
`Noveltherapeutic strategies in chronic stable ANNA ieee eee crete te ee cece cence.
`Dilated cardiomyopathy or viral myocarditis? 0.0... eect eeeter 139
`P955-P960 Moderatede-PostersII: Brugada syndrome 0024.0... .sseeesvasessessssseeeeessreeserstsererecccsscce ee 141
`Atherosclerosis I~ Basic Science... eeeeeeeeeete ccs ceceeeens 142
`Nuclear cardiology/Magnetic resonance imaging andcardiac tadiology.... 2... eee e ec ccc ccc ceceee eee
`Computersin OAPGUOIOBY ...++.+++0evnanniensteterersssvevnnitensestesesnewersisvenrtneiyeccccc
`P986-P1000 EchocardioBraphy/Doppler.........eevevcssieereseeeeeescsssessseaesvnssesseetntees cc 148
`THORee, Ailisrosclerosls I= Besio\Sctames —wceses 4x1svsstdmeneness;sniniindaiierescloocnssssnne
`P1017-P1023 Nuclear cardiology/magnetic resonance imaging and cardiac TadiolOgy... 6... eee cece cee eeeeevecee,
`P1024-P1025 Computers in CARHOLOSY’s swnsisistisnnes essen vay epuainainissereesevuvinnee4tiviabaiuinnseresergnmmmmesesc
`P1026-P1039 EchocardiographyOUPPl caecricece++s++asyetteioesdt4i++a senmnregitb)4abimmeisesssscccanece
`P1040-P1047 ModeratedPoster session II: Exerciseoe 161
`Implantable cardioverter-defibrillatoree 163
`PiO77-P1096 Ventricular tachycardia... seeecececceceeeesenete tte te etree treeens 170
`P1097-P1148 Heart failure: experimental aspects and risk of inflammation 6... eee ce eec eee ece ccc ceeeeeeeec
`Ischaemia basic BSPOCS wih eso enn s eve sip gniemNied SAEs ons anrarrene eH 44d RAAiRUAe Os UAweaRRiR £14E44s omesces
`Eee1225 Non-coronary interventions «25.00.6000. scecceceeceeeecetescesterteneeree ree eeegE 199
`PY226-P1254 Hypertension... . 2... eee eeeeeeete tee e erect tater tereteTs 206
`P1255-P1276 Valve SURELY wenn nes oes eraisvinaieiied nes asessyawnnensiens {Ei ess anmnnnneedasseauseks inaesoememrpeasesss,,,,
`Aortic interventions 2.2.0... seeeeeseceesceccee recat catcatesereveeretn eseEN 218
`Day 3 — Monday30 August 2004
`1300-1305—Endothelial function, oxidative stress and nitric Oxide... o.oo eee cceteretttreeeeeeeceeeecc 223
`Gene expression,contractile function and hypertrophy .... 2... eee ee ceeteseeneeusesesecececesce,
`1312-1317__Physicalfitness: correlations and Aeterminants .....cecceee esses suntvenesesscsveedeetstastibenseunecesccc.., 225
`Percutaneousinterventions in congenital heart disease 00.0.6... ec ec ec eseesa eeu ceeeeeee 227
`1337-1342 Myocardial perfusion during acute ischaemia: the added value of myocardial contrast
`echocardiography (MCE) ...-......00..seteseeseceeeeceneeeeeeteccccutsreeeteetessevevtneeeeecc
`New aspects of endothelial function related to atherosclerosis... 0.0... e eee cece ceeeeeveceseecececccee.
`1353-1358 Markers andidentification of the vulnerable Plaque... eee ee cece ee eee bese eeerec 231
`Protection against ischaemia and ischaemia-reperfusion UNJUTYeee iee cece cece ec eee ccc 233
`Frequent unwanted companions: hypertension and hyperlipidaemia... 00.2... .0. 0. cee ceeeeceecececcecee.
`New horizonsin risk stratification of unstable Coronary Syndromes... 2.0... eee ccc cece eee cceececees
`| 1399-1403_Resistanceto antiplatelet BBOUS menue eet e EAHA RAknannoenaee ys $4 DEES Jobe + enamuben sy sh $4 ¥euReMIenecsoss 237
`Intensive treatmentfor diabetes: key to improved prognosis... 0.00.0... ccc cececeececeeseeeueecececeeeeee,
`Oral treatment in prevention of in-stent restenosis .660cccecssstevtstttevereeeee cee 240
`Atrial fibrillation — clinical presentation risk factors and prognosis ................0e0ececeeeeeeeeeeceeecc
`1458-1463__Risk stratification tools in the prediction of coronary events.........0. 00.0.2 0 ccc eceeceeeeeeeeeeteecencec.. 243
`Statins in heart failure: friend or £007... .......csccsssececeeesssccsceusscenseeecrcccerece eee TES 244
`1475-1480—Betablockade: new aspects in chronic heart failure... 6... eee cee ecceeeeeeeteeeseeesecc 246
`1496-1501—Primary percutaneous coronary intervention — special issues ....... 0.00.6. eee eee ee eee eeee eee seeeececcc. 248
`Evolving conceptsin the managementofaortic stenosis..... cece cece e cee ec este ee eutesecececccc..
`Registries and guidelinesin acute Coronary SyNdFOMES.. 2... eee cece c eee e ee tueeeseeeeeccc ce.
`P1544-P1559 Angiogenic andstemcell therapy — Basic Science 0... eee cece ese eeeeeeeeteeeeeececcc
`P1560-P1566 Nuclear cardiology/Magnetic resonance imaging and cardiac radiology ...........6..0.0. ccc eeeeeececcececece.
`P1567-P1568 Computers in CAPGIOLOSY ss eeeee sees eeeveesuennneeessceesevseensesessaunesessuessssaneeeesentereccccc
`P1569-P1583 Echocardiography/Doppler............0000cececeeeeceteeetttttttee tees tet t tet tttt 258
`P1584-P1598 Angiogenic and stem cell therapy — Basic Science 00.0... eee cee cece cee ect eee esse eteceeeecc co.
`P1599-P1606 Nuclear cardiology/Magnetic resonance imaging and cardiac radiology ...........0.00 00. cc cece ee eeeceeeeccece.
`P1607-P1608 Computers in CATMIOLOSY «0. ieee eevee eee eee eee eeeeeses eect eseaeesessereseuseteeeeaesiee sees cc, 268
`P1609-P1623 Echocardiography/Doppler.........0.....00ceccceeseteeesteteeseeteeetttntrt ettercn 268
`P1624-P1631 Moderated Poster session Ill: Catheter ablation... 2.0... 0. eecectverteeeeetee 272
`PLO32-P1G65 Catheter ablation.....6....66 ss eecseeeeseeeeeeeseeeccnaeecesteerietersereee cre ee EES 274
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`P1827-P 1844
`P1845-P 1871
`2026-203 1
`Peptides and heart failure .... 0... cece cece nen ne EERE TENE EE EEE EEE Ee EEE Eee nen ES
`Acute coromary SYMGrOMeS . 1... cece cece cece eee tenet teen e teensegoheotilr NB 464 Silbsoursame «


`» oxssncenmeneexerss:

`Percutaneous coronary intervention .. 0... cee eee eee e eee een nee E net eee e eee eas
`NUTSIE... 6. wninseseererene ies 4984 AAG aAITIRGNENS FENET EEF 8
`A AGUIRIOINS T E494 6 FATIMRITIR RS #8 Yd 4 DERTNUIINETUS os 00 9» eanseuesemeronnanen we
`Exercise'testingiand rehabilitation. «<i iss5 swmwnosmme ees sass emeore ee is 99 sot MENT ae ts puMmONW FEED Daa ea TAawS
`Hypertension therapeutic aspects : ....s ensessaemwes oes ya a eenmemae excess ao aremmne des a4 s aemennns Fane d o¥ se wae
`Advanced cardiac imaging « .. 55: sessnsseur cece ees 09 4 ereneene ded be ee wnmteee Heed oeMONO CN er ee AwUur TOOT Ye
`Bio-markers of cardiovascular GiS@ASe «.. 6. ices sewwenene cece ewe enewe rere bev meweee tenes oea ewRTOEE ES Fe eE OSES
`Novel magnetic resonance techniques to assess coronary artery disease ......... ce cee cece ete eee nner e eee ee
`Mechanisinis tinderlying plaque instabity o.oo es sce e secsrewrncee vee sew nietnseieee oa evs eueleremnimene eee EE Sa SERI ROO E He
`Hormonesand cardiac fUnction ..... 6. cc ene een e eee E ee eee ene ene eee nee eens
`Clinical and genetic aspects of arrhythmias ........ 0.06... cece cnn nr nee enn treet nes
`Recent advancesin three-dimensional echocardiography ......... 6 cece cece ce eee teen eee eee ene e nea
`Ischaemia-reperfusion, slow flow and no reflow .... 20... ccc ec cc eet e eee e cette eter enen ees
`Computer-based advances in cardiology ....... 0... cececen enn net e nr e eens
`Vascular and myocardial damage and remodelling ......... 2.00.2 cece cece cence ence nee eee
`Subclinical peripheral artery disease: a marker for severity of coronary artery disease .................00...0005.
`Stem.cells in. heart failutes saan soos v3.2 oa oeauememe ss oss ¢6 SON He Tes £3 sem He Cet eS oe OREN Eds eee Roa
`Percutaneous interventions in unstable coronary syndromes ........... 0... cece cence eee ene ee ences
`Neurally mediated syncope:a recurrent syndromerevisited... .... cece eee cence eee tenes 351
`Novel pharmacological approaches for the treatmentofatrial fibrillation ........ 6.6... secs eee e cece eee tee ee ees
`New developments in thrombolysis: fibrinolysis ............. 0 sce cece cee e cnet e erect eet etter n een ees
`A newerain the prognostic assessmentof heart failure patients .......... 0... cece eee ee ce eee e eee enn e eines
`New evidencefor the beneficial effects of exercise training ....... 6... eee cece ence terete eee enn eee e tees
`Primary percutaneouscoronaryintervention in acute myocardial ese e cece eee nee ene nee
`Manythings to remember in CABG... cece ene ent net E ene Eten nee EG
`Exercise testing in mitral valve disease ........ cece cece cree een eee tere e tnt e teen eee tenet ent ete tees
`Drugelutingstents in diabetic patients ..........:c ese ce eect eee teen nee tee e eect eterna ner nee nrsee ener eens
`Bad and goOd Habits « css +s ineusmeierereve ne 9 eu 02 v 40 voemesaserninrer eae ma arerenacnenne ere +
`inseipiinisunnin ana eae mceuatecenanacaseinus eo Es
`Stress-induced myocardial damage and protective mechanisms — Basic Science. ............. eee cece eee e eee nee
`Nuclear cardiology/MRI and cardiac radiology ....... 6s cece cece eee e terete eet nent n eee
`Computers in cardiology... ccc cece cece e reer ee ne ete etter etre reenter ener e en en nnn
`Echocardiography/Doppler..... 0.0... c cece EE EE EEE EEE EERE een EE EERE EEE 370
`Stress-induced myocardial damage and protective mechanisms ......... 6. cece eee cece eee e eee nee tenes
`Nuclear cardiology/Magnetic resonance imaging and cardiac radiology ....... 66. e cece eee cece eee eee tee eees
`Computers in cardiology ....... ccc cece eee eee cee rene eee e Ee ENE EEE EERE ELEN EERE EEE DEERE ECE D EE ee ES
`Echocardiography/Doppler..... 0... cece cece ERE EEE EEE EEE E EEE EE EERE EEE EEE EEE EE
`Moderated Poster session IV: Inflammation and coronary artery disease..... 6... cc cece cece eee eee cence eee
`PACER 56. ccenessiarmen os soe se a nnesninwcnnmine eee aces be udiateld 22 5255 RMGMINSAE sao 4s adINWRINEE Ke ee a aaa getneEM eee
`Mechanisms of arrhythmias......ccccccsss ss sss sncimmmnenn sree euumieuls dense es Maree Ee ee sa ae sOMNeeMNER EES Ee
`Resynchronisation therapy ......... ccc cee cece ete nee eee ener ee eee e eee eee en eee ee tere Eten ene e ett E eee
`Acute myocardial infarction and reperfusion therapy........ 0. cece eet eee t ener tener enn t ene n enn e ees
`Coronary circulation: functional evaluation ....... 0... cece ee ere e ner e en een etree een een E Renn EE EEE Eee EE
`Epidemiology svicsiess cx sie ss weiremanmees ¢
`6 ea ee ee ae etcenennineniete a eb ee ammmcnratninces oe 8 a obareunne gpeececeenne ©
`6 9 wae MYazeraceceuscasezece
`Databases and guidelines. ......... ccc c eect ee nee en nen nee tenet n enter tenn ene n enone es
`Day 4 — Tuesday31 August 2004
`Congenital heart disease: secondary challenges after early “repair” ...... 10.06 cece ences 447
`Experimental cell transplantation: preclinical and clinical developments ............ 6s cece eee cent eee eee eee
`More‘fuel to inflammation wees sey es 4222s maemeter oe a5 5 ys emerewren sav es oe suena ee ee 8 an suecmenmeO ENC EES Os
`Chronic heart failure: new treatment Options ....... 66 cece ec nnn ee eet e ene e eet e tenn nent teen aes
`Oral anticoagulation foratrialfibrillation — still unresolved ...... 6... cece eee eect tent e eee enae
`The diabetic VESSEL occ oe. 5 ee ee cetera on nee enlnldlanthdie dag N
`Ss RAWGWBIRRL EF a se GR ENR Heda oe a
`4 oe 454
`Heart failiive news from-off the beaten track... scaccsse ce cease sawn nays so 64 seas coe ese some Kenmore sees
`Catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia... . ccc cen nen en eee een n nen ete E ene eres
`Diabetes and the heart «: i. 22 22 seesesewews cece es ee oeemmnee cee 62a 6 eases nee ae ee ewer PORE 8 88a 8 i eTtsee
`Treatment and outcomeofacute pulmonary eMbOLISM ..... 6. cee eee teen ete eee 459
`Coronary artery disease and renal failure: prognostic aspects and prevention......... 6... .e eect e cette eee re ee ee ees
`Clopidogrel loading — 600 mg may be better ..... 0... sce e cee eee een nee erent eens
`Mitral regurgitation: from prognosis to treatMeNt ..... 6.6 cee eee eee eee ee een eee eens
`Moderated e-Posters III: Drug therapy in cardiovascular disease. ..... 0... cece eee ene eens 465
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`Endothelial function, vascular care and POMOMEMAR 5 sicmnaners 2444 pnuvsiname was sussinisihde neeeeeneveeweeec......
`Nuclear cardiology/Magnetic resonance imaging andcardiacLe 471
`FEtt SREUSIONY -sxcssosons sit ss -+pyssnice ee evmusamesticsroamenancenn nce 472
`Echocardiography/Doppler TEER TREC EE CEE Cee eee eneaE Osea eeneaeesageEeeevaaswueeedserees,
`von channels and arrhythmias... ..-..+sesssssseeeteseeeesiseseesnencersere 476
`Nuclear cardiology/Magnetic resonance imaging and cardiac TAGIOLOBY 0. eee cece ee ec eeeseeeencecece.
`amputersin cardiology s+... es eesesecseseeeeeteeesiseeente cies cere eees 481
`eenocardiography/DOPDIer.«. os. eeseseeeieteee tess isnsatoceteesnee 482
`Moderated Postersession V:Trials in heart PANUB i witiene o> sev sures sbasessauncnabedttes sonemenmnecscrcs
`RET ADEMRHOM «esses sseesseeeeseaseseeieaneseseecsasacnutientecesenecee ceEE 488
`eatt failure: clinical aspects... sees esses ese tsesnseeentete nieceer 495
`Coronaryartery diseasein igh-tisk patients « eesecesceseeeeteetsstserimecn eee 506
`Restenosis and Grug-elUting SteMtS 6 eect eecteect 519
`Men tt tithe cess esesenenninisacesesessattantieenssitasanticusiorcrerenet 527
`BnPASE 8 omnentt 4548123 onsnnnys at S7Fi ommnsgtitdttidnmnnetramen 537
`Simulation and modelling .......++..e+sseeeveeessetesseteneeesen cree cece ee es 543
`Moderatede-Posters IV: Nurse-led interventions in patients with heart failure... 544
`Cardiac hypertrophy and remodelling contractile function — Basic Science... cece eee,
`Nuclear cardiology/Magnetic resonance imaging and cardiac THMOLOZY a onions 0245+ vipitiisneneseis$44scyiebineees
`Computers in CaTCHOLOBY«vee sees eee eect cette teen e ttt t eet cet et ti ttre ee EE 550
`Echocardiography/DopplerNT, LURES PEER ERs caeneng b 81455 kunnen das) SDD DIROOws vot g gi eu HEE.
`Cardiac hypertrophy and remodelling contractile function — Basic 554
`Nuclear cardiology/Magnetic resonance imaging and cardiac radiology©... cece ccc ce eee ee,
`Computers in CaGIOLOBY «eee sere e esses ee ei eet ee taeee cette tee tate ttn tiec er TEES 560
`SBPLYIDOBBIE wonascicne stirs. «+ nomexoies t41+ 04 enna sitivivinbooonssccen 560
`Moderated Poster session VI:In stent POSEEDOBIS..-svevyinaiinn OUidscneneewny sé} 4ubsnmunmeety situate...
`SeOCRRCOBTEHY ooo esse eects eee teee tata tee tatters tereercre ee ss 566
`SYNGODCs «oes svvwenesssestireeeeseenenetseitttsseentuensitatisnrmrresisceee ant 571
`spear transplantation «sss sssseetesseeesessssersasesansserssersetsssrrseersrersreree 575
`Heart failure — medical MNETEPY vere ete tetera e tite ce tent tie 581
`Nabvalat GUBGHRE £55 soncowones 4142555 inneumoranpseds¥ibnenncenttsghsdatibinhsoscscneeee
`Coronaryartery disease:risk stratification and medical therapy... 0... eeeecccceeee ee.
`SHOKDsooo oavnees erssenssersneeescareecseseteeaeteeutssstitatetertircererireerie ere et 604
`ercise testing and rehabilitation... ee eeee teeter reecers 608
`Crown-up and congenital heart disease. ....seeeeeeee eee ecteerrer rere 611
`Coronaryartery bypass BTHAIDBsso. e sees eisteeeeneesssesteeeeatesssatetiitnecec 620
`DRADEBES ooo esses teseseseieseeesccestscseetrtttntanasssssisievicissterereeterreersn ene 622
`Day 5 — Wednesday1 September 2004
`FnMIS «ses oneness nsse4 its anmmsnae (eesti ss acumen sstssaveaunevessuraemapeuneivesrescosece
`Structure and function of cardiac ion ChaMNels. «o.oo ee eeeeneseneetessseeeseeestssasteneecce
`Lipid modulation in atherogenesis ~ beyond cholesterol... 20... 0... eeeeeceeeeveeeereeeee 630
`Pulse pressure, distensibility and cardiovascular tisk... 0.0.06... eeeeecceee cere eee 631
`Fat, lean or active: all relevant for cardiovascular tisk? ..... 0... seecceececeseceeeeseuuecereessunerecc ce,
`Conductionofthe electrical EMDUIRE 55 nannmeneneve 2144 Fotcewmnmes ¥ 1485 AAtasinn vel svsaypymater snc 634
`Novelplayers in receptor-mediated signalling in cardiac MYOCYTES oe eee eee cree ee,
`‘nctear cardiology ~ beyond the future... eet tetetite rere 637
`pnalenges in aortic interventions...........6.csescesecceesseenecsenererenenece eee eeEe 638
`Stenting of supra-aortic extracranial arteries 0... .6.0. oes eeteteceereee 640
`Newnavigation and mapping techniques for targeting the arrhythmogenic substrate............0. 00... 000000.
`Reducing thromboticrisk — old COMBEPES, HOW TROPSs 22... eucrmcrie 6444495 bhinvonlon ny e404 p4ieginwees veces
`Acute myocardial intervention and diabetes... 06.0.0... ee eee cetteetee reer 644
`racing mode and lead position: does it matter? 2.2... eee c eee rereeS 646
`How importantis abnormal respiration in heart failure? ...... oe seeeeeeeeceeeeeeteeces ccc ee 647
`Newinsights into native or Repaired aiiteal walYedymamites’ ... « vpsscuas 24) ths onnmoesneeest43i4idmemmess.,..,,
`Renal dysfunction and anaemia — overlooked parts of the heartfailure syndrome. ...... 00.00.00. 0. ccc cee eee ee 650
`Ablation ofatrial fibrillation: new tOCHMIGUES «0661s eecvsenece csv esevsntatadesesecuunensatedsstsecssccse,,
`Management Of aonte heart failute..n.c+ss+s+sesereneitusasessearenenetsticeneecncccccc
`Multiple applications of cardiac computed tomography ...... 00.2.6... oe eteeeseeseseeeeseee eres esc,
`Challengingissues after valve HOPIACEHIEHE, wascasinsines cv osey panne 6445400 vemennduys¢4nianmmenntessecas,.,
`Clinical assessment of resynchronisation CREED <1 22 15% bamnomnsonn ss 1 85 4 giRidine 9» oa amergninia £9 ¥en eoseocce,
`Liquidia's Exhibit 1091
`Page 5
`Liquidia's Exhibit 1091
`Page 5


`Hypertension andheart failure... 2.0.0... cece cece en en eee Eee ene eee eee ee
`Blood pressure reduction and cardiovascular risk ...... 1.6... es eceee ee eee eee e eee e enter nee ene e es
`Physical training and secondary prevention .......... 2.0... see eee eee eee eee etn ener n es
`Percutaneous coronary interventions in diabetic patients.......... 06... sec e cece eee eee eee n nes 666
`Prognostic value of stress echocardiography ......... 066.222. e see eee ener t teeter eee n enn es
`3839-3843—Restenosis following bare Stents 0.0... 0... c cece cece eee ener ne rene eee e tener enn e eats 669
`Drug elutingstentto treat in-stent restenosis ........ 0.0.62. 2 00sec cette eee eee een ner een e eens
`Author Index ccc ccc ce enn EEE EEE EEE ETE EEE EE EEE EC e EEE Eee eer e tenet nent tenes ns rees
`Indexof Topics .......... ccc cece eeeen ee nner enter nner ceeeece renner seeseeeeecsserrseen es
`Liquidia's Exhibit 1091
`Page 6
`Liquidia's Exhibit 1091
`Page 6


`month for a period of six months. The parameters studied were the pulmonary
`artery systolic pressure (PASP)bytricuspid regurgitation (TR) jet and pulmonary
`artery diastolic pressure (PADP) by pulmonary regurgitation (PR)jet.
`Results: Mean age of the subjects was 42.6-9.3 years. Twenty seven (90%)
`were females and 3 (10%) were males, Sildenafil was well tolerated and there
`Sildenafil in the treatmentof primary pulmonary
`A. Dharmadhikari', M. Kulkarni?, V. Tzifos3, F. Airoldi*, |. Sheiban§,
`™Nashik, India; ?Rajebahadur Heart Foundation, Cardiology, Nashik,
`India; Hospital Hunry Dununt, Interventional Cardiology, Athens,
`Greece; “Hospital San Raffaele, Interventional Cardiology, Milano, Italy;
`University Hospital, Torino, Interventional Cardiology, Torino, Italy
`Backgroud:Therole of sildenafil as a pulmonary vasodilatoris being extensively
`evaluatedin the treatmentof pulmonary hypertension,
`Aim: This was a Prospective study to assess the benefit of adding sildenafil in
`Patients with high pulmonary artery pressures secondary to atrial septal defect
`(ASD), already receiving the conventional therapy.
`Methods:Thirtyconsecutive Patients with moderate to severe primarypulmonary
`hypertension were included in this study, All the patients were diagnosed previ-
`ously and were receiving the conventional therapy with digoxin, diuretic and a
`Epidemiology andtreatment ofpulmonary arterial hypertension/TheECG andelectrophysiologic markers ofarrhythmic events
`Inhaled treprostinil is a potent pulmonaryvasodilatorin
`severe pulmonary hypertension
`R. Voswinckel, M.G. Kohstall, B. Enke, T. Gessler, F. Reichenberger,
`H.A. Ghofrani, W. Seeger, H. Olschewski. Medical Clinic 2, Department
`ofInternal Medicine, Giessen, Germany
`Background: Treprostinil has been approved for
`therapy of PAH (US and
`Canada) as continuous subcutaneous infusion. However,
`local pain at the infu-
`sion site is a major drawback. Inhaled therapy with another stable prostacyclin
`analogue(iloprost) has been approved for PPH (EMEA).In this study weinvesti-
`gated the acute hemodynamic responsetoinhaledtreprostinil.
`Methods: Open-label, single blind placebo-controlled clinical study. After place-
`ment of a Swan-Ganz catheter and a femoral arteryline, patients inhaled solvent
`solution (placebo) (n=8) or treprostinil for 6 min (OptiNeb ultrasound nebulizer,
`Nebu-tee, Germany)in concentrations of 16, 32, 48, and 64 g/ml (n=6, 6, 6, and
`3 patients). Measurement was performedbefore andafter 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, 120,
`150 and 180 min. The mean area between the placebo andthe treprostinil curves
`(ABC186) was calculated (baseline=100%).
`Results: We investigated idiopathic PAH (n=10), collagen vascular disease (n=5),
`chronic thromboembolic disease (n=9), and pulmonaryfibrosis (n=5), f/m = 19/10,
`age 56 + 3 years, PAP PAWP, and CVP 51.3 + 2.2,9.2 + 0.8, and6.6+0.6
`mmHg, CO 4.4 + 0.3 Vmin, SvO2 62.3 + 1.2%, PVR 885 + 72 dyn s cm’,
`At 16.g/ml there were no significant adverse events, Headache, cough or bron-
`choconstriction were observed in 2, 1, and 2 patients at 32, 48, and 64 jg/mi.
`These were mild andtransientin all patients but one (64 g/ml) who complained
`of major headachefor 1 hour. Placeboinhalation wasfollowed by slowly increas-
`ing PVR. Compared to this, the maximum treprostinil effect was reached after
`about 50 min andhalf-maximal effects at about 110 min. The ABC186 for PVR
`Was —24.7 + 4.4, -28.7 + 4.9, and -29.0 + 4.7%; PAP -14.4 + 3.3, -13,5 + 5.2,
`713.1 + 2.6%; SAP -5.1 + 3.0, -6.0 + 3.1, -3.8 + 2.1% at 16, 32 and 48 g/ml.
`Conclusion: Treprostinil inhalation results in a significant long-lasting pulmonary
`vasodilatation. With the applied technology, at a Concentration of 16\.9/ml, near
`maximal pulmonaryvasodilatation is achieved without adverseeffects. At higher
`doses, local and systemic side effects may occur, whereas pulmonary selectivity
`is preserved.
`This study was supported by Lung Rx.
`withdrawlof the drug. Twopatients died during the follow-up period. At the begin-
`ning of the therapy, 22 (73.3%)patients were in NYHAClassIII or IV while at the
`end of six months, only 8 patients remainedin either of these classes (p<0.05).
`By the 6 min walk test, functional Capacity improved from 181.54122.4 meters
`to 302.74150.3 meters P(<0.05). Modified Borg dyspnea score improved from
`§.641.2 to 3.34141 (p<0.05). PASP by TR jet (mmHg) was down from 81 -3414,7
`to 51.4411.7 (p<0.05). PADP by PRjet (mmHg) reduced from 56.2+11.7 to
`33.4£9.1 (p<0.05).
`Conclusion: Sildenafil is well tolerated, improves symptoms, and reduces the
`systolic and diastolic pulmonaryartery pressures in patients with moderate to
`severe primary pulmonaryarterial hypertension.
`The endothelin-receptor antagonist bosentanfor the
`treatmentof pulmonaryarterial hypertension associated
`with congenital heart defects
`O. Sitbon', M, Beghetti2, J. Petit, L. Iserin*, M. Humbert!, V, Gressin$,
`G. Simonneau'. *Hépital A

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