`Page 1
` )
` Petitioner, ) Case IPR2021-00305
` ) Patent 10,506,325
`vs. )
` ) Case IPR2021-00381
`KOSS CORPORATION, ) Patent 10,491,982
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` The Zoom video deposition of JOSEPH
` McALEXANDER, III, taken before Richard Derrick
` Ehrlich, Registered Merit Reporter, Certified
` Realtime Reporter, taken pursuant to the United
` States Patent and Trademark Office Rules, commencing
` at 9:00 a.m., on the 14th day of December, 2021.
`2 3 4 5
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`Apple 1025
`Apple v. Koss


`Page 2
` A P P E A R A N C E S
`On behalf of Apple Inc.:
` Michael T. Pieja
` Jennifer Hartjes
` 200 South Wacker Drive
` 22nd Floor
` Chicago, IL 60606
` Ryan Chowdhury
` Roberto Devoto
` Parvine Ghane
` 1000 Main Avenue, SW
` Suite 1000
` Washington, D.C. 20024
`On behalf of Koss Corporation:
` Mark G. Knedeisen
` Michelle Weaver
` 210 Sixth Avenue
` Pittsburgh, PA 15222-2613
`Videographer: Justin Henricksen
`2 3
`Veritext Legal Solutions


` I N D E X
` Page
`Exam by Michael Pieja 5
`Page 3
` E X H I B I T S
` Page
`Exhibit No. 2035 - 12
`Declaration of Joseph C. McAlexander, III
`Exhibit No. 2038 - 15
`Declaration of Joseph C. McAlexander, III
`Exhibit No. 1004 - 75
`United States Patent Application Publication
`Exhibit No. 2036 - 104
`Declaration of Nicholas S. Blair
`4 5
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 4
` VIDEOGRAPHER: Good morning. We are going
` on the record. The time is 11:32 a.m. on
` December 14th, 2021.
` This is Media Unit 1 of the video-recorded
` deposition of Joseph McAlexander, III, taken by
` counsel for the petitioner in the matter of
` Apple Inc. vs. Koss Corporation filed in the
` United States Patent and Trademark Office, Case
` No. IPR2021-00381 and IPR2021-00305.
` This deposition is being held remote Zoom
` videoconference. My name is Justin Henricksen,
` and I'm from the firm Veritext, and I'm the
` videographer. The court reporter is Richard
` Ehrlich from the firm Veritext.
` I'm not related to any party in this
` action, nor am I financially interested in
` outcome.
` Counsel and all present in the room,
` everyone attending remotely will now state their
` appearances and affiliations for the record. If
` there are any objections to the proceedings,
` please state them at the time of your appearance
` beginning with the taking attorney first.
` MR. PIEJA: Good morning. Michael Pieja of
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 5
` Goldman Ismail on behalf of Apple, the
` petitioner in this action.
` Also present on the line appearing on
` behalf of Apple are Jennie Hartjes of Goldman
` Ismail and Parvine Ghane and Roberto Devoto and
` Ryan Chowdhury of Fish & Richardson.
` MR. KNEDEISEN: Mark Knedeisen from K & L
` Gates for patent owner Koss Corporation. I
` believe also on the line is Michelle Weaver from
` K & L Gates.
` VIDEOGRAPHER: Thank you.
` Will the court reporter please swear in the
` witness?
`Q Good morning, Mr. McAlexander.
`A I guess it still is. Good morning.
`Q Indeed. I do apologize for the delay this
` morning, and I thank you for your patience and
` appreciate your taking the time to stick with us
` while we got those administrative issues sorted
` out.
` Can you state your full name for the
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 6
` record?
`A Full name is Joseph Colby McAlexander, III.
`Q Where are you sitting for your deposition today,
` sir?
`A I'm sitting in my home office in Anna, Texas.
`Q Is there anyone else present with you in the
` room where you're sitting for your deposition?
`A No, sir. Nobody.
`Q And are you communicating with anybody else via
` any apps on either your phone or your computer
` or any other electronic device as you sit there
` to take -- to sit for this deposition?
`A No.
` MR. KNEDEISEN: Let me just note, Michael,
` that I emailed -- sent him two emails with the
` exhibits.
` MR. PIEJA: Absolutely. Thank you for the
` clarification, Mr. Knedeisen.
`Q Mr. McAlexander, do you understand that you're
` here today to be deposed in -- with regard to
` declarations you submitted in connection with
` two IPR proceedings, IPR2021-305 and
` IPR2021-381?
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`Page 7
`A Yes. I have that understanding.
`Q In both of those proceedings, you submitted a
` declaration as an external expert on behalf of
` Koss Corporation, the patent owner, correct?
`A Yes, that's correct.
`Q You have been deposed before, right, sir?
`A Yes.
`Q Given that, I won't go through all of the ground
` rules that I would normally go through at the
` beginning of a deposition, but let me just touch
` on one or two things.
` As I said, I appreciate your patience so
` far today. It's been a little while, but I will
` do my best not to keep you sitting in that chair
` for too long at any one stretch and try to give
` you a break about every hour or so. If you feel
` that you need a break earlier than that, just
` let me know and I'll do my best to get you one
` just as soon as I can. Okay?
`A Sure. Thank you.
`Q And I'll do my best to ask you questions that
` you can understand. If you don't understand my
` question, just let me know and I'll do my best
` to rephrase it to get you something that you
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 8
` feel you can answer. Sound fair?
`A Yes. That's fair.
`Q Of course if you don't let me know that you're
` having trouble understanding my questions, I'll
` assume that you do know them and can answer them
` to the best of your ability. Sound fair?
`A I understand that, yes.
`Q Sir, can you think of any reason why sitting
` here today you wouldn't be able to truthfully
` and fully testify as to the opinions and
` statements made in the two declarations that I
` referenced earlier today?
`A No, I have no reason.
`Q You're not feeling ill or a doctor hasn't asked
` you to take any medicine that might impair your
` ability to either remember the facts relevant to
` those declarations or to hear the questions I'm
` asking you?
`A No, I have no advice to that extent.
`Q And related to what I mentioned before, you
` testified and explained that you weren't
` communicating with anybody using any apps or
` programs apart from the emails that
` Mr. Knedeisen had sent you to provide you with
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 9
` certain exhibits to this deposition, correct?
`A That is correct, yes.
`Q And so that we can have a complete record of the
` proceedings here in the transcript as opposed to
` externally, will you agree not to communicate
` with anybody about this deposition either
` through a chat app or any other means of
` electronic communication other than speaking on
` this deposition while we're on the record?
`A Yes. I agree to that.
`Q Do you have in front of you either in physical
` or electronic form copies of the declarations
` that you submitted in the two IPR proceedings
` that this deposition is covering?
`A Yes. I have a hard copy of the declaration, of
` each of those declarations.
`Q Okay. Do you also have an electronic copy of
` the two declarations that we're talking about
` here today?
`A Well, I have it on my computer. I don't have it
` in front of me. My understanding is counsel has
` forwarded a couple of emails to me. So at some
` point I'm assuming that if I look in those
` emails, I will find the electronic copies.
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 10
`Q Perfect. So feel free, obviously, to refer to
` either the printed copy or the electronic copy
` of your declarations as needed.
`A Okay.
`Q If at any point you do need to take a moment to
` get the electronic copies up on the screen,
` please just let me know. I'll take a break and
` let you get those documents situated and in
` front of you. Sound fair?
`A That sounds fair. And I do recognize that I did
` receive a first email from counsel.
`Q Just so that the record is clear, is the email
` you're referring to, Mr. McAlexander, an email
` from Mr. Knedeisen?
`A Yes. It's an email that I just received from
` Mr. Knedeisen effective 11:35 a.m. Central time,
` and that covers -- it looks like he has attached
` seven documents.
`Q So for the record, per the parties' discussion,
` the emails that you're receiving from
` Mr. Knedeisen include local PDF copies of
` documents that I have marked through the Exhibit
` Share system, all of which are materials that
` were provided as exhibits in the IPRs at issue
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 11
` here. You can expect, I think, to receive
` another one of those emails.
` And, again, if at any point during the
` deposition you need to refer to the electronic
` copies of the documents that Mr. Knedeisen has
` sent you, just let me know and we'll take the
` time to get that set up and documented on the
` record. Okay?
`A All right. Very good. Thank you.
`Q Let's just set up some terminology before I go
` any further here. Referring to the first of the
` two IPRs that you are here to testify about,
` IPR2021-305, is it your understanding that that
` IPR involves U.S. Patent No. 10,506,325?
`A That is correct.
`Q Is it all right if I refer to that patent as the
` '325 patent for today's purposes?
`A Yes. That's perfectly fine.
`Q You prepared a declaration expressing certain
` opinions that you had formed in connection with
` the '325 patent in this proceeding, correct?
`A Yes. That's correct.
`Q You have a copy that have declaration -- your
` '325 declaration in front of you today, sir,
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 12
` correct?
`A Yes. Yes, I do.
`Q Okay. The declaration that you prepared in
` connection with the '325 patent is marked as
` Exhibit Koss-2035 in the 305 IPR, correct?
`A That is correct.
`Q For the purposes of today's proceeding, is it
` okay if I refer to that declaration as your '325
` patent declaration?
`A Yes. That's fine.
` (Exhibit No. 2035 marked.)
`Q Does the declaration that you filed in
` connection with the '325 patent include all of
` the opinions that you had formed and intend to
` express with respect to that patent in this
` proceeding?
`A As of the time of the filing, the answer is yes.
`Q You haven't prepared any supplemental
` declarations that you submitted through the
` patent office subsequent to the filing of your
` declaration on the '325 patent, have you?
`A That is correct. I have not.
` MR. KNEDEISEN: Objection. Form.
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 13
`Q Do you presently have an intention to file any
` additional supplemental -- withdrawn.
` Do you presently have an intention to
` prepare any supplemental or additional
` declarations in support of your positions or
` opinions on the '325 patent?
` MR. KNEDEISEN: Objection. Form.
` THE DEPONENT: Not presently, no.
`Q So as of the current time sitting here today,
` the declaration that you have submitted to the
` patent office in connection with the '325 patent
` contains all of the opinions that you had formed
` and intend to express with respect to that
` patent in this proceeding, correct?
` MR. KNEDEISEN: Asked and answered.
` Objection. Form.
` THE DEPONENT: I would say they may not
` include all of the opinions I have, but they
` are -- they do contain all the opinions that I
` intend to express.
`Q Okay.
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 14
`A Other than what may come forth from the
` deposition today.
`Q Now, the second of the two IPRs that you are
` here to testify about is IPR2021-381, correct?
`A That is correct.
`Q That IPR involves U.S. Patent No. 10,491,982,
` correct?
`A Correct.
`Q Is it all right with you if I refer to that
` patent as the '982 patent for today's purposes?
`A Yes.
`Q And you prepared a declaration expressing
` certain opinions that you had formed in
` connection with the '982 patent in this
` proceeding, correct?
`A That is correct.
`Q You have a copy of your declaration with respect
` to the '982 patent in front of you today, sir,
` correct?
`A Yes, I have a hard copy in front of me.
`Q And the declaration that you prepared in
` connection with the '325 patent is marked as
` Exhibit Koss-2038 in the 381 IPR, correct?
`A 2038, yes.
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 15
` (Exhibit No. 2038 marked.)
`Q For the purposes of today's proceeding, is it
` okay if I refer to that declaration as your '982
` patent's declaration?
`A Yes. That's fine.
`Q Does the declaration that you filed in
` connection with the '982 patent include all of
` the opinions that you have formed and intend to
` express with respect to the '982 patent in this
` proceeding?
`A The same answer to a prior question. They may
` not contain all of the opinions that I have
` formed, but certainly with regard to those that
` I intend to express, they are contained in this
` document.
`Q You haven't prepared any supplemental
` declarations that you have submitted or intend
` to submit to the patent office with respect to
` the '982 patent, correct?
`A That is correct.
`Q You don't presently have an intention to prepare
` any such declarations, correct?
`A Not presently.
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Q If you could get out your '325 declaration, if
` you could. Let me know when you have that in
`Page 16
` front of you.
`A I have it.
`Q Would you turn, sir, to internal page 44 of your
` '325 patent declaration?
`A Internal page what?
`Q 44, sir.
`A 44?
`Q Yes, sir.
`A All right. The only thing I printed was up
` through my signature page, page 40. So let me
` see if that has been presented here in the
` emails.
` MR. KNEDEISEN: It's in the second email.
`Q I'll represent to you, sir, that page 44 of
` Exhibit 2035, which is your '325 declaration, is
` the first page of Appendix A, which is styled
` "Curriculum Vitae of Joseph McAlexander, III."
`A Okay.
`Q Let me know if you're able to bring that up in
` digital form.
` MR. KNEDEISEN: That's probably in the
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 17
` first email we sent.
` THE DEPONENT: It looks like in the first
` email that was sent, it was the 381 declaration.
` MR. KNEDEISEN: It should be in the second
` email. Did you get that yet?
` THE DEPONENT: No, sir. That hasn't come
` in yet. Let me refresh.
`Q The good news, Mr. McAlexander, is that if you
` don't have the declaration in the 305
` proceeding, I can ask this set of questions just
` as easily with respect to the declaration that
` you do have from the 381 proceeding.
`A Okay.
`Q So let me know -- if you haven't gotten your
` '325 declaration in yet, just let me know and
` we'll flip over and ask the questions for the
` one you do have. Okay?
`A All right. It still has not been received, so
` let's look at the Koss 2038 declaration.
`Q Yes. So just for the record, Mr. McAlexander,
` please get your '982 patent's declaration in
` front of you. I'm going to direct you within
` that declaration to page 61. Let me know when
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 18
` you're there.
`A So this is PDF page 61, which is the first page
` of my CV. I have it in front of me now.
`Q So as you said, Mr. McAlexander, page 61 of your
` '982 patent declaration is entitled "Curriculum
` Vitae," correct?
`A Yes, that's correct.
`Q The pages from 61 to 91 of your '982 patent
` declaration all comprise various parts of your
` curriculum vitae, correct?
`A That is correct.
`Q The curriculum vitae that you submitted with
` your '982 declaration was accurate and complete
` to the best of your ability at the time you
` signed that declaration, correct?
`A Yes. I have had several revisions of it since
` then, but it was accurate as far as I know at
` that time.
`Q What were the nature of those revisions?
`A The nature of the revisions is this particular
` one represented a middle-of-third-quarter
` representation of 2021, and it had -- typically
` I keep in my CV a representation of the cases
` that go back five years, and this had actually
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 19
` more than five years in some instances. So I
` was basically redacting those and just making it
` up-to-date to -- you know, looking at the cases
` for the last five years.
`Q Apart from an update to the list of legal
` matters in which you had been retained, were
` there any other revisions or amendments to your
` CV since you submitted it with your '982
` declaration?
`A Not as I recall. I mainly worked on just
` updating the cases that are identified in the
` CV.
`Q If you could turn to internal page 67 of your
` '982 declaration, please, and let me know when
` you're there.
`A I am there.
`Q Do you see the bottom third of page 67 of your
` '982 declaration is a section entitled
` "Education Profile"?
`A Yes, I do.
`Q Does the material under the Education Profile
` section of your CV fairly and accurately reflect
` your formal education starting with your
` bachelor's degree and continuing to the present?
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 20
`A Yes, it does.
`Q You note in your Education Profile that you
` received a Bachelor's of Science, I believe in
` electrical engineering from NC State University
` in 1969; is that correct?
`A Yes. That's correct.
`Q Am I right that the BSEE designation refers to a
` Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering?
`A Yes, that's correct.
`Q Did you have any specific sub-concentration
` within the field of electrical engineering when
` you took your degree from NC State?
`A Solid state.
`Q Could you explain in layman's terms what you
` mean by "solid state"?
`A There are two primary venues that one could take
` in terms of focused areas: Solid-state
` electronics, which is lower power, as compared
` to power electronics, which is like power
` services, you know, for powering homes and
` residences and that type of thing. So rather
` than the high power, mine was solid-state
` electronics.
`Q Did your studies for your BSEE degree involve
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 21
` any study of wireless communications?
`A There was some wireless communication at that
` time, yes, but that was a few years ago. But,
` yes, there were some.
`Q Safe to say that neither Bluetooth nor WiFi
` existed at the time of your studies for your
` BSEE degree, correct?
`A As we know it today, no.
`Q Did your studies for your electrical engineering
` degree at NC State involve any study of
` headphones or audio products?
`A It had studies involving audio products at the
` system level in terms of speakers, transducers,
` that type of thing. Certainly the components
` that go into that kind of a system but not in
` terms of headphones per se.
`Q Did your studies for your electrical engineering
` degree involve the study of any digital or
` analog audio processing?
`A It was part of the curriculum in terms of just
` analog versus digital, and there was analog
` processing in speech or sound. It would be a
` part of that, yes, for analog-to-digital and
` digital-to-analog conversion.
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 22
`Q Did your studies for your electrical engineering
` degree involve any study relating to batteries
` or battery composition?
`A If you're talking about the chemistry of it, the
` answer is no. In terms of storage batteries,
` storage facilities, yes, you know, that was part
` of the curriculum. Storage techniques.
`Q In addition to your bachelor's degree from NC
` State, you also studied at the University of
` Texas as a graduate student, correct?
`A Yes, that's correct.
`Q Your studies at the University of Texas were in
` 1975 and '76, correct?
`A Yes, that is correct.
`Q While at the University of Texas, you were at
` the Graduate School of Biomedical Science,
` correct?
`A Yes, that's correct.
`Q Your studies at UT were focused in the area of
` neural science, correct?
`A Yes, specifically focused on neural physiology
` as applied to vision and audio or let's say --
` yeah, audio and/or vision.
`Q Did your studies or work at the University of
`Veritext Legal Solutions


` Texas involve any studies of headphones or audio
`Page 23
` products?
`A No, sir, did not.
`Q Did your studies at the University of Texas
` involve any study of or work with speakers or
` acoustic transducers?
`A No.
`Q Did your studies at the University of Texas
` involve the study of or work with digital or
` analog audio processing?
`A Yes.
`Q In what way?
`A In the research studies that I worked at as a
` part of the graduate program, we were measuring
` visual and auditory response characteristics,
` and that's looking at the neural activity within
` animals doing neural probing, looking at their
` visual and auditory response to various stimuli
` and processing that using fairly sophisticated
` analog techniques at that time.
`Q Did your study at the University of Texas
` involve any study of batteries or similar power
` sources?
`A No, sir, did not.
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Q In addition to your graduate studies and your
` bachelor's degree, you've listed on your CV that
` from 1980 to 1985 you taught certain courses; is
`Page 24
` that correct?
`A Yes, that's correct.
`Q At what institution did you teach those courses?
`A The course -- the course instruction was done to
` the professional engineering staff at Texas
` Instruments during that period of time. I
` taught the courses both in U.S. as well as in
` Singapore.
`Q On your CV, I see that there are two different
` entries for the courses that you taught under
` the time period 1980 to 1985.
` Do you see that?
` MR. KNEDEISEN: Objection.
` THE DEPONENT: Yes. I see three, but go
` ahead.
`Q So the first paragraph that I see -- withdrawn.
` The first paragraph that I see next to the
` numbers 1980 to 1985 in your CV states, Taught
` solid state device physics, semiconductor
` processing, circuit design techniques, and
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 25
` statistical quality control measures.
` Do you see that?
`A Yes, I do.
`Q Is that a description of some of the courses
` that you taught to the professional staff at
` Texas Instruments?
`A That's an overview of some of the courses, yes.
`Q Below that I see an entry that states,
` Effectiveness training and Japanese
` manufacturing techniques, Participative problem
` solving courses.
` Do you see that?
`A Yes. Yes, I do.
`Q Is that also a description of the courses that
` you taught to the professional staff at Texas
` Instruments?
`A Yes.
`Q Did any of the courses that you taught to the
` professional staff at Texas Instruments relate
` to headphones or audio products?
`A The solid-state device physics and semiconductor
` processing related to the actual design and
` fabrication and assembly and test of electronic
` components that would go into multiple different
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 26
` kinds of systems, some of which would be
` auditory.
`Q Were any of the courses that you taught to the
` professional staff at Texas Instruments
` specifically directed to headphones or audio
` products?
`A Not specifically directed. It was directed to
` the design and integration of the types of
` products that would go into different kinds of
` systems, including audio.
`Q Did any of the courses that you taught to the
` professional staff at Texas Instruments relate
` to acoustics?
`A There would be a relationship in terms of some
` of the device physics to acoustics, not
` directed -- not as a course taught specifically
` focused on acoustics, but certainly strong
` relationship with some of the fundamental
` physics and electrical aspects of those courses
` that would relate to acoustics.
`Q Did any of the courses that you taught to the
` professional staff at Texas Instruments relate
` to digital or analog audio processing?
`A Yes. Quite a bit of the design and the
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 27
` analytical aspects would relate to both analog
` and digital processing.
`Q I would like to talk a little bit about your
` work experience, if I could.
`A Certainly.
`Q From 1972 to 1986, you were employed by Texas
` Instruments; is that correct?
`A That's correct.
`Q What was the general nature of your work for
` Texas Instruments during that time?
` MR. KNEDEISEN: Objection. Form.
` THE DEPONENT: And this, again, was '72 to
` '86, just to verify?
`Q Yes.
`A Okay. I started in 1972 after my military
` service with Texas Instruments, and that was
` specifically integrated circuit design as a
` design engineer focusing on various types of
` memory storage devices and products that would
` relate to that.
` So the career was basically focused on
` design, modeling, implementation of circuit
` designs and following those designs through the
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 28
` wafer fabrication process all the way to the
` assembly and to the testing, evaluation,
` reliability studies, and then customer
` interface. So that's where I started in 1972.
` I continued as a designer for a number of
` years, including taking management slots as a
` design section manager sometime around 19--
` excuse me -- around '74. So it is 19. I had to
` make sure I got the right decade here. In 1974.
` By 1976, I had moved into a product slot
` where I was still -- still had engineering
` design management under me but also worked
` directly with the customer interface for
` instantiation of the design products in customer
` houses like IBM, Burroughs, UNIVAC, and many
` other system houses.
` I then in 19 -- around 1976, I took over
` the entire product cost center for all of the
` integrated circuit development, which included
` the design, the assembly, the test, the
` reliability studies, the marketing, and all the
` financial aspects with regard to those products.
` Then around 1981 to -- I listed this as '81
` and '82. That time frame, I continued to take
`Veritext Legal Solutions


`Page 29
` over much of the operation of those products,
` including the interface to the overseas
` accounts.
` And then in 1982 to '84 for three years, I
` moved to Singapore and taught all of the
` engineering staff there on device physics and
` wafer processing for the preparation of TI's
` installation subsequent to that of an actual
` wafer fabrication facility in Singapore. So I
` was preparing the students for that, or the
` engineers for it.
` I also ran the entire quality an

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