
`Research White Paper
`WHP 169
`September 2008
`High Frame-Rate Television
`M Armstrong, D Flynn, M Hammond, S Jolly, R Salmon
`Unified Patents, LLC v. Elects. & Telecomm. Res. Inst., et al.
`Ex. 1033, p. 1


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`Ex. 1033, p. 2


`BBC Research White Paper WHP 169
` High Frame-Rate Television
` M Armstrong, D Flynn, M Hammond, S Jolly, R Salmon
`The frame and field rates that have been used for television since the 1930s
`cause problems for motion portrayal, which are increasingly evident on the large,
`high-resolution television displays that are now common. In this paper we report
`on a programme of experimental work that successfully demonstrated the
`advantages of higher frame rate capture and display as a means of improving the
`quality of television systems of all spatial resolutions. We identify additional
`benefits from the use of high frame-rate capture for the production of
`programmes to be viewed using conventional televisions. We suggest ways to
`mitigate some of the production and distribution issues that high frame-rate
`television implies.
`This document was originally published in the proceedings of the IBC2008
`Additional key words: static, dynamic, compression, shuttering, temporal
`Unified Patents, LLC v. Elects. & Telecomm. Res. Inst., et al.
`Ex. 1033, p. 3


`White Papers are distributed freely on request.
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`Unified Patents, LLC v. Elects. & Telecomm. Res. Inst., et al.
`Ex. 1033, p. 4


`BBC Research White Paper WHP 169
` High Frame-Rate Television
` M Armstrong, D Flynn, M Hammond, S Jolly, R Salmon
`The frame rates used for film and television have been fixed for the best part of a century. A belief
`has arisen (eg Ferguson and Schultz (1)) that the frame rates chosen are close to an upper limit,
`and that little improvement can be expected from an increase. In this paper we will challenge this
`view, reporting on some experimental work that shows that the use of higher frame rates for
`capture, storage, transmission and display offers clear advantages at the resolutions associated
`with SD and HDTV. We will also explain why the frame rates currently in use will increasingly limit
`the quality of television pictures if the size of displays and/or the resolution of television systems
`continue to grow.
`2 Historical Overview
`2.1 Origin of Frame Rates
`In the days of silent cinema, frame rates were not standardised, and projectionists were advised to
`vary the speed according to the subject matter portrayed. Operators were said to “render” a film
`similar to a musician rendering a piece of music (Richardson (2)). With the development of sound-
`on-film processes in the 1920s, film speeds and hence frame rates standardised at the now
`ubiquitous 24 fps. To avoid visible flicker, a double or treble-bladed shutter was used to display
`each image two or three times in quick succession. A downside of this technique is that moving
`objects being tracked by the eye appear as two or three overlapping images or appear to jump
`backwards and forwards along their line of motion: an effect also known as “film judder” (Roberts
`The 30-line opto-mechanical television system developed by Baird and the BBC in the late 1920s
`and early 1930s ran at 12.5fps (Baird (4)). After broadcast trials against an improved 240-line
`(progressive-scan) Baird system, the interlaced Marconi-EMI television system (now known as
`“405-line”) was adopted by the BBC in 1937. These systems were described contemporaneously
`as "high-definition television". The Marconi-EMI system and all subsequent TV standards have
`used a field rate that is the same as the mains frequency (50Hz in Europe).
`The reasons given contemporaneously (BBC (5)) for synchronising the frame rate of television to
`the mains frequency were to avoid "beating" against the 100Hz brightness fluctuation in AC-driven
`studio lights and the 50Hz fluctuation induced by poor ripple-suppression in the HT generation
`circuitry of early CRT televisions (Engstrom (6)). The 60Hz mains frequency used in the USA
`similarly led to a 60Hz field rate in their television systems (Kell et al (7)). In addition, these rates
`are slightly above the 40Hz minimum that was found necessary to avoid visible flicker in the
`displayed image on contemporary television screens (6).
`At that time, it was considered sufficient (Zworykin and Morton (8)) for the frame rate to be high
`enough merely to exceed the threshold for “apparent motion” – the boundary above which a
`sequence of recorded images appear to the eye as containing moving objects rather than being a
`succession of still photographs. Priority was not given to the elimination of motion artefacts such
`as smearing and jerkiness. Contemporary tube cameras suffered from image retention, which may
`have limited the benefits of a higher rate anyway.
`A final benefit of choosing a field rate equal to the mains frequency is simple interoperability with
`cinematic film recording. In 50Hz countries, since the speed difference between 24fps and 25fps
`Unified Patents, LLC v. Elects. & Telecomm. Res. Inst., et al.
`Ex. 1033, p. 5


`is generally imperceptible, a frame of film can be
`represented as two successive fields of video. In
`60Hz countries alternate frames of film have to be
`represented as three successive fields (a frame and
`a half) of video, a process known as “3:2 pull-down”
`which introduces further judder artefacts.
`In summary, it appears that the field rates originally
`determined for television (and kept ever since) were
`chosen to meet the following criteria:
`• Greater than the perceptual threshold for
`apparent motion.
`• Higher than the threshold frequency at which
`flicker was imperceptible on contemporary
`• Simpler conversion to and from cinematic film.
`Figure 1 – Effects of frame rate and
`shuttering upon motion portrayal.
`2.2 Early work on HDTV frame rates
`With research into HDTV commencing in the 1970s,
`the question of the appropriate frame rate for the new
`television standard was open for re-evaluation. The
`Japanese broadcaster NHK was the leader in this
`field, and the 1982 summary of their HDTV research
`to date by Fujio et al (9) identifies “frame frequency”
`as a parameter to be determined. There appears to be no published research from them on the
`subject, however, and the field rate of NHK’s 1125-line interlaced HDTV standard remained
`essentially unchanged from the NTSC standard it replaced, at 60 fields per second.
`NHK was not the only organisation researching HDTV at that time, however. The question of
`frame rate, amongst other parameters, was investigated by the BBC’s Research Department.
`Stone (10) performed a number of experiments with a tube camera and a CRT monitor, both
`modified to support non-standard field rates and other parameters set by the vertical deflection
`The issue of increased flicker perceptibility on increasingly large and bright television sets was well
`known by the 1980s, and taking a leaf out of cinema’s book, the use of higher refresh rates was
`being considered to compensate (Lord et al (11)). Stone recognised that increasing the frame rate
`of television would not only reduce the visibility of flicker, but that it would also improve the
`portrayal of moving objects. He carried out subjective tests and found that for fast-moving subject
`material (corresponding to a camera pan at a speed of one picture-width per second), increasing
`the frame rate to 80Hz resulted in a subjective quality improvement of two points on the CCIR 5-
`point quality scale (10). The camera and monitor used were only capable of 625-line operation,
`but the viewing conditions were set up such that the 625-line image simulated part of an 1125-line
`HDTV picture.
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`Ex. 1033, p. 6


`Despite this finding, the eventual
`standardised HDTV formats retained
`the 50Hz (and 60Hz, for countries
`with that mains frequency)
`frame/field rate that was previously
`standardised for the original
`broadcast television formats. In a
`1988 article, Childs (12) (then also
`working for Research Department)
`attributes this simply to the
`increases in transmission bandwidth
`and storage capacity required by the
`higher rate, over and above those
`needed for the increase in spatial
`resolution implied by HD.
`As CRT televisions grew larger and
`brighter, manufacturers started using
`frame-doubling techniques to reduce
`flicker. However, the simple
`techniques initially employed made
`the portrayal of moving objects
`worse, by introducing a 50/60Hz
`“film-judder” effect (Philips (13)).
`Figure 2 – Illustration of static & dynamic resolution for SD
`and HD images. The clear difference in static resolution is
`eliminated by the movement in the dynamic image.
`Issues with conventional frame rates
`Current television field and frame rates cause problems for motion portrayal. Objects stationary
`within the video frame are sharp, provided they are in focus, but objects that move with respect to
`the frame smear due to the integration time of the camera’s sensor. Shuttering the camera to
`shorten the integration time reduces the smearing, but the motion breaks up into a succession of
`still images, causing jerkiness. The perceptual difference between moving and stationary subjects
`is increased with the increasingly sharper images due to new television systems with successively
`higher spatial resolutions, so long as the temporal resolution remains unchanged. We describe the
`ability of a television system to represent the spatial detail of moving objects as its “dynamic
`resolution”. The problems of insufficient dynamic resolution – smearing, jerkiness or a combination
`of the two – are more noticeable with larger displays where the eye tends to follow the motion
`across the scene.
`The problem is illustrated in Fig. 1, in terms of the movement of a ball across a plain background.
`In the top illustration, the trajectory of the ball is shown as if captured by a video camera with a
`very short shutter. Each frame would show the ball “frozen in time”, and the motion would appear
`jerky when the video sequence was replayed. In the middle illustration, the effect of a (half-) open
`shutter is depicted. The camera integration smears the motion of the ball out over the background,
`removing any spatial detail and making it partially transparent. These effects would be clearly
`visible in the final video sequence. The bottom image shows the effect of doubling the frame rate:
`both the smearing and jerkiness are reduced. A substantial further increase in frame rate would
`still be required in this example to eliminate their effects, however.
`In cinema, which evolved a high resolution-to-frame-rate ratio much earlier than television,
`production techniques have evolved in parallel to deal with the low dynamic resolution of the
`medium. Tracking shots and camera moves are commonplace, often used in conjunction with
`short depths of field, which help by softening backgrounds that if moving at different speeds to the
`tracked subject would otherwise appear to jerk and judder.
`The decision to adopt interlaced video for Standard Definition television resulted in a lower spatial
`resolution and a higher image repetition rate (and hence a dynamic resolution better matched to
`the static spatial resolution) than would have been the case in a progressively-scanned system of
`Unified Patents, LLC v. Elects. & Telecomm. Res. Inst., et al.
`Ex. 1033, p. 7


`the same frame rate and bandwidth, and so the problems of motion portrayal were considerably
`High-Definition television (by which we mean television with a vertical resolution of 720 or 1080
`lines and a field or frame rate of 50/60Hz) has increased the spatial resolution without altering the
`frame rates used, however. Traditional television production techniques have been constrained by
`this change. For example, during camera pans to follow the action at sports events, HDTV trial
`viewers reported nausea as the static portion of the scene changed between sharp (when
`stationary) and smeared (when panning). The implied constraint of reducing the pan rate is not
`always practical in live coverage, but in practice compromises such as camera shuttering and
`deliberate softening of the images can help reduce the problem. Regardless of this, simple maths
`shows that motion of the camera or of objects within the scene at speeds higher than three pixels
`per field/frame eliminates all of the additional detail gained by the use of high definition, in the
`direction of motion. This effect is illustrated in Fig. 2. These problems will be compounded by any
`future increases in the spatial resolution of television.
`Just as shuttering in the camera reduces the extent of smearing, a sample-and-hold characteristic
`in the final display increases it in a directly comparable fashion. This smearing arises with
`trackable motion in the displayed video where the eye is following the object across the screen, but
`where within each displayed image the object remains stationary for duration of the frame or field.
`This characteristic is to be found in the LCD televisions that are currently taking a dominant share
`of the market, and is the reason why these displays have a reputation for representing fast-moving
`material, such as sport, poorly. Manufacturers have recently started to add hardware inside LCD
`televisions to perform a motion-compensated frame rate doubling, which ameliorates the problem
`to some extent at the cost of introducing other artefacts when the motion becomes too hard to
`In the light of these issues, we propose that higher frame rates be part of any future video format
`standard, tracking or exceeding any future increases in spatial resolution. This would help redress
`the imbalance between dynamic and spatial resolutions which exists in current television
`standards, and is a necessary precursor to further increases in spatial resolution if further
`undesirable constraints on production techniques are to be avoided.
`4 An Investigation into the Effects of High Frame-Rates
`To investigate the theoretical advantages of high frame-rate capture and display, in the summer of
`2007 an intensive week of experiments was undertaken. Using a Vision Research Phantom V5.1
`camera, a series of 25-second sequences were captured at a resolution of 1024x576 and a rate of
`300 frames per second. This camera is capable of capturing video at up to 1,200 fps, and at
`resolutions of up to 1024x1024 pixels, but has only sufficient memory to capture four seconds of
`video at that resolution and rate. To obtain a TV-standard 16:9 aspect ratio we cropped the
`vertical image to 576 lines. The Bayer-pattern sensor implies a lower luminance resolution than
`this, similar in magnitude to the reduction in vertical resolution associated with the use of interlace
`in standard-definition television. A shooting frame rate of 300fps was chosen to allow for shots in
`excess of twenty seconds long, and to facilitate down-conversion to 25, 50 and 100 fps video.
`(300fps also has the advantage of simple down-conversion to 60fps.) Each 25-second sequence
`took around ten minutes to download from the camera.
`A variety of subjects was chosen to explore the advantages of high frame-rate capture and display.
`These included a roulette wheel and a rotating bicycle wheel, for rotational motion; bouncing balls,
`table-tennis and juggling, as examples of fast-moving “sports” material, and a fast-panning camera
`shot with and without a tracked subject.
`There are few displays that accept and display video at frame rates higher than around 60fps.
`CRT computer monitors can in some cases be driven at up to 200fps at reduced resolution, but
`with a display size much smaller than is normal for HD televisions. For the purposes of our
`experiments we chose a projector designed for frame-interleaved stereoscopy applications, which
`could be driven at 100fps at a sufficiently high resolution: the Christie Mirage S+4K. The material
`Unified Patents, LLC v. Elects. & Telecomm. Res. Inst., et al.
`Ex. 1033, p. 8


`was sent to the display over DVI from a dedicated playout PC, reading uncompressed YUV video
`from a high-speed RAID array.
`To create 100fps material, every three successive frames of the 300fps original were averaged to
`simulate an unshuttered 100fps camera. For comparison purposes, we also averaged every six
`successive frames to simulate an unshuttered 50fps camera, and then alternated between
`averaging six and dropping six successive frames to simulate a 25fps camera with film-style 50%
`Further material was computer-generated by taking a still image and simulating a sinusoidal pan
`across it, with camera integration to match the frame rates and shuttering choices described
`above. The still image chosen was the well-known “Kiel Harbour” photograph. The video
`sequence was rendered at a resolution of 1280x720.
`Our observations were as follows. The most striking differences were seen in the panning shots –
`real and simulated – where the loss of spatial resolution in the detail of the background was
`particularly marked, particularly in the 720p Kiel Harbour simulated pan sequence. In the standard
`definition pan shot, lettering that was clearly legible in a static image was unreadable during the
`pan at frame rates below 100fps. The reduced motion blur on the tracked pan shot also gave a
`greater sense of realism and “three-dimensionality” as the improved dynamic sharpness of both
`the moving objects and the background improved the quality of the occlusion depth cue. The
`table-tennis sequence demonstrated that even 100fps was manifestly insufficient for coverage of
`this and similar sports when viewed perpendicular to the action. Motion blur was also still in
`evidence in the juggling sequence at 300fps, played back at 1/3 speed.
`It is striking that significant improvements were discernable even at resolutions similar to standard
`definition television. This implies that high frame-rate capture and display is a technique that can
`improve the quality of television in its own right, as well as a necessary consideration as the spatial
`resolutions of proposed television standards continue to increase.
`Implications of High Frame-Rate Video
`Capturing video at a higher frame rate inevitably leads to higher-capacity storage and bandwidth
`requirements for an uncompressed signal. In practice however, the use of compression for
`storage and transmission at all stages of the production process is already commonplace in
`today’s HD workflows. A high frame-rate video signal will contain less frame-to-frame variation and
`temporal aliasing than a conventional signal, which will facilitate higher compression ratios for the
`same perceptual quality. Thus a doubling of frame rate (say) is not anticipated to lead to anything
`like a doubling of bandwidth for a compressed signal. Furthermore, the reduction in temporal
`aliasing should enable better motion recovery from the video signal and enable new video
`compression techniques such as the use of three-dimensional transforms.
`Producing programmes at a high frame-rate also has the potential to improve the final quality even
`when broadcast at conventional frame rates, in the same way that HD production can result in
`exceptionally high-quality pictures even when the production is broadcast in a standard-definition
`format. The high frame-rate can be regarded as temporal oversampling in this context, which
`leads to the exciting possibility of allowing temporal aspects of the video such as shuttering and
`motion blur to be adjusted by the director in post-production, perhaps even selectively within the
`frame. This would add additional “looks” to the director’s palette, complementing the well-known
`“video” and “film” looks.
`The use of high frame-rates may also permit the automated removal of the effects of flash
`photography from the recorded scene, along with improved noise reduction. Production at frame
`rates such as 300fps would allow simple high-quality down-conversion to the frame rates used in
`both PAL and NTSC countries.
`While the early constraints on frame rates imposed by simple CRT displays and tube cameras are
`no longer current, the problems associated with the brightness fluctuations of mains-powered
`lighting remain. This is anticipated to be a particular issue for fluorescent tubes, which contain
`several phosphors of different colours which generally have different decay times. New techniques
`Unified Patents, LLC v. Elects. & Telecomm. Res. Inst., et al.
`Ex. 1033, p. 9


`and technologies will need to be devised to deal with these issues, which could include the
`increased use of DC lighting, 10 kHz fluorescent tubes etc, and perhaps the automatic detection
`and correction in the camera for the changes in lighting amplitude and colour.
`6 Conclusion
`The spatial resolution of broadcast television cameras and displays has reached the point where
`the temporal resolution afforded by current frame rates has become a significant limitation,
`particularly for fast moving genres such as sport. BBC Research has successfully demonstrated
`that increasing the frame rate can significantly improve the portrayal of motion even at standard
`definition. If the spatial resolution of television standards continues to increase, raising the frame
`rate to maintain the balance between static and dynamic resolution will only become more
`important. Even at the spatial resolutions of SD and HDTV, the motion artefacts associated with
`50/60Hz screen refresh rates will become increasingly apparent as television display sizes
`continue to grow.
`Even for television pictures transmitted and displayed at conventional frame rates, capturing at
`high frame-rates can offer some improvement to picture quality through temporal oversampling,
`giving better control over temporal aliasing artefacts and offering a choice of “looks” to the director
`at the post-production stage. It also offers improved compatibility with the different conventional
`frame rates adopted internationally.
`We assert that a higher capture and display frame rate leads to a step change in picture quality
`regardless of the spatial resolution.
`7 References
`1. Ferguson, K. and Schultz, W, 2008. Predicting Subjective Video Quality. Broadcast
`Engineering World. February 2008.
`2. Richardson, F. R., 1911. Projection Department. The Moving Picture World. December 1911.
`3. Roberts, A., 2002. The Film Look: It’s Not Just Jerky Motion… BBC R&D White Paper, WHP
`053. December 2002. p.7.
`4. Baird, J. L., 1933. Television in 1932. BBC Year Book, 1933.
`5. BBC, 1939. Technical Manual, Marconi-EMI System of Television, London Television Station.
`April 1939.
`6. Engstrom, E. W., 1935. A Study of Television Image Characteristics: Part Two, Determination
`of Frame Frequency for Television in Terms of Flicker Characteristics. Proc IRE, 23 (4). April
`1935. pp. 295 to 309.
`7. Kell, R. D. et al, 1936. Scanning Sequence and Repetition rate of Television Images. Proc
`IRE, 24 (4). April 1936. pp. 559 to 576.
`8. Zworykin, V. K. and Morton, G. A., 1940. Television: The Electronics of Image Transmission.
`Wiley. New York.
`9. Fujio, T. et al, June 1982. High Definition Television. NHK Technical Monograph, 32.
`10. Stone, M. A., 1986. A variable-standards camera and its use to investigate the parameters of
`an HDTV studio standard. BBC Research Department Report 1986/14.
`11. Lord, A. V. et al, 1980. Television Display System. UK Patent GB2050109, 8 May 1980.
`12. Childs, I., 1988. HDTV: putting you in the picture. IEE Review, July/August, 1988. p. 261.
`Accessed in May 2008.
`14. Wade, J. G, 1987. Signal Coding and Processing: an introduction based on video systems.
`Ellis Horward, Chichester.
`Unified Patents, LLC v. Elects. & Telecomm. Res. Inst., et al.
`Ex. 1033, p. 10


`Appendix A – Progress Update
`We include here a comparison of still images from a follow-up shoot to produce material for
`demonstration and experimental purposes at 1920x1080p300. This material was first shown at
`IBC 2008, downsampled to 1400x788 and temporally downconverted to frame rates of up to
`100fps as described in section 4. This work post-dates that published in the IBC2008 proceedings.
`We present here two still images from that material. The top image shows a crop from a
`1920x1080 still frame, taken from a sequence downconverted from 300fps to 50fps. The bottom
`image shows a still from the same point in time in the 300fps original. The reduction in motion blur
`is clear, illustrating the increase in picture detail in objects moving relative to the camera that
`results from the shorter frame duration. If presented at 300fps, this increase in dynamic resolution
`comes without the disadvantages of higher noise and stuttering motion associated with shortening
`the frame duration by shuttering a lower frame-rate camera.
`Unified Patents, LLC v. Elects. & Telecomm. Res. Inst., et al.
`Ex. 1033, p. 11

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