`* CIVIL ACTION NO. A-19-CV-1238
`November 5, 2020
`For the Plaintiff:
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Andy W. Tindel, Esq.
`Mann Tindel Thompson
`300 W. Main St.
`Henderson, TX 75652
`Jonathan K. Waldrop, Esq.
`Paul G. Williams, Esq.
`Darcy L. Jones, Esq.
`Heather S. Kim, Esq.
`ThucMinh Nguyen, Esq.
`Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP
`333 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite 200
`Redwood Shores, CA 94065
`Claudia Wilson Frost, Esq.
`Jeff Quilici, Esq.
`Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
`609 Main, 40th Floor
`Houston, TX 77002
`Travis Jensen, Esq.
`Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
`1000 Marsh Road
`Menlo Park, CA 94025-1015
`J. Stephen Ravel, Esq.
`John R. Johnson, Esq.
`Kelly Hart & Hallman LLP
`303 Colorado, Suite 2000
`Austin, TX 78701
`Kristie M. Davis
`United States District Court
`PO Box 20994
`Waco, Texas 76702-0994
`For Defendant Apple:
`Court Reporter:
`MS 1039


`Proceedings recorded by mechanical stenography, transcript
`produced by computer-aided transcription.
`(November 5, 2020, 2:32 p.m.)
`DEPUTY CLERK: Telephonic hearing in Civil Action
`1:19-CV-1238, styled Fintiv, Incorporated versus Apple
`THE COURT: If I could hear announcements from counsel,
`whoever's going to be speaking, please.
`MR. TINDEL: Yeah. Good afternoon, Your Honor. This is
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Andy Tindel here on behalf of the plaintiff Fintiv, and with us
`on the call, Kasowitz' firm, are our lead counsel Jonathan
`Waldrop, Darcy Jones, Paul Williams, Minh Nguyen and
`Heather Kim, and I believe Ms. Kim and Mr. Waldrop will be our
`principal speakers today.
`THE COURT: If I could hear from counsel for the
`defendant. Mr. Ravel?
`MR. RAVEL: Your Honor, it's Steve Ravel for defendant
`Apple along with two of our client reps, Natalie Pous and
`Amy Walters. From Orrick we have Claudia Frost, the leader of
`our team, Travis Jensen, Jeff Quilici, and I think consistent
`with Mr. Earle's note of about five or ten minutes ago, I'm
`going to turn it over to Ms. Frost for a discussion of the AEO
`THE COURT: Okay. I'll turn to Mr. Waldrop. What issues
`do we need to take up for you, and have they been adequately --


`I want to take up issues that the other side has had an
`opportunity to prepare for. So I will let you police yourself
`in that regard.
`MR. WALDROP: Good afternoon, Your Honor. This is
`Jon Waldrop, Your Honor. Thank you for your time. I'm going
`to turn it over to my colleague Heather Kim, but we will be
`mindful that in -- make sure that there's no undue prejudice to
`Apple and will stick to what we can and seek the Court's
`guidance at a later date on issues that we cannot work with
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Heather, I'll turn it over to you.
`MS. KIM: Good afternoon, Your Honor. Thank you for
`taking our call today.
`This is just as a segment that we missed on Monday, and so
`we appreciate you making the time for us on such quick notice.
`Today we're prepared to talk about the schedule, which we
`only have one date that we are still disputing, and the
`deposition hours, which we've gone back and forth with Apple on
`a few times. That issue is the most pressing as it is
`backlogging the depositions we need to complete by the fact
`discovery close of December 11th. We are prepared to argue
`those issues and bring those up to the Court today, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Okay. Happy to hear them.
`MS. KIM: Great. I think we can start with the first


`issue of the schedule. We've agreed with Apple on every
`deadline except for the deadline for opening expert reports and
`the deadline for Apple to narrow the number of prior art
`references at issue. Those dates are going to be the same.
`Currently Apple is proposing a December 23rd deadline, and we
`would like to have that set to January 6th. Our reasoning for
`that is to give the parties the same amount of time for the
`previous deadline. For Fintiv that would be between the close
`of fact discovery and the deadline to submit opening expert
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`reports would be 25 days, and the date for Apple to submit
`their rebuttal expert reports after the opening reports go in
`would be 24 days. We can make that even and go 24 and 25 and
`give Apple an extra day if that would be helpful, but we did it
`that way because with the January 5th deadline we'd be going
`through Christmas and the new year holiday and so we proposed a
`25 day for us and 24 days for them.
`THE COURT: Okay. Any response to that?
`MS. FROST: Yes, Your Honor. It's Claudia Frost for
`Apple. Good afternoon.
`THE COURT: Good afternoon.
`MS. FROST: And thank you for hearing us today.
`I do have an issue in regard to the schedule sort of --
`it's a table-setting issue that we raised in our e-mail to
`Mr. Earle this morning that I think does impact the overall
`schedule and will let us know for sure whether we just have the


`one issue that Ms. Kim outlined or actually we have another
`issue. If I may address that sort of table-setting issue
`first, I think that would help everyone.
`The table-setting issue we set forth in our e-mail this
`morning pertains to a claim construction issue, in particular
`the -- in -- a few weeks ago I think -- I was looking for the
`date, but I can't find it -- a few weeks ago Mr. Tindel raised
`an issue with the Court about a clarification of a prior claim
`construction term that the Court had construed in November of
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`2019, and they're potentially requesting some clarification
`about that. The Court gave Fintiv an opportunity to submit a
`letter explaining what term it wanted clarification on and why.
`Fintiv responded that it would do so, but it hasn't submitted
`any letters, and a few weeks have gone by. Nor does Fintiv's
`proposed schedule contain any dates for additional claim
`construction or clarification proceedings, and we want to make
`sure that this issue is not going to raise its head again and
`that there's not going to be any further claim construction
`proceedings in the case so that we can get a schedule that we
`can all live with and rely on. If that's not going to come up,
`then I agree with Ms. Kim. We have the one issue about the
`expert reports, and I'll address that now.
`MS. FROST: The issue on the expert reports is pretty
`straightforward. What Fintiv is proposing is a schedule that


`does not give Apple adequate time to prepare its rebuttal
`reports and gives Fintiv far more time than Your Honor's
`standing order would provide. We suggest that the Court adopt
`Apple's proposal, which adheres much more closely to your
`standing order which provides a week from the close of fact
`discovery until opening expert reports. Our proposal provides
`longer than that, which is the difference between December 11th
`and December 23 from the close of fact discovery to the opening
`expert report deadline. We think 24 days or even 25 days for
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Apple to do rebuttal reports is not appropriate. It's not long
`enough, and we think Fintiv should have had plenty of time
`to -- or should have plenty of time to submit its opening
`reports within almost two weeks after the close of fact
`It's particularly appropriate here, Your Honor, because
`fact discovery's been open for almost a year. Fintiv's taken
`already 70 hours of fact discovery deposition testimony,
`including about 50 hours of Apple 30(b)(6). Apple certified to
`substantial completion of its document production for the
`original case months ago and also recently for the added
`products, and Fintiv's inspected the source code for all the
`products and has had the benefit of all three Markman hearings.
`So, as in most cases, we also suspect that Fintiv's been
`working on its opening expert reports for some time. So we
`believe that a 12-23 date for opening expert reports is


`appropriate, which gives us a longer time for our rebuttal
`reports. And the schedule that we proposed, Your Honor, is in
`the e-mail that we sent over to Mr. Earle this morning. So
`opening expert report deadlines that we proposed is 12-23, and
`the rebuttal expert report deadline is 1-29.
`THE COURT: Let me tell you I just have sort of a generic
`in-my-soul problem that probably is to the detriment in this
`particular moment to Apple of having deadlines like
`December 23rd or December 27th or December 31st just because,
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`you know, I know how you all will work. I know how you will be
`away from your families, and, I mean, you all will get it done.
`But I sort of think at what cost?
`Ms. Frost, if I push it back some, maybe not as much as
`plaintiff is seeking, but it just seems to me not -- it just
`seems to me that early January is -- I always -- basically I
`don't do anything at the court and I don't -- I don't set
`anything at the court, and I don't usually require lawyers to
`do anything sort of the week of Christmas or the following week
`because I think we all need some period in our -- sane period
`in our life. That's more for you guys than me. I mean, I
`don't care. You know, Josh asked me this morning if I would do
`a Markman in -- whenever in December. I said sure. I'll do it
`whenever. But tell me if I were to not do it when you're
`suggesting but a little bit later, what do you think that the
`fairest date for Apple would be early in January?


`MS. FROST: Well, Your Honor, if I may, the opening expert
`reports if due on the 23rd will actually put the imposition a
`little bit more on Apple than it will on Fintiv. So we're --
`THE COURT: I get that. Listen, I understand that. I'm
`saying I don't -- I don't set deadlines -- you may not be
`hearing me. I don't set deadlines that fall -- I try not to
`unless there's an emergency, and I don't think you've given me
`a reason for it on August 23rd or August 27th or December 30th.
`And so I'm inviting you to tell me, when in early January do
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`you think would be a fair date to move it to for your client?
`MS. FROST: Well, they've asked for the 5th of January.
`The problem we have is what it does to the rest of the
`schedule, Your Honor, is that if -- if rebuttal expert -- if
`opening expert reports are due on the 5th of January, which is
`what Fintiv is proposing, that only gives us 24 days for our
`rebuttal expert reports. And that's not enough time,
`respectfully. And so we're asking for -- we're asking for
`their reports, to get them finished by Christmas and give us --
`let us work through that holiday. I hear what you're saying,
`and you don't want to do that. I understand. The problem is
`we need more than 24 days. That's just not sufficient,
`and so --
`THE COURT: Well, then, Ms. Frost, help me out here. How
`do I fix -- how do I fix the problem on the other end? How
`much time do you think you need on the other end?


`MS. FROST: What we're asking for is we were asking for
`the difference between the 23rd of December and the 29th,
`recognizing there were a few days in there that were going to
`be a problem for us for Christmas. So we're really asking for
`30 days.
`THE COURT: Okay. So that sounds completely fair to me.
`Is what -- you all tell me what the gating issue is here, and
`if it's something on my schedule that I can adjust, I will, you
`know, up to and including if I need to move the trial back a
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`week or so, I'll consider doing that. So tell me -- as opposed
`to trying to protect yourself, which I get. I'm not
`unsympathetic to anything that you're saying because I've been
`in your shoes, as you know. If I can accommodate -- which I
`think is saying we set the first date January 5th, I assume
`Apple would like to have it somewhere around February 5th that
`the next tranche comes, correct?
`MS. FROST: Yes, Your Honor. That's true.
`THE COURT: Okay. So assuming we can do that, what is
`preventing things from shifting back a week? What can I do to
`help make this fair for Apple? Help me that way. I'm happy to
`let you all have 30 days -- I'm happy to let you all have
`30 days. I want everything to be as fair as possible. And so
`just tell me what I need to do in the schedule -- I have the
`power that you all don't. You all have to work within whatever
`deadlines that we set at some point earlier. Help me help you


`here. What -- and let me even ask you this. Would it be
`easier for you all -- knowing that I am going to give 30 days
`for the response, would it be easier for you all to sit down
`and just work this out yourselves, knowing that I will
`accommodate on my schedule, whatever it takes?
`MS. FROST: Well, thank you very much for that, Your
`Honor, and I think we've -- both sides, I think, have struggled
`with this schedule to try to fit it all in. I think if we
`could move everything in the schedule two weeks all the way
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`down from then, that would accommodate this and give the
`parties the opportunity to have the parity that Ms. Kim is
`asking for but also the time in the schedule for Apple to --
`THE COURT: So tell me when the trial's currently set.
`MS. FROST: March the -- I believe it's March the -- I'm
`sorry. May the 17th.
`THE COURT: May the 17th. So...
`MS. FROST: I believe.
`THE COURT: So to get all this done and to give you all
`the time that you need, we're looking for something right
`around June 1st, correct, more or less?
`MS. FROST: Yes, more or less.
`THE COURT: Okay. I'm going to put you guys on hold and
`I'll talk to my folks here and I'll see what I can jigger on my
`calendar. You know, I've got other trials, some of which
`others on this -- I think there are people on this call are


`involved with, and if I've got something -- you know, I
`think -- I've got plenty to do, and I'll see what I can do.
`I'm going to put you on hold for a few seconds.
`MS. FROST: Thanks, Your Honor.
`(Pause in proceedings.)
`THE COURT: We're going back on the record.
`We are -- I'm going to reset this trial for June 1st, and
`all the dates can move back accordingly to accommodate that.
`Ms. Frost, does that take care of your problems?
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`MS. FROST: That does take care of that problem, Your
`Just to close the loop on the claim construction issue I
`raised, I'm assuming there's -- that that issue is -- that ship
`has sailed, and that's not going to be a part of this schedule
`on the additional claim construction that I mentioned.
`THE COURT: That ship has sailed.
`MS. FROST: Thank you.
`THE COURT: Is there anything else?
`MS. KIM: Your Honor, sure. Your Honor, we don't think
`the claim construction issue is relevant, and so we can take
`that up at a different time. It's not going to be relevant.
`It shouldn't impact the schedule.
`MS. FROST: Your Honor, I strongly -- this is Claudia
`Frost. I strongly disagree that it's going to impact the
`schedule. We have done more claim construction and we're going


`have --
`THE COURT: Ms. Frost, I'm not planning on doing any more
`claim construction.
`MS. FROST: Thank you.
`THE COURT: Okay. What else -- is there anything else we
`need to take up?
`MS. KIM: Your Honor, we have the issue of the depositions
`of Apple witnesses.
`THE COURT: Okay. And is that something that's ripe to
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`take up right now? If so, I will.
`MS. KIM: Yes. It is, Your Honor. We have been going
`back with Apple on who we can depose and the hours of them.
`There are a couple that we have agreements on. One of them is
`Jennifer Bailey, and another one is Murali Vempaty. But the
`other ones we have some disagreements on as far as the time
`that we are going to be allowed to depose them and the people
`we can depose.
`I do want to note for Your Honor, we have exhausted nearly
`all of our 70 hours of total fact deposition hours. We had
`originally agreed to that quite awhile ago back in June of
`2019. Since then we have served our 30(b)(6) deposition notice
`with 42 topics, and Apple has, to date, designated 13 witnesses
`on those topics. It looks like we've gotten through about
`seven of the 30(b)(6) witnesses that they've designated, but
`they have, by my count, at least five or six more that we're


`here to talk about today, and we can go through those one by
`one if that makes the most sense for the Court.
`THE COURT: I'm happy to hear one by one why you feel like
`you need to take those depositions. Sure.
`MS. KIM: Okay. Thank you, Your Honor.
`The first one we'd take up is Mr. Baris Centinok. He has
`been designated on all of the marketing consumer survey and
`advertising topics. To date we have not had any witness
`testify on marketing topics, and now we have not only the
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`iPhones and the watches, we also have the iPads and the MACs in
`this case, and to date we have no deposition testimony on that.
`We are proposing a five-hour deposition for this 30(b)(6)
`THE COURT: Okay. Whoever wants to speak on behalf of
`MS. FROST: Your Honor, it's Claudia Frost again on behalf
`of Apple. I think if we could -- and I will address
`Mr. Centinok's hours -- but this issue is a bit broader than
`the way Fintiv has presented it to Your Honor. The -- she's
`correct -- or Fintiv is correct that they have exhausted their
`70 hours of deposition time that was set forth in the original
`schedule. Throughout the 30(b)(6) deposition notice that
`Fintiv is referring to was served very early in the case in
`January, I believe, maybe before, in fact. We've been
`presenting 30(b)(6) witnesses for deposition since February of


`this year. We've, as I mentioned previously, produced already
`approximately 50 hours of 30(b)(6) testimony. Throughout this
`spring -- and I won't belabor this, but I think it's important
`for the Court to be aware that throughout the spring of this
`year we endeavored earnestly to try to get an omnibus
`deposition schedule in place because there were a lot of
`30(b)(6) depositions to be taken, as well as a number of
`30(b)(1) depositions that Fintiv was insistent upon taking as
`well. We were trying to get that directed so the 30(b)(6)
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`witnesses could be deposed and try to make this manageable
`because there were a lot of depositions, more than we thought
`were appropriate or proportionate, in fact. But, nonetheless,
`we did.
`By the time July came around, we actually were advising
`Fintiv that they were running out of hours and were asking if
`we could reduce some of the 30(b)(6) depositions hours we had
`already scheduled for them down to a smaller number so they
`could manage within their time. They spent a lot of their time
`during the first part of the year taking 30(b)(1) depositions
`instead of their 30(b)(6) depositions that we had been offering
`on the topics that they had noticed, subject to our objections,
`of course, but, nonetheless, quite a few of those. And by the
`time July came along, they had run out of hours.
`In July the issue came to Your Honor. Fintiv proposed a
`45-hour allotment of additional time for them to take


`depositions. Your Honor ordered them to come up with a
`proposal on a per-witness basis and to try to work with us to
`justify the number of hours and the witnesses and the topics on
`which they wanted the discovery. We've been working with them
`consistently since that time to try to come up with a holistic
`approach to this issue. Fintiv is out of time, and we think
`it's appropriate for Fintiv to have some 30(b)(6) discovery.
`We do. And we know that that's -- you know, that has primacy
`and to sort of -- of deposition discovery. 30(b)(6) is
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`primary, and everything else is secondary or tertiary in our
`view. But, nonetheless, we do understand that they ran out of
`hours from the first part of the case on 30(b)(6) and didn't
`get to take all the 30(b)(6) witnesses we had offered to put
`up. So they have some hanging over from that period of time.
`There have also been, as you know, new products added to
`the case and some new theories, and we think it's not
`inappropriate for them to have some 30(b)(6) testimony on those
`issues as well. And the proposal we've sent over in our e-mail
`to Mr. Earle this morning provides 30(b)(6) testimony to Fintiv
`both from the original case and for the case involving the new
`products. We are offering approximately 20 of the 30(b)(6)
`topics that Fintiv is requesting. Your Honor, they've
`requested 31 specific 30(b)(6) topics on the new products. We
`are offering them 30(b)(6) testimony on the vast majority of
`all of the topics that they have had in the case in addition to


`the 50 hours they've already had and including the new products
`and the new theories. We think our proposal is imminently
`reasonable. I think to talk about it on a witness-by-witness
`basis, I understand, but I think it's more of a holistic issue
`and it's the total number of hours that they want and the total
`scope of discovery that they're seeking in a single patent case
`that nothing has changed in significantly enough to justify
`this increase in the number of hours of deposition time.
`They want something now close to 120 hours or more. Some
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`offers have been up to 130-some-odd hours, but that's just not
`proportional to this case. So we're -- our proposal is we
`think imminently reasonable. We're going to give them 30(b)(6)
`testimony, which is what, you know, a party in litigation needs
`on the topics that are most important that Fintiv itself has
`identified. Some of the 50 hours of 30(b)(6) testimony we've
`previously provided them covers a number of the topics that
`they have asked for here that are -- that are generic. They
`don't -- they aren't product-specific. So the deposition
`testimony -- for example, on licensing we don't have any
`additional licensing testimony that would relate in any way to
`the new products that have been added, for example. That's
`just a simple one.
`So there are a lot -- there's a lot of discovery that
`they've already done that pertains to the case as a whole.
`What our offer does is provide them the 30(b)(6) testimony that


`they didn't take because they ran out of time and 30(b)(6)
`testimony on the new products and any supplementation of the
`prior witnesses testimony that needs to be included to give
`them testimony on those topics on the new products, and we
`would respectfully request that the Court grant -- enter our
`order and proposal on the schedule.
`THE COURT: Let me ask Fintiv this: What is the total
`additional number of hours for 30(b)(6) hours you're seeking?
`MS. KIM: The total hours, Your Honor, the -- I'll have to
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`do some math. On total we're at 47 and a half hours we're
`asking for, but some of those are 30(b)(1). There are --
`sorry. I have to do a little bit of quick math.
`THE COURT: And you've already taken 70 hours?
`MS. KIM: We have, Your Honor. When we agreed to the
`70 hours, I want to note that we had agreed to that time limit
`before we knew that Apple would come back and add so many
`witnesses to their initial disclosures and designate over a
`dozen witnesses on 30(b)(6) topics, and they've added people to
`their initial disclosures as late as September 24th, Your
`Honor. So it's -- I just don't agree with Ms. Frost's
`statement that --
`THE COURT: Hold on. I just asked how many hours you
`MS. KIM: For 30(b)(6) --
`THE COURT: Wait. How many -- how many -- between when we


`agreed on the number of hours and now, how many additional
`people have Apple -- has Apple added to folks who were
`disclosed that Fintiv felt like they had to take the
`depositions of?
`MS. KIM: That would be three, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Okay. So that's a total of at most 21 hours?
`MS. KIM: That's correct, Your Honor. But we had -- over
`the summer Apple had told us that we were out of hours and
`refused to give us any more deposition testimony on other folks
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`until we got to this issue. And at the hearing with Your Honor
`on August 5th we were supposed to go by line by line and have a
`proposal of how many hours we would want and how many hours
`Apple wants and our justification and try to come to an
`agreement. And we have come to agreement on a couple of those,
`but there's still some that are outstanding, and that's why
`we're before the Court today.
`MS. FROST: If I may, Your Honor -- it's Claudia Frost --
`just to clarify that. We have not come to any agreement on
`anything other than we will produce the witnesses that we have
`offered, and we have offered them for a certain number of hours
`on a certain set of topics. We have not agreed to a piecemeal
`proposal here. As I said, I think this needs to be a holistic
`approach. You need to get a total list of witnesses, hours and
`topics, and we have not agreed to something on a piecemeal
`basis, just to clear that up. I think that's a bit of a


`misconception, and I don't want to perpetuate it.
`In August, if I may add too, Fintiv's proposal of 45 or so
`witnesses included 10 hours for willfulness, as well as 10 to
`15 hours for the new products that they anticipated Your Honor
`would add, which in fact you did, and so we started there with
`45 hours. Willfulness is no longer in the case. They were
`asking for 10 hours of that, so they were down to 35 hours. On
`October 26th they sent me a proposal that had 66 and a half
`hours, and today they're at 47 and a half hours, and the
`1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`proposal they have in the e-mail that was sent to Mr. Earle and
`Ms. Kim is referring to doesn't include all the witnesses that
`they've asked us for and that are included in our proposal. So
`if --
`THE COURT: Okay. I'm going to put you on hold just for a
`(Pause in proceedings.)

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